class Block: SIDE_LENGTH = 2 * Tile.SIDE_LENGTH WIDTH = SIDE_LENGTH HEIGHT = SIDE_LENGTH PIXEL_COUNT = WIDTH * HEIGHT tsa_data = bytes() _block_cache = {} def __init__( self, block_index: int, palette_group: List[List[int]], pattern_table: PatternTable, tsa_data: bytes, mirrored=False, ): self.index = block_index palette_index = (block_index & 0b1100_0000) >> 6 self.bg_color = QColor(*NESPalette[palette_group[palette_index][0]]) self._block_id = (block_index, self.bg_color.toTuple(), pattern_table.graphics_set) lu = tsa_data[TSA_BANK_0 + block_index] ld = tsa_data[TSA_BANK_1 + block_index] ru = tsa_data[TSA_BANK_2 + block_index] rd = tsa_data[TSA_BANK_3 + block_index] self.lu_tile = Tile(lu, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table) self.ld_tile = Tile(ld, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table) if mirrored: self.ru_tile = Tile(lu, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table, mirrored=True) self.rd_tile = Tile(ld, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table, mirrored=True) else: self.ru_tile = Tile(ru, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table) self.rd_tile = Tile(rd, palette_group, palette_index, pattern_table) self.image = QImage(Block.WIDTH, Block.HEIGHT, QImage.Format_RGB888) painter = QPainter(self.image) painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, 0), self.lu_tile.as_image()) painter.drawImage(QPoint(Tile.WIDTH, 0), self.ru_tile.as_image()) painter.drawImage(QPoint(0, Tile.HEIGHT), self.ld_tile.as_image()) painter.drawImage(QPoint(Tile.WIDTH, Tile.HEIGHT), self.rd_tile.as_image()) painter.end() if _image_only_one_color(self.image) and self.image.pixelColor( 0, 0) == QColor(*MASK_COLOR): self._whole_block_is_transparent = True else: self._whole_block_is_transparent = False def draw(self, painter: QPainter, x, y, block_length, selected=False, transparent=False): block_attributes = (self._block_id, block_length, selected, transparent) if block_attributes not in Block._block_cache: image = self.image.copy() if block_length != Block.WIDTH: image = image.scaled(block_length, block_length) # mask out the transparent pixels first mask = image.createMaskFromColor( QColor(*MASK_COLOR).rgb(), Qt.MaskOutColor) image.setAlphaChannel(mask) if not transparent: # or self._whole_block_is_transparent: image = self._replace_transparent_with_background(image) if selected: apply_selection_overlay(image, mask) Block._block_cache[block_attributes] = image painter.drawImage(x, y, Block._block_cache[block_attributes]) def _replace_transparent_with_background(self, image): # draw image on background layer, to fill transparent pixels background = image.copy() background.fill(self.bg_color) _painter = QPainter(background) _painter.drawImage(QPoint(), image) _painter.end() return background
class Window(QMainWindow): """Class to create main widnow Creates main window for displaying frame read from a connected camera. The main window contains memu bar, tool bar, status bar, sliders and the boxes showing the camera's information. These widget are created and added to main window in the instance method of this class. """ def __init__( self, device: int = 0, suffix: str = "png", camtype: str = "usb_cam", color: str = "RGB", dst: str = ".", param: str = "full", rule: str = "Sequential", parent=None): super(Window, self).__init__(parent) self.device = device self.camtype = camtype self.colorspace = color self.image_suffix = suffix self.video_codec = "AVC1" self.video_suffix = "avi" self.dst = Path(dst) self.parent_dir = Path(__file__).parent.resolve() self.filename_rule_lst = FileIO.file_save self.filename_rule = FileIO.file_save_lst[-1] self.is_display = True self.param_separate = False self.slot = Slot(self) cam = self.get_cam() = cam(self.device, self.colorspace, parent=self) self.support_params = self.current_params = # List of camera properties with temporal initial values self.prop_table = [ ["Fourcc", "aa"], ["Width", 640], ["Height", 480], ["FPS", 30.0], ["Bit depth", 8], ["File naming style", self.filename_rule] ] self.setup() self.set_timer() def get_cam(self) -> str: """Return camera object according to current OS. Detects what OS you are using, return camera objects in order to function properly. - Linux: LinuxCamera - RaspberryPi OS: RaspiCamera - Windows: WindowsCamera Returns: Camera class """ if self.camtype == "raspi": return RaspiCamera self.system = platform.system() if"linux", self.system, re.IGNORECASE): return LinuxCamera elif"windows", self.system, re.IGNORECASE): return WindowsCamera else: return "Unknown