Esempio n. 1
        help='Standard deviation of the Gaussian PSF in pixels.')

    arg_parser.add_argument('-s', '--satlvl', metavar='SATURATION_LEVEL', type=int, \
        help="Saturation level. 255 by default.", default=255)

    arg_parser.add_argument('-f', '--flat', metavar='FLAT', type=str, \
        help="Path to the flat frame.")

    # Parse the command line arguments
    cml_args = arg_parser.parse_args()


    # Read command line arguments
    ftpdetectinfo_path = cml_args.ftpdetectinfo_path[0]
    ftpdetectinfo_path = findFTPdetectinfoFile(ftpdetectinfo_path)
    dir_path, ftpdetectinfo_name = os.path.split(ftpdetectinfo_path)

    gauss_sigma = cml_args.psf_sigma[0]

    saturation_lvl = cml_args.satlvl

    # Load meteor data from FTPdetecinfo
    cam_code, fps, meteor_list = readFTPdetectinfo(dir_path,

    # Load the flat, if given
    flat = None
    if cml_args.flat:
        flat = loadFlat(*os.path.split(cml_args.flat))
Esempio n. 2
    n_profiles = 20

    # Difference in Y coordinates between every profile
    vertical_step_offset = 70

    # Force sigma for fitting the Gaussian PSF (disable with -1)
    force_sigma = 1.3

    dir_path, ff_name = os.path.split(cml_args.ff_file[0])

    # Load the FF file
    ff = readFF(dir_path, ff_name)

    # Load the FTPdetectinfo file
    meteor_list = readFTPdetectinfo(

    # Find the FF file among the detections
    for entry in meteor_list:

        ftp_ff_name, cam_code, meteor_No, n_segments, fps, hnr, mle, binn, px_fm, rho, phi, \
            meteor_meas = entry

        # Take only the FF file with the detection
        if ff_name == ftp_ff_name:

            img = ff.maxpixel

            x_beg = meteor_meas[0][2]
            y_beg = meteor_meas[0][3]
            x_end = meteor_meas[-1][2]