Esempio n. 1
def post_ilt_2df1(audit, filein, fileout, p_in, f_in, f_out):
This macro realizes the post F1-ILT operation on a 2D spectrum

- smoothing     : F2 smoothing of DOSY

%F2-input-domain%  time
%F2-output-domain% time
%dimensionality%   2

%author% Marc-Andre Delsuc
%version% 6.0

    read_file_2d(audit, filein)

    write_file_2d(audit, fileout)
Esempio n. 2
def ilt_2df1(audit, filein_arg, fileout, p_in, f_in, f_out):
This macro realizes the ILT operation on the F1 decay of the 2D

it implements the spectral analysis step :

- damp_width        dmin dmax
- minimum S/N
- col_selection
- me_preset
- me_details
- reverse           : reverses laplace axis

%F1-input-domain%  tabulated
%F1-output-domain% damping
%dimensionality%   2

%author% Marc-Andre Delsuc
%version% 6.0

    read_file_2d(audit, filein_arg)

    # if complex in t1, assumes it is an error
    if (get_itype_2d() >= 2):
        itype(get_itype_2d() - 2)
        audittrail(audit, "text", "assuming real data-set along F1 !")

# data should be real in F2!

    tempofile = NPKtempfile('.gs2')
    filein = tempofile

    # %action% damp_width
    #   sets-up the border for the laplace spectrum
    # %param% damp_width enum diff_standard from_tab defined / default diff_standard
    #   defines how the window will be defined
    #       diff_standard is the set-up for a standard solution : 10-5000 um^2 sec-1
    #       from_tab : the borders are computed from the tabulated values
    #       defined : the values
    # %param% dmin float > 0  / default 10
    # %param% dmax float > 0  / default 5000
    # %param_cond% [ dmin < dmax ]

    set_task("Setting damping window")
    if (not key_is_true(p_in, "damp_width")):
        p_in["damp_width"] = "diff_standard"
    if (p_in["damp_width"] == "diff_standard"):
        p_in["dmin"] = 10
        p_in["dmax"] = 5000
    elif (p_in["damp_width"] == "from_tab"):
        p_in["dmin"], p_in["dmax"] = auto_damp_width()
    elif (p_in["damp_width"] == "defined"):
        if (not key_is_true(p_in, "dmin")):
            p_in["dmin"] = 10
        if (not key_is_true(p_in, "dmax")):
            p_in["dmax"] = 5000
        raise "wrong value for damp_width"
    if (p_in["dmin"] >= p_in["dmax"]):
        raise "wrong values for Dmin and Dmax in parameter file"

    audittrail(audit, "text", "damping axis window", "Dmin", p_in["dmin"],
               "Dmax", p_in["dmax"])

    # %action% minimum_sn
    #   defines the minimum Signal/Noise ratio required for ILT processing
    #   No data will ever be processed if the S/N is below this value, independently of the col_selection set-up
    #   It is considered unsafe to go below 10 for this parameter.
    # %param% minimum_sn float / default 32.0
    if (not key_is_true(p_in, "minimum_sn")):
        p_in["minimum_sn"] = 32
    audittrail(audit, "text", "minimum Signal/Noise ratio", "minimum_SN",

    # %action% col_selection
    #     set-up the conditions for selecting the column to be processed by ILT for DOSY
    # %param% col_selection boolean / default 0
    # %param% col_selection_mode enum valthreshold zone list none / default none
    #   none : no selection (only minimum_sn stands)
    #   valthreshold : absolute value theshold, will not be used if below minimum_sn
    #   zone : only points within that spectral zone will be considered
    #   list : explicit list of the columns to consider
    # %param% col_valthreshold float
    # %param% col_list (integer list)
    #   list og the columns to consider, given in index (real part only)
    # %param% col_selection_left float / default 10.0
    #   the left border of the selection zone, in unit
    # %param% col_selection_left_unit enum ppm hz index / default ppm
    #   the unit in which selection_left is given
    # %param% col_selection_right float / default 0.0
    #   the right border of the selection zone, in unit
    # %param% col_selection_right_unit enum ppm hz index / default ppm
    #   the unit in which selection_right is given
    # %param_cond% (col_selection_left{index} < col_selection_right{index})
    # %return% col_selection_left
    #     the left coordinate of the selection zone in index
    # %return% col_selection_right
    #     the right coordinate of the selection zone in index

