def spotCheckThresh(): from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, MJTChannelMap, MJTChannelSettings run, ds, sub, cIdx = 5889, 0, 70, 23 checkDet = 122 gds = GATDataSet() runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(run, GATDataSet.kGatified) tf = TFile(runPath) chSet = tf.Get("ChannelSettings") chMap = tf.Get("ChannelMap") for ch in chSet.GetEnabledIDList(): detName = chMap.GetString(ch, "kDetectorName") detCPD = chMap.GetString(ch, "kStringName") + "D" + str( chMap.GetInt(ch, "kDetectorPosition")) detID = ''.join(i for i in detCPD if i.isdigit()) # access threshold and HV settings gretCrate = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kVME") gretCard = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kCardSlot") gretHG = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kChanHi") gretLG = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kChanLo") threshHG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold", gretCrate, gretCard, gretHG, "ORGretina4MModel") threshLG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold", gretCrate, gretCard, gretLG, "ORGretina4MModel") if detCPD == 'C1P2D2': print(ch, detCPD, detID, threshHG)
def getCalRunTime(): """ Need to know the total run time of all cal runs in each DS. that's how we can predict the statistics before going through the trouble of a full scan over calibration data Rough prediction from plotStats: Need ~200 hours to get to 100 cts in every 0.2 keV bin. """ from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, TTree, MJTRun for ds in [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]: runList = [] # load standard cals for key in cal.GetKeys(ds): for sub in range(cal.GetIdxs(key)): runList.extend(cal.GetCalList(key, sub)) print("DS", ds, "num standard cals:", len(runList)) # load long cals lIdx = {0: [0], 1: [1], 2: [], 3: [2], 4: [3], 5: [5, 6]} for l in lIdx[ds]: runList.extend(cal.GetSpecialRuns("longCal", l)) runList = sorted(list(set(runList))) print("DS", ds, "num adding longcals:", len(runList)) # use GDS once just to pull out the path. gds = GATDataSet() runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0], GATDataSet.kBuilt) filePath = '/'.join(runPath.split('/')[:-1]) totCalRunTime = 0 # get run time from built files (no tree loading) for iR, run in enumerate(runList): # print progress # if np.fabs(100*iR/len(runList) % 10) < 0.1: # print("%d/%d run %d RT %.2f hrs" % (iR, len(runList), run, totCalRunTime/3600)) f = filePath + "/OR_run%d.root" % run tf = TFile(f) rInfo = tf.Get("run") start = rInfo.GetStartTime() stop = rInfo.GetStopTime() runTime = stop - start if runTime < 0 or runTime > 9999: print("error, run", run, "start", start, "stop") continue totCalRunTime += stop - start tf.Close() print("Total cal run time, DS%d: %.2f hrs." % (ds, totCalRunTime / 3600))
def chanNoiseRate2(): """ save energy & timestamp for channels s/t we can look at the dt distributions for two different energy regions. """ from ROOT import TFile, TTree, TChain, GATDataSet runList = calInfo.GetSpecialRuns("longCal", 5) runList = runList[:10] # limit print(runList) return fileList = [] for run in runList: fileList.extend(ds.getLATRunList([run], "%s/lat" % (ds.specialDir))) nFiles = len(fileList) chList = ds.GetGoodChanListNew(5) chData = {ch: [] for ch in chList} runTime = 0 for run in runList: gds = GATDataSet() gatPath = gds.GetPathToRun(run, GATDataSet.kGatified) tf = TFile(gatPath) gatTree = tf.Get("mjdTree") gatTree.GetEntry(0) runTime += gatTree.timeinfo.stopTime - gatTree.timeinfo.startTime tf.Close() print(run, runTime) for iFile, f in enumerate(fileList): print("%d/%d %s" % (iFile, nFiles, f)) tf = TFile("%s/lat/%s" % (ds.specialDir, f)) latTree = tf.Get("skimTree") theCut = "gain==0 && isGood && trapENFCal < 50" tNames = [ "channel", "trapENFCal", "isGood", "gain", "startClockTime_s", "clockTime_s", "tOffset", "mH", "Entry$" ] tVals = wl.GetVX(latTree, tNames, theCut) for idx in range(len(tVals["channel"])): ent = tVals["Entry$"][idx] ch = tVals["channel"][idx] ene = tVals["trapENFCal"][idx] toff = tVals["tOffset"][idx] / 1e9 ts = tVals["clockTime_s"][idx] - tVals["startClockTime_s"][ idx] + toff mH = tVals["mH"][idx] chData[ch].append((ene, ts, mH, ent)) tf.Close() np.savez("../plots/cal-loChan-E-Ts.npz", runTime, chData)
def getRunTime(runList): from ROOT import TFile, TTree, GATDataSet runTime = 0 for run in runList: gds = GATDataSet() gatPath = gds.GetPathToRun(run, GATDataSet.kGatified) tf = TFile(gatPath) gatTree = tf.Get("mjdTree") gatTree.GetEntry(0) runTime += gatTree.timeinfo.stopTime - gatTree.timeinfo.startTime tf.Close() print(run, runTime) return runTime
def ds4Check(): """ For some reason the DS4 auto-thresh jobs didn't finish. Is it because the chains are super enormous? Result: It seems that GATDataSet is super slow for DS4. """ import time from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, TTree ds, sub = 4, 13 # ds, sub = 5, 47 bkg = dsi.BkgInfo() for bkgIdx in bkg.getRanges(ds): if bkgIdx not in [sub]: continue runList = bkg.getRunList(ds, bkgIdx) print("DS:",ds,"bkgIdx:",bkgIdx) gds = GATDataSet() for run in runList: start = time.time() gPath = gds.GetPathToRun(run,GATDataSet.kGatified) bPath = gds.GetPathToRun(run,GATDataSet.kBuilt) print(run, "%.4f" % (time.time()-start))
def getSettings(ds, key, mod, cIdx, writeDB=False): """ Scan datasets for trapThresh and HV changes. Go by cIdx and write entries to calDB-v2.json. TRAP Thresholds: {"key":"trapThr_[key]_c[cIdx]", "value": {'det':[(run1,thr1),(run2,thr2)...]} } (det is CPD of detector, obtained from DetInfo.allDets) HV Thresholds: {"key":"hvBias_[key]_c[cIdx]", "value": {det:[(run1,thr1),(run2,thr2)...]} } """ from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, MJTChannelMap, MJTChannelSettings global pMons, detCH # this is the data we're gonna save dbKeyTH = "trapThr_%s_c%d" % (key, cIdx) dbKeyHV = "hvBias_%s_c%d" % (key, cIdx) detTH = {d: [] for d in det.allDets} # trap threshold setting detHV = {d: [] for d in det.allDets} # HV bias setting # We only want to access the cal and GOOD bkg runs that fall in this run list, # and also assert that HV values do NOT change during calibration runs. (why would they?) # These decisions are made to save processing time. runList = [] calLo, calHi = cal.GetCalRunCoverage(key, cIdx) for run in bkg.getRunList(ds): if (calLo <= run <= calHi): runList.append(run) calList = cal.GetCalList(key, cIdx) runList.append(calList[0]) runList = sorted( runList ) # if the cal run isn't before the bkg runs, it's not the first run in this list print("\nDS%d M%d (%s) cIdx %d (%d runs) %s %s" % (ds, mod, key, cIdx, len(runList), dbKeyTH, dbKeyHV)) # use GDS once just to pull out the path. gds = GATDataSet() runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0], GATDataSet.kGatified) filePath = '/'.join(runPath.split('/')[:-1]) # track time per run so we can identify slowdowns on PDSF start = time.time() # begin loop over runs for idx, run in enumerate(runList): # print progress # f = np.fabs(100*idx/len(runList) % 10) # if f < 0.5: # print("%d/%d (run %d) %.1f%% done." % (idx, len(runList), run, 100*idx/len(runList))) # make sure file exists and it's not blind before trying to load it fname = filePath + "/mjd_run%d.root" % run if not os.path.isfile(fname): # print("Couldn't find run",run,":",fname) continue if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK): # print("File is blind:",fname) continue tf = TFile(fname) # make sure ChannelSettings and ChannelMap exist in this file objs = [key.GetName() for key in tf.GetListOfKeys()] if "ChannelSettings" not in objs or "ChannelMap" not in objs: print("Settings objects not found in file:", fname) tf.Close() continue chSet = tf.Get("ChannelSettings") chMap = tf.Get("ChannelMap") # load pulser monitor