Esempio n. 1
class KeyWidget:
    def __init__(self, desc, scale, shift_x=0, shift_y=0): = False
        self.masked = False
        self.pressed = False
        self.desc = desc
        self.text = ""
        self.mask_text = ""
        self.tooltip = ""
        self.color = None
        self.scale = 0

        self.rotation_angle = desc.rotation_angle

        self.has2 = desc.width2 != desc.width or desc.height2 != desc.height or desc.x2 != 0 or desc.y2 != 0

        self.update_position(scale, shift_x, shift_y)

    def update_position(self, scale, shift_x=0, shift_y=0):
        if self.scale != scale or self.shift_x != shift_x or self.shift_y != shift_y:
            self.scale = scale
            size = self.scale * (KEY_SIZE_RATIO + KEY_SPACING_RATIO)
            spacing = self.scale * KEY_SPACING_RATIO

            self.rotation_x = size * self.desc.rotation_x
            self.rotation_y = size * self.desc.rotation_y

            self.shift_x = shift_x
            self.shift_y = shift_y
            self.x = size * self.desc.x
            self.y = size * self.desc.y
            self.w = size * self.desc.width - spacing
            self.h = size * self.desc.height - spacing

            self.rect = QRect(self.x, self.y, self.w, self.h)

            self.x2 = self.x + size * self.desc.x2
            self.y2 = self.y + size * self.desc.y2
            self.w2 = size * self.desc.width2 - spacing
            self.h2 = size * self.desc.height2 - spacing

            self.rect2 = QRect(self.x2, self.y2, self.w2, self.h2)

            self.bbox = self.calculate_bbox(self.rect)
            self.bbox2 = self.calculate_bbox(self.rect2)
            self.polygon = QPolygonF(self.bbox + [self.bbox[0]])
            self.polygon2 = QPolygonF(self.bbox2 + [self.bbox2[0]])
            self.polygon = self.polygon.united(self.polygon2)
            self.draw_path = self.calculate_draw_path()
            self.draw_path2 = self.calculate_draw_path2()

            # calculate areas where the inner keycode will be located
            # nonmask = outer (e.g. Rsft_T)
            # mask = inner (e.g. KC_A)
            self.nonmask_rect = QRectF(
                int(self.x), int(self.y), int(self.w),
                int(self.h * (1 - KEYBOARD_WIDGET_MASK_HEIGHT)))
            self.mask_rect = QRectF(
                int(self.x + KEYBOARD_WIDGET_MASK_PADDING),
                int(self.y) + int(self.h * (1 - KEYBOARD_WIDGET_MASK_HEIGHT)),
                int(self.w - 2 * KEYBOARD_WIDGET_MASK_PADDING),
                int(self.h * KEYBOARD_WIDGET_MASK_HEIGHT -
            self.mask_bbox = self.calculate_bbox(self.mask_rect)
            self.mask_polygon = QPolygonF(self.mask_bbox + [self.mask_bbox[0]])

    def calculate_bbox(self, rect):
        x1 = rect.topLeft().x()
        y1 = rect.topLeft().y()
        x2 = rect.bottomRight().x()
        y2 = rect.bottomRight().y()
        points = [(x1, y1), (x1, y2), (x2, y2), (x2, y1)]
        bbox = []
        for p in points:
            t = QTransform()
            t.translate(self.shift_x, self.shift_y)
            t.translate(self.rotation_x, self.rotation_y)
            t.translate(-self.rotation_x, -self.rotation_y)
            p =[0], p[1]))
        return bbox

    def calculate_draw_path(self):
        path = QPainterPath()
        corner = int(self.h / KEY_ROUNDNESS) if (self.w > self.h) else int(
            self.w / KEY_ROUNDNESS)
        path.addRoundedRect(int(self.x), int(self.y), int(self.w), int(self.h),
                            corner, corner)

        # second part only considered if different from first
        if self.has2:
            path2 = QPainterPath()
            path2.addRoundedRect(int(self.x2), int(self.y2), int(self.w2),
                                 int(self.h2), corner, corner)
            path = path.united(path2)

        return path

    def calculate_draw_path2(self):
        return QPainterPath()

    def setText(self, text):
        self.text = text

    def setMaskText(self, text):
        self.mask_text = text

    def setToolTip(self, tooltip):
        self.tooltip = tooltip

    def setActive(self, active): = active

    def setPressed(self, pressed):
        self.pressed = pressed

    def setColor(self, color):
        self.color = color

    def __repr__(self):
        qualifiers = ["KeyboardWidget"]
        if self.desc.row is not None:
        if self.desc.layout_index != -1:
        return " ".join(qualifiers)