    # set-up default
    set_task("Columns checking")
    to_check = range(1, get_si2_2d() + 1)  # inital list of col to check
    thresh = get_noise() * p_in["minimum_sn"]
    start = 1
    end = get_si1_2d()
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "col_selection")):
        # first setup selection
        if ("zone" == p_in["col_selection_mode"]):
            if (p_in["col_selection_left_unit"] == 'ppm'):
                start = (ptoi(p_in["col_selection_left"], 1, 1))
            elif (p_in["col_selection_left_unit"] == 'hz'):
                start = (htoi(p_in["col_selection_left"], 1, 1))
            elif (p_in["col_selection_left_unit"] == 'index'):
                start = p_in["col_selection_left"]
                raise "Error with col_selection_left_unit"

            if (p_in["col_selection_right_unit"] == 'ppm'):
                end = (ptoi(p_in["col_selection_right"], 1, 1))
            elif (p_in["col_selection_right_unit"] == 'hz'):
                end = (htoi(p_in["col_selection_right"], 1, 1))
            elif (p_in["col_selection_right_unit"] == 'index'):
                end = p_in["col_selection_right"]
                raise "Error with col_selection_right_unit"

            start = (max(1, round(start)))
            end = (min(get_si2_2d(), round(end)))
            if (start > end):
                raise "Wrong selection zone coordinates"
            to_check = range(start, end + 1)
        # set-up threshold
        elif ("valthreshold" == p_in["col_selection_mode"]):
            thresh = max(thresh, p_in["col_valthreshold"])
        elif ("list" == p_in["col_selection_mode"]):
            #            to_check = p_in["col_list"]
            t = p_in.raw("col_list")
            to_check = t[1:len(t) - 1].split(
                ",")  # remove ( ) ad split with ","
            #eval() should work here, but we have seen a bug for very long strings with jython 2.1
            raise "wrong selection mode"

    # then do selection
    dim(2)  # load in dim(1) the first row of the DOSY file
    l = []
    for i in to_check:
        if val1d(int(i)) > thresh:

    f_out["col_selection_left"] = start
    f_out["col_selection_right"] = end
    audittrail(audit, "text", "column selection", "number of selected columns",
    print("Number of selected colums: %i" % (len(l)))

    # %action% me_preset
    #   presets the MaxEnt parameters to default values
    # %param% me_preset_value enum 0 1 2 3 4 5 / default 3
    #   sets the parameter for a balance between speed (1) and quality (5), 0 is for fit
    set_task("Setting Maximum Entropy parameters")
    me = maxent_state()
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_preset_value")):
        preset = p_in["me_preset_value"]
        preset = 3

    # %action% me_details
    #   if this flag is on, default parameters can be set.
    # %param% me_details boolean / default 0
    # %param% me_size integer
    # %param% me_iteration integer
    # %param% me_int_iteration
    # %param% me_ncheck integer
    # %param% me_lambda_control integer
    # %param% me_lambda_speed
    # %param% me_algo enum Fit MaxEnt
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_details")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_size")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_iteration")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_int_iteration")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_ncheck")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_lambda_control")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_lambda_speed")):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "me_algo")):

    # set it in kernel
    audittrail(audit, "text", "Parameters for ILT processing",
               "MaxEnt parameters",

    # %action% dump_preset
    #   dump all the parameters to a gtb file
    #   usually used to check the parameter or to prepare for a parallel run
    # %param% dump_preset boolean / default 0
    # %param% dump_preset_file file / default dosy_preset.gtb
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "dump_preset")):
        p = p_in.copy(
        )  # first copy everything, then overwrite specific values
        p["damp_width"] = "defined"
        p["noise"] = f_out["noise_in_f1_domain"]
        p["col_selection"] = 1
        p["col_selection_mode"] = "list"
        p["col_list"] = tuple(l)
        p["me_details"] = 1
        p["me_size"] = me.get_iltsize()
        p["me_iteration"] = me.get_iter()
        p["me_int_iteration"] = me.get_miniter()
        p["me_ncheck"] = me.get_ndisp()
        p["me_lambda_control"] = me.get_lambcont()
        p["me_lambda_speed"] = me.get_lambsp()
        p["me_algo"] = me.get_iltalgo()
        p["execute_ilt"] = 1
        p["dump_preset"] = 0  # remove dump_preset
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "dump_preset_file")):
            preset_file = p_in["dump_preset_file"]
            preset_file = "dosy_preset.gtb"
        dict_dump(p, preset_file)
        audittrail(audit, "text", "parameter dump",
                   "Parameters for ILT processing have been dumped to",