type" def setup(self): """Setup the main window for displaying frame and widget. Creates a QMainWindow object, then add menubar, toolbar, statusbar, widgets and layout into the window. """ self.setFocusPolicy(Qt.ClickFocus) self.setContentsMargins(20, 0, 20, 0) self.information_window_setup() self.view_setup() self.layout_setup() self.image_setup() self.toolbar_setup() self.setWindowTitle("usbcamGUI") self.update_prop_table() self.adjust_windowsize() self.set_theme() def adjust_windowsize(self): """Adjusts the main window size """ system = Utility.get_os() if system == "linux": w, h, _ = self.get_screensize() wscale = 0.5 hscale = 0.7 self.resize(wscale * w, hscale * h) else: self.resize(800, 600) def set_theme(self): """Set color theme of the main window. """ self.style_theme = "light" self.style_theme_sheet = ":/{}.qss".format(self.style_theme) self.slot.switch_theme() self.set_font(, def set_font(self, family: str = "Yu Gothic", size: int = 14): """Sets font-family and size of UI. Args: family (str, optional): Font-family. Defaults to "Yu Gothic". size (int, optional): Font-size. Defaults to 20. """ self.setStyleSheet('font-family: "{}"; font-size: {}px;'.format(family, size)) def set_timer(self): """Set QTimer Creates a QTimer object to update frame on view area. The interval is set to the inverse of camera FPS. """ self.qtime_factor = 0.8 self.fps = 30.0 if self.fps: self.msec = 1 / self.fps * 1000 * self.qtime_factor else: self.msec = 1 / 30.0 * 1000 * self.qtime_factor self.timer = QTimer() self.timer.setInterval(self.msec) self.timer.timeout.connect(self.next_frame) self.timer.start() def stop_timer(self): """Deactivate the Qtimer object. """ self.timer.stop() def start_timer(self): """Activate the Qtimer object. """ self.fps = 30.0 if self.fps: self.msec = 1 / self.fps * 1000 * self.qtime_factor else: self.msec = 1 / 30.0 * 1000 * self.qtime_factor self.timer.setInterval(self.msec) self.timer.start() def toolbar_setup(self): """Create toolbar """ self.toolbar = QToolBar("test", self) self.addToolBar(self.toolbar) current_size = str(self.font().pointSize()) lst = [str(i) for i in range(6, 14)] lst.extend([str(i) for i in range(14, 40, 2)]) index = lst.index(current_size) self.fontsize_combo = QComboBox() self.fontsize_combo.addItems(lst) self.fontsize_combo.setCurrentIndex(index) self.fontsize_combo.currentTextChanged.connect(self.slot.set_fontsize) self.fontsize_label = QLabel("Font size") self.fontsize_label.setFrameShape(QFrame.Box) self.comb = QFontComboBox() self.toolbar.addWidget(self.save_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.stop_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.rec_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.close_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.theme_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.help_button) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.fontsize_label) self.toolbar.addWidget(self.fontsize_combo) self.toolbar.setStyleSheet( """ QToolBar {spacing:5px;} """ ) def view_setup(self): """Set view area to diplay read frame in part of the main window """ self.view = QGraphicsView() self.scene = QGraphicsScene() self.view.setScene(self.scene) self.width = 640 self.height = 480 self.scene.setSceneRect(0, 0, self.width, self.height) self.view.setMouseTracking(True) self.view.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QAbstractScrollArea.AdjustToContents) self.view.setCacheMode(QGraphicsView.CacheBackground) self.view.setViewportUpdateMode(QGraphicsView.SmartViewportUpdate) def layout_setup(self): """Set layout of objects on the window. """ self.window = QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self.window) #self.view.mouseMoveEvent = self.get_coordinates self.main_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.window.setLayout(self.main_layout) self.add_actions() self.add_menubar() self.add_statusbar() self.button_block = self.add_buttons() self.slider_group = self.add_params() self.prop_block = self.add_prop_window() self.create_mainlayout() def image_setup(self): """Creates a Qimage to assign frame, then initialize with an image which has zero in all pixels. """ self.frame = np.zeros((640, 480, 3), dtype=np.uint8) #cinit = np.ctypeslib.as_ctypes(self.frame) #self.frame.buffer = sharedctypes.RawArray(cinit._type_, cinit) self.qimage = QImage(, 640, 480, 640 * 3, QImage.Format_RGB888 ) self.pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.qimage) def add_actions(self): """Add actions executed when press each item in the memu window. """ self.save_act = self.create_action("&Save", self.save_frame, "Ctrl+s") self.stop_act = self.create_action("&Pause", self.stop_frame, "Ctrl+p", checkable=True) self.rec_act = self.create_action("&Record", self.record, "Ctrl+r", True) self.quit_act = self.create_action("&Quit", self.slot.quit, "Ctrl+q") self.theme_act = self.create_action("Switch &Theme", self.slot.switch_theme, "Ctrl+t") self.param_act = self.create_action("Choose parameter slider", self.slot.switch_paramlist, "Ctrl+g") self.show_paramlist_act = self.create_action("Parameters &List", self.slot.show_paramlist, "Ctrl+l") self.show_shortcut_act = self.create_action("&Keybord shortcut", self.slot.show_shortcut, "Ctrl+k") self.font_act = self.create_action("&Font", self.slot.set_font, "Ctrl+f") self.usage_act = self.create_action("&Usage", self.slot.usage, "Ctrl+h") self.about_act = self.create_action("&About", self.slot.about, "Ctrl+a") def create_action(self, text: str, slot: Callable, key: str = None, checkable: bool = False, check_defalut: bool = False) -> QAction: """Create a QAction object. Args: text (str): Text shown on menu. slot (Callable): A method called when click the menu. key (str, optional): Shortcut key. Defaults to None. checkable (bool, optional): Add a checkbox into the menu. Defaults to False. check_defalut (bool, optional): Check default status. Defaults to False. Returns: QAction: PySide2 QAction """ act = QAction(text) act.setShortcut(key) if checkable: act.setCheckable(True) act.setChecked(check_defalut) act.toggled.connect(slot) else: act.triggered.connect(slot) return act def add_menubar(self): """Create menu bar, then add to the main window. """ self.menubar = QMenuBar() self.setMenuBar(self.menubar) self.file_tab = QMenu("&File") self.file_tab.addAction(self.save_act) self.file_tab.addAction(self.stop_act) self.file_tab.addAction(self.rec_act) self.file_tab.addSeparator() self.file_tab.addAction(self.quit_act) #self.file_tab.setSizePolicy(policy) self.view_tab = QMenu("&View") self.view_tab.addAction(self.theme_act) self.view_tab.addAction(self.font_act) self.view_tab.addAction(self.param_act) self.view_tab.addAction(self.show_shortcut_act) self.view_tab.addAction(self.show_paramlist_act) self.help_tab = QMenu("&Help") self.help_tab.addAction(self.usage_act) self.help_tab.addAction(self.about_act) self.menubar.addMenu(self.file_tab) self.menubar.addMenu(self.view_tab) self.menubar.addMenu(self.help_tab) self.menubar.setStyleSheet( """ QMenuBar { font-size: 16px; spacing:10px; padding-top: 5px; padding-bottom: 10px; } """ ) def add_statusbar(self): """Create status bar, then add to the main window. The status bar shows the coordinates on the frame where the cursor is located and its pixel value. The pixel value has RGB if the format of is color (RGB), does grayscale value if grayscale. """ self.statbar_list = [] if self.colorspace == "rgb": self.stat_css = { "postion": "color: white", "R": "color: white;", "G": "color: white;", "B": "color: white;", "alpha": "color: white;", } else: self.stat_css = { "postion": "color: black;", "gray": "color: black" } for s in self.stat_css.values(): stat = QStatusBar(self) stat.setStyleSheet(s) self.statbar_list.append(stat) first = True for stat in self.statbar_list: if first: self.setStatusBar(stat) self.statbar_list[0].reformat() first = False else: self.statbar_list[0].addPermanentWidget(stat) def add_buttons(self): """Add push buttons on the window. Add quit, save stop and usage buttons on the windows. When press each button, the set method (called "slot" in Qt framework) are execeuted. """ self.save_button = self.create_button("&Save", self.save_frame, None, None, "Save the frame") self.stop_button = self.create_button("&Pause", self.stop_frame, None, None, "Stop reading frame", True) self.rec_button = self.create_button("&Rec", self.record, None, None, "Start recording", True) self.close_button = self.create_button("&Quit", self.slot.quit, None, None, "Quit the program") self.theme_button = self.create_button("Light", self.slot.switch_theme, None, None, "Switche color theme") self.help_button = self.create_button("&Usage", self.slot.usage, None, None, "Show usage") self.frame_button = self.create_button( "Properties", self.slot.change_frame_prop, None, tip="Change properties", minsize=(150, 30) ) self.default_button = self.create_button( "&Default params", self.set_param_default, "Ctrl+d", tip="Set default parameters", minsize=(150, 30) ) self.filerule_button = self.create_button( "&Naming style", self.slot.set_file_rule, "Ctrl+n", tip="Change naming style", minsize=(150, 30) ) hbox = QHBoxLayout() hbox.addWidget(self.save_button) hbox.addWidget(self.stop_button) hbox.addWidget(self.rec_button) hbox.addWidget(self.close_button) hbox.addWidget(self.theme_button) hbox.addWidget(self.help_button) return hbox def create_button(self, text: str, slot: Callable, key: str = None, icon: Icon = None, tip: str = None, checkable: bool = False, minsize: tuple = None) -> QPushButton: """Create a QPushButton object. Args: text (str): Text shown on the button. slot (Callable): A method called when click the button. key (str, optional): Shortcut key. Defaults to None. icon (Icon, optional): An icon shown on the button. Defaults to None. tip (str, optional): A tips shown when position the pointer on the button. Defaults to None. checkable (bool, optional): Add button to checkbox. Defaults to False. msize (tuple, optional): Minimum size of the button box, (width, height). Returns: QPushButton: PySide2 QPushButton """ button = QPushButton(text) if checkable: button.setCheckable(True) button.toggled.connect(slot) else: button.clicked.connect(slot) if key: button.setShortcut(key) if icon: button.setIcon(QIcon(icon)) if tip: button.setToolTip(tip) if minsize: button.setMinimumSize(minsize[0], minsize[1]) else: button.setMinimumSize(80, 30) return button def add_params(self) -> QGridLayout: """Set the properties of camera parameter. Set the properties of camera parameter, then add sliders to change each parameter. When change value on the slider, the value of paramter also changes by the caller function. """ lst = self.current_params for key, value in lst.items(): self.add_slider(key) # add sliders self.slider_table = QGridLayout() self.slider_table.setSpacing(15) self.slider_table.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) for row, param in enumerate(self.current_params): self.slider_table.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider_label"], row, 0) self.slider_table.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider"], row, 1) self.slider_table.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider_value"], row, 2) if len(self.current_params) > 15: self.param_separate = True else: self.param_separate = False return self.slider_table def update_params(self, plist: list) -> QGridLayout: """Update camera's paramters and sliders shown on the windows. """ #self.current_params.clear() self.current_params ="selected", plist) for key, value in self.current_params.items(): self.add_slider(key) # add sliders grid = QGridLayout() grid.setSpacing(15) grid.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) for row, param in enumerate(self.current_params): grid.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider_label"], row, 0) grid.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider"], row, 1) grid.addWidget(self.current_params[param]["slider_value"], row, 2) if len(self.current_params) > 15: self.param_separate = True else: self.param_separate = False self.slider_group = grid self.update_mainlayout() self.update_prop_table() self.write_text("update sliders") return grid def add_slider(self, param: str): """Creates slider, labels to show pamarater's name and its value. Args: param (str): A parameter to create slider. """ min_ = self.current_params[param]["min"] max_ = self.current_params[param]["max"] step = self.current_params[param]["step"] value = self.current_params[param]["value"] slider = QSlider(Qt.Horizontal) if max_: slider.setRange(min_, max_) else: slider.setRange(0, 1) slider.setValue(int(value)) slider.setTickPosition(QSlider.TicksBelow) slider.valueChanged.connect(lambda val, p=param: self.set_sliderval(p, val)) if step: if max_ < 5: slider.setTickInterval(step) else: slider.setTickInterval(10) slider_label = QLabel(param) slider_value = QLabel(str(value)) slider_label.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) slider_value.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter) self.current_params[param]["slider"] = slider self.current_params[param]["slider_label"] = slider_label self.current_params[param]["slider_value"] = slider_value def add_prop_window(self) -> QGridLayout: """Create a table to show the current properties of camera. Returns: QGridLayout: PySide2 QGridLayout """ header = ["property", "value"] self.prop_table_widget = QTableWidget(self) self.prop_table_widget.setColumnCount(len(header)) self.prop_table_widget.setRowCount(len(self.prop_table)) self.prop_table_widget.setHorizontalHeaderLabels(header) self.prop_table_widget.verticalHeader().setVisible(False) self.prop_table_widget.setAlternatingRowColors(True) self.prop_table_widget.horizontalHeader().setStretchLastSection(True) self.prop_table_widget.setEditTriggers(QAbstractItemView.NoEditTriggers) self.prop_table_widget.setFocusPolicy(Qt.NoFocus) for row, content in enumerate(self.prop_table): for col, elem in enumerate(content): self.item = QTableWidgetItem(elem) self.prop_table_widget.setItem(row, col, self.item) self.prop_table_widget.setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy.Minimum, QSizePolicy.Minimum) #self.prop_table_widget.resizeColumnsToContents() #self.prop_table_widget.resizeRowsToContents() self.prop_table_widget.