Esempio n. 1
    def generateHelix(self):
        edges = self.wire.Edges
        minZ = self.findMinZ(edges)
        outedges = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(edges):
            edge = edges[i]
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if not israpid:
                bb = edge.BoundBox
                p0 = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                p1 = edge.Vertexes[1].Point
                if bb.XLength < 1e-6 and bb.YLength < 1e-6 and bb.ZLength > 0 and p0.z > p1.z:
                    # plungelen = abs(p0.z-p1.z)
                        "Found plunge move at X:{} Y:{} From Z:{} to Z{}, Searching for closed loop"
                        .format(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p1.z))
                    # next need to determine how many edges in the path after plunge are needed to cover the length:
                    loopFound = False
                    rampedges = []
                    j = i + 1
                    while not loopFound:
                        candidate = edges[j]
                        cp0 = candidate.Vertexes[0].Point
                        cp1 = candidate.Vertexes[1].Point
                        if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(p1, cp1):
                            # found closed loop
                            loopFound = True
                        if abs(cp0.z - cp1.z) > 1e-6:
                            # this edge is not parallel to XY plane, not qualified for ramping.
                        # PathLog.debug("Next edge length {}".format(candidate.Length))
                        j = j + 1
                        if j >= len(edges):
                    if len(rampedges) == 0 or not loopFound:
                        PathLog.debug("No suitable helix found")
                        outedges.extend(self.createHelix(rampedges, p0, p1))
                        if not PathGeom.isRoughly(p1.z, minZ):
                            # the edges covered by the helix not handled again,
                            # unless reached the bottom height
                            i = j

            i = i + 1
        return outedges
    def generateHelix(self):
        edges = self.wire.Edges
        minZ = self.findMinZ(edges)
        outedges = []
        i = 0
        while i < len(edges):
            edge = edges[i]
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if not israpid:
                bb = edge.BoundBox
                p0 = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                p1 = edge.Vertexes[1].Point
                if bb.XLength < 1e-6 and bb.YLength < 1e-6 and bb.ZLength > 0 and p0.z > p1.z:
                    # plungelen = abs(p0.z-p1.z)
                    PathLog.debug("Found plunge move at X:{} Y:{} From Z:{} to Z{}, Searching for closed loop".format(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p1.z))
                    # next need to determine how many edges in the path after plunge are needed to cover the length:
                    loopFound = False
                    rampedges = []
                    j = i + 1
                    while not loopFound:
                        candidate = edges[j]
                        cp0 = candidate.Vertexes[0].Point
                        cp1 = candidate.Vertexes[1].Point
                        if PathGeom.pointsCoincide(p1, cp1):
                            # found closed loop
                            loopFound = True
                        if abs(cp0.z - cp1.z) > 1e-6:
                            # this edge is not parallel to XY plane, not qualified for ramping.
                        # PathLog.debug("Next edge length {}".format(candidate.Length))
                        j = j + 1
                        if j >= len(edges):
                    if len(rampedges) == 0 or not loopFound:
                        PathLog.debug("No suitable helix found")
                        outedges.extend(self.createHelix(rampedges, p0, p1))
                        if not PathGeom.isRoughly(p1.z, minZ):
                            # the edges covered by the helix not handled again,
                            # unless reached the bottom height
                            i = j

            i = i + 1
        return outedges
Esempio n. 3
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                    Path.Command('G0', {
                        'X': v.x,
                        'Y': v.y,
                        'Z': v.z

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = obj.ToolController.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = obj.ToolController.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Esempio n. 4
def horizontalFaceLoop(obj, face, faceList=None):
    '''horizontalFaceLoop(obj, face, faceList=None) ... returns a list of face names which form the walls of a vertical hole face is a part of.
    All face names listed in faceList must be part of the hole for the solution to be returned.'''

    wires = [horizontalEdgeLoop(obj, e) for e in face.Edges]
    # Not sure if sorting by Area is a premature optimization - but it seems
    # the loop we're looking for is typically the biggest of the them all.
    wires = sorted([w for w in wires if w], key=lambda w: Part.Face(w).Area)

    for wire in wires:
        hashes = [e.hashCode() for e in wire.Edges]

        #find all faces that share a an edge with the wire and are vertical
        faces = [
            "Face%d" % (i + 1) for i, f in enumerate(obj.Shape.Faces)
            if any(e.hashCode() in hashes
                   for e in f.Edges) and PathGeom.isVertical(f)

        if faceList and not all(f in faces for f in faceList):