channel list chPulser = chMap.GetPulserChanList() chPulser = [chPulser[i] for i in range(len(chPulser))] if ds == 1: chPulser.extend([ 674, 675, 677 ]) # 674, 675, 677 are not in the MJTChannelMap's due to a bug pMons.update(chPulser) # loop over enabled channels thrReset = False for ch in chSet.GetEnabledIDList(): detName = chMap.GetString(ch, "kDetectorName") detCPD = chMap.GetString(ch, "kStringName") + "D" + str( chMap.GetInt(ch, "kDetectorPosition")) detID = ''.join(i for i in detCPD if i.isdigit()) # skip pulser monitors / special channels if detID == '0': if ch not in pMons: print("ch %d not in pulserMons list! Adding it ..." % ch) pMons.add(ch) continue # access threshold and HV settings gretCrate = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kVME") gretCard = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kCardSlot") gretHG = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kChanHi") gretLG = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kChanLo") threshHG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold", gretCrate, gretCard, gretHG, "ORGretina4MModel") threshLG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold", gretCrate, gretCard, gretLG, "ORGretina4MModel") # print(ch, detCPD, detID, gretCrate, gretCard, gretHG, gretLG) # if detCPD=='C1P2D2': # print(ch, detCPD, detID, threshHG) hvCrate = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kHVCrate") hvCard = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kHVCard") hvChan = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kHVChan") hvTarget = chMap.GetInt(ch, "kMaxVoltage") hvActual = chSet.GetInt("targets", hvCrate, hvCard, hvChan, "OREHS8260pModel") # print(ch, detCPD, detID, hvCrate, hvCard, hvChan, hvTarget, hvActual) # fill our data objects thisTH = (run, threshHG) # NOTE: HG only thisHV = (run, hvActual) if len(detTH[detID]) == 0: detTH[detID].append(thisTH) if len(detHV[detID]) == 0: detHV[detID].append(thisHV) # if we detect a difference, add a new (run,val) pair if len(detTH[detID]) != 0: prevTH = detTH[detID][-1] if thisTH[1] != prevTH[1]: detTH[detID].append(thisTH) thrReset = True if len(detHV[detID]) != 0: prevHV = detHV[detID][-1] if thisHV[1] != prevHV[1]: detHV[detID].append(thisHV) print("Found HV diff, run %d. C%sP%sD%s, %dV -> %dV" % (run, detID[0], detID[1], detID[2], prevHV[1], thisHV[1])) # skip LG channels if ch % 2 != 0: continue thisCH = (run, ch) if len(detCH[detID]) == 0: detCH[detID].append(thisCH) if len(detCH[detID]) != 0: prevCH = detCH[detID][-1] if thisCH[1] != prevCH[1]: detCH[detID].append(thisCH) if thrReset: print("Thresholds reset, run %d" % run) tf.Close() # return # limit to 1 run # note the time elapsed timeElapsed = time.time() - start print("Elapsed: %.4f sec, %.4f sec/run" % (timeElapsed, timeElapsed / len(runList))) # debug: print the values # print(dbKeyTH) # for val in sorted(detTH): # if len(detTH[val])>0: # print(val, detTH[val]) # fill the DB if writeDB: calDB = db.TinyDB("%s/calDB-v2.json" % dsi.latSWDir) pars = db.Query() dsi.setDBRecord({ "key": dbKeyTH, "vals": detTH }, forceUpdate=True, calDB=calDB, pars=pars) dsi.setDBRecord({ "key": dbKeyHV, "vals": detHV }, forceUpdate=True, calDB=calDB, pars=pars) print("DB filled.")
def main(argv): print("=======================================") print("LAT started:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z')) startT = time.clock() # gROOT.ProcessLine("gErrorIgnoreLevel = 3001;") # suppress ROOT error messages global batMode intMode, batMode, rangeMode, fileMode, gatMode, singleMode, pathMode, cutMode = False, False, False, False, False, False, False, False dontUseTCuts = False dsNum, subNum, runNum, plotNum = -1, -1, -1, 1 pathToInput, pathToOutput, manualInput, manualOutput, customPar = ".", ".", "", "", "" if len(argv)==0: return for i,opt in enumerate(argv): if opt == "-r": rangeMode, dsNum, subNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]) print("Scanning DS-%d sub-range %d" % (dsNum, subNum)) if opt == "-p": pathMode, manualInput, manualOutput = True, argv[i+1], argv[i+2] print("Manually set input/output files:\nInput: %s\nOutput: %s" % (manualInput, manualOutput)) if opt == "-d": pathToInput, pathToOutput = argv[i+1], argv[i+2] print("Custom paths: Input %s, Output %s" % (pathToInput,pathToOutput)) if opt == "-f": fileMode, dsNum, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1]), int(argv[i+2]) print("Scanning DS-%d, run %d" % (dsNum, runNum)) if opt == "-g": gatMode, runNum = True, int(argv[i+1]) print("GATDataSet mode. Scanning run %d" % (runNum)) if opt == "-s": singleMode, pathToInput = True, argv[i+1] print("Single file mode. Scanning {}".format(pathToInput)) if opt == "-i": intMode, plotNum = True, int(argv[i+1]) print("Interactive mode selected. Use \"p\" for previous and \"q\" to exit.") if opt == "-x": dontUseTCuts = True print("DC TCuts deactivated. Retaining all events ...") if opt == "-c": cutMode, customPar = True, str(argv[i+1]) print("Using custom cut parameter: {}".format(customPar)) if opt == "-b": batMode = True import matplotlib # if os.environ.get('DISPLAY','') == '': # print('No display found. Using non-interactive Agg backend') matplotlib.use('Agg') print("Batch mode selected. A new file will be created.") import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import gridspec import matplotlib.ticker as mtick'pltTalks.mplstyle') from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm, Normalize # File I/O inFile, outFile, bltFile = TFile(), TFile(), TFile() gatTree, bltTree, out = TTree(), TTree(), TTree() theCut, inPath, outPath = "", "", "" # Set input and output files if rangeMode: inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, subNum) outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, subNum) if fileMode: inPath = "%s/waveSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToInput, dsNum, runNum) outPath = "%s/latSkimDS%d_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, dsNum, runNum) if pathMode: inPath, outPath = manualInput, manualOutput if gatMode: ds = GATDataSet() gatPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kGatified) bltPath = ds.GetPathToRun(runNum,GATDataSet.kBuilt) outPath = "%s/lat_run%d.root" % (pathToOutput, runNum) if pathMode and gatMode: outPath = manualOutput # Initialize trees if rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode: inFile = TFile(inPath) gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") print(gatTree.GetEntries(),"entries in input tree.") elif gatMode: inFile = TFile(gatPath) bltFile = TFile(bltPath) gatTree = inFile.Get("mjdTree") bltTree = bltFile.Get("MGTree") gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) if singleMode: inFile = TFile(pathToInput) gatTree = inFile.Get("skimTree") # apply cut to tree if (rangeMode or fileMode or pathMode) and not dontUseTCuts: try: theCut = inFile.Get("theCut").GetTitle() except ReferenceError: theCut = "" if cutMode: # theCut += customPar # theCut = "(channel==672 || channel==674) && mH==2" # sync chan: 672, extp chan: 674 # theCut += " && fitSlo < 10" # theCut = "trapENFCal > 1 && trapENFCal < 10 && riseNoise > 2" theCut = "trapENFCal > 20 && trapENFCal < 100 && riseNoise > 2" print("WARNING: Custom cut in use! : ",theCut) gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") elist = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(elist) nList = elist.GetN() print("Using cut:\n",theCut) print("Found",gatTree.GetEntries(),"input entries.") print("Found",nList,"entries passing cuts.") # Output: In batch mode (-b) only, create an output file+tree & append new branches. if batMode and not intMode: outFile = TFile(outPath, "RECREATE") print("Attempting tree copy to",outPath) out = gatTree.CopyTree("") out.Write() print("Wrote",out.GetEntries(),"entries.") cutUsed = TNamed("theCut",theCut) cutUsed.Write() waveS1, waveS2 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() waveS3, waveS4, waveS5 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() bcMax, bcMin = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() bandMax, bandTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() den10, den50, den90 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() oppie = std.vector("double")() fitMu, fitAmp, fitSlo = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fitTau, fitBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() matchMax, matchWidth, matchTime = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() pol0, pol1, pol2, pol3 = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fails, fitChi2, fitLL = std.vector("int")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() riseNoise = std.vector("double")() t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() latAF, latFC, latAFC = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() nMS = std.vector("int")() tE50, latE50, wfStd = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() wfAvgBL, wfRMSBL = std.vector("double")(), std.vector("double")() fitErr = std.vector("int")() # It's not possible to put the "out.Branch" call into a class initializer (waveLibs::latBranch). You suck, ROOT. b1, b2 = out.Branch("waveS1",waveS1), out.Branch("waveS2",waveS2) b3, b4, b5 = out.Branch("waveS3",waveS3), out.Branch("waveS4",waveS4), out.Branch("waveS5",waveS5) b7, b8 = out.Branch("bcMax",bcMax), out.Branch("bcMin",bcMin) b9, b10 = out.Branch("bandMax",bandMax), out.Branch("bandTime",bandTime) b11, b12, b13 = out.Branch("den10",den10), out.Branch("den50",den50), out.Branch("den90",den90) b14 = out.Branch("oppie",oppie) b15, b16, b17 = out.Branch("fitMu", fitMu), out.Branch("fitAmp", fitAmp), out.Branch("fitSlo", fitSlo) b18, b19 = out.Branch("fitTau",fitTau), out.Branch("fitBL",fitBL) b20, b21, b22 = out.Branch("matchMax", matchMax), out.Branch("matchWidth", matchWidth), out.Branch("matchTime", matchTime) b23, b24, b25, b26 = out.Branch("pol0", pol0), out.Branch("pol1", pol1), out.Branch("pol2", pol2), out.Branch("pol3", pol3) b27, b28, b29 = out.Branch("fails",fails), out.Branch("fitChi2",fitChi2), out.Branch("fitLL",fitLL) b30 = out.Branch("riseNoise",riseNoise) b31, b32, b33, b34 = out.Branch("t0_SLE",t0_SLE), out.Branch("t0_ALE",t0_ALE), out.Branch("lat",lat), out.Branch("latF",latF) b35, b36, b37 = out.Branch("latAF",latAF), out.Branch("latFC",latFC), out.Branch("latAFC",latAFC) b38 = out.Branch("nMS",nMS) b39, b40, b41 = out.Branch("tE50", tE50), out.Branch("latE50", latE50), out.Branch("wfStd", wfStd) b42, b43 = out.Branch("wfAvgBL", wfAvgBL), out.Branch("wfRMSBL", wfRMSBL) b44 = out.Branch("fitErr",fitErr) # make a dictionary that can be iterated over (avoids code repetition in the loop) brDict = { "waveS1":[waveS1, b1], "waveS2":[waveS2, b2], "waveS3":[waveS3, b3], "waveS4":[waveS4, b4], "waveS5":[waveS5, b5], "bcMax":[bcMax, b7], "bcMin":[bcMin, b8], "bandMax":[bandMax, b9], "bandTime":[bandTime, b10], "den10":[den10, b11], "den50":[den50, b12], "den90":[den90, b13], "oppie":[oppie, b14], "fitMu":[fitMu, b15], "fitAmp":[fitAmp, b16], "fitSlo":[fitSlo, b17], "fitTau":[fitTau, b18], "fitBL":[fitBL,b19], "matchMax":[matchMax, b20], "matchWidth":[matchWidth, b21], "matchTime":[matchTime, b22], "pol0":[pol0, b23], "pol1":[pol1, b24], "pol2":[pol2, b25], "pol3":[pol3, b26], "fails":[fails,b27], "fitChi2":[fitChi2,b28], "fitLL":[fitLL,b29], "riseNoise":[riseNoise,b30], "t0_SLE":[t0_SLE,b31], "t0_ALE":[t0_ALE,b32], "lat":[lat,b33], "latF":[latF,b34], "latAF":[latAF,b35], "latFC":[latFC,b36], "latAFC":[latAFC,b37], "nMS":[nMS,b38], "tE50":[tE50,b39], "latE50":[latE50,b40], "wfStd":[wfStd,b41], "wfAvgBL":[wfAvgBL,b42], "wfRMSBL":[wfRMSBL,b43], "fitErr":[fitErr,b44] } # Make a figure (-i option: select different plots) # fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12,9), facecolor='w') fig = plt.figure() if plotNum==0 or plotNum==7 or plotNum==8: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # 0-raw waveform, 7-new trap filters elif plotNum==1 or plotNum==2: p0 = plt.subplot(211) # 1-wavelet, 2-time points, bandpass filters, tail slope p1 = plt.subplot(212) elif plotNum==3: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,0), colspan=3) # oppie / freq-domain matched filter p1 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (0,3), colspan=2) p2 = plt.subplot2grid((2,5), (1,0), colspan=3) elif plotNum==4: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # time-domain matched filter elif plotNum==5: p0 = plt.subplot(111) # bandpass / bandTime elif plotNum==6: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (0,0), colspan=10, rowspan=3) # waveform fit p1 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (3,0), colspan=10, rowspan=1) # residual p2 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,0), colspan=2, rowspan=2) # traces p3 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,2), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p4 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,4), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p5 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,6), colspan=2, rowspan=2) p6 = plt.subplot2grid((6,10), (4,8), colspan=2, rowspan=2) elif plotNum==9: p0 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (0,0)) # 9- wpt on wf fit residual p1 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (1,0), rowspan=2) p2 = plt.subplot2grid((5,1), (3,0), rowspan=2) if not batMode: # Load a fast signal template - used w/ the freq-domain matched filter # print("Generating signal template ...") tSamp, tR, tZ, tAmp, tST, tSlo = 5000, 0, 15, 100, 2500, 10 # tOrig, tOrigTS = wl.MakeSiggenWaveform(tSamp,tR,tZ,tAmp,tST,tSlo) # Damn you to hell, PDSF templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) if dsNum==2 or dsNum==6: templateFile = np.load("%s/data/lat_ds2template.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) tOrig, tOrigTS = templateFile['arr_0'], templateFile['arr_1'] # Load stuff from DS1 forced acq. runs npzfile = np.load("%s/data/fft_forcedAcqDS1.npz" % os.environ['LATDIR']) noise_asd, noise_xFreq, avgPwrSpec, xPwrSpec, data_forceAcq, data_fft = npzfile['arr_0'],npzfile['arr_1'],npzfile['arr_2'],npzfile['arr_3'],npzfile['arr_4'],npzfile['arr_5'] # Loop over events print("Starting event loop ...") iList = -1 while True: iList += 1 if intMode==True and iList != 0: value = input() if value=='q': break # quit if value=='p': iList -= 2 # go to previous if (value.isdigit()): iList = int(value) # go to entry number elif intMode==False and batMode==False: plt.pause(0.00001) # rapid-draw mode if iList >= nList: break # bail out, goose! entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = event = MGTEvent() if gatMode: event = bltTree.event # Reset all branch vectors # NOTE: The events sometimes contain 'straggler' hits that do not pass the # given TCut. This line sets ALL the new parameters to -88888 by default. # If you see this value in a plot, then you must be including hits that # passed the cut in wave-skim but did not pass the (different?) cut in LAT. for key in brDict: brDict[key][0].assign(nChans,-88888) brDict["fails"][0].assign(nChans,0) # set error code to 'true' by default errorCode = [0,0,0,0] # Loop over hits passing cuts numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in range(numPass))) hitList = (iH for iH in range(nChans) if in chanList) # a 'generator expression' for iH in hitList: # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Waveform processing # load data run = chan = dataENFCal = dataENM = dataTSMax =*10. - 4000 wf = MGTWaveform() iEvent = 0 if gatMode: wf = event.GetWaveform(iH) iEvent = entry else: wf = iEvent = gatTree.iEvent # print("%d: run %d chan %d trapENFCal %.2f" % (iList, run, chan, dataENFCal)) # be absolutely sure you're matching the right waveform to this hit if wf.GetID() != chan: print("ERROR -- Vector matching failed. iList %d run %d iEvent %d" % (iList,run,iEvent)) return # Let's start the show - grab a waveform. # Remove first 4 samples when we have multisampling # Remove last 2 samples to get rid of the ADC spike at the end of all wf's. truncLo, truncHi = 0, 2 if dsNum==6 or dsNum==2: truncLo = 4 signal = wl.processWaveform(wf,truncLo,truncHi) data = signal.GetWaveRaw() data_blSub = signal.GetWaveBLSub() dataTS = signal.GetTS() dataBL,dataNoise = signal.GetBaseNoise() # wavelet packet transform wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data_blSub, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4) nodes = wp.get_level(4, order='freq') wpCoeff = np.array([ for n in nodes],'d') wpCoeff = abs(wpCoeff) # wavelet parameters # First get length of wavelet on the time axis, the scale axis will always be the same # due to the number of levels in the wavelet wpLength = len(wpCoeff[1,:]) waveS1[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,1:wpLength//4+1]) # python3 : floor division (//) returns an int waveS2[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) waveS3[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) waveS4[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[0:1,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) waveS5[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,1:-1]) S6 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1]) S7 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) S8 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) S9 = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) S10 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,1:wpLength//4+1]) S11 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) S12 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) S13 = np.sum(wpCoeff[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) sumList = [S6, S7, S8, S9, S10, S11, S12, S13] bcMax[iH] = np.max(sumList) bcMin[iH] = 1. if np.min(sumList) < 1 else np.min(sumList) # reconstruct waveform w/ only lowest frequency. new_wp = pywt.WaveletPacket(data=None, wavelet='db2', mode='symmetric') new_wp['aaa'] = wp['aaa'].data data_wlDenoised = new_wp.reconstruct(update=False) # resize in a smart way diff = len(data_wlDenoised) - len(data_blSub) if diff > 0: data_wlDenoised = data_wlDenoised[diff:] # waveform high/lowpass filters - parameters are a little arbitrary B1,A1 = butter(2, [1e5/(1e8/2),1e6/(1e8/2)], btype='bandpass') data_bPass = lfilter(B1, A1, data_blSub) # used in the multisite tagger B2, A2 = butter(1, 0.08) data_filt = filtfilt(B2, A2, data_blSub) data_filtDeriv = wl.wfDerivative(data_filt) filtAmp = np.amax(data_filtDeriv) # scale the max to match the amplitude data_filtDeriv = data_filtDeriv * (dataENM / filtAmp) B3, A3 = butter(2,1e6/(1e8/2), btype='lowpass') data_lPass = lfilter(B3, A3, data_blSub) idx = np.where((dataTS > dataTS[0]+100) & (dataTS < dataTS[-1]-100)) windowingOffset = dataTS[idx][0] - dataTS[0] bandMax[iH] = np.amax(data_bPass[idx]) bandTime[iH] = dataTS[ np.argmax(data_bPass[idx])] - windowingOffset # timepoints of low-pass waveforms tpc = MGWFTimePointCalculator(); tpc.AddPoint(.2) tpc.AddPoint(.5) tpc.AddPoint(.9) mgtLowPass = wl.MGTWFFromNpArray(data_lPass) tpc.FindTimePoints(mgtLowPass) den10[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(0)*10 den50[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(1)*10 den90[iH] = tpc.GetFromStartRiseTime(2)*10 # ================ xgauss waveform fitting ================ amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = dataENM, dataTSMax, 600., -72000., dataBL floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl]) temp = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats) if not batMode: MakeTracesGlobal() # get the noise of the denoised wf denoisedNoise,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_wlDenoised) # NOTE: fit is to wavelet-denoised data, BECAUSE there are no HF components in the model, # AND we'll still calculate fitChi2 w/r/t the data, not the denoised data. # datas = [dataTS, data, dataNoise] # fit data datas = [dataTS, data_wlDenoised + dataBL, denoisedNoise] # fit wavelet-denoised data w/ Bl added back in # Set bounds - A,mu,sig,tau,bl. # bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None),(None,None)) # often gets caught at sig=0 bnd = ((None,None),(None,None),(2.,None),(-72001.,-71999.),(None,None)) # gets caught much less often. # L-BGFS-B with numerical gradient. start = time.clock() result = op.minimize(lnLike, floats, args=datas, method="L-BFGS-B", options=None, bounds=bnd) fitSpeed = time.clock() - start fitErr[iH] = 0 if not result["success"]: # print("fit fail: ", result["message"]) fitErr[iH] = 1 errorCode[0] = 1 amp, mu, sig, tau, bl = result["x"] # save parameters fitMu[iH], fitAmp[iH], fitSlo[iH], fitTau[iH], fitBL[iH] = mu, amp, sig, tau, bl floats = np.asarray([amp, mu, sig, tau, bl]) fit = xgModelWF(dataTS, floats) # print("%d/%d iH %d e %-10.2f fs %-8.2f f %d" % (iList, nList, iH, dataENFCal, fitSlo[iH], fitErr[iH])) # log-likelihood of this fit fitLL[iH] = result["fun"] # chi-square of this fit # Textbook is (observed - expected)^2 / expected, # but we'll follow and do (observed - expected)^2 / NDF. # NOTE: we're doing the chi2 against the DATA, though the FIT is to the DENOISED DATA. fitChi2[iH] = np.sum(np.square(data-fit)) / (len(data)-1)/dataNoise # get wavelet coeff's for rising edge only. normalize to bcMin # view this w/ plot 1 # find the window of rising edge fit_blSub = fit - bl fitMaxTime = dataTS[np.argmax(fit_blSub)] fitStartTime = dataTS[0] idx = np.where(fit_blSub < 0.1) if len(dataTS[idx] > 0): fitStartTime = dataTS[idx][-1] fitRiseTime50 = (fitMaxTime + fitStartTime)/2. # bcMin is 32 samples long in the x-direction. # if we make the window half as wide, it'll have the same # of coeff's as bcMin. # this is still 'cheating' since we're not summing over the same rows. numXRows = wpCoeff.shape[1] wpCtrRise = int((fitRiseTime50 - dataTS[0]) / (dataTS[-1] - dataTS[0]) * numXRows) wpLoRise = wpCtrRise - 8 if wpLoRise < 0: wpLoRise = 0 wpHiRise = wpCtrRise + 8 if wpHiRise > numXRows: wpHiRise = numXRows # sum all HF wavelet components for this edge. riseNoise[iH] = np.sum(wpCoeff[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMin[iH] # print("%d %d %d %d e %-5.2f bmax %-6.2f bmin %-6.2f mu %-5.2f a %-5.2f s %-5.2f bl %-5.2f rn %.2f" % (run,iList,iH,chan,dataENFCal,bcMax[iH],bcMin[iH],fitMu[iH],fitAmp[iH],fitSlo[iH],fitBL[iH],riseNoise[iH])) # ========================================================= # optimal matched filter (freq. domain) # we use the pysiggen fast template (not the fit result) to keep this independent of the wf fitter. # pull in the template, shift it, and make sure it's the same length as the data guessTS = tOrigTS - 15000. idx = np.where((guessTS > -5) & (guessTS < dataTS[-1])) guessTS, guess = guessTS[idx], tOrig[idx] if len(guess)!