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.prop_table_widget.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy(Qt.ScrollBarAlwaysOff) self.prop_table_widget.setSizeAdjustPolicy(QAbstractScrollArea.AdjustToContentsOnFirstShow) self.prop_table_widget.setColumnWidth(0, 150) self.prop_table_widget.setColumnWidth(1, 150) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.prop_table_widget) vbox.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) self.prop_group = QGroupBox("Frame Properties") self.prop_group.setLayout(vbox) return self.prop_group def information_window_setup(self): """Creates information window. Creates the information window where the event related to camera or window. """ self.text_edit = QTextEdit() self.text_edit.setReadOnly(True) vbox = QVBoxLayout() vbox.addWidget(self.text_edit) self.text_edit_box = QGroupBox("Information", self) self.text_edit_box.setLayout(vbox) self.text_edit_box.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) def create_mainlayout(self): """Create the main layout which consists of view area and information window. """ self.main_layout.addLayout(self.create_view_area_layout()) self.main_layout.addLayout(self.create_information_layout()) def update_mainlayout(self): """Recreate the main layout. """ self.delete_layout(self.information_layout) self.delete_layout(self.upper_right) self.add_prop_window() self.main_layout.addLayout(self.create_information_layout()) def delete_layout(self, layout): """Delete layout Args: layout (QBoxLayout): QBoxLayout class object to delete """ while layout.count(): child = layout.takeAt(0) if child.widget(): child.widget().deleteLater() try: child.spacerIitem().deleteLater() except: pass def create_view_area_layout(self) -> QVBoxLayout: """Creates view area layout """ self.view_area_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.view_area_layout.addWidget(self.view, 2) self.view_area_layout.addWidget(self.text_edit_box) return self.view_area_layout def create_information_layout(self): """Creates information part layout upper-left: current properties upper-right: buttons lower: sliders """ if self.param_separate: self.entry_box = QVBoxLayout() self.entry_box.addWidget(self.frame_button) self.entry_box.addWidget(self.filerule_button) self.entry_box.addWidget(self.default_button) self.entry_box.addStretch(1) self.entry_box.setSpacing(20) self.entry_box.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) self.button_group_box = QGroupBox("Buttons", self) self.button_group_box.setLayout(self.entry_box) self.button_group_box.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.upper_right = QVBoxLayout() self.upper_right.addWidget(self.prop_group, 1) self.upper_right.addWidget(self.button_group_box, 1) self.slider_group_box = QGroupBox("Parameters") self.slider_group_box.setLayout(self.slider_group) self.slider_group_box.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) self.information_layout = QHBoxLayout() self.information_layout.addLayout(self.upper_right, 1) self.information_layout.addWidget(self.slider_group_box, 2) #self.information_layout.addStretch(1) return self.information_layout else: self.entry_box = QVBoxLayout() self.entry_box.addWidget(self.frame_button) self.entry_box.addWidget(self.filerule_button) self.entry_box.addWidget(self.default_button) self.entry_box.addStretch(1) self.entry_box.setSpacing(20) self.entry_box.