        # verify they form a valid hole by getting the outline and comparing
        # the resulting XY footprint with that of the faces
        comp = Part.makeCompound([obj.Shape.getElement(f) for f in faces])
        outline = TechDraw.findShapeOutline(comp, 1, FreeCAD.Vector(0, 0, 1))

        # findShapeOutline always returns closed wires, by removing the
        # trace-backs single edge spikes don't contriubte to the bound box
        uniqueEdges = []
        for edge in outline.Edges:
            if any(PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, e) for e in uniqueEdges):
        w = Part.Wire(uniqueEdges)

        # if the faces really form the walls of a hole then the resulting
        # wire is still closed and it still has the same footprint
        bb1 = comp.BoundBox
        bb2 = w.BoundBox
        if w.isClosed() and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                bb1.XMin, bb2.XMin) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                    bb1.XMax, bb2.XMax) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                        bb1.YMin, bb2.YMin) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                            bb1.YMax, bb2.YMax):
            return faces
    return None
Esempio n. 5
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': v.x, 'Y': v.y, 'Z': v.z}))

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        horizFeed = obj.ToolController.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = obj.ToolController.VertFeed.Value
        horizRapid = obj.ToolController.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = obj.ToolController.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
Esempio n. 6
def horizontalFaceLoop(obj, face, faceList=None):
    '''horizontalFaceLoop(obj, face, faceList=None) ... returns a list of face names which form the walls of a vertical hole face is a part of.
    All face names listed in faceList must be part of the hole for the solution to be returned.'''

    wires = [horizontalEdgeLoop(obj, e) for e in face.Edges]
    # Not sure if sorting by Area is a premature optimization - but it seems
    # the loop we're looking for is typically the biggest of the them all.
    wires = sorted([w for w in wires if w], key=lambda w: Part.Face(w).Area)

    for wire in wires:
        hashes = [e.hashCode() for e in wire.Edges]

        #find all faces that share a an edge with the wire and are vertical
        faces = ["Face%d"%(i+1) for i,f in enumerate(obj.Shape.Faces) if any(e.hashCode() in hashes for e in f.Edges) and PathGeom.isVertical(f)]

        if faceList and not all(f in faces for f in faceList):

        # verify they form a valid hole by getting the outline and comparing
        # the resulting XY footprint with that of the faces
        comp = Part.makeCompound([obj.Shape.getElement(f) for f in faces])
        outline = TechDraw.findShapeOutline(comp, 1, FreeCAD.Vector(0,0,1))

        # findShapeOutline always returns closed wires, by removing the
        # trace-backs single edge spikes don't contriubte to the bound box
        uniqueEdges = []
        for edge in outline.Edges:
            if any(PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, e) for e in uniqueEdges):
        w = Part.Wire(uniqueEdges)

        # if the faces really form the walls of a hole then the resulting
        # wire is still closed and it still has the same footprint
        bb1 = comp.BoundBox
        bb2 = w.BoundBox
        if w.isClosed() and PathGeom.isRoughly(bb1.XMin, bb2.XMin) and PathGeom.isRoughly(bb1.XMax, bb2.XMax) and PathGeom.isRoughly(bb1.YMin, bb2.YMin) and PathGeom.isRoughly(bb1.YMax, bb2.YMax):
            return faces
    return None
Esempio n. 7
    def test50(self):
        """Verify proper wire(s) aggregation from a Path."""
        commands = []
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'X': 1}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Y': 1}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Y': 0}))

        wire,rapid = PathGeom.wireForPath(Path.Path(commands))
        self.assertEqual(len(wire.Edges), 4)
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[0], Vector(0,0,0), Vector(1,0,0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[1], Vector(1,0,0), Vector(1,1,0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[2], Vector(1,1,0), Vector(0,1,0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[3], Vector(0,1,0), Vector(0,0,0))
        self.assertEqual(len(rapid), 1)
        self.assertTrue(PathGeom.edgesMatch(rapid[0], wire.Edges[2]))

        wires = PathGeom.wiresForPath(Path.Path(commands))
        self.assertEqual(len(wires), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(wires[0].Edges), 2)
        self.assertLine(wires[0].Edges[0], Vector(0,0,0), Vector(1,0,0))
        self.assertLine(wires[0].Edges[1], Vector(1,0,0), Vector(1,1,0))
        self.assertEqual(len(wires[1].Edges), 1)
        self.assertLine(wires[1].Edges[0], Vector(0,1,0), Vector(0,0,0))
Esempio n. 8
    def test50(self):
        """Verify proper wire(s) aggregation from a Path."""
        commands = []
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'X': 1}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Y': 1}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0}))
        commands.append(Path.Command('G1', {'Y': 0}))

