def toENDF6( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent = '' ) : def getPromptOrTotalNubar( self ) : return( self.multiplicity[targetInfo['style']] ) targetInfo['product'] = self targetInfo['delayedNubarWeight'] = None if( 'emissionMode' in self.attributes ) : if( self.getAttribute( 'emissionMode' ) == tokensModule.delayedToken ) : MT = 455 if( MT not in endfMFList[5] ) : endfMFList[5][MT] = [ ] targetInfo['delayedNubarWeight'] = self.ENDF6_delayedNubarWeights elif( self.getAttribute( 'emissionMode' ) == tokensModule.promptToken ) : targetInfo['promptNubar'] = getPromptOrTotalNubar( self ) elif( self.getAttribute( 'emissionMode' ) == 'total' ) : targetInfo['totalNubar'] = getPromptOrTotalNubar( self ) if( flags['verbosity'] >= 10 ) : print '%s%s: label = %s: to ENDF6:' % ( verbosityIndent,, self.label ) priorMF6flag = targetInfo['doMF4AsMF6'] if( self.attributes.get( 'ENDFconversionFlag' ) == 'MF6' ) : targetInfo['doMF4AsMF6'] = True # flag was set in, but may need to be overwritten gammasPresent = False if( self.outputChannel is not None ) : for product in self.outputChannel : gammasPresent = gammasPresent or ( == IDsPoPsModule.photon ) if( len( self.distribution ) or gammasPresent ) : # First part should now always be true. distribution = self.distribution[targetInfo['style']] doDistribution = True if( isinstance( distribution, unspecifiedModule.form ) ) : if( ( MT not in [ 527, 528 ] ) or ( != IDsPoPsModule.electron ) ) : doDistribution = False if( doDistribution ) : targetInfo['zapID'] = particle = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].PoPs[] ZA = miscPoPsModule.ZA( particle ) try : targetInfo['particleMass'] = targetInfo['massTracker'].getMassAWR( ZA, asTarget = False ) except : pass targetInfo['multiplicity'] = self.multiplicity if not (self.getAttribute('ENDFconversionFlag') == 'implicitProduct'): self.distribution.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) if( self.outputChannel is not None ) : priorIndex, priorToken, priorLabel = targetInfo['productIndex'], targetInfo['productToken'], targetInfo['productLabel'] for index, product in enumerate( self.outputChannel ) : if( == IDsPoPsModule.photon ) : targetInfo['gammas'].append( product ) continue targetInfo['productIndex'] = "%s.%s" % ( priorIndex, index ) targetInfo['productToken'] = targetInfo['productLabel'] = product.label product.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent = verbosityIndent + ' ' ) targetInfo['productIndex'], targetInfo['productToken'], targetInfo['productLabel'] = priorIndex, priorToken, priorLabel targetInfo['doMF4AsMF6'] = priorMF6flag
def toENDF6_MF6(MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, LAW, frame, MF6): reactionSuite = targetInfo['reactionSuite'] MF6or26 = {3: 6, 23: 26}[targetInfo['crossSectionMF']] targetInfo['MF6LCTs'].append({ standardsModule.frames.labToken: 1, standardsModule.frames.centerOfMassToken: 2 }[frame]) LIP = 0 if ((targetInfo['product'].id in targetInfo['metastables']) and not ((50 <= MT <= 91) or (600 <= MT <= 850))): # set LIP to metastable index of product UNLESS excited state of product is encoded in MT number: alias = targetInfo['metastables'][targetInfo['product'].id] LIP = int(alias.metaStableIndex) if (MT not in endfMFList[MF6or26]): endfMFList[MF6or26][MT] = [] particleID = targetInfo['zapID'] # get ZAP for the outgoing particle if (particleID == IDsPoPsModule.electron): ZAP = 11 else: ZAP = miscPoPsModule.ZA(reactionSuite.PoPs[particleID]) productMass = targetInfo['particleMass'] if ((particleID == IDsPoPsModule.neutron) and (MT in [18])): # Special case when fission has MF = 6 data. nPoints = 2 interpolationFlatData = [nPoints, 2] multiplicityList = endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( [[targetInfo['EMin'], 1.], [targetInfo['EMax'], 1.]]) else: multiplicity = targetInfo['multiplicity'] if (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.component)): multiplicity = multiplicity[targetInfo['style']] interpolationFlatData, nPoints, multiplicityList = multiplicity.toENDF6List( targetInfo) if ((particleID == IDsPoPsModule.photon) and (LAW == 2)): projectileMass = reactionSuite.PoPs[reactionSuite.projectile].getMass( 'eV/c**2') targetMass = reactionSuite.PoPs[reactionSuite.projectile].getMass( 'eV/c**2') AWP = targetInfo['Q'] AWP /= 1. + 0.5 * AWP / ( projectileMass + targetMass ) # Should be divided by residual mass, but this is close. else: AWP = productMass ENDFHeaderList = [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine(ZAP, AWP, LIP, LAW, len(interpolationFlatData) / 2, nPoints) ] ENDFHeaderList += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( interpolationFlatData) ENDFHeaderList += multiplicityList endfMFList[MF6or26][MT] += ENDFHeaderList + MF6
def toENDF6( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) : if( len( self ) == 0 ) : raise Exception( 'This needs to be tested' ) # In particular, the method endfMultiplicityList has been removed. if( MT in [ 452, 455, 456 ] ) : return targetInfo['MF6LCTs'].append( None ) particle = targetInfo['reactionSuite'].PoPs[targetInfo['zapID']] ZAP = miscPoPsModule.ZA( particle ) nPoints, multiplicityList = targetInfo['multiplicity'].endfMultiplicityList( targetInfo ) AWP = targetInfo['massTracker'].getMassAWR(ZAP, asTarget = False) endfMFList[6][MT] += [ endfFormatsModule.endfContLine( ZAP, AWP, 0, 0, 1, nPoints ) ] endfMFList[6][MT] += multiplicityList return form = self[targetInfo['style']] if( hasattr( form, 'toENDF6' ) ) : form.toENDF6( MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) elif( isinstance( form, unspecifiedModule.form ) ) : if( MT in [ 527, 528 ] ) : energyLoss( self, MT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo ) else : print 'WARNING: Distribution, no toENDF6 for class = %s' % form.__class__
def particleZA(particleID): particle = reactionSuite.PoPs[particleID] return (miscPoPsModule.ZA(particle))
def toENDF6(self, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=''): """Convert to ENDF format.""" reactionSuite = targetInfo['reactionSuite'] ZAM, AWT = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'] NIS, ABN = 1, 1.0; ZAI = ZAM # assuming one isotope/file MTL = 0 # mtl=1 sections are handled in lumpedCovariance for section_ in self.modelParameterCovariances: section_.toENDF6(endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent) sections = self.sections[:] # sort covariances by MF/MT: mfmts = [] for section_ in sections: mfmts.append(map(int,section_.rowData['ENDF_MFMT'].split(','))) if len(mfmts)==0: return mfs, mts = zip(*mfmts) zipList = zip(mfs,mts,sections) idx = 0 while idx<len(zipList): mf,mt,covar = zipList[idx] thisMFMT = [a[2] for a in zipList if a[:2]==(mf,mt)] idx += len(thisMFMT) if mf in (31,33): endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( ZAM, AWT, 0, MTL, 0, len(thisMFMT) )] elif mf==34: if isinstance( thisMFMT[0][ targetInfo['style'] ], distributionsModule.LegendreOrderCovarianceForm ): LTT = 1 NMT1 = len(thisMFMT) endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( ZAM, AWT, 0, LTT, 0, NMT1 )] elif mf==35: endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( ZAM, AWT, 0, MTL, len(thisMFMT), 0 )] elif mf==40: endf = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( ZAM, AWT, 0, 0, len(thisMFMT), 0 )] for section_ in thisMFMT: MAT1 = 0 form = section_[ targetInfo['style'] ] if section_.columnData and isinstance(, sectionModule.externalReaction): otherTarget = ZA, MAT1 = endf_endlModule.ZAAndMATFromParticleName( otherTarget ) if mf==34: L1s = [subsec.L1 for subsec in form] L2s = [subsec.L2 for subsec in form] NL = len( set(L1s) ); NL1 = len( set(L2s) ) if section_.columnData: raise NotImplemented # cross-reaction or cross-material MT1 = mt endf += [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( 0.0, 0.0, MAT1, MT1, NL, NL1 ) ] if mf==40: rowData = section_.rowData if( isinstance( rowData, str ) ) : raise Exception( "Don't string me along!" ) # FIXME else: quant = product = quant.findAttributeInAncestry('outputChannel')[0] QI = quant.findAttributeInAncestry('getQ')('eV') LFS, level = 0, 0. particle = reactionSuite.PoPs[] if( isinstance( particle, nuclearLevelModule.particle ) ) : LFS = particle.intIndex level =[0].float( 'eV' ) QM = QI + level IZAP = miscPoPsModule.ZA( reactionSuite.PoPs[] ) NL = 1 endf += [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( QM, QI, IZAP, LFS, 0, NL ) ] XMF1, XLFS1, NC, NI = 10,LFS, 0,1 endf += [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine( XMF1,XLFS1,MAT1,mt,NC,NI )] targetInfo['MAT1'] = MAT1 targetInfo['dataPointer'] = [section_.rowData,section_.columnData] endf += form.toENDF6(flags, targetInfo) targetInfo.pop( 'dataPointer' ) targetInfo.pop( 'MAT1' ) endf.append( endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber() ) if mt not in endfMFList[mf]: endfMFList[mf][mt] = [] endfMFList[mf][mt] += endf # also add ENDF-style pointers for lumped covariance data: for reactionSum in targetInfo['reactionSuite'].sums.crossSections: MT1 = reactionSum.ENDF_MT if MT1 not in xrange(851,872): continue for summand in reactionSum.summands: mt ='ENDF_MT') endfMFList[33][mt] = [endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAM,AWT,0,MT1,0,0), endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber() ] return
rce = endfFileToGNDModule.endfFileToGND( args.inputFile, singleMTOnly=args.MT, MTs2Skip=args.MT2Skip, toStdOut=args.verbose > 2, skipBadData=args.skipBadData, doCovariances=False, verbose=0, printBadNK14=False, continuumSpectraFix=args.continuumSpectraFix) reactionSuite = rce['reactionSuite'] reactionSuite.convertUnits({'eV': 'MeV'}) target = reactionSuite.PoPs[] ZA = miscPoPsModule.ZA(target) suffix = '' ELevel = 0 if (isinstance(target, nuclearLevelModule.particle)): ELevel =[0].float('MeV') if (ELevel > 0): metaStableName = reactionSuite.aliases.getAliasesFor([0] suffix = 'm%s' % int( reactionSuite.aliases[metaStableName].attributes['nuclearMetaStable']) yi = endlmiscModule.incidentParticleTags(str(reactionSuite.projectile))[1] endlZA = endlZAClass(ZA, yi, suffix=suffix, workDir=args.output,
def upDateENDF_MT_MF8Data(MT, endfMFList, targetInfo): reactionSuite = targetInfo['reactionSuite'] MF8Channels = targetInfo['MF8'][MT] ZA, mass = targetInfo['ZA'], targetInfo['mass'] LIS, LISO, NO, NS = targetInfo['LIS'], targetInfo['LISO'], 1, len( MF8Channels) firstReaction = MF8Channels[0] residual = firstReaction.outputChannel[0] crossSection_ = firstReaction.crossSection[ targetInfo['style']] # LMF determines which MF section to write to. if (isinstance(crossSection_, crossSectionModule.reference)): multiplicity = residual.multiplicity[targetInfo['style']] if (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.constant1d)): LMF = 3 elif (isinstance(multiplicity, multiplicityModule.reference)): LMF = 6 else: LMF = 9 else: LMF = 10 