def checkPluginUpdatesAvailable(self): """ Public method to check the availability of updates of plug-ins. """ period = Preferences.getPluginManager("UpdatesCheckInterval") if period == 0: return elif period in [1, 2, 3]: lastModified = QFileInfo(self.pluginRepositoryFile).lastModified() if lastModified.isValid() and lastModifiedDate = now = QDate.currentDate() if period == 1 and == # daily return elif period == 2 and lastModifiedDate.daysTo(now) < 7: # weekly return elif period == 3 and \ (lastModifiedDate.daysTo(now) < lastModifiedDate.daysInMonth()): # monthly return self.__updateAvailable = False request = QNetworkRequest( QUrl(Preferences.getUI("PluginRepositoryUrl6"))) request.setAttribute(QNetworkRequest.CacheLoadControlAttribute, QNetworkRequest.AlwaysNetwork) reply = self.__networkManager.get(request) reply.finished.connect(self.__downloadRepositoryFileDone) self.__replies.append(reply)
def downloadFile(self): self.url = QUrl(self.urlLineEdit.text()) fileInfo = QFileInfo(self.url.path()) fileName = fileInfo.fileName() if not fileName: fileName = 'index.html' if QFile.exists(fileName): ret = QMessageBox.question(self, "HTTP", "There already exists a file called %s in the current " "directory. Overwrite?" % fileName, QMessageBox.Yes | QMessageBox.No, QMessageBox.No) if ret == QMessageBox.No: return QFile.remove(fileName) self.outFile = QFile(fileName) if not QMessageBox.information(self, "HTTP", "Unable to save the file %s: %s." % (fileName, self.outFile.errorString())) self.outFile = None return self.progressDialog.setWindowTitle("HTTP") self.progressDialog.setLabelText("Downloading %s." % fileName) self.downloadButton.setEnabled(False) self.httpRequestAborted = False self.startRequest(self.url)
def __saveFileName(self, directory): """ Private method to calculate a name for the file to download. @param directory name of the directory to store the file into (string) @return proposed filename and original filename (string, string) """ path = parseContentDisposition(self.__reply) info = QFileInfo(path) baseName = info.completeBaseName() endName = info.suffix() origName = baseName if endName: origName += '.' + endName name = directory + baseName if endName: name += '.' + endName if not self.__requestFilename: # do not overwrite, if the user is not being asked i = 1 while QFile.exists(name): # file exists already, don't overwrite name = directory + baseName + ('-{0:d}'.format(i)) if endName: name += '.' + endName i += 1 return name, origName
def outputFiles(self, map, fileName): result = [] # Extract file name without extension and path fileInfo = QFileInfo(fileName) base = fileInfo.completeBaseName() + "_" path = fileInfo.path() # Loop layers to calculate the path for the exported file for layer in map.layers(): if layer.layerType() != Layer.TileLayerType: continue # Get the output file name for this layer layerName = layerFileName = base + layerName + ".csv" layerFilePath = QDir(path).filePath(layerFileName) result.append(layerFilePath) # If there was only one tile layer, there's no need to change the name # (also keeps behavior backwards compatible) if len(result) == 1: result[0] = fileName return result
def __open(self): """ Private slot to open the downloaded file. """ info = QFileInfo(self.__output) url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(info.absoluteFilePath()) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)
def restoreDir(self): "用户点击了“默认运行目录”按钮。" path = self.txtPath.text().strip() fi = QFileInfo(path) if path == "" or not fi.exists(): return self.txtDir.setText(fi.dir().absolutePath())
def __insertFlashCookie(self, path): """ Private method to insert a Flash cookie into the cache. @param path Flash cookies path @type str """ solFile = QFile(path) if not return dataStr = "" data = bytes(solFile.readAll()) if data: try: reader = FlashCookieReader() reader.setBytes(data) reader.parse() dataStr = reader.toString() except FlashCookieReaderError as err: dataStr = err.msg solFileInfo = QFileInfo(solFile) cookie = FlashCookie() cookie.contents = dataStr = solFileInfo.fileName() cookie.path = solFileInfo.canonicalPath() cookie.size = int(solFile.size()) cookie.lastModified = solFileInfo.lastModified() cookie.origin = self.__extractOriginFrom(path) self.__flashCookies.append(cookie)
def openFolder(self): """ Public slot to open the folder containing the downloaded file. """ info = QFileInfo(self.__fileName) url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(info.absolutePath()) QDesktopServices.openUrl(url)
def _addIcon(self): filter_ ="Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.png *.tiff *.gif);;" "All files (*.*)") fileName, _selectedFilter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"Open File"), self.latestDir, filter_) if fileName: file_info = QFileInfo(fileName) self.latestDir = file_info.absolutePath() image = QImage() if image.load(fileName): maxWidth = 22 maxHeight = 15 if image.width() > maxWidth or image.height() > maxHeight: scaledImage = image.scaled(maxWidth, maxHeight, Qt.KeepAspectRatio, Qt.SmoothTransformation) else: scaledImage = image ba = QByteArray() buffer = QBuffer(ba), 'png') model = self.model() index = model.index(self.selectedIndex().row(), model.fieldIndex('icon')) model.setData(index, ba)
def open(self, file_name): """Open the file at the given path for reading. Args: file_name (str): File path of the file to open. Only .wav files permitted. Raises: FileNotFoundError: If the filename given cannot be opened. """ if file_name is not None: file_info = QFileInfo(file_name) if file_info.exists(): self.file_name = file_name # Update the waveform data wave_read =, 'r') self.waveform_info = wave_read.getparams() step = int(self.waveform_info.framerate / self.stored_fps) self.waveform_data = list(bytesToInts( data=wave_read.readframes(-1), channelWidth=self.waveform_info.sampwidth, numChannels=self.waveform_info.nchannels, signed=True, step=step)) # Update the media player url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(file_info.absoluteFilePath()) self.media_player.setMedia(QMediaContent(url)) # Send out appropriate event self.signalFileChanged.emit() wave_read.close() else: raise FileNotFoundError('No file exists at given file path')
