def reset(self): self.doReset = False self.width = self.size().width() self.height = self.size().height() #* Because I'm reeeeeally lazy self.s = self.width, self.height self.focusLoc = GLPoint(-1, -1, self.width, self.height) self.mouseLoc = TLPoint(0, 0, self.width, self.height) # debug(self.geometry(), color=2) # Vertex Buffered self.dots = genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), self.dotSpread) # startPoint=Pointi(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2)) self.centerPoint = TLPoint( min(self.dots, key=lambda p: dist(p, Pointf(self.width / 2, self.height / 2)) ), None, self.width, self.height) # TLPoint(self.dots[0], None, self.width, self.height) # debug(self.centerPoint) # Not Vertex Buffered self.metaLines = [] self.bounds = set() self.currentLine = None # An ordered list of Lines or tuples of Lines that hold the last lines to be added/removed # Previously deleted and not drawn lines are included in this. # Should have a limiter to stop it from getting too big. self.undoBuffer = [] self.specificEraseBuffer = None # self.lineVboIndex = 0 for line in self.lines: if line.label: line.label.hide() line.label = None self.currentDrawColor = (0, 0, 0) self.initializeGL() # self.resetLineVbo() self.update()
def initializeGL(self): # super().initializeGL() # glClearColor(*clampColor(*self.backgroundColor), 1) # self.initializeOpenGLFunctions() # self.context = QOpenGLContext(self) # assert self.context.create() # assert self.conte ().create() # QOpenGLContext(self) # debug(self.context().format()) # npDots = np.array([np.array(i.start, i.end) for i in self.dots], dtype=np.float32) # self.dotCount = npDots.shape[0] # create a VBO, data is a Nx2 Numpy array # self.dotVbo = VBO(npDots) self.adjDots = [ TLPoint(i, None, self.width, self.height).asGL().data() for i in genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), self.dotSpread) ] # debug(self.adjDots) self.dotVbo = VBO(np.asarray(self.adjDots, dtype=np.float32)) # self.lineVbo = VBO(np.array(self.lines, np.float32), size=16384) # s = self.width, self.height # self.lines = [Line(0, TLPoint(20, 20, *s), TLPoint(30, 35, *s), (0, 0, 255)), # Line(0, TLPoint(30, 20, *s), TLPoint(30, 55, *s), (0, 255, 0)), # Line(0, TLPoint(80, 50, *s), TLPoint(30, 35, *s), (255, 0, 0))] # lineData = () # for i in self.lines: # lineData += i.start.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() + i.end.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() self.lineVbo = VBO(np.asarray([], np.float32)) self.colorVbo = VBO(np.asarray([], np.float32))
class Paper(QOpenGLWidget): #* Static Settings # offscreenAmount = 0 dotSpread = 16 dotSize = 1 focusRadius = 0.015 dragDelay = 7 exportThickness = 2 aaSamples = 4 background = (200, 160, 100, 255) # background = '/home/marvin/Media/Pictures/quiched my room meme.png' # background = Qt.transparent dotColor = (0, 0, 0, 255) focusColor = (0, 0, 255, 255) boundsColor = (30, 30, 30, 255) boundsLineColor = mirrorLineColor = (32, 45, 57, 255) # currentLineColor = (150, 44, 44) dotSpreadMeasure = 1 dotSpreadUnit = 'dots' includeHalfsies = True overlap = (0, 0) rowSkip = 1 rowSkipAmount = 0 columnSkip = 1 columnSkipAmount = 0 flipRow = 1 flipRowOrientation = 'Vertically' flipColumn = 1 flipColumnOrientation = 'Vertically' savePath = "~/.GeoDoodle/saves/" exportPath = "~/.GeoDoodle/images/" loadDir = savePath mirroringStates = (0, 1, 2, 4) # 1 is horizontal line only # _image = None #* Init functions def __init__(self, parent=None): super(Paper, self).__init__(parent) # QOpenGLFunctions_4_1_Core.