Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, root):
        p = root.find("Contour")

        # 是否用彩色圆点标注格点或站点
        self.scatter = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, 'Scatter', False)
        # 圆点的透明度
        self.alpha = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Alpha', 1)
        #  圆点半径 default is 10
        self.radius = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Radius', 10)

        # 第三类数据等值线步长
        self.step = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Step', 2.)

        # 经纬方向上的插值格点数
        self.grid = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Grid", [195, 216])
        if len(self.grid) != 2:
            self.grid = [195, 216]
            self.grid = [parseInt(str(g)) for g in self.grid]

        # 等值线参数
        contourleaf = p.find("Contour")
        if contourleaf is None:
            self.contour = {'visible': False, 'linewidth': 1.0, 'linecolor': 'k', 'colorline': False}
            self.contour = {
                'visible': Projection.leaf_to_bool(contourleaf, "Visible", False, 'TRUE'),
                'linewidth': Projection.leaf_to_float(contourleaf, 'LineWidth', 1.0),
                'linecolor': Projection.leaf_to_string(contourleaf, 'LineColor', 'k'),
                'colorline': Projection.leaf_to_bool(contourleaf, "ColorLine", False, 'TRUE')

        # 是否显示色斑图
        self.contourfvisible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, "ContourfVisible", False, 'TRUE')

        # 等值线标注参数
        leaf = p.find("ContourLabel")
        if leaf is None:
            self.contourlabel = {'visible': False, 'fmt': '%1.0f',
                                 'fontsize': 12, 'fontcolor': 'k', 'inlinespacing': 2}
            self.contourlabel = {
                'visible': Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Visible", False, 'TRUE'),
                'fmt': Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Fmt', '%1.0f'),
                'fontsize': Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'FontSize', 12),
                'fontcolor': Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'FontColor', 'k'),
                'inlinespacing': Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'InlineSpacing', 2)
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, root):
        leaf = root.find("UV")
        if leaf is None:
            return = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Stream', False)
        self.density = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'Density', [1, 1])
        self.color = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Color', 'k')
        self.onspeed = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'OnSpeed', False)
        self.oncolor = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'OnColor', False)
        self.linewidth = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'LineWidth', 1.)
        self.scale = Projection.leaf_to_int(leaf, 'Scale', 700)
        self.markscalelength = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'MarkScaleLength', 12.)

        self.barbs = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Barbs', False)
        self.length = Projection.leaf_to_int(leaf, 'Length', 1)
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, root):
        leaf = root.find("UV")
        if leaf is None:
            return = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Stream', False)
        self.density = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'Density', [1, 1])
        self.barbsgrid = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'BarbsGrid', [31, 31])
        self.color = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Color', 'k')
        self.onspeed = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'OnSpeed', False)
        self.wholecilp = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'WholeClip', False)
        self.oncolor = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'OnColor', False)
        self.linewidth = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'LineWidth', 1.)
        self.scale = Projection.leaf_to_int(leaf, 'Scale', 700)
        self.markscalelength = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'MarkScaleLength', 12.)

        self.barbs = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Barbs', False)
        self.length = Projection.leaf_to_int(leaf, 'Length', 1)
Esempio n. 4
    def __init__(self, leaf):

        self.file = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "File")
        self.filetype = str.upper(Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Type", 'shp'))
        self.draw = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Draw", False)
        # self.path = self.readPolygon(self.file) if self.filetype != 'SHP' else None
        # if self.draw:
        self.path = ClipBorder.readPath(self.file, 0) if self.filetype != 'SHP' else None
        self.polygon = str.upper(Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Polygon", 'on'))
        # self.draw = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Draw", False)
        self.linewidth = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, "LineWidth", 1)
        self.linecolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "LineColor", 'k')
Esempio n. 5
    def __init__(self, root):
        leaf = root.find("Stations")

        self.file = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'File')
        self.visible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Visible', False)
        self.markstyle = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'MarkStyle', ['o', 'full'])
        self.color = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Color', 'k')
        self.edgecolors = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'EdgeColors', 'k')

        self.alpha = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Alpha', 1.)
        self.radius = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Radius', 5)
        self.font = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'Font', [18, 'myyh.ttc', 'bold', 'k'])
        self.detax = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Detax', 0.03)
        self.micapsdata = Micaps17Data(self.file)
Esempio n. 6
    def __init__(self, leaf):

