def saveStagesAsPreset(self, stages): from PythonQt import BoolResult ok = BoolResult() presetName = qt.QInputDialog().getText(qt.QWidget(), 'Save Preset', 'Preset name: ', qt.QLineEdit.Normal, 'my_preset', ok) if not ok: return if presetName in self.getPresetNames(): qt.QMessageBox().warning( qt.QWidget(), 'Warning', presetName + ' already exists. Set another name.') self.saveStagesAsPreset(stages) return outFilePath = os.path.join(self.presetPath, presetName + '.json') saveSettings = self.getPresetParametersByName() saveSettings['stages'] = self.removeNodesFromStages(stages) try: with open(outFilePath, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(saveSettings, outfile) except: qt.QMessageBox().warning(qt.QWidget(), 'Warning', 'Unable to write into ' + outFilePath) return print('Saved preset to ' + outFilePath) return presetName
def inputInt(title="", label="", val=0, min=-2147483647, max=2147483647, step=1): x = QDialog() x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) ok = BoolResult() i = QInputDialog.getInt(x, title, label, val, min, max, step, ok) if ok: return i else: return False
def addFunction(self): if self.parameterNode.GetParameter("MNIAtlasPath") != ".": items = ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().getValidAtlases( self.parameterNode.GetParameter("MNIAtlasPath")) result = BoolResult() atlasName = qt.QInputDialog.getItem(qt.QWidget(), 'Select Atlas', '', items, 0, 0, result) if result: ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().run( os.path.join( self.parameterNode.GetParameter("MNIAtlasPath"), atlasName))
def inputBox(parent, title, text, default=""): """ :param default: :param title: :param text: :return: """ x = QWidget(parent) x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) ok = BoolResult() text = QInputDialog.getText(x, title, text, QLineEdit.Normal, default, ok) if ok: return text else: return False
def inputBox(title, text, default=""): """ :param default: :param title: :param text: :return: """ x = QWidget() x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) ok = BoolResult() if not default: default = QApplication.clipboard().text() text = QInputDialog.getText(x, title, text, QLineEdit.Normal, default, ok) # QDir.Home.dirName() if ok: return text else: return False
def inputInt(title="", label="", val=0, min=-2147483647, max=2147483647, step=1): """ :param title: :param label: :param val: :param min: :param max: :param step: :return: """ x = QWidget() x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) ok = BoolResult() i = QInputDialog.getInt(x, title, label, val, min, max, step, ok) if ok: return i else: return False
def addFunction(self): if self.parameterNode.GetParameter("MNIAtlasPath") not in [".", ""]: directory = self.parameterNode.GetParameter("MNIAtlasPath") else: with open( os.path.join( os.path.split(ImportAtlas.__file__)[0], 'Resources', 'previousDirectory.txt'), 'r') as f: directory = f.readlines()[0] if directory == ".": return # load items = ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().getValidAtlases(directory) result = BoolResult() atlasName = qt.QInputDialog.getItem(qt.QWidget(), 'Select Atlas', '', items, 0, 0, result) if result: ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().readAtlas( os.path.join(directory, atlasName, 'atlas_index.mat'))
def on_repositoryList_doubleClicked(self, item): name = try: rep = self.replist[name] except: QMessageBox.critical(self, self._tr("Internal error"), self._tr("Can't find repository {name} in " "list").format(name=name)) return ok = BoolResult() newurl = QInputDialog.getText(self, self._tr("Change url of repository " "{name}").format(name=name), self._tr("Url:"), QLineEdit.Normal, rep["url"], ok) if ok: rep["url"] = newurl rep["origin"] = "local"
def createFolder(self): if self.readonly: return ok = BoolResult() dirname = QInputDialog.getText(self, self._tr("Create Folder"), self._tr("Folder name:"), QLineEdit.Normal, "", ok) if not ok or dirname == "": return self.createretcode = ts3lib.createReturnCode() err = ts3lib.requestCreateDirectory(self.schid, self.cid, self.password, joinpath(self.path, dirname), self.createretcode) if err != ERROR_ok: self.showError(self._tr("Error creating directory"), err)
def onAddButton(self): leadDBSPath = slicer.util.settingsValue( "NetstimPreferences/leadDBSPath", "", converter=str) if leadDBSPath == "": qt.QMessageBox().warning( qt.QWidget(), "", "Add Lead-DBS path to Slicer preferences") return validAtlasesNames = ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().getValidAtlases() if not validAtlasesNames: return result = BoolResult() atlasName = qt.QInputDialog.getItem(qt.QWidget(), 'Select Atlas', '', validAtlasesNames, 0, 0, result) if result: qt.QApplication.setOverrideCursor(qt.Qt.WaitCursor) qt.QApplication.processEvents() try: ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().readAtlas( os.path.join( ImportAtlas.ImportAtlasLogic().getAtlasesPath(), atlasName, 'atlas_index.mat')) finally: qt.QApplication.restoreOverrideCursor() self.updateTable()
