Esempio n. 1
 def fillHiggsBQuarks(self, event,h):
     """Get the b quarks from top decays into event.genbquarksFromH"""
     for i in xrange( h.numberOfDaughters() ):
         dau = GenParticle(h.daughter(i))
         if abs(dau.pdgId()) in [3,4,5]:
                 event.genbquarksFromH.append( dau )
                 if dau.numberOfDaughters() == 1 :
                      event.genbquarksFromHafterISR.append( GenParticle(dau.daughter(0)))
Esempio n. 2
def allDaughters(particle, daughters, rank ):
    '''Fills daughters with all the daughters of particle.
    Recursive function.'''
    rank += 1 
    for i in range( particle.numberOfDaughters() ):
        dau = GenParticle(particle.daughter(i))
        dau.rank = rank
        daughters.append( dau )
        daughters = allDaughters( dau, daughters, rank )
    return daughters
Esempio n. 3
    def fillWZQuarks(self, event, particle, isWZ=False, sourceId=25):
        """Descend daughters of 'particle', and add quarks from W,Z to event.genwzquarks
           isWZ is set to True if already processing daughters of W,Z's, to False before it"""

        for i in xrange( particle.numberOfDaughters() ):
            dau = GenParticle(particle.daughter(i))
            dau.sourceId = sourceId
            id = abs(dau.pdgId())
            if id <= 5 and isWZ:
            elif id in [22,23,24]:
                self.fillWZQuarks(event, dau, True, sourceId)
    def fillTopQuarks(self, event):
        """Get the b quarks from top decays into event.genbquarksFromTop"""

        event.gentopquarks = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) == 6 and p.numberOfDaughters() > 0 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != 6 ]
        #if len(event.gentopquarks) != 2:
        #    print "Not two top quarks? \n%s\n" % event.gentopquarks

        for tq in event.gentopquarks:
            for i in xrange( tq.numberOfDaughters() ):
                dau = GenParticle(tq.daughter(i))
                if abs(dau.pdgId()) == 5:
                    dau.sourceId = 6
                    event.genbquarksFromTop.append( dau )
                elif abs(dau.pdgId()) == 24:
                    self.fillGenLeptons( event, dau, sourceId=6 )
                    self.fillWZQuarks(   event, dau, True, sourceId=6 )
    def findFirstDaughterGivenPdgId(self, givenMother, givenPdgIds):
        """Get the first gen level daughter particle with given pdgId"""

        mothers = []
        if givenMother:
        while len(mothers) > 0:
            daughters = []
            for mother in mothers:
                for idxDaughter in range(mother.numberOfDaughters()):
                    daughter = GenParticle(mother.daughter(idxDaughter))
            for daughter in daughters:
                if daughter.pdgId() in givenPdgIds:
                    return daughter
            mothers = daughters

        # no daughter particle with given pdgId found
        return None
Esempio n. 6
    def fillGenLeptons(self, event, particle, isTau=False, recovered=False, sourceId=25):
        """Get the gen level light leptons (prompt and/or from tau decays)"""

        for i in xrange( particle.numberOfDaughters() ):
            dau = GenParticle(particle.daughter(i))
            dau.sourceId = sourceId
            dau.isTau = isTau
            id = abs(dau.pdgId())
            moid = abs(dau.mother().pdgId()) if dau.mother() else 2212 #if no mom, let say it is a proton (consistent with CMSSW < 74X)
            if id in [11,13]:
                if not recovered:
                    if isTau: event.gentauleps.append(dau)
                    else:     event.genleps.append(dau)
                    if isTau: event.gentaulepsRecovered.append(dau)
                    else:     event.genlepsRecovered.append(dau)
            elif id == 15:
                if not recovered:
                    if moid in [22,23,24]:
                    self.fillGenLeptons(event, dau, True, sourceId)
                    if moid in [22,23,24]:
                    self.fillGenLeptons(event, dau, True, True, sourceId) 
            elif id in [22,23,24]:
                if not recovered: self.fillGenLeptons(event, dau, False,       sourceId)
                else:             self.fillGenLeptons(event, dau, False, True, sourceId)
Esempio n. 7
    def fillTopQuarks(self, event):
        """Get the b quarks from top decays into event.genbquarksFromTop"""

