def link_stylesheets(self, names): s = self.categories['styles'] sheets = [unicode(s.child(i).data(0, NAME_ROLE).toString()) for i in xrange(s.childCount())] if not sheets: return error_dialog(self, _('No stylesheets'), _( 'This book currently has no stylesheets. You must first create a stylesheet' ' before linking it.'), show=True) d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Choose stylesheets')) = la = QLabel(_('Choose the stylesheets to link. Drag and drop to re-arrange')) la.setWordWrap(True) l.addWidget(la) d.s = s = QListWidget(d) l.addWidget(s) s.setDragEnabled(True) s.setDropIndicatorShown(True) s.setDragDropMode(self.InternalMove) s.setAutoScroll(True) s.setDefaultDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) for name in sheets: i = QListWidgetItem(name, s) flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable i.setFlags(flags) i.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addWidget(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: sheets = [unicode(s.item(i).text()) for i in xrange(s.count()) if s.item(i).checkState() == Qt.Checked] if sheets: self.link_stylesheets_requested.emit(names, sheets)
def get_bulk_rename_settings(parent, number, msg=None, sanitize=sanitize_file_name_unicode, leading_zeros=True): # {{{ d = QDialog(parent) d.l = l = QFormLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.prefix = p = QLineEdit(d) p.setText(_('Chapter-')) p.selectAll() = la = QLabel(msg or _( 'All selected files will be renamed to the form prefix-number')) l.addRow(la) l.addRow(_('&Prefix:'), p) d.num = num = QSpinBox(d) num.setMinimum(0), num.setValue(1), num.setMaximum(1000) l.addRow(_('Starting &number:'), num) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addRow(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: prefix = sanitize(unicode(d.prefix.text())) num = d.num.value() fmt = '%d' if leading_zeros: largest = num + number - 1 fmt = '%0{0}d'.format(len(str(largest))) return prefix + fmt, num return None, None
def get_bulk_rename_settings(parent, number, msg=None, sanitize=sanitize_file_name_unicode, leading_zeros=True): # {{{ d = QDialog(parent) d.l = l = QFormLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.prefix = p = QLineEdit(d) p.setText(_('Chapter-')) p.selectAll() = la = QLabel( msg or _('All selected files will be renamed to the form prefix-number')) l.addRow(la) l.addRow(_('&Prefix:'), p) d.num = num = QSpinBox(d) num.setMinimum(0), num.setValue(1), num.setMaximum(1000) l.addRow(_('Starting &number:'), num) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addRow(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: prefix = sanitize(unicode(d.prefix.text())) num = d.num.value() fmt = '%d' if leading_zeros: largest = num + number - 1 fmt = '%0{0}d'.format(len(str(largest))) return prefix + fmt, num return None, None
def view_server_logs(self): from calibre.library.server import log_access_file, log_error_file d = QDialog(self) d.resize(QSize(800, 600)) layout = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Error log:'))) el = QPlainTextEdit(d) layout.addWidget(el) try: el.setPlainText( open(log_error_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf8', 'replace')) except IOError: el.setPlainText('No error log found') layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Access log:'))) al = QPlainTextEdit(d) layout.addWidget(al) try: al.setPlainText( open(log_access_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf8', 'replace')) except IOError: al.setPlainText('No access log found') bx = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) layout.addWidget(bx) bx.accepted.connect(d.accept)
def polish(self, action, name): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action: True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown("# %s\n\n" % self.current_metadata.title + "\n\n".join(report), output_format="html4") d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_()
def polish(self, action, name): self.commit_all_editors_to_container() with BusyCursor(): self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action: True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n' % self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_()
