Esempio n. 1
def test(i, solver, choice, problem):
  xtol = 1E-12
  N = 2**i
  mesh = UnitSquareMesh(N, N, 'crossed')
  n_cells = mesh.num_cells()
  n_obtuse_cells = len(obtuse_cells(mesh))

  if problem == "point":
    A = array([1.0, 0.0])
    point_distance = Problem(MyPoint(A))
  elif problem == "line":
    A = array([0., 0.])
    B = array([1., 0.])
    point_distance = Problem(Segment(A, B))

  if solver == "Q1":
    # set up the linear problem
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    u = Function(V)
    u_exact = Function(V)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(u, fixed_dofs)

    solver1 = Geometric(V)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver1.solve(u, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol)
    stop = clock() - start
    l1 = assemble(abs(u - u_exact)*dx)
    l2 = assemble((u - u_exact)**2*dx)

    # set up the quadratic problem
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    v = interpolate(u, W)
    v_exact = Function(W)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(v, fixed_dofs)

    solver2 = Quadratic(W, choice)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver2.solve(v, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol, order_vector=v.vector())
    stop = clock() - start

  if solver == "Q2":
    # set up the linear problem
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    u = Function(V)
    u_exact = Function(V)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(u, fixed_dofs)

    solver1 = Geometric(V)
    n_sweeps = solver1.solve(u, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol)

    # set up the quadratic problem
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    v = interpolate(u, W)
    xxx = Function(W)
    xxx.vector()[:] = v.vector().array()

    v_exact = Function(W)
    Fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(v, Fixed_dofs)

    #print fixed_dofs
    #for i in range(W.dim()):
    #  print i, xxx.vector()[i], v.vector()[i],
    #  if i in fixed_dofs:
    #    print "<--"
    #  else:
    #    print

    solver2 = Quad(W, choice)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver2.solve(v, Fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol)
    stop = clock() - start
  if solver == "Q3":
    # set up the quadratic problem
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    v = Function(W) 
    v_exact = Function(W)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(v, fixed_dofs)

    solver2 = QuadraticRatic(W, choice)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver2.solve(v, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol)
    stop = clock() - start
  if solver == "Q4":
    # set up the linear problem
    V = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 1)
    u = Function(V)
    u_exact = Function(V)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(u, fixed_dofs)

    solver1 = Geometric(V)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver1.solve(u, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol)
    stop = clock() - start
    l1 = assemble(abs(u - u_exact)*dx)
    l2 = assemble((u - u_exact)**2*dx)

    # set up the quadratic problem
    W = FunctionSpace(mesh, "CG", 2)
    v = Function(W) 
    v_exact = Function(W)
    fixed_dofs = []
    point_distance.init(v, fixed_dofs)
    order = interpolate(u, W)

    solver2 = Q4(W, choice)
    start = clock()
    n_sweeps = solver2.solve(v, fixed_dofs, xtol=xtol, order_u=order)
    stop = clock() - start
  l1 = assemble(abs(v - v_exact)*dx)
  l2 = assemble((v - v_exact)**2*dx)
  diff = v.vector() - v_exact.vector()
  ci = diff.max()
  plot(v, interactive=True, title='numeric')
  plot(v_exact, interactive=True, title='exact')
  v_exact.vector()[:] -= v.vector().array()
  plot(v_exact, interactive=True, title='error')
  if choice == 0:
    local = "sample"
    local = "quad"

  print "%g %.8E %.8E %.8E %d/%d %d %g" %\
    (mesh.hmin(), l1, l2, ci, n_obtuse_cells, n_cells, n_sweeps, stop)

  out_name = "./test_results/"+solver+"_"+local+"_"+problem+".dat"
  with open(out_name, "a") as out:
    out.write("%g %.8E %.8E %.8E %d %d %d %g\n" %\
    (mesh.hmin(), l1, l2, ci, n_obtuse_cells, n_cells, n_sweeps, stop)