        self.file = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "File")
        self.filetype = str.upper(
            Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Type", 'shp'))
        self.draw = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Draw", False)
        # self.path = self.readPolygon(self.file) if self.filetype != 'SHP' else None
        # if self.draw:
        self.path = ClipBorder.readPath(self.file,
                                        0) if self.filetype != 'SHP' else None
        self.polygon = str.upper(
            Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Polygon", 'on'))
        # self.draw = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Draw", False)
        self.linewidth = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, "LineWidth", 1)
        self.linecolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "LineColor", 'k')
Esempio n. 7
 def __init__(self, leaf):
     start_pos = 0
     filehead = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "File")
     filetype = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Type", 'shp')
     code = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, "Code", [360000])
     drawswitch = str.upper(Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Draw", 'off'))
     self.path = self.getPath(filehead=filehead,
     self.draw = str.upper(Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, "Draw", 'off'))
     self.using = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Using", True)
     self.linewidth = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, "LineWidth", 1)
     self.linecolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(
         leaf, "LineColor", 'k') if drawswitch == 'ON' else 'none'
Esempio n. 8
    def __init__(self, root):
        leaf = root.find("Stations")

        self.file = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'File')
        self.visible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, 'Visible', False)
        self.markstyle = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'MarkStyle',
                                                 ['o', 'full'])
        self.color = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Color', 'k')
        self.edgecolors = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'EdgeColors', 'k')

        self.alpha = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Alpha', 1.)
        self.radius = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Radius', 5)
        self.font = Projection.leaf_to_list(leaf, 'Font',
                                            [18, 'myyh.ttc', 'bold', 'k'])
        self.detax = Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'Detax', 0.03)
        self.micapsdata = Micaps17Data(self.file)
Esempio n. 9
    def __init__(self, root):
        p = root.find("Legend")
        if p is None:
        # 图例图片文件路径,图例叠加到产品图上的位置,为空表示自行生成图例
        legend_pic = p.find("LegendPic").text
        self.islegendpic = False
        self.legendpic = ''
        self.legendpos = [0, 0]
        self.legendopacity = 1
        if not (legend_pic is None or legend_pic.strip() == ''):
            self.islegendpic = True
            legend_pics = legend_pic.strip().split(',')
            if 1 == len(legend_pics):
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
            elif 4 == len(legend_pics):
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
                self.legendpos = [float(legend_pics[1].strip()), float(legend_pics[2].strip())]
                self.legendopacity = float(legend_pics[3].strip())
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()

        # 图例的延展类型:neither,min,max default is neither
        self.extend = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Extend', 'neither')

        # 是否取MICAPS数据本身的图例值
        self.micapslegendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, "MicapsLegendValue", True, 'TRUE')

        # When micapslegendvalue is true, the setting is working.
        # if pin the legend values, [begin value, stop value, step] is working.default is None
        # else use the data self legend values
        self.pinlegendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "PinLegendValue", None)

        # NCL colorbar 的别名
        self.micapslegendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'MicapsLegendColor', 'ncl_default')

        # 图例填充样式数组,一般和自定义的legend结合使用,如不够LegendValue数组的长度,则会用最后一个样式自动补齐
        self.hatches = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Hatches", [''])
        # 图例等级值
        self.legendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendValue", None)

        # 实际显示在图例上的值
        self.legendvaluealias = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendValueAlias", None)

        # 图例颜色值
        self.legendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendColor", None)

        # 图例抽稀间隔
        self.thinning = Projection.leaf_to_int(p, "Thinning", 1)

        # 图例字体
        self.font = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "Font", None)

        # 图例标题
        self.title = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Title', '')

        # 图例标题字体
        self.titlefont = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "TitleFont", None)

        # 图例标题位置
        self.titlepos = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "TitlePos", {
            'rotation': 90,
            'va': 'top',
            'ha': 'center',
            'ypercent': 0.5

        # ---------- 无投影时的图例配置 start --------
        # 图例放置方式
        self.orientation = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Orientation', 'vertical')

        # 图例离边框位置
        self.anchor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Anchor", [0, 0])

        # 图例收缩系数
        self.shrink = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "Shrink", 1)

        self.fraction = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Fraction', 0.15)

        # ---------- 有投影时的图例配置 start --------
        # 图例收缩系数
        self.size = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Size', defvalue='5%')

        # 图例离边框位置
        self.pad = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Pad', defvalue='2%')

        # 图例放置位置
        self.location = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Location', defvalue='right')
Esempio n. 10
    def __init__(self, root):
        p = root.find("Legend")
        if p is None:
        # 图例图片文件路径,图例叠加到产品图上的位置,为空表示自行生成图例
        legend_pic = p.find("LegendPic").text
        self.islegendpic = False
        self.legendpic = ''
        self.legendpos = [0, 0]
        self.legendopacity = 1
        if not (legend_pic is None or legend_pic.strip() == ''):
            self.islegendpic = True
            legend_pics = legend_pic.strip().split(',')
            if 1 == len(legend_pics):
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
            elif 4 == len(legend_pics):
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
                self.legendpos = [float(legend_pics[1].strip()), float(legend_pics[2].strip())]
                self.legendopacity = float(legend_pics[3].strip())
                self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()