def request_bulk_rename(self): names = {unicode(, NAME_ROLE).toString()) for item in self.selectedItems()} bad = names & current_container().names_that_must_not_be_changed if bad: return error_dialog(self, _('Cannot rename'), _('The file(s) %s cannot be renamed.') % ('<b>%s</b>' % ', '.join(bad)), show=True) names = sorted(names, key=self.index_of_name) d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QFormLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.prefix = p = QLineEdit(d) p.setText(_('Chapter-')) p.selectAll() = la = QLabel(_( 'All selected files will be renamed to the form prefix-number')) l.addRow(la) l.addRow(_('&Prefix:'), p) d.num = num = QSpinBox(d) num.setMinimum(0), num.setValue(1), num.setMaximum(1000) l.addRow(_('Starting &number:'), num) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addRow(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: prefix = sanitize_file_name_unicode(unicode(d.prefix.text())) num = d.num.value() largest = num + len(names) - 1 fmt = '%0{0}d'.format(len(str(largest))) def change_name(name, num): parts = name.split('/') base, ext = parts[-1].rpartition('.')[0::2] parts[-1] = prefix + (fmt % num) + '.' + ext return '/'.join(parts) name_map = {n:change_name(n, num + i) for i, n in enumerate(names)} self.bulk_rename_requested.emit(name_map)
def add_builtin_recipe(self): from import \ get_builtin_recipe_collection, get_builtin_recipe_by_id from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QListWidgetItem, \ QListWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QSize d = QDialog(self) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.list = QListWidget(d) d.list.doubleClicked.connect(lambda x: d.accept()) d.l.addWidget(d.list) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, Qt.Horizontal, d) d.l.addWidget( d.setWindowTitle(_('Choose builtin recipe')) items = [] for r in get_builtin_recipe_collection(): id_ = r.get('id', '') title = r.get('title', '') lang = r.get('language', '') if id_ and title: items.append((title + ' [%s]'%lang, id_)) items.sort(key=lambda x:sort_key(x[0])) for title, id_ in items: item = QListWidgetItem(title) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, id_) d.list.addItem(item) d.resize(QSize(450, 400)) ret = d.exec_() d.list.doubleClicked.disconnect() if ret != d.Accepted: return items = list(d.list.selectedItems()) if not items: return item = items[-1] id_ = unicode( title = unicode(' [')[0] profile = get_builtin_recipe_by_id(id_, download_recipe=True) if profile is None: raise Exception('Something weird happened') if self._model.has_title(title): if question_dialog(self, _('Replace recipe?'), _('A custom recipe named %s already exists. Do you want to ' 'replace it?')%title): self._model.replace_by_title(title, profile) else: return else: self.model.add(title, profile) self.clear()
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Please enter your Trezor password") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False)) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Please enter your Trezor password") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout( make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False) ) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Disconnect your BTChip, read the unique second factor PIN, reconnect it and enter the unique second factor PIN") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout( make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False) ) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def test(): app = QApplication([]) app d = QDialog() d.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) d.layout().addWidget(FontFamilyChooser(d)) d.layout().addWidget(QFontComboBox(d)) d.exec_()
def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _('Are you sure?'), _('The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort' ' the save process, are you sure?'), default_yes=False): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Unsaved changes')) d.i = QLabel('') d.i.setPixmap( QPixmap(I('save.png')).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel( _('There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.' )) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ='&Save and Quit'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('save.png'))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ='&Quit without saving'), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_('Saving, please wait...')) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _( "Disconnect your BTChip, read the unique second factor PIN, reconnect it and enter the unique second factor PIN" ) d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False)) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def confirm_quit(self): if self.doing_terminal_save: return False if self.save_manager.has_tasks: if not question_dialog( self.gui, _("Are you sure?"), _( "The current book is being saved in the background, quitting will abort" " the save process, are you sure?" ), default_yes=False, ): return False if self.gui.action_save.isEnabled(): d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QGridLayout(d) d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_("Unsaved changes")) d.i = QLabel("") d.i.setPixmap(QPixmap(I("save.png")).scaledToHeight(64, Qt.SmoothTransformation)) d.i.setMaximumSize(QSize(d.i.pixmap().width(), 64)) d.i.setScaledContents(True) d.l.addWidget(d.i, 0, 0) d.m = QLabel(_("There are unsaved changes, if