Esempio n. 1
    for ind in BpTInds : inds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'B_Pt', 'BpTCat', bounds, inds )

if nPVBounds :
    from ROOT import addCategoryToTree, std
    print 'adding number of PVs category with indices "%s" and boundaries "%s" to n-tuple' % ( nPVInds, nPVBounds )
    bounds = std.vector('Double_t')()
    inds   = std.vector('Int_t')()
    for bound in nPVBounds : bounds.push_back(bound)
    for ind in nPVInds : inds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'nPV', 'nPVCat', bounds, inds )

if sWeight :
    from ROOT import copyFloatInTree
    print 'copying signal sWeight "%s" to branch "sWeight_orig"' % sWeight
    copyFloatInTree( nTupleOut, sWeight, 'sWeight_orig' )

if pbkgWeight :
    from ROOT import copyFloatInTree
    print 'copying peaking-background weight "%s" to branch "pbkgWeight"' % pbkgWeight
    copyFloatInTree( nTupleOut, pbkgWeight, 'pbkgWeight' )

if tagOSBounds :
    from ROOT import addFloatToTree, addCategoryToTree, std
    tagOSInds = [ -999, -1, 0, +1, +999 ]
    catOSInds = [ -999, 1, -999, 1, -999 ]
    print 'adding OS tagging category with indices "%s" and true-ID boundaries "%s" to n-tuple' % ( tagOSInds, tagOSBounds )
    bounds  = std.vector('Double_t')()
    tagInds = std.vector('Int_t')()
    catInds = std.vector('Int_t')()
    for bound in tagOSBounds : bounds.push_back(bound)
Esempio n. 2
    for ind in BpTInds : inds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'B_Pt', 'BpTCat', bounds, inds )

if nPVBounds :
    from ROOT import addCategoryToTree, std
    print 'adding number of PVs category with indices "%s" and boundaries "%s" to n-tuple' % ( nPVInds, nPVBounds )
    bounds = std.vector('Double_t')()
    inds   = std.vector('Int_t')()
    for bound in nPVBounds : bounds.push_back(bound)
    for ind in nPVInds : inds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'nPV', 'nPVCat', bounds, inds )

if pbkgWeight :
    from ROOT import copyFloatInTree
    print 'copying peaking-background weight "%s" to branch "pbkgWeight"' % pbkgWeight
    copyFloatInTree( nTupleOut, pbkgWeight, 'pbkgWeight' )

if tagOSBounds :
    from ROOT import addFloatToTree, addCategoryToTree, std
    tagOSInds = [ -999, -1, 0, +1, +999 ]
    catOSInds = [ -999, 1, -999, 1, -999 ]
    print 'adding OS tagging category with indices "%s" and true-ID boundaries "%s" to n-tuple' % ( tagOSInds, tagOSBounds )
    bounds  = std.vector('Double_t')()
    tagInds = std.vector('Int_t')()
    catInds = std.vector('Int_t')()
    for bound in tagOSBounds : bounds.push_back(bound)
    for ind in tagOSInds : tagInds.push_back(ind)
    for ind in catOSInds : catInds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'trueid', 'iTagOS', bounds, tagInds )
    addCategoryToTree( nTupleOut, 'trueid', 'tagCatP2VVOS', bounds, catInds )
    addFloatToTree( nTupleOut, 0., 'tagomega_os_cb' )
Esempio n. 3
if addKpiMassCategory: 
    from ROOT import addCategoryToTree, std
    print 'P2VV - INFO: Adding Kpi-mass category with indices "%s" and KK-mass boundaries "%s" to n-tuple' % ( KpiMassInds, KpiMassBinBounds )
    bounds = std.vector('Double_t')()
    inds   = std.vector('Int_t')()
    for bound in KpiMassBinBounds : bounds.push_back(bound)
    for ind in KpiMassInds : inds.push_back(ind)
    addCategoryToTree( intermediateTree, KpiMassBranchName, 'KpiMassCat', bounds, inds )

# copy-rename branches
from ROOT import copyFloatInTree
for oldBranchName, newBranchName in obsDict.iteritems():
    if oldBranchName != newBranchName[0]:
        print 'P2VV - INFO: Copying and renaming branch: %s --> %s'%(oldBranchName,newBranchName[0])
        copyFloatInTree( intermediateTree, oldBranchName, newBranchName[0] )

# close intermediate files
del intermediateFile
print 'P2VV - INFO: Wrote intermediate tree to file: %s'%intermediateFileName
print 'P2VV - INFO: Finished refining tree. Continuing to create RooDataSet'        

## create RooDataSet ##

# create workspace
from P2VV.RooFitWrappers import RooObject, RealVar, Category
Esempio n. 4
        protoTree.SetBranchStatus(branch, 1)

    from ROOT import TFile

    oldHelAngFile = TFile.Open("oldHelAnglesFor_%s.root" % dataSetKey, "recreate")
    oldHelAngTree = protoTree.CloneTree()

    from ROOT import copyFloatInTree

    for oldHelAngBranch, copyOldHelAngBranch in {
        oldHelAngleNames["ctheta"]: "helcosthetaK_old",
        oldHelAngleNames["cpsi"]: "helcosthetaL_old",
        oldHelAngleNames["phi"]: "helphi_old",
        print "P2VV - INFO: Copying and renaming branch: %s --> %s" % (oldHelAngBranch, copyOldHelAngBranch)
        copyFloatInTree(oldHelAngTree, oldHelAngBranch, copyOldHelAngBranch)

    del oldHelAngFile

    protoTree.SetBranchStatus("*", 1)
    for branch in oldHelAngleNames.values():
        protoTree.SetBranchStatus(branch, 0)
    print "P2VV - INFO: Wrote old helicity angles to file: %s" % "oldHelAnglesFor_%s.root" % dataSetKey
    print "P2VV - INFO: Continue processing main file"

# create temporary intermediate file
# for branch in protoTree.GetListOfBranches():
#     # if branch.GetName() not in [item[-1] for item in obsDict.items() ]:
#     for element in  ['L0','has','SS','OS','Hlt','PID','END','OWN','TOP','TRACK','Prob','ORI']: