def chkStateChange(self, chk: QCheckBox): if chk.checkState() == Qt.Checked: chk.setText("True") else: chk.setText("False") self.__configChanged = True self.__buttonApply.setEnabled(True) self.__buttonReset.setEnabled(True) # memorise que le parametre a change if not chk.objectName() in self.__changedParams: self.__changedParams.append(chk.objectName())
class NorSetTab(QWidget): def __init__(self, gui): super(NorSetTab, self).__init__() self._ui = gui self._tran = self._ui.tran self._config = self._ui.config self._parser = self._ui.configparser self._thread = None self._running = False self.setObjectName("settab") self._layout = QGridLayout(self) self._layout.setObjectName('settab_layout') # label for the plaintext directory self._label_clear = QLabel(self) self._label_clear.setObjectName('settab_label_clear') self._label_clear.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_clear.objectName())) # plaintext input self._input_clear = QLineEdit(self) self._input_clear.setObjectName('settab_input_clear') self._input_clear.setText('') self._input_clear.setReadOnly(True) self._input_clear.textChanged.connect(lambda: self._config.update({cc_con.SCR_DIR: self._input_clear.text()})) # plaintext button self._button_clear = QPushButton(self) self._button_clear.setObjectName('settab_button_clear') self._button_clear.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._button_clear.objectName())) self._button_clear.clicked.connect(self._browse_clear_dir) # label for the enc directory self._label_enc = QLabel(self) self._label_enc.setObjectName('settab_label_enc') self._label_enc.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_enc.objectName())) # enc input self._input_enc = QLineEdit(self) self._input_enc.setObjectName('settab_input_enc') self._input_enc.setReadOnly(True) self._input_enc.textChanged.connect(lambda: self._config.update({cc_con.DST_DIR: self._input_enc.text()})) # enc button self._button_enc = QPushButton(self) self._button_enc.setObjectName('settab_button_enc') self._button_enc.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._button_enc.objectName())) self._button_enc.clicked.connect(self._browse_enc_dir) # label for the key self._label_key1 = QLabel(self) self._label_key1.setObjectName("settab_label_key1") self._label_key1.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_key1.objectName())) # set up the input field for the password self._input_key1 = QLineEdit(self) self._input_key1.setObjectName("settab_tab_input_key1") self._input_key1.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self._input_key1.textChanged.connect(self._verify_passwords) # set up the show password button for key1 self._button_key1 = QPushButton(self) self._button_key1.setObjectName('settab_button_key1') self._button_key1.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._button_key1.objectName())) self._button_key1.pressed.connect(lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key1)) self._button_key1.released.connect(lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key1)) # set up the label for the key confirmation field self._label_key2 = QLabel(self) self._label_key2.setObjectName("settab_label_key2") self._label_key2.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_key2.objectName())) # set up the input field for the password confirmation self._input_key2 = QLineEdit(self) self._input_key2.setObjectName("settab_tab_input_key2") self._input_key2.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self._input_key2.textChanged.connect(self._verify_passwords) # setup the show password button for the password comfirmation self._button_key2 = QPushButton(self) self._button_key2.setObjectName('settab_button_key2') self._button_key2.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._button_key2.objectName())) self._button_key2.pressed.connect(lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key2)) self._button_key2.released.connect(lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key2)) # widget that is holding the slider self._widget_slider = QWidget(self) self._widget_slider.setObjectName('settab_widget_slider') # layout of the widget that is holding the slider self._widget_slider_layout = QGridLayout(self._widget_slider) self._widget_slider_layout.setObjectName('settab_widget_slider_layout') self._widget_slider.setLayout(self._widget_slider_layout) # left label of the slider self._label_left_slider = QLabel(self._widget_slider) self._label_left_slider.setObjectName('settab_label_left_slider') self._label_left_slider.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_left_slider.objectName())) self._label_left_slider.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) # right label of the slider self._label_right_slider = QLabel(self._widget_slider) self._label_right_slider.setObjectName('settab_label_right_slider') self._label_right_slider.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._label_right_slider.objectName())) # setup the slider itself self._slider = QSlider(self._widget_slider) self._slider.setObjectName('settab_slider_slider') self._slider.