Esempio n. 1
def cookieExample():
    # construct a christmas cookie with the help of the shapes
    star = Star(radius=2.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), beams=5, iradius=1.4)
    circle = Circle(radius=1.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), points=64)
    cookie = star - circle
    # shift star and circle to the right to plot all polygons
    # on one page
    star.shift(5.0, 0.0)
    circle.shift(10.0, 0.0)
    # plot all three to an svg file
    writeSVG('Cookie.svg', (cookie, star, circle))

    # break a polygon object into a list of polygons by arranging
    # it on tiles
    # tile into 3x3 parts
    plist = tileEqual(cookie, 3, 3)
    writeSVG('CookieTiled1.svg', plist)
    # test tile at x = 0.3, 0.5 and y = 2.7, 3.1
    plist = tile(cookie, [0.3, 0.5], [2.7, 3.1])
    writeSVG('CookieTiled2.svg', plist)

    # let's simulate an explosion, move all parts away
    # from the cookie's center, small parts are faster
    xc, yc =
    for p in plist:
        if p:
            # speed/distance
            dval = 0.1 / p.area()
            x, y =
            # move the part a little bit
            p.shift(dval * (x - xc), dval * (y - yc))
            # and rotate it slightly ;-)
            p.rotate(0.2 * math.pi * (random.random() - 0.5))
    writeSVG('CookieExploded.svg', plist)
Esempio n. 2
def cookieExample():
    # construct a christmas cookie with the help of the shapes
    star   = Star(radius=2.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), beams=5, iradius=1.4)
    circle = Circle(radius=1.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), points=64)
    cookie = star-circle
    # shift star and circle to the right to plot all polygons
    # on one page
    star.shift(5.0, 0.0)
    circle.shift(10.0, 0.0)
    # plot all three to an svg file
    writeSVG('Cookie.svg', (cookie, star, circle))

    # break a polygon object into a list of polygons by arranging
    # it on tiles
    # tile into 3x3 parts
    plist = tileEqual(cookie, 3, 3)
    writeSVG('CookieTiled1.svg', plist)
    # test tile at x = 0.3, 0.5 and y = 2.7, 3.1
    plist = tile(cookie, [0.3, 0.5], [2.7, 3.1])
    writeSVG('CookieTiled2.svg', plist)

    # let's simulate an explosion, move all parts away
    # from the cookie's center, small parts are faster
    xc, yc =
    for p in plist:
        if p:
            # speed/distance
            dval = 0.1 / p.area()
            x, y =
            # move the part a little bit
            p.shift(dval*(x-xc), dval*(y-yc))
            # and rotate it slightly ;-)
    writeSVG('CookieExploded.svg', plist)
Esempio n. 3
def gridExample():
    starGrid = cloneGrid(Star(beams=5), 0, 20, 20, 4, 4)
    starGrid.shift(-50, -50)
    cookie = Star(radius=30.0, beams=5, iradius=20.0) - Circle(radius=15.0)
    starCookie = cookie - starGrid
    writeSVG('StarCookie.svg', (starCookie,))
    if hasPDFExport:
        writePDF('StarCookie.pdf', (starCookie,))
Esempio n. 4
def moonExample():
    # a high-resolution, softly flickering moon,
    # constructed by the difference of two stars ...
    moon = Star(radius=3, center=(1.0, 2.0), beams=140, iradius=2.90) \
           - Star(radius=3, center=(-0.3, 2.0), beams=140, iradius=2.90)
    # plot the moon and its convex hull
    writeSVG('MoonAndHull.svg', (moon, convexHull(moon)), height=400, fill_opacity=(1.0, 0.3))
    # test point containment
    d = ['outside', 'inside']
    c =
    print 'Did you know that the center of gravitation of my moon is %s?' % d[moon.isInside(c[0], c[1])]
Esempio n. 5
def moonExample():
    # a high-resolution, softly flickering moon,
    # constructed by the difference of two stars ...
    moon = Star(radius=3, center=(1.0, 2.0), beams=140, iradius=2.90) \
           - Star(radius=3, center=(-0.3, 2.0), beams=140, iradius=2.90)
    # plot the moon and its convex hull
    writeSVG('MoonAndHull.svg', (moon, convexHull(moon)), height=400, fill_opacity=(1.0, 0.3))
    # test point containment
    d = ['outside', 'inside']
    c =
    print 'Did you know that the center of gravitation of my moon is %s?' % d[moon.isInside(c[0], c[1])]
Esempio n. 6
 def testCoverOverlap(self):
     p1 = Star(radius=1.0, beams=6)
     p2 = Polygon.Polygon(p1)
     p2.scale(0.9, 0.9)
     self.assertEqual(p1.covers(p2), 1)
     self.assertEqual(p1.overlaps(p2), 1)
     p2.shift(0.2, 0.2)
     self.assertEqual(p1.covers(p2), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p1.overlaps(p2), 1)
     p2.shift(5.0, 0.0)
     self.assertEqual(p1.covers(p2), 0)
     self.assertEqual(p1.overlaps(p2), 0)
Esempio n. 7
def star(pos=(0,0), radius=1.0, n=5, iradius=None, rotate=0.0, thickness=0.0,
         roundness=0.0, invert=False, scale=1.0, xscale=1.0, yscale=1.0):
    if iradius == None: iradius = radius*0.5
    if thickness == 0.0:
        pstar = Star(radius=radius, center=pos, beams=n, iradius=iradius)
        cp = pstar[0]
        cp.reverse() # Polygon Star goes around clockwise, so reverse to go CCW
        cp = rotatecp(cp, pos, rotate)
        if scale != 1.0: xscale = yscale = scale
        pp = Polygon(cp)
        if xscale != 1.0 or yscale != 1.0: pp.scale(xscale,yscale)
        if roundness > 0:
            cp = roundc(pp.contour(0), roundness=roundness, invert=invert)
            return Polygon(cp)
        else: return pp
        pp = sframe(pos=pos, radius=radius, iradius=iradius, rotate=rotate,
                    thickness=thickness, roundness=roundness, invert=invert,
                    scale=scale, xscale=xscale, yscale=yscale, n=n)
        return pp
Esempio n. 8
 def setUp(self):
     star   = Star(radius=2.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), beams=5, iradius=1.4)
     circle = Circle(radius=1.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), points=64)
     self.cookie = star-circle
     self.cont = [(0.0, 0.0), (2.0, 1.0), (1.0, 0.0), (-2.0, 1.0), (0.0, 0.0)]
Esempio n. 9
def gnuplotExample():
    cookie = Star(radius=2.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), beams=5, iradius=1.4) \
             - Circle(radius=1.0, center=(1.0, 3.0))
    writeGnuplot('', (cookie,))
    writeGnuplotTriangles('', (cookie,))
Esempio n. 10
def xmlExample():
    cookie = Star(radius=2.0, center=(1.0, 3.0), beams=5, iradius=1.4) \
             - Circle(radius=1.0, center=(1.0, 3.0))
    writeXML('cookie.xml', (cookie,), withHeader=True)
    p = readXML('cookie.xml')
Esempio n. 11
from Polygon import *
from Polygon.Shapes import Circle, Star, Rectangle
from Polygon.IO import writeSVG

p = Circle(5.5, points=128)
p -= Circle(4.4, points=128)
p += Circle(3.3, points=128)
p -= Circle(2.2, points=128)
p += Star(1.1)

l = Rectangle(4, 14)
l.shift(-4.3, -10.5)

r = p ^ l

writeSVG('logo.svg', [r], width=800)