Esempio n. 1
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.plugin import getSyncInfoInstance
		syncInfo = getSyncInfoInstance()
		isRunning = syncInfo.inProgress
		isFinished = syncInfo.isFinished
		currentProgress = syncInfo.progress
		currentRange = syncInfo.range
		lastPoster = syncInfo.poster
		lastName =
		lastYear = syncInfo.year
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Sync", True)
		syncStates = """
						<input id="isRunning" type="hidden" name="isRunning" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="isFinished" type="hidden" name="isFinished" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentProgress" type="hidden" name="currentProgress" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="currentRange" type="hidden" name="currentRange" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastPoster" type="hidden" name="lastPoster" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastName" type="hidden" name="lastName" value="%s"></input>
						<input id="lastYear" type="hidden" name="lastYear" value="%s"></input>
					 """ % (isRunning, isFinished, currentProgress, currentRange, lastPoster, lastName, lastYear)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- SYNC_STATES -->", syncStates)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)	
Esempio n. 2
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		global Manager
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Home")
		currentVersion = Update().getInstalledRevision()
		manager = Manager("WebIf:MainActions")
		movieCount = str(manager.getMoviesCount())
		tvShowCount = str(manager.getSeriesCount())
		episodeCount = str(manager.getEpisodesCount())
		updateType = Update().getCurrentUpdateType()
		latestRevision = Update().getLatestRevision()
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- MOVIE_COUNT -->", movieCount)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- TVSHOW_COUNT -->", tvShowCount)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- EPISODE_COUNT -->", episodeCount)
		revisionText = """	<br>
							Your update type => %s.<br>
							The latest release for your update type is %s.<br>
		""" % (updateType, latestRevision)

		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CURRENT_VERSION -->", "Your installed revision => " + currentVersion)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- LATEST_VERSION -->", revisionText)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Esempio n. 3
	def getHtmlForm (self, formName):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		htmlForm = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/forms/" + formName + ".tpl")
		return utf8ToLatin(htmlForm)
Esempio n. 4
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Extras" , True, "Backup")
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)	
Esempio n. 5
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Episodes", True)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Episodes")

		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Episodes/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		# get episodes of serie (parentid)
		ParentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
		entries = WebData().getData("EpisodesOfSerie", ParentId)
		for entry in entries:
			mediaId = entry.Id
			evtEdit = self._editEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtDelete = self._deleteEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtStream = self._streamEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtPlay = self._playEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtLoad = self._downloadEpisode(mediaId, "isEpisode")
			evtFailed = self._moveToFailed(entry, "isEpisode")
			if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", mediaId):
				isSeen = ""
				isSeen = '<img src="/content/global/img/unseen.png" alt="unseen" title="unseen"></img>'
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/stream.png" alt="stream Episode" title="stream Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/play-grey.png" alt="play Episode" title="play Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/download.png" alt="download Episode" title="download Episode" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/error.png" alt="move to failed" title="move to failed" /></a>
			""" % (isSeen, entry.TheTvDbId, entry.Title, entry.Season, entry.Episode, entry.Year, entry.ImdbId, entry.TheTvDbId, evtEdit, evtDelete, evtStream, evtPlay, evtLoad, evtFailed)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Esempio n. 6
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options" , True, "Global")
		tableBody = self.buildTableGlobal("")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_GLOBAL -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)	
Esempio n. 7
	def readFileContent(self, target):
		global Utf8
		global utf8ToLatin
		if Utf8 is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import Utf8
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin	

		c = Utf8(config.plugins.pvmc.pluginfolderpath.value + target, "r")
		content =
		return utf8ToLatin(content)
Esempio n. 8
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Failed", True)

		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Failed/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		entries = WebData().getData("failed")

		for entry in entries:
			entryType = self._getEntryType(entry)
			evtFunctions = ""

			if entryType is "isMovie":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
			elif entryType is "isEpisode":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
			elif entryType is "isFailed":
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedMovie(entry)
				evtFunctions += self._editFailedEpisode(entry)
			elif entryType is "isSerie":
				evtFunctions = "" #should not happen
			file = entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension
			if not os.path.exists(str(file)):
				#printl("FILE = " + file, self, "H")
				evtFunctions += self._deleteFailedEntry(entry)	
				evtFunctions += self._showDeleteInfo(entry)	
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
						""" % (entry.Path + u"/" + entry.Filename + u"." + entry.Extension, entry.syncFailedCause, evtFunctions)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
def autostart(session):
	global utf8ToLatin
	if utf8ToLatin is None:
		from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		root = Resource()
		#Dynamic Pages Main => WebMainActions
		root.putChild("", WebMainActions.Home())
		root.putChild("movies", WebMainActions.Movies())
		root.putChild("tvshows", WebMainActions.TvShows())
		root.putChild("episodes", WebMainActions.Episodes())
		root.putChild("failed", WebMainActions.Failed())
		root.putChild("sync", WebMainActions.Sync())		
		root.putChild("extras", WebMainActions.Extras())
		root.putChild("options", WebMainActions.Options())
		root.putChild("logs", WebMainActions.Logs())
		root.putChild("valerie", WebMainActions.Valerie())
		root.putChild("enigma", WebMainActions.Enigma())
		root.putChild("globalSettings", WebMainActions.GlobalSetting())
		root.putChild("syncSettings", WebMainActions.SyncSettings())
		root.putChild("backup", WebMainActions.Backup())
		root.putChild("restore", WebMainActions.Restore())
		#Static Pages, CSS, JS
		root.putChild("content", File(utf8ToLatin(config.plugins.pvmc.pluginfolderpath.value + u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content"), defaultType="text/plain"))
		#Folder Lists
		root.putChild("vlog", File(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value + 'log', defaultType="text/plain"))
		root.putChild("elog", File('/hdd/', defaultType="text/plain"))
		root.putChild("media", File(config.plugins.pvmc.configfolderpath.value + '/media', defaultType="text/plain"))
		root.putChild("dumps", File(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value + 'dumps', defaultType="text/plain"))
		#Action pages without MainMenu-Entry => WebSubActions
		root.putChild("action", WebSubActions.MediaActions())
		root.putChild("mediaForm", WebSubActions.MediaForm())
		root.putChild("addRecord", WebSubActions.AddRecord())
		root.putChild("alternatives", WebSubActions.Alternatives())	
		root.putChild("function", WebSubActions.WebFunctions())
		root.putChild("syncronize", WebSubActions.SyncFunctions())		
		site = Site(root)
		port = config.plugins.pvmc.plugins.webinterface.port.value
		reactor.listenTCP(port, site, interface="")
	except Exception, ex:
		printl("Exception(Can be ignored): " + str(ex), __name__, "W")
Esempio n. 10
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Options" , True, "Sync")
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncFileTypes("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_FILETYPES -->", tableBody)
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPath("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH -->", tableBody)
		tableBody = self.buildTableSyncPathAdd("options.sync")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY_SYNC_PATH_ADD -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Esempio n. 11
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("TvShows", True)
		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/TvShows/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		entries = WebData().getData("tvshows")
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Series")