__init__(self) # self.reset(width, height) self.doReset = True # mouseLoc is the 'normal' location of the cursor, focusLoc is the openGL location of the adjusted cursor. self.focusLoc = None # GLPoint(self.width, self.height-1, -1) self.mouseLoc = None # TLPoint(0, 0) self.dragButtons = [False] * 32 self.lines = [] self.lineColors = [] self.setMouseTracking(True) self.installEventFilter(self) # self.setMinimumSize(100, 100) # self.getSize = lambda: (self.window().width(), self.window().height()) # self.startingPoint = Pointi(self.width / 2, self.height / 2) # self.qp = QPainter() self.showLen = False self.lineVboIndex = 0 # self.qp.pen().setWidth(1) # self.qp.font().setFamily('Times') # self.qp.font().setBold(False) # self.qp.font().setPointSize(40) # self.setStyleSheet("background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0)") # self.setWindowFlags(Qt.FramelessWindowHint) # self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_NoSystemBackground) # self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TranslucentBackground) # self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents) fmt = QSurfaceFormat() fmt.setSamples(self.aaSamples) # # fmt.setStereo(True) # fmt.setRenderableType(QSurfaceFormat.OpenGLES) # # fmt.setAlphaBufferSize(0) self.setFormat(fmt) def reset(self): self.doReset = False self.width = self.size().width() self.height = self.size().height() #* Because I'm reeeeeally lazy self.s = self.width, self.height self.focusLoc = GLPoint(-1, -1, self.width, self.height) self.mouseLoc = TLPoint(0, 0, self.width, self.height) # debug(self.geometry(), color=2) # Vertex Buffered self.dots = genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), self.dotSpread) # startPoint=Pointi(-self.width / 2, -self.height / 2)) self.centerPoint = TLPoint( min(self.dots, key=lambda p: dist(p, Pointf(self.width / 2, self.height / 2)) ), None, self.width, self.height) # TLPoint(self.dots[0], None, self.width, self.height) # debug(self.centerPoint) # Not Vertex Buffered self.metaLines = [] self.bounds = set() self.currentLine = None # An ordered list of Lines or tuples of Lines that hold the last lines to be added/removed # Previously deleted and not drawn lines are included in this. # Should have a limiter to stop it from getting too big. self.undoBuffer = [] self.specificEraseBuffer = None # self.lineVboIndex = 0 for line in self.lines: if line.label: line.label.hide() line.label = None self.currentDrawColor = (0, 0, 0) self.initializeGL() # self.resetLineVbo() self.update() # self.boundsMode = False def initializeGL(self): # super().initializeGL() # glClearColor(*clampColor(*self.backgroundColor), 1) # self.initializeOpenGLFunctions() # self.context = QOpenGLContext(self) # assert self.context.create() # assert self.conte ().create() # QOpenGLContext(self) # debug(self.context().format()) # npDots = np.array([np.array(i.start, i.end) for i in self.dots], dtype=np.float32) # self.dotCount = npDots.shape[0] # create a VBO, data is a Nx2 Numpy array # self.dotVbo = VBO(npDots) self.adjDots = [ TLPoint(i, None, self.width, self.height).asGL().data() for i in genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), self.dotSpread) ] # debug(self.adjDots) self.dotVbo = VBO(np.asarray(self.adjDots, dtype=np.float32)) # self.lineVbo = VBO(np.array(self.lines, np.float32), size=16384) # s = self.width, self.height # self.lines = [Line(0, TLPoint(20, 20, *s), TLPoint(30, 35, *s), (0, 0, 255)), # Line(0, TLPoint(30, 20, *s), TLPoint(30, 55, *s), (0, 255, 0)), # Line(0, TLPoint(80, 50, *s), TLPoint(30, 35, *s), (255, 0, 0))] # lineData = () # for i in self.lines: # lineData += i.start.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() + i.end.