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) self._slider.setMaximumWidth(50) self._slider.setMinimum(0) self._slider.setMaximum(1) self._slider.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_moved) # add widgets to the slider sub layout self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._label_left_slider, 0, 0, 1, 1) self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._label_right_slider, 0, 2, 1, 1) self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._slider, 0, 1, 1, 1) # button to write the config button self._button_write_config = QPushButton(self) self._button_write_config.setObjectName('settab_button_write_config') self._button_write_config.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._button_write_config.objectName())) self._button_write_config.clicked.connect(self._ui.write_config) # the horizontal line in the settings tab self._hline = QFrame(self) self._hline.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) self._hline.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) self._hline.setObjectName('settab_hline') # the show advanced settings tab checkbox self._checkbox_advset = QCheckBox(self) self._checkbox_advset.setObjectName('settab_checkbox_advanced_settings') self._checkbox_advset.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._checkbox_advset.objectName())) self._checkbox_advset.stateChanged.connect(self._toggle_advset_tab) # the display verbose tooltips checkbox self._checkbox_vertoo = QCheckBox(self) self._checkbox_vertoo.setObjectName('settab_checkbox_verbose_tooltips') self._checkbox_vertoo.setText(self._tran.get_text(self._checkbox_vertoo.objectName())) self._checkbox_vertoo.stateChanged.connect(lambda: self.toggle_tooltips(None)) # add the elements to the main layout self._layout.addWidget(self._label_clear, 0, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_clear, 0, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_clear, 0, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_enc, 1, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_enc, 1, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_enc, 1, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_key1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_key1, 2, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_key1, 2, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_key2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_key2, 3, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_key2, 3, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._hline, 4, 0, 1, 3) self._layout.addWidget(self._checkbox_advset, 5, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._checkbox_vertoo, 5, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._widget_slider, 6, 2, 1, 1, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_write_config, 6, 0, 1, 1) self._tooltips = [ self._label_clear, self._input_clear, self._button_clear, self._label_enc, self._input_enc, self._button_enc, self._label_key1, self._input_key1, self._button_key1, self._label_key2, self._input_key2, self._button_key2, self._checkbox_advset, self._checkbox_vertoo ] def _browse_clear_dir(self): """ Open a directory browser to select the directory for the plaintexts and set the text of the corresponding QLineEdit :return: None """ # the file browser will only allow choosing directories _opt = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly # open the file browser _dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, self._tran.get_text('settab_button_clear_desc'), self._input_clear.text(), _opt) if _dir: self._input_clear.setText(str(_dir)) def _browse_enc_dir(self): """ Open a directory browser to select the directory for the ciphertexts and set the text of the corresponding QLineEdit :return: None """ # the file browser will only allow choosing directories _opt = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly # open the file browser _dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory(None, self._tran.get_text('settab_button_enc_desc'), self._input_enc.text(), _opt) if _dir: self._input_enc.setText(str(_dir)) def _verify_passwords(self): """ Check if the passwords the user entered are equal and satisfy the security requirements for passwords. :return: True if the passwords are valid; False if they are not """ if self._check_password_equality() and self._check_security_policy(): # the passwords are valid, so we can insert it into the config self._config[cc_con.USER_PW] = self._input_key1.text() return True else: return False def _check_security_policy(self): """ Check if the passwords the user entered meet the CloudCrypt security requirements for passwords :return: True if the password is sufficient and False if it isn't """ _length1 = len(str(self._input_key1.text())) _length2 = len(str(self._input_key2.text())) _ret = True # check if the first password is long enough if not (cc_con.PASSWORD_MIN_LEN <= _length1 <= cc_con.PASSWORD_MAX_LEN): # password is not long