you quit without saving, you will lose them.")) d.m.setWordWrap(True) d.l.addWidget(d.m, 0, 1) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(, 1, 0, 1, 2) d.do_save = None def endit(x): d.do_save = x d.accept() b ="&Save and Quit"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I("save.png"))) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(True)) b ="&Quit without saving"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) b.clicked.connect(lambda *args: endit(False)) d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() != d.Accepted or d.do_save is None: return False if d.do_save: self.gui.action_save.trigger() self.gui.blocking_job.set_msg(_("Saving, please wait...")) self.gui.blocking_job.start() self.doing_terminal_save = True QTimer.singleShot(50, self.check_terminal_save) return False return True
def trezor_passphrase_dialog(msg): from chainkey_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: return None if passphrase is None: passphrase = '' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) return passphrase
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" \ "Your BTChip wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" \ "For this to work, please open a text editor (on a different computer / device if you believe this computer is compromised) and put your cursor into it, unplug your BTChip and plug it back in.\r\n" \ "It should show itself to your computer as a keyboard and output the second factor along with a summary of the transaction it is signing into the text-editor.\r\n\r\n" \ "Check that summary and then enter the second factor code here.\r\n" \ "Before clicking OK, re-plug the device once more (unplug it and plug it again if you read the second factor code on the same computer)") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False)) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def password_dialog(self, msg=None): if not msg: msg = _("Do not enter your device PIN here !\r\n\r\n" \ "Your BTChip wants to talk to you and tell you a unique second factor code.\r\n" \ "For this to work, please open a text editor (on a different computer / device if you believe this computer is compromised) and put your cursor into it, unplug your BTChip and plug it back in.\r\n" \ "It should show itself to your computer as a keyboard and output the second factor along with a summary of the transaction it is signing into the text-editor.\r\n\r\n" \ "Check that summary and then enter the second factor code here.\r\n" \ "Before clicking OK, re-plug the device once more (unplug it and plug it again if you read the second factor code on the same computer)") d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout( make_password_dialog(d, None, msg, False) ) return run_password_dialog(d, None, None)
def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) d.treat_as_image = QCheckBox(d) d.setMinimumWidth(600) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) = b = QPushButton(_('&Browse')) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('document_open.png'))) def cf(): files = choose_files(d, 'select link file', _('Choose file'), select_only_single_file=True) if files: path = files[0] d.url.setText(path) if path and os.path.exists(path): with lopen(path, 'rb') as f: q = what(f) is_image = q in {'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'} d.treat_as_image.setChecked(is_image) b.clicked.connect(cf) = la = QLabel( _('Enter a URL. If you check the "Treat the URL as an image" box ' 'then the URL will be added as an image reference instead of as ' 'a link. You can also choose to create a link to a file on ' 'your computer. ' 'Note that if you create a link to a file on your computer, it ' 'will stop working if the file is moved.')) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.setWidget(0, l.SpanningRole, la) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Treat the URL as an &image'), d.treat_as_image) l.addRow(_('Enter &name (optional):'), l.addRow(_('Choose a file on your computer:'), l.addRow( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) link, name, is_image = None, None, False if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( is_image = d.treat_as_image.isChecked() return link, name, is_image
def passphrase_dialog(self): from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) self.passphrase = None else: if passphrase is None: passphrase = '' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) self.done.set()
def pin_dialog(self, msg): d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN")) matrix = PinMatrixWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(msg)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addLayout(ok_cancel_buttons(d)) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): return return str(matrix.get_value())
