Esempio n. 1
def _updatePluginRegistry(registry, xml, should_purge, encoding=None):

    if should_purge:
        registry._plugin_types = []
        registry._plugin_type_info = PersistentMapping()
        registry._plugins = PersistentMapping()

    # When PAS import is used in an extension profile, the plugin
    # registry will have been deleted (content import deletes by
    # default) but should_purge will be false; need to initialize
    # _plugins since PluginRegistry's constructor doesn't
    if registry._plugins is None:
        registry._plugins = PersistentMapping()

    pir = PluginRegistryImporter(registry, encoding)
    reg_info = pir.parseXML(xml)

    for info in reg_info['plugin_types']:
        iface = _resolveDottedName(info['interface'])
        # Avoid duplicate plugin types
        if iface not in registry._plugin_types:
        registry._plugin_type_info[iface] = {
            'id': info['id'],
            'title': info['title'],
            'description': info['description'],
        registry._plugins[iface] = tuple([x['id'] for x in info['plugins']])
Esempio n. 2
def setDependentProducts(jar, productid, dep_ids):
    productid = str(productid)
    rd = _getCentralRefreshData(jar, 1)
    products = rd.get('products', None)
    if products is None:
        rd['products'] = products = PersistentMapping()
    product = products.get(productid, None)
    if product is None:
        products[productid] = product = PersistentMapping()
    product['dependent_products'] = tuple(map(str, dep_ids))
Esempio n. 3
def fixArchetypesTool(portal, out):
    at = portal.archetype_tool

    if not hasattr(at, '_templates'):
        # They come in pairs
        at._templates = PersistentMapping()
        at._registeredTemplates = PersistentMapping()

    if not hasattr(at, 'catalog_map'):
        at.catalog_map = PersistentMapping()

    install_uidcatalog(out, portal)
Esempio n. 4
    def create_frozen_state(self, workflow, **parameters):
        create a 'frozen' state
        if 'frozen' not in workflow.states:

        frozen_state = workflow.states['frozen']
        default_mapping = workflow.states.objectValues()[0].permission_roles.copy()
        frozen_state.title = 'frozen'
        frozen_state.permission_roles = default_mapping
        frozen_state.group_roles = PersistentMapping()
        frozen_state.var_values = PersistentMapping()
        frozen_state.transitions = ()
Esempio n. 5
    def test_copy_of(self):
        # Verifies the functionality of zodb_copy().
        ob1 = PersistentMapping()
        ob1._p_oid = 'xxx'
        self.assertEqual(ob1._p_oid, 'xxx')  # Precondition
        ob1['fish'] = PersistentMapping()
        ob1['fish']['trout'] = 1
        ob1['fish']['herring'] = 2

        ob2 = zodb_copy(ob1)
        self.assert_(ob2 is not ob1)
        self.assert_(ob2['fish'] is not ob1['fish'])
        self.assert_(ob2._p_oid is None)
        self.assertEqual(list(ob2.keys()), ['fish'])
        self.assertEqual(len(ob2['fish'].keys()), 2)
Esempio n. 6
 def setPermission(self, permission, roles, REQUEST=None):
 Set a permission for this State.
     if self.state_permission_role_list_dict is None:
         self.state_permission_role_list_dict = PersistentMapping()
     self.state_permission_role_list_dict[permission] = tuple(roles)
Esempio n. 7
    def gettext(self, msgid, lang=None, default=None):
        """Returns the corresponding translation of msgid in Catalog."""
        if not isinstance(msgid, basestring):
            raise TypeError('Only strings can be translated.')
        # saving everything unicode, utf-8
        elif isinstance(msgid, str):
            msgid = force_to_unicode(msgid)
        if not lang:
            raise ValueError("No language provided for gettext")
        msgid = msgid.strip()
        # empty message is translated as empty message, regardless of lang
        if not msgid:
            return msgid
        # default `default translation` is the msgid itself
        if default is None:
            default = msgid

        if lang not in self.get_languages():
            # we don't have that lang, thus we can't translate and won't add msg
            return default

        # Add it if it's not in the dictionary
        if not self._messages.has_key(msgid):
            self._messages[msgid] = PersistentMapping()
            notify(MessageAddEvent(self, msgid, lang, default))

        if not self._messages[msgid].has_key(self._default_language):
            default_translation = collapse_whitespace(default)
            self._messages[msgid][self._default_language] = default_translation

        # translation may be blank (supposition), then-> default (usually msgid)
        in_catalog = self._messages[msgid].get(lang, '')
        return in_catalog or default
Esempio n. 8
    def get_po_header(self, lang):
        """ """
        # For backwards compatibility
        if not hasattr(aq_base(self), '_po_headers'):
            self._po_headers = PersistentMapping()