		for entry in entries:
			evtShowEpisodes = self._getEpisodesOfTvShow(entry.Id)
			evtEdit = self._editTvShow(entry, "isTvShow")
			evtAddEpisode = self._addEpisode(entry, "isEpisode")
			evtDelete = self._deleteTvShow(entry, "isTvShow") 
			tableBody += u"""   <tr>
							<td><img src=\"/media/%s_poster_195x267.png\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img></td>
							<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/showEpisodes.png" alt="show Episodes" title="show Episodes" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/edit-grey.png" alt="edit" title="edit" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/add.png" alt="add" title="add" /></a>
								<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/delete-grey.png" alt="delete" title="delete" /></a>						
			""" % (entry.TheTvDbId, entry.Title, entry.Id, entry.ImdbId, entry.TheTvDbId, entry.TheTvDbId, evtShowEpisodes, evtEdit, evtAddEpisode, evtDelete)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Esempio n. 12
	def getHtmlCore (self, webResource, functions = False, submenu = None ):
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		htmlCore = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/index.html")
		mainMenu = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/global/tpl/mainMenu.tpl")
		customSubMenu = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/" + webResource + "/SubMenu.tpl")
		if (submenu == None):
			customContent = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/" + webResource + "/Content.tpl")
			customContent = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/" + webResource + "/" + submenu + "/Content.tpl")

		finalOutput 	= htmlCore.replace("<!-- GLOBAL_MAINMENU -->", mainMenu)
		finalOutput 	= finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_CONTENT -->", customContent)
		finalOutput 	= finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_SUBMENU -->", customSubMenu)
		if (functions == True):
			if (submenu == None):
				customJS = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/" + webResource + "/Functions.js")
				customJS = self.readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/" + webResource + "/" + submenu + "/Functions.js")

			entryCount = config.plugins.pvmc.plugins.webinterface.entrycount.value
			if (entryCount == "All"):
				entryCount = -1
			Pagination = '"iDisplayLength": ' + str(entryCount) + ','
			customJS = customJS.replace("<!-- PAGINATION_FLAG -->", Pagination)	
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_JAVASCRIPT -->", customJS)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def getPlaybackList(self, entry):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.WebGrabber import getFile
        from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Xml2Dict import Xml2Dict

        playbackList = []
        if entry.has_key("JamendoId"):
            id = entry["JamendoId"]
            playbackList.append((entry["Path"], entry["Title"], entry))

            found = False
            for e in self.lastLibrary[0]:
                e = e[1]
                if found is True:
                    playbackList.append((e["Path"], e["Title"], e))
                elif e["JamendoId"] == id:
                    found = True
        elif entry.has_key("JamendoRadioId"):
            id = entry["JamendoRadioId"]
            getFile( + id, "/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml", fixurl=False)
            xmlFile = Xml2Dict("/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml")

            xml = xmlFile.get()
            for i in range(len(xml["data"]["track"])):
                track = xml["data"]["track"][i]
                d = {}

                d["Top"] = i + 1
                d["ArtPosterId"] = "jamendo_" + utf8ToLatin(track["album_id"])

                d["JamendoId"] = utf8ToLatin(track["id"])
                d["Title"] = "  [%d] %s" % (i + 1, utf8ToLatin(track["name"]))
                d["ScreenTitle"] = d["Title"]
                d["Tag"] = ""
                d["Year"] = 1
                d["Month"] = 1
                d["Day"] = 1
                # Yeah its a bit supersufficial as date is already in it
                # But will allow the view to sort the list
                d["Date"] = 0
                d["Path"] = utf8ToLatin(track["stream"])
                d["Creation"] = 0
                d["Plot"] = ""
                d["Runtime"] = "%s" % (int(utf8ToLatin(track["duration"])) / 60,)
                d["Popularity"] = 0
                if len(track["album_genre"]) > 0:
                    d["Genres"] = (utf8ToLatin(track["album_genre"]),)
                    d["Genres"] = []
                d["Resolution"] = ""
                d["Sound"] = ""

                playbackList.append((d["Path"], d["Title"], d))

        return playbackList
Esempio n. 14
	def action(self, request):
		global MediaInfo
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		global Manager
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("MediaInfo", True)
		Id = None
		ParentId = None
		imdbId = u""
		theTvDbId = u""
		currentMode = request.args["mode"][0]
		if "type" in request.args:
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			type = u""
		if currentMode == "showDoneForm" :
			return finalOutput
		elif currentMode == "getMediaDetails":
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			data = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))
			response = data.Path + "/" + data.Filename + "." + data.Extension
			return str(response)
		elif currentMode == "showErrorForm":
			return finalOutput
		elif currentMode == 'showEditForm':
			nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Edit Media")
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			m = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(Id))
		elif currentMode == 'showAddByImdbForm':
			fileData = None
			if "Id" in request.args:
				if request.args["Id"][0] == "":
					nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
					printl("ID => " + request.args["Id"][0], self, "D")
					nextMode = "alterMediaInDb"
					fileData = self._getMediaDetails(type, int(request.args["Id"][0]))
				nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Add Media")
			m = MediaInfo()
			m.ImdbId = "";
			m.SearchString = "";
			if type == "isEpisode":
				type = "isSerie" # we need to do this because Manger.syncelemnts uses this name not the name till now isTvShow
			if fileData is not None:
				path = fileData.Path
				filename = fileData.Filename
				extension = fileData.Extension
				path = u"test"
				filename = u"test"
				extension = u"test"
			if type == "isMovie":
				m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
				printl("showAddByImdbForm: "+str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) + " " + str(type))
				syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, False)
				m = syncData[0]
			if type == "isSerie":
				m.ImdbId = request.args["ImdbId"][0]
				printl("showAddByImdbForm: "+str(request.args["ImdbId"][0]) + " " + str(type))
				syncData = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").syncElement(path, filename, extension, m.ImdbId, True)
				m = syncData[0]
		elif currentMode == 'showAlternativesForm':
			nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
			finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TITLE -->", " - Add Media")	
			mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["Title"][0]
			results = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaForm").searchAlternatives(mediainfo)
		elif currentMode == 'moveToFailed':
			nextMode = "showAddByImdbForm"
			#hier sollte mehr stehen lol
		if "Id" in request.args:
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			Id = u""		
		if "ParentId" in request.args:
			ParentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
			ParentId = u""

		image = u""
		backdrop = u""
		mediaFolderPath = config.plugins.pvmc.mediafolderpath.value
		mediaForm = WebHelper().getHtmlForm("mediaForm")
		if currentMode=="showManualAddForm":
			nextMode = "addMediaToDb"
			mediaForm = mediaForm % (type, nextMode ,u"", ParentId, type, u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", u"", 0)
			if type == "isMovie":
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + m.ImdbId + "_poster_195x267.png"):
					image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
					image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (str(m.ImdbId))
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.ImdbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png"):
					backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.ImdbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
					backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (str(m.ImdbId))
			elif type == "isTvShow" or type == "isEpisode":
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_poster_195x267.png"):
					image = """<img id="duck_img" src="%s" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_poster_195x267.png")
					image = """<img src=\"\" width="78" height="107" alt="n/a"></img>""" % (str(m.TheTvDbId))
				if os.path.isfile(mediaFolderPath + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png"):			
					backdrop = """<img id="duck_backdrop_img" src="%s" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a"></img>""" % ("/media/" + str(m.TheTvDbId) + "_backdrop_320x180.png")
					backdrop = """<img src=\"\" width="160" height="90" alt="n/a">""" % (str(m.TheTvDbId))
			seenCheck = ""
			if WebData().getData("MediaInfo_isSeen", m.Id):
				seenCheck = 'checked'
			printl("nextMode = " + nextMode, self, "W")
			if m.ParentId == None:
				m.ParentId = u""

			mediaForm = mediaForm % (type, nextMode, Id, m.ParentId, type, Id, m.ImdbId, m.TheTvDbId, m.Title, m.Tag, m.Season, m.Disc, m.Episode, m.EpisodeLast, m.Plot, m.Runtime, m.Year, m.Genres, self._getPopularity(m.Popularity), m.Path, m.Filename, m.Extension, seenCheck)

		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_IMAGE -->", image)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_BACKDROP -->", backdrop)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_FORM -->", mediaForm)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
    def loadLibrary(self, params, seenPng=None, unseenPng=None):
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
        from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.WebGrabber import getFile
        from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Xml2Dict import Xml2Dict

        if params is None:
            parsedLibrary = []

                    "Top50 this month",
                        "ScreenTitle": "Top50 this month",
                        "ViewMode": "top50",
                        "ArtPosterId": "jamendo_top50",
                        "Year": 0,
                        "Runtime": 0,
                        "Popularity": 0,
                        "Tag": "",
                        "Plot": "",
                        "Genres": [],
                    "Radio channels",
                        "ScreenTitle": "Radio channels",
                        "ViewMode": "radio",
                        "ArtPosterId": "jamendo_radio",
                        "Year": 0,
                        "Runtime": 0,
                        "Popularity": 0,
                        "Tag": "",
                        "Plot": "",
                        "Genres": [],

            sort = [("Title", None, False)]
            filter = [("All", (None, False), ("",))]
            self.lastLibrary = (parsedLibrary, ("ViewMode",), None, None, sort, filter)
            return self.lastLibrary

        elif params["ViewMode"] == "top50":
            parsedLibrary = []
            getFile(self.top50, "/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml", fixurl=False)
            xmlFile = Xml2Dict("/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml")

            xml = xmlFile.get()
            for i in range(len(xml["data"]["track"])):
                track = xml["data"]["track"][i]
                d = {}

                d["Top"] = i + 1
                d["ArtPosterId"] = "jamendo_" + utf8ToLatin(track["album_id"])

                d["JamendoId"] = utf8ToLatin(track["id"])
                d["Title"] = "  [%d] %s" % (i + 1, utf8ToLatin(track["name"]))
                d["ScreenTitle"] = d["Title"]
                d["Tag"] = ""
                d["Year"] = 1
                d["Month"] = 1
                d["Day"] = 1
                # Yeah its a bit supersufficial as date is already in it
                # But will allow the view to sort the list
                d["Date"] = 0
                d["Path"] = utf8ToLatin(track["stream"])
                d["Creation"] = 0
                d["Plot"] = ""
                d["Runtime"] = "%s" % (int(utf8ToLatin(track["duration"])) / 60,)
                d["Popularity"] = 0
                if len(track["album_genre"]) > 0:
                    d["Genres"] = (utf8ToLatin(track["album_genre"]),)
                    d["Genres"] = []
                d["Resolution"] = ""
                d["Sound"] = ""

