def draw_letters(self, cell_width: float, cell_height: float, left_border: int, top_border: int, painter: QPainter): font = painter.font() font_size = round(top_border * 0.99) font.setPixelSize(font_size) painter.setFont(font) ascii_code = ord('A') for i in range(self.rows): for j in range(self.cols): letter = chr(ascii_code) x = round(left_border + j * cell_width) y = round(top_border + i * cell_height) w = round(cell_width) h = round(cell_height) if i == 0: y = top_border - font_size h = font_size elif i == self.rows - 1: y = self.rect.height() - top_border h = font_size elif j == 0: x = left_border - font_size w = font_size elif j == self.cols - 1: x = self.rect.width() - left_border w = font_size else: x = y = w = h = 0 if w != 0: painter.drawText(x, y, w, h, Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, letter) ascii_code += 1
def paintEvent(self, event: QtGui.QPaintEvent) -> None: painter = QPainter(self) #painter.setPen(QPen(, 1, Qt.DashLine)) # Create transformation for text and other things that will be drawn transform = QTransform() # Rotation shiftX = self.width() // 2 shiftY = self.height() // 2 transform.translate(shiftX, shiftY) transform.rotate(self._rotate) transform.translate(-shiftX, -shiftY) # Scale, NOTICE! Scale change position of the text, i. e. size of frame (?) scale_x = self._scale[0] / 100 scale_y = self._scale[1] / 100 transform.scale(scale_x, scale_y) # Apply transformation painter.setTransform(transform) # Draw text painter.setFont(QFont('Times', 20, QFont.Bold)) painter.setPen( QPen( QColor(random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255), random.randint(0, 255)), 1 ) ) # Because of the scale size of the frame is changed, recalculate size according to scale width_tr = int(self.width() * (1 / scale_x)) height_tr = int(self.height() * (1 / scale_y)) painter.drawText(0, 0, width_tr, height_tr, Qt.AlignCenter | Qt.AlignTop, self._text) # Update transformation variables self._rotate += self._addRotation self._scale[0] += self._addScale[0] self._scale[1] += self._addScale[1] # Check bounds and keep variable in the loop if self._rotate >= max(self._rotationBounds) or self._rotate <= min(self._rotationBounds): self._addRotation *= (-1) if self._scale[0] >= max(self._scaleBounds[0]) or self._scale[0] <= min(self._scaleBounds[0]): self._addScale[0] *= (-1) if self._scale[1] >= max(self._scaleBounds[1]) or self._scale[1] <= min(self._scaleBounds[1]): self._addScale[1] *= (-1)
def __init__(self): # Sidebar icons are 28x28 points. Should be at least 56x56 pixels for # HiDPI display compatibility. They will be automatically made theme # aware, so you need only provide a grayscale image, where white is # the color of the shape. icon = QImage(56, 56, QImage.Format_RGB32) icon.fill(0) # Render an "H" as the example icon p = QPainter() p.begin(icon) p.setFont(QFont("Open Sans", 56)) p.setPen(QColor(255, 255, 255, 255)) p.drawText(QRectF(0, 0, 56, 56), Qt.AlignCenter, "H") p.end() SidebarWidgetType.__init__(self, icon, "Hello")
def drawText(self, p: QPainter, innerRect: QRectF, innerRadius: float, value: float): if not self.m_format: return f = QFont(self.font()) f.setPixelSize(10) fm = QFontMetricsF(f) maxWidth = fm.width(self.valueToText(self.m_max)) delta = innerRadius / maxWidth fontSize = f.pixelSize() * delta * 0.75 f.setPixelSize(int(fontSize)) p.setFont(f) textRect = QRectF(innerRect) p.setPen(self.palette().text().color()) p.drawText(textRect, Qt.AlignCenter, self.valueToText(value))
def paintEvent(self, e): "(re)draw everything inside the rectangle associated with event e" if self.model is not None: # get the painting area: w = QPainter(self.viewport()) f = self.font() w.setFont(f) # get rectangle that needs paint: r = e.rect() # get line indices for this rectangle: line0 = self.vb.value() h = self.line.height first = line0 + // h last = line0 + r.bottom() // h count = last - first # update drawing: self.paintlines(w, first, count, line0) self.paintframes(w) self.paintmap(w)