enough, so mark it as invalid self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('password_1_policy_violation')) _ret = False else: # password is long enough, so remove messages claiming otherwise self._ui.del_message(self._tran.get_text('password_1_policy_violation')) # check if the second passsword is long enough if not (cc_con.PASSWORD_MIN_LEN <= _length2 <= cc_con.PASSWORD_MAX_LEN): # password not long enough, so mark it as invalid self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('password_2_policy_violation')) _ret = False else: # password is long enough, so remove messages claiming otherwise self._ui.del_message(self._tran.get_text('password_2_policy_violation')) # both passwords are sufficient return _ret def _check_password_equality(self): """ Check if the two passwords the user provided are equal and mark the input fields accordingly :return: True if the passwords are equal and False if they are not """ _ret = True # check if they are equal if self._input_key1.text() != self._input_key2.text(): # passwords not equal -> mark input fields and output message self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('passwords_not_equal')) _ret = False else: # passwords equal -> mark input fields and remove passwords not equal message self._mark_valid(self._input_key1) self._mark_valid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.del_message(self._tran.get_text('passwords_not_equal')) _ret = True if _ret and self._input_key1.text() == base64.b64decode(b'Sm9zaHVh').decode('utf-8'): self._ui.helper.open_help('test.html', '') # passwords are equal return _ret @staticmethod def _mark_invalid(field): """ Mark a invalid input field :param field: the field that shall be marked as invalid :return: None """ try: field.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background: red;}") except AttributeError: pass # TODO error handling @staticmethod def _mark_valid(field): """ Mark a valid input field :param field: the field that shall be marked as valid :return: None """ try: field.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background: green;}") except AttributeError: pass # TODO error handling def _toggle_advset_tab(self): """ Show or hide the advanced settings tab :return: None """ if not self._checkbox_advset.isChecked(): self._ui.show_adv_tab(False) self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET] = "False" else: self._ui.show_adv_tab(True) self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET] = "True" def is_running(self): """ Whether the synchronisation between the two directories is currently running :return: True, if the synchronisation is running and False if it is not """ return self._running def tooltip_state(self): """ Whether the tooltips are turned on or off; True indicates on and False indicates off :return: True if the tooltips are on and False if they are off """ if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: return self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL]) else: return True def lock(self): """ Disable the ui components, so that the user cannot change settings while the program is running :return: None """ self._toggle_ui_components(False) def unlock(self): """ Enable the ui components, so that the user can change settings :return: None """ self._toggle_ui_components(True) def _toggle_ui_components(self, onoff): """ Enable/Disable ui components (DO NOT USE THIS DIRECTLY; use _lock()/_unlock()) :param onoff: True to enable, False to disable :return: None """ self._button_clear.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_enc.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_key1.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_key2.setEnabled(onoff) self._checkbox_advset.setEnabled(onoff) self._checkbox_vertoo.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_write_config.setEnabled(onoff) def slider_moved(self, val=None): """ What to do, when the slider has been moved: check input fields and if the input is valid start the synchronisation between the two directories :param val: :return: """ # user specified an new value for the slider if val and val == "off" or val == "Off": _value = 0 elif val and val == "On" or val == "on": _value = 1 # user did not specify a new value for the slider else: _value = self._slider.value() # stop synchronisation between the two directories if _value == 0: self._ui.core_ref.stop_sync() # unset the flag indicating that the synchronisation is running self._running = False # allow the user to modify settings again, now that the synchronisation has stopped self.unlock() # check if all the input needed to start the synchronisation is valid elif _value == 1: if self._input_clear is None or self._input_enc is None: self.ui.add_message("Geben sie für beide Ordner eine Pfad an") self._slider.setValue("Off") return if not self._verify_passwords(): self._slider.setValue("Off") return # check if the passwords satisfy the security policy for passwords if not self._check_security_policy(): self._settab_slider_slider.setValue("Off") return # check if the password is correct _user_pass = str(self._input_key1.text()) if not self._ui.core_ref.is_password_correct(_user_pass): # password wrong self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('password_not_correct')) self._slider.setValue("Off") return # password correct -> delete messages claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text('password_not_correct') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages(self._tran.get_text('password_not_correct')) # check if the directory paths are good _source = str(self._input_clear.text()) _cloud = str(self._input_enc.text()) if not os.path.exists(_source): # source directory path not good -> add message to message area self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('source_folder_not_exist')) self._slider.setValue("Off") return # source path correct -> delete message claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text('source_folder_not_exist') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages(self._tran.get_text('source_folder_not_exist')) if not os.path.exists(_cloud): # cloud directory path not good -> add message to message area self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('cloud_folder_not_exist')) self._ui.slider.setValue("Off") return # cloud path correct -> delete message claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text('cloud_folder_not_exist') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages(self._tran.get_text('cloud_folder_not_exist')) # all checks where successful -> start synchronisation self._thread = SyncThread(self._ui.core_ref, _source, _cloud, _user_pass) self._thread.start() # lock the ui, so that the user cannot change settings while the synchronisation is running self.lock() # set the flag indicating that the synchronisation is running self._running = True @staticmethod def _toggle_password(field): """ Display passwords in a QLineEdit in clear text and display clear text in a QLineEdit as password :param field: The field for which the echo mode shall be switched :return: None """ try: if field.echoMode() == QLineEdit.Password: field.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Normal) else: field.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) except AttributeError: # TODO error handling pass @staticmethod def _str_to_bool(string): """ Convert a string to boolean: "True" and "true" become True, everything else becomes False :param string: The string that shall be converted :return: True if the string was "True" or "true" and False if the string is something else """ if string == "True" or string == "true": return True else: return False def toggle_tooltips(self, onoff=""): """ Turn tool tips for this tab on or off :param onoff: "True" or "true" to turn tooltips on, False (actually everything but "True" and "true") to turn tooltips off if onoff is not set, then this method just toggles the tooltips :return: None """ # update config self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL] = str(self._checkbox_vertoo.isChecked()) if onoff: # user specified whether he wants to turn tooltips on or off if onoff == "True" or onoff == "true": # turn on for ele in self._tooltips: ele.setToolTip(self._tran.get_text(ele.objectName() + cc_con.TOOLTIP_POSTFIX)) else: # turn off for ele in self._tooltips: ele.setToolTip("") else: # user did not specify whether he wants to turn tooltips on or off if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config and self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL] == "True": self.toggle_tooltips("True") elif cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: self.toggle_tooltips("False") def init(self): """ What to do, when this tab is activated: fill the table with the contents of the config, ... :return: None """ # plaintext directory input field if cc_con.SCR_DIR in self._config: self._input_clear.setText(self._config[cc_con.SCR_DIR]) else: self._input_clear.setText(cc_con.SCR_DIR_DEFAULT) # encrypted directory input field if cc_con.DST_DIR in self._config: self._input_enc.setText(self._config[cc_con.DST_DIR]) else: self._input_enc.setText(cc_con.DST_DIR_DEFAULT) # the two password input fields if cc_con.USER_PW in self._config: self._input_key1.setText(self._config[cc_con.USER_PW]) self._input_key2.setText(self._config[cc_con.USER_PW]) else: self._input_key1.setText(cc_con.USER_PW_DEFAULT) self._input_key2.setText(cc_con.USER_PW_DEFAULT) # show advanced tab checkbox if cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET in self._config: self._checkbox_advset.setChecked(self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET])) else: self._checkbox_advset.setChecked(self._str_to_bool(cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET_DEFAULT)) # show verbose tooltips checkbox if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: self._checkbox_vertoo.setChecked(self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL])) else: self._checkbox_vertoo.setChecked(self._str_to_bool(cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL_DEFAULT)) def config(self): """ Return the internal configuration of this tab :return: A dictionary containing the configuration """ return self._config
