Esempio n. 1
    def __init__(self, node):
        """ Create connection handler object.

            :type node: Pyrlang.Node
            :param node: Erlang node reference
        self.node_ = node
        """ Reference to the running Erlang node. (XXX forms a ref cycle) """

        self.packet_len_size_ = 2
        """ Packet size header is variable, 2 bytes before handshake is finished
            and 4 bytes afterwards. """

        self.socket_ = None
        self.addr_ = None

        # refer to util.make_handler_in which reads this
        self.inbox_ = mailbox.Mailbox()
        """ Inbox is used to ask the connection to do something. """

        self.peer_distr_version_ = (None, None)
        """ Protocol version range supported by the remote peer. Erlang/OTP 
            versions 19-20 supports protocol version 7, older Erlangs down to 
            R6B support version 5. """

        self.peer_flags_ = 0
        self.peer_name_ = None
        self.my_challenge_ = None
        self.state_ = None
Esempio n. 2
    def __init__(self, node) -> None:
        """ Create a process and register itself. Pid is generated by the node

            :param node: 
        self.node_ = node
        """ Convenience field to see the Node. """

        self.inbox_ = mailbox.Mailbox()
        """ Message queue (gevent.Queue). Messages are detected by the ``_run``
            loop and handled one by one in ``handle_one_inbox_message()``. 

        self.pid_ = node.register_new_process(self)
        """ Process identifier for this object. Remember that when creating a 
            process, it registers itself in the node, and this creates a
            References prevent an object from being garbage collected.
            To destroy a process, get rid of this extra reference by calling
            ``exit()`` and telling it the cause of its death.

        self.is_exiting_ = False

        self.monitors_ = set()  # type: Set[Pid]
        """ Who monitors us. Either local or remote processes. """

        self.monitor_targets_ = set()  # type: Set[Pid]
        """ Who we monitor. """

        self.start()  # greenlet has to be scheduled for run
Esempio n. 3
    def __init__(self, name: str, cookie: str) -> None:

        if Node.singleton is not None:
            raise NodeException("Singleton Node was already created")
        Node.singleton = self

        self.inbox_ = mailbox.Mailbox()
        """ Message queue based on ``gevent.Queue``. It is periodically checked
            in the ``_run`` method and the receive handler is called.

        self.pid_counter_ = 0
        """ An internal counter used to generate unique process ids. """

        self.processes_ = {}
        """ Process dictionary which stores all the existing ``Process`` objects
            adressable by a pid. 
            .. note:: This creates a python reference to an
                object preventing its automatic garbage collection. 
                In the end of its lifetime an object must be explicitly removed 
                from this dictionary using ``Process.exit`` method on the 

        self.reg_names_ = {}
        """ Registered objects dictionary, which maps atoms to pids. """

        self.is_exiting_ = False
        self.node_opts_ = NodeOpts(cookie=cookie)
        """ An option object with feature support flags packed into an

        self.name_ = Atom(name)
        """ Node name as seen on the network. Use full node names here:

        self.dist_nodes_ = {}
        self.dist_ = ErlangDistribution(node=self, name=name)

        # This is important before we can begin spawning processes
        # to get the correct node creation

        # Spawn and register (automatically) the process 'rex' for remote
        # execution, which takes 'rpc:call's from Erlang
        from Pyrlang.rex import Rex
        self.rex_ = Rex(self)

        # Spawn and register (automatically) the 'net_kernel' process which
        # handles special ping messages
        from Pyrlang.net_kernel import NetKernel
        self.net_kernel_ = NetKernel(self)