def paintEvent(self, event): painter = QPainter(self) painter.fillRect(event.rect(), self.numberBarColor) block = self.editor.firstVisibleBlock() # Iterate over all visible text blocks in the document. while block.isValid(): blockNumber = block.blockNumber() block_top = self.editor.blockBoundingGeometry( block).translated(self.editor.contentOffset()).top() # Check if the position of the block is out side of the visible area. if not block.isVisible() or block_top >= event.rect().bottom(): break # We want the line number for the selected line to be bold. if blockNumber == self.editor.textCursor().blockNumber(): self.font.setBold(True) painter.setPen(bnstyles["blockSelected"]) else: self.font.setBold(False) painter.setPen(bnstyles["blockNormal"]) painter.setFont(self.font) # Draw the line number right justified at the position of the line. paint_rect = QRect(0, block_top, self.width(), self.editor.fontMetrics().height()) painter.drawText(paint_rect, Qt.AlignLeft, str(blockNumber + 1)) block = painter.end() QWidget.paintEvent(self, event)
def paintEvent(self, ev): # print("Radio paintEventCalled") # print("size =", self.paintSize) opt = QStyleOption() opt.initFrom(self) painter = QPainter(self) # print("minimum size : ", self.minimumSize()) # print("radio: hasHforW : ", self.hasHeightForWidth()) # print("radio: size : ", self.size()) # print("radio : minimumSizeHint() :", self.minimumSizeHint()) # s = # s.drawPrimitive(QStyle.PE_Widget, opt, painter, self) # self.computeSize() size = self.paintSize # size = np.min([1/8 * self.width(), self.height()/4]) fontsizefactor = self.fontsizefactor linewidth = 1 painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) pointColor = QColor(painter.pen().color()) bgColor = QColor(painter.background().color()) # bgColor = QColor("white") painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor("transparent"))) painter.setPen(QPen(QColor(pointColor), linewidth)) # painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt.TransparentMode) center = QtCore.QPoint(int(self.width() / 2), int(self.height() / 2)) = center self.radius = size painter.drawEllipse(center, size, size) margin = .4 * size # painter.drawRect(text_rect) # self.text() fontsize = size * fontsizefactor # self.fontsize = fontsize f = painter.font() f.setPointSizeF(fontsize) painter.setFont(f) text_rect = QRectF(center.x() + size + margin, center.y() - fontsize, 100, 2 * fontsize) # painter.drawRect(text_rect) painter.drawText(text_rect, Qt.AlignLeft | Qt.AlignVCenter, self.text()) self.textRect = text_rect if self.isChecked(): painter.setBrush(QBrush(QColor(int(colors[self._ID], 0)))) # painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) painter.drawEllipse(center, size, size) # painter.drawLine(QtCore.QPointF(self.width()/2, 0), QtCore.QPointF(self.width()/2, self.height())) pass
class ScreenSelection(QtWidgets.QGroupBox): def __init__(self, parent: DisplayCalibration): QtWidgets.QGroupBox.__init__(self, 'Fullscreen selection (double click)') self.main = parent self.setSizePolicy(QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding, QtWidgets.QSizePolicy.Policy.Expanding) self.painter = QPainter() def mouseDoubleClickEvent(self, ev, *args, **kwargs): for screen_id, screen_coords in enumerate( self._get_widget_screen_coords()): rect = QtCore.QRectF(*screen_coords) if not rect.contains(QtCore.QPoint(ev.pos().x(), ev.pos().y())): continue print(f'Set display to fullscreen on screen {screen_id}') screen = access.application.screens()[screen_id] px_ratio = screen.devicePixelRatio() self.main.global_settings.screen_id.set_value(screen_id) self.main.global_settings.win_x_pos.set_value( screen.geometry().x()) self.main.global_settings.win_y_pos.set_value( screen.geometry().y()) self.main.global_settings.win_width.set_value( int(screen.geometry().width() * px_ratio)) self.main.global_settings.win_height.set_value( int(screen.geometry().height() * px_ratio)) access.application.processEvents() @staticmethod def _get_norm_screen_coords() -> np.ndarray: # Get connected screens avail_screens = access.application.screens() # Calculate total display area bounding box area = [[ s.geometry().width() * s.devicePixelRatio(), s.geometry().height() * s.devicePixelRatio() ] for s in avail_screens] area = np.sum(area, axis=0) xmin = np.min([s.geometry().x() for s in avail_screens]) ymin = np.min([s.geometry().y() for s in avail_screens]) # Define normalization