class ImageRenderer(QObject): def __init__(self, url, image_path): QObject.__init__(self) self.url = QUrl(url) self.image_path = image_path self.webpage = QWebPage(self) self.webpage.loadFinished.connect(self.render) self.webpage.mainFrame().load(self.url) def render(self, ok): if ok: print('Loaded {0}'.format(self.url.toString())) self.webpage.setViewportSize( self.webpage.mainFrame().contentsSize()) image = QImage(self.webpage.viewportSize(), QImage.Format_ARGB32) painter = QPainter(image) self.webpage.mainFrame().render(painter) painter.end() if print('Saved image to {0}'.format(self.image_path)) else: print('Could not save to {0}'.format(self.image_path)) else: print('Could not load {0.toString()}'.format(self.url)) QApplication.instance().quit()
def linkClicked(self, url): fragment = None if url.hasFragment(): fragment = url.fragment() _url = QUrl(url.toString()[:url.toString().find('#%s'%fragment)]) if _url.toString() != 'about:blank' and _url.path() != self.current_position: url = _url fragment = None if fragment: page = page.mainFrame().scrollToAnchor(fragment) elif url.path() in self.contents.keys(): self.current_position = url.path() self.loadPage(self.contents[url.path()]) elif url.path().startswith('http://') or url.path().startswith('www.'): print 'pass the address to the system browser'
def testSetAttributes(self): #Construct QUrl by set* methods url = QUrl() url.setScheme('ftp') self.assertEqual(url.toString(), 'ftp:') url.setHost('') self.assertEqual(url.toString(), '') url.setPort(8080) self.assertEqual(url.toString(), '') url.setPath('mail/view') self.assertEqual(url.toString(), '') url.setUserName('john') self.assertEqual(url.toString(), 'ftp://[email protected]:8080/mail/view') url.setPassword('abc123') self.assertEqual(url.toString(), 'ftp://*****:*****')
def testBasic(self): #Default constructor for QUrl url = QUrl() self.assertEqual(url.toString(), "")
class Navigator(Singleton,object): instance = None logger = None PATH_SEPARATOR = '-' JUMP_SIGNAL_PAGE_LOAD_FINISH = 'PAGE LOAD FINISH' JUMP_SIGNAL_REQUEST_LOAD_FINISH = 'REQUEST LOAD FINISH' CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_AJAX = 'AJAX' CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_FULL_LOAD = 'FULL LOAD' def __init__(self): self.network_manager = CustomNetworkAccessManager.getInstance() self.axis = [] self.human_events = {} self.node_collected_data = {} self.last_url = None self.current_url = QUrl() self.current_axis_id = None self.crossed_axis_method = None self.crossed_axes = [] self.crossed_axes_string = '' self.cross_axis_delay = QTimer() self.cross_axis_delay.setSingleShot(True) self.cross_axis_delay.timeout.connect(self.crossedAxis) self.cross_axis_params = None self.loading_timeout = QTimer() self.loading_timeout.setSingleShot(True) self.loading_timeout.setInterval(30000) self.loading_timeout.timeout.connect(self.loadingTimeoutAction) self.inactivity_timeout = QTimer() self.inactivity_timeout.setSingleShot(True) self.inactivity_timeout.setInterval(10000) self.inactivity_timeout.timeout.connect(self.inactivityTimeoutAction) self.page_reloads = 0 Logger.getLoggerFor(self.__class__) def takeEntryPoint(self): g = GraphParser.getInstance() for ax in self.axis:'Axis : %s' % ax) if g.entry_point:'Taking the entry point %s' % g.entry_point) self.last_url = QUrl(g.entry_point) inst = Jaime.getInstance() inst.view.load(QUrl(g.entry_point)) return True self.logger.error("Can't take entry point, graph has't entry point") return False def matchesSelector(self,axis): inst = Jaime.getInstance() frame = document = frame.documentElement() selector = axis.css_selector_condition # print 'document %s ' % document.evaluateJavaScript("""this.querySelector('%s')""" % selector) ret = frame.findAllElements(selector) print '%s axis %s matches css selector ? %s' % (selector,axis,bool(ret.count())) self.logger.debug('axis %s matches css selector ? %s' % (axis,bool(ret.count()))) # for i in range(ret.count()): # self.logger.error( return ret.count() def matches(self,axis): m_from = False m_to = False m_method = True m_selector = True m_route = True if axis.from_url is not None : if isinstance(axis.from_url,str): m_from = axis.from_url == self.last_url.toString() elif axis.from_url.match(self.last_url.toString()): m_from = True else: m_from = True if axis.to_url is not None: if isinstance(axis.to_url,str): m_to = axis.to_url == self.current_url.toString() elif axis.to_url.match(self.current_url.toString()): m_to = True else: m_to = True # print 'el axis %s tiene method %s, %s ' % (axis, # axis.axis_method, # self.crossed_axis_method # ) if self.crossed_axis_method == RouteAxis.CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_AJAX or \ axis.axis_method : if self.crossed_axis_method != axis.axis_method: m_method = False if axis.css_selector_condition: m_selector = axis.not_css_selector ^ bool(self.matchesSelector(axis)) if len(axis.previous_axis)>0: m_route = False for path_index in range(len(axis.previous_axis)): path = string.join( axis.previous_axis[path_index], self.PATH_SEPARATOR) self.logger.debug( "matching axis (%s) with path %s" % (,path)) if self.crossed_axes_string.find(path) == 0: m_route = True break self.logger.debug("Matches (%s) %s\nfrom %s to %s method %s selector %s route %s" % (, axis.comment, m_from,m_to,m_method,m_selector,m_route)) return