                d["ViewMode"] = "play"
                parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, d["Title"].lower(), "50"))
            sort = [("Top", "Top", False), ("Title", None, False)]
            filter = [("All", (None, False), ("",))]
            self.lastLibrary = (
                ("ViewMode", "JamendoId"),
                {"DO_NOT_TRACK": True, "AUTO_PLAY_NEXT": True},
            return self.lastLibrary

        elif params["ViewMode"] == "radio":
            parsedLibrary = []
            getFile(self.radioStations, "/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml", fixurl=False)
            xmlFile = Xml2Dict("/hdd/valerie/jamendo.xml")

            xml = xmlFile.get()
            for i in range(len(xml["data"]["radio"])):
                track = xml["data"]["radio"][i]
                d = {}

                d["ArtPosterId"] = "jamendo_" + utf8ToLatin(track["idstr"])
                d["JamendoRadioId"] = utf8ToLatin(track["id"])
                d["Title"] = "  [%d] %s" % (i + 1, utf8ToLatin(track["name"]))
                d["ScreenTitle"] = d["Title"]
                d["Tag"] = ""
                d["Year"] = 1
                d["Month"] = 1
                d["Day"] = 1
                # Yeah its a bit supersufficial as date is already in it
                # But will allow the view to sort the list
                d["Date"] = 0
                d["Path"] = "http://"
                d["Creation"] = 0
                d["Plot"] = ""
                d["Runtime"] = ""
                d["Popularity"] = 0
                d["Genres"] = []
                d["Resolution"] = ""
                d["Sound"] = ""

                d["ViewMode"] = "play"
                parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, d["Title"].lower(), "50"))
            sort = [("Title", None, False)]
            filter = [("All", (None, False), ("",))]
            self.lastLibrary = (
                ("ViewMode", "JamendoRadioId"),
                {"DO_NOT_TRACK": True, "AUTO_PLAY_NEXT": True},
            return self.lastLibrary

        return None
    def loadLibrary(self, primaryKeyValuePair, seenPng=None, unseenPng=None):
        printl("->", self)
        global Manager
        global utf8ToLatin
        if utf8ToLatin is None:
            from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin

        start_time = time.time()
        userId = config.plugins.pvmc.seenuserid.value

        # Diplay all TVShows
        if primaryKeyValuePair is None:
            parsedLibrary = []

        today =
        tmpGenres = []
        shows = {}
        daysBack = config.plugins.pvmc.plugins.latestepisodes.daysback.value
        # episodes = self.manager.get.All(Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES)
        episodes = self.manager.getAllEpisodes()

        for episode in episodes:
                fileCreationValidTime = False
                epDate = date(episode.Year, episode.Month, episode.Day)
                if self.checkFileCreationDate:
                        creation = episode.FileCreation
                        cDate = date.fromtimestamp(creation)
                        if (today - cDate).days < daysBack:
                            fileCreationValidTime = True
                    except Exception, ex:
                        printl("Exception(" + str(type(ex)) + "): " + str(ex), self, "W")
                        creation = 0

                if (today - epDate).days < daysBack or fileCreationValidTime:
                    if not shows.has_key(episode.ParentId):
                        tvshow = self.manager.getMedia(episode.ParentId)
                        shows[episode.ParentId] = tvshow
                        genres = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Genres).split("|")
                        for genre in genres:
                            if genre not in tmpGenres:
                        tvshow = shows[episode.ParentId]

                    d = {}

                    d["ArtBackdropId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
                    d["ArtPosterId"] = d["ArtBackdropId"]

                    d["Id"] = episode.Id
                    d["ImdbId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.ImdbId)
                    d["TheTvDbId"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.TheTvDbId)
                    d["Tag"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Tag)
                    d["Title"] = " %s %dx%02d: %s" % (

                    d["ScreenTitle"] = d["Title"]
                    d["ScreenTitle"] = utf8ToLatin(d["ScreenTitle"])

                    d["Year"] = episode.Year
                    d["Month"] = episode.Month
                    d["Day"] = episode.Day
                    d["Date"] = episode.getDate()
                    d["Creation"] = episode.FileCreation

                    d["Path"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.Path + "/" + episode.Filename + "." + episode.Extension)
                    d["Season"] = episode.Season
                    d["Episode"] = episode.Episode
                    d["Plot"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.Plot)
                    d["Runtime"] = episode.Runtime
                    d["Popularity"] = episode.Popularity
                    d["Genres"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.Genres).split("|")
                    d["Resolution"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.Resolution)
                    d["Sound"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.Sound)

                    if self.manager.isMediaSeen(d["Id"], userId):
                        image = seenPng
                        d["Seen"] = "Seen"
                        image = unseenPng
                        d["Seen"] = "Unseen"

                    d["ViewMode"] = "play"

                    parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, episode.Season * 1000 + episode.Episode, "50", image))
            except Exception, ex:
                printl("Exception while loading library: " + str(ex), self, "E")
                printl("\tEntry: " + str(episode), self, "E")
Esempio n. 17
	def action(self, request):
		global utf8ToLatin
		global MediaInfo
		global MobileImdbComProvider
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		if MobileImdbComProvider is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MobileImdbComProvider import MobileImdbComProvider
		finalOutput = WebHelper().getHtmlCore("Alternatives", True)
		tableHeader = WebHelper().readFileContent(u"/DMC_Plugins/DMC_WebInterfaceExtras/content/custom/Alternatives/Header.tpl")
		tableBody = u""
		mediainfo = MediaInfo()
		mediainfo.ImdbId = "";
		mediainfo.SearchString = "";