    # %action% ILT
    #   perform the ILT computation itself
    # %param% execute_ilt boolean / default 1
    if (key_is_not_false(p_in, "execute_ilt")):
        set_task("Starting ilt processing %d" % (len(l)))
        t = time.clock()
        dosy2d(filein, p_in["dmin"], p_in["dmax"], p_in["dfactor"], me,
               l)  # hum, a changer ! MAD
        t = time.clock() - t
        audittrail(audit, "text", "2D ILT computed",
                   "number of column computed", len(l), "processing time",
                   str(t) + " sec")

    # %action% f1_reverse
    # %param% f1_reverse boolean / default 0
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "f1_reverse")):
        set_task("Reverse F1 axis")
        audittrail(audit, "text", "Reverse F1 spectral axis")

    (sw, fq,
     off) = damp_to_ppm(p_in["dmin"],
                        p_in["dmax"])  # compute and set pseudo ppm values
    specw(sw, get_specw_2_2d())
    freq(get_freq(), fq, get_freq_2_2d())
    offset(off, get_offset_2_2d())

    write_file_2d(audit, fileout)
Esempio n. 3
def pre_ilt_2df1(audit, filein, fileout, p_in, f_in, f_out):
This macro realizes the pre operation on each F1 decay of the 2D

it implements data massaging before ILT:
- ilt_set-up
    dosy_q2 dosy_tab tosy_q2 tosy_tab
- load tabulated file
    file name
- calibration
- F1 noise evaluation
- wrong points filtering

%F1-input-domain%  tabulated
%F1-output-domain% tabulated
%dimensionality%   2

%author% Marc-Andre Delsuc
%version% 6.0


    read_file_2d(audit, filein)

    # if complex in t1, assumes it is an error
    if (get_itype_2d() >= 2):
        itype(get_itype_2d() - 2)
        audittrail(audit, "text", "assuming real data-set along F1 !")

        # data should be real in F2!

    # %action% ilt_set-up
    #   determines the kind of analysis to perform
    # %param% ilt_type enum dosy tosy / default dosy
    # %param% sampling_type enum regular tabulated / default regular
    # %param% sampling_tab_file file_name
    #   sampling_type == tabulated implies sampling_tab_file
    set_task("ILT set-up and calibration")

    if (not key_is_true(p_in, "ilt_type")):
        p_in["ilt_type"] = "dosy"

    if (not key_is_true(p_in, "sampling_type")):
        p_in["sampling_type"] = "regular"

    if (p_in["sampling_type"] == "tabulated"):
        audittrail(audit, "text", "ILT set-up", "type of analysis",
                   p_in["ilt_type"], "type of sampling", p_in["sampling_type"],
                   "sampling file", p_in["sampling_tab_file"])
    elif (p_in["sampling_type"] == "regular"):
        audittrail(audit, "text", "ILT set-up", "type of analysis",
                   p_in["ilt_type"], "type of sampling", p_in["sampling_type"])
        raise ("wrong sampling_type :" + str(p_in["sampling_type"]))

    # %action% ilt_tosy_calibration
    #   Calibrate ilt axis on physical parameters for Tosy
    # %param% ilt_tosy_unit enum usec msec sec / default sec
    #   value of the Laplace axis unity
    if (p_in["ilt_type"] == "tosy"):
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "ilt_tosy_unit")):
            if (p_in["ilt_tosy_unit"] not in ("usec", "msec", "sec")):
                raise "wrong value for ilt_tosy_unit, accepted values are usec, msec, sec "
            p_in["ilt_tosy_unit"] = "sec"

    # %action% ilt_dosy_calibration
    #   Calibrate ilt axis on physical parameters for Dosy
    # %param% dosy_big_delta float
    #   "Big Delta"  : diffusion delay in msec
    # %param% dosy_little_delta float
    #   "little Delta"  : gradient duration in msec
    # %param% dosy_seq_typ enum pgse ste bpp_ste ste_2echoes bpp_ste_2echoes oneshot / default ste
    #   the type of DOSY sequence used
    # %param% dosy_nucleus enum 1H 2H 13C 15N 17O 19F 31P / default 1H
    #   the observed nucleus
    # %param% recovery_gradient_delay float / default 0.0
    # %param_cond%  (recovery_gradient_delay >= 0 )
    #   Gradient recovery delay
    # %param% max_grad float nonnegative / default 50.0
    #   Maximum Amplificator Gradient Intensity, in G/cm
    # %param_cond%  (max_grad > 0 )
    # %param% max_tab float / default 100.0
    #   Maximum Tabulated Gradient Value in the tabulated file.
    #   Bruker users use 100 here
    #   Varian users use 32768 here
    # %param_cond%  (max_tab > 0 )
    # %param% gradient_shape float / default 1.0
    #   integral factor depending on the gradient shape used
    #   typical values are :
    #       1.0 for rectangular gradients
    #       0.6366 = 2/pi for sine bell gradients
    #       0.4839496 for 4% truncated gaussian (Bruker gauss.100 file)
    # %param_cond%  [ (gradient_shape > 0.0 ) and (gradient_shape <= 1.0 )]