def passphrase_dialog(self): from electrum_oracoin_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) self.passphrase = None else: if passphrase is None: passphrase = '' # Even blank string is valid Trezor passphrase self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) self.done.set()
def link_stylesheets(self, names): s = self.categories['styles'] sheets = [ unicode(s.child(i).data(0, NAME_ROLE).toString()) for i in xrange(s.childCount()) ] if not sheets: return error_dialog( self, _('No stylesheets'), _('This book currently has no stylesheets. You must first create a stylesheet' ' before linking it.'), show=True) d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Choose stylesheets')) = la = QLabel( _('Choose the stylesheets to link. Drag and drop to re-arrange')) la.setWordWrap(True) l.addWidget(la) d.s = s = QListWidget(d) l.addWidget(s) s.setDragEnabled(True) s.setDropIndicatorShown(True) s.setDragDropMode(self.InternalMove) s.setAutoScroll(True) s.setDefaultDropAction(Qt.MoveAction) for name in sheets: i = QListWidgetItem(name, s) flags = Qt.ItemIsEnabled | Qt.ItemIsUserCheckable | Qt.ItemIsDragEnabled | Qt.ItemIsSelectable i.setFlags(flags) i.setCheckState(Qt.Checked) d.r = r = QCheckBox(_('Remove existing links to stylesheets')) r.setChecked(tprefs['remove_existing_links_when_linking_sheets']) l.addWidget(r) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addWidget(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: tprefs['remove_existing_links_when_linking_sheets'] = r.isChecked() sheets = [ unicode(s.item(il).text()) for il in xrange(s.count()) if s.item(il).checkState() == Qt.Checked ] if sheets: self.link_stylesheets_requested.emit(names, sheets, r.isChecked())
def pin_dialog(self): d = QDialog(None) d.setModal(1) d.setWindowTitle(_("Enter PIN")) d.setWindowFlags(d.windowFlags() | QtCore.Qt.WindowStaysOnTopHint) matrix = PinMatrixWidget() vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(QLabel(self.message)) vbox.addWidget(matrix) vbox.addLayout(Buttons(CancelButton(d), OkButton(d))) d.setLayout(vbox) if not d.exec_(): self.response = None self.response = str(matrix.get_value()) self.done.set()
def request_bulk_rename(self): names = { unicode(, NAME_ROLE).toString()) for item in self.selectedItems() } bad = names & current_container().names_that_must_not_be_changed if bad: return error_dialog(self, _('Cannot rename'), _('The file(s) %s cannot be renamed.') % ('<b>%s</b>' % ', '.join(bad)), show=True) names = sorted(names, key=self.index_of_name) d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QFormLayout(d) d.setLayout(l) d.prefix = p = QLineEdit(d) p.setText(_('Chapter-')) p.selectAll() = la = QLabel( _('All selected files will be renamed to the form prefix-number')) l.addRow(la) l.addRow(_('&Prefix:'), p) d.num = num = QSpinBox(d) num.setMinimum(0), num.setValue(1), num.setMaximum(1000) l.addRow(_('Starting &number:'), num) = bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept), bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addRow(bb) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: prefix = sanitize_file_name_unicode(unicode(d.prefix.text())) num = d.num.value() largest = num + len(names) - 1 fmt = '%0{0}d'.format(len(str(largest))) def change_name(name, num): parts = name.split('/') base, ext = parts[-1].rpartition('.')[0::2] parts[-1] = prefix + (fmt % num) + '.' + ext return '/'.join(parts) name_map = { n: change_name(n, num + i) for i, n in enumerate(names) } self.bulk_rename_requested.emit(name_map)
def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) d.treat_as_image = QCheckBox(d) d.setMinimumWidth(600) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) = b = QPushButton(_('&Browse')) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('document_open.png'))) def cf(): files = choose_files(d, 'select link file', _('Choose file'), select_only_single_file=True) if files: path = files[0] d.url.setText(path) if path and os.path.exists(path): with lopen(path, 'rb') as f: q = what(f) is_image = q in {'jpeg', 'png', 'gif'} d.treat_as_image.setChecked(is_image) b.clicked.connect(cf) = la = QLabel(_( 'Enter a URL. If you check the "Treat the URL as an image" box ' 'then the URL will be added as an image reference instead of as ' 'a link. You can also choose to create a link to a file on ' 'your computer. ' 'Note that if you create a link to a file on your computer, it ' 'will stop working if the file is moved.')) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.setWidget(0, l.SpanningRole, la) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Treat the URL as an &image'), d.treat_as_image) l.addRow(_('Enter &name (optional):'), l.addRow(_('Choose a file on your computer:'), l.addRow( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) link, name, is_image = None, None, False if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( is_image = d.treat_as_image.isChecked() return link, name, is_image
