Esempio n. 1
    def _translations(self, missing):
        # Figure out the "closest" translation in the parent chain of the
        # context. We stop at both an INavigationRoot or an ISiteRoot to look
        # for translations. We do want to find something that is definitely
        # in the language the user asked for.
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        translations = {}
        chain = aq_chain(context)
        first_pass = True
        _checkPermission = getSecurityManager().checkPermission
        for item in chain:
            if ISiteRoot.providedBy(item):
                # We have a site root, which works as a fallback
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, first_pass, has_view_permission)

            elif IFactoryTempFolder.providedBy(item) or \
                # TempFolder or portal_factory, can't have a translation

            canonical = ITranslationManager(item, None)

            item_trans = canonical.get_translations()
            for code, trans in item_trans.items():
                code = str(code)
                if code not in translations:
                    # make a link to a translation only if the user
                    # has view permission
                    has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', trans))
                    if (not INavigationRoot.providedBy(item)
                            and not has_view_permission):
                    # If we don't yet have a translation for this language
                    # add it and mark it as found
                    translations[code] = (trans, first_pass,
                    missing = missing - set((code, ))

            if len(missing) <= 0:
                # We have translations for all
            if INavigationRoot.providedBy(item):
                # Don't break out of the navigation root jail
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, False, has_view_permission)
            first_pass = False
        # return a dict of language code to tuple. the first tuple element is
        # the translated object, the second argument indicates wether the
        # translation is a direct translation of the context or something from
        # higher up the translation chain
        return translations
Esempio n. 2
    def _translations(self, missing):
        # Figure out the "closest" translation in the parent chain of the
        # context. We stop at both an INavigationRoot or an ISiteRoot to look
        # for translations. We do want to find something that is definitely
        # in the language the user asked for.
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        translations = {}
        chain = aq_chain(context)
        first_pass = True
        _checkPermission = getSecurityManager().checkPermission
        for item in chain:
            if ISiteRoot.providedBy(item):
                # We have a site root, which works as a fallback
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, first_pass, has_view_permission)

            elif IFactoryTempFolder.providedBy(item) or \
                # TempFolder or portal_factory, can't have a translation

            canonical = ITranslationManager(item, None)

            item_trans = canonical.get_translations()
            for code, trans in item_trans.items():
                code = str(code)
                if code not in translations:
                    # make a link to a translation only if the user
                    # has view permission
                    has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', trans))
                    if (not INavigationRoot.providedBy(item)
                            and not has_view_permission):
                    # If we don't yet have a translation for this language
                    # add it and mark it as found
                    translations[code] = (trans, first_pass,
                    missing = missing - set((code, ))

            if len(missing) <= 0:
                # We have translations for all
            if INavigationRoot.providedBy(item):
                # Don't break out of the navigation root jail
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, False, has_view_permission)
            first_pass = False
        # return a dict of language code to tuple. the first tuple element is
        # the translated object, the second argument indicates wether the
        # translation is a direct translation of the context or something from
        # higher up the translation chain
        return translations
Esempio n. 3
    def __call__(self, context, membersonly=False):
        workspace = find_workspace(context)
        catalog = getToolByName(context, 'portal_catalog')
        gtool = getToolByName(context, 'portal_groups')
        # users = getUtility(
        #     IVocabularyFactory,
        #     name='plone.principalsource.Users',
        #     context=context)(context)

        if not workspace:
            workspace = context

        # Create a list of user depending on local roles and inherited
        # roles. Also read out users from groups
        users = set([])
        groups = set([])

        # Walk upwards until reach portal root or role acquire check fails
        portal = workspace.portal_url.getPortalObject()
        cont = True
        while cont:
            if context == portal:

            if IFactoryTool.providedBy(context):
                # this is portal_factory - skip it
                context = aq_parent(aq_inner(context))

            if IFactoryTool.providedBy(aq_parent(context)):
                # this is the 'Ticket Box' temp folder
                # within portal_factory - skip it
                context = aq_parent(aq_inner(context))

            userroles = portal.acl_users._getLocalRolesForDisplay(context)
            # Use dict's to auto. prevent duplicated entries
            for user, roles, role_type, name in userroles:
                if role_type == u'user' and name not in users:
                elif role_type == u'group' and user not in groups:

            if getattr(aq_base(context), '__ac_local_roles_block__', None):
                cont = False
                context = aq_parent(context)