def __init__(self, ui_file, bus, devices=[], parent=None): QtWidgets.QMainWindow.__init__(self, parent=parent) self.bus = bus # TODO: CAMPid 980567566238416124867857834291346779 ico_file = os.path.join(QFileInfo.absolutePath(QFileInfo(__file__)), "icon.ico") ico = QtGui.QIcon(ico_file) self.setWindowIcon(ico) ui = ui_file # TODO: CAMPid 9549757292917394095482739548437597676742 if not QFileInfo(ui).isAbsolute(): ui_file = os.path.join(QFileInfo.absolutePath(QFileInfo(__file__)), ui) else: ui_file = ui ui_file = QFile(ui_file) | QFile.Text) ts = QTextStream(ui_file) sio = io.StringIO(ts.readAll()) self.ui = uic.loadUi(sio, self) self.ui.action_About.triggered.connect(self.about) device_tree = epyqlib.devicetree.Tree() device_tree_model = epyqlib.devicetree.Model(root=device_tree) device_tree_model.device_removed.connect(self._remove_device) self.ui.device_tree.setModel(device_tree_model) self.ui.device_tree.device_selected.connect(self.set_current_device)
class FileBasedTextStream(QTextStream): def __init__(self, qfile): super().__init__(qfile) self.saved_file = qfile self.qfi = None # may never need this def rewind(self): self.flush() def writeLine(self, str): self << str self << '\n' def open_mode(self): return self.saved_file.openMode() def fullpath(self): if self.qfi is None: self.qfi = QFileInfo(self.saved_file) return self.qfi.canonicalFilePath() def folderpath(self): if self.qfi is None: self.qfi = QFileInfo(self.saved_file) return self.qfi.canonicalPath() def filename(self): if self.qfi is None: self.qfi = QFileInfo(self.saved_file) return self.qfi.fileName() def basename(self): if self.qfi is None: self.qfi = QFileInfo(self.saved_file) return self.qfi.completeBaseName() def suffix(self): if self.qfi is None: self.qfi = QFileInfo(self.saved_file) return self.qfi.suffix()
def __init__(self, pluginManager, pluginFileNames, parent=None): """ Constructor @param pluginManager reference to the plugin manager object @param pluginFileNames list of plugin files suggested for installation (list of strings) @param parent parent of this dialog (QWidget) """ super(PluginInstallWidget, self).__init__(parent) self.setupUi(self) if pluginManager is None: # started as external plugin installer from .PluginManager import PluginManager self.__pluginManager = PluginManager(doLoadPlugins=False) self.__external = True else: self.__pluginManager = pluginManager self.__external = False self.__backButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("< Back"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.__nextButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("Next >"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.__finishButton = self.buttonBox.addButton("Install"), QDialogButtonBox.ActionRole) self.__closeButton = self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Close) self.__cancelButton = self.buttonBox.button(QDialogButtonBox.Cancel) userDir = self.__pluginManager.getPluginDir("user") if userDir is not None: self.destinationCombo.addItem("User plugins directory"), userDir) globalDir = self.__pluginManager.getPluginDir("global") if globalDir is not None and os.access(globalDir, os.W_OK): self.destinationCombo.addItem("Global plugins directory"), globalDir) self.__installedDirs = [] self.__installedFiles = [] self.__restartNeeded = False downloadDir = QDir(Preferences.getPluginManager("DownloadPath")) for pluginFileName in pluginFileNames: fi = QFileInfo(pluginFileName) if fi.isRelative(): pluginFileName = QFileInfo( downloadDir, fi.fileName()).absoluteFilePath() self.archivesList.addItem(pluginFileName) self.archivesList.sortItems() self.__currentIndex = 0 self.__selectPage()
def set_mode_by_filename(self, filename): file = QFile(filename) fileinfo = QFileInfo(file) suffix = fileinfo.suffix()"editor.getSession().setMode('%s');" % ( self.SUFIX_2_MODE[suffix] if suffix in self.SUFIX_2_MODE else self.SUFIX_2_MODE[None] ))
def onActivated(self, index): path = self.model().filePath(index) fileInfo = QFileInfo(path) if (fileInfo.isDir()): prefs = preferences.Preferences.instance() prefs.setMapsDirectory(fileInfo.canonicalFilePath()) return self.mMainWindow.openFile(path)
def setFileIcon(self, path): "每当txtPath的值改变时,就设置快捷方式的图标" fi = QFileInfo(path) if not fi.exists(): self.shortcutIcon = QIcon(":/images/unknown.png") else: ip = QFileIconProvider() self.shortcutIcon = ip.icon(fi) self.btnFace.setIcon(self.shortcutIcon)
def _qfile_to_stream(a_file, I_or_O, encoding=None): if not | QIODevice.Text) : f_info = QFileInfo(a_file) # for the name utilities_logger.error('Error {0} ({1}) opening file {2}'.format( a_file.error(), a_file.errorString(), f_info.fileName() ) ) return None fbts = FileBasedTextStream(a_file) fbts.setCodec(_check_encoding(fbts.filename()) if encoding is None else encoding) return fbts
def findDocument(self, fileName): canonicalFilePath = QFileInfo(fileName).canonicalFilePath() if (canonicalFilePath==''): # file doesn't exist return -1 for i in range(self.mDocuments.size()): fileInfo = QFileInfo( if (fileInfo.canonicalFilePath() == canonicalFilePath): return i return -1
class QuarkNotebookModel: """Subdirectories located in the Quark notes directory (defined by its path in 'config.json' under "notes_dir") are represented by this class in the Quark note manager.""" def __init__(self, dirPath): """Initialize data for the model.""" self._notebookDir = QFileInfo(dirPath) #store path to the notebook as a 'QFileInfo' for added flexibility q = QFileIconProvider() #objec used to create model display icon self._icon = q.icon(self._notebookDir) #create model display icon self._notes = [] #initialize empty list of notes notebookPath = self._notebookDir.absoluteFilePath() #get the absolute path to the notebook #load all the notes inside this notebook for item in sorted(os.listdir(notebookPath)): #for every item in the notebook itemPath = os.path.join(notebookPath, item) #get absolute path to the item if os.path.isfile(itemPath): #if the item is a file/note self._notes.append( QuarkNoteModel(itemPath, self) ) #append a new note to the notes list def noteAt(self, i): """Returns the note at a given index.""" if i >= 0 and i < len(self._notes): return self._notes[i] else: return None def noteCount(self): """Returns the number notes inside this notebook.""" return len(self._notes) def getName(self): """Returns the name of this notebook/directory.""" return self._notebookDir.fileName() def getFilePath(self): """Returns path to the note.""" return self._notebookDir.absoluteFilePath() def getIcon(self): """Returns the icon to be displayed in the Quark note manager.""" return self._icon
def accept(self): if self.txtName.text().strip() == "": QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"请填写快捷方式的名称。")) self.txtName.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) return path = self.txtPath.text().strip() if path == "": QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"请填写目标文件/程序。")) self.txtPath.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtPath.selectAll() return if not os.path.exists(path): QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"目标文件/程序不存在。")) self.txtPath.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtPath.selectAll() return openwith = self.txtOpenwith.text().strip() if openwith != "": if not os.path.exists(openwith): QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"编辑程序不存在。请重新选择。该选项是选填项,并不一定要填写。")) self.txtOpenwith.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtOpenwith.selectAll() return fi = QFileInfo(openwith) if not fi.isExecutable(): QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"编辑程序必须是一个可执行文件。请重新选择。该选项是选填项,并不一定要填写。")) self.txtOpenwith.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtOpenwith.selectAll() return dir = self.txtDir.text().strip() if dir == "": QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"请填写运行目录。可以使用“默认运行目录”按钮恢复默认的运行目录。")) self.txtDir.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtDir.selectAll() return if not os.path.exists(dir): QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"运行目录不存在。请重新选择。可以使用“默认运行目录”按钮恢复默认的运行目录。")) self.txtDir.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtDir.selectAll() return if not os.path.isdir(dir): QMessageBox.information(self, self.windowTitle(),"运行目录必须是一个目录,而非文件。请重新选择。可以使用“默认运行目录”按钮恢复默认的运行目录。")) self.txtDir.setFocus(Qt.OtherFocusReason) self.txtDir.selectAll() return QDialog.accept(self)
def add_song(self, song_path): if song_path.split(".")[-1] not in ["mp3", "flac", "ogg"]: raise AssertionError song = self.path_to_song(song_path) filepath = song.path fileInfo = QFileInfo(filepath) if fileInfo.exists(): url = QUrl.fromLocalFile(fileInfo.absoluteFilePath()) if fileInfo.suffix().lower() == "mp3" or "flac" or "ogg": self.playlist.addMedia(QMediaContent(url)) self.songs.append(song)
def path_with_tilde_homepath(path): if IS_WINDOWS: return path home_path = QDir.homePath() fi = QFileInfo(QDir.cleanPath(path)) outpath = fi.absoluteFilePath() if outpath.startswith(home_path): outpath = "~" + outpath[len(home_path):] else: outpath = path return outpath
def _addIcon(self): filter_ ="Images (*.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.png *.tiff *.gif *.ico);;" "All files (*.*)") fileName, _selectedFilter = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self,"Open File"), self.latestDir, filter_) if fileName: file_info = QFileInfo(fileName) self.latestDir = file_info.absolutePath() self.loadFromFile(fileName)
def destinationButtonClicked(self): destination = self.destination.text() if not destination and self.collection: destination = self.latestDir + '/' + self.collection.getCollectionName() + '_mobile.db' file, _selectedFilter = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName( self,"Select destination"), destination, "*.db") if file: file_info = QFileInfo(file) self.latestDir = file_info.absolutePath() self.destination.setText(file) self.acceptButton.setEnabled(True)
def addShapeToCanvas( shapefile_path ): file_info = QFileInfo( shapefile_path ) if file_info.exists(): layer_name = file_info.completeBaseName() else: return False vlayer_new = QgsVectorLayer( shapefile_path, layer_name, "ogr" ) if vlayer_new.isValid(): QgsProject.instance().addMapLayers( [vlayer_new] ) return True else: return False
def _fileinfo_from_user(self, user_path): """ Convert the name of a file or directory specified by the user to a QFileInfo instance. A user path may be relative to the name of the project and may contain environment variables. """ fi = QFileInfo(self.expandvars(user_path.strip())) if fi.isRelative() and self._name is not None: fi = QFileInfo(self._name.canonicalPath() + '/' + fi.filePath()) return fi
def ask_executable(caption, parent=None, starting_path=''): (chosen_path, _) = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( parent, caption, starting_path,'' ) if len(chosen_path) == 0 : # user pressed Cancel return '' qfi = QFileInfo(chosen_path) if not qfi.isExecutable() : return None return chosen_path
