default='SONDE_,', help='Remove,replace on sonde files') parser.add_argument('sondes', nargs='+', help='Sonde files') parser.add_argument('figpath', help='Path for output figure') args = parser.parse_args() modellabel = args.label args.season = seasons[args.season] mf = None sf = None sids = [] lats = [] tk = None for path in args.sondes: modpath = path.replace(*args.modreplace.split(',')) modf = pncopen(modpath, format='netcdf', addcf=False) mt = modf.getTimes() ismine = np.array([i for i, t in enumerate(mt) if t.month in args.season]) if ismine.size == 0: continue if tk is None: if 'TSTEP' in modf.dimensions: tk = 'TSTEP' else: tk = 'time' modf = modf.sliceDimensions(**{tk: ismine})\ .applyAlongDimensions(**{tk: 'mean'}) if mf is None: mf = modf else: mf = mf.stack(modf, tk)
type=lambda x: tuple([eval(s) for s in x.split(',')]), help='Label for model in figure') parser.add_argument('--modreplace', default='SONDE_,', help='Remove,replace on sonde files') parser.add_argument('sondes', nargs='+', help='Sonde files') parser.add_argument('figpath', help='Path for output figure') args = parser.parse_args() modellabel = args.label mf = None sf = None tk = None for path in args.sondes: modpath = path.replace(*args.modreplace.split(',')) modf = pncopen(modpath, format='netcdf', addcf=False) if tk is None: if 'TSTEP' in modf.dimensions: tk = 'TSTEP' else: tk = 'time' if mf is None: mf = modf else: mf = mf.stack(modf, tk) sonf = pncopen(path, format='netcdf', addcf=False) if sf is None: sf = sonf else: sf = sf.stack(sonf, tk)
def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ GCNC is defined here for the sole purpose of evalwoudc It copies variables and attributes from the new netCDF formatted GEOS-Chem and renames them to be consistent with the PseudoNetCDF bpch reader output. This allows the PseudoNetCDF bpch_base class to provide coordinate manipulation avgSigma and ll2ij """ # Read the GEOS-Chem netCDF file ds = pncopen(*args, format='netcdf', **kwds) # Make quick references to object dictionaries gvs = ds.variables gds = ds.dimensions # Copy all global attributes self.setncatts(ds.getncatts()) # Make a list of coordinate variables to copy coordkeys = 'time lat lon lev ilev hyai hybi'.split() for coordk in coordkeys: if coordk in gds: self.copyDimension(gds[coordk], key=coordk) self.copyVariable(gvs[coordk], key=coordk) # Copy SpeciesConc_O3 as O3 self.copyVariable(gvs['SpeciesConc_O3'], 'O3') # Rename lat/lon dimensions and coordinate variables self.renameDimensions(lat='latitude', lon='longitude', inplace=True) self.renameVariables(lat='latitude', lon='longitude', inplace=True) # Get lat/lon for calculating edges lat = self.variables['latitude'][:] lon = self.variables['longitude'][:] dlat = np.abs(np.median(np.diff(lat))) / 2. dlon = np.abs(np.median(np.diff(lon))) / 2. # Create variables for holding lat/lon boundaries self.createDimension('nv', 2) latb = self.createVariable('latitude_bounds', lat.dtype, ('latitude', 'nv')) latb[:, 0] = np.maximum(lat - dlat, -90) latb[:, 1] = np.minimum(lat + dlat, 90) lonb = self.createVariable('longitude_bounds', lat.dtype, ('longitude', 'nv')) lonb[:, 0] = lon - dlon lonb[:, 1] = lon + dlon # Convert the units of O3 to ppb ov = self.variables['O3'] ov[:] *= 1e9 ov.units = 'ppb' # Convert times to have an absolute reference # much more convenient stacking later. times = self.getTimes() tv = self.variables['time'] tv.units = 'seconds since 1970-01-01 00:00:00+0000' tv[:] = np.array([t.timestamp() for t in times])
