Esempio n. 1
    u_rot[i] =, u[i])
    grad_u_rot[i] = rotij @ (grad_u[i] @ rotij.T)
    grad_k_rot[i] =, grad_k[i])
    grad_p_rot[i] =, grad_p[i])
    sij_rot[i] = rotij @ (sij_full[i] @ rotij.T)
    rij_rot[i] = rotij @ (rij_full[i] @ rotij.T)
    bij_les_rot[i] = rotij @ (bij_les_full[i] @ rotij.T)
    # For Tij, go through every basis too
    for j in range(tb_t.shape[1]):
        tb_t_rot[i, j] = rotij @ (tb_t_full[i, j] @ rotij.T)

# Collapse matrix form from 3 x 3 to 9 x 1
tb_t_rot = tb_t_rot.reshape((tb_t.shape[0], tb_t.shape[1], 9))
bij_les_rot = bij_les_rot.reshape((-1, 9))
# Contract rotated symmetric tensors from 9 full components back to 6 components
tb_t_rot = contractSymmetricTensor(tb_t_rot)
bij_les_rot = contractSymmetricTensor(bij_les_rot)
# Change Tij back to shape (n_samples, n_outputs, n_bases)
tb_rot = np.swapaxes(tb_t_rot, 1, 2)

Calculate Rotated Feature Sets
if fs == 'grad(TKE)':
    fs_data_rot, labels = getInvariantFeatureSet(sij_rot, rij_rot, grad_k_rot, k=k, eps=epsilon)
elif fs == 'grad(p)':
    fs_data_rot, labels = getInvariantFeatureSet(sij_rot, rij_rot, grad_p=grad_p_rot, u=u_rot, grad_u=grad_u_rot)
elif fs == 'grad(TKE)_grad(p)':
    fs_data_rot, labels = getInvariantFeatureSet(sij_rot, rij_rot,
                                                 grad_k=grad_k_rot, grad_p=grad_p_rot, k=k, eps=epsilon,
Esempio n. 2
    if bij_novelty == 'excl':
            "Since bij_novelty is 'excl', removing NaN and making y_pred_test realizable..."
        nan_mask = np.isnan(y_pred_test).any(axis=1)
        ccx_test = ccx_test[~nan_mask]
        ccy_test = ccy_test[~nan_mask]
        ccz_test = ccz_test[~nan_mask]
        y_pred_test = y_pred_test[~nan_mask]
        for _ in range(2):
            y_pred_test = makeRealizable(y_pred_test)

    # Rotate field
    y_pred_test = expandSymmetricTensor(y_pred_test).reshape((-1, 3, 3))
    y_pred_test = rotateData(y_pred_test, anglez=fieldrot)
    y_pred_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_pred_test)
    t1 = t.time()
    print('\nFinished bij prediction in {:.4f} s'.format(t1 - t0))
    Postprocess Machine Learning Predictions
    # Filter the result if requested.
    # This requires:
    # 1. Remove any component outside bound and set to NaN
    # 2. Interpolate to 2D slice mesh grid with nearest method
    # 3. Use 2D Gaussian filter to smooth the mesh grid while ignoring NaN, for every component
    # 4. Make whatever between bound and limits realizable
    if filter:
        cc2_test = ccz_test if slicedir == 'vertical' else ccy_test
        ccx_test_mesh, cc2_test_mesh, _, y_predtest_mesh = fieldSpatialSmoothing(
        #     cc_test = np.vstack((cc1_test, cc2_test, np.zeros_like(cc1_test))).T
        #     cc_test = rotateData(cc_test, anglez=fieldrot)
        #     cc1_test = cc_test[:, 0]
        #     cc2_test = cc_test[:, 1]
        #     del cc_test

        x_test = list_data_test[1]
        x_test[x_test > 1e10] = 1e10
        x_test[x_test < -1e10] = 1e10
        y_test_unrot = list_data_test[2]
        tb_test = list_data_test[3]
        del list_data_test
        # Rotate field
        y_test = expandSymmetricTensor(y_test_unrot).reshape((-1, 3, 3))
        y_test = rotateData(y_test, anglez=fieldrot)
        y_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_test.reshape((-1, 9)))
        t0 = t.time()
        score_test = regressor.score(x_test, y_test, tb=tb_test)
        y_pred_test_unrot = regressor.predict(x_test, tb=tb_test)
        # Rotate field
        y_pred_test = expandSymmetricTensor(y_pred_test_unrot).reshape(
            (-1, 3, 3))
        y_pred_test = rotateData(y_pred_test, anglez=fieldrot)
        y_pred_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_pred_test.reshape((-1, 9)))
        t1 = t.time()
        print('\nFinished bij prediction in {:.4f} s'.format(t1 - t0))
        Posprocess Machine Learning Predictions
# Read slices and store them in case.slice_* dict
case.readSlices(properties=property, slicenames=slicenames, slicenames_sub=slicenames_sub)
# Initialize lists to store multiple slices coor and value data
list_x, list_y, list_z = [], [], []
list_rgb, list_bij, list_rij = [], [], []
# Go through specified slices
for i, slicename in enumerate(case.slicenames):
    Process Uninterpolated Anisotropy Tensor
    # Retrieve Rij of this slice
    rij = case.slices_val[slicename]
    rij = expandSymmetricTensor(rij).reshape((-1, 3, 3))
    # Rotate Rij if requested, rotateData only accept full matrix form
    if rotate_data: rij = rotateData(rij, anglez=rot_z)
    rij = contractSymmetricTensor(rij)
    rij_tmp = rij.copy()
    # Get bij from Rij and its corresponding eigenval and eigenvec
    bij, eig_val, eig_vec = processReynoldsStress(rij_tmp, realization_iter=0, make_anisotropic=make_anisotropic, to_old_grid_shape=False)
    # bij was (n_samples, 3, 3) contract it
    bij = contractSymmetricTensor(bij)
    # Get barycentric map coor and normalized RGB
    xy_bary, rgb = getBarycentricMapData(eig_val, c_offset=c_offset, c_exp=c_exp)