def __saveMessages(self): """ Private slot to save the contents of the messages display. """ hasText = not self.messages.document().isEmpty() if hasText: if Utilities.isWindowsPlatform(): htmlExtension = "htm" else: htmlExtension = "html" fname, selectedFilter = E5FileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter( self,"Save Messages"), "", "HTML Files (*.{0});;Text Files (*.txt);;All Files (*)") .format(htmlExtension), None, E5FileDialog.Options(E5FileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite)) if fname: ext = QFileInfo(fname).suffix() if not ext: ex = selectedFilter.split("(*")[1].split(")")[0] if ex: fname += ex ext = QFileInfo(fname).suffix() if QFileInfo(fname).exists(): res = E5MessageBox.yesNo( self,"Save Messages"),"<p>The file <b>{0}</b> already exists." " Overwrite it?</p>").format(fname), icon=E5MessageBox.Warning) if not res: return fname = Utilities.toNativeSeparators(fname) try: if ext.lower() in ["htm", "html"]: txt = self.messages.toHtml() else: txt = self.messages.toPlainText() f = open(fname, "w", encoding="utf-8") f.write(txt) f.close() except IOError as err: E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Error saving Messages"), """<p>The messages contents could not be written""" """ to <b>{0}</b></p><p>Reason: {1}</p>""") .format(fname, str(err)))
def checkFiles(self, lst): f = QFileInfo() newLst = [] for url in lst: _file = url.toLocalFile() print("FILE::", url, _file) f.setFile(_file) if f.suffix() not in ("tar", "exe", "mp3", "mp4", "flv", "zip", "rar", "iso"): newLst.append(_file) if newLst: self.openFiles.emit(newLst)
def getDocumentTitle(self, baseName=False): if self.markup and not baseName: text = self.editBox.toPlainText() try: return self.markup.get_document_title(text) except Exception: self.p.printError() if self.fileName: fileinfo = QFileInfo(self.fileName) basename = fileinfo.completeBaseName() return (basename if basename else fileinfo.fileName()) return"New document")
def open(self): self.offerSave() path = (QFileInfo(self.filename).path() if self.filename else ".") fname, filetype = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Page Designer - Open", path, "Page Designer Files (*.pgd)") if not fname: return self.filename = fname fh = None try: fh = QFile(self.filename) if not raise IOError(str(fh.errorString())) items = self.scene.items() while items: item = items.pop() self.scene.removeItem(item) del item self.addBorders() stream = QDataStream(fh) stream.setVersion(QDataStream.Qt_5_7) magic = stream.readInt32() if magic != MagicNumber: raise IOError("not a valid .pgd file") fileVersion = stream.readInt16() if fileVersion != FileVersion: raise IOError("unrecognised .pgd file version") while not fh.atEnd(): self.readItemFromStream(stream) except IOError as e: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Page Designer -- Open Error", "Failed to open {0}: {1}".format(self.filename, e)) finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() global Dirty Dirty = False
def loadProject(filename): # clear the map layer registry QgsProject.instance().removeAllMapLayers() assert os.path.exists(filename), "project file does not exist: " + filename # load the project QgsProject.instance().read(QFileInfo(filename)) assert QgsProject.instance().mapLayers(), "no layers in map layer registry" doc = QDomDocument() with open(filename) as f: doc.setContent( # map settings mapSettings = QgsMapSettings() mapSettings.readXML(doc.elementsByTagName("mapcanvas").at(0)) # visible layers layerIds = [] nodes = doc.elementsByTagName("legendlayer") for i in range(nodes.count()): elem ="legendlayerfile").at( 0).toElement() if elem.attribute("visible") == "1": layerIds.append(elem.attribute("layerid")) mapSettings.setLayers(getLayersByLayerIds(layerIds)) # canvas color red = int( doc.elementsByTagName("CanvasColorRedPart").at(0).toElement().text()) green = int( doc.elementsByTagName("CanvasColorGreenPart").at(0).toElement().text()) blue = int( doc.elementsByTagName("CanvasColorBluePart").at(0).toElement().text()) mapSettings.setBackgroundColor(QColor(red, green, blue)) return mapSettings
def convert_font(): dialog = QFileDialog() filename = dialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Chọn thư mục và tên lớp đầu ra / " "Choose output directory and output layer name", "", "Shapefile (*.shp)") if filename[0] == '': return None selected_layer_name = self.dlg3.input_layer.currentText() # Classic search :) selected_layer = None for layer in layers: if == selected_layer_name: selected_layer = layer break font_in = self.dlg3.comboBox_font_in.currentText() font_out = self.dlg3.comboBox_font_out.currentText() shape_writer = QgsVectorFileWriter(filename[0], "UTF-8", selected_layer.dataProvider().fields() , selected_layer.dataProvider().wkbType(), features = selected_layer.getFeatures() textfield = [] for field in selected_layer.dataProvider().fields(): if field.type() == 'QString': textfield.append( for f in features: for ch in textfield: txt = f[ch] if txt != '' and not font_in == font_out: f[ch] = self.convert_ch(txt, self.encoding_table(font_in), self.encoding_table(font_out)) shape_writer.addFeature(f) layer = QgsVectorLayer(filename[0], QFileInfo(QFile(filename[0])).baseName(), 'ogr') layer.setProviderEncoding(u'System')
def loadQDataStream(self): error = None fh = None try: fh = QFile(self.__fname) if not raise IOError(unicode(fh.errorString())) stream = QDataStream(fh) magic = stream.readInt32() if magic != MovieContainer.MAGIC_NUMBER: raise IOError("unrecognized file type") version = stream.readInt32() if version < MovieContainer.FILE_VERSION: raise IOError("old and unreadable file format") elif version > MovieContainer.FILE_VERSION: raise IOError("new and unreadable file format") stream.setVersion(QDataStream.Qt_4_2) self.clear(False) while not stream.atEnd(): title = QString() acquired = QDate() notes = QString() stream >> title year = stream.readInt16() minutes = stream.readInt16() stream >> acquired >> notes self.add(Movie(title, year, minutes, acquired, notes)) except (IOError, OSError) as e: error = "Failed to load: {0}".format(e) finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() if error is not None: return False, error self.__dirty = False return True, "Loaded {0} movie records from {1}".format( len(self.__movies), QFileInfo(self.__fname).fileName())
