def testWinSerivceComponentReindexOnServiceOrganizerZMonitorChange(self): """ Ensure the WinServices in the componentSearch catalog are re-indexed when saveZenProperties is called on the Service Organizer and zMonitor is Changed """ svcOrg = self.dmd.Services winSvc ='WinService') #by default monitor is off; should find nothing self.assertFalse(winSvc) monitored = svcOrg.zMonitor self.assertFalse(monitored) #fake request and turn zMonitor to true request = FakeRequest() request.form = {'zMonitor': True} kwargs = {'REQUEST': request} svcOrg.saveZenProperties(**kwargs) #verify monitored flag changed and that component is now found monitored = svcOrg.zMonitor self.assertTrue(monitored) winSvc2 ='WinService') self.assertTrue(winSvc2) #test that changing zProperty directly does not affect catalog svcOrg.setZenProperty('zMonitor', False) winSvc2 ='WinService') #catalog will find component even though zMonitor is false #because index was not updated self.assertTrue(winSvc2)
def testWinSerivceComponentReindexOnServiceOrganizerZMonitorChange(self): """ Ensure the WinServices in the componentSearch catalog are re-indexed when saveZenProperties is called on the Service Organizer and zMonitor is Changed """ svcOrg = self.dmd.Services winSvc ='WinService') #by default monitor is off; should find nothing self.assertFalse( winSvc ) monitored = svcOrg.zMonitor self.assertFalse( monitored ) #fake request and turn zMonitor to true request = FakeRequest() request.form = {'zMonitor': True} kwargs = {'REQUEST': request} svcOrg.saveZenProperties(**kwargs) #verify monitored flag changed and that component is now found monitored = svcOrg.zMonitor self.assertTrue( monitored ) winSvc2 ='WinService') self.assertTrue ( winSvc2 ) #test that changing zProperty directly does not affect catalog svcOrg.setZenProperty('zMonitor', False) winSvc2 ='WinService') #catalog will find component even though zMonitor is false #because index was not updated self.assertTrue ( winSvc2 )
def _setDeviceBatchProps(self, method='', extraarg=None, selectstatus='none', goodevids=[], badevids=[], offset=0, count=50, filter='', orderby='titleOrId', orderdir='asc', **kwargs): d = { 'lockDevicesFromUpdates': 'sendEventWhenBlocked', 'lockDevicesFromDeletion': 'sendEventWhenBlocked', 'unlockDevices': '', 'setGroups': 'groupPaths', 'setSystems': 'systemPaths', 'setLocation': 'locationPath', 'setPerformanceMonitor': 'performanceMonitor', 'moveDevices': 'moveTarget', 'removeDevices': ('deleteStatus', 'deleteHistory', 'deletePerf'), 'setProdState': 'state', 'setPriority': 'priority' } if not method or not method in d: IMessageSender(self.request).sendToBrowser( 'Unable to Perform Action', 'An empty or invalid action was attempted.', priority=messaging.CRITICAL) return self() request = FakeRequest() argdict = dict(REQUEST=request) if d[method]: d_method = d[method] if isinstance(d_method, (tuple, list)): for argName in d_method: argdict[argName] = self.request.get(argName, None) else: argdict[d_method] = extraarg action = getattr(self.context, method) argdict['deviceNames'] = self._getDeviceBatch(selectstatus, goodevids, badevids, offset, count, filter, orderby, orderdir) # This will call the method on the context, which will redirect to a # new (or the same) screen and set a message try: result = action(**argdict) except Exception: msgs = { 'lockDevicesFromUpdates': 'lock devices from updates', 'lockDevicesFromDeletion': 'lock devices from deletion', 'unlockDevices': 'unlock devices', 'setGroups': 'change device groups', 'setSystems': 'change device systems', 'setLocation': 'set the location', 'setPerformanceMonitor': 'set the performance monitor', 'moveDevices': 'move devices', 'removeDevices': 'delete devices', 'setProdState': 'set production state', 'setPriority': 'set priority' } IMessageSender(self.request).sendToBrowser( 'Unable to Perform Action', 'There was an error attempting to %s.' % msgs[method], priority=messaging.CRITICAL) else: return result