Esempio n. 1
class TestInactiveDB(TestCase):
    Test PyFunceble.database.Inactive
    def setUp(self):
        Setup everything needed for the test

                               custom={"db_type": "json"})

        self.file_to_test = "this_file_is_a_ghost"

        self.file = (PyFunceble.CONFIG_DIRECTORY +

        self.expected_content = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                "0": {
                    "||^": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["invalid"],

        self.time_past = str(int(PyFunceble.time()) - (365 * 24 * 3600))
        self.time_future = str(int(PyFunceble.time()) + (365 * 24 * 3600))

        self.inactive_db = InactiveDB(self.file_to_test)

    def test_file_not_exist(self):
        Test if everything is right with the generated


        expected = False
        actual = PyFunceble.path.isfile(self.file)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

    def test_load_file_not_exist(self):
        Test the case that we want to load the database file that does not exist.



        expected = {self.file_to_test: {}}

        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_load_file_exist(self):
        Test the case that we want to load a file that exist.


        self.inactive_db.database = {}

        self.assertEqual(self.expected_content, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_save(self):
        Test the saving of the inactive database.

        self.inactive_db.database = self.expected_content



    def test_initiate__path_not_exist(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.initiate() for the case that the path does not exist.


        self.inactive_db.database = {}

        expected = {self.file_to_test: {}}


        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_initiate__path_exist_time_past(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.initiate() for the case that the path exist but
        the timestamp is in the past.


        new_time = str(
            int(PyFunceble.time()) - self.inactive_db.one_day_in_seconds - 100)

        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_past: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                "to_test": {
                    "": ""

        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_past: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                new_time: {
                    "": ""

        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)

    def test_initiate__path_exist_time_future(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.initiate() for the case that the path exist but
        the timestamp is in the future.


        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_future: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],

        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_future: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],

        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_timestamp_path_does_not_exit(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive._timestamp() for the case that the path does
        not exist but the time is in the past.


        self.inactive_db.database = {}

        expected = int(PyFunceble.time())
        actual = self.inactive_db._timestamp()

        self.assertGreaterEqual(expected, actual)


    def test_timestamp_path_exist_time_past(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive._timestamp() for the case that the path exist but
        the time is in the past.


        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_past: ["", "world.hello"]

        expected = int(PyFunceble.time())
        actual = self.inactive_db._timestamp()

        self.assertGreaterEqual(expected, actual)


    def test_timestamp_path_exist_time_future(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive._timestamp() for the case that the path exist but
        the time is in the future.


        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                self.time_future: ["", "world.hello"]

        expected = int(self.time_future)
        actual = self.inactive_db._timestamp()

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)


    def test_add_path_does_not_exist(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.add() for the case that the path does not exist.


        self.inactive_db.database = {}
        subject = ""

        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                str(self.inactive_db._timestamp()): {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

        self.inactive_db.add(subject, PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"])
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)

        self.inactive_db.database = {}
        subject = ""

        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                str(self.inactive_db._timestamp()): {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

        self.inactive_db.add(subject, PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"])
        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_add_file_path_not_present(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.add() for the case that the path is not
        present into the Inactive.


        timestamp = str(self.inactive_db._timestamp())
        subject = ""
        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                timestamp: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

        self.inactive_db.add(subject, PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"])

        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_add_file_path_present(self):  # pylint: disable=invalid-name
        Test Inactive.add() for the case that the path is present
        into the Inactive.


        timestamp = str(self.inactive_db._timestamp())
        subject = ""

        expected = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                timestamp: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"],

        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                timestamp: {
                    "world.hello": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]

        self.inactive_db.add(subject, PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"])

        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_remove(self):
        Test Inactive.remove().

        timestamp = str(self.inactive_db._timestamp())


        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                timestamp: {
                    "": PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]["down"]
        subject = ""

        expected = {self.file_to_test: {timestamp: {}}}


        self.assertEqual(expected, self.inactive_db.database)


    def test_is_present(self):
        Test the presence of element in the databse.