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() self.lineVbo = VBO(np.asarray([], np.float32)) self.colorVbo = VBO(np.asarray([], np.float32)) # GLPoint(-1, -1, *s).data() * 600 # debug( # self.lineVbo.bind() # newData = TLPoint(34, 511, *s).asGL().data() + \ # TLPoint(73, 471, *s).asGL().data() + \ # TLPoint(769, 513, *s).asGL().data() + \ # TLPoint(714, 472, *s).asGL().data() # glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) # #* BufferSubData # # glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 12, 8 * 32, newData) # #* MapBuffer # # data = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_READ_WRITE) # # debug(pointer(data)) # # debug(data) # #* BufferData # glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, np.asarray(lineData + newData, np.float32), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) # self.lines.append(Line(0, TLPoint(25, 275, *s), TLPoint(775, 275, *s), (0, 255, 0))) # self.lines.append(Line(0, TLPoint(25, 295, *s), TLPoint(775, 295, *s), (0, 255, 0))) # debug( # point = None # pointer = glGetBufferPointerv(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_BUFFER_MAP_POINTER, point) # debug(pointer) # self.lineVbo = None # self.lineVbo = QOpenGLBuffer() # assert self.lineVbo.create() # self.lineVbo.setUsagePattern(QOpenGLBuffer.DynamicDraw) # self.lineVbo.allocate(2048 ** 8) # self.lineVbo = VBO(np.asarray(self.lines, dtype=np.float32)) # self.lineColorVbo = VBO(np.asarray(self.lineColors, dtype=np.float32)) # glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH) # glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) # glLoadIdentity() # gluPerspective(45, -1.33, 1, 1) # glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW) #* Update Functions def updateFocus(self): self.focusLoc = GLPoint( min(self.adjDots, key=lambda p: abs(p[0] - self.mouseLoc.asGL().x))[0], min(self.adjDots, key=lambda p: abs(p[1] - self.mouseLoc.asGL().y))[1], self.width, self.height) def updateMouse(self, event): self.mouseLoc = TLPoint(event.pos(), None, self.width, self.height) self.updateFocus() if self.currentLine: self.currentLine.end = self.focusLoc #* Event Functions def eventFilter(self, target, event): #* For some reason, this is the first point after initialization that the width/height are correct if self.doReset and self.size().width() != 100 and self.size().height( ) != 30: debug(showFunc=True) self.reset() if target == self: if event.type() in (QEvent.MouseMove, QEvent.DragMove, QEvent.HoverMove): self.updateMouse(event) self.dragButtons[int(event.buttons())] = True self.update() if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress: if int(event.buttons()) == Qt.LeftButton: self.createLine() elif int(event.buttons()) == Qt.RightButton: self.createLine(True) elif int(event.buttons()) == Qt.MiddleButton: self.deleteLine() debug(self.mouseLoc, color=2) if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease: if self.dragButtons[int(event.button())]: self.dragButtons[int(event.button())] = False if event.button() & (Qt.RightButton | Qt.LeftButton): self.createLine( linkAnother=int(event.button()) == Qt.RightButton) if event.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonDblClick: if int(event.buttons()) == Qt.LeftButton: self.createLine(True) elif int(event.buttons()) == Qt.RightButton: self.createLine(True) return super().eventFilter(target, event) def keyPressed(self, event): if event.key() == Qt.Key_Up or event.key() == Qt.Key_W: self.moveY(-1) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Down or event.key() == Qt.Key_S: self.moveY(1) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Left or event.key() == Qt.Key_A: self.moveX(-1) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Right or event.key() == Qt.Key_D: self.moveX(1) elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Space: self.createLine() # self.update() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_C: self.createLine(True) # self.update() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_B: self.update() elif event.key() == Qt.Key_Q: self.deleteLine() else: event.ignore() return event.accept() # if event.key == 264 or event.key == pygame.K_HOME: # numpad up # DOTSPREAD += 1 # self.dots = genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), OFFSCREEN_AMOUNT, DOTSPREAD) # if event.key == 258 or event.key == pygame.K_END: # numpad down # DOTSPREAD -= 1 # self.dots = genDotArrayPoints((self.width, self.height), OFFSCREEN_AMOUNT, DOTSPREAD) def specificErase(self): todo('specificErase') # If there's nothing there, don't do anything if self.focusLoc in [i.end for i in self.lines ] + [i.start for i in self.lines]: if self.specificEraseBuffer == None: self.specificEraseBuffer = self.focusLoc else: assert (type(self.specificEraseBuffer) == Pointi) for index, i in enumerate(self.lines): if (i.start == self.focusLoc and i.end == self.specificEraseBuffer) or \ (i.start == self.specificEraseBuffer and i.end == self.focusLoc): del self.lines[index] self.specificEraseBuffer = None else: self.specificEraseBuffer = None def fileDropped(self, event): with open(event.file, 'r') as f: self.lines = pickle.load(f) def moveX(self, dots): # I would think you should divide this by self.width instead, but that doesn't seem to work self.focusLoc.x += (self.dotSpread / (self.width / 2)) * dots if self.currentLine is not None: self.currentLine.end = self.focusLoc #* If the cursor is inside the window, move the cursor as well, # That way, when you move it again, it goes from where it shows it is if self.window().rect().contains(toQPoint(self.focusLoc.asTL()), proper=True): self.cursor().setPos( self.mapToGlobal(toQPoint(self.focusLoc.asTL()))) self.update() def moveY(self, dots): self.focusLoc.y += (self.dotSpread / (self.height / 2)) * dots if self.currentLine is not None: self.currentLine.end = self.focusLoc #* If the cursor is inside the window, move the cursor as well, # That way, when you move it again, it goes from where it shows it is if self.window().rect().contains(toQPoint(self.focusLoc.asTL()), proper=True): self.cursor().setPos( self.mapToGlobal(toQPoint(self.focusLoc.asTL()))) self.update() #* Draw Functions def paintGL(self): if self.doReset: # and not (self.size().width() == 100 and self.size().width() == 30): debug(showFunc=True) self.reset() # debug(self.size(), name='paper size', color=3) # Reset the background color # glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT) glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT) # debug(self.lines, showFile=True) # debug(self.focusLoc, self.lines, self.dots) self.drawBackground() self.drawDots() self.drawBounds() self.drawLines() self.drawCurrentLine() self.drawFocus() # glColor(*clampColor(self.boundsColor)) # self.drawCircle(self.centerPoint.asGL(), self.focusRadius) #* Resets the current matrix # glLoadIdentity() glFlush() def paintEvent(self, event): # self.drawBackground() for line in self.lines: if self.showLen: line.createLabel(self, self.dotSpread, self.dotSpreadMeasure, self.dotSpreadUnit, self.background).show() elif line.label: line.label.hide() return super().paintEvent(event) def drawBackground(self): # self.qp.begin(self) # self.qp.setPen(QColor(255, 0, 0, 255)) # self.qp.drawEllipse(*self.centerPoint.asTL().data(), 6, 6) # debug(self.background) if type(self.background) is tuple: # self.qp.fillRect(0, 0, self.width, self.height, QColor(*self.background)) # return glColor(*clampColor(*self.background)) glBegin(GL_QUADS) glVertex2f(1, 1) glVertex2f(1, -1) glVertex2f(-1, -1) glVertex2f(-1, 1) glEnd() elif type(self.background) is str: # if not self._image: # self._image = QLabel(self) # self._image.setPixmap(QPixmap(self.background)) # self._image.setPixmap(QPixmap(QColor(255, 255, 255, 0))) # pixmap = QPixmap(self.background) #, 'Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied') image = QImage( self.background).mirrored() #, 'Format_ARGB32_Premultiplied') texture = QOpenGLTexture(image) texture.bind() glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, 4) # texture.bind() # for k, v in kwparams.items(): # gl.glTexParameteri(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, getattr(gl, k), v) # texture.release() # qp = QPainter(pixmap) # qp.fillRect(pixmap.rect(), QColor(0, 0, 0, 150)) # qp.end() # pixmap.transformed(QTransform()) # self.window()._image.setPixmap(pixmap) # else: # # self.imageimage = QImage(self.background) # QPainter painter(this) # self.qp.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap) elif type(self.background) is QGradient: todo('Drawing QGradient') elif type(self.background) is QImage: self.qp.drawImage(0, 0, self.background) # self.qp.end() def drawLines(self): # glColor(*clampColor(self.dotColor)) # # Bind the VBO # lineData = () # for i in self.lines: # lineData += i.start.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() + i.end.asGL(self.width, self.height).data() # # lineData = np.asarray([, self.height) for i in self.lines]) # debug(lineData) # # self.lineVbo.set_array(lineData) # # self.lineVbo.bind() # # # tell OpenGL that the VBO contains an array of vertices # glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) # # # these vertices contain 2 single precision coordinates # # glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.lineVbo) # glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, np.asarray(lineData, np.float32)) # # # draw "count" points from the VBO # glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, len(self.lines) * 2) # glColor(*clampColor(self.dotColor)) # bind the VBO self.lineVbo.bind() # self.colorVbo.bind() # tell OpenGL that the VBO contains an array of vertices glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) # glEnableClientState(GL_COLOR_ARRAY) # these vertices contain 2 single precision coordinates glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.lineVbo) # glColorPointer(4, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.colorVbo) # glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 2, self.lineVbo + 2) # draw "count" points from the VBO glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, len(self.lines) * 2) # glBegin(GL_LINES) # for line in self.lines: # line.draw(self.width, self.height) # glEnd() # glDrawArrays(GL_LINES, 0, len(self.lines) * 2) def drawCurrentLine(self): if self.currentLine is not None: glBegin(GL_LINES) # glColor(*clampColor(self.currentLineColor)) glColor(*clampColor(self.currentDrawColor)) glVertex(*self.currentLine.start.asGL().data()) glVertex(*self.focusLoc.asGL().data()) glEnd() def drawDots(self): glColor(*clampColor(self.dotColor)) # bind the VBO self.dotVbo.bind() # tell OpenGL that the VBO contains an array of vertices glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) # these vertices contain 2 single precision coordinates glVertexPointer(2, GL_FLOAT, 0, self.dotVbo) # draw "count" points from the VBO glDrawArrays(GL_POINTS, 0, len(self.dots)) def drawCircle(self, center, radius, filled=False, vertexCount=10): #* Create a buffer for vertex data # buffer = [] # = new float[vertexCount*2] # (x,y) for each vertex # buffer = np.array([0]*vertexCount*2, np.float32) glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) #* Center vertex for triangle fan # buffer.append(center.x) # buffer.append(center.y) #* Outer vertices of the circle outerVertexCount = vertexCount - 1 for i in range(outerVertexCount): percent = i / (outerVertexCount - 1) rad = percent * 2 * math.pi #* Vertex position outer_x = center.x + radius * math.cos(rad) outer_y = center.y + radius * math.sin(rad) * 1.5 glVertex(outer_x, outer_y) glEnd() # buffer.append(outer_x) # buffer.append(outer_y) # #* Create