def loadImage(self): name, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, 'Abrir imagen') self.img = QtGui.QPixmap(name) self.graphicsView.setPhoto(self.img) self.filename = QFileInfo(name).fileName() if self.graphicsView.empty == False: self.rb_escala.setEnabled(True) self.rb_escala.setChecked(True) # self.pb_rehacerescala.setEnabled(True) self.le_escala.setEnabled(True) self.pb_OK.setEnabled(True) self.rb_linea.setEnabled(True) # self.pb_rehacerlinea.setEnabled(True) self.rb_puntos.setEnabled(True) self.tabla.setRowCount(0) self.tabla.setColumnCount(3) self.tabla.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(self.titulos_tabla) self.tabla.resizeColumnsToContents() self.tabla.setEnabled(True) self.tabla.setEditTriggers(QTableWidget.NoEditTriggers) self.pb_calcular.setEnabled(True) self.actionGuardar_imagen.setEnabled(True) self.actionCrear_informe.setEnabled(True)
def readTileset(self, *args): l = len(args) if l == 2: device, path = args return self.d.readTileset(device, path) elif l == 1: tp = type(args[0]) if tp == QIODevice: return self.d.readTileset(device, QString()) elif tp in [QString, str]: fileName = args[0] ## # Reads a TSX tileset from the given \a fileName. # \overload ## file = QFile(fileName) if (not self.d.openFile(file)): return None tileset = self.readTileset(file, QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath()) if (tileset): tileset.setFileName(fileName) return tileset
def parse_cmdline(self) -> None: self.parser = QCommandLineParser() self.parser.setApplicationDescription('\nVidCutter - the simplest + fastest media cutter & joiner') self.parser.addPositionalArgument('video', 'Preload video file', '[video]') self.parser.addPositionalArgument('project', 'Open VidCutter project file (.vcp)', '[project]') self.debug_option = QCommandLineOption(['debug'], 'debug mode; verbose console output & logging. ' 'This will basically output what is being logged to file to the ' 'console stdout. Mainly useful for debugging problems with your ' 'system video and/or audio stack and codec configuration.') self.parser.addOption(self.debug_option) self.parser.addVersionOption() self.parser.addHelpOption() self.parser.process(qApp) self.args = self.parser.positionalArguments() if self.parser.isSet(self.debug_option): os.environ['DEBUG'] = '1' if len(self.args) > 0: file_path = QFileInfo(self.args[0]).absoluteFilePath() if not os.path.exists(file_path): sys.stderr.write('\nERROR: File not found: %s\n' % file_path) self.close() qApp.exit(1) = file_path
def open(self, t_filename=None): settings = QSettings(QSettings.IniFormat, QSettings.UserScope, "pySPM", "pySPM") if t_filename is None: home = QDir.cleanPath(os.getenv("HOMEPATH")) path = settings.value("lastPath", home) self.filename = QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( None, "Choose measurement file", path, "*.ita")[0] else: self.filename = t_filename check_file = QFileInfo(self.filename) self.setWindowTitle(check_file.fileName()) if not check_file.exists() or not check_file.isFile(): return settings.setValue("lastPath", check_file.path()) self.ita = pySPM.ITA(self.filename, readonly=False) self.t, self.S = self.ita.getSpectrum(time=True) self.sf, self.k0 = self.ita.get_mass_cal() self.mass = pySPM.utils.time2mass(self.t, self.sf, self.k0) self.spec =, self.S)[0] SatLevel = self.ita.size['pixels']['x'] * self.ita.size['pixels'][ 'y'] * self.ita.Nscan self.sat_level =, color='r') if 'pySPM' in self.ita.root.goto("MassScale"): self.MassCal = [] N = self.ita.root.goto("MassScale/pySPM/N").get_ulong() for i in range(N): elt = self.ita.root.goto("MassScale/pySPM/" + str(i) + "/elt").value.decode('utf8') mass = self.ita.root.goto("MassScale/pySPM/" + str(i) + "/mass").get_double() time = self.ita.root.goto("MassScale/pySPM/" + str(i) + "/time").get_double() self.MassCal.append(dict(elt=elt, mass=mass, time=time)) else: self.MassCal = [] for x in self.ita.root.goto("MassScale/calib"): if == 'assign': self.MassCal.append({'elt': x.get_string()}) if == 'mcp': mcp = struct.unpack("<10d", x.value) self.MassCal[-1]['time'] = mcp[0] self.MassCal[-1]['mass'] = mcp[1] self.DoMassCal()
def save2output_file(self, fmt): options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog TDialog = QFileDialog() fileName, _ = TDialog.getSaveFileName(None,"Save file as:", BS.lastdir, self.file_filter, options=options) if fileName: self.file = QFile(fileName) BS.lastdir = QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath() if not # open to write mb = QMessageBox(self) mb.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) mb.setText("<p style='font-size: 18pt'>Open File error</p>" "<p style='font-size: 14pt; font-weight: normal'> Can't open file <i>{}</i> for writing.<br><br>" " File error was: \"{}\".</p>".format(fileName, self.file.errorString())) mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) mb.exec() return False else: self.imageLabel.pixmap().save(self.file, fmt) return True else: return False
def update_recent_file_actions(self): """ Update the actions (menu items) in the recent files list to reflect the recent file paths stored in the 'recentFileList' setting Returns ------- None """ settings = QSettings('USGS', 'pymdwizard') files = settings.value('recentFileList', []) num_recent_files = min(len(files), PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files) for i in range(num_recent_files): stripped_name = QFileInfo(files[i]).fileName() text = "&%d %s" % (i + 1, stripped_name) self.recent_file_actions[i].setText(text) self.recent_file_actions[i].setData(files[i]) self.recent_file_actions[i].setVisible(True) for j in range(num_recent_files, PyMdWizardMainForm.max_recent_files): self.recent_file_actions[j].setVisible(False)