    if (key_is_true(p_in, "ilt_dosy_calibration")):
        set_task("automatic calibration")
        bigdelta = p_in["dosy_big_delta"]
        litdelta = p_in["dosy_little_delta"]
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "dosy_seq_typ")):
            seq_type = p_in["dosy_seq_typ"]
            if seq_type not in ("pgse", "ste", "bpp_ste", "ste_2echoes",
                                "bpp_ste_2echoes", "oneshot"):
                raise "wrong DOSY sequence type"
            seq_type = "ste"
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "dosy_nucleus")):
            nucleus = p_in["dosy_nucleus"]
            if nucleus not in ("1H", "2H", "13C", "15N", "17O", "19F", "31P"):
                raise "unknown nucleus type"
            nucleus = "1H"
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "recovery_gradient_delay")):
            recovery = p_in["recovery_gradient_delay"]
            recovery = 0.0
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "max_grad")):
            maxgrad = p_in["max_grad"]
            maxgrad = 50.0
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "max_tab")):
            maxtab = p_in["max_tab"]
            maxtab = 100.0
        if (key_is_true(p_in, "gradient_shape")):
            gradshape = p_in["gradient_shape"]
            gradshape = 1.0
        dfactor = calibdosy(litdelta, bigdelta, recovery, seq_type, nucleus,
                            maxgrad, maxtab, gradshape)
        audittrail(audit, "text", "DOSY Calibration", "sequence type",
                   seq_type, "DFACTOR value", dfactor)
        p_in["dfactor"] = dfactor
        f_out["dfactor"] = dfactor
        print("dfactor: %f" % (dfactor))
    # F1 noise evaluation
    # %action% f1_noise
    #   evaluate noise, estimated by finding an empty zone on a given 1D spectrum
    # %param% f1_noise boolean / default 1
    # %param% f1_noise_n integer / default 30
    #    number of different zones where noise is evaluated
    # %param% f1_noise_row integer / default get_si1_2d()
    #    the index of the row on which the noise is evaluated
    # %param% f1_noise_weight float / default 1.0
    #   the noise used during the MaxEnt iteration is weigthed with this scalar,
    #   this permits to compensate for over- or under-estimate of the noise level
    # %param_cond%   [ noise_weight > 0.0 ]
    # %return% noise_in_f1_domain
    if (key_is_not_false(p_in, "f1_noise")):
        set_task("Noise evaluation")
        if (not key_is_true(p_in, "f1_noise_n")):
            p_in["f1_noise_n"] = 30
        if (not key_is_true(p_in, "f1_noise_row")):
            p_in["f1_noise_row"] = get_si1_2d()
        if key_is_true(p_in, "f1_noise_weight"):
            weight = p_in["f1_noise_weight"]
            weight = 1.0
        if weight != 1.0:
            noise(weight * get_noise())
        f_out["noise_in_f1_domain"] = get_noise()
        audittrail(audit, "text", "Estimated F1 Noise", "Estimated on row #",
                   p_in["f1_noise_row"], "Noise weighting", weight,
                   "Noise estimate", f_out["noise_in_f1_domain"])
        if key_is_true(p_in, "f1_noise_weight"):
            noise(p_in["f1_noise_weight"] * get_noise())
        f_out["noise_in_f1_domain"] = get_noise()
        audittrail(audit, "text", "Input F1 Noise", "Noise weighting", weight,
                   "Noise estimate", f_out["noise_in_f1_domain"])
    # wrong points filtering
    # %action% f1_ignore_point
    #   enter the list of the point to ignore along the (gradient) axis
    # %param% f1_ignore_point boolean / default 0
    # %param% f1_ignore_point_list (list of integer) / default ()
#   list of points to ignore

# MAD    recopier ce code dans un objet "window"
    #    window("F1",0)   # first resets window  MAD
    if (key_is_true(p_in, "f1_ignore_point")):
        if key_is_true(p_in, "f1_ignore_point_list"):
            t = p_in.raw("f1_ignore_point_list")
            list = t[1:len(t) - 1].split(",")
            audittrail(audit, "text", "Point ignored along F1 axis",
                       "point list :", str(list))
            raise "F1_ignore_point_list undefined"
#        com_window_mode(0)

    write_file_2d(audit, fileout)
    # MAD : AD HOC, To be CHANGED !