        return self._po_headers.get(lang, empty_po_header)
 def initCriteria(self):
     """ initialize the dictionary of import criteria
     for each bibliography type
     # this is a migration 0.8 -> 0.9 fix:
     if not shasattr(self, '_criteria'):
         self._criteria = PersistentMapping()
     bib_tool = getToolByName(self, 'portal_bibliography')
     has = self._criteria_names.has_key
     for bib_type in bib_tool.getBibliographyContentTypes():
         bibname = bib_type['name']
         self._criteria[bibname] = [
             criteria for criteria in self._nonmeta_criteria
         #adds all meta_data as criteria for each bibliography type
         for field in bib_type['schema'].fields():
             field_name = field.getName()
             if field_name in self._ignored_criteria:
             if not shasattr(field, 'is_duplicates_criterion'):
             if not field.is_duplicates_criterion:
             if has(field_name):
         self._criteria[bibname] = tuple(self._criteria[bibname])
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, id, title, sourcelang, languages): = id

        self.title = title

        # Language Manager data
        self._languages = tuple(languages)
        self._default_language = sourcelang

        # Here the message translations are stored
        self._messages = PersistentMapping()

        # Data for the PO files headers
        self._po_headers = PersistentMapping()
        for lang in self._languages:
            self._po_headers[lang] = empty_po_header
Esempio n. 11
    def test_export_import(self):
        root = PersistentMapping()

        test1 = TestObject()
        test1.strdata = '345'
        test1['a'] = 'b'
        test1['c'] = 'd'
        root['TestRoot'] = test1
        test2 = TestObject()
        test2.leftover = 'oops'
        test2['true'] = 'undecided'
        root['TestRoot2'] = test2

        oid = ''
        exporter = io.ExportImport(self.conf, self.conns)
        exporter.export_object(root, oid)

        importer = io.ExportImport(self.conf, self.conns)
        roota = importer.import_object(oid)
        self.assert_(root is not roota)
        self.assert_(root['TestRoot'] is not roota['TestRoot'])
        self.assert_(root['TestRoot2'] is not roota['TestRoot2'])
        self.assertEqual(root['TestRoot'].data, roota['TestRoot'].data)
        self.assertEqual(root['TestRoot2'].data, roota['TestRoot2'].data)
        self.assertEqual(root['TestRoot'].strdata, roota['TestRoot'].strdata)
    def manage_changeWorkflows(
            self, title, description, default_chain, props=None, REQUEST=None):
        """ Changes which workflows apply to objects of which type

        A chain equal to 'None' is empty we remove the entry.
        self.title = title
        self.description = description

        if props is None:
            props = REQUEST
        cbt = self._chains_by_type
        if cbt is None:
            self._chains_by_type = cbt = PersistentMapping()
        ti = self._listTypeInfo()
        # Set up the chains by type.
        for t in ti:
            id = t.getId()
            field_name = 'chain_%s' % id
            chain = props.get(field_name, DEFAULT_CHAIN).strip()

            if chain == 'None':
                if cbt.get(id, _MARKER) is not _MARKER:

            self.setChain(id, chain)

        # Set up the default chain.
        if REQUEST is not None:
            return self.manage_main(REQUEST, manage_tabs_message='Changed.')
Esempio n. 13
def copyPermMap(old):
    """bullet proof copy
    new = PersistentMapping()
    for k, v in old.items():
        new[k] = v
    return new
Esempio n. 14
    def gettext(self, message, lang=None, add=None, default=None):
        """Returns the message translation from the database if available.

        If add=1, add any unknown message to the database.
        If a default is provided, use it instead of the message id
        as a translation for unknown messages.
        if not isinstance(message, basestring):
            raise TypeError('only strings can be translated, not: %r' %
                            (message, ))

        if default is None:
            default = message

        message = message.strip()

        # BBB call get_message_key to support both (old) str key and
        # (new) unicode key.
        message = self.get_message_key(message) or to_unicode(message)

        # Add it if it's not in the dictionary
        if add is None:
            add = getattr(self, 'policy', self.POLICY_ADD_TRUE)
        if add != self.POLICY_ADD_FALSE and not self._messages.has_key(
                message) and message:
            if add == self.POLICY_ADD_LOG:
                    'New entry added to message catalog %s :' %, INFO,
                    '%s\n%s' %
                    (message, ''.join(format_list(extract_stack()[:-1]))))
            self._messages[message] = PersistentMapping()

        # Get the string
        if self._messages.has_key(message):
            m = self._messages[message]

            if lang is None:
                # Builds the list of available languages
                # should the empty translations be filtered?
                available_languages = list(self._languages)

                # Imagine that the default language is 'en'. There is no
                # translation from 'en' to 'en' in the message catalog
                # The user has the preferences 'en' and 'nl' in that order
                # The next two lines make certain 'en' is shown, not 'nl'
                if not self._default_language in available_languages:

                # Get the language!
                lang = lang_negotiator(available_languages)

                # Is it None? use the default
                if lang is None:
                    lang = self._default_language

            if lang is not None:
                return m.get(lang) or default

        return default
Esempio n. 15
def copyPermMap(old):
    """bullet proof copy
    new = PersistentMapping()
    for k, v in list(old.items()):
        nk = copy(k)
        nv = copy(v)
        new[k] = v
    return new
Esempio n. 16
 def getTreeIdList(self, htree=None):
     """ Return list of all tree ids
     if self._tree_list is None or len(self._tree_list.keys()) == 0:
         tree_list = self._getTreeIdList(htree=htree)
         self._tree_list = PersistentMapping()
         for tree in tree_list:                
             self._tree_list[tree] = None
     return sorted(self._tree_list.keys())