def passphrase_dialog(self): if type( is ElectrumWindow: passphrase ="Please enter your KeepKey passphrase")) self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else '' else: assert type( is InstallWizard from electrum_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) self.passphrase = None else: self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else '' self.done.set()
def passphrase_dialog(self): if type( is ElectrumWindow: passphrase ="Please enter your Trezor passphrase")) self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else '' else: assert type( is InstallWizard from electrum_ltc_gui.qt.password_dialog import make_password_dialog, run_password_dialog d = QDialog() d.setModal(1) d.setLayout(make_password_dialog(d, None, self.message, False)) confirmed, p, passphrase = run_password_dialog(d, None, None) if not confirmed: QMessageBox.critical(None, _('Error'), _("Password request canceled"), _('OK')) self.passphrase = None else: self.passphrase = unicodedata.normalize('NFKD', unicode(passphrase)) if passphrase else '' self.done.set()
def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Enter name (optional):'), l.addRow( link, name = None, None if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( return link, name
def ask_link(self): d = QDialog(self) d.setWindowTitle(_('Create link')) l = QFormLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.url = QLineEdit(d) = QLineEdit(d) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) l.addRow(_('Enter &URL:'), d.url) l.addRow(_('Enter name (optional):'), l.addRow( link, name = None, None if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: link, name = unicode(d.url.text()).strip(), unicode( return link, name
def show_debug_info(self): info = self.device.device_debug_info() d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.v = v = QPlainTextEdit() d.setWindowTitle(self.device.get_gui_name()) v.setPlainText(info) v.setMinimumWidth(400) v.setMinimumHeight(350) l.addWidget(v) bb = = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addWidget(bb) bb.addButton(_("Copy to clipboard"), bb.ActionRole) bb.clicked.connect(lambda: QApplication.clipboard().setText(v.toPlainText())) d.exec_()
def show_report(changed, title, report, parent, show_current_diff): report = format_report(title, report) d = QDialog(parent) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) if changed: b = d.b ='See what &changed'), b.setIcon(QIcon(I('diff.png'))), b.setAutoDefault(False) b.clicked.connect(partial(show_current_diff, allow_revert=True)) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_()
def show_debug_info(self): info = self.device.device_debug_info() d = QDialog(self) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(l) d.v = v = QPlainTextEdit() d.setWindowTitle(self.device.get_gui_name()) v.setPlainText(info) v.setMinimumWidth(400) v.setMinimumHeight(350) l.addWidget(v) bb = = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) l.addWidget(bb) bb.addButton(_('Copy to clipboard'), bb.ActionRole) bb.clicked.connect( lambda: QApplication.clipboard().setText(v.toPlainText())) d.exec_()
def customize_remove_unused_css(name, parent, ans): d = QDialog(parent) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Remove unused CSS')) = la = QLabel(_( 'This will remove all CSS rules that do not match any actual content. You' ' can also have it automatically remove any class attributes from the HTML' ' that do not match any CSS rules, by using the check box below:')) la.setWordWrap(True), l.addWidget(la) d.c = c = QCheckBox(_('Remove unused &class attributes')) c.setChecked(tprefs['remove_unused_classes']) l.addWidget(c) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget( if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: raise Abort() ans['remove_unused_classes'] = tprefs['remove_unused_classes'] = c.isChecked()
def customize_remove_unused_css(name, parent, ans): d = QDialog(parent) d.l = l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.setWindowTitle(_('Remove unused CSS')) = la = QLabel( _('This will remove all CSS rules that do not match any actual content. You' ' can also have it automatically remove any class attributes from the HTML' ' that do not match any CSS rules, by using the check box below:')) la.setWordWrap(True), l.addWidget(la) d.c = c = QCheckBox(_('Remove unused &class attributes')) c.setChecked(tprefs['remove_unused_classes']) l.addWidget(c) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget( if d.exec_() != d.Accepted: raise Abort() ans['remove_unused_classes'] = tprefs[ 'remove_unused_classes'] = c.isChecked()