		mediainfo.SearchString = request.args["searchString"][0]
		entries = MobileImdbComProvider().getAlternatives(mediainfo)
		if entries is not None:
			for entry in entries:
				entry.type = request.args["type"][0]
				if "Id" in request.args:
					entry.Id = request.args["Id"][0]
					entry.Id = u""
				if "Path" in request.args:
					entry.Path = request.args["Path"][0]
					entry.Path = u""
				if "Filename" in request.args:
					entry.Filename = request.args["Filename"][0]
					entry.Filename = u""
				if "Extension" in request.args:
					entry.Extension = request.args["Extension"][0]
					entry.Extension = u""
				evtApply = self._getApplyAlternativeString(entry)
				tableBody += u"""   <tr>
									<td><a href= target="_blank">%s</a></td>
										<a href="#" onclick="%s"><img class="action_img" src="/content/global/img/apply.png" alt="apply" title="apply" /></a>
							""" % (entry.Year, entry.ImdbId, entry.ImdbId, utf8ToLatin(entry.Title), entry.IsTVSeries, evtApply)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_THEAD -->", tableHeader)
		finalOutput = finalOutput.replace("<!-- CUSTOM_TBODY -->", tableBody)
		return utf8ToLatin(finalOutput)
Esempio n. 18
	def action(self, request):
		global Manager
		global utf8ToLatin
		global stringToUtf8
		global MediaInfo
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		if stringToUtf8 is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import stringToUtf8
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		printl("request: " + str(request), self)
		printl("request.args: " + str(request.args), self)
		printl("request.args[mode]: " + str(request.args["mode"]), self)	
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "addMediaToDb"
		# Subargument:  request.args["type"][0] 			== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
		#				request.args["ParentId"][0] 		== Integer
		if request.args["mode"][0] == "addMediaToDb":
			printl("mode (addMediaToDb)", self, "I")
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")	
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			if (type == "isEpisode"):
				parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
			key_value_dict = {}				
			for key in request.args.keys():
				key_value_dict[key] = request.args[key][0]
			# add movies
			if type == "isMovie":
				printl ("INSERT MOVIE : " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
				result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.MOVIES, key_value_dict)
				if result["status"] > 0:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie&"+urlencode({'msg':result["message"]}))
			# add tvshows
			elif type == "isTvShow":
				printl ("INSERT TVSHOW : " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
				result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWS, key_value_dict)
				if result["status"] > 0:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")	
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow&"+urlencode({'msg':result["message"]}))	
			# add tvshowepisodes
			elif type == "isEpisode":
				printl ("INSERT EPISODE: " + str(key_value_dict), self, "I")
				result = manager.insertMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES, key_value_dict)				
				if result["status"] > 0:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId + "&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isEpisode&ParentId=" + parentId + "&"+urlencode({'msg':result["message"]}))
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 		== "alterMediaInDb"
		# Subargument:  request.args["type"][0] 		== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
		#				request.args["Id"][0]			== Integer
		#				request.args["ParentId"][0]		== Integer
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "alterMediaInDb":
			printl("mode (alterMediaInDb)", self, "I")
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
			type = stringToUtf8(request.args["type"][0])
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			if (type == "isEpisode"):
				parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
			key_value_dict = {}				
			for key in request.args.keys():
			#	key_value_dict[key] = stringToUtf8(request.args[key][0])
				key_value_dict[key] = request.args[key][0]
				printl("Content: " + key + " => " + request.args[key][0], self, "I")	
			if not "Seen" in request.args:
				WebData().getData("MediaInfo_markUnseen", Id)
				if (request.args["Seen"][0] == "on"):
					WebData().getData("MediaInfo_markSeen", Id)
			# edit movies		
			if type == "isMovie":
				result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.MOVIES, key_value_dict)
				printl("alter Movie in Db", self, "I")
				if result is True:
					printl("TRUE", self, "I")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id + "&showSave=true")
					printl("FALSE", self, "I")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie&Id=" + Id)
			# edit tvshows
			elif type == "isTvShow":
				result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWS, key_value_dict)
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id + "&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow&Id=" + Id)
			# edit tvsshowepisodes
			elif type == "isEpisode":
				result = manager.updateMediaWithDict(Manager.TVSHOWSEPISODES, key_value_dict)
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&Id=" + Id + "&ParentId=" + parentId + "&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isEpisode&ParentId="+  parentId + "&Id=" + Id)
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 		== "deleteMediaFromDb"
		# Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0]		 	== Integer
		#				request.args["ParentId"][0] 	== Integer
		#				request.args["type"][0] 		== "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "deleteMediaFromDb":
			printl("mode (deleteMediaFromDb)", self, "I")
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
			id = request.args["Id"][0]
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			if (type == "isEpisode"):
				parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]

			result = manager.deleteMedia(id)
			#delete movie
			if type == "isMovie":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie")
			# delete tvshowepisodes
			elif type == "isEpisode":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId + "&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&tpye=isEpisode&ParentId=" + parentId)
			# delete tvshow		
			elif type == "isTvShow":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow")
			# delete failed		
			elif type == "isFailed":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/failed?showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow")

		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "changeMediaArts"
		# Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0] == Integer
		#				request.args["type"][0] == "isMovie" | "isTvShow" | "isEpisode"
		#				request.args["media_type"][0] == "poster" | "backdrop"
		#				request.args["media_source"][0] == String
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "changeMediaArts":
			printl("mode (changeMediaArts)", self, "I")
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			media_source = request.args["media_source"][0]
			media_type = request.args["media_type"][0]
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			printl("media_source => " + media_source + ")", self, "I")
			if (media_source[0:7] != "user://"):
				if(media_source[0:7] == "http://" or media_source[0:8] == "https://" or media_source[0:1] == "/"):
					media_source = "user://" + media_source
					printl("media_source without user:// found => correcting to new value = " + media_source, self, "I")
					printl("media_source seems to have bad format at all - trying it anyway without warranty ;-)", self, "W")
				printl("media_source with user:// found => no changes needed", self, "I")	
			#change movie art
			if type == "isMovie":
				t = Manager.MOVIES
			#change tvshow art
			elif type == "isTvShow":
				t = Manager.TVSHOWS
			#change episode art
			elif type == "isEpisode":
				return utf8ToLatin("error")
			if media_type == "poster":
				result = manager.changeMediaArts(t, Id, True, None, media_source)
				if result == True:
					return utf8ToLatin("success")
					return utf8ToLatin("error")
			elif media_type == "backdrop":
				result = manager.changeMediaArts(t, Id, True, media_source, None)
				if result == True:
					return utf8ToLatin("success")
					return utf8ToLatin("error")
				printl("no media type found", self)
				return utf8ToLatin("error")
			return utf8ToLatin("error")

