print "No ana output file selected. If necessary, output will go to:" print "\t"+args.ana_output # ana_proc = larlight.ana_processor() # if args.verbose: # ana_proc.set_verbosity(larlight.MSG.DEBUG) # Not sure what this does # ana_proc.set_io_mode(larlight.storage_manager.BOTH) # Add the input file. Not sure if the above takes multiple input files yet # ana_proc.add_input_file(args.source) mgr = fmwk.storage_manager() mgr.set_io_mode(mgr.READ) mgr.add_in_filename(args.source) if len(sys.argv) > 2: mgr.set_in_rootdir("scanner") canvas=TCanvas("schview","schview",600,500) canvas.SetGridx(1) canvas.SetGridy(1) algo = cluster.SimChannelViewer() processed_events=0
print "\t"+args.ana_output # ana_proc = larlight.ana_processor() # if args.verbose: # ana_proc.set_verbosity(larlight.MSG.DEBUG) # Not sure what this does # ana_proc.set_io_mode(larlight.storage_manager.BOTH) # Add the input file. Not sure if the above takes multiple input files yet # ana_proc.add_input_file(args.source) mgr = fmwk.storage_manager() mgr.set_io_mode(mgr.READ) for source in args.source: mgr.add_in_filename(source) if len(sys.argv) > 2: mgr.set_in_rootdir("scanner") algo = cluster.ClusterParamsExecutor()