        event.gentopquarks = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) == 6 and p.numberOfDaughters() > 0 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != 6 ]
        #Find the top decay mode (0 - leptonic, 1 - hadronic)
        for top in event.gentopquarks:
            ndaus = top.numberOfDaughters()
            top.decayMode = -1
            #go over top daughters
            for idau in range(ndaus):
                dau = top.daughter(idau)
                #found the W
                if abs(dau.pdgId()) == 24:
                    #find the true daughters of the W (in case of decay chain)
                    W_daus = realGenDaughters(dau)
                    decayMode = -1
                    #go over the daughters of the W
                    for idauw in range(len(W_daus)):
                        w_dau_id = abs(W_daus[idauw].pdgId())
                        if w_dau_id in [11,12,13,14,15,16]:
                            decayMode = 0
                        elif w_dau_id < 6:
                            decayMode = 1
                    top.decayMode = decayMode
        for tq in event.gentopquarks:
            for i in xrange( tq.numberOfDaughters() ):
                dau = GenParticle(tq.daughter(i))
                if abs(dau.pdgId()) == 5:
                    dau.sourceId = 6
                    event.genbquarksFromTop.append( dau )
                elif abs(dau.pdgId()) == 24:
                    self.fillGenLeptons( event, dau, sourceId=6 )
                    self.fillWZQuarks(   event, dau, True, sourceId=6 )
Esempio n. 8
    def makeMCInfo(self, event):
        event.genParticles = map(GenParticle,

        if False:
            for i, p in enumerate(event.genParticles):
                print " %5d: pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (
                    i, p.pdgId(), p.status(),,
                if p.numberOfMothers() > 0:
                    imom, mom = p.motherRef().key(), p.mother()
                    print " | mother %5d pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (
                        imom, mom.pdgId(), mom.status(),,
                    print " | no mother particle                              ",

                for j in xrange(min(3, p.numberOfDaughters())):
                    idau, dau = p.daughterRef(j).key(), p.daughter(j)
                    print " | dau[%d] %5d pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (
                        j, idau, dau.pdgId(), dau.status(),,
                print ""

        event.genHiggsBoson = None
        event.genleps = []
        event.gentauleps = []
        event.gentaus = []
        event.genbquarks = []
        event.genwzquarks = []
        event.gentopquarks = []

        higgsBosons = [
            p for p in event.genParticles if (p.pdgId() == 25)
            and p.numberOfDaughters() > 0 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != 25

        if len(higgsBosons) == 0:
            event.genHiggsDecayMode = 0

            ## Matching that can be done also on non-Higgs events
            ## First, top quarks

            ## Then W,Z,gamma from hard scattering and that don't come from a top and don't rescatter
            def hasAncestor(particle, filter):
                for i in xrange(particle.numberOfMothers()):
                    mom = particle.mother(i)
                    if filter(mom) or hasAncestor(mom, filter):
                        return True
                return False

            def hasDescendent(particle, filter):
                for i in xrange(particle.numberOfDaughters()):
                    dau = particle.daughter(i)
                    if filter(dau) or hasDescendent(dau, filter):
                        return True
                return False

            bosons = [
                gp for gp in event.genParticles
                if gp.status() > 2 and abs(gp.pdgId()) in [22, 23, 24]
            for b in bosons:
                if hasAncestor(b, lambda gp: abs(gp.pdgId()) == 6): continue
                if hasDescendent(
                        b, lambda gp: abs(gp.pdgId()) in [22, 23, 24] and gp.
                        status() > 2):
                self.fillGenLeptons(event, b, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))
                self.fillWZQuarks(event, b, isWZ=True, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))
            if len(higgsBosons) > 1:
                print "More than one higgs? \n%s\n" % higgsBosons

            event.genHiggsBoson = GenParticle(higgsBosons[-1])
            event.genHiggsDecayMode = abs(
            self.fillWZQuarks(event, event.genHiggsBoson)
            self.fillGenLeptons(event, event.genHiggsBoson, sourceId=25)
            if self.cfg_ana.verbose:
                print "Higgs boson decay mode: ", event.genHiggsDecayMode
                print "Generator level prompt light leptons:\n", "\n".join(
                    ["\t%s" % p for p in event.genleps])
                print "Generator level light leptons from taus:\n", "\n".join(
                    ["\t%s" % p for p in event.gentauleps])
                print "Generator level prompt tau leptons:\n", "\n".join(
                    ["\t%s" % p for p in event.gentaus])
                print "Generator level b quarks from top:\n", "\n".join(
                    ["\t%s" % p for p in event.genbquarks])
                print "Generator level quarks from W, Z decays:\n", "\n".join(
                    ["\t%s" % p for p in event.genwzquarks])
        # make sure prompt leptons have a non-zero sourceId
        for p in event.genParticles:
            if isPromptLepton(p,
                if getattr(p, 'sourceId', 0) == 0:
                    p.sourceId = 99
Esempio n. 9
    def makeMCInfo(self, event):