class massAction(ts3plugin): name = "Mass Actions" apiVersion = 22 requestAutoload = False version = "1.0" author = "Bluscream" description = "Gives you the ability to take actions to all users in a channel or the server." offersConfigure = False commandKeyword = "" infoTitle = None hotkeys = [] debug = False banned_names = ["BAN", "NOT WELCOME"] sbgroup = 0 menuItems = [ (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 0, "== {0} ==".format(name), ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 1, "Message all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 2, "OfflineMessage all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 3, "Message all Channels", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 4, "Poke all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 5, "ChannelKick all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 6, "ChannelBan all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 7, "Kick all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 8, "Ban all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 9, "Delete all Channels", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL, 10, "== {0} ==".format(name), ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 11, "== {0} ==".format(name), ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 1, "Message all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 2, "OfflineMessage all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 3, "Poke all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 4, "ChannelKick all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 5, "ChannelBan all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 6, "Kick all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 7, "Ban all Clients", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 8, "Give Talk Power", ""), (ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL, 12, "== {0} ==".format(name), "") ] dlg = None ok = BoolResult() @staticmethod def timestamp(): return '[{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S}] '.format( def __init__(self): self.requested = True;ts3lib.requestChannelGroupList(ts3lib.getCurrentServerConnectionHandlerID()) if self.debug: ts3lib.printMessageToCurrentTab("{0}[color=orange]{1}[/color] Plugin for pyTSon by [url={2}]{2}[/url] loaded.".format(self.timestamp(),, def menuCreated(self): if not in return for id in [0,10,11,12]: try: ts3lib.setPluginMenuEnabled(PluginHost.globalMenuID(self, id), False) except: pass def onMenuItemEvent(self, schid, atype, menuItemID, selectedItemID): try: if atype == ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_GLOBAL: if menuItemID == 1: # Message all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Private Message") if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendPrivateTextMsg(schid, msg, c) elif menuItemID == 2: # OffineMessage all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) uids = [] for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue (error, uid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsString(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER) uids.append(uid) if not self.dlg: self.dlg = MessageDialog(schid, uids);self.dlg.raise_();self.dlg.activateWindow() elif menuItemID == 3: # Message all Channels (error, channels) = ts3lib.getChannelList(schid) msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message all %s channels on this server"%len(channels),text="Enter Channel Message") (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in channels: error = ts3lib.requestClientMove(schid, ownID, c, "123") if not error == ts3defines.ERROR_ok: continue for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendChannelTextMsg(schid, msg, c) elif menuItemID == 4: # Poke all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msgs = self.getText(title="Poke all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Poke Message",max=100) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestClientPoke(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 5: # ChannelKick all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients on this server from their channel"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 6: # ChannelBan all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msg = self.getText(title="ChannelBan all %s clients on this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue (error, chan) = ts3lib.getChannelOfClient(schid, selectedItemID) (error, dbid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsUInt64(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_DATABASE_ID) ts3lib.requestSetClientChannelGroup(schid, [self.sbgroup], [chan], [dbid]) ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 7: # Kick all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients from this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.requestClientKickFromServer(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 8: # Ban all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getClientList(schid) msg = self.getText(title="Ban all %s clients from this server"%len(clients),text="Enter Ban Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.banclient(schid, c, -1, msg) elif menuItemID == 9: # Delete all Channels (error, channels) = ts3lib.getChannelList(schid) confirmation = self.confirm('Delete all Channels', 'Do you really want to delete all {0} channels on this server?'