def main(argv, app): engine = QQmlEngine(app) engine.quit.connect(app.quit) component = QQmlComponent(engine) component.loadUrl(QUrl('Wizard/Wizard.qml')) if component.isReady(): mainWindow = component.create() file = FileInfo() context = engine.rootContext() context.setContextProperty('FileInfo', file) else: print(component.errorString()) sys.exit(app.exec_())
def ros_qml_main(): try: rospy.init_node('ros_qml', sys.argv) my_argv = rospy.myargv(sys.argv) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) app = QApplication(my_argv) engine = QQmlEngine() engine.quit.connect(app.quit) plugins_dir = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.PluginsPath) # ## Add QML extension modules and plugins to the path, including ourselves plugins_paths = rospack.get_manifest(THIS_PACKAGE).get_export( THIS_PACKAGE, 'plugins') for idx, p in enumerate(plugins_paths): # If a relative path provided, treat it as relative to Qt plugins dir if not os.path.isabs(p): plugins_paths[idx] = plugins_dir + '/' + p qml_paths = rospack.get_manifest(THIS_PACKAGE).get_export( THIS_PACKAGE, 'imports') deps = rospack.get_depends_on(THIS_PACKAGE) for d in deps: pp = rospack.get_manifest(d).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'plugins') for idx, p in enumerate(pp): # If a relative path provided, treat it as relative to Qt plugins dir if not os.path.isabs(p): pp[idx] = plugins_dir + '/' + p plugins_paths += pp qp = rospack.get_manifest(d).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'imports') qml_paths += qp for p in plugins_paths: engine.addPluginPath(p) for p in qml_paths: engine.addImportPath(p) qml_sys_path = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.ImportsPath) engine.addImportPath(qml_sys_path) # Somehow we need to set the path both with QQmlEngine and with environment, # commenting any of the two will lead to 'module not installed' error os.environ['QML2_IMPORT_PATH'] = ':'.join( qml_paths) + ':' + qml_sys_path comp = QQmlComponent(engine) if len(my_argv) > 1 and my_argv[1]: qml_url = my_argv[1] comp.loadUrl(QUrl(qml_url)) elif rospy.has_param('qml_url'): qml_url = rospy.get_param('qml_url') comp.loadUrl(QUrl(qml_url)) elif rospy.has_param('qml_description'): # experimental qml_description = rospy.get_param('qml_description') # FIXME that hangs for unknown reason comp.setData(QByteArray(qml_description), QUrl()) else: rospy.logfatal( 'Neither /qml_url nor /qml_description (experimental) parameter is present' ) sys.exit(1) if not comp.isReady(): sys.stderr.write(comp.errorString()) sys.exit(1) win = comp.create() if not win: rospy.logfatal('Your root item has to be a Window') sys.exit(1) engine.setIncubationController(win.incubationController()) if win: # Poll Python interpreter every 500ms timer = QTimer() timer.start(500) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) sys.exit(app.exec_()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass
def ros_qml_main(): try: rospy.init_node('ros_qml', sys.argv) my_argv = rospy.myargv(sys.argv) signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, sigint_handler) app = QApplication(my_argv) engine = QQmlEngine() engine.quit.connect(app.quit) plugins_dir = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.PluginsPath) # ## Add QML extension modules and plugins to the path, including ourselves plugins_paths = rospack.get_manifest(THIS_PACKAGE).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'plugins') for idx, p in enumerate(plugins_paths): # If a relative path provided, treat it as relative to Qt plugins dir if not os.path.isabs(p): plugins_paths[idx] = plugins_dir + '/' + p qml_paths = rospack.get_manifest(THIS_PACKAGE).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'imports') deps = rospack.get_depends_on(THIS_PACKAGE) for d in deps: pp = rospack.get_manifest(d).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'plugins') for idx, p in enumerate(pp): # If a relative path provided, treat it as relative to Qt plugins dir if not os.path.isabs(p): pp[idx] = plugins_dir + '/' + p plugins_paths += pp qp = rospack.get_manifest(d).get_export(THIS_PACKAGE, 'imports') qml_paths += qp for p in plugins_paths: engine.addPluginPath(p) for p in qml_paths: engine.addImportPath(p) qml_sys_path = QLibraryInfo.location(QLibraryInfo.ImportsPath) engine.addImportPath(qml_sys_path) # Somehow we need to set the path both with QQmlEngine and with environment, # commenting any of the two will lead to 'module not installed' error os.environ['QML2_IMPORT_PATH'] = ':'.join(qml_paths) + ':' + qml_sys_path comp = QQmlComponent(engine) if len(my_argv) > 1 and my_argv[1]: qml_url = my_argv[1] comp.loadUrl(QUrl(qml_url)) elif rospy.has_param('qml_url'): qml_url = rospy.get_param('qml_url') comp.loadUrl(QUrl(qml_url)) elif rospy.has_param('qml_description'): # experimental qml_description = rospy.get_param('qml_description') # FIXME that hangs for unknown reason comp.setData(QByteArray(qml_description), QUrl()) else: rospy.logfatal('Neither /qml_url nor /qml_description (experimental) parameter is present') sys.exit(1) if not comp.isReady(): sys.stderr.write(comp.errorString()) sys.exit(1) win = comp.create() if not win: rospy.logfatal('Your root item has to be a Window') sys.exit(1) engine.setIncubationController(win.incubationController()) if win: # Poll Python interpreter every 500ms timer = QTimer() timer.start(500) timer.timeout.connect(lambda: None) sys.exit(app.exec_()) except KeyboardInterrupt: pass except rospy.ROSInterruptException: pass