        LHE_weights_scale = []
        LHE_weights_pdf = []

        for w in event.LHE_weights:
            wid = int(
            #print wid, ": ", w.wgt
            # for LO samples, the scale weights are 1,...,9; for NLO 1001,1009
            if (wid in range(1,10)) or (wid in range(1001,1010)):
                wid = wid%1000
                if wid not in [1,6,8]: # these are the nominal and anticorrelated muR,muF variations
                    w.wgt = w.wgt/event.LHE_originalWeight if abs(event.LHE_originalWeight)>0 else w.wgt
                    w.order = LHE_scale_order[wid]
                    #print int(, ": ", w.wgt, " (pos ", w.order, ")"
            # thse are up/down variations for the NNPDF:
            if wid in LHE_pdf_ids:
                #print  w.wgt
                w.wgt = w.wgt/event.LHE_originalWeight if abs(event.LHE_originalWeight)>0 else w.wgt

        event.LHE_weights_scale = sorted(LHE_weights_scale, key=lambda w : w.order)
        event.LHE_weights_pdf = LHE_weights_pdf

#       event.genParticles = map( GenParticle, self.mchandles['genParticles'].product() )
        event.genParticles = list(self.mchandles['genParticles'].product() )

        if False:
            for i,p in enumerate(event.genParticles):
                print " %5d: pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (i, p.pdgId(),p.status(),,
                if p.numberOfMothers() > 0:
                    imom, mom = p.motherRef().key(), p.mother()
                    print " | mother %5d pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (imom, mom.pdgId(),mom.status(),,
                    print " | no mother particle                              ",
                for j in xrange(min(3, p.numberOfDaughters())):
                    idau, dau = p.daughterRef(j).key(), p.daughter(j)
                    print " | dau[%d] %5d pdgId %+5d status %3d  pt %6.1f  " % (j,idau,dau.pdgId(),dau.status(),,
                print ""

        event.genHiggsBosons = []
        event.genHiggsSisters = []
        event.genleps    = []
        event.gentauleps = []
        event.gentaus    = []
        event.genlepsRecovered    = []
        event.gentaulepsRecovered = []
        event.gentausRecovered    = []
        event.genbquarksFromTop  = []
        event.genbquarksFromH  = []
        event.genbquarksFromHafterISR = []
        event.genallbquarks = []
        event.genwzquarks = []
        event.gentopquarks  = []
        event.genallstatus2bhadrons = [ p for p in event.genParticles if p.status() ==2 and self.hasBottom(p.pdgId()) ]
        event.genallcquarks = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) == 4 and ( p.numberOfDaughters() == 0 or abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != 4) ]

		# aggiunti da me

        #event.genHiggsToBB = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId())==25 and p.numberOfDaughters()==2 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) == 5 ] 

        #event.genvbosonsToLL = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) in [23,24] and abs(p.mother().pdgId()) in [23,24] and p.numberOfDaughters()==2 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) in [11,13,15] ]

        #event.genZbosonsToLL = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) in [23] and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId())!= abs(p.pdgId()) ]
        #event.genWbosonsToLL = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) in [24] and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId())!= abs(p.pdgId()) ]

        event.genvbosons = [ p for p in event.genParticles if abs(p.pdgId()) in [23,24] and p.numberOfDaughters()>0 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != abs(p.pdgId()) and p.mass() > 30 ]

        if not event.genvbosons:
            if abs(event.genParticles[4].pdgId()) in [11,12,13,14,15,16] and abs(event.genParticles[4].pdgId())==abs(event.genParticles[5].pdgId()):
                V=GenParticle(0, l1.p4()+l2.p4(), l1.vertex(), 23, -123, 0)
        #bosons = [ gp for gp in event.genParticles if gp.status() > 2 and  abs(gp.pdgId()) in [22,23,24]  ]
    	for b in event.genvbosons:
        	if b.numberOfDaughters()>0 :
                	self.fillGenLeptons(event, b, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId())) #selezione su leptoni fatta dentro la funzione stessa
                	self.fillWZQuarks(event, b, isWZ=True, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))

        for b in event.genvbosonsRecovered:
            if b.numberOfDaughters()>0 :
                self.fillGenLeptons(event, b, recovered=True, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))

        higgsBosons = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.pdgId() == 25) and p.numberOfDaughters() > 0 and abs(p.daughter(0).pdgId()) != 25 ]
        higgsBosonsFirst = [ p for p in event.genParticles if (p.pdgId() == 25) and p.numberOfMothers() > 0 and abs(p.mother(0).pdgId()) != 25 ]
        higgsMothers = [x.mother(0) for x in higgsBosonsFirst]
        #print higgsMothers
        event.genHiggsSisters = [p for p in event.genParticles if p.mother(0) in higgsMothers  and p.pdgId() != 25 ]