=len(data): if len(guess)>len(data): guess, guessTS = guess[0:len(data)], guessTS[0:len(data)] else: guess = np.pad(guess, (0,len(data)-len(guess)), 'edge') guessTS = np.pad(guessTS, (0,len(data)-len(guessTS)), 'edge') data_fft = np.fft.fft(data_blSub) # can also try taking fft of the low-pass data temp_fft = np.fft.fft(guess) datafreq = np.fft.fftfreq(data.size) * 1e8 power_vec = np.interp(datafreq, noise_xFreq, noise_asd) # load power spectra from file # Apply the filter optimal = data_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec optimal_time = 2 * np.fft.ifft(optimal) # Normalize the output df = np.abs(datafreq[1] - datafreq[0]) # freq. bin size sigmasq = 2 * (temp_fft * temp_fft.conjugate() / power_vec).sum() * df sigma = np.sqrt(np.abs(sigmasq)) SNR = abs(optimal_time) / (sigma) oppie[iH] = np.amax(SNR) # time-domain matched filter. use the baseline-subtracted wf as data, and fit_blSub too. # make a longer best-fit waveform s/t it can be shifted L/R. matchTS = np.append(dataTS, np.arange(dataTS[-1], dataTS[-1] + 20000, 10)) # add 2000 samples match = xgModelWF(matchTS, [amp, mu+10000., sig, tau, bl]) # shift mu accordingly match = match[::-1] - bl # time flip and subtract off bl # line up the max of the 'match' (flipped wf) with the max of the best-fit wf # this kills the 1-1 matching between matchTS and dataTS (each TS has some offset) matchMaxTime = matchTS[np.argmax(match)] matchTS = matchTS + (fitMaxTime - matchMaxTime) # resize match, matchTS to have same # samples as data, dataTS. # this is the only case we really care about # ("too early" and "too late" also happen, but the shift is larger than the trigger walk, making it unphysical) if matchTS[0] <= dataTS[0] and matchTS[-1] >= dataTS[-1]: idx = np.where((matchTS >= dataTS[0]) & (matchTS <= dataTS[-1])) match, matchTS = match[idx], matchTS[idx] sizeDiff = len(dataTS)-len(matchTS) if sizeDiff < 0: match, matchTS = match[:sizeDiff], matchTS[:sizeDiff] elif sizeDiff > 0: match = np.hstack((match, np.zeros(sizeDiff))) matchTS = np.hstack((matchTS, dataTS[-1*sizeDiff:])) if len(match) != len(data): print("FIXME: match filter array manip is still broken.") # compute match filter parameters matchMax[iH], matchWidth[iH], matchTime[iH] = -888, -888, -888 if len(match)==len(data): smoothMF = gaussian_filter(match * data_blSub, sigma=5.) matchMax[iH] = np.amax(smoothMF) matchTime[iH] = matchTS[ np.argmax(smoothMF) ] idx = np.where(smoothMF > matchMax[iH]/2.) if len(matchTS[idx]>1): matchWidth[iH] = matchTS[idx][-1] - matchTS[idx][0] # Fit tail slope to polynomial. Guard against fit fails idx = np.where(dataTS >= fitMaxTime) tail, tailTS = data[idx], dataTS[idx] popt1,popt2 = 0,0 try: popt1,_ = op.curve_fit(wl.tailModelPol, tailTS, tail) pol0[iH], pol1[iH], pol2[iH], pol3[iH] = popt1[0], popt1[1], popt1[2], popt1[3] except: # print("curve_fit tailModelPol failed, run %i event %i channel %i" % (run, iList, chan)) errorCode[2] = 1 pass # ========================================================= # new trap filters. # params: t0_SLE, t0_ALE, lat, latF, latAF, latFC, latAFC # calculate trapezoids # standard trapezoid - prone to walking, less sensitive to noise. use to find energy eTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 400, 250, 7200.) eTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(eTrap)*10., 10) eTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(eTrapTS, eTrap) # short trapezoid - triggers more quickly, sensitive to noise. use to find t0 sTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_blSub, 100, 150, 7200.) sTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(sTrap)*10., 10) # asymmetric trapezoid - used to find the t0 only aTrap = wl.asymTrapFilter(data_blSub, 4, 10, 200, True) # (0.04us, 0.1us, 2.0us) aTrapTS = np.arange(0, len(aTrap)*10., 10) # find leading edges (t0 times) # limit the range from 0 to 10us, and use an ADC threshold of 1.0 as suggested by DCR t0_SLE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(sTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from short trap t0_ALE[iH],_ = wl.walkBackT0(aTrap, eTrapTS[-1]+7000-4000-2000, 1., 0, 1000) # (in ns) finds leading edge from asymmetric trap # standard energy trapezoid w/ a baseline padded waveform data_pad = np.pad(data_blSub,(200,0),'symmetric') pTrap = wl.trapFilter(data_pad, 400, 250, 7200.) pTrapTS = np.linspace(0, len(pTrap)*10, len(pTrap)) pTrapInterp = interpolate.interp1d(pTrapTS, pTrap) # calculate energy parameters # standard amplitude. basically trapEM, but w/o NL correction if the input WF doesn't have it. lat[iH] = np.amax(eTrap) # Calculate DCR suggested amplitude, using the 50% to the left and right of the maximum point t0_F50,t0fail1 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1) t0_B50,t0fail2 = wl.walkBackT0(pTrap, thresh=lat[iH]*0.5, rmin=0, rmax=len(pTrap)-1, forward=True) t0_E50 = (t0_F50 + t0_B50)/2.0 #TODO -- if it's necessary due to the trigger walk, we could potentially add a way to recursively increase the threshold until a timepoint is found, however it will still always fail for most noise events if not t0fail1 or not t0fail2: latE50[iH] = 0 # Set amplitude to 0 if one of the evaluations failed else: latE50[iH] = pTrapInterp(t0_E50) # Maybe I should call this latDCR50 to confuse people tE50[iH] = t0_B50 - t0_F50 # Save the difference between the middle points, can be used as a cut later # standard amplitude with t0 from the shorter traps # If either fixed pickoff time (t0) is < 0, use the first sample as the amplitude (energy). latF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) ) # This should be ~trapEF latAF[iH] = eTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH]-7000+4000+2000, 0.]) ) # amplitude from padded trapezoid, with t0 from short traps and a correction function # function is under development. currently: f() = exp(p0 + p1*E), p0 ~ 7.8, p1 ~ -0.45 and -0.66 # functional walk back distance is *either* the minimum of the function value, or 5500 (standard value) # t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 # no correction t0_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.45*lat[iH]),1000.]) t0A_corr = -7000+6000+2000 - np.amin([np.exp(7.8 - 0.66*lat[iH]),1000.]) latFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_SLE[iH] + t0_corr, 0.]) ) latAFC[iH] = pTrapInterp( np.amax([t0_ALE[iH] + t0A_corr, 0.]) ) # ========================================================= # the genius multisite event tagger - plot 8 # decide a threshold dIdx = np.argmax(data_filtDeriv) dMax = data_filtDeriv[dIdx] dRMS,_,_ = wl.baselineParameters(data_filtDeriv) # msThresh = np.amax([dMax * .2, dRMS * 5.]) # msThresh = dMax * .15 msThresh = 50. # I don't know. this seems like a good value # run peak detect algorithm maxtab,_ = wl.peakdet(data_filtDeriv, msThresh) # profit msList = [] for iMax in range(len(maxtab)): idx = int(maxtab[iMax][0]) val = maxtab[iMax][1] msList.append(dataTS[idx]) # print("%d idx %d TS %d val %.2f thresh %.2f" % (iList, idx, dataTS[idx], val, msThresh)) nMS[iH] = len(maxtab) # ========================================================= # wfStd analysis wfAvgBL[iH] = dataBL wfRMSBL[iH] = dataNoise wfStd[iH] = np.std(data[5:-5]) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End waveform processing. # Calculate error code fails[iH] = 0 for i,j in enumerate(errorCode): if j==1: fails[iH] += int(j)<<i # print("fails:",fails[iH]) # Make plots! if batMode: continue if plotNum==0: # raw data p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,'b') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal)) p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.) p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.) if plotNum==1: # wavelet plot p0.cla() p0.margins(x=0) p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data (%.2f keV)' % dataENFCal) p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='denoised',alpha=0.7) p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=2) # p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime)) p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_xlabel("Time (ns)", ha='right', x=1.) p0.set_ylabel("Voltage (ADC)", ha='right', y=1.) p1.cla() p1.imshow(wpCoeff, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis') p1.axvline(float(wpLoRise)/numXRows,color='orange',linewidth=2) p1.axvline(float(wpHiRise)/numXRows,color='orange',linewidth=2) # p1.set_title("waveS5 %.2f bcMax %.2f bcMin %.2f riseNoise %.2f" % (waveS5[iH], bcMax[iH], bcMin[iH], riseNoise[iH])) # p1.set_xlabel("Time (%wf)", ha='right', x=1.) p1.set_ylabel("WPT Coefficients", ha='right', y=1.) if plotNum==2: # time points, bandpass filters, tail slope p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,color='blue',label='data') p0.axvline(den10[iH],color='black',label='lpTP') p0.axvline(den50[iH],color='black') p0.axvline(den90[iH],color='black') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='magenta',label='bestfit') if errorCode[2]!