        # 图例的延展类型:neither,min,max default is neither
        self.extend = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Extend', 'neither')

        # 是否取MICAPS数据本身的图例值
        self.micapslegendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, "MicapsLegendValue", True, 'TRUE')

        # When micapslegendvalue is true, the setting is working.
        # if pin the legend values, [begin value, stop value, step] is working.default is None
        # else use the data self legend values
        self.pinlegendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "PinLegendValue", None)

        # NCL colorbar 的别名
        self.micapslegendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'MicapsLegendColor', 'ncl_default')

        # 图例填充样式数组,一般和自定义的legend结合使用,如不够LegendValue数组的长度,则会用最后一个样式自动补齐
        self.hatches = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Hatches", [''])
        # 图例等级值
        self.legendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendValue", None)
	# 实际显示在图例上的值
        self.legendvaluealias = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendValueAlias", None)

        # 图例颜色值
        self.legendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendColor", None)

	# 图例抽稀间隔
        self.thinning = Projection.leaf_to_int(p, "Thinning", 1)
	# 图例字体
        self.font = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "Font", None)
	# 图例标题
        self.title = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Title', '')

        # 图例标题字体
        self.titlefont = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "TitleFont", None)

        # 图例标题位置
        self.titlepos = Projection.leaf_to_dict(p, "TitlePos",
                                                {'rotation': 90, 'va': 'top', 'ha': 'center', 'ypercent': 0.5})

        # ---------- 无投影时的图例配置 start --------
        # 图例放置方式
        self.orientation = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'Orientation', 'vertical')

        # 图例离边框位置
        self.anchor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Anchor", [0, 0])

        # 图例收缩系数
        self.shrink = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "Shrink", 1)

        self.fraction = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Fraction', 0.15)

        # ---------- 有投影时的图例配置 start --------
        # 图例收缩系数
        self.size = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Size', defvalue='5%')

        # 图例离边框位置
        self.pad = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Pad', defvalue='2%')

        # 图例放置位置
        self.location = Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf=p, code='Location', defvalue='right')
Esempio n. 11
    def __init__(self, xmlfile):
        self.xmlfile = xmlfile
        if not os.path.exists(self.xmlfile):
            tree = ElementTree.parse(self.xmlfile)
            root = tree.getroot()

            products = root.getchildren()
            p = products[0]

            # M1:站点数据,M4:第4类格点数据,M11:第11类UV数据
            self.odatatype = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, "OriginalDataType")

            # 原始数据文件路径
            self.ofile = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, "OriginalFile")
            if self.odatatype == 'M4':
                self.micapsdata = Micaps4Data(self.ofile)
            elif self.odatatype == 'M3':
                self.micapsdata = Micaps3Data(self.ofile)
            # 地图投影
            self.projection = Projection(p)

            # 地图边界文件路径,仅用于绘制边界
            mapborders = p.find("MapBorders").getchildren()
            self.mapborders = []
            for border in mapborders:
                mapfile = Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "File")
                filetype = str.upper(
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "Type", 'shp'))
                polygonswitch = str.upper(
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "Polygon", 'on'))

                mbdict = {
                    self.readPolygon(mapfile) if filetype != 'SHP' else None,
                    Projection.leaf_to_bool(border, "Draw", False),
                    Projection.leaf_to_float(border, "LineWidth", 1),
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "LineColor", 'k')

            # 裁剪边界文件路径,用于对色斑图进行裁剪
            cutborders = p.find("CutBorders").getchildren()
            self.cutborders = []
            for border in cutborders:
                filehead = Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "File")
                filetype = Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "Type", 'shp')
                code = Projection.leaf_to_list(border, "Code", [360000])
                drawswitch = str.upper(
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(border, "Draw", 'off'))
                linecolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(
                    border, "LineColor", 'k') if drawswitch == 'ON' else 'none'
                mbdict = {
                    Projection.leaf_to_bool(border, "Using", True),
                    Projection.leaf_to_float(border, "LineWidth", 1),

            # 生成的图片宽度
            self.width = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "PicWidth", 10)

            # 生成的图片高度
            self.height = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "PicHeight", 10)

            # dpi
            self.dpi = Projection.leaf_to_int(p, "Dpi", 72)

            # 高宽比
            self.widthshrink = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "WidthShrink", 1.0)

            # 绘图区外延
            self.margin = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "Margin", 0.0)

            # 绘图区内边距
            self.pad = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "Pad", 0.0)

            # 绘图区域
            extents = p.find("Extents").text.strip()
            if extents is None or extents == '':
                if len(self.cutborders
                       ) < 1 or self.cutborders[0]['path'] is None:
                    self.extents = None
                    jxextend = self.cutborders[0]['path'].get_extents()
                    delta = self.margin
                    xmax = jxextend.xmax + delta
                    xmin = jxextend.xmin - delta
                    ymax = jxextend.ymax + delta
                    ymin = jxextend.ymin - delta
                    self.extents = Bbox.from_extents(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax)
                self.extents = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Extents", None)

