Esempio n. 1
    def recreateOutputOperations(cls, pool):

        recreate interrupted get output operations. Two types of operations
        can be in interrupted states: 1) operations that have been
        requested but never performed, and 2) operations that have been
        performed but never processed (meaning that output was retrieved
        but no messages were sent based on it).


        logging.debug("Recreating interrupted operations")

        try :
            # open database
            bossLiteSession = \
                           BossLiteAPI('MySQL', pool=cls.params['sessionPool'])

            # get interrupted operations
            jobs = bossLiteSession.loadJobsByRunningAttr(
                { 'processStatus' : 'in_progress' } )
                { 'processStatus' : 'output_retrieved' } )
        except DbError, msg:
            logging.error('Error updating DB : %s ' % str(msg))
Esempio n. 2
class PilotBossMonitor(MonitorInterface):
    def __init__(self, schedType, **args):
        """ __init__ """

        self.schedType = schedType
	self.bossTask = None
        self.scheduler = None
        self.counters = ['pending', 'submitted', 'waiting', 'ready', \
                         'scheduled', 'running', 'cleared', 'created', 'other'] 
        print dbConfig 
        self.bossLiteSession = BossLiteAPI('MySQL', dbConfig, makePool=True)
        self.sessionPool = self.bossLiteSession.bossLiteDB.getPool()
        self.db = TrackingDB( self.bossLiteSession.bossLiteDB )
    def monitorPilot(self, site, tqStateApi):
        """ __monitorPilot__ 
        This fnction will submit pilot jobs using
        the selected mechanism  
	if ( self.schedType == 'LSF' ):
	    #schedConfig = {'user_proxy' : '', 'service' : '', 'config' : '' }
            schedConfig = {'cpCmd': 'rfcp', 'rfioSer': '%s:' %}
	    #self.scheduler = Scheduler.Scheduler('SchedulerLsf', schedConfig)
            poller = PABossLitePoll()
            total = poller.pilotJobs
            #start the logic here
    def getGroups(self, group):
        tasks = self.db.getGroupTasks(group)

        for taskId in tasks :        
            print taskId

    def getStatistic(self):

        Poll the BOSS DB for a summary of the job status


        # summary of the jobs in the DB
        result = self.db.getJobsStatistic()

        if result is not None:

            counter = {}
            for ctr in self.counters:
                counter[ctr] = 0

            for pair in result :
                status, count = pair
                if status == 'E':
                elif status == 'R' :
                    counter['running'] = count
                elif status == 'I':
                    counter['pending'] = count
                elif status == 'SW' :
                    counter['waiting'] = count
                elif status == 'SR':
                    counter['ready'] = count
                elif status == 'SS':
                    counter['scheduled'] = count
                elif status == 'SU':
                    counter['submitted'] = count
                elif status == 'SE':
                    counter['cleared'] = count
                elif status == 'C':
                    counter['created'] = count
                    counter['other'] += count

            # display counters
            for ctr, value in counter.iteritems():
                print(ctr + " jobs : " + str(value))

            return result

    def pollJobs(self, runningAttrs, processStatus, skipStatus=None ):

        basic structure for jobs polling


        offset = 0
        loop = True

        while loop :

            logging.debug("Max jobs to be loaded %s:%s " % \
                         (str( offset ), str( offset + self.jobLimit) ) )

            self.newJobs = self.bossLiteSession.loadJobsByRunningAttr(
                runningAttrs=runningAttrs, \
                limit=self.jobLimit, offset=offset

  "Polled jobs : " + str( len(self.newJobs) ) )

            # exit if no more jobs to query
            if self.newJobs == [] :
                loop = False
            else :
                offset += self.jobLimit

                self.db.processBulkUpdate( self.newJobs, processStatus, \
                                           skipStatus )
       "Changed status to %s for %s loaded jobs" \
                              % ( processStatus, str( len(self.newJobs) ) ) )

            except BossLiteError, err:
                    "Failed handling %s loaded jobs, waiting next round: %s" \
                    % ( processStatus, str( err ) ) )