level = 0 if (hasattr(residual, 'getLevelAsFloat')): level = residual.getLevelAsFloat('eV') endfMFList[8][MT] = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZA, mass, LIS, LISO, NS, NO) ] if (LMF not in [3, 6]): endfMFList[LMF][MT] = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZA, mass, LIS, 0, NS, 0) ] for reaction in MF8Channels: outputChannel = reaction.outputChannel if (len(outputChannel) != 1): raise Exception( 'Currently, production channel can only have one product; not %d' % len(outputChannel)) product = outputChannel[0] particle = reactionSuite.PoPs[] ZAP = miscPoPsModule.ZA(particle) QI = outputChannel.getConstantQAs('eV', final=True) LFS2, level2 = 0, 0 if (isinstance(particle, nuclearLevelModule.particle)): LFS2 = particle.intIndex level2 =[0].float('eV') QM = QI + level2 endfMFList[8][MT].append( endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(ZAP, level2, LMF, LFS2, 0, 0)) if ( LMF == 9 ): # Currenty, multiplicity.toENDF6List only has one interpolation and its linear. multiplicity = product.multiplicity[targetInfo['style']] interpolationFlatData, nPoints, multiplicityList = multiplicity.toENDF6List( targetInfo) endfMFList[LMF][MT].append( endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(QM, QI, ZAP, LFS2, len(interpolationFlatData) / 2, nPoints)) endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( interpolationFlatData) endfMFList[LMF][MT] += multiplicityList elif (LMF == 10): interpolationFlatData, flatData = reaction.crossSection[ targetInfo['style']].toENDF6Data(MT, endfMFList, targetInfo, level2) endfMFList[LMF][MT].append( endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(QM, QI, ZAP, LFS2, len(interpolationFlatData) / 2, len(flatData) / 2)) endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfInterpolationList( interpolationFlatData) endfMFList[LMF][MT] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList(flatData) endfMFList[8][MT].append(endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber()) if (LMF not in [3, 6]): endfMFList[LMF][MT].append(endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber())
def processMultiGroup(self, style, tempInfo, indent): from fudge.processing import group as groupModule from fudge.processing.deterministic import transferMatrices as transferMatricesModule verbosity = tempInfo['verbosity'] indent2 = indent + tempInfo['incrementalIndent'] reactionSuite = tempInfo['reactionSuite'] product = reactionSuite.PoPs[tempInfo['product'].id] productLabel = tempInfo['productLabel'] energyUnit = tempInfo['incidentEnergyUnit'] massUnit = energyUnit + '/c**2' # BRB6 hardwired mass2MeVFactor = PQUModule.PQU(1, energyUnit).getValueAs('MeV') if (verbosity > 2): print '%sGrouping %s' % (indent, self.moniker) projectileZA = tempInfo['projectileZA'] targetZA = tempInfo['targetZA'] if (targetZA == 6000): targetZA = 6012 print ' Kludge for C_natural: changing targetZA from 6000 to %d' % targetZA productZA = miscPoPsModule.ZA(product) compoundZA = projectileZA + targetZA residualZA = compoundZA - productZA particlesData = { 'projectile': { 'ZA': projectileZA }, 'target': { 'ZA': targetZA }, 'product': { 'ZA': productZA }, 'residual': { 'ZA': residualZA }, 'compound': { 'ZA': compoundZA, 'mass': tempInfo['projectileMass'] + tempInfo['targetMass'] } } residualMass = tempInfo['masses']['Residual'] # Save old value. Why? residual = None compound = None residualSymbol = chemicalElementModule.symbolFromZ[residualZA // 1000] residualID = isotopeModule.isotopeIDFromElementIDAndA( residualSymbol, str(residualZA % 1000)) if (residualID in reactionSuite.PoPs): residual = reactionSuite.PoPs[residualID] compoundSymbol = chemicalElementModule.symbolFromZ[compoundZA // 1000] compoundID = isotopeModule.isotopeIDFromElementIDAndA( compoundSymbol, str(compoundZA % 1000)) if (compoundID in reactionSuite.PoPs): compound = reactionSuite.PoPs[compoundID] try: residual.getMass(massUnit) except: residual = None try: compound.getMass(massUnit) except: compound = None if (residual is None): if (compound is None): _residualMass = particlesData['compound'][ 'mass'] - product.getMass(massUnit) else: _residualMass = compound.getMass(massUnit) - product.getMass( massUnit) tempInfo['masses']['Residual'] = _residualMass print 'Could not find residual in particle database: ZA = %d, using mass %s %s' % ( residualZA, _residualMass, massUnit) else: tempInfo['masses']['Residual'] = residual.getMass(massUnit) masses = tempInfo['masses'] tempInfo['masses'] = {} for particle in masses: tempInfo['masses'][particle] = masses[particle] * mass2MeVFactor particlesData['compound']['mass'] *= mass2MeVFactor try: TM_1, TM_E = transferMatricesModule.KalbachMann_TransferMatrix( style, tempInfo, tempInfo['crossSection'], particlesData, self, tempInfo['multiplicity'], comment=tempInfo['transferMatrixComment'] + ' outgoing data for %s' % tempInfo['productLabel']) except: tempInfo['masses'] = masses raise tempInfo['masses'] = masses tempInfo['masses']['Residual'] = residualMass return (groupModule.TMs2Form(style, tempInfo, TM_1, TM_E))
# <<END-copyright>> from xml.etree import cElementTree from PoPs import database as databaseModule from PoPs import alias as aliasModule from PoPs.families import gaugeBoson as gaugeBosonModule from PoPs.families import baryon as baryonModule from PoPs.families import nucleus as nucleusModule from PoPs.groups import chemicalElement as chemicalElementModule from PoPs import misc as miscModule pops = databaseModule.database.readFile('p.xml') ids_ZAs = [] for particle in pops: ids_ZAs.append([miscModule.ZA(particle),]) ids_ZAs.sort() for ZA, _id in ids_ZAs: print "%-8s %s" % (ZA, _id) ids_ZAs = [] for particle in pops: ids_ZAs.append([miscModule.ZAInfo(particle),]) ids_ZAs.sort() for ZA, _id in ids_ZAs: print "%-8s %s" % (ZA, _id)
def toENDF6(self, style, flags, verbosityIndent='', covarianceSuite=None, useRedsFloatFormat=False, lineNumbers=True, **kwargs): _useRedsFloatFormat = endfFormatsModule.useRedsFloatFormat endfFormatsModule.useRedsFloatFormat = useRedsFloatFormat evaluatedStyle = self.styles.getEvaluatedStyle() if (evaluatedStyle is None): raise ValueError('no evaluation style found') if (flags['verbosity'] >= 10): print '%s%s' % (verbosityIndent, self.inputParticlesToReactionString(suffix=" -->")) verbosityIndent2 = verbosityIndent + ' ' * ( len(self.inputParticlesToReactionString(suffix=" -->")) + 1) projectileZA = miscPoPsModule.ZA(self.PoPs[self.projectile]) IPART = projectileZA if (self.projectile == 'e-'): IPART = 11 targetZA, MAT = endf_endlModule.ZAAndMATFromParticleName( targetZ, targetA = divmod(targetZA, 1000) targetInfo = {} targetInfo['massTracker'] = massTrackerModule.massTracker() for particle in self.PoPs: if (isinstance(particle, (gaugeBosonPoPsModule.particle, leptonPoPsModule.particle, isotopePoPsModule.suite))): ZA = miscPoPsModule.ZA(particle) if (isinstance(particle, isotopePoPsModule.suite)): if (particle[0].intIndex != 0): continue if (len(particle.mass) > 0): targetInfo['massTracker'].addMassAMU(ZA, particle.getMass('amu')) elif (isinstance(particle, chemicalElementPoPsModule.suite)): ZA = 1000 * particle.Z targetInfo['massTracker'].addMassAMU( ZA, targetInfo['massTracker'].getElementalMassAMU(ZA)) targetInfo['style'] = style