=1: p0.plot(tailTS, wl.tailModelPol(tailTS, *popt1), color='orange',linewidth=2, label='tailPol') p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,data_lPass,color='blue',label='lowpass') p1.plot(dataTS,data_filtDeriv,color='green',label='filtDeriv') p1.plot(dataTS,data_filt,color='black',label='filtfilt') p1.plot(dataTS,data_bPass,color='red',label='bpass') p1.axvline(bandTime[iH],color='orange',label='bandTime') p1.legend(loc='best') if plotNum==3: # freq-domain matched filter p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,'b') p0.plot(dataTS,temp,'r') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='cyan') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) data_asd, data_xFreq = plt.psd(data, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False) temp_asd, temp_xFreq = plt.psd(temp, Fs=1e8, NFFT=2048, pad_to=2048, visible=False) p1.cla() p1.loglog(data_xFreq, np.sqrt(data_asd), 'b') p1.loglog(noise_xFreq, np.sqrt(noise_asd), 'g') p1.loglog(temp_xFreq, np.sqrt(temp_asd), 'r') p1.set_xlabel('Frequency (Hz)') p1.set_ylabel('ASD') p1.grid('on') p2.cla() p2.plot(dataTS, SNR) p2.set_title('oppie %.1f' % (oppie[iH])) p2.set_xlabel('Offset time (s)') p2.set_ylabel('SNR') if plotNum==4: # time domain match filter plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data',alpha=0.7) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=3) p0.axvline(matchTime[iH],color='orange',label='matchTime',linewidth=2) p0.plot(matchTS,smoothMF,color='magenta',label='smoothMF',linewidth=3) p0.plot(matchTS,match,color='cyan',label='match',linewidth=3) p0.set_xlabel('Time (s)') p0.set_ylabel('Voltage (arb)') p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f matchMax %.2f matchTime %.2f matchWidth %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal,matchMax[iH],matchTime[iH],matchWidth[iH])) if plotNum==5: # bandTime plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data',alpha=0.7) p0.plot(dataTS,data_lPass,color='magenta',label='lowpass',linewidth=4) p0.plot(dataTS,data_bPass,color='red',label='bpass',linewidth=4) p0.axvline(bandTime[iH],color='orange',label='bandTime',linewidth=4) p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_xlabel('Time (ns)') p0.set_ylabel('ADC (arb)') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f" % (run,iEvent,chan,dataENFCal)) if plotNum==6: # waveform fit plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS,data,color='blue',label='data') # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='wlDenoised',alpha=0.5) p0.plot(dataTS,temp,color='orange',label='xgauss guess') p0.plot(dataTS,fit,color='red',label='xgauss fit') p0.set_title("Run %d evt %d chan %d trapENFCal %.1f trapENM %.1f deltaBL %.1f\n amp %.2f mu %.2f sig %.2f tau %.2f chi2 %.2f spd %.3f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,dataENM,dataBL-bl,amp,mu,sig,tau,fitChi2[iH],fitSpeed)) p0.legend(loc='best') p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,data-fit,color='blue',label='residual') p1.legend(loc='best') p2.cla() p2.plot(ampTr[1:],label='amp',color='red') p2.legend(loc='best') p3.cla() p3.plot(muTr[1:],label='mu',color='green') p3.legend(loc='best') p4.cla() p4.plot(sigTr[1:],label='sig',color='blue') p4.yaxis.set_major_formatter(mtick.FormatStrFormatter('%.1e')) p4.legend(loc='best') p5.cla() p5.plot(tauTr[1:],label='tau',color='black') p5.legend(loc='best') p6.cla() p6.plot(blTr[1:],label='bl',color='magenta') p6.legend(loc='best') print(, sig) if plotNum==7: # new traps plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data') p0.plot(sTrapTS, sTrap, color='red', label='sTrap') p0.axvline(t0_SLE[iH], color='red') p0.plot(aTrapTS, aTrap, color='orange', label='aTrap') p0.axvline(t0_ALE[iH], color='orange') p0.plot(eTrapTS, eTrap, color='green', label='eTrap') p0.axhline(lat[iH],color='green') p0.plot(pTrapTS, pTrap, color='magenta', label='pTrap') p0.axhline(latAFC[iH], color='magenta') p0.axhline(latE50[iH], color='cyan') p0.set_title("trapENFCal %.2f trapENM %.2f || latEM %.2f latEF %.2f latEAF %.2f latEFC %.2f latEAFC %.2f latE50 %.2f" % (dataENFCal,dataENM,lat[iH],latF[iH],latAF[iH],latFC[iH],latAFC[iH], latE50[iH])) p0.legend(loc='best') if plotNum==8: # multisite tag plot p0.cla() p0.plot(dataTS, data_blSub, color='blue', label='data') p0.plot(dataTS, data_filtDeriv, color='red', label='filtDeriv') for mse in msList: p0.axvline(mse, color='green') p0.axhline(msThresh,color='red') p0.legend() if plotNum==9: # wavelet vs wf fit residual plot # wavelet packet transform on wf fit residual fitResid = data-fit wpRes = pywt.WaveletPacket(fitResid, 'db2', 'symmetric', maxlevel=4) nodesRes = wpRes.get_level(4, order='freq') wpCoeffRes = np.array([ for n in nodesRes], 'd') wpCoeffRes = abs(wpCoeffRes) R6 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,1:wpLength//4+1]) R7 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) R8 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) R9 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:9,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) R10 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,1:wpLength//4+1]) R11 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//4+1:wpLength//2+1]) R12 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,wpLength//2+1:3*wpLength//4+1]) R13 = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[9:,3*wpLength//4+1:-1]) RsumList = [R6, R7, R8, R9, R10, R11, R12, R13] bcMinRes = 1. if np.min(RsumList) < 1 else np.min(RsumList) riseNoiseRes = np.sum(wpCoeffRes[2:-1,wpLoRise:wpHiRise]) / bcMinRes rnCut = 1.1762 + 0.00116 * np.log(1 + np.exp((dataENFCal-7.312)/0.341)) p0.cla() p0.margins(x=0) p0.plot(dataTS,data_blSub,color='blue',label='data') # p0.plot(dataTS,data_wlDenoised,color='cyan',label='denoised',alpha=0.7) # p0.axvline(fitRiseTime50,color='green',label='fit 50%',linewidth=2) p0.plot(dataTS,fit_blSub,color='red',label='bestfit',linewidth=2) # p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime)) # p0.legend(loc='best') p0.set_title("Run %d Entry %d Channel %d ENFCal %.2f flo %.0f fhi %.0f fhi-flo %.0f approxFitE %.2f" % (run,iList,chan,dataENFCal,fitStartTime,fitMaxTime,fitMaxTime-fitStartTime,fitAmp[iH]*0.4)) p1.cla() p1.plot(dataTS,fitResid,color='blue') p2.cla() p2.set_title("riseNoise %.2f rnCut %.2f riseNoiseRes %.2f bcMinRes %.2f bcMin %.2f max %.2f" % (riseNoise[iH],rnCut,riseNoiseRes,bcMinRes,bcMin[iH],wpCoeffRes.max())) p2.imshow(wpCoeffRes, interpolation='nearest', aspect="auto", origin="lower",extent=[0, 1, 0, len(wpCoeff)],cmap='viridis') plt.tight_layout() plt.pause(0.000001) # ------------------------------------------------------------------------ # End loop over hits, fill branches if batMode: for key in brDict: brDict[key][1].Fill() if iList%5000 == 0 and iList!=0: out.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) print("%d / %d entries saved (%.2f %% done), time: %s" % (iList,nList,100*(float(iList)/nList),time.strftime('%X %x %Z'))) # End loop over events if batMode and not intMode: out.Write("",TObject.kOverwrite) print("Wrote",out.GetBranch("channel").GetEntries(),"entries in the copied tree,") print("and wrote",b1.GetEntries(),"entries in the new branches.") stopT = time.clock() print("Stopped:",time.strftime('%X %x %Z'),"\nProcess time (min):",(stopT - startT)/60) print(float(nList)/((stopT-startT)/60.),"entries per minute.")