class NorSetTab(QWidget): def __init__(self, gui): super(NorSetTab, self).__init__() self._ui = gui self._tran = self._ui.tran self._config = self._ui.config self._parser = self._ui.configparser self._thread = None self._running = False self.setObjectName("settab") self._layout = QGridLayout(self) self._layout.setObjectName('settab_layout') # label for the plaintext directory self._label_clear = QLabel(self) self._label_clear.setObjectName('settab_label_clear') self._label_clear.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_clear.objectName())) # plaintext input self._input_clear = QLineEdit(self) self._input_clear.setObjectName('settab_input_clear') self._input_clear.setText('') self._input_clear.setReadOnly(True) self._input_clear.textChanged.connect(lambda: self._config.update( {cc_con.SCR_DIR: self._input_clear.text()})) # plaintext button self._button_clear = QPushButton(self) self._button_clear.setObjectName('settab_button_clear') self._button_clear.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._button_clear.objectName())) self._button_clear.clicked.connect(self._browse_clear_dir) # label for the enc directory self._label_enc = QLabel(self) self._label_enc.setObjectName('settab_label_enc') self._label_enc.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_enc.objectName())) # enc input self._input_enc = QLineEdit(self) self._input_enc.setObjectName('settab_input_enc') self._input_enc.setReadOnly(True) self._input_enc.textChanged.connect(lambda: self._config.update( {cc_con.DST_DIR: self._input_enc.text()})) # enc button self._button_enc = QPushButton(self) self._button_enc.setObjectName('settab_button_enc') self._button_enc.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._button_enc.objectName())) self._button_enc.clicked.connect(self._browse_enc_dir) # label for the key self._label_key1 = QLabel(self) self._label_key1.setObjectName("settab_label_key1") self._label_key1.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_key1.objectName())) # set up the input field for the password self._input_key1 = QLineEdit(self) self._input_key1.setObjectName("settab_tab_input_key1") self._input_key1.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self._input_key1.textChanged.connect(self._verify_passwords) # set up the show password button for key1 self._button_key1 = QPushButton(self) self._button_key1.setObjectName('settab_button_key1') self._button_key1.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._button_key1.objectName())) self._button_key1.pressed.connect( lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key1)) self._button_key1.released.connect( lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key1)) # set up the label for the key confirmation field self._label_key2 = QLabel(self) self._label_key2.setObjectName("settab_label_key2") self._label_key2.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_key2.objectName())) # set up the input field for the password confirmation self._input_key2 = QLineEdit(self) self._input_key2.setObjectName("settab_tab_input_key2") self._input_key2.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) self._input_key2.textChanged.connect(self._verify_passwords) # setup the show password button for the password comfirmation self._button_key2 = QPushButton(self) self._button_key2.setObjectName('settab_button_key2') self._button_key2.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._button_key2.objectName())) self._button_key2.pressed.connect( lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key2)) self._button_key2.released.connect( lambda: self._toggle_password(self._input_key2)) # widget that is holding the slider self._widget_slider = QWidget(self) self._widget_slider.setObjectName('settab_widget_slider') # layout of the widget that is holding the slider self._widget_slider_layout = QGridLayout(self._widget_slider) self._widget_slider_layout.setObjectName('settab_widget_slider_layout') self._widget_slider.setLayout(self._widget_slider_layout) # left label of the slider self._label_left_slider = QLabel(self._widget_slider) self._label_left_slider.setObjectName('settab_label_left_slider') self._label_left_slider.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_left_slider.objectName())) self._label_left_slider.setAlignment(Qt.AlignRight | Qt.AlignVCenter) # right label of the slider self._label_right_slider = QLabel(self._widget_slider) self._label_right_slider.setObjectName('settab_label_right_slider') self._label_right_slider.