Esempio n. 1
from import Parser

# mutalyzer soap url
URL = ''

# get genomic build number
hg_build = HG_Build.objects.all()[0].BuildNumber

# get all variants
variant_list = Variant.objects.all()

# extract all the variants cDNA, refseq, refseqver and output to txt file
v = Validator()
file = open('input.txt', 'w')
for variant in variant_list:
    if v.validate(variant.cDNA):
        file.write(variant.Gene.RefSeqName + '.' + variant.Gene.RefSeqVer +
                   ':' + variant.cDNA + '\n')


# encode file to base64 binary
encoded = open('input.txt', 'rb').read().encode("base64")

print 'Connecting to web services...'

c = Client(URL, cache=None)
o = c.service

print 'Submitting Batch Job...'
Esempio n. 2
def variant_patient_view(request, geneID, variantID, instanceID, path_filter, path_filter_ratio):
    template = 'variant_patient'
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return render_to_response('home/timeout.html')
    if request.user.get_profile().AccessStatus.ID != 2:
        return render_to_response('home/permission.html', {'user': request.user})
    gene = get_object_or_404(Gene, pk = geneID)
    instance = get_object_or_404(VariantInstance, pk = instanceID)
    searched_variant = ''
    searched_variant_safe = ''
    variant_query_string = ''
    params = [instance.Patient_id]
    page_error = False
    search_tooshort = False
    invalid_variant = False
    # apply path filters
    dict_path = Dict_path_filter(path_filter)
    # apply path filter
    path_id = Path_ID(path_filter)
    # apply path filters ratio (the total number of instance per path)
    dict_path_ratio = Dict_path_filter(path_filter_ratio)
    # apply path filter ratio
    path_ratio_id = Path_ID(path_filter_ratio)
    # query options to filter by community consensus path
    path_query_string = ''
    if path_id != '':
        if path_id == 'NULL':
            path_query_string = ' and v.Pathogenicity_id is NULL '
            path_query_string = ' and v.Pathogenicity_id = %s '
    # search results
    if 'search' in request.POST:
        search_type = 'variantType' #request.POST['search_type']
        if request.POST['searched_variant'] != '':
            searched_variant = request.POST['searched_variant']
            seached_variant_safe = searched_variant # url friendly
            searched_variant = urllib.unquote(searched_variant) # raw form
            validator = Validator()
            if validator.validate(searched_variant) == False:
                page_error = True
                invalid_variant = True

            # if there are no errors then proceed with the query
            if not page_error: 
                parser = Parser()
                variant = parser.parse('', searched_variant) 
                # query options filter by community consensus path
                path_query_string = ''

                variant_query_string = VariantQueryString(variant, params)

    # query options filter by path count
    count_query_string = ''
    order_query_string = ' order by Instances desc '
    if path_ratio_id != '':
        count_query_string = """, (select count(hvp_variantinstance.Pathogenicity_id) as path
                            from hvp_variantinstance
                            where hvp_variantinstance.Variant_ID = v.ID
                            and hvp_variantinstance.pathogenicity_id = """ + str(path_ratio_id) + ') as Path_Count '
        order_query_string = ' order by Path_Count desc '
    query = """select v.*, hvp_variantinstance.Patient_id,
            	(select Count(hvp_variantinstance.Variant_id) as i from hvp_variantinstance 
	            left join hvp_variant on hvp_variantinstance.Variant_ID = hvp_variant.ID
	            where hvp_variant.ID = v.ID) as instances """ + count_query_string + """
            from hvp_variant v
            left join hvp_variantinstance on v.ID = hvp_variantinstance.Variant_id
            where hvp_variantinstance.Patient_id = %s 
            """ + path_query_string + variant_query_string + ' group by ID ' + order_query_string
    qs = Variant.objects.raw(query, params)
    variant_list = list(qs)
    # sum of total results used to display on screen
    results = len(variant_list)
    # sets the paginator with the list of objects and number objects per page
    paginator = Paginator(variant_list, 10)
    # gets the current page
    page = request.GET.get('page')
        variants =
    except PageNotAnInteger:
        variants =
    except EmptyPage:
        variants =
    return render_to_response('search/variant.html',
                                'user': request.user,
                                'template': template,
                                'dict_path': dict_path,
                                'path_filter': path_filter,
                                'geneID': geneID,
                                'variantID': variantID,
                                'gene': gene,
                                'variants': variants,
                                'instance': instance,
                                'results': results,
                                'page_error': page_error,
                                'search_tooshort': search_tooshort, 
                                'invalid_variant': invalid_variant,
                                'searched_variant': searched_variant,
                                'searched_variant_safe': searched_variant_safe,
                                'dict_path_ratio': dict_path_ratio,
                                'path_filter_ratio': path_filter_ratio,
Esempio n. 3
from import Parser

# mutalyzer soap url
URL = ''

# get genomic build number
hg_build = HG_Build.objects.all()[0].BuildNumber

# get all variants
variant_list = Variant.objects.all()

# extract all the variants cDNA, refseq, refseqver and output to txt file
v = Validator()
file = open('input.txt', 'w')
for variant in variant_list:
    if v.validate(variant.cDNA):
        file.write(variant.Gene.RefSeqName + '.' + variant.Gene.RefSeqVer + ':' + variant.cDNA + '\n')

