Esempio n. 1
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize an empty digraph."""
     self.g = Graph()
     self.c_n = 0  # Color used internally for nodes.
     self.c_e = 1  # Color used internally for edges.
     self.node_map = {}
     self.edge_map = {}
     self.event_map = {}
     self.enum = Enumerator(0)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self):
     """Initialize an empty digraph."""
     self.g = Graph()
     self.c_n = 0 # Color used internally for nodes.
     self.c_e = 1 # Color used internally for edges.
     self.node_map = {}
     self.edge_map = {}
     self.event_map = {}
     self.enum = Enumerator(0)
Esempio n. 3
class Digraph(object):
    """Directed graph for calculating canonical forms.
    Digraph can have either edges or events; the difference is that
    only one edge can exist between two nodes, whereas multiple events
    are possible. The events are also ordered in time.

    For any Digraph use either `add_edge` or `add_event`, do not mix
    the two. If events are used, add information about their mutual
    order with `add_event_order`.
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize an empty digraph."""
        self.g = Graph()
        self.c_n = 0  # Color used internally for nodes.
        self.c_e = 1  # Color used internally for edges.
        self.node_map = {}
        self.edge_map = {}
        self.event_map = {}
        self.enum = Enumerator(0)

    def add_vertex(self, v, color=0):
        """Add a new vertex with given id and color.

        Does nothing if a vertex with the given id already
        exists. Note that missing vertices are added automatically
        when new edges or events are added.
        if v in self.node_map:
            return False
        n_0, n_1 = self.enum(), self.enum()
        self.g.add_vertex(n_0, self.c_n)
        self.g.add_vertex(n_1, color + 2)
        self.g.add_edge(n_0, n_1)
        self.node_map[v] = (n_0, n_1, color)
        return True

    def __add_link(self, v1, v2, color):
        e_0, e_1 = self.enum(), self.enum()
        self.g.add_vertex(e_0, self.c_e)
        self.g.add_vertex(e_1, color + 2)
        self.g.add_edge(e_0, e_1)
        self.g.add_edge(self.node_map[v1][1], e_1)
        self.g.add_edge(e_1, self.node_map[v2][0])
        return e_0, e_1

    def add_edge(self, v1, v2, color=1):
        """Add an edge with a given color.

        There can be only one edge per ordered node pair. Trying to
        create an edge that already exists will do nothing.
        if (v1, v2) in self.edge_map:
        e_0, e_1 = self.__add_link(v1, v2, color)
        self.edge_map[(v1, v2)] = (e_0, e_1, color)

    def add_event(self, e_id, v1, v2, color=1):
        """Add an event with a given id and color.

        There can be multiple events between any pair of nodes.
        e_0, e_1 = self.__add_link(v1, v2, color)
        self.event_map[e_id] = (e_0, e_1, color)

    def add_event_order(self, e_id_1, e_id_2):
        """State that event `e_id_1` takes place before `e_id_2`."""
        self.g.add_edge(self.event_map[e_id_1][1], self.event_map[e_id_2][0])

    def get_vertices(self):
        """Returns a list of node ids."""
        return self.node_map.keys()

    def get_edge(self):
        """Returns a list of edge ids."""
        return self.edge_map.keys()

    def get_events(self):
        """Returns a list of event ids."""
        return self.event_map.keys()

    def canonical_labeling(self):
        """Create canonical labeling of nodes.

        The returned dictionary has keys corresponding to the node
        labels given as input when constructing the Digraph and values
        corresponding to canonical labeling [0 .. n-1] that is
        guaranteed to be identical for isomorphic digraphs or

        NB! Do not use this labeling to calculate the hash, use
        hash(Digraph) instead.
        # The implementation is slighty more complicated than just
        # using the canonical labeling of the Graph object because
        # there are many other vertices than just those corresponding
        # to nodes. However, by starting from the canonical labeling
        # of the Graph object we can be sure the returned labels are
        # the same for any isomorphic graphs.
        labels = self.g.canonical_labeling()
        real_nodes = dict((v[0], k) for k, v in self.node_map.iteritems())
        inv_labels = {}
        for n, v in labels.iteritems():
            if n in real_nodes:
                inv_labels[v] = real_nodes[n]
        new_labels = {}
        i = 0
        for v in sorted(inv_labels.keys()):
            new_labels[inv_labels[v]] = i
            i += 1
        return new_labels

    def __hash__(self):
        """Return canonical hash."""
        return hash(self.g.relabel(self.g.canonical_labeling()))
Esempio n. 4
class Digraph(object):
    """Directed graph for calculating canonical forms.
    Digraph can have either edges or events; the difference is that
    only one edge can exist between two nodes, whereas multiple events
    are possible. The events are also ordered in time.