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) self.button_group_box = QGroupBox("Buttons", self) self.button_group_box.setLayout(self.entry_box) self.button_group_box.setAlignment(Qt.AlignLeft) self.upper_right = QHBoxLayout() self.upper_right.addWidget(self.prop_group) self.upper_right.addWidget(self.button_group_box) self.slider_group_box = QGroupBox("Parameters") self.slider_group_box.setLayout(self.slider_group) self.slider_group_box.setContentsMargins(20, 20, 20, 20) self.information_layout = QVBoxLayout() self.information_layout.addLayout(self.upper_right) self.information_layout.addWidget(self.slider_group_box) self.information_layout.setSpacing(30) return self.information_layout # decorator def display(func): def wrapper(self, *args, **kwargs): try: self.is_display = False self.stop_timer() func(self, *args, **kwargs) finally: self.is_display = True self.start_timer() return wrapper def stop_frame(self, checked: bool): """Stop reading next frame. Args: checked (bool): True when presse the Stop button (toggle on). False when press again (toggel off). """ if checked: self.write_text("Stop !!") self.is_display = False self.stop_button.setText('Start') self.stop_button.setChecked(True) self.stop_act.setText('Start') self.stop_act.setChecked(True) else: self.write_text("Start !!") self.is_display = True self.stop_button.setText('&Pause') self.stop_button.setChecked(False) self.stop_act.setText('&Pause') self.stop_act.setChecked(False) def keyPressEvent(self, event): """Exit the program This method will be called when press the Escape key on the window. """ if event.key() == Qt.Key_Escape: QApplication.quit() def get_coordinates(self, event): """Show the current coordinates and value in the pixel where the cursor is located. The status bar is updates by the obtained values. """ if self.item is self.view.itemAt(event.pos()): sp = self.view.mapToScene(event.pos()) lp = self.item.mapFromScene(sp).toPoint() (x, y) = lp.x(), lp.y() #color = self.frame.image.pixel(x, y) color = self.qimage.pixelColor(x, y) if self.colorspace == "rgb": value = color.getRgb() elif self.colorspace == "gray": value = color.value() # Return none if the coordinates are out of range if x < 0 and self.frame.width < x: return elif y < 0 and self.frame.height < y: return if self.frame.img_is_rgb: status_list = [ "( x : {}, y :{} )".format(x, y), "R : {}".format(value[0]), "G : {}".format(value[1]), "B : {}".format(value[2]), "alpha : {}".format(value[3]) ] else: status_list = [ "( x : {}, y :{} )".format(x, y), "gray value : {}".format(value), ] for statbar, stat in zip(self.statbar_list, status_list): statbar.showMessage(stat) def next_frame(self): """Get next frame from the connected camera. Get next frame, set it to the view area and update. """ #print("display :", self.is_display) if self.is_display: self.convert_frame() self.scene.clear() self.scene.addPixmap(self.pixmap) self.update() #print("update") def convert_frame(self): """Convert the class of frame Create qimage, qpixmap objects from ndarray frame for displaying on the window. """ if self.colorspace == "rgb": self.qimage = QImage(,[1],[0],[1] * 3, QImage.Format_RGB888 ) elif self.colorspace == "gray": self.qimage = QImage(,[1],[0],[1] * 1, QImage.Format_Grayscale8) self.pixmap.convertFromImage(self.qimage) def save_frame(self): """Save the frame on the window as an image. """ if self.filename_rule == "Manual": self.save_frame_manual() if not self.filename: return None prm = re.sub(r"\.(.*)", ".csv", str(self.filename)) else: self.filename = FileIO.get_filename(self.filename_rule, self.image_suffix, self.parent_dir) prm = str(self.filename).replace(self.image_suffix, "csv") if not self.dst.exists(): self.dst.mkdir(parents=True) im = Image.fromarray( # make a parameter file with open(prm, "w") as f: for name, key in self.current_params.items(): f.write("{},{}\n".format(name, self.current_params[name]["value"])) self.write_text("{:<10}: {}".format("save image", self.filename)) self.write_text("{:<10}: {}".format("save param", prm)) def update_prop_table(self): """Updates the table that shows the camera properties. """ w, h, cc, f = self.prop_table = [ ["Fourcc", cc], ["Width", int(w)], ["Height", int(h)], ["FPS", "{:.1f}".format(f)], ["Bit depth", 8], ["Naming Style", self.filename_rule] ] col = 1 for row in range(len(self.prop_table)): text = str(self.prop_table[row][col]) self.prop_table_widget.item(row, col).setText(text) def record(self): """Start or end recording """ if self.rec_button.setText('&Rec') self.rec_act.setText('&Record') self.write_text("save : {}".format(self.video_filename)) else: self.video_filename = FileIO.get_filename(self.filename_rule, self.video_suffix, self.parent_dir), self.video_codec) self.rec_button.setText('Stop rec') self.rec_act.setText('Stop record') @display def save_frame_manual(self) -> bool: """Determine file name of image to save with QFileDialog """ self.dialog = QFileDialog() self.dialog.setWindowTitle("Save File") self.dialog.setNameFilters([ "image (*.jpg *.png *.tiff *.pgm)", "All Files (*)" ]) self.dialog.setAcceptMode(QFileDialog.AcceptSave) self.dialog.setOption(QFileDialog.DontUseNativeDialog) if self.dialog.exec_(): r = self.dialog.selectedFiles() # If the file name doesn't include supproted suffixes, add to the end. if".pgm$|.png$|.jpg$|.tiff$", r[0]): self.filename = r[0] else: self.filename = "{}.