functions xnorm = lambda x: (x - xmin) / area[0] ynorm = lambda y: (y - ymin) / area[1] # Add screen dimensions screens = [] for s in avail_screens: g = s.geometry() screens.append([ xnorm(g.x() * s.devicePixelRatio()), # x ynorm(g.y() * s.devicePixelRatio()), # y xnorm(g.width() * s.devicePixelRatio()), # width ynorm(g.height() * s.devicePixelRatio()) ]) # height return np.array(screens) def _get_widget_screen_coords(self): s = self._get_norm_screen_coords() s[:, 0] *= self.size().width() s[:, 1] *= self.size().height() s[:, 2] *= self.size().width() s[:, 3] *= self.size().height() return s.astype(int) def paintEvent(self, QPaintEvent): for i, screen in enumerate(self._get_widget_screen_coords()): rect = QtCore.QRect(*screen) self.painter.begin(self) self.painter.setBrush(QtCore.Qt.BrushStyle.Dense4Pattern) self.painter.drawRect(rect) self.painter.setPen(QColor(168, 34, 3)) self.painter.setFont(QFont('Decorative', 30)) self.painter.drawText(rect, QtCore.Qt.AlignmentFlag.AlignCenter, str(i)) self.painter.end()
def paintEvent(self, event): paint = QPainter() paint.begin(self) size = self.size() width = size.width() height = size.height() units ='units') proportion = self.getProportion() horizontalOrientation ='horizontal_orientation') if horizontalOrientation: rulerLength = width traceLengthLimit = height else: # vertical orientation rulerLength = height traceLengthLimit = width paint.translate(width, 0) paint.rotate(90) # the length of the traces (lines) small = traceLengthLimit / 6 medium = traceLengthLimit / 4 large = traceLengthLimit / 3 limit = rulerLength / proportion # draw less lines for centimeters if units == 'cm': step = 10 else: step = 5 # begin drawing fontSize = 10 font = QFont('Serif', fontSize) fontMetrics = QFontMetrics(font) # draw background background ='background_color') paint.fillRect(0, 0, rulerLength, traceLengthLimit, background) # draw the lines paint.setPen('lines_color')) paint.setFont(font) # the builtin range() doesn't support floats def float_range(current, end, rangeStep): while current < end: yield current current += rangeStep # we skip 0 and start in the first step, since there's no point in drawing the first line/text (it would appear cut off, since we're at the limit) for a in float_range(step, limit, step): position = a * proportion if (a % 100) == 0: lineLength = large if units == 'px': text = '{}{}'.format(str(a), units) else: text = '{}{}'.format(str(int(a / 100)), units) textWidth = fontMetrics.boundingRect(text).width() paint.drawText(position - textWidth / 2, traceLengthLimit / 2 + fontSize / 2, text) elif (a % 50) == 0: lineLength = large # since 'cm' has a different step compared to the other units if units == 'cm': lineLength = medium elif (a % 25) == 0: lineLength = medium else: lineLength = small paint.drawLine(position, 0, position, lineLength) paint.drawLine(position, traceLengthLimit, position, traceLengthLimit - lineLength) # paint the division lines if'division_lines'): paint.setPen('divisions_color')) halfPoint = rulerLength / 2 quarterPoint = rulerLength / 4 threeQuarterPoint = 3 / 4 * rulerLength paint.drawLine(quarterPoint, 0, quarterPoint, traceLengthLimit) paint.drawLine(halfPoint, 0, halfPoint, traceLengthLimit) paint.drawLine(threeQuarterPoint, 0, threeQuarterPoint, traceLengthLimit) paint.restore() paint.end()
def paintEvent(self, ev): p = QPainter(self) p.setFont(self.font) #p.fillRect(self.rect(), QBrush( length = len(self.display_data) # Reduce to the number of lines that are available in the data num_rows = length // self.bytes_per_line if length % self.bytes_per_line > 0: num_rows += 1 for l in range(num_rows): p.setPen(self.label_color) # Draw address label # self.instance.get_local_label(self.start_offset + l * self.bytes_per_line) position_string = self.display_labels[l] p.drawText(QPoint(self.label_offset_x, (l + 1) * self.line_height), position_string) for i in range( 0, min(self.bytes_per_line, length - self.bytes_per_line * l)): #virtual_address = self.start_offset + l*self.bytes_per_line + i p.setPen(self.byte_color) current_byte = self.display_data[i + l * self.bytes_per_line] if current_byte.background is not None: p.setBackground(current_byte.background) p.setBackgroundMode(Qt.OpaqueMode) p.drawText( QPoint(self.label_length + i * self.byte_width, (l + 1) * self.line_height), current_byte.text) p.setBackgroundMode(Qt.TransparentMode) # Draw selection rects if current_byte.is_selected: p.setPen(self.selection_color) p.drawRect( # TODO make these offsets configurable/dependent on font? self.label_length + i * self.byte_width - 3, (l) * self.line_height + 3, self.byte_width, self.line_height) # Draw annotation underlines if len(current_byte.annotations) > 0: y_offset = 0 for annotation in current_byte.annotations: self.annotation_pen.setColor(annotation.color) p.setPen(self.annotation_pen) x = self.label_length + i * self.byte_width y = (l + 1) * self.line_height + y_offset + 2 p.drawLine(x, y, x + self.byte_width, y) y_offset += 2 # Draw constraint pipes if len(current_byte.constraints) > 0: enabled = False for constraint in current_byte.constraints: if constraint.enabled: enabled = True break if enabled: p.setPen(self.enabled_constraint_pen) else: p.setPen(self.disabled_constraint_pen) x = self.label_length + i * self.byte_width - 2 y = (l) * self.line_height + 3 p.drawLine(x, y, x, y + self.line_height)
def paintEvent(self, pe) -> None: if not self.inhibit_paint: extent = 1.5 * np.pi offset = 1.25 * np.pi painter = QPainter(self) # So that we can use the background color painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt.OpaqueMode) # Smooth out the circle painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # Use background color bgColor = painter.background().color() painter.setBrush(painter.background()) if self._text not in implementedKnobs: painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(int("0xcccccc", 0)))) # Store color from stylesheet, pen will be overridden pointColor = QColor(painter.pen().color()) # print(QDial.width(self), QDial.height(self)) # draw widget borders pen = QPen(QColor(self._ringColor), 1) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.SquareCap) painter.setPen(pen) # uncomment the following line to draw outer rect # painter.drawRect(0, 0, np.floor(QDial.width(self)), QDial.height(self)) # No border painter.setPen(QPen(Qt.NoPen)) # the heignt of the widget is 2*radius + 2*fontsize1 + 2*fontsize2 # where fontsize1 = .4radius and fontsize2 = .9*.4*radius # so QDial.height = radius * (2+.4*2+.4*.9*2) # fontsize1factor = .4 fontsize2reduction = .9 fontsize2factor = fontsize1factor * fontsize2reduction center_x = QDial.width(self) / 2.0 center_y = QDial.height(self) / 2.0 if not self._hasFixedSize: if not self._hasFixedFontSize: radius = np.min( (QDial.width(self) / 2. - self._knobMargin, QDial.height(self) / (2. + 2 * fontsize1factor + 2 * fontsize2factor) - self._knobMargin)) radius = np.max((radius, 1)) # print("Radius = ", radius, ", height = ", QDial.height(self), ", width = ", QDial.width(self)) center_y = center_y - radius * (fontsize1factor + fontsize2factor) else: radius = np.min( (QDial.width(self) / 2. - self._knobMargin, (QDial.height(self) - 4 * self._fixedFontSize) / 2. - self._knobMargin)) radius = np.max((radius, 1)) center_y = center_y - (self._fixedFontSize * (1 + fontsize2reduction)) else: radius = self._fixedSize / 2. radius = np.max((radius, 1)) center_y = center_y - radius * (fontsize1factor + fontsize2factor) self.radius = radius # Draw arc rectangle = QtCore.QRectF(center_x - radius, center_y - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius) """The startAngle and spanAngle must be specified in 1/16th of a degree, i.e. a full circle equals 5760 (16 * 360). Positive values for the angles mean counter-clockwise while negative values mean the clockwise direction. Zero degrees is at the 3 o'clock position.""" linewidth = radius / 30. * 2 # linewidth = 1 pen = QPen(QColor(self._ringColor), linewidth) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) # pen.setCapStyle(Qt.FlatCap) painter.setPen(pen) # adapt to linewidth to make it more pleasant to the eye capRadius = linewidth / 4 angleCap = np.arcsin(capRadius / radius) start_deg = (90 - np.rad2deg(extent / 2)) + np.rad2deg(angleCap) start_16deg = start_deg * 16 extent_deg = np.rad2deg(extent) - 2 * np.rad2deg(angleCap) extent_16deg = extent_deg * 