        wire, rapid = PathGeom.wireForPath(Path.Path(commands))
        self.assertEqual(len(wire.Edges), 4)
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[0], Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 0, 0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[1], Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[2], Vector(1, 1, 0), Vector(0, 1, 0))
        self.assertLine(wire.Edges[3], Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0))
        self.assertEqual(len(rapid), 1)
        self.assertTrue(PathGeom.edgesMatch(rapid[0], wire.Edges[2]))

        wires = PathGeom.wiresForPath(Path.Path(commands))
        self.assertEqual(len(wires), 2)
        self.assertEqual(len(wires[0].Edges), 2)
        self.assertLine(wires[0].Edges[0], Vector(0, 0, 0), Vector(1, 0, 0))
        self.assertLine(wires[0].Edges[1], Vector(1, 0, 0), Vector(1, 1, 0))
        self.assertEqual(len(wires[1].Edges), 1)
        self.assertLine(wires[1].Edges[0], Vector(0, 1, 0), Vector(0, 0, 0))
Esempio n. 9
    def generateRamps(self, allowBounce=True):
        edges = self.wire.Edges
        outedges = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if not israpid:
                bb = edge.BoundBox
                p0 = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                p1 = edge.Vertexes[1].Point
                rampangle = self.angle
                if bb.XLength < 1e-6 and bb.YLength < 1e-6 and bb.ZLength > 0 and p0.z > p1.z:
                    plungelen = abs(p0.z - p1.z)
                    projectionlen = plungelen * math.tan(math.radians(rampangle))  # length of the forthcoming ramp projected to XY plane
                    if self.method == 'RampMethod3':
                        projectionlen = projectionlen / 2
                    PathLog.debug("Found plunge move at X:{} Y:{} From Z:{} to Z{}, length of ramp: {}".format(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p1.z, projectionlen))
                    # next need to determine how many edges in the path after
                    # plunge are needed to cover the length:
                    covered = False
                    coveredlen = 0
                    rampedges = []
                    i = edges.index(edge) + 1
                    while not covered:
                        candidate = edges[i]
                        cp0 = candidate.Vertexes[0].Point
                        cp1 = candidate.Vertexes[1].Point
                        if abs(cp0.z - cp1.z) > 1e-6:
                            # this edge is not parallel to XY plane, not qualified for ramping.
                        # PathLog.debug("Next edge length {}".format(candidate.Length))
                        coveredlen = coveredlen + candidate.Length

                        if coveredlen > projectionlen:
                            covered = True
                        i = i + 1
                        if i >= len(edges):
                    if len(rampedges) == 0:
                        PathLog.debug("No suitable edges for ramping, plunge will remain as such")
                        if not covered:
                            if (not allowBounce) or self.method == 'RampMethod2':
                                l = 0
                                for redge in rampedges:
                                    l = l + redge.Length
                                if self.method == 'RampMethod3':
                                    rampangle = math.degrees(math.atan(l / (plungelen / 2)))
                                    rampangle = math.degrees(math.atan(l / plungelen))
                                PathLog.warning("Cannot cover with desired angle, tightening angle to: {}".format(rampangle))

                        # PathLog.debug("Doing ramp to edges: {}".format(rampedges))
                        if self.method == 'RampMethod1':
                            outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod1(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                        elif self.method == 'RampMethod2':
                            outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod2(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                            # if the ramp cannot be covered with Method3, revert to Method1
                            # because Method1 support going back-and-forth and thus results in same path as Method3 when
                            # length of the ramp is smaller than needed for single ramp.
                            if (not covered) and allowBounce:
                                projectionlen = projectionlen * 2
                                outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod1(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                                outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod3(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
        return outedges
Esempio n. 10
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                    Path.Command('G0', {
                        'X': v.x,
                        'Y': v.y,
                        'Z': v.z

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)

        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        if obj.RampFeedRate == "Horizontal Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        elif obj.RampFeedRate == "Vertical Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
            rampFeed = obj.CustomFeedRate.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            xVal = params.get('X', None)
            xVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('X', None)

            yVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Y', None)
            yVal = params.get('Y', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    if PathGeom.isRoughly(xVal, xVal2) and PathGeom.isRoughly(
                            yVal, yVal2):
                        # this is a straight plunge
                        params['F'] = vertFeed
                        # this is a ramp
                        params['F'] = rampFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)
    def generateRamps(self, allowBounce=True):
        edges = self.wire.Edges
        outedges = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if not israpid:
                bb = edge.BoundBox
                p0 = edge.Vertexes[0].Point
                p1 = edge.Vertexes[1].Point
                rampangle = self.angle
                if bb.XLength < 1e-6 and bb.YLength < 1e-6 and bb.ZLength > 0 and p0.z > p1.z:
                    plungelen = abs(p0.z - p1.z)
                    projectionlen = plungelen * math.tan(math.radians(rampangle))  # length of the forthcoming ramp projected to XY plane
                    if self.method == 'RampMethod3':
                        projectionlen = projectionlen / 2
                    PathLog.debug("Found plunge move at X:{} Y:{} From Z:{} to Z{}, length of ramp: {}".format(p0.x, p0.y, p0.z, p1.z, projectionlen))
                    # next need to determine how many edges in the path after
                    # plunge are needed to cover the length:
                    covered = False
                    coveredlen = 0
                    rampedges = []
                    i = edges.index(edge) + 1
                    while not covered:
                        candidate = edges[i]
                        cp0 = candidate.Vertexes[0].Point
                        cp1 = candidate.Vertexes[1].Point
                        if abs(cp0.z - cp1.z) > 1e-6:
                            # this edge is not parallel to XY plane, not qualified for ramping.
                        # PathLog.debug("Next edge length {}".format(candidate.Length))
                        coveredlen = coveredlen + candidate.Length

                        if coveredlen > projectionlen:
                            covered = True
                        i = i + 1
                        if i >= len(edges):
                    if len(rampedges) == 0:
                        PathLog.debug("No suitable edges for ramping, plunge will remain as such")
                        if not covered:
                            if (not allowBounce) or self.method == 'RampMethod2':
                                l = 0
                                for redge in rampedges:
                                    l = l + redge.Length
                                if self.method == 'RampMethod3':
                                    rampangle = math.degrees(math.atan(l / (plungelen / 2)))
                                    rampangle = math.degrees(math.atan(l / plungelen))
                                PathLog.warning("Cannot cover with desired angle, tightening angle to: {}".format(rampangle))

                        # PathLog.debug("Doing ramp to edges: {}".format(rampedges))
                        if self.method == 'RampMethod1':
                            outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod1(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                        elif self.method == 'RampMethod2':
                            outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod2(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                            # if the ramp cannot be covered with Method3, revert to Method1
                            # because Method1 support going back-and-forth and thus results in same path as Method3 when
                            # length of the ramp is smaller than needed for single ramp.
                            if (not covered) and allowBounce:
                                projectionlen = projectionlen * 2
                                outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod1(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
                                outedges.extend(self.createRampMethod3(rampedges, p0, projectionlen, rampangle))
        return outedges
    def createCommands(self, obj, edges):
        commands = []
        for edge in edges:
            israpid = False
            for redge in self.rapids:
                if PathGeom.edgesMatch(edge, redge):
                    israpid = True
            if israpid:
                v = edge.valueAt(edge.LastParameter)
                commands.append(Path.Command('G0', {'X': v.x, 'Y': v.y, 'Z': v.z}))

        lastCmd = Path.Command('G0', {'X': 0.0, 'Y': 0.0, 'Z': 0.0})

        outCommands = []

        tc = PathDressup.toolController(obj.Base)

        horizFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        vertFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
        if obj.RampFeedRate == "Horizontal Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.HorizFeed.Value
        elif obj.RampFeedRate == "Vertical Feed Rate":
            rampFeed = tc.VertFeed.Value
            rampFeed = obj.CustomFeedRate.Value
        horizRapid = tc.HorizRapid.Value
        vertRapid = tc.VertRapid.Value

        for cmd in commands:
            params = cmd.Parameters
            zVal = params.get('Z', None)
            zVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Z', None)

            xVal = params.get('X', None)
            xVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('X', None)

            yVal2 = lastCmd.Parameters.get('Y', None)
            yVal = params.get('Y', None)

            zVal = zVal and round(zVal, 8)
            zVal2 = zVal2 and round(zVal2, 8)

            if cmd.Name in ['G1', 'G2', 'G3', 'G01', 'G02', 'G03']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    if PathGeom.isRoughly(xVal, xVal2) and PathGeom.isRoughly(yVal, yVal2):
                        # this is a straight plunge
                        params['F'] = vertFeed
                        # this is a ramp
                        params['F'] = rampFeed
                    params['F'] = horizFeed
                lastCmd = cmd

            elif cmd.Name in ['G0', 'G00']:
                if zVal is not None and zVal2 != zVal:
                    params['F'] = vertRapid
                    params['F'] = horizRapid
                lastCmd = cmd

            outCommands.append(Path.Command(cmd.Name, params))

        return Path.Path(outCommands)