class EventGenerator: EVENT_TIME_DURATION = 50.e3 # ns, 50 us per event def __init__(self, filename, exclude_noise, save_plot, max_spill_count): self.filename = filename self.exclude_noise = exclude_noise self.save_plot = save_plot self.data_dir = os.path.dirname(self.filename) if not self.data_dir: self.data_dir = '.' self.file_basename = os.path.basename(self.filename) self.max_spill_count = max_spill_count self.pdg = TDatabasePDG() self.delta_x = 1.4 # mm self.delta_y = 8.6 # mm self.delta_z = 0. # mm # self.delta_x = 1375.9 # mm # self.delta_y = -67.5 # mm # self.delta_z = -14617.4 # mm self.angle_rotation_y_axis = -0.349 * pi / 180. # rad def rotate_y_axis(self, z, x): # angle > 0 if the coordinate system rotates counterclockwise # angle < 0 if the coordinate system rotates clockwise z_prime = cos(self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * z + sin( self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * x x_prime = -sin(self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * z + cos( self.angle_rotation_y_axis) * x return z_prime, x_prime def translate(self, x, y, z): return x + self.delta_x, y + self.delta_y, z + self.delta_z def run(self): particles = [] particle_count = 0 spill_count = 0 f_beam = TFile(self.filename) spills = [key.GetName() for key in gDirectory.GetListOfKeys()] for spill in spills: spill_count += 1 if self.max_spill_count and spill_count > self.max_spill_count: spill_count -= 1 break print('spill = {}'.format(spill)) for track in f_beam.Get(spill): particle_count += 1 pass_all = track.TrackPresenttof_us and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_1_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_2_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_3_detector and \ track.TrackPresentwire_chamber_4_detector and \ track.TrackPresentcherenkov and \ track.TrackPresenttof_ds and \ track.TrackPresentnova is_noise = not pass_all if self.exclude_noise and is_noise is True: continue pdg_id = int(track.PDGidnova) x, y, z = self.translate(track.xnova, track.ynova, track.znova) # mm # z, x = self.rotate_y_axis(z, x) t = track.tnova # s px = track.Pxnova # MeV py = track.Pynova # MeV pz = track.Pznova # MeV # pz, px = self.rotate_y_axis(pz, px) px /= 1000. # GeV py /= 1000. # GeV pz /= 1000. # GeV x /= 10. # cm y /= 10. # cm z /= 10. # cm t *= 1.e9 # ns mass = self.pdg.GetParticle(pdg_id).Mass() energy = (mass**2 + px**2 + py**2 + pz**2)**0.5 particle = [ is_noise, 1, pdg_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, px, py, pz, energy, mass, x, y, z, t ] particles.append(particle) particle_count += 1 if particle_count % 1e6 == 0: print('particle_count = {}'.format(particle_count)) print('spill_count = {}'.format(spill_count)) f_beam.Close() particles = sorted(particles, key=lambda p: p[-1]) events = [] event_end_time = 0. event_start_time = 0. event_particles = [] for particle in particles: is_noise = particle[0] time = particle[-1] # time if time > event_end_time: if event_particles: events.append(event_particles) event_particles = [] if not is_noise: particle[-1] = 0. event_particles = [particle] event_start_time = time event_end_time = time + EventGenerator.EVENT_TIME_DURATION # ns else: particle[-1] -= event_start_time event_particles.append(particle) if event_particles: events.append(event_particles) txt_filename = 'text_gen.{}{}.txt'.format( self.file_basename, '.exclude_noise' if self.exclude_noise else '') with open('{}/{}'.format(self.data_dir, txt_filename), 'w') as f_txt: for event in events: f_txt.write('0 {}\n'.format(len(event))) for particle in event: f_txt.write(' '.join(map(str, particle[1:])) + '\n') if self.save_plot: self.make_plot(events) def make_plot(self, events): f_det = TFile( '{}/text_gen.{}{}.root'.format( self.data_dir, self.file_basename, '.exclude_noise' if self.exclude_noise else ''), 'RECREATE') multiple_particle_event_count = 0 h_count = TH1D('h_count', 'h_count', 100, -0.5, 99.5) h_timing = TH1D('h_timing', 'h_timing', 5000, 0., 50.e3) # ns h_xy = TH2D('h_xy', 'h_xy', 600, -150, 150, 600, -150, 150) # cm h_z = TH1D('h_z', 'h_z', 500, -1, 1) # cm for i, event in enumerate(events): h_count.Fill(len(event)) if len(event) > 1: multiple_particle_event_count += 1 for particle in event: h_timing.Fill(particle[-1]) is_noise = particle[0] if is_noise: continue x = particle[-4] y = particle[-3] z = particle[-2] h_xy.Fill(x, y) h_z.Fill(z) print('len(events) = {}'.format(len(events))) print('multiple_particle_event_count = {}'.format( multiple_particle_event_count)) h_count.Write('h_particle_count_per_event') h_timing.Write('h_timing') h_xy.Write('h_xy') h_z.Write('h_z') f_det.Close()
""" # all the not useful fields will be filled with 99 from ROOT import TGenPhaseSpace, TLorentzVector, TDatabasePDG, TMath, TVector3 import math from random import random as rndm from array import array from random import gauss dbpdg = TDatabasePDG() # chose motherParticle PDGmother = 3122 MotherMass = dbpdg.GetParticle(PDGmother).Mass() # chose daughters PDGs = [2212, -211] DaughterMass = [dbpdg.GetParticle(i).Mass() for i in PDGs] # Settings # ======== NEVENTS = 50000 BeamPolarization = -1 # not useful # generate flat in ranges of P, theta, phi PMin = 0.5 PMax = 2.0
# result_0.1Bn_ecut_0.5.root 1E8 with Ecut > 0.5 GeV Yandex = False # False Yandex2 = False # summer 2015 production, 10B, Ecut>10GeV, Mo/W/ target Yandex3 = True # spring 2016 production, 10B, Ecut>10GeV, Mo/W/ target, record start of track afterHadronAbsorber = False JPsi = False # True MoTarget = False Tau = False import ROOT, os from array import array from ROOT import TDatabasePDG, TMath, gDirectory from rootUtils import * pdg = TDatabasePDG() mu = pdg.GetParticle(13) Mmu = mu.Mass() Mmu2 = Mmu * Mmu if Yandex: stats = {5.: [1E9, 1E9], 0.5: [1E8]} files = { 5.: [ '$SHIPSOFT/data/result_1Bn_ecut_5.root', '$SHIPSOFT/data/result_1Bn_ecut_5-v02.root' ], 0.5: ['$SHIPSOFT/data/result_0.1Bn_ecut_0.5.root'] } fnew = 'pythia8_Geant4_total_Yandex.root' if Yandex2: stats = {10.: [1E10]}
import enum from ROOT import TDatabasePDG db = TDatabasePDG() db.GetParticle(0) # initialize list all_particles = list(db.ParticleList()) data = {p.GetName(): p.PdgCode() for p in all_particles} ParticleID = enum.IntEnum('ParticleID', data) def main(): for pid in ParticleID: print( f"{pid.__class__.__name__}({pid.value}) == {pid