def open_output_file(self): QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog TDialog = QFileDialog() fileName, _ = TDialog.getSaveFileName(self.parent,"Save file as:", BS.lastdir, self.file_filter, options=options) if fileName: self.file = QFile(fileName) BS.lastdir = QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath() if not | QFile.Text): # open to write mb = QMessageBox() mb.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) mb.setText("<p style='font-size: 18pt'>Open File error</p>" "<p style='font-size: 14pt; font-weight: normal'> Can't open file <i>{}</i> for writing.<br><br>" " File error was: \"{}\".</p>".format(fileName, self.file.errorString())) mb.setIcon(QMessageBox.Warning) mb.exec() return False else: self.outstream = QTextStream(self.file) return True else: return False
def save2output_file(self, fmt): options = QFileDialog.Options() options |= QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog TDialog = QFileDialog() fileName, _ = TDialog.getSaveFileName(None, "Save file as:", BS.lastdir, self.file_filter, options=options) if fileName: self.file = QFile(fileName) BS.lastdir = QFileInfo(fileName).absolutePath() if not # open to write QMessageBox.warning( self, "Application", "Cannot open file %s:\n%s. for writing" % (fileName, self.file.errorString())) return False else: self.imageLabel.pixmap().save(self.file, fmt) return True else: return False
def __loadRecent(self): """ Private method to load the recently used file names. """ Preferences.Prefs.rsettings.sync() # load recently used file names self.fnHistory = [] self.fnHistory.append('') rs = Preferences.Prefs.rsettings.value(recentNameBreakpointFiles) if rs is not None: recent = [ f for f in Preferences.toList(rs) if QFileInfo(f).exists() ] self.fnHistory.extend( recent[:Preferences.getDebugger("RecentNumber")]) # load recently entered condition expressions self.condHistory = [] rs = Preferences.Prefs.rsettings.value(recentNameBreakpointConditions) if rs is not None: self.condHistory = Preferences.toList( rs)[:Preferences.getDebugger("RecentNumber")]
def on_load(self): logger.debug("load") img_path, _ = QtWidgets.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(None, "Open image", self.path, "Images (*.png *.jpg *.ima)") if img_path: logger.debug(f"open file {img_path}") self.path = QFileInfo(img_path).path() logger.debug(self.path) valid_images = [".jpg", ".png", ".ima"] for f in os.listdir(self.path): ext = os.path.splitext(f)[1] if ext.lower() not in valid_images: continue self.image_list.append(os.path.join(self.path, f).replace("\\", "/")) self.reset_btn.setEnabled(True) self.save_btn.setEnabled(True) self.Next_btn.setEnabled(True) self.Previous_btn.setEnabled(True) self.load_image(img_path)
def savePdf(self): fileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Export document to PDF"), self.currentTab.getBaseName() + ".pdf","PDF files (*.pdf)"))[0] if fileName: if not QFileInfo(fileName).suffix(): fileName += ".pdf" title, htmltext, preview = self.currentTab.getDocumentForExport() if globalSettings.useWebEngine and hasattr(, "printToPdf"): pageSize = self.getPageSizeByName(globalSettings.paperSize) if pageSize is None: pageSize = QPageSize(QPageSize.A4) margins = QMarginsF(20, 20, 13, 20) # left, top, right, bottom (in millimeters) layout = QPageLayout(pageSize, QPageLayout.Portrait, margins, QPageLayout.Millimeter), layout) # Available since Qt 5.7 return printer = self.standardPrinter(title) printer.setOutputFormat(QPrinter.PdfFormat) printer.setOutputFileName(fileName) document = self.getDocumentForPrint(title, htmltext, preview) if document != None: document.print(printer)
def dropEvent(self, e): """ Drop files directly onto the widget File locations are stored in fname :param e: :return: """ if e.mimeData().hasUrls: e.setDropAction(Qt.CopyAction) e.accept() # Workaround for OSx dragging and dropping for url in e.mimeData().urls(): if op_sys == 'Darwin': fname = str( NSURL.URLWithString_(str( url.toString())).filePathURL().path()) else: fname = str(url.toLocalFile()) self.lastpath = QFileInfo(fname).path() self.load_files(fname) else: e.ignore()
def __saveImage(self): """ Private slot to handle the Save Image menu action. """ if self.mainWidget is None: E5MessageBox.critical(self,"Save Image"),"""There is no UI file loaded.""")) return defaultExt = "PNG" filters = "" formats = QImageWriter.supportedImageFormats() for format in formats: filters = "{0}*.{1} ".format(filters, bytes(format).decode().lower()) filter ="Images ({0})").format(filters[:-1]) fname = E5FileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save Image"), "", filter) if not fname: return ext = QFileInfo(fname).suffix().upper() if not ext: ext = defaultExt fname.append(".{0}".format(defaultExt.lower())) if qVersion() >= "5.0.0": pix = self.mainWidget.grab() else: pix = QPixmap.grabWidget(self.mainWidget) self.__updateChildren(self.lastStyle) if not, str(ext)): E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Save Image"),"""<p>The file <b>{0}</b> could not be saved.</p>"""). format(fname))
def _addView(self, win, fn=None, noName=""): """ Protected method to add a view (i.e. window). @param win editor assembly to be added @param fn filename of this editor (string) @param noName name to be used for an unnamed editor (string) """ editor = win.getEditor() if fn is None: if not noName: self.untitledCount += 1 noName ="Untitled {0}").format(self.untitledCount) self.viewlist.addItem(noName) editor.setNoName(noName) else: txt = os.path.basename(fn) if not QFileInfo(fn).isWritable(): txt ="{0} (ro)").format(txt) itm = QListWidgetItem(txt) itm.setToolTip(fn) self.viewlist.addItem(itm) self.currentStack.addWidget(win) self.currentStack.setCurrentWidget(win) editor.captionChanged.connect(self.__captionChange) editor.cursorLineChanged.connect(self.__cursorLineChanged) index = self.editors.index(editor) self.viewlist.setCurrentRow(index) editor.setFocus() if fn: self.changeCaption.emit(fn) self.editorChanged.emit(fn) self.editorLineChanged.emit(fn, editor.getCursorPosition()[0] + 1) else: self.changeCaption.emit("") self.editorChangedEd.emit(editor)