default=False, action='store_true', help='Print bias on plot for each bin (every fifth between 1000-500hPa)') parser.add_argument('--label', default='Mod', help='Label for model in figure') parser.add_argument('--season', default='ALL', choices=list(seasons), help='Choose a season, default ALL') parser.add_argument('obs', help='Sonde observations') parser.add_argument('mod', help='Mod for sondes') parser.add_argument('figpath', help='Path for output figure') args = parser.parse_args() modellabel = args.label args.season = seasons[args.season] sf = pncopen(args.obs, format='ioapi', addcf=False) mf = pncopen(args.mod, format='ioapi', addcf=False) st = sf.getTimes() sti = np.array([ti for ti, t in enumerate(st) if t.month in args.season]) mt = mf.getTimes() mti = np.array([ti for ti, t in enumerate(mt) if t.month in args.season]) if 'TSTEP' in sf.dimensions: tk = 'TSTEP' else: tk = 'time' # sf = sf.sliceDimensions(**{tk: sti}) # mf = mf.sliceDimensions(**{tk: mti}) if 'Press' in sf.variables: psrf = sf.variables['Press'][:].mean()
# Get altitude edges altedges = self.variables['altitude_edges'] pr = self.variables['blview_backscatter_profile'] plot_kw.setdefault('norm', plt.matplotlib.colors.LogNorm()) patches = ax.pcolormesh(time_edges[:], altedges[:], pr[:].T, **plot_kw) plt.colorbar(patches, cax=cax, label=pr.units.strip()) return fig class test_vaisala(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): from PseudoNetCDF.testcase import ceilometerfiles_paths self.vaisalapath = ceilometerfiles_paths['vaisala'] def testVAISALA2NCF(self): import os vfile = ceilometerl2(self.vaisalapath) outpath = self.vaisalapath + '.nc' ncfile = for k, ncv in ncfile.variables.items(): vpv = vfile.variables[k] np.testing.assert_allclose(ncv[...], vpv[...]) os.remove(outpath) if __name__ == '__main__': from PseudoNetCDF import pncopen testdir = '/work/ROMO/users/kpc/flintfx/convceilometer/' testpath = testdir + 'CEILOMETER_1_LEVEL_2_20.his' f = pncopen(testpath, format='ceilometerl2')
print('Skipping', ', '.join(notmydatestrs)) if len(mydatestrs) == 0: print('Skipping', prefix, 'no files match filter') continue # Make a list of model paths for the sonde files in teh season of interest modpaths = [ dates[datestr].strftime(args.intemplate) for datestr in mydatestrs ] # Make a list of paths for the sonde files in the season of interest sondepaths = [sondepathdict[datestr] for datestr in mydatestrs] # Open an example file for metadata tmpf = pncopen(modpaths[0], **modformat, addcf=False) # Use temp file to calculate i, j indices and ensure they are not arrays nrow = len(tmpf.dimensions[dim2dim['latitude']]) ncol = len(tmpf.dimensions[dim2dim['longitude']]) try: modi, modj = tmpf.ll2ij(lon, lat) modi = int(modi) modj = int(modj) if ((modi < 0) or (modj < 0) or (modi >= ncol) or (modj >= nrow)): raise ValueError() except Exception: print('Skipping', prefix, 'not in domain') continue # For CMAQ construct a "hybrid" sigma eta
from glob import glob from PseudoNetCDF import pncopen from collections import OrderedDict import json import sys dataroot = sys.argv[1] paths = glob(dataroot + '/*.l100') out = {} for path in paths: print(path) try: f = pncopen(path, format='l100', addcf=False) stype = 'NOAA' sid = f.Flight_Number[:2] key = '%s%s' % (stype, sid) print(key) name = f.Station lat = f.variables['latitude'][0] lon = f.variables['longitude'][0] hght = f.Station_Height hght_unit = hght.split(' ')[1] outdate = f.getTimes()[0] datestr = outdate.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S%z') print(outdate) if key not in out: print('addedkey', key) mine = out[key] = OrderedDict() mine['Station'] = name mine['Station Height'] = '{} {}'.format(hght, hght_unit)