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._label_right_slider.objectName())) # setup the slider itself self._slider = QSlider(self._widget_slider) self._slider.setObjectName('settab_slider_slider') self._slider.setOrientation(Qt.Horizontal) self._slider.setMaximumWidth(50) self._slider.setMinimum(0) self._slider.setMaximum(1) self._slider.valueChanged.connect(self.slider_moved) # add widgets to the slider sub layout self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._label_left_slider, 0, 0, 1, 1) self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._label_right_slider, 0, 2, 1, 1) self._widget_slider_layout.addWidget(self._slider, 0, 1, 1, 1) # button to write the config button self._button_write_config = QPushButton(self) self._button_write_config.setObjectName('settab_button_write_config') self._button_write_config.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._button_write_config.objectName())) self._button_write_config.clicked.connect(self._ui.write_config) # the horizontal line in the settings tab self._hline = QFrame(self) self._hline.setFrameShape(QFrame.HLine) self._hline.setFrameShadow(QFrame.Sunken) self._hline.setObjectName('settab_hline') # the show advanced settings tab checkbox self._checkbox_advset = QCheckBox(self) self._checkbox_advset.setObjectName( 'settab_checkbox_advanced_settings') self._checkbox_advset.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._checkbox_advset.objectName())) self._checkbox_advset.stateChanged.connect(self._toggle_advset_tab) # the display verbose tooltips checkbox self._checkbox_vertoo = QCheckBox(self) self._checkbox_vertoo.setObjectName('settab_checkbox_verbose_tooltips') self._checkbox_vertoo.setText( self._tran.get_text(self._checkbox_vertoo.objectName())) self._checkbox_vertoo.stateChanged.connect( lambda: self.toggle_tooltips(None)) # add the elements to the main layout self._layout.addWidget(self._label_clear, 0, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_clear, 0, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_clear, 0, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_enc, 1, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_enc, 1, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_enc, 1, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_key1, 2, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_key1, 2, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_key1, 2, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._label_key2, 3, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._input_key2, 3, 1, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_key2, 3, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._hline, 4, 0, 1, 3) self._layout.addWidget(self._checkbox_advset, 5, 0, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._checkbox_vertoo, 5, 2, 1, 1) self._layout.addWidget(self._widget_slider, 6, 2, 1, 1, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignVCenter) self._layout.addWidget(self._button_write_config, 6, 0, 1, 1) self._tooltips = [ self._label_clear, self._input_clear, self._button_clear, self._label_enc, self._input_enc, self._button_enc, self._label_key1, self._input_key1, self._button_key1, self._label_key2, self._input_key2, self._button_key2, self._checkbox_advset, self._checkbox_vertoo ] def _browse_clear_dir(self): """ Open a directory browser to select the directory for the plaintexts and set the text of the corresponding QLineEdit :return: None """ # the file browser will only allow choosing directories _opt = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly # open the file browser _dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, self._tran.get_text('settab_button_clear_desc'), self._input_clear.text(), _opt) if _dir: self._input_clear.setText(str(_dir)) def _browse_enc_dir(self): """ Open a directory browser to select the directory for the ciphertexts and set the text of the corresponding QLineEdit :return: None """ # the file browser will only allow choosing directories _opt = QFileDialog.DontResolveSymlinks | QFileDialog.ShowDirsOnly # open the file browser _dir = QFileDialog.getExistingDirectory( None, self._tran.get_text('settab_button_enc_desc'), self._input_enc.text(), _opt) if _dir: self._input_enc.setText(str(_dir)) def _verify_passwords(self): """ Check if the passwords the user entered are equal and satisfy the security requirements for passwords. :return: True if the passwords are valid; False if they are not """ if self._check_password_equality() and self._check_security_policy(): # the passwords are valid, so we can insert it into the config self._config[cc_con.USER_PW] = self._input_key1.text() return True else: return False def _check_security_policy(self): """ Check if the passwords the user entered meet the CloudCrypt security requirements for passwords :return: True if the password is sufficient and False if it isn't """ _length1 = len(str(self._input_key1.text())) _length2 = len(str(self._input_key2.text())) _ret = True # check if the first password is long enough if not (cc_con.PASSWORD_MIN_LEN <= _length1 <= cc_con.PASSWORD_MAX_LEN): # password is not long enough, so mark it as invalid self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message( self._tran.get_text('password_1_policy_violation')) _ret = False else: # password is long enough, so remove messages claiming otherwise