# encode file to base64 binary
encoded = open('input.txt', 'rb').read().encode("base64")

print 'Connecting to web services...'

c = Client(URL, cache=None)
o = c.service

print 'Submitting Batch Job...'

batchJobID = o.submitBatchJob(encoded, 'PositionConverter', hg_build)
Esempio n. 4
def variant_results_view(request, geneID, searched_variant, search_type, path_filter, path_filter_ratio):
    template = 'variant_result'
    if not request.user.is_authenticated():
        return render_to_response('home/timeout.html')
    if request.user.get_profile().AccessStatus.ID != 2:
        return render_to_response('home/permission.html', {'user': request.user})
    # searching/filtering for a specific variant search
    if 'search' in request.POST:
        if request.POST['searched_variant'] != '':
            #search_type = request.POST['search_type']
            search_type = "variantType"            
            searched_variant = request.POST['searched_variant']
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/search/gene/' + geneID + 
                                        '/searchvariant/' + 
                                        urllib.quote(searched_variant) +
                                        '/' + search_type + '/results/' + path_filter + 
                                        '/' + path_filter_ratio + '/')
            # go back to the default variant page that lists all variants
            return HttpResponseRedirect('/search/gene/' + geneID +
    gene = get_object_or_404(Gene, pk = geneID)
    geneName = gene.GeneName            
    page_error = False
    search_tooShort = False
    invalid_variant = False
    # apply path filters
    dict_path = Dict_path_filter(path_filter)
    # apply path filter
    path_id = Path_ID(path_filter)
    # apply path filters ratio (the total number of instance per path)
    dict_path_ratio = Dict_path_filter(path_filter_ratio)
    # apply path filter ratio
    path_ratio_id = Path_ID(path_filter_ratio)
    # keep url safe version for path filter links
    searched_variant_safe = searched_variant
    # converting url string back to a proper variant nomenclature
    searched_variant = urllib.unquote(searched_variant)
    # search_type = searchType
    paginate_results = 5

    # check if the search query string is less than 2 characters, if so return error message to user
    if len(searched_variant) < 2:
        page_error = True
        search_tooShort = True

    # check if the entered variant is valid
    validator = Validator()
    if validator.validate(searched_variant) == False:
        page_error = True
        invalid_variant = True
    # if there are no errors then proceed with the query
    variant_list = []
    variants = None
    results = None
    if not page_error:    
        # Break down the searched_variant using variant_parser to use in search with solr
        # NB: I noticed that any values that have been broken down in the parser that 
        # has a '+' or '-' will be converted to a long int. 
        parser = Parser()
        variant = parser.parse('', searched_variant)
        # query options filter by community consensus path
        path_query_string = ''
        params = [geneName]
        variant_query_string = VariantQueryString(variant, params)
        if path_id != '':
            if path_id == 'NULL':
                path_query_string = ' and v.Pathogenicity_id is NULL '
                path_query_string = ' and v.Pathogenicity_id = %s '
        # query options filter by path count
        count_query_string = ''
        order_query_string = ' order by Instances desc '
        if path_ratio_id != '':
            count_query_string = """, (select count(hvp_variantinstance.Pathogenicity_id) as path
                                from hvp_variantinstance
                                where hvp_variantinstance.Variant_ID = v.ID
                                and hvp_variantinstance.pathogenicity_id = """ + str(path_ratio_id) + ') as Path_Count '
            order_query_string = ' order by Path_Count desc '
        query = 'select v.*, Count(hvp_variantinstance.Variant_id) as Instances' + count_query_string + """
                from hvp_variant v
                left join hvp_variantinstance on v.ID = hvp_variantinstance.Variant_id
                left join hvp_gene on v.Gene_id = hvp_gene.ID
                where hvp_gene.GeneName = %s 
                """ + path_query_string + variant_query_string + ' group by ID ' + order_query_string
        qs = Variant.objects.raw(query, params)                                
        variant_list = list(qs)

        # sum of total results used to display on screen            
        results = variant_list.count #len(variant_list)

        # sets the paginator with the list of objects and number of objects per page
        paginator = Paginator(variant_list, 10)

        # gets the current page
        page = request.GET.get('page')            
            variants =
        except PageNotAnInteger:
            variants =
        except EmptyPage:
            variants =

    return render_to_response('search/variant.html', 
                               'user': request.user, 
                               'template': template,
                               'searched_variant': searched_variant, 
                               'searched_variant_safe': searched_variant_safe,
                               'page_error': page_error, 
                               'invalid_variant': invalid_variant,
                               'paginate_results': paginate_results, 
                               'geneName' : geneName,
                               'geneID' : geneID,
                               'search_type': search_type, 
                               'variants': variants,
                               'results': results, 
                               'search_tooShort': search_tooShort,
                               'path_filter': path_filter,
                               'dict_path': dict_path,
                               'dict_path_ratio': dict_path_ratio,
                               'path_filter_ratio': path_filter_ratio,