m_from and m_to and m_method and m_selector and m_route def crossedAxis(self,ajax=False): if self.cross_axis_params and self.cross_axis_params[0]: ajax = True self.cross_axis_params = None self.crossed_axes_string = string.join(self.crossed_axes,self.PATH_SEPARATOR)"crossedAxis, path: \n%s" % string.join(self.crossed_axes,"\n")) if ajax: self.crossed_axis_method = RouteAxis.CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_AJAX else: self.crossed_axis_method = RouteAxis.CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_FULL_LOAD print 'Cruse un eje por %s ' % self.crossed_axis_method for ax in self.axis: if self.matches(ax): self.current_axis_id = # print 'current axis %s' %'Axis matched %s' % ax) self.startSecuence(ax) return self.logger.warning("Can't match any axis") self.inactivity_timeout.start() def collectData(self,id,collector,params): if not self.getAxis(id): self.logger.error("Can't collect data from inexistent axis") return if id not in self.node_collected_data: self.node_collected_data[id] = [] self.node_collected_data[id].append((collector,params)) def setAxis(self,route_axis,human_events):'setting axis %s ' % route_axis) if in self.human_events: raise Exception('Axis repetido') self.human_events[] = human_events self.axis.append(route_axis) # QtCore.QObject.disconnect(self.human_events[], # QtCore.SIGNAL("finished()"), # self.secuenceFinished) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.human_events[], QtCore.SIGNAL("finished()"), self.secuenceFinished) def startSecuence(self,axis): inst = Jaime.getInstance() try : if axis.max_crosses > 0 and axis.max_crosses <= axis.cross_counter:'el axis supero la cantidad maxima de loops ') if axis.exit_point: exit_axis = self.getAxis(axis.exit_point)'Salto hacia el exit_axis %s' % exit_axis) self.startSecuence(exit_axis) else: self.logger.error('No hay exit axis muero %s' % axis.exit_point) inst = Jaime.getInstance() inst.finishWork() else: axis.cross_counter += 1 h_ev = self.human_events[] self.crossed_axes.insert(0, if len(self.crossed_axes) >= 10: self.crossed_axes.pop()'Stopeo el inactivity timeout') self.inactivity_timeout.stop() if in self.node_collected_data: inst.route_node.doWork(self.node_collected_data[]) except Exception as e: # print 'Excepcion en startSecuence %s' % e self.logger.error(e) def getAxis(self,axis_id): for ax in self.axis: if == axis_id: return ax return None def secuenceFinished(self):'estarteo el inactivity timeout' ) self.inactivity_timeout.start() def inactivityTimeoutAction(self): inst = Jaime.getInstance()'inactivity timeout action fired after %s seconds' % (self.inactivity_timeout.interval()/1000)) if not len(self.crossed_axes): return last_axis = self.crossed_axes[0] ax = self.getAxis(last_axis) retry_axis_id = ax.retry_axis retry_axis = self.getAxis(retry_axis_id) if retry_axis:'El axis %s tiene como retry axis a %s lo estarteo' % (,ax.retry_axis)) self.startSecuence(retry_axis) def processLoadStarted(self): inst = Jaime.getInstance()'Page started load to %s' % inst.view.url().toString()) # print self.inactivity_timeout.stop() self.loading_timeout.stop() self.loading_timeout.start()'Starting loading timeout and stopping inactivity timeout') self.last_url = inst.view.url() def loadingTimeoutAction(self): self.logger.warning('Loading timeout fired') inst = Jaime.getInstance() if (not inst.view.url().isEmpty() and re.match('http.?://',inst.view.url().toString()) ) \ and not self.page_reloads:'Timeout fired, reloading last url %s' % inst.view.url().toString()) self.page_reloads += 1 self.loading_timeout.stop() inst.view.reload() else: self.logger.error("""Timeout fired, clossing jaime, there isn't last_url or max_reloads reatched""" ) inst.finishWork() def processPageLoadFinished(self,status): inst = Jaime.getInstance()'Page finished load to %s with status %s ' % (inst.view.url().toString(), status)) if status: self.current_url = inst.view.url() self.loading_timeout.stop() self.page_reloads = 0'Stopping loading timeout') else: self.current_url = QUrl() self.testJumpRules(self.JUMP_SIGNAL_PAGE_LOAD_FINISH, status) def testJumpRules(self,signal,*args): #'Call to restJumpRules with signal %s' % signal) # print 'Call to restJumpRules %s' % ( signal) if signal == self.JUMP_SIGNAL_PAGE_LOAD_FINISH: print 'llamo a crosed axis' self.pushCrossedAxis() elif signal == self.JUMP_SIGNAL_REQUEST_LOAD_FINISH: if not self.current_axis_id: return req_headers = args[0] rep_headers = args[1] ax = self.getAxis(self.current_axis_id) # print '%s tiene exit_method %s' % (ax,ax.axis_exit_method) if ax.axis_exit_method and \ ax.axis_exit_method == RouteAxis.CROSS_AXIS_METHOD_AJAX: if 'X-Requested-With' in req_headers: if ax.axis_exit_method_toggled : ax.axis_exit_method = ax.axis_exit_method_toggled ax.axis_exit_method_toggled = None self.pushCrossedAxis(True) def pushCrossedAxis(self,*params): if self.cross_axis_delay.isActive() or \ self.cross_axis_params is not None: self.logger.warning("""Can't push crossAxis call, there is another call in process""") return self.cross_axis_params = params ax = self.getAxis(self.current_axis_id) if ax and ax.delay_node_test: delay = ax.delay_node_test else: delay = None if delay: self.cross_axis_delay.setInterval(delay) self.cross_axis_delay.start()'Delaying %s seconds crossedAxis call ' % int( int(delay) /1000) ) else: self.crossedAxis()