self._ui.del_message( self._tran.get_text('password_1_policy_violation')) # check if the second passsword is long enough if not (cc_con.PASSWORD_MIN_LEN <= _length2 <= cc_con.PASSWORD_MAX_LEN): # password not long enough, so mark it as invalid self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message( self._tran.get_text('password_2_policy_violation')) _ret = False else: # password is long enough, so remove messages claiming otherwise self._ui.del_message( self._tran.get_text('password_2_policy_violation')) # both passwords are sufficient return _ret def _check_password_equality(self): """ Check if the two passwords the user provided are equal and mark the input fields accordingly :return: True if the passwords are equal and False if they are not """ _ret = True # check if they are equal if self._input_key1.text() != self._input_key2.text(): # passwords not equal -> mark input fields and output message self._mark_invalid(self._input_key1) self._mark_invalid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.add_message(self._tran.get_text('passwords_not_equal')) _ret = False else: # passwords equal -> mark input fields and remove passwords not equal message self._mark_valid(self._input_key1) self._mark_valid(self._input_key2) # output error message self._ui.del_message(self._tran.get_text('passwords_not_equal')) _ret = True if _ret and self._input_key1.text() == base64.b64decode( b'Sm9zaHVh').decode('utf-8'): self._ui.helper.open_help('test.html', '') # passwords are equal return _ret @staticmethod def _mark_invalid(field): """ Mark a invalid input field :param field: the field that shall be marked as invalid :return: None """ try: field.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background: red;}") except AttributeError: pass # TODO error handling @staticmethod def _mark_valid(field): """ Mark a valid input field :param field: the field that shall be marked as valid :return: None """ try: field.setStyleSheet("QLineEdit{background: green;}") except AttributeError: pass # TODO error handling def _toggle_advset_tab(self): """ Show or hide the advanced settings tab :return: None """ if not self._checkbox_advset.isChecked(): self._ui.show_adv_tab(False) self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET] = "False" else: self._ui.show_adv_tab(True) self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET] = "True" def is_running(self): """ Whether the synchronisation between the two directories is currently running :return: True, if the synchronisation is running and False if it is not """ return self._running def tooltip_state(self): """ Whether the tooltips are turned on or off; True indicates on and False indicates off :return: True if the tooltips are on and False if they are off """ if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: return self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL]) else: return True def lock(self): """ Disable the ui components, so that the user cannot change settings while the program is running :return: None """ self._toggle_ui_components(False) def unlock(self): """ Enable the ui components, so that the user can change settings :return: None """ self._toggle_ui_components(True) def _toggle_ui_components(self, onoff): """ Enable/Disable ui components (DO NOT USE THIS DIRECTLY; use _lock()/_unlock()) :param onoff: True to enable, False to disable :return: None """ self._button_clear.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_enc.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_key1.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_key2.setEnabled(onoff) self._checkbox_advset.setEnabled(onoff) self._checkbox_vertoo.setEnabled(onoff) self._button_write_config.setEnabled(onoff) def slider_moved(self, val=None): """ What to do, when the slider has been moved: check input fields and if the input is valid start the synchronisation between the two directories :param val: :return: """ # user specified an new value for the slider if val and val == "off" or val == "Off": _value = 0 elif val and val == "On" or val == "on": _value = 1 # user did not specify a new value for the slider else: _value = self._slider.value() # stop synchronisation between the two directories if _value == 0: self._ui.core_ref.stop_sync() # unset the flag indicating that the synchronisation is running self._running = False # allow the user to modify settings again, now that the synchronisation has stopped self.unlock() # check if all the input needed to start the synchronisation is valid elif _value == 1: if self._input_clear is None or self._input_enc is None: self.ui.add_message("Geben sie für beide Ordner eine Pfad an") self._slider.setValue("Off") return if not self._verify_passwords(): self._slider.setValue("Off") return # check if the passwords satisfy the security policy for passwords if not self._check_security_policy(): self._settab_slider_slider.setValue("Off") return # check if the password is correct _user_pass = str(self._input_key1.text()) if not self._ui.core_ref.is_password_correct(_user_pass): # password