    For any Digraph use either `add_edge` or `add_event`, do not mix
    the two. If events are used, add information about their mutual
    order with `add_event_order`.
    def __init__(self):
        """Initialize an empty digraph."""
        self.g = Graph()
        self.c_n = 0 # Color used internally for nodes.
        self.c_e = 1 # Color used internally for edges.
        self.node_map = {}
        self.edge_map = {}
        self.event_map = {}
        self.enum = Enumerator(0)

    def add_vertex(self, v, color=0):
        """Add a new vertex with given id and color.

        Does nothing if a vertex with the given id already
        exists. Note that missing vertices are added automatically
        when new edges or events are added.
        if v in self.node_map:
            return False
        n_0, n_1 = self.enum(), self.enum()
        self.g.add_vertex(n_0, self.c_n)
        self.g.add_vertex(n_1, color+2)
        self.g.add_edge(n_0, n_1)
        self.node_map[v] = (n_0,n_1,color)
        return True

    def __add_link(self, v1, v2, color):
        e_0, e_1 = self.enum(), self.enum()
        self.g.add_vertex(e_0, self.c_e)
        self.g.add_vertex(e_1, color+2)
        self.g.add_edge(e_0, e_1)
        self.g.add_edge(self.node_map[v1][1], e_1)
        self.g.add_edge(e_1, self.node_map[v2][0])
        return e_0, e_1

    def add_edge(self, v1, v2, color=1):
        """Add an edge with a given color.

        There can be only one edge per ordered node pair. Trying to
        create an edge that already exists will do nothing.
        if (v1,v2) in self.edge_map:
        e_0, e_1 = self.__add_link(v1,v2,color)
        self.edge_map[(v1,v2)] = (e_0,e_1,color)

    def add_event(self, e_id, v1, v2, color=1):
        """Add an event with a given id and color.

        There can be multiple events between any pair of nodes.
        e_0, e_1 = self.__add_link(v1,v2,color)
        self.event_map[e_id] = (e_0,e_1,color)

    def add_event_order(self, e_id_1, e_id_2):
        """State that event `e_id_1` takes place before `e_id_2`."""
        self.g.add_edge(self.event_map[e_id_1][1], self.event_map[e_id_2][0])

    def get_vertices(self):
        """Returns a list of node ids."""
        return self.node_map.keys()

    def get_edge(self):
        """Returns a list of edge ids."""
        return self.edge_map.keys()

    def get_events(self):
        """Returns a list of event ids."""
        return self.event_map.keys()

    def canonical_labeling(self):
        """Create canonical labeling of nodes.

        The returned dictionary has keys corresponding to the node
        labels given as input when constructing the Digraph and values
        corresponding to canonical labeling [0 .. n-1] that is
        guaranteed to be identical for isomorphic digraphs or

        NB! Do not use this labeling to calculate the hash, use
        hash(Digraph) instead.
        # The implementation is slighty more complicated than just
        # using the canonical labeling of the Graph object because
        # there are many other vertices than just those corresponding
        # to nodes. However, by starting from the canonical labeling
        # of the Graph object we can be sure the returned labels are
        # the same for any isomorphic graphs.
        labels = self.g.canonical_labeling()
        real_nodes = dict((v[0],k) for k,v in self.node_map.iteritems())
        inv_labels = {}
        for n,v in labels.iteritems():
            if n in real_nodes:
                inv_labels[v] = real_nodes[n]
        new_labels = {}
        i = 0
        for v in sorted(inv_labels.keys()):
            new_labels[inv_labels[v]] = i
            i += 1
        return new_labels

    def __hash__(self):
        """Return canonical hash."""
        return hash(self.g.relabel(self.g.canonical_labeling()))