        # Go throught groups an add their containing users to the user list
        for groupid in groups:
            group = gtool.getGroupById(groupid)
            if group:
                members = set(group.getGroupMemberIds())
            # Put together
            users = users.union(members)

        result = users

        if not membersonly:
            query = dict(

            for brain in catalog(query):

        return PrincipalVocabulary(result)
    def getClosestDestination(self):
        """Get the "closest translated object" URL.
        # We sould travel the parent chain using the catalog here,
        # but I think using the acquisition chain is faster
        # (or well, __parent__ pointers) because the catalog
        # would require a lot of queries, while technically,
        # having done traversal up to this point you should
        # have the objects in memory already

        # As we don't have any content object we are going to look
        # for the best option

        site = getSite()
        root = getToolByName(site, 'portal_url')
        ltool = getToolByName(site, 'portal_languages')

        # We are useing TranslationManager to get the translations of a
        # string tg
        manager = TranslationManager(
        context = None
        languages = manager.get_translations()
        if len(languages) == 0:
            # If there is no results there are no translations
            # we move to portal root
            return self.wrapDestination(root(), postpath=False)

        # We are going to see if there is the prefered language translation
        # Otherwise we get the first as context to look for translation
        prefered = ltool.getPreferredLanguage()
        if prefered in languages:
            context = languages[prefered]
            context = languages[languages.keys()[0]]

        checkPermission = getSecurityManager().checkPermission
        chain = self.getParentChain(context)
        for item in chain:
            if ISiteRoot.providedBy(item) \
               and not ILanguageRootFolder.providedBy(item):
                # We do not care to get a permission error
                # if the whole of the portal cannot be viewed.
                # Having a permission issue on the root is fine;
                # not so much for everything else so that is checked there
                return self.wrapDestination(item.absolute_url())
            elif IFactoryTempFolder.providedBy(item) or \
                # TempFolder or portal_factory, can't have a translation
                canonical = ITranslationManager(item)
            except TypeError:
                if not ITranslatable.providedBy(item):
                    # In case there it's not translatable go to parent
                    # This solves the problem when a parent is not
                    # ITranslatable
            translation = canonical.get_translation(self.lang)
            if translation and (
                INavigationRoot.providedBy(translation) or
                bool(checkPermission('View', translation))
                # Not a direct translation, therefore no postpath
                # (the view might not exist on a different context)
                return self.wrapDestination(translation.absolute_url(),
        # Site root's the fallback
        return self.wrapDestination(root(), postpath=False)
Esempio n. 5
    def _get_translations_by_closest(self, supported_langs):
        """ Return the translations information by
            figuring out the 'closest' translation in the parent chain of the
            context. We stop at both an INavigationRoot or an ISiteRoot to look
            for translations. We do want to find something that is definitely
            in the language the user asked for regardless anything else.
        context = aq_inner(self.context)
        missing = set([str(c) for c in supported_langs])
        translations = {}
        chain = aq_chain(context)
        first_pass = True
        _checkPermission = getSecurityManager().checkPermission
        for item in chain:
            if ISiteRoot.providedBy(item):
                # We have a site root, which works as a fallback
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, first_pass, has_view_permission)

            elif IFactoryTempFolder.providedBy(item) or \
                # TempFolder or portal_factory, can't have a translation

                canonical = ITranslationManager(item)
            except TypeError:
                if not ITranslatable.providedBy(item):
                    # In case there it's not translatable go to parent
                    # This solves the problem when a parent is not ITranslatable

            item_trans = canonical.get_translations()
            for code, trans in item_trans.items():
                code = str(code)
                if code not in translations:
                    # make a link to a translation only if the user
                    # has view permission
                    has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', trans))
                    if (not INavigationRoot.providedBy(item)
                            and not has_view_permission):
                    # If we don't yet have a translation for this language
                    # add it and mark it as found
                    translations[code] = (trans, first_pass,
                    missing = missing - set((code, ))

            if len(missing) <= 0:
                # We have translations for all
            if INavigationRoot.providedBy(item):
                # Don't break out of the navigation root jail
                has_view_permission = bool(_checkPermission('View', item))
                for c in missing:
                    translations[c] = (item, False, has_view_permission)
            first_pass = False
        # return a dict of language code to tuple. the first tuple element is
        # the translated object, the second argument indicates wether the
        # translation is a direct translation of the context or something from
        # higher up the translation chain
        return translations