16 painter.drawArc(rectangle, start_16deg, extent_16deg) #draw inner circle pen = QPen(QColor(pointColor), linewidth) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) painter.setPen(pen) painter.setBrush(QtGui.QColor(bgColor)) radius_inner = 15. / 20. * radius painter.drawEllipse(QtCore.QPointF(center_x, center_y), radius_inner, radius_inner) = QtCore.QPointF(center_x, center_y) """ # Get ratio between current value and maximum to calculate angle if (param != NULL): if (param->value != this->value()) param->setValue(this->value()) """ ratio = (QDial.value(self) - QDial.minimum(self)) / ( QDial.maximum(self) - QDial.minimum(self)) # The maximum amount of degrees is 270, offset by 225 angle = ratio * extent - offset # Draw the indicator painter.setBrush(QBrush(pointColor)) a_y = center_y + np.sin(angle) * (radius - .1) a_x = center_x + np.cos(angle) * (radius - .1) pen = QPen(pointColor, linewidth) pen.setCapStyle(Qt.RoundCap) painter.setPen(pen) painter.drawLine(a_x, a_y, np.round(center_x), center_y) if not self._hasFixedFontSize: fontsize1 = radius * fontsize1factor if self.sizeType == 1 and fontsize1 != Knob.fontsize1: Knob.fontsize1 = fontsize1 else: fontsize1 = Knob.fontsize1 fontsize2 = fontsize1 * fontsize2reduction else: fontsize1 = self._fixedFontSize fontsize2 = fontsize1 * fontsize2reduction self.fontsize1 = fontsize1 textRect_ = QtCore.QRectF(0, center_y + radius, QDial.width(self), 2 * fontsize1) if self.coloredTitle: painter.setPen(QColor(int(titleColor, 0))) f = painter.font() f.setPointSizeF(fontsize1) painter.setFont(f) # painter.drawRect(textRect_) painter.drawText(textRect_, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop, self._text) # painter.drawText(textRect_, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop, str(fontsize1)) textRect_ = QtCore.QRectF(0, center_y + radius + fontsize1 * 2, QDial.width(self), 2 * fontsize2) if self.hasFocus(): painter.setPen(QtGui.QColor("red")) f.setPointSizeF(fontsize2) painter.setFont(f) # painter.drawRect(textRect_) painter.drawText(textRect_, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop, str(QDial.value(self))) painter.end()
def paintEvent(self, pe) -> None: mainradius, fontsizefactor, center_x, center_y_pp, width = self.computeCenter( ) painter = QPainter(self) # So that we can use the background color painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt.OpaqueMode) # Smooth out the circle painter.setRenderHint(QPainter.Antialiasing) # Use background color textBgColor = QColor(painter.background().color()) # print("bgcolor = ", bgColor) bgColor = QColor("transparent") pointColor = QColor(painter.pen().color()) self.pointColor = pointColor self.bgColor = textBgColor alpha = 150 if self.parent().displayPp == 'all' or self.parent( ).displayPp == pointColor.setAlpha(255) else: pointColor.setAlpha(alpha) # draw text if not self._hasFixedFontSize: fontsize = mainradius * fontsizefactor else: fontsize = self._fixedFontSize self.fontsize = fontsize textRect_ = QtCore.QRectF(0, center_y_pp - mainradius - 2 * fontsize, width, 2 * fontsize) f = painter.font() f.setPointSizeF(fontsize) # self._io = 'in' if == 'out': fm = QFontMetrics(f).boundingRect(self._text) # print("fm = ", fm) painter.setBrush(pointColor) painter.setPen(QPen(pointColor)) painter.drawRect( QtCore.QRectF(center_x - fm.width() / 2, center_y_pp - mainradius - 2 * fontsize, fm.width(), fm.height())) painter.setPen(QPen(textBgColor)) painter.setFont(f) painter.setBackgroundMode(Qt.TransparentMode) painter.drawText(textRect_, Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop, self._text) # draw hexagon painter.setBrush(bgColor) painter.setPen(pointColor) painter.drawPolygon( self.createPoly(6, mainradius, center_x, center_y_pp)) # draw outer circle radius_outer = mainradius * .8 if self.title not in implementedPatchPoints: painter.setBrush(QtGui.QBrush(QtGui.QColor(int("0x999999", 0)))) painter.drawEllipse(QtCore.QPointF(center_x, center_y_pp), radius_outer, radius_outer) # draw inner circle radius_inner = mainradius * .5 # painter.setBrush(QBrush(pointColor)) painter.setBrush(QColor(self._ppColor)) painter.drawEllipse(QtCore.QPointF(center_x, center_y_pp), radius_inner, radius_inner)