            # 画布透明度
            self.opacity = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Opacity', 1)
            if self.opacity < 0 or self.opacity > 1:
                self.opacity = 1

            # 生成的图片文件存放路径
            self.picfile = Projection.leaf_to_string(p, 'PicFile',

            # 图例图片文件路径,图例叠加到产品图上的位置,为空表示自行生成图例
            legend_pic = p.find("LegendPic").text
            self.islegendpic = False
            self.legendpic = ''
            self.legendpos = [0, 0]
            self.legendopacity = 1
            if not (legend_pic is None or legend_pic.strip() == ''):
                self.islegendpic = True
                legend_pics = legend_pic.strip().split(',')
                if 1 == len(legend_pics):
                    self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
                elif 4 == len(legend_pics):
                    self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()
                    self.legendpos = [
                    self.legendopacity = float(legend_pics[3].strip())
                    self.legendpic = legend_pics[0].strip()

            # 是否取MICAPS数据本身的图例值
            self.micapslegendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_bool(
                p, "MicapsLegendValue", True, 'TRUE')

            # 第三类数据等值线步长
            self.step = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Step', 2.)

            # NCL colorbar 的别名
            self.micapslegendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_string(
                p, 'MicapsLegendColor', 'ncl_default')

            # 图例等级值
            self.legendvalue = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendValue", None)

            # 图例颜色值
            self.legendcolor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "LegendColor", None)

            # 图例放置方式
            self.orientation = Projection.leaf_to_string(
                p, 'Orientation', 'vertical')

            # 图例离边框位置
            self.anchor = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Anchor", [0, 0])

            # 图例收缩系数
            self.shrink = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, "Shrink", 1)

            self.fraction = Projection.leaf_to_float(p, 'Fraction', 0.15)

            # 是否按Micaps数据的标题写产品描述
            self.mtitleposition = Projection.leaf_to_list(
                p, "MTitlePosition", None)

            # 经纬方向上的插值格点数
            self.grid = Projection.leaf_to_list(p, "Grid", [195, 216])
            if len(self.grid) != 2:
                self.grid = [195, 216]
                self.grid = [parseInt(str(g)) for g in self.grid]

            # 等值线参数
            # self.contourvisible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, "ContourVisible", False, 'TRUE')
            contourleaf = p.find("Contour")
            if contourleaf is None:
                self.contour = {
                    'visible': False,
                    'linewidth': 1.0,
                    'linecolor': 'k',
                    'colorline': False
                self.contour = {
                    Projection.leaf_to_bool(contourleaf, "Visible", False,
                    Projection.leaf_to_float(contourleaf, 'LineWidth', 1.0),
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(contourleaf, 'LineColor', 'k'),
                    Projection.leaf_to_bool(contourleaf, "ColorLine", False,

            # 是否显示色斑图
            self.contourfvisible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(
                p, "ContourfVisible", False, 'TRUE')

            # 等值线标注参数
            # self.contourlabelvisible = Projection.leaf_to_bool(p, "ContourLabelVisible", False, 'TRUE')
            leaf = p.find("ContourLabel")
            if leaf is None:
                self.contourlabel = {
                    'visible': False,
                    'fmt': '%1.0f',
                    'fontsize': 12,
                    'fontcolor': 'k'
                self.contourlabel = {
                    Projection.leaf_to_bool(leaf, "Visible", False, 'TRUE'),
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'Fmt', '%1.0f'),
                    Projection.leaf_to_float(leaf, 'FontSize', 12),
                    Projection.leaf_to_string(leaf, 'FontColor', 'k')

            # 产品图片文字描述(可能多个)
            descs = p.find("Descs").getchildren()
            self.descs = []
            for desc in descs:
                txt = Projection.leaf_to_string(desc, 'Text', u'测试数据')
                pos = Projection.leaf_to_list(desc, "Position", [113.2, 30.5])
                fonts = desc.find("Font").text.strip().split(',')
                font = {
                    'family': 'monospace',
                    'weight': 'bold',
                    'fontsize': 12,
                    'color': 'k'
                if len(fonts) == 4:
                    font['fontsize'] = parseInt(fonts[0].strip())
                    font['family'] = fonts[1]
                    font['weight'] = fonts[2]
                    font['color'] = fonts[3]
                self.descs.append(HeadDesc(txt, pos, font))
        except Exception as err:
            print(u'【{0}】{1}-{2}'.format(self.xmlfile, err,
            return None