VBO from buffer with glBufferData() # if filled: # glDrawArrays(GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, 0, vertexCount) # else: # glDrawArrays(GL_LINE_LOOP, 2, debugged(outerVertexCount)) def drawFocus(self): # self.qp.setPen(QColor(*self.focusColor)) # self.qp.drawEllipse(*(self.focusLoc-6).datai(), self.focusRadius, self.focusRadius) glBegin(GL_LINES) glColor(*clampColor(self.focusColor)) glVertex(self.focusLoc.x - self.focusRadius, self.focusLoc.y) glVertex(self.focusLoc.x + self.focusRadius, self.focusLoc.y) # I'm not sure why this direction is shorter than the other. glVertex(self.focusLoc.x, self.focusLoc.y - self.focusRadius * 1.5) glVertex(self.focusLoc.x, self.focusLoc.y + self.focusRadius * 1.5) # for offset in ((-2, -2), (2, 2), (-2, 2), (2, -2)): # self.drawPoint(self.focusLoc + offset) glEnd() # self.drawCircle(self.focusLoc, self.focusRadius) def drawBounds(self): # Just for optimization's sake if len(self.bounds): glColor(*clampColor(self.boundsColor)) for i in self.bounds: self.drawCircle(i, self.focusRadius * .75) if len(self.bounds) >= 2: glColor(*clampColor(self.boundsLineColor)) # glBegin(GL_QUADS) glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP) bounds = getLargestRect(self.bounds) glVertex(*Pointf(bounds.topLeft()).dataf()) glVertex(*Pointf(bounds.topRight()).dataf()) glVertex(*Pointf(bounds.bottomRight()).dataf()) glVertex(*Pointf(bounds.bottomLeft()).dataf()) glEnd() def drawMirroring(self): todo('mirroring') #* Add mirroring for i in self.lineBuffer: #* Check if there's already a line there (so it doesn't get bolder (because of anti-aliasing)) dontDraw = False for k in self.lines: if i == k or (i.start == k.end and i.end == k.start): dontDraw = True #* Check if the start and end are the same (no line would be drawn) if i.start != i.end and not dontDraw: self.lines.append(i) if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] in [1, 4]: starty = self.startingPoint.y + (self.startingPoint.y - i.start.y) + 2 endy = self.startingPoint.y + (self.startingPoint.y - i.end.y) + 2 vertStart = Pointi(i.start.x, starty) vertEnd = Pointi(i.end.x, endy) self.lines.append(Line(vertStart, vertEnd, i.color)) if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] >= 2: # self.startingPoint = Point(min(self.dots, key=lambda i:abs(i.x - (self.width / 2))).x + 1, min(self.dots, key=lambda i:abs(i.y - (self.height / 2))).y + 1) startx = self.startingPoint.x + (self.startingPoint.x - i.start.x) + 2 endx = self.startingPoint.x + (self.startingPoint.x - i.end.x) + 2 horStart = Pointi(startx, i.start.y) horEnd = Pointi(endx, i.end.y) self.lines.append(Line(horStart, horEnd, i.color)) if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] >= 4: corStart = Pointi(startx, starty) corEnd = Pointi(endx, endy) self.lines.append(Line(corStart, corEnd, i.color)) self.lineBuffer = [] #* Add mirrored current line if self.currentLine is not None and self.mirroringStates[ self.currentMirrorState] in [1, 4]: curStarty = self.startingPoint.y + (self.startingPoint.y - self.currentLine.start.y) + 2 curEndy = self.startingPoint.y + (self.startingPoint.y - self.currentLine.end.y) + 2 Line(Pointi(self.currentLine.start.x, curStarty), Pointi(self.currentLine.end.x, curEndy), self.currentLine.color).draw(self.mainSurface) if self.currentLine is not None and self.mirroringStates[ self.currentMirrorState] >= 2: curStartx = self.startingPoint.x + (self.startingPoint.x - self.currentLine.start.x) + 2 curEndx = self.startingPoint.x + (self.startingPoint.x - self.currentLine.end.x) + 2 Line(Pointi(curStartx, self.currentLine.start.y), Pointi(curEndx, self.currentLine.end.y), self.currentLine.color).draw(self.mainSurface) if self.currentLine is not None and self.mirroringStates[ self.currentMirrorState] >= 4: Line(Pointi(curStartx, curStarty), Pointi(curEndx, curEndy), self.currentLine.color).draw(self.mainSurface) def resetLineVbo(self): lineData = () for i in self.lines: lineData +=, self.height) self.lineVbo.bind() glEnableClientState(GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) #* BufferSubData # glBufferSubData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, 12, 8 * 32, newData) #* MapBuffer # data = glMapBuffer(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, GL_READ_WRITE) # debug(pointer(data)) # debug(data) #* BufferData glBufferData(GL_ARRAY_BUFFER, np.asarray(lineData, np.float32), GL_DYNAMIC_DRAW) #* File Functions def save(self): file = self.getFile(True) if len(file): with open(file, 'wb') as f: pickle.dump(self.lines, f) print('File Saved!') def saveAs(self): todo('saveAs') def open(self): file = self.getFile(False) if len(file): with open(file, 'rb') as f: self.lines = pickle.load(f) def export(self): image ='RGB', (self.width, self.height), color=tuple(self.background)) draw = ImageDraw.Draw(image) for line in self.lines: draw.line( +, fill=tuple(line.color), width=self.exportLineThickness) print('File Saved!') def new_(self): todo('_new') def getFile(self, save: bool): return QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( )[0] if save else QFileDialog.getOpenFileName()[0] #* Repeat Functions def repeatPattern(self, pattern): self.lines = pattern.repeat( (Sizei(*self.s) / self.dotSpread) + 1, self.centerPoint, # self.dotSpread / (self.height / 2), self.dotSpread, # self.dots[0] % self.dotSpread, self.overlap, self.rowSkip, self.rowSkipAmount, self.columnSkip, self.columnSkipAmount, self.flipRow, self.flipRowOrientation, self.flipColumn, self.flipColumnOrientation, self.includeHalfsies) #* This does help, but not enough to make it worth it, I think # debug(self.lines) # for i, line in enumerate(self.lines): # for point in (line.start, line.end): # delete = False # if not collidePoint(Pointf(-1, -1), (2, 2), point.asGL(*self.s)): # delete = True # if delete: # del self.lines[i] # debug(self.lines) self.resetLineVbo() self.bounds = set() def getLinesWithinRect(self, bounds: QRectF): lines = [] halfLines = [] # debug(self.lines, color=3, showFile=True) for l in self.lines: #* You suck if bounds.contains(*l.start.asTL( *self.s).data()) and bounds.contains(*l.end.asTL( *self.s).data()): # if collidePoint(Pointf(bounds.topLeft()), (bounds.width(), bounds.height()), l.start) and \ # collidePoint(Pointf(bounds.topLeft()), (bounds.width(), bounds.height()), l.end): lines.append(l) elif bounds.contains(*l.start.asTL( *self.s).data()) or bounds.contains(*l.end.asTL( *self.s).data()): halfLines.append(l) return lines, halfLines def getPattern(self): if len(self.bounds) < 2: raise UserWarning('I\'m sorry Dave, but I can\'t do that.') bounds = getLargestRect([b.asTL(*self.s) for b in self.bounds]) # return debugged(Pattern(self.getLinesWithinRect(bounds), self.getHalfLinesWithinRect(bounds), self.dotSpread / (self.height / 2), bounds)) return Pattern(*self.getLinesWithinRect(bounds), self.dotSpread, self.centerPoint, bounds) #* Other Functions def createLine(self, linkAnother=False): if self.currentLine is None: self.currentLine = Line(self.lineVboIndex, deepcopy(self.focusLoc), color=self.currentDrawColor) self.lineVboIndex += Line.vboSize else: if self.currentLine.start == self.focusLoc: self.currentLine = None else: self.currentLine.finish(self.focusLoc.copy(), self.width, self.height, self.lineVbo, self.colorVbo, self.lines) self.lines.append(self.currentLine) self.currentLine = Line( self.lineVboIndex, deepcopy(self.focusLoc), color=self.currentDrawColor) if linkAnother else None self.lineVboIndex += Line.vboSize def deleteLine(self, at=None): todo('optimize