def polish(self, action, name): if not self.check_dirtied(): return self.add_savepoint(name) try: report = tweak_polish(current_container(), {action:True}) except: self.rewind_savepoint() raise self.apply_container_update_to_gui() from calibre.ebooks.markdown import markdown report = markdown('# %s\n\n'%self.current_metadata.title + '\n\n'.join(report), output_format='html4') d = QDialog(self.gui) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.e = QTextBrowser(d) d.l.addWidget(d.e) d.e.setHtml(report) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Close) d.l.addWidget( d.resize(600, 400) d.exec_()
def view_server_logs(self): from calibre.library.server import log_access_file, log_error_file d = QDialog(self) d.resize(QSize(800, 600)) layout = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(layout) layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Error log:'))) el = QPlainTextEdit(d) layout.addWidget(el) try: el.setPlainText(open(log_error_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf8', 'replace')) except IOError: el.setPlainText('No error log found') layout.addWidget(QLabel(_('Access log:'))) al = QPlainTextEdit(d) layout.addWidget(al) try: al.setPlainText(open(log_access_file, 'rb').read().decode('utf8', 'replace')) except IOError: al.setPlainText('No access log found') bx = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok) layout.addWidget(bx) bx.accepted.connect(d.accept)
def textChanged(self): return self.lineEdit().textChanged def clear(self): self.lineEdit().clear() EnComboBox.clear(self) def eventFilter(self, obj, e): try: c = self.lineEdit().mcompleter except AttributeError: return False etype = e.type() if self.eat_focus_out and self is obj and etype == e.FocusOut: if c.isVisible(): return True return EnComboBox.eventFilter(self, obj, e) if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog, QVBoxLayout app = QApplication([]) d = QDialog() d.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) le = EditWithComplete(d) d.layout().addWidget(le) items = ['one', 'otwo', 'othree', 'ooone', 'ootwo', 'oothree', 'a1', 'a2',u'Edgas', u'Èdgar', u'Édgaq', u'Edgar', u'Édgar'] le.update_items_cache(items) le.show_initial_value('') d.exec_()
dev = self.parent().device_manager.connected_device dev.highlight_ignored_folders = True self.parent().configure_connected_device() dev.highlight_ignored_folders = False if __name__ == "__main__": from calibre.gui2 import Application from calibre.devices.mtp.driver import MTP_DEVICE from calibre.devices.scanner import DeviceScanner s = DeviceScanner() s.scan() app = Application([]) dev = MTP_DEVICE(None) dev.startup() cd = dev.detect_managed_devices(s.devices), "test") cw = dev.config_widget() d = QDialog() d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.l.addWidget(cw) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(bb) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: cw.commit() dev.shutdown()
from __future__ import (unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function) __license__ = 'GPL v3' __copyright__ = '2012, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>' __docformat__ = 'restructuredtext en' from calibre.gui2 import Application from PyQt4.Qt import (QDialog, QGridLayout, QListWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QPushButton, QTimer, QIcon) app = Application([], force_calibre_style=True) d = QDialog() d.l = l = QGridLayout() d.setLayout(l) lw = QListWidget() lw.addItem('Some text guy') l.addWidget(lw, 0, 0, 2, 1) bb = QDialogButtonBox() bb.setStandardButtons(bb.Close) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) b = bb.addButton('Action', bb.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I('wizard.png'))) l.addWidget(bb, 2, 0, 1, 2) bb.button(bb.Close).setDefault(True) b = QPushButton('Normal') l.addWidget(b, 0, 1, 1, 1)
def ask_about_cc_mismatch(gui, db, newdb, missing_cols, incompatible_cols): # {{{ source_metadata = db.field_metadata.custom_field_metadata(include_composites=True) ndbname = os.path.basename(newdb.library_path) d = QDialog(gui) d.setWindowTitle(_('Different custom columns')) l = QFormLayout() tl = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(tl) d.s = QScrollArea(d) tl.addWidget(d.s) d.w = QWidget(d) d.s.setWidget(d.w) d.s.setWidgetResizable(True) d.w.setLayout(l) d.setMinimumWidth(600) d.setMinimumHeight(500) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok|QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) msg = _('The custom columns in the <i>{0}</i> library are different from the ' 'custom columns in the <i>{1}</i> library. As a result, some metadata might not be copied.').format( os.path.basename(db.library_path), ndbname) = la = QLabel(msg) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.addRow(la) if incompatible_cols: la = d.la2 = QLabel(_('The following columns are incompatible - they have the same name' ' but different data types. They will be ignored: ') + ', '.join(sorted(incompatible_cols, key=sort_key))) la.setWordWrap(True) la.setStyleSheet('QLabel { margin-bottom: 1.5ex }') l.addRow(la) missing_widgets = [] if missing_cols: la = d.la3 = QLabel(_('The following columns are missing in the <i>{0}</i> library.' ' You can choose to add them automatically below.').format( ndbname)) la.setWordWrap(True) l.addRow(la) for k in missing_cols: widgets = (k, QCheckBox(_('Add to the %s library') % ndbname)) l.addRow(QLabel(k), widgets[1]) missing_widgets.append(widgets) d.la4 = la = QLabel(_('This warning is only shown once per library, per session')) la.setWordWrap(True) tl.addWidget(la) tl.addWidget( d.resize(d.sizeHint()) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: for k, cb in missing_widgets: if cb.isChecked(): col_meta = source_metadata[k] newdb.create_custom_column( col_meta['label'], col_meta['name'], col_meta['datatype'], len(col_meta['is_multiple']) > 0, col_meta['is_editable'], col_meta['display']) return True return False
def clear(self): self.lineEdit().clear() EnComboBox.clear(self) def eventFilter(self, obj, e): try: c = self.lineEdit().mcompleter except AttributeError: return False etype = e.type() if self.eat_focus_out and self is obj and etype == e.FocusOut: if c.isVisible(): return True return EnComboBox.eventFilter(self, obj, e) if __name__ == '__main__': from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog, QVBoxLayout app = QApplication([]) d = QDialog() d.setLayout(QVBoxLayout()) le = EditWithComplete(d) d.layout().addWidget(le) items = [ 'one', 'otwo', 'othree', 'ooone', 'ootwo', 'oothree', 'a1', 'a2', u'Edgas', u'Èdgar', u'Édgaq', u'Edgar', u'Édgar' ] le.update_items_cache(items) le.show_initial_value('') d.exec_()
QDialog.accept(self) dev = self.parent().device_manager.connected_device dev.highlight_ignored_folders = True self.parent().configure_connected_device() dev.highlight_ignored_folders = False if __name__ == '__main__': from calibre.gui2 import Application from calibre.devices.mtp.driver import MTP_DEVICE from calibre.devices.scanner import DeviceScanner s = DeviceScanner() s.scan() app = Application([]) dev = MTP_DEVICE(None) dev.startup() cd = dev.detect_managed_devices(s.devices), 'test') cw = dev.config_widget() d = QDialog() d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.l.addWidget(cw) bb = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) d.l.addWidget(bb) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) if d.exec_() == d.Accepted: cw.commit() dev.shutdown()
#!/usr/bin/env python # vim:fileencoding=UTF-8:ts=4:sw=4:sta:et:sts=4:fdm=marker:ai from __future__ import unicode_literals, division, absolute_import, print_function __license__ = "GPL v3" __copyright__ = "2012, Kovid Goyal <kovid at>" __docformat__ = "restructuredtext en" from calibre.gui2 import Application from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog, QGridLayout, QListWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QPushButton, QTimer, QIcon app = Application([], force_calibre_style=True) d = QDialog() d.l = l = QGridLayout() d.setLayout(l) lw = QListWidget() lw.addItem("Some text guy") l.addWidget(lw, 0, 0, 2, 1) bb = QDialogButtonBox() bb.setStandardButtons(bb.Close) bb.accepted.connect(d.accept) bb.rejected.connect(d.reject) b = bb.addButton("Action", bb.ActionRole) b.setIcon(QIcon(I("wizard.png"))) l.addWidget(bb, 2, 0, 1, 2) bb.button(bb.Close).setDefault(True) b = QPushButton("Normal") l.addWidget(b, 0, 1, 1, 1)
def add_builtin_recipe(self): from import \ get_builtin_recipe_collection, get_builtin_recipe_by_id from PyQt4.Qt import QDialog, QVBoxLayout, QListWidgetItem, \ QListWidget, QDialogButtonBox, QSize d = QDialog(self) d.l = QVBoxLayout() d.setLayout(d.l) d.list = QListWidget(d) d.list.doubleClicked.connect(lambda x: d.accept()) d.l.addWidget(d.list) = QDialogButtonBox(QDialogButtonBox.Ok | QDialogButtonBox.Cancel, Qt.Horizontal, d) d.l.addWidget( d.setWindowTitle(_('Choose builtin recipe')) items = [] for r in get_builtin_recipe_collection(): id_ = r.get('id', '') title = r.get('title', '') lang = r.get('language', '') if id_ and title: items.append((title + ' [%s]' % lang, id_)) items.sort(key=lambda x: sort_key(x[0])) for title, id_ in items: item = QListWidgetItem(title) item.setData(Qt.UserRole, id_) d.list.addItem(item) d.resize(QSize(450, 400)) ret = d.exec_() d.list.doubleClicked.disconnect() if ret != d.Accepted: return items = list(d.list.selectedItems()) if not items: return item = items[-1] id_ = unicode( title = unicode( Qt.DisplayRole).toString()).rpartition(' [')[0] profile = get_builtin_recipe_by_id(id_, download_recipe=True) if profile is None: raise Exception('Something weird happened') if self._model.has_title(title): if question_dialog( self, _('Replace recipe?'), _('A custom recipe named %s already exists. Do you want to ' 'replace it?') % title): self._model.replace_by_title(title, profile) else: return else: self.model.add(title, profile) self.clear()