		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "saveChangesToDb"
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "saveChangesToDb":
			printl("mode (saveChangesToDb)", self, "I")
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
			if request.args["return_to"][0] == "movies":
				return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies")
			elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "tvshows":
				return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows")
			elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "episodes":
				return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes")
			elif request.args["return_to"][0] == "failed":
				return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/failed")

		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "moveToFailedSection"
		# Subargument:  request.args["Id"][0] == Integer
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "moveToFailedSection":
			manager = Manager("WebIf:SubActions:MediaActions")
			type = request.args["type"][0]
			Id = request.args["Id"][0]
			result = manager.moveToFailedSection(Id, type)
			if (type == "isEpisode"):
				parentId = request.args["ParentId"][0]
			#delete movie
			if type == "isMovie":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/movies?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isMovie")
			# delete tvshowepisodes
			elif type == "isEpisode":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/episodes?mode=showDoneForm&ParentId=" + parentId + "&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&tpye=isEpisode&ParentId=" + parentId)
			# delete tvshow		
			elif type == "isTvShow":
				if result:
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/tvshows?mode=showDoneForm&showSave=true")
					return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/mediaForm?mode=showErrorForm&type=isTvShow")
Esempio n. 19
	def loadLibrary(self, params, seenPng=None, unseenPng=None):
		global Manager
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		userId = config.plugins.pvmc.seenuserid.value
		# Diplay all Movies
		if params is None:
			parsedLibrary = []
			library = self.manager.getMoviesValues()
			tmpAbc = []
			tmpGenres = []
			for movie in library:
				# not needed anymore in my point of view
				#if len(str(movie.Title)) == 0: # or len(movie.ImdbId) == 0:
				#	printl("Movie with empty Title in database!", self, "W")
				#	continue
				d = {}
				d["ArtBackdropId"] = utf8ToLatin(movie.ImdbId)
				d["ArtPosterId"]   = d["ArtBackdropId"]
				d["Id"]            = movie.Id
				d["ImdbId"]        = utf8ToLatin(movie.ImdbId)
				d["Title"]         = "  " + utf8ToLatin(movie.Title)
				if d["Title"][2].upper() not in tmpAbc:
				d["Tag"]           = utf8ToLatin(movie.Tag)
				d["Year"]          = movie.Year
				d["Month"]         = movie.Month
				d["Day"]           = movie.Day
				d["Date"]          = movie.getDate()
				d["Filename"]      = utf8ToLatin(movie.Filename).lower()
				d["Path"]          = utf8ToLatin(str(movie.Path) + "/" + str(movie.Filename) + "." + str(movie.Extension))
				d["Creation"]      = movie.FileCreation
				d["Plot"]          = utf8ToLatin(movie.Plot)
				d["Runtime"]       = movie.Runtime
				d["Popularity"]    = movie.Popularity
				d["Genres"]        = utf8ToLatin(movie.Genres).split("|")
				for genre in d["Genres"]:
					if genre not in tmpGenres:
				d["Resolution"]    = utf8ToLatin(movie.Resolution)
				d["Sound"]         = utf8ToLatin(movie.Sound)
				if self.manager.isMediaSeen(d["Id"], userId):
					image = seenPng
					d["Seen"]        = "Seen"
					image = unseenPng
					d["Seen"]        = "Unseen"
				d["ViewMode"]      = "play"
				d["ScreenTitle"]   = utf8ToLatin(movie.Title)
				parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, d["Title"].lower(), "50", image))
			sort = [("Title", None, False), ("Popularity", "Popularity", True), ("Aired", "Date", True), ]
			if self.checkFileCreationDate:
				sort.append(("File Creation", "Creation", True))
			sort.append(("Filename", "Filename", False))
			filter = [("All", (None, False), ("", )), ]
			filter.append(("Seen", ("Seen", False, 1), ("Seen", "Unseen", )))
			if len(tmpGenres) > 0:
				filter.append(("Genre", ("Genres", True), tmpGenres))
			if len(tmpAbc) > 0:
				filter.append(("Abc", ("Title", False, 1), tmpAbc))
			return (parsedLibrary, ("ViewMode", "Id", ), None, None, sort, filter)
		elif params["ViewMode"] == "Tree":
		elif params["ViewMode"]=="ShowGroup":
		return None
	def loadLibrary(self, params, seenPng=None, unseenPng=None):
		global Manager
		global utf8ToLatin
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		printl("DEBUG 3", self)
		printl("", self)
		printl("params=" + str(params), self)
		userId = config.plugins.pvmc.seenuserid.value	
		# Diplay all TVShows
		if params is None:
			printl("Series", self)
			parsedLibrary = []
			library = self.manager.getSeriesValues()
			tmpAbc = []
			tmpGenres = []
			for tvshow in library:
				d = {}
				d["ArtBackdropId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
				d["ArtPosterId"] = d["ArtBackdropId"]
				d["Id"]  = tvshow.Id
				d["ImdbId"]  = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.ImdbId)
				d["TheTvDbId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
				d["Title"]   = "  " + utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Title)
				if d["Title"][2].upper() not in tmpAbc:
				d["Tag"]     = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Tag)
				d["Year"]    = tvshow.Year
				d["Month"]   = tvshow.Month
				d["Day"]     = tvshow.Day
				d["Plot"]    = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Plot)
				d["Runtime"] = tvshow.Runtime
				d["Popularity"] = tvshow.Popularity
				d["Genres"]  = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Genres).split("|")