from glob import glob from PseudoNetCDF import pncopen from collections import OrderedDict import json import sys dataroot = sys.argv[1] paths = glob(dataroot + '/*') out = {} for path in paths: print(path) try: f = pncopen(path, format='woudcsonde', addcf=False) stype = f.variables['PLATFORM_Type'].view('S64')[0, 0].decode().strip() sid = f.variables['PLATFORM_ID'][:].array()[0] key = '%s%03d' % (stype, sid) print(key) name = f.variables['PLATFORM_Name'].view('S64')[0, 0].decode() lat = f.variables['LOCATION_Latitude'][0] lon = f.variables['LOCATION_Longitude'][0] hghtv = f.variables['LOCATION_Height'] hght = hghtv[0] hght_unit = hghtv.units.strip().replace('unknown', 'meters') outdate = f.getTimes()[0] datestr = outdate.strftime('%F %H:%M:%S%z') print(outdate) if key not in out: print('addedkey', key) mine = out[key] = OrderedDict() mine['Station'] = name
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from warnings import warn from scipy.stats import pearsonr, spearmanr import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--seasonkeys', default='ALL DJF MAM JJA SON'.split(), type=lambda x: x.split(','), help='comma delimited seasons (ALL,DJF,MAM,SON)') parser.add_argument('--obsname', default='OBS') parser.add_argument('--modname', default='MOD') parser.add_argument('obspath') parser.add_argument('modpath') args = parser.parse_args() cmaqf = pncopen(args.modpath, addcf=False, format='netcdf') cnetf = pncopen(args.obspath, addcf=False, format='netcdf') times = cmaqf.getTimes() season = dict(JULY=[7], DJF=[12, 1, 2], MAM=[3, 4, 5], JJA=[6, 7, 8], SON=[9, 10, 11], ALL=range(1, 13)) season = dict([(seasonk, season[seasonk]) for seasonk in args.seasonkeys]) sitenames = cnetf.SITENAMES.split('|') for monthk, monthi in season.items(): tslice = np.array([t.month in monthi for t in times])
INT*4 Number of particles INT*4 Number of pollutants INT*4 Time of particle dump (YEAR, MONTH, DAY, HOUR, MINUTES) """ rec1 = np.fromfile(self._path, dtype='>i,>7i,>i', count=1), 0) hdr = rec1['f1'][0] self.NPARTICLES = hdr[0] self.NPOLLUTANTS = hdr[1] self.YEAR = hdr[2] self.MONTH = hdr[3] self.DAY = hdr[4] self.HOUR = hdr[5] self.MINUTES = hdr[6] assert (rec1['f0'] == rec1['f2']) datfmt = '>i,>({},)f,>i,>i,>6f,>i,>i,>5i,>i'.format(self.NPOLLUTANTS) self._fmt = np.dtype([('header', '>i,>7i,>i'), ('data', datfmt, (self.NPARTICLES, ))]) data = np.fromfile(self._path, dtype=self._fmt) assert (data.shape[0] == 1) self._data = data[0] db = self._data['data'] assert ((db['f0'] == db['f2']).all()) assert ((db['f3'] == db['f5']).all()) assert ((db['f6'] == db['f8']).all()) if __name__ == '__main__': from PseudoNetCDF import pncopen f = pncopen('PARDUMP_143', format='arlpardump')
ax.plot([0, vmax], [0, vmax], color='k') pr = pearsonr(xc, yc) sr = spearmanr(xc, yc) ax.set_title( 'Pearson (r={:0.2f}, p={:0.2f}); Spearman (r={:0.2f}, p={:0.2f})'. format(*(pr + sr))) ax.set_xlabel( args.obsname + ' O3 ppb ({:.0f}, {:.0f}, {:.0f})'.format(cnetmin, cnetmean, cnetmax)) ax.set_ylabel( args.modname + ' O3 ppb ({:.0f}, {:.0f}, {:.0f})'.format(cmaqmin, cmaqmean, cmaqmax)) return ax.figure cmaqf = pncopen(args.modpath, addcf=False, format='netcdf').copy().removeSingleton() cnetf = pncopen(args.obspath, addcf=False, format='netcdf').copy() times = cmaqf.getTimes() for monthk, monthi in season.items(): tslice = np.array([t.month in monthi for t in times]) print(monthk, monthi, tslice.sum()) fig = plotslice(cmaqf, cnetf, tslice) fig.savefig('hist2d/hist2d_O3_' + monthk + '.png') lidx = (np.arange(24, len(times) - 24)[:, None] - cnetf.variables['TIME_OFFSET']).astype('i') lidx.dimensions = ('time', 'site') uidx, sidx = np.indices(lidx[:].shape) sidx = lidx * 0 + sidx