    # 1st coor is always x not matter vertical or horizontal slice
    # 2nd coor is y if horizontal slice otherwise z, take appropriate confinebox limit
    coor2_lim = confinebox[i][2:4] if case.slices_orient[slicename] == 'horizontal' else confinebox[i][4:]
bij_les = invariants['bij_LES']
uuprime2_les = case.readPickleData(time, 'uuPrime2_LES')[0]
cc = case.readPickleData(time, filenames='CC')
fs_data = case.readPickleData(time, filenames=('FS_' + fs))
# Also read LES TKE production G related fields
g_les = case.readPickleData(time, 'G_LES')
gradu_les = case.readPickleData(time, 'grad(U)_LES')
k_les = case.readPickleData(time, 'k_LES')
div_uuprime2_les = case.readPickleData(time, 'div(uuPrime2)_LES')

list_data_test = case.readPickleData(time, 'list_data_test_seed' + str(seed))
cc_test = list_data_test[0]
ccx_test, ccy_test, ccz_test = cc_test[:, 0], cc_test[:, 1], cc_test[:, 2]
x_test, y_test, tb_test = list_data_test[1:4]
# Contract symmetric tensors to 6 components in case of 9 components
y_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_test)
tb_test = transposeTensorBasis(tb_test)
tb_test = contractSymmetricTensor(tb_test)
tb_test = transposeTensorBasis(tb_test)

# Sort g_les, gradu_les, k_les that were based on cc to be based on cc_test by "interpolation"
g_les = griddata(cc[:, :2], g_les, cc_test[:, :2], method=interp_method)
# k_*_sorted are based on cc that is a sorted RANS grid coor array
k_les_sorted, k_sorted = k_les.copy(), k.copy()
k_les = griddata(cc[:, :2], k_les, cc_test[:, :2], method=interp_method)
k = griddata(cc[:, :2], k, cc_test[:, :2], method=interp_method)
for i in range(9):
    gradu_les[:, i] = griddata(cc[:, :2],
                               gradu_les[:, i],
                               cc_test[:, :2],
Esempio n. 6
    if bij_novelty == 'excl':
            "Since bij_novelty is 'excl', removing NaN and making y_pred realizable..."
        nan_mask = np.isnan(y_pred).any(axis=1)
        ccx_test = ccx_test[~nan_mask]
        ccy_test = ccy_test[~nan_mask]
        ccz_test = ccz_test[~nan_mask]
        y_pred = y_pred[~nan_mask]
        for _ in range(2):
            y_pred = makeRealizable(y_pred)

    # Rotate field
    y_pred = expandSymmetricTensor(y_pred).reshape((-1, 3, 3))
    y_pred = rotateData(y_pred, anglez=fieldrot)
    y_pred = contractSymmetricTensor(y_pred)
    t1 = t.time()
    print('\nFinished bij prediction in {:.4f} s'.format(t1 - t0))
    Postprocess Machine Learning Predictions
    # Filter the result if requested.
    # This requires:
    # 1. Remove any component outside bound and set to NaN
    # 2. Interpolate to 2D slice mesh grid with nearest method
    # 3. Use 2D Gaussian filter to smooth the mesh grid while ignoring NaN, for every component
    # 4. Make whatever between bound and limits realizable
    if filter:
        cc2_test = ccz_test if slicedir == 'vertical' else ccy_test
        ccx_test_mesh, cc2_test_mesh, _, y_pred_mesh = fieldSpatialSmoothing(
Esempio n. 7
if 'TBDT' in estimator_name:
    y_pred_test, g_test = regressor.predict(x_test, tb_test, tree_struct)
    y_pred_train, g_train = regressor.predict(x_train, tb_train, tree_struct)
    # This is ensemble of all tree's predictions
    _, y_pred_test, g_test = regressor.predict(x_test, tb_test, tree_struct)
    _, y_pred_train, g_train = regressor.predict(x_train, tb_train, tree_struct)
    # Take median
    y_pred_test = np.median(y_pred_test, axis=2)
    y_pred_train = np.median(y_pred_train, axis=2)

y_pred_train = np.swapaxes(y_pred_train, 0, 1)
y_pred_test = np.swapaxes(y_pred_test, 0, 1)
y_train = np.swapaxes(y_train, 0, 1)
y_test = np.swapaxes(y_test, 0, 1)
y_pred_train = contractSymmetricTensor(y_pred_train)
y_pred_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_pred_test)
y_train = contractSymmetricTensor(y_train)
y_test = contractSymmetricTensor(y_test)
score_train = r2_score(y_train, y_pred_train)
score_test = r2_score(y_test, y_pred_test)

Postprocess Machine Learning Predictions
t0 = t.time()
_, eigval_test, _ = processReynoldsStress(y_test, make_anisotropic=False, realization_iter=0)
_, eigval_train, _ = processReynoldsStress(y_train, make_anisotropic=False, realization_iter=0)
y_pred_test3, eigval_pred_test, _ = processReynoldsStress(y_pred_test, make_anisotropic=False, realization_iter=realize_iter)
y_pred_train3, eigval_pred_train, _ = processReynoldsStress(y_pred_train, make_anisotropic=False, realization_iter=realize_iter)