				for genre in d["Genres"]:
					if genre not in tmpGenres:
				if config.plugins.pvmc.showseenforshow.value is True:
					#if self.manager.is_Seen({"TheTvDbId": d["TheTvDbId"]}):
					if self.manager.isMediaSeen(d["Id"], userId):
						image = seenPng
						image = unseenPng
					image = None
				d["ScreenTitle"] = d["Title"]
				d["ScreenTitle"] = utf8ToLatin(d["ScreenTitle"])
				d["ViewMode"] = "ShowSeasons"
				parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, d["Title"].lower(), "50", image))
			sort = (("Title", None, False), ("Popularity", "Popularity", True), )
			filter = [("All", (None, False), ("", )), ]
			if len(tmpGenres) > 0:
				filter.append(("Genre", ("Genres", True), tmpGenres))
			if len(tmpAbc) > 0:
				filter.append(("Abc", ("Title", False, 1), tmpAbc))
			return (
				parsedLibrary, #listViewList
				("ViewMode", "Id", ), #onEnterPrimaryKeys
				None, #onLeavePrimaryKeyValuePair
				None, #onLeaveSelectKeyValuePair
				sort, #onSortKeyValuePair
				filter, #onFilterKeyValuePair
		# Display the Seasons Menu
		elif params["ViewMode"]=="ShowSeasons":
			printl("Seasons", self)
			parsedLibrary = []
			tvshow = self.manager.getMedia(params["Id"])
			d = {}
			d["ArtBackdropId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
			d["Id"]  = tvshow.Id
			d["ImdbId"]  = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.ImdbId)
			d["TheTvDbId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
			d["Tag"]     = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Tag)
			d["Year"]    = tvshow.Year
			d["Month"]   = tvshow.Month
			d["Day"]     = tvshow.Day
			d["Plot"]    = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Plot)
			d["Runtime"] = tvshow.Runtime
			d["Popularity"] = tvshow.Popularity
			d["Genres"]  = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Genres).split("|")
			library = self.manager.getEpisodes(params["Id"])
			seasons = []
			for entry in library:
				season = entry.Season
				if season not in seasons:
					s = d.copy()
					if entry.Season is None:
						s["Title"]  = "  Special"
						s["Season"] = "" # for retrive data only with season=None
						s["Title"]  = "  Season %2d" % (season, )
						s["Season"] = season
					s["ScreenTitle"] = tvshow.Title + " - " + s["Title"].strip()
					s["ScreenTitle"] = utf8ToLatin(s["ScreenTitle"])
					s["ArtPosterId"] = d["ArtBackdropId"] + "_s" + str(season)
					if config.plugins.pvmc.showseenforseason.value is True:
						if self.manager.isMediaSeen(d["Id"], s["Season"], userId):
							image = seenPng
							image = unseenPng
						image = None
					s["ViewMode"] = "ShowEpisodes"
					parsedLibrary.append((s["Title"], s, season, "50", image))
			sort = (("Title", None, False), )
			filter = [("All", (None, False), ("", )), ]
			return (parsedLibrary, ("ViewMode", "Id", "Season", ), None, params, sort, filter)
			# (libraryArray, onEnterPrimaryKeys, onLeavePrimaryKeys, onLeaveSelectEntry
		# Display the Episodes Menu
		elif params["ViewMode"]=="ShowEpisodes":
			printl("EpisodesOfSeason", self)
			parsedLibrary = []
			tvshow  = self.manager.getMedia(params["Id"])
			library = self.manager.getEpisodes(params["Id"], params["Season"])
			for episode in library:
					d = {}
					d["ArtBackdropId"] = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.TheTvDbId)
					d["ArtPosterId"] = d["ArtBackdropId"]
					d["Id"]  = episode.Id
					d["TVShowId"]  = tvshow.Id
					d["ImdbId"]  = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.ImdbId)
					d["TheTvDbId"] = utf8ToLatin(episode.TheTvDbId)
					d["Tag"]     = utf8ToLatin(tvshow.Tag)
					#d["Title"]   = "  %dx%02d: %s" % (episode.Season, episode.Episode, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					if episode.Season is None and episode.Disc is None and episode.Episode is not None: # 
						# Only Episode
						d["Title"]   = "  %s: %s" % (episode.Episode, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					elif episode.Season is None and episode.Disc is not None and episode.Episode is None: 
						# Only Disc
						d["Title"]   = "  Disc %s: %s" % (episode.Disc, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					elif episode.Season is not None and episode.Disc is None and episode.Episode is not None and episode.EpisodeLast is not None: # 
						# Without Disc, With Episode And EpisodeLast
						d["Title"]   = "  %02d-%02d: %s" % (episode.Episode, episode.EpisodeLast, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					elif episode.Season is not None and episode.Disc is None and episode.Episode is not None: # 
						# Without Disc, With Episode
						d["Title"]   = "  %02d: %s" % (episode.Episode, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					elif episode.Season is not None and episode.Disc is not None and episode.Episode is not None and episode.EpisodeLast is not None: # 
						# With Disc,    With Episode And EpisodeLast
						d["Title"]   = "  D%sE%s-E%s: %s" % (episode.Disc, episode.Episode, episode.EpisodeLast, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title) )
					elif episode.Season is not None and episode.Disc is not None and episode.Episode is not None and episode.EpisodeLast is None: # 
						# With Disc,    Without EpisodeLast
						d["Title"]   = "  D%sE%s: %s" % (episode.Disc, episode.Episode, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					elif episode.Season is not None and episode.Disc is not None and episode.Episode is None: # 
						# With Disc,    Without Episode
						d["Title"]   = "  Disc %s: %s" % (episode.Disc, utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
						d["Title"]   = "  %s" % (utf8ToLatin(episode.Title), )
					if episode.Season is None:
						d["ScreenTitle"] = tvshow.Title + " - " + "Special"