        # Test of the case that everything goes right !
        timestamp = str(self.inactive_db._timestamp())

        self.inactive_db.database = {
            self.file_to_test: {
                timestamp: ["", "world.hello", ""]
        subject = ""

        expected = True
        actual = subject in self.inactive_db

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        del self.inactive_db.database[self.file_to_test][timestamp]
        subject = ""
        expected = False
        actual = subject in self.inactive_db

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

        self.assertEqual(expected, actual)

Esempio n. 2
    def _test_line(self, line, manager_data=None):  # pylint: disable=too-many-branches  # pragma: no cover
        Given a line, we test it.

        :param str line: A line to work with.
        :param multiprocessing.Manager.list manager_data: A Server process.

        if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION[
                "db_type"] == "json" and manager_data is not None:
            autocontinue = AutoContinue(self.file, parent_process=False)
            inactive_db = InactiveDB(self.file)
            mining = Mining(self.file)
            # We use the previously initiated autocontinue instance.
            autocontinue = self.autocontinue

            # We use the previously initiated inactive database instance.
            inactive_db = self.inactive_db

            # We use the previously initiated mining instance.
            mining = self.mining

        # We remove cariage from the given line.
        line = line.strip()

        if not line or line[0] == "#":
            # We line is a comment line.

            # We return None, there is nothing to test.
            return None

        if Regex(line, self.regex_ignore, escape=False,
            # The line match our list of elemenet
            # to ignore.

            # We return None, there is nothing to test.
            return None

        # We format the line, it's the last
        # rush before starting to filter and test.
        subject = self._format_line(line)

        if (not PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["local"]
                and PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_reserved_ipv4()):
            # * We are not testing for local components.
            # and
            # * The subject is a reserved IPv4.

            # We return None, there is nothing to test.
            return None

        if PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["filter"]:
            # We have to filter.

            if Regex(subject,
                # The line match the given filter.

                # We get the status of the current line.
                status = self.__process_test(subject)
                # The line does not match the given filter.

                # We return None.
                return None
            # We do not have to filter.

            # We get the status of the current line.
            status = self.__process_test(subject)

        # We add the line into the auto continue database.
        autocontinue.add(subject, status)

        if status.lower() in self.list_of_up_statuses:
            # The status is in the list of UP status.

            # We mine if necessary.
            mining.mine(subject, self.file_type)

            if subject in inactive_db:
                # The subject is in the inactive database.

                # We generate the suspicous file.
                Generate(subject, "file_domain", PyFunceble.STATUS["official"]

                # And we remove the current subject from
                # the inactive database.
            # The status is not in the list of UP status.

            # We add the current subject into the
            # inactive database.
            inactive_db.add(subject, status)

        if (self.complements_test_started
                and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["db_type"] == "json"):
            # We started the test of the complements.

            if "complements" in autocontinue.database:
                # The complement index is present.

                while subject in autocontinue.database["complements"]:
                    # We loop untill the line is not present into the
                    # database.

                    # We remove the currently tested element.

                    # We save the current state.

        if manager_data is None:
            # We are not in a multiprocess environment.

            # We update the counters

            # We process the autosaving if it is necessary.
        elif PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["db_type"] == "json":
            # We are in a multiprocess environment.

            # We save everything we initiated into the server process
                "autocontinue": autocontinue.database,
                "inactive_db": inactive_db.database,
                "mining": mining.database,

        # We return None.
        return None
Esempio n. 3
class APICore:
    Provide the logic and interface for the tests from the API.

    :param str subject: The element we are testing.
    :param bool complete:
        Activate the return of a dictionnary with signigicant - if not all -
        data about the test.