def createWinShortcutToStartup(self, shortcutName, execFileTarget, arguments=None, startin=None, iconPath=None, enable=False): from win32com.client import Dispatch shell = Dispatch('WScript.Shell') startupPath = shell.SpecialFolders("Startup") fullPath = os.path.join("{}\{}.lnk".format(startupPath, shortcutName)) if QFile.exists(fullPath): QFile.remove(fullPath) if not enable: return True shortcut = shell.CreateShortCut(fullPath) shortcut.Targetpath = execFileTarget if not execFileTarget.endswith(".exe"): arguments = execFileTarget shortcut.Targetpath = os.path.join( QFileInfo(sys.executable).absolutePath(), "pythonw.exe") if arguments: shortcut.Arguments = ''' "{}"'''.format(arguments) if startin: shortcut.WorkingDirectory = startin if iconPath: shortcut.IconLocation = iconPath try: except Exception: return False if QFile.exists(fullPath): return True
def loadAvailableChronologies(self): self.chronologiesDir = QDir(self.settings.value("APIS/chronology_dir")) if self.chronologiesDir.exists(): chronologiesJsonFiles = self.chronologiesDir.entryList(['*.json'], QDir.Files) if len(chronologiesJsonFiles) > 0: for chronology in chronologiesJsonFiles: if QFile( os.path.join(self.chronologiesDir.absolutePath(), chronology) ).exists( ): # and is chronology json file (find some token to verify) self.uiChronologyCombo.addItem( QFileInfo(chronology).completeBaseName()) indexCandidate = self.uiChronologyCombo.findText( self.candidateCountry) indexDefault = self.uiChronologyCombo.findText( self.settings.value("APIS/default_chronology", "AUT")) # QMessageBox.information(self, "Info", "{}, {}, {}".format(self.candidateCountry, indexCandidate, indexDefault)) if indexCandidate >= 0: self.uiChronologyCombo.setCurrentIndex(indexCandidate) elif indexDefault >= 0: self.uiChronologyCombo.setCurrentIndex(indexDefault) else: self.uiChronologyCombo.setCurrentIndex(0) self.isSetup = True else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Keine Chronologien vorhanden", "Im angegebenen Verzeichnis ({0}) sind keine Chronologien vorhanden!" .format(self.chronologiesDir.absolutePath())) else: QMessageBox.warning( self, "Ordner existiert nicht", "Das angegebenen Verzeichnis ({0}) existiert nicht!".format( self.chronologiesDir.absolutePath()))
def _addView(self, win, fn=None, noName=""): """ Protected method to add a view (i.e. window). @param win editor assembly to be added @param fn filename of this editor (string) @param noName name to be used for an unnamed editor (string) """ editor = win.getEditor() if fn is None: if not noName: self.untitledCount += 1 noName ="Untitled {0}").format(self.untitledCount) self.currentTabWidget.addTab(win, noName) editor.setNoName(noName) else: if self.filenameOnly: txt = os.path.basename(fn) else: txt = e5App().getObject("Project").getRelativePath(fn) if len(txt) > self.maxFileNameChars: txt = "...{0}".format(txt[-self.maxFileNameChars:]) if not QFileInfo(fn).isWritable(): txt ="{0} (ro)").format(txt) self.currentTabWidget.addTab(win, txt) index = self.currentTabWidget.indexOf(win) self.currentTabWidget.setTabToolTip(index, fn) self.currentTabWidget.setCurrentWidget(win) editor.setFocus() if fn: self.changeCaption.emit(fn) self.editorChanged.emit(fn) self.editorLineChanged.emit(fn, editor.getCursorPosition()[0] + 1) else: self.changeCaption.emit("") self.editorChangedEd.emit(editor)
def __init__(self): root = QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath() svg_files = os.listdir(root + "/icons/svg/") self.images = {} for filename in svg_files: f = QFile(root + '/icons/svg/' + filename) if | QFile.Text): textStream = QTextStream(f) svgData = textStream.readAll().replace('fill="#000000"', 'fill="#eeeeee"') svgData_hover = svgData.replace('fill="#eeeeee"', 'fill="#3daee9"') f.close() svg = QSvgRenderer(QByteArray().append(svgData)) svg_hover = QSvgRenderer(QByteArray().append(svgData_hover)) qim = QImage(76, 76, QImage.Format_RGBA8888) qim.fill(0) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(qim) svg.render(painter) painter.end() qim_hover = QImage(76, 76, QImage.Format_ARGB32) qim_hover.fill(0) painter = QPainter() painter.begin(qim_hover) svg_hover.render(painter) painter.end() self.images[filename.replace("appbar.", "").replace( ".svg", "")] = (QIcon(QPixmap.fromImage(qim)), QIcon(QPixmap.fromImage(qim_hover)))
def saveFileMain(self, dlg): if (not self.fileNames[self.ind]) or dlg: markupClass = self.getMarkupClass() if (markupClass is None) or not hasattr(markupClass, 'default_extension'): defaultExt ="Plain text (*.txt)") ext = ".txt" else: defaultExt ='%s files', 'Example of final string: Markdown files') \ % + ' (' + str.join(' ', ('*'+extension for extension in markupClass.file_extensions)) + ')' if markupClass == markups.MarkdownMarkup: ext = globalSettings.markdownDefaultFileExtension elif markupClass == markups.ReStructuredTextMarkup: ext = globalSettings.restDefaultFileExtension else: ext = markupClass.default_extension newFileName = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self,"Save file"), "", defaultExt)[0] if newFileName: if not QFileInfo(newFileName).suffix(): newFileName += ext if self.fileNames[self.ind]: self.fileSystemWatcher.removePath(self.fileNames[self.ind]) self.fileNames[self.ind] = newFileName self.actionSetEncoding.setDisabled(self.autoSaveActive()) if self.fileNames[self.ind]: result = self.saveFileCore(self.fileNames[self.ind]) if result: self.setCurrentFile() self.editBoxes[self.ind].document().setModified(False) self.setWindowModified(False) return True else: QMessageBox.warning(self, '',"Cannot save to file because it is read-only!")) return False