{}".format(r[0], self.image_suffix) return True else: return False def get_screensize(self): """Get current screen size from the output of linux cmd `xrandr`. """ cmd = ["xrandr"] ret = subprocess.check_output(cmd) output = ret.decode() pattern = r"current(\s+\d+\s+x\s+\d+)" m =, output) if m: size = re.sub(" ", "", w, h = map(int, size.split("x")) return w, h, size else: return None def set_sliderval(self, param: str, value: int): """Changes a camera parameter. Updates the label on the right of the slider if input value is valid. Args: param (str): A camera parameter value (int): its value """ val =, value) self.current_params[param]["value"] = str(val) self.current_params[param]["slider_value"].setText(str(value)) def set_param_default(self): """Sets all paramters to default. """ for param, values in self.current_params.items(): default = values["default"], default) self.current_params[param]["slider"].setValue(int(default)) self.current_params[param]["slider_value"].setText(str(default)) def get_properties(self) -> list: """Get the current camera properties. Returns: list: parameters. fourcc, width, height, fps. """ tmp = [] for row in range(4): tmp.append(self.prop_table[row][1]) return tmp def write_text(self, text: str, level: str = "info", color: str = None): """Writes the message into information window. Args: text (str): A text to write. level (str, optional): Log lebel of the message. Defaults to "info". color (str, optional): Font color. Defaults to None. """ now ="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f") now = now[:-3] if color == "red": form = f"<font color='red'>[{level.upper():<4} {now}] {text}</font>" elif color == "yellow": form = f"<font color='yellow'>[{level.upper():<4} {now}] {text}</font>" else: form = f"[{level.upper():<4} {now}] {text}" self.text_edit.append(form)
class Camera(QWidget): current_color_changed = Signal(int, int, int) selected_color_changed = Signal(int, int, int) def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.setMouseTracking(True) self._camera = None self.frequency = 1000 // 16 self.q_timer = QTimer() self.q_timer.timeout.connect(self.update) self.q_image = None self.frame = None # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- PAINT # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def paintEvent(self, event): super().paintEvent(event) if self._camera is not None: painter = QPainter(self) _, frame = # Convert BGR to RGB. frame = cv.cvtColor(frame, cv.COLOR_BGR2RGB) # Scale the frame to match widget's width. new_width = self.width() // 4 * 4 self.frame = imutils.resize(frame, width=new_width) # Paint the frame. (h, w) = self.frame.shape[:2] self.q_image = QImage(self.frame, w, h, QImage.Format_RGB888) q_pixmap = QPixmap.fromImage(self.q_image) painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, q_pixmap) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- MOUSE EVENTS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def mouseMoveEvent(self, event): if self.q_image: pos = event.localPos().toPoint() rgb = self.q_image.pixelColor(pos) r, g, b =,, self.current_color_changed.emit(r, g, b) def mousePressEvent(self, event): if self.q_image: pos = event.localPos().toPoint() rgb = self.q_image.pixelColor(pos) r, g, b =,, self.selected_color_changed.emit(r, g, b) # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # --- SLOTS # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- def setup_camera(self, device_name): """ Setup recording parameters and start recording. Recording parameters depend on the camera and should be checked in its manual. This method has parameters hardcoded for "HD WEBCAM PRO C922 LOGITECH" which can work in two modes (1) higher resolution but lower sampling rate (2) or the opposite. Parameters ---------- device_name : str Name of a device representing a camera. Returns ------- None """ if device_name: self._camera = cv.VideoCapture() self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1280) self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 720) self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS, 60) # self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH, 1920) # self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT, 1080) # self._camera.set(cv.CAP_PROP_FPS, 30) self.q_timer.start(self.frequency) else: self._camera = None self.q_timer.stop()