def grabRunList(ds=6, bSave=False): """ Scans through all background runs in a dataset to print out """ from ROOT import GATDataSet, GATTimeInfo, TFile, TTree runList = [] for run in bkg.getRunList(ds): runList.append(run) runList = sorted( runList ) # if the cal run isn't before the bkg runs, it's not the first run in this list print("Scanning Dataset {}".format(ds)) # use GDS once just to pull out the path. gds = GATDataSet() runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0], GATDataSet.kGatified) filePath = '/'.join(runPath.split('/')[:-1]) # track time per run so we can identify slowdowns on PDSF start = time.time() startList = [] timeList = [] # begin loop over runs for idx, run in enumerate(runList): # print progress f = np.fabs(100 * idx / len(runList) % 10) if f < 0.5: print("%d/%d (run %d) %.1f%% done." % (idx, len(runList), run, 100 * idx / len(runList))) # make sure file exists and it's not blind before trying to load it fname = filePath + "/mjd_run%d.root" % run if not os.path.isfile(fname): print("Couldn't find run", run, ":", fname) continue if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK): print("File is blind:", fname) continue tf = TFile(fname) mjdTree = tf.Get("mjdTree") mjdTree.GetEntry(0) tInfo = mjdTree.timeinfo startTime = tInfo.startTime stopTime = tInfo.stopTime startList.append(int(startTime)) # timeList.append(stopTime - startTime) # Start Time timeList.append(int(stopTime)) # Stop Time # For debugging # print(startTime, stopTime, stopTime-startTime) # Close files after finished tf.Close() timeElapsed = time.time() - start print(len(runList), len(startList), len(timeList)) if bSave: with open('./data/DS{}_RunTimeList.txt'.format(ds), 'w') as f: for run, start, live in zip(runList, startList, timeList): f.write('{},{},{}\n'.format(run, start, live)) print("Elapsed: %.4f sec, %.4f sec/run" % (timeElapsed, timeElapsed / len(runList)))
def getSettings(): """ ./ -t Get TRAP threshold settings from GRETINA cards for all bkg & cal runs in the 'dsi' run lists. Store initial values, and log the run number of any change, in the TinyDB "calDB-v2.json". thresholds: {"key":"trapThresh_ds%d_det%d", "value":{[(run1,trap1),(run2,trap2),...]} } hv settings: {"key":"hvBias_ds%d_det%d", "value":[(run1,hv1),(run2,hv2),...]} } Results are used to populate dsi::DetInfo. NOTE: There might be a memory leak, > ~8000 files seem to hang. So break it into bkg subsets Add the ability to save output at every subset, and to resume at a given subset with a cmd line arg. If you want a live-updating log file, run with something like $ script -c './ -set' -f logs/chanSel.txt """ from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, MJTChannelMap, MJTChannelSettings print("Scanning run/threshold/channel settings ...") # for ds in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]: for ds in [1]: print("Scanning DS:%d" % ds) pMons = set() detTH = {d:[] for d in det.allDets} # trap threshold setting detCH = {d:[] for d in det.allDets} # analysis channel (HG) setting # use GDS once just to pull out the path. gds = GATDataSet() runList = bkg.getRunList(ds) runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0],GATDataSet.kGatified) filePath = '/'.join(runPath.split('/')[:-1]) print("Using path to files:",filePath) for idx, run in enumerate(runList): f = np.fabs(100*idx/len(runList) % 10) if f < 0.5: print("%d/%d, %.2f%% done." % (idx, len(runList), 100*idx/len(runList))) runPath = filePath + "/mjd_run%d.root" % run tf = TFile(runPath) chSet = tf.Get("ChannelSettings") chMap = tf.Get("ChannelMap") # chMap.DumpChannelMap() # chSet.DumpSettings() # dump to a file to see syntax for HV and TRAP chEnabled = chSet.GetEnabledIDList() chSpecial = chMap.GetSpecialChanMapString() chPulser = chMap.GetPulserChanList() chPulser = [chPulser[i] for i in range(len(chPulser))] if ds == 1: chPulser.extend([674, 675, 677]) # 674, 675, 677 are not in the MJTChannelMap's due to a bug pMons.update(chPulser) for ch in chEnabled: detName = chMap.GetString(ch, "kDetectorName") detCPD = chMap.GetString(ch,"kStringName")+"D"+str(chMap.GetInt(ch,"kDetectorPosition")) detID = ''.join(i for i in detCPD if i.isdigit()) # skip pulser monitors / special channels if detID == '0': if ch not in pMons: print("ch %d not in pulserMons list! Adding it ..." % ch) pMons.add(ch) continue gretCrate = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kVME") gretCard = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kCardSlot") gretHG = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kChanHi") gretLG = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kChanLo") threshHG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold",gretCrate,gretCard,gretHG,"ORGretina4MModel") threshLG = chSet.GetInt("TRAP Threshold",gretCrate,gretCard,gretLG,"ORGretina4MModel") # print(ch, detCPD, detID, gretCrate, gretCard, gretHG, gretLG) # fill our data objects thisTH = (run, threshHG) # NOTE: HG only if len(detTH[detID]) == 0: detTH[detID].append(thisTH) # if we detect a difference, add a new (run,val) pair if len(detTH[detID]) != 0: prevTH = detTH[detID][-1] if thisTH[1] != prevTH[1]: detTH[detID].append(thisTH) # skip LG channels if ch%2!=0: continue thisCH = (run, ch) if len(detCH[detID]) == 0: detCH[detID].append(thisCH) if len(detCH[detID]) != 0: prevCH = detCH[detID][-1] if thisCH[1] != prevCH[1]: detCH[detID].append(thisCH) tf.Close() # save output for to use np.savez("./data/settingsBkg_ds%d.npz" % ds, detTH,detCH,pMons)
def getRunHVSettings(): """ ./ -v Decided that we need the exact run numbers that the HV changes, not just the bkgIdx they correspond to. This is basically the same algorithm as getRunSettings except that it tries to access every run in the DS and only looks at HV. """ from ROOT import GATDataSet, TFile, MJTChannelMap, MJTChannelSettings print("Scanning HV settings ...") # for ds in [0,1,2,3,4,5,6]: for ds in [6]: print("Scanning DS:%d" % ds) # fill this with [(run,val),...] pairs for each detector, each ds detHV = {d:[] for d in det.allDets} # high voltage setting # use GDS once just to pull out the path. gds = GATDataSet() runLo, runHi = bkg.dsRanges()[ds] runPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runLo,GATDataSet.kGatified) filePath = '/'.join(runPath.split('/')[:-1]) # loop over all runs nRuns = runHi+1-runLo for idx, run in enumerate(range(runLo, runHi+1)): f = np.fabs(100*idx/nRuns % 10) if f < 0.1: print("%d/%d (run %d) %.2f%% done." % (idx, nRuns, run, 100*idx/nRuns)) # make sure file exists and it's not blind fname = filePath + "/mjd_run%d.root" % run if not os.path.isfile(fname): # print("Couldn't find run",run,":",fname) continue if not os.access(fname, os.R_OK): # print("File is blind:",fname) continue tf = TFile(fname) # make sure ChannelSettings and ChannelMap exist in this file objs = [key.GetName() for key in tf.GetListOfKeys()] if "ChannelSettings" not in objs or "ChannelMap" not in objs: print("Settings objects not found in file:",fname) tf.Close() continue chSet = tf.Get("ChannelSettings") chMap = tf.Get("ChannelMap") for ch in chSet.GetEnabledIDList(): detName = chMap.GetString(ch, "kDetectorName") detCPD = chMap.GetString(ch,"kStringName")+"D"+str(chMap.GetInt(ch,"kDetectorPosition")) detID = ''.join(i for i in detCPD if i.isdigit()) if detID == '0': continue hvCrate = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kHVCrate") hvCard = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kHVCard") hvChan = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kHVChan") hvTarget = chMap.GetInt(ch,"kMaxVoltage") hvActual = chSet.GetInt("targets",hvCrate,hvCard,hvChan,"OREHS8260pModel") # print(ch, detCPD, detID, hvCrate, hvCard, hvChan, hvTarget, hvActual) # fill our data objects thisHV = (run, hvActual) if len(detHV[detID]) == 0: detHV[detID].append(thisHV) # if we detect a difference, add a new (run,val) pair if len(detHV[detID]) != 0: prevHV = detHV[detID][-1] if thisHV[1] != prevHV[1]: detHV[detID].append(thisHV) print("Found diff, run",run) tf.Close() # save output for to use np.savez("./data/settingsHV_ds%d.npz" % ds,detHV)