.format(len(channels))) if not confirmation: return for c in channels: ts3lib.requestChannelDelete(schid, c, True) elif atype == ts3defines.PluginMenuType.PLUGIN_MENU_TYPE_CHANNEL: if menuItemID == 1: # Message all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msgs = self.getText(multiline=True,title="Message to all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Private Message") if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestSendPrivateTextMsg(schid, msg, c) if menuItemID == 2: # OfflineMessage all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID) (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) uids = [] for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue (error, uid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsString(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientProperties.CLIENT_UNIQUE_IDENTIFIER) uids.append(uid) if not self.dlg: self.dlg = MessageDialog(schid, uids);self.dlg.raise_();self.dlg.activateWindow() elif menuItemID == 3: # Poke all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid, selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msgs = self.getText(title="Poke all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Poke Message",max=100) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue for msg in msgs: ts3lib.requestClientPoke(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 4: # ChannelKick all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients from channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 5: # ChannelBan all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msg = self.getText(title="ChannelBan all %s clients from channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue (error, dbid) = ts3lib.getClientVariableAsUInt64(schid, c, ts3defines.ClientPropertiesRare.CLIENT_DATABASE_ID) ts3lib.requestSetClientChannelGroup(schid, [self.sbgroup], [selectedItemID], [dbid]) ts3lib.requestClientKickFromChannel(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 6: # Kick all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msg = self.getText(title="Kick all %s clients in channel \"%s\" from this server"%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Kick Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.requestClientKickFromServer(schid, c, msg) elif menuItemID == 7: # Ban all Clients (error, clients) = ts3lib.getChannelClientList(schid,selectedItemID) (err, name) = ts3lib.getChannelVariableAsString(schid, selectedItemID, ts3defines.ChannelProperties.CHANNEL_NAME) msg = self.getText(title="Ban all %s clients in channel \"%s\""%(len(clients),name),text="Enter Ban Reason",multimsg=False,max=80) if bool(self.ok) != True:return (error, ownID) = ts3lib.getClientID(schid) for c in clients: if c == ownID: continue ts3lib.banclient(schid, c, -1, msg) except: from traceback import format_exc;ts3lib.logMessage(format_exc(), ts3defines.LogLevel.LogLevel_ERROR, "pyTSon", 0) def getText(self,multimsg=True,multiline=False,title="Enter text here",text="",max=1024): try: x = QDialog() x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) if multiline: clipboard = QApplication.clipboard().text() _message = QInputDialog.getMultiLineText(x, title, text, clipboard) else: _message = QInputDialog.getText(x, title, text, QLineEdit.Normal, "", self.ok) if multimsg: return [_message[i:i + max] for i in range(0, len(_message), max)] else: return _message[:max] except: from traceback import format_exc;ts3lib.logMessage(format_exc(), ts3defines.LogLevel.LogLevel_ERROR, "pyTSon", 0) def confirm(self, title, message): x = QDialog() x.setAttribute(Qt.WA_DeleteOnClose) _t = QMessageBox.question(x, title, message, QMessageBox.Yes, QMessageBox.No) if _t == QMessageBox.Yes: return True else: return False def onConnectStatusChangeEvent(self, schid, newStatus, errorNumber): if newStatus == ts3defines.ConnectStatus.STATUS_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED: self.requested = True;ts3lib.requestChannelGroupList(schid) def onChannelGroupListEvent(self, schid, channelGroupID, name, atype, iconID, saveDB): if self.requested: for _name in self.banned_names: if name.upper().__contains__(_name): self.sbgroup = channelGroupID;break def onChannelGroupListFinishedEvent(self, schid): if self.requested: self.requested = False