						d["ScreenTitle"] = tvshow.Title + " - " + "Season %2d" % (episode.Season, )
					d["ScreenTitle"] = utf8ToLatin(d["ScreenTitle"])
					d["Year"]    = episode.Year
					d["Month"]   = episode.Month
					d["Day"]     = episode.Day
					d["Path"]    = utf8ToLatin(episode.Path + "/" + episode.Filename + "." + episode.Extension)
					d["Creation"] = episode.FileCreation
					d["Season"]  = episode.Season
					d["Episode"] = episode.Episode
					d["Plot"]    = utf8ToLatin(episode.Plot)
					d["Runtime"] = episode.Runtime
					d["Popularity"] = episode.Popularity
					d["Genres"]  = utf8ToLatin(episode.Genres).split("|")
					d["Resolution"]  = utf8ToLatin(episode.Resolution)
					d["Sound"]  = utf8ToLatin(episode.Sound)
					if self.manager.isMediaSeen(d["Id"], userId):
						image = seenPng
						d["Seen"] = "Seen"
						image = unseenPng
						d["Seen"] = "Unseen"
					d["ViewMode"] = "play"
					_season = episode.Season
					if _season is None:
					_disc = episode.Disc
					if _disc is None:
					_episode = episode.Episode
					if _episode is None:
					printl("DISC: " + repr(_disc), self)
					_season  = int(_season)
					_disc    = int(_disc)
					_episode = int(_episode)
					parsedLibrary.append((d["Title"], d, _season * 100000 + _disc * 1000 + _episode, "50", image))
				except Exception, ex:
					printl("Exception: " + str(ex), self, "E")
					printl("episode: " + str(episode), self, "E")
			sort = [("Title", None, False), ("Popularity", "Popularity", True), ]
			if self.checkFileCreationDate:
				sort.append(("File Creation", "Creation", True))
			filter = [("All", (None, False), ("", )), ]
			filter.append(("Seen", ("Seen", False, 1), ("Seen", "Unseen", )))
			return (parsedLibrary, ("ViewMode", "Id", "TVShowId", "Season", "Episode", ), \
				dict({'ViewMode': "ShowSeasons", 'Id': params["Id"],}), \
			params, sort, filter)
Esempio n. 21
	def action(self, request):
		global Manager
		global utf8ToLatin
		global MediaInfo
		if Manager is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Manager import Manager
		if utf8ToLatin is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.Utf8 import utf8ToLatin
		if MediaInfo is None:
			from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.MediaInfo import MediaInfo
		printl("request: " + str(request), self)
		printl("request.args: " + str(request.args), self)
		printl("request.args[mode]: " + str(request.args["mode"]), self)	
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "options.saveconfig"
		#				request.args["what"][0]				== "settings_global" | "settings_sync"
		if request.args["mode"][0] == "options.saveconfig":
			printl("mode (options.saveconfig)", self, "I")	
			what = request.args["what"][0]
			if what == "settings_global":
				name = request.args["name"][0]
				value = "unchecked"
				if request.args.has_key("value"):
					value = request.args["value"][0]
				valueType = request.args["type"][0]
				printl("name=\"%s\" value=\"%s\" type=\"%s\"" % (name, value, valueType), self, "D")
				entries = WebData().getData("")
				for entry in entries:
					if entry[0] == name:
						if valueType == "text" or valueType == "select":
							printl("Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % (name, value), self, "I")
							entry[1].value = value
						elif valueType == "checkbox":
							if value == "checked" or value == "on":
								value = True
								value = False
							printl("Setting \"%s\" to \"%s\"" % (name, value), self, "I")
							entry[1].value = value
			# settins_sync
			elif what == "settings_sync":
				printl("argument => what = settings_sync", self, "I")
				if request.args["section"][0] == "paths":
					printl("argument => section = path", self, "I")
					id = request.args["Id"][0]
					directory = request.args["directory"][0]
					typeFolder = request.args["type"][0]
					enabled = request.args.has_key("enabled")
					useFolder = request.args.has_key("usefolder")
					path = {"directory": directory, "enabled": enabled, "usefolder": useFolder, "type": typeFolder}
					action = "standard"
					from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.PathsConfig import PathsConfig
					if directory == "":
						action = "delete"
					PathsConfig().getInstance().setPath(id, path, action)
				elif request.args["section"][0] == "filetypes":
					printl("argument => section = filetypes", self, "I")
					value = request.args["value"][0]
					from Plugins.Extensions.PVMC.DMC_Plugins.DMC_SyncExtras.PathsConfig import PathsConfig
			return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/options")			
		# DUMP DATABASE - view via webif http://url:8888/dumps
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] == "dumpDb"
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "dumpDb":
			printl("mode (dumpDb)", self, "I")
			return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/dumps")	
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "backupValerie"
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "backupValerie":
			printl("mode (backupValerie)", self, "I")
			#import zipfile, os

			#zipf = zipfile.ZipFile('/hdd/', mode='w', compression=zipfile.ZIP_STORED )
			#path = utf8ToLatin(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value)
			#WebHelper().recursive_zip(zipf, path)
			backupFile = '/mnt/net/store/valerie-backup.tar'
			sourcePath = utf8ToLatin(config.plugins.pvmc.tmpfolderpath.value)
			os.system("tar -cvf " + backupFile + " " + sourcePath + " --exclude 'tmp/*' --exclude 'tmp'")

			return WebHelper().redirectMeTo("/elog/")	

		# RESTORE SECTION - do not use for now fills up the flash => freeze
		# Argument: 	request.args["mode"][0] 			== "restoreValerie"
		# Information:
		elif request.args["mode"][0] == "restoreValerie":
			printl("mode (restoreValerie)", self, "I")

			outputStream = open(filename, '/hdd/')