targetInfo['reactionSuite'] = self targetInfo['ZA'] = targetZA target = self.PoPs[] levelIndex = 0 levelEnergy_eV = 0 if (isinstance(target, nuclearLevelPoPsModule.particle)): # isomer target levelIndex = target.intIndex levelEnergy_eV =[0].float('eV') targetInfo['mass'] = targetInfo['massTracker'].getMassAWR( targetZA, levelEnergyInEv=levelEnergy_eV) targetInfo['LIS'] = levelIndex targetInfo['metastables'] = {} targetInfo['LISO'] = 0 if (levelIndex > 0): targetInfo['LISO'] = 1 # BRBBRB for alias in self.PoPs.aliases: if (hasattr(alias, 'metaStableIndex')): targetInfo['metastables'][] = alias MAT += targetInfo['LISO'] if (self.MAT is not None): MAT = self.MAT ITYPE = 0 for reaction in self.reactions: if (500 <= reaction.ENDF_MT < 573): ITYPE = 3 targetInfo['crossSectionMF'] = {0: 3, 3: 23}[ITYPE] targetInfo['delayedRates'] = [] targetInfo['MTs'], targetInfo['MF8'], targetInfo['LRs'] = {}, {}, {} endfMFList = { 1: { 451: [] }, 2: {}, 3: {}, 4: {}, 5: {}, 6: {}, 8: {}, 9: {}, 10: {}, 12: {}, 13: {}, 14: {}, 15: {}, 23: {}, 26: {}, 27: {}, 31: {}, 32: {}, 33: {}, 34: {}, 35: {}, 40: {} } if (self.resonances is not None): # Add resonances, independent of reaction channels self.resonances.toENDF6(endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=verbosityIndent2) targetInfo['production_gammas'] = {} for multiplicitySum in self.sums.multiplicities: if multiplicitySum.ENDF_MT == 452: targetInfo['totalNubar'] = multiplicitySum.multiplicity.evaluated elif multiplicitySum.ENDF_MT == 455: targetInfo[ 'totalDelayedNubar'] = multiplicitySum.multiplicity.evaluated for reaction in self: reaction.toENDF6(endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, verbosityIndent=verbosityIndent2) gndToENDF6Module.upDateENDFMF8Data(endfMFList, targetInfo) for MT, production_gammas in targetInfo['production_gammas'].items(): MF, production_gammas = production_gammas[0], production_gammas[1:] for productionReaction in production_gammas: gammas = [gamma for gamma in productionReaction.outputChannel] targetInfo['crossSection'] = productionReaction.crossSection[ targetInfo['style']] gndToENDF6Module.gammasToENDF6_MF12_13(MT, MF, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo, gammas) for particle in self.PoPs: if (isinstance(particle, nucleusPoPsModule.particle)): if (len(particle.decayData.decayModes) > 0): for baseMT in [50, 600, 650, 700, 750, 800]: residualZA = endf_endlModule.ENDF_MTZAEquation( projectileZA, targetZA, baseMT)[0][-1] atomID = particle.findClassInAncestry( isotopePoPsModule.suite).id if (nuclearModule.nucleusNameFromZA(residualZA) == atomID): break addDecayGamma(self.PoPs, particle, baseMT, endfMFList, flags, targetInfo) if 'totalNubar' in targetInfo: multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6(452, targetInfo['totalNubar'], endfMFList, flags, targetInfo) if 'promptNubar' in targetInfo: multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6(456, targetInfo['promptNubar'], endfMFList, flags, targetInfo) if 'totalDelayedNubar' in targetInfo: MF5MT455s = endfMFList[5][455] endfMFList[1][455] = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], 0, 2, 0, 0) ] # Currently, only LDG = 0, LNU = 2 is supported. endfMFList[1][455] += [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(0, 0, 0, 0, len(targetInfo['delayedRates']), 0) ] endfMFList[1][455] += endfFormatsModule.endfDataList( targetInfo['delayedRates']) multiplicityModule.fissionNeutronsToENDF6( 455, targetInfo['totalDelayedNubar'], endfMFList, flags, targetInfo) MF5MT455List = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], 0, 0, len(MF5MT455s), 