def guardarCambios(self): homedir = os.path.expanduser("~") ruta=homedir+'\Desktop' try: texto2 = self.ui.cancionTE.toPlainText() self.ui.cancionTE.clear() escribirCrearArchivo(texto2) file_text=abrirAuxiliar() for f in file_text: if f[0]=='.': self.ui.cancionTE.setTextColor(QtGui.QColor("blue")) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontPointSize(10) self.ui.cancionTE.append(f.strip('\n')) if f[0]!='.': if f[0]!=' ': self.ui.cancionTE.setTextColor(QtGui.QColor("black")) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontPointSize(10) self.ui.cancionTE.append(' '+f.strip('\n')) if f[0]==' ': self.ui.cancionTE.setTextColor(QtGui.QColor("black")) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontWeight(QtGui.QFont.Bold) self.ui.cancionTE.setFontPointSize(10) self.ui.cancionTE.append(f.strip('\n')) filename, _ = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, 'Save File', ruta) if filename !='': if QFileInfo(filename).suffix() == '': filename += '.cec' f=open(filename, 'w') texto = self.ui.cancionTE.toPlainText()+'\n'+self.ui.cancionTE2.toPlainText() f.write(texto) f.close() except: pass
def __exportStyles(self, lexers): """ Private method to export the styles of the given lexers. @param lexers list of lexer objects for which to export the styles """ fn, selectedFilter = E5FileDialog.getSaveFileNameAndFilter( self,"Export Highlighting Styles"), "","Highlighting styles file (*.e4h)"), "", E5FileDialog.Options(E5FileDialog.DontConfirmOverwrite)) if not fn: return ext = QFileInfo(fn).suffix() if not ext: ex = selectedFilter.split("(*")[1].split(")")[0] if ex: fn += ex f = QFile(fn) if from E5XML.HighlightingStylesWriter import HighlightingStylesWriter HighlightingStylesWriter(f, lexers).writeXML() f.close() else: E5MessageBox.critical( self,"Export Highlighting Styles"), """<p>The highlighting styles could not be exported""" """ to file <b>{0}</b>.</p><p>Reason: {1}</p>""") .format(fn, f.errorString()) )
def __init__(self): super(MainWindow, self).__init__() self.root = QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath() self.curFile = '' self.graphicsView = proj1_imageviewer.ImageViewer() #QScrollArea() self.graphicsView.setMouseTracking(False) self.graphicsView.setBackgroundRole(QPalette.Dark) #self.graphicsView.setWidget(self.imageLabel) self.setCentralWidget(self.graphicsView) self.setWindowTitle("iScissor") self.setGeometry(100, 100, 480, 300) self.setMinimumSize(480, 320) self.setWindowIcon(QIcon(self.root + 'iScissor.png')) self.curFile = '' self.isModified = False self.createActions() self.createMenus() self.createToolBars() self.createStatusBar() self.iScissorStartAct.setEnabled(False) self.iScissorDoneAct.setEnabled(False) self.undoAct.setEnabled(False) self.normalSizeAct.setEnabled(False) self.zoomInAct.setEnabled(False) self.zoomOutAct.setEnabled(False) self.orignalImgAct.setEnabled(False) self.maskedImgAct.setEnabled(False) self.imgWithContourAct.setEnabled(False) self.costGraphAct.setEnabled(False) self.pathTreeAct.setEnabled(False) return
def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if QLineF(QPointF(event.screenPos()), QPointF(event.buttonDownScreenPos(Qt.LeftButton))).length() < QApplication.startDragDistance(): return drag = QDrag(event.widget()) mime = QMimeData() drag.setMimeData(mime) ColorItem.n += 1 if ColorItem.n > 2 and qrand() % 3 == 0: root = QFileInfo(__file__).absolutePath() image = QImage(root + '/images/head.png') mime.setImageData(image) drag.setPixmap(QPixmap.fromImage(image).scaled(30,40)) drag.setHotSpot(QPoint(15, 30)) else: mime.setColorData(self.color) mime.setText("#%02x%02x%02x" % (,, pixmap = QPixmap(34, 34) pixmap.fill(Qt.white) painter = QPainter(pixmap) painter.translate(15, 15) painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) self.paint(painter, None, None) painter.end() pixmap.setMask(pixmap.createHeuristicMask()) drag.setPixmap(pixmap) drag.setHotSpot(QPoint(15, 20)) drag.exec_() self.setCursor(Qt.OpenHandCursor)
def save_datastream(self, fname): error = None fh = None try: fh = QFile(fname) if not raise IOError(str(fh.errorString())) stream = QDataStream(fh) stream.writeQString(self.label) stream.writeInt32(self.diameter) stream.writeDouble(self.top_elev) stream.writeDouble(self.design_load) stream.setVersion(QDataStream.Qt_5_12) except EnvironmentError as e: error = "Failed to save:{0}".format(e) finally: if fh is not None: fh.close() if error is not None: print(error) self.__dirty = False print("save to {0}".format(QFileInfo(fname).fileName))
def __showContextMenuRecent(self): """ Private method to set up the recent multi projects menu. """ self.__loadRecent() self.recentMenu.clear() idx = 1 for rp in self.recent: if idx < 10: formatStr = '&{0:d}. {1}' else: formatStr = '{0:d}. {1}' act = self.recentMenu.addAction( formatStr.format( idx, Utilities.compactPath(rp, self.ui.maxMenuFilePathLen))) act.setData(rp) act.setEnabled(QFileInfo(rp).exists()) idx += 1 self.recentMenu.addSeparator() self.recentMenu.addAction('&Clear'), self.__clearRecent)
def saveFileDialog(self): fname = self.fileName() if fname is None: directory = "." else: directory = QFileInfo(fname).path() if util.isWindows(): # required for native looking file window fname = QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.json)" % QApplication.applicationName()) if isinstance(fname, (list, tuple)): fname = fname[0] self.writeDocumentToFile(fname) else: # access through non-blocking callback fdialog = QFileDialog(, "%s - Save As" % QApplication.applicationName(), directory, "%s (*.json)" % QApplication.applicationName()) fdialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) fdialog.setWindowFlags(Qt.Sheet) fdialog.setWindowModality(Qt.WindowModal) self.filesavedialog = fdialog self.filesavedialog.filesSelected.connect( self.saveFileDialogCallback)