wrong self._ui.add_message( self._tran.get_text('password_not_correct')) self._slider.setValue("Off") return # password correct -> delete messages claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text( 'password_not_correct') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages( self._tran.get_text('password_not_correct')) # check if the directory paths are good _source = str(self._input_clear.text()) _cloud = str(self._input_enc.text()) if not os.path.exists(_source): # source directory path not good -> add message to message area self._ui.add_message( self._tran.get_text('source_folder_not_exist')) self._slider.setValue("Off") return # source path correct -> delete message claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text( 'source_folder_not_exist') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages( self._tran.get_text('source_folder_not_exist')) if not os.path.exists(_cloud): # cloud directory path not good -> add message to message area self._ui.add_message( self._tran.get_text('cloud_folder_not_exist')) self._ui.slider.setValue("Off") return # cloud path correct -> delete message claiming otherwise from the message area elif self._tran.get_text( 'cloud_folder_not_exist') in self._ui.messages: self._ui.del_messages( self._tran.get_text('cloud_folder_not_exist')) # all checks where successful -> start synchronisation self._thread = SyncThread(self._ui.core_ref, _source, _cloud, _user_pass) self._thread.start() # lock the ui, so that the user cannot change settings while the synchronisation is running self.lock() # set the flag indicating that the synchronisation is running self._running = True @staticmethod def _toggle_password(field): """ Display passwords in a QLineEdit in clear text and display clear text in a QLineEdit as password :param field: The field for which the echo mode shall be switched :return: None """ try: if field.echoMode() == QLineEdit.Password: field.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Normal) else: field.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password) except AttributeError: # TODO error handling pass @staticmethod def _str_to_bool(string): """ Convert a string to boolean: "True" and "true" become True, everything else becomes False :param string: The string that shall be converted :return: True if the string was "True" or "true" and False if the string is something else """ if string == "True" or string == "true": return True else: return False def toggle_tooltips(self, onoff=""): """ Turn tool tips for this tab on or off :param onoff: "True" or "true" to turn tooltips on, False (actually everything but "True" and "true") to turn tooltips off if onoff is not set, then this method just toggles the tooltips :return: None """ # update config self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL] = str( self._checkbox_vertoo.isChecked()) if onoff: # user specified whether he wants to turn tooltips on or off if onoff == "True" or onoff == "true": # turn on for ele in self._tooltips: ele.setToolTip( self._tran.get_text(ele.objectName() + cc_con.TOOLTIP_POSTFIX)) else: # turn off for ele in self._tooltips: ele.setToolTip("") else: # user did not specify whether he wants to turn tooltips on or off if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config and self._config[ cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL] == "True": self.toggle_tooltips("True") elif cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: self.toggle_tooltips("False") def init(self): """ What to do, when this tab is activated: fill the table with the contents of the config, ... :return: None """ # plaintext directory input field if cc_con.SCR_DIR in self._config: self._input_clear.setText(self._config[cc_con.SCR_DIR]) else: self._input_clear.setText(cc_con.SCR_DIR_DEFAULT) # encrypted directory input field if cc_con.DST_DIR in self._config: self._input_enc.setText(self._config[cc_con.DST_DIR]) else: self._input_enc.setText(cc_con.DST_DIR_DEFAULT) # the two password input fields if cc_con.USER_PW in self._config: self._input_key1.setText(self._config[cc_con.USER_PW]) self._input_key2.setText(self._config[cc_con.USER_PW]) else: self._input_key1.setText(cc_con.USER_PW_DEFAULT) self._input_key2.setText(cc_con.USER_PW_DEFAULT) # show advanced tab checkbox if cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET in self._config: self._checkbox_advset.setChecked( self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET])) else: self._checkbox_advset.setChecked( self._str_to_bool(cc_con.SHOW_ADV_SET_DEFAULT)) # show verbose tooltips checkbox if cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL in self._config: self._checkbox_vertoo.setChecked( self._str_to_bool(self._config[cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL])) else: self._checkbox_vertoo.setChecked( self._str_to_bool(cc_con.SHOW_VERB_TOOL_DEFAULT)) def config(self): """ Return the internal configuration of this tab :return: A dictionary containing the configuration """ return self._config