0) ] for MF5MT455 in MF5MT455s: MF5MT455List += MF5MT455 if (len(MF5MT455s) == 0): del endfMFList[5][455] else: endfMFList[5][455] = MF5MT455List + [ endfFormatsModule.endfSENDLineNumber() ] if (covarianceSuite): covarianceSuite.toENDF6(endfMFList, flags, targetInfo) endfDoc = self.documentation.get('endfDoc') if (endfDoc is None): docHeader2 = [ ' %2d-%-2s-%3d LLNL EVAL-OCT03 Unknown' % (targetZ, nuclearModule.elementSymbolFromZ(targetZ), targetA), ' DIST-DEC99 19990101 ', '----ENDL MATERIAL %4d' % MAT, '-----INCIDENT %s DATA' % { 1: 'NEUTRON', 1001: 'PROTON', 1002: 'DEUTERON', 1003: 'TRITON', 2003: 'HELION', 2004: 'ALPHA' }[projectileZA], '------ENDF-6 FORMAT' ] endfDoc = [ 'LLNL ENDL file translated to ENDF6 by FUDGE.', '' ' ************************ C O N T E N T S ***********************' ] endlDoc = self.documentation.get('ENDL').getLines() endlDoc2 = [] if endlDoc != None: for line in endlDoc: if 'endep' in line: # remove text from the line before the ones containing 'endep' del endlDoc2[-1] break newline = textwrap.wrap(line, width=66, drop_whitespace=False, subsequent_indent=' ') if len(newline) == 0: newline = [' ' ] # do not let blank lines disappear altogether endlDoc2 += newline endfDoc = endlDoc2 + endfDoc else: docHeader2 = [] endfDoc = endfDoc.getLines() # update the documentation, including metadata on first 4 lines: if self.getReaction('fission') is not None: LFI = True else: LFI = False LRP = -1 if (self.resonances is not None): if (self.resonances.scatteringRadius): LRP = 0 elif (self.resonances.reconstructCrossSection): LRP = 1 elif (self.resonances.unresolved and not self.resonances.resolved): # self-shielding only LRP = 1 else: LRP = 2 crossSectionScale = self.reactions[0].domainUnitConversionFactor('eV') EMAX = max([ crossSectionScale * reaction.crossSection.domainMax for reaction in self.reactions ]) temperature = self.styles[style].temperature.getValueAs('K') library = evaluatedStyle.library version = evaluatedStyle.version if ( library == 'ENDL' ): # Additional ENDF meta-data. If the library is unknown, use NLIB = -1 NVER, LREL, NMOD = 1, 1, 1 NLIB = -1 else: NVER, LREL, NMOD = map(int, version.split('.')) # Version stored as '7.2.1' NLIB = { "ENDF/B": 0, "ENDF/A": 1, "JEFF": 2, "EFF": 3, "ENDF/B (HE)": 4, "CENDL": 5, "JENDL": 6, "SG-23": 21, "INDL/V": 31, "INDL/A": 32, "FENDL": 33, "IRDF": 34, "BROND (IAEA version)": 35, "INGDB-90": 36, "FENDL/A": 37, "BROND": 41 }.get(library, -1) NFOR = 6 # ENDF-6 format NSUB = 10 * IPART + ITYPE LDRV = 0 NLIB = kwargs.get('NLIB', NLIB) STA = 0 target = self.PoPs[] if (isinstance(target, isotopePoPsModule.suite)): target = target[0] if (len(target.nucleus.halflife) > 0): if (target.nucleus.halflife[0].value == halflifePoPsModule.UNSTABLE ): STA = 1 if (levelIndex > 0): STA = 1 projectileMass = targetInfo['massTracker'].getMassAWR(projectileZA, asTarget=False) docHeader = [ endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(targetZA, targetInfo['mass'], LRP, LFI, NLIB, NMOD), endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(levelEnergy_eV, STA, levelIndex, targetInfo['LISO'], 0, NFOR), endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(projectileMass, EMAX, LREL, 0, NSUB, NVER), endfFormatsModule.endfHeadLine(temperature, 0, LDRV, 0, len(docHeader2 + endfDoc), -1) ] new_doc = documentationModule.documentation( 'endf', '\n'.join(docHeader + docHeader2 + endfDoc)) endfMFList[1][451] += endfFormatsModule.toEndfStringList(new_doc) endfFormatsModule.useRedsFloatFormat = _useRedsFloatFormat return (endfFormatsModule.endfMFListToFinalFile(endfMFList, MAT, lineNumbers=lineNumbers))