        #print "higgsBosons: ", len(higgsBosons)
        #print "higgsBosonsFirst: ", len(higgsBosonsFirst)
        #print "higgsMothers: ", len(higgsMothers)

        if len(higgsBosons) == 0:
            event.genHiggsDecayMode = 0

            ## Matching that can be done also on non-Higgs events
            ## First, top quarks
            self.fillTopQuarks( event )
            self.countBPartons( event )

            ## Then W,Z,gamma from hard scattering and that don't come from a top and don't rescatter
            def hasAncestor(particle, filter):
                for i in xrange(particle.numberOfMothers()):
                    mom = particle.mother(i)
                    if filter(mom) or hasAncestor(mom, filter): 
                        return True
                return False
            def hasDescendent(particle, filter):
                for i in xrange(particle.numberOfDaughters()):
                    dau = particle.daughter(i)
                    if filter(dau) or hasDescendent(dau, filter):
                        return True
                return False

            bosons = [ gp for gp in event.genParticles if gp.status() > 2 and  abs(gp.pdgId()) in [22,23,24]  ]
            for b in bosons:
                if hasAncestor(b,   lambda gp : abs(gp.pdgId()) == 6): continue
                if hasDescendent(b, lambda gp : abs(gp.pdgId()) in [22,23,24] and gp.status() > 2): continue
                self.fillGenLeptons(event, b, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))
                self.fillWZQuarks(event, b, isWZ=True, sourceId=abs(b.pdgId()))
#            if len(higgsBosons) > 1: 
#                print "More than one higgs? \n%s\n" % higgsBosons

            #questo blocco viene eseguito quando c'e' almeno un higgs
            event.genHiggsBoson = higgsBosons[-1]
            #event.genHiggsBoson = [GenParticle(higgsBosons[-1])]
            event.genHiggsBosons = higgsBosons
            event.genHiggsDecayMode = abs(  event.genHiggsBoson.daughter(0).pdgId() if event.genHiggsBoson.numberOfDaughters() >= 1 else 0)
            event.genHiggsDecayMode += abs( event.genHiggsBoson.daughter(1).pdgId() if event.genHiggsBoson.numberOfDaughters() >= 2 and abs( event.genHiggsBoson.daughter(1).pdgId() ) != abs( event.genHiggsBoson.daughter(0).pdgId()) else 0) * 10000
            self.fillTopQuarks( event )
            self.countBPartons( event )
            #self.fillWZQuarks(   event, event.genHiggsBoson )
            #self.fillWZQuarks(   event, event.protons[0], sourceId=2212) : non serve, quando c'e' higgs non ci sn quarks da WZ
            for h in event.genHiggsBosons :
                self.fillHiggsBQuarks( event, h)
            #event.genHiggsBoson = [GenParticle(higgsBosons[-1])]
            #self.fillGenLeptons( event, event.genHiggsBoson, sourceId=25 )
            #if self.cfg_ana.verbose:
            if False:
                print "Higgs boson decay mode: ", event.genHiggsDecayMode
                print "Generator level prompt light leptons:\n", "\n".join(["\t%s" % p for p in event.genleps])
                print "Generator level light leptons from taus:\n", "\n".join(["\t%s" % p for p in event.gentauleps])
                print "Generator level prompt tau leptons:\n", "\n".join(["\t%s" % p for p in event.gentaus])
                print "Generator level b quarks from top:\n", "\n".join(["\t%s" % p for p in event.genbquarksFromTop])
                print "Generator level quarks from W, Z decays:\n", "\n".join(["\t%s" % p for p in event.genwzquarks])
        # make sure prompt leptons have a non-zero sourceId
        for p in event.genParticles:
            if isPromptLepton(p, True, includeTauDecays=True, includeMotherless=False):
                if getattr(p, 'sourceId', 0) == 0:
                    p.sourceId = 99