def parseGAT(goodList, theCut, dsNum, bkgIdx=None, saveMe=False): """ Accesses MGTWaveform objects directly and returns some arbitrary object. NOTE: Have to access individual TFile's because of this old stupid ROOT/MJSW bug: When the GetEntry command changes from file1->file2 in the loop: AttributeError: 'TChain' object has no attribute 'MGTWaveforms' (LAT data) AttributeError: 'TChain' object has no attribute 'event' (GAT data) """ from ROOT import gDirectory, TFile, TTree, TChain, MGTWaveform, MJTMSWaveform, GATDataSet # this is what we return baseDict = {ch:[] for ch in goodList} # create run number list runList = [] bkgList = ds.bkgRunsDS[dsNum][bkgIdx] for idx in range(0,len(bkgList),2): [runList.append(run) for run in range(bkgList[idx], bkgList[idx+1]+1)] # get paths to data gds = GATDataSet() gatPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0], GATDataSet.kGatified) gIdx = gatPath.find("mjd_run") gatPath = gatPath[:gIdx] bltPath = gds.GetPathToRun(runList[0], GATDataSet.kBuilt) bIdx = bltPath.find("OR_run") bltPath = bltPath[:bIdx] # loop over files for run in runList: start = time.time() # load trees gatFile = TFile(gatPath+"mjd_run%d.root" % run) gatTree = gatFile.Get("mjdTree") bltFile = TFile(bltPath+"OR_run%d.root" % run) bltTree = bltFile.Get("MGTree") gatTree.AddFriend(bltTree) # create TEntryList gatTree.Draw(">>elist", theCut, "entrylist") eList = gDirectory.Get("elist") gatTree.SetEntryList(eList) if eList.GetN()==0: continue # loop over entries passing cuts for iList in range(eList.GetN()): entry = gatTree.GetEntryNumber(iList); gatTree.LoadTree(entry) gatTree.GetEntry(entry) nChans = numPass = gatTree.Draw("channel",theCut,"GOFF",1,iList) chans = gatTree.GetV1() chanList = list(set(int(chans[n]) for n in xrange(numPass))) # loop over hits passing cuts (channels in good list only) hitList = (iH for iH in range(nChans) if in goodList and in chanList) for iH in hitList: if dsNum==2 or dsNum==6: wf_downsampled = bltTree.event.GetWaveform(iH) wf_regular = bltTree.event.GetAuxWaveform(iH) wf = MJTMSWaveform(wf_downsampled,wf_regular) else: wf = bltTree.event.GetWaveform(iH) # now we can pretty much save or calculate anything we want chan = int( signal = wl.processWaveform(wf) baseline,_ = signal.GetBaseNoise() baseline = float("%.2f" % baseline) # kill precision to save on memory globalTime = int(latTree.globalTime.fSec) run = int( baseDict[chan].append(baseline,globalTime,run) print("Run %d, %d entries, %d passing cuts. %.2f sec." % (run, gatTree.GetEntries(), eList.GetN(), time.time()-start)) gatFile.Close() bltFile.Close() # optionally save the output if saveMe: with open("../data/parseGAT_ds%d.json" % dsNum, 'w') as fOut: json.dump(baseDict, fOut) return baseDict
def write_HDF5(run=None, infile=None, mode="pandas", nevt=None): """ primary writer function. contains several Majorana-specific choices. works on gatified or skim data. (TODO: simulation data?) """ if run is None and infile is None: print("You must specify either a run number or input filename.") exit() # declare inputs and outputs if run is not None: from ROOT import GATDataSet gds = GATDataSet() gfile = gds.GetPathToRun(run, GATDataSet.kGatified) infile, tname = gfile, "mjdTree" ufile = if infile is not None: ufile = # auto-detect and use the name of the first TTree we find for uc in ufile.allclasses(): cname, ctype = uc[0], str(uc[1]) if "TTree" in ctype: tname = cname.decode("utf-8").split(";")[0] print("Found TTree:", tname) break # strip the path and extension off the filename to create the hfile if run is None: label = infile.split("/")[-1].split(".root")[0] hfile = "{}/hdf5/{}.h5".format(os.environ["MJDDATADIR"], label) else: hfile = "{}/hdf5/mjd_run{}.h5".format(os.environ["MJDDATADIR"], run) # these MGDO object members don't have the same number of entries # as the rest of the vector-valued branches, so skip them for now skip_names = ["i", "iH", "iL", "j", "jH", "jL", "rawRun", "c0Channels"] # get all relevant TTree branches & sort by data type event_names, hit_names = [], [] utree = ufile[tname] uarrs = utree.arrays(entrystop=1) for k in sorted(uarrs.keys()): name = k.decode('utf-8') vals = uarrs[k] if isinstance(vals, np.ndarray): event_names.append(k) elif isinstance(vals, awkward.JaggedArray): if name in skip_names: continue hit_names.append(k) elif isinstance(vals, awkward.ObjectArray): # print("Skipping branch:", name) continue # write to pandas HDF5 (pytables) if mode == "pandas": print("writing pandas hdf5.\n input:{}\n output:{}".format( infile, hfile)) df_events = ufile[tname].pandas.df(event_names, entrystop=nevt) df_hits = ufile[tname].pandas.df(hit_names, entrystop=nevt) if os.path.isfile(hfile): os.remove(hfile) opts = { "mode": "a", # 'r', 'r+', 'a' and 'w' "format": "table", # "fixed" can't be indexed w/ data_columns "complib": "blosc:snappy", "complevel": 2, # "data_columns":["ievt"] # used for pytables' fast HDF5 dataset indexing } df_events.to_hdf(hfile, key="events", **opts) df_hits.to_hdf(hfile, key="hits", **opts) # -- write to awkward.hdf5 -- elif mode == "awkward": print("Writing awkward hdf5.\n input:{}\n output:{}".format( infile, hfile)) print("Warning: this mode is not well-developed and needs work") # FIXME: separate values, as above uarrs = utree.arrays(entrystop=nevt) # set awkward hdf5 options opts = { # "compression":2 # hmm, doesn't work? } with h5py.File(os.path.expanduser(hfile), "w") as hf: awk_h5 = awkward.hdf5(hf, **opts) for ds in uarrs: if isinstance(uarrs[ds], awkward.ObjectArray): print("skipping dataset:", ds.decode('utf-8')) continue awk_h5[ds.decode('utf-8')] = uarrs[ds] # ehhh, it's a work in progress. probably won't need this until LEGEND # check the groups saved into the file with pd.HDFStore(hfile, 'r') as f: print("Keys:", f.keys())
def write_waveforms(run, infile, wf_mode="root", compression=None): """ retrieve MGTWaveform objects & add them as a group to an HDF5 file. options: - wf_mode: root, uproot (modes for accessing a built file) - skim: T/F (access multiple built files & retrieve specific wfs) - compression: dvi ("diff-var-int") TODO: - cythonize compression functions (right now they're too slow to be useful) - apply nonlinearity correction (requires NLC input files) - try out david's compression algorithm """ from ROOT import GATDataSet gds = GATDataSet() bfiles = {} # {run1:file1, ...} skim_mode = False # declare inputs and outputs if run is not None: bfile = gds.GetPathToRun(run, GATDataSet.kBuilt) infile, tname = bfile, "MGTree" bfiles[run] = bfile if infile is not None: if "skim" not in infile: bfiles[run] = infile else: skim_mode = True ufile = utree = ufile["skimTree"] runs = utree["run"].array() run_set = sorted(list(set(runs))) for r in run_set: bfiles[r] = gds.GetPathToRun(int(r), GATDataSet.kBuilt) # create new output file (should match write_HDF5) if run is None: label = infile.split("/")[-1].split(".root")[0] hfile = "{}/hdf5/{}.h5".format(os.environ["MJDDATADIR"], label) else: hfile = "{}/hdf5/mjd_run{}.h5".format(os.environ["MJDDATADIR"], run) print("Saving waveforms.\n input: {}\n output: {}".format(infile, hfile)) # -- create "skim --> built" lookup dataframe to grab waveforms -- # (assumes pandas hdf5) df_evts = pd.read_hdf(hfile, key='events') df_hits = pd.read_hdf(hfile, key='hits') if skim_mode: df1 = df_evts[["run", "mH", "iEvent"]] df2 = df_hits[["iHit", "channel"]] tmp = df1.align(df2, axis=0) df_skim = pd.concat(tmp, axis=1) else: tmp = df_evts.align(df_hits, axis=0) df_skim = pd.concat(tmp, axis=1) # -- loop over entries and pull waveforms -- wf_list = [] # fill this with ndarrays isave = 10000 # how often to write to the hdf5 output file nevt = df_skim.shape[0] # total entries prev_run = 0 print("Scanning {} entries. Skim mode? {}".format(nevt, skim_mode)) for idx, ((entry, subentry), row) in enumerate(df_skim.iterrows()): if idx % 1000 == 0: update_progress(float(idx / nevt)) if idx == nevt - 1: update_progress(1) iE = int(row["iEvent"]) if skim_mode else entry iH = int(row["iHit"]) if skim_mode else subentry run = int(row["run"]) # detect run boundaries and load built files if run != prev_run: if wf_mode == "root": from ROOT import TFile, TTree, MGTWaveform, MJTMSWaveform tf = TFile(bfiles[run]) tt = tf.Get("MGTree") tt.GetEntry(0) is_ms = elif wf_mode == "uproot": ufile =[run]) utree = ufile["MGTree"] prev_run = run # get waveform with ROOT if wf_mode == "root": tt.GetEntry(iE) if is_ms: wfdown = tt.event.GetWaveform(iH) # downsampled wffull = tt.event.GetAuxWaveform(iH) # fully sampled wf = MJTMSWaveform(wfdown, wffull) else: wf = tt.event.GetWaveform(iH) wfarr = np.asarray(wf.GetVectorData()) # fastest dump to ndarray if compression == "dvi": # not quite ready. need to cythonize this # will also need to do more work to shrink the #cols in wfdf wfarr = compress_dvi(wfarr) # get waveform with uproot elif wf_mode == "uproot": print( "direct uproot wf retrieval isn't supported yet. Exiting ...") exit() # add the wf to the list wf_list.append(wfarr) # periodically write to the hdf5 output file to relieve memory pressure. # this runs compression algorithms so we don't want to do it too often. if (idx % isave == 0 and idx != 0) or idx == nevt - 1: print("Saving waveforms ...") wfdf = pd.DataFrame( wf_list) # empty vals are NaN when rows are jagged opts = { "mode": "a", "format": "table", "complib": "blosc:snappy", "complevel": 1, } wfdf.to_hdf(hfile, key="waves", mode="a", append=True) # we might want this if we implement an awkward hdf5 mode # jag = awkward.JaggedArray.fromiter(wf_list) # print(jag.shape) # reset the wf list wf_list = []