    :param dict configuration:
        The configuration to

    # The subject we are working with.
    subject = None
    # Tell us if we have to return all possible data.
    complete = False
    # Saves the configuration.
    configuration = None

    def __init__(self, subject, complete=False, configuration=None):
        # We share the subject.
        self.subject = subject

        # We share the complete option.
        self.complete = complete
        # We share the configuration.
        self.configuration = configuration

        # We load the global configuration
        # if it was not alreay done.

        if ("api_file_generation" in PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION
                and PyFunceble.CONFIGURATION["api_file_generation"]):

        # We update the configuration with the given
        # configuration.

        # We get an instance of the DB connection.
        self.sqlite_db = SQLite()
        self.mysql_db = MySQL()

        # We create an instance of the whois database.
        self.whois_db = WhoisDB(sqlite_db=self.sqlite_db,

        # We create an instance of the inactive database.
        self.inactive_db = InactiveDB("api_call",

    def __inactive_database_management(self, subject, status):
        Given the subject and status, we add or remove the subject
        from the inactive database.

        if self.inactive_db.authorized:
            # We are authorized to operate with the
            # inactive database.s

            if status.lower() in PyFunceble.STATUS["list"]["up"]:
                # The status is in the list of UP status.

                # We remove it from the database.
                # The status is not in the list of UP status.

                # We add it into the database.
                self.inactive_db.add(subject, status)

    def domain_and_ip(self):
        Run a domain/IP avaibility check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subject is a list of subjects.

            # We initiate a variable which save our result.
            result = {}

            for subject in self.subject:
                # We loop through the list of subject.

                # We get the complete data related to the status
                # of the subject.
                data = Status(subject,

                if self.complete:
                    # The user want a copy of the complete data.

                    # We set it.
                    result[subject] = data
                    # The user do not want a copy of the complete data.

                    # We only set the status.
                    result[subject] = data["status"]

                self.__inactive_database_management(subject, data["status"])

            # We return our local result.
            return result

        # We get the status of the given subject.
        data = Status(self.subject,

        self.__inactive_database_management(self.subject, data["status"])

        if self.complete:
            # The user want a copy of the compelte data.

            # We return them
            return data

        # We only return the status.
        return data["status"]

    def domain_syntax(self):
        Run a domain syntax check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subject is a list of subject.

            # We return the validity of each subjects.
            return {
                subject: PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_domain()
                for subject in self.subject

        # We return the validity of the the given subject.
        return PyFunceble.Check(self.subject).is_domain()

    def subdomain_syntax(self):
        Run a subdomain syntax check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subjet is a list of subject.

            # We return the validity of each subjects.
            return {
                subject: PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_subdomain()
                for subject in self.subject

        # We return the validity of the given subject.
        return PyFunceble.Check(self.subject).is_subdomain()

    def ipv4_syntax(self):
        Run an IPv4 syntax check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subjet is a list of subject.

            # We return the validity of each subjects.
            return {
                subject: PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_ipv4()
                for subject in self.subject

        # We return the validity of the given subject.
        return PyFunceble.Check(self.subject).is_ipv4()

    def ipv4_range_syntax(self):
        Run an IPv4 range syntax check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subjet is a list of subject.

            # We return the validity of each subjects.
            return {
                subject: PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_ipv4_range()
                for subject in self.subject

        # We return the validity of the given subject.
        return PyFunceble.Check(self.subject).is_ipv4_range()

    def url(self):
        Run an URL avaibility check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subjet is a list of subject.

            # We initiate a local variable which will save
            # what we are going to return.
            result = {}

            for subject in self.subject:
                # We loop through the list of subjects.

                # We get the complete data about the status.
                data = URLStatus(subject, subject_type="url").get()

                if self.complete:
                    # The user want a complete copy of the data.

                    # We set it.
                    result[subject] = data
                    # The user does not want a complete copy of the data.

                    # We only set the status.
                    result[subject] = data["status"]

                self.__inactive_database_management(subject, data["status"])

            # We return the result of each subjects.
            return result

        # We get the complete data about the status of the subject.
        data = URLStatus(self.subject, subject_type="url").get()

        self.__inactive_database_management(self.subject, data["status"])

        if self.complete:
            # The user want a complete copy of the data.

            # We return them.
            return data

        # We return the result of each subjects.
        return data["status"]

    def url_syntax(self):
        Run an IPv4 syntax check over the given subject.

        if isinstance(self.subject, list):
            # The given subjet is a list of subject.

            # We return the validity of each subjects.
            return {
                subject: PyFunceble.Check(subject).is_url()
                for subject in self.subject

        # We return the validity of the subject.
        return PyFunceble.Check(self.subject).is_url()