deleteLine with glBufferSubData()') if at is None: at = self.focusLoc.asGL(*self.s) #* If there's a bound there, don't delete all the lines under it as well removedBound = False # You can't change the size of a set while iterating through it for some reason # Hence, copy(). for i in self.bounds.copy(): if i == at: self.bounds.remove(i) removedBound = True if not removedBound: #* This should not be nessicarry, I have no idea why the 3 lines don't work by themselves. linesStillAtFocus = True while linesStillAtFocus: linesStillAtFocus = False for i in self.lines: if i.start == at or i.end == at: self.lines.remove(i) for i in self.lines: if i.start == at or i.end == at: linesStillAtFocus = True self.currentLine = None self.resetLineVbo() self.update() def resizeGL(self, width, height): """Called upon window resizing: reinitialize the viewport. """ # update the window size # self.width, self.height = width, height # paint within the whole window glViewport(0, 0, width, height) # set orthographic projection (2D only) glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION) glLoadIdentity() # the window corner OpenGL coordinates are (-+1, -+1) glOrtho(-1, 1, 1, -1, -1, 1) # side = min(width, height) # glViewport((width - side) / 2, (height - side) / 2, side, side) def mirror(self): self.metaLines = [] self.currentMirrorState += 1 if self.currentMirrorState >= len(self.mirroringStates): self.currentMirrorState = 0 # print(self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState]) if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] in [1, 4]: starth = Pointi(-self.offScreenAmount, self.startingPoint.y) endh = Pointi(self.width + self.offScreenAmount, self.startingPoint.y) self.metaLines.append(Line(starth, endh, MIRROR_LINE_COLOR)) if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] >= 2: startv = Pointi(self.startingPoint.x, -self.offScreenAmount) endv = Pointi(self.startingPoint.x, self.height + self.offScreenAmount) self.metaLines.append(Line(startv, endv, MIRROR_LINE_COLOR)) def toggleBoundsMode(self): # todo('toggleBoundsMode') # self.boundsMode = not self.boundsMode self.addBound() def undo(self): todo('undo') if self.currentLine == None and len(self.lines) > 0: del self.lines[-1] if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] >= 2 and len( self.lines) > 0: self.lines.pop() if self.mirroringStates[self.currentMirrorState] >= 4 and len( self.lines) > 0: self.lines.pop() if len(self.lines) > 1: self.lines.pop() elif self.currentLine != None: self.currentLine = None def redo(self): todo('redo') def clearAll(self): self.lines = [] self.bounds = set() self.currentLine = None self.metaLines = [] def addBound(self): self.bounds.add(self.focusLoc.copy()) self.update() def updateSettings(self, settings): # keyRepeatDelay # keyIntervalDealy # shortcutBox # shortcutSelect # setShortcut self.dotSpread = settings.dotSpread.value() self.dotSpreadMeasure = settings.dotSpreadMeasure.value() self.dotSpreadUnit = settings.dotSpreadUnit.text() self.background = settings.backgroundColor.getColor() self.dotColor = settings.dotColor.getColor() self.focusColor = settings.focusColor.getColor() self.exportThickness = settings.exportThickness.value() self.savePath = settings.savePath.text() self.exportPath = settings.exportPath.text() self.doReset = True # glClearColor(*clampColor(*self.backgroundColor), 1) # debug(glGetFloatv(GL_COLOR_CLEAR_VALUE), name='background color', color=2) self.update() def setCurrentDrawColor(self, color): self.currentDrawColor = color def setShowLen(self, val): self.showLen = val self.update() def exit(self): self.close()
def updateMouse(self, event): self.mouseLoc = TLPoint(event.pos(), None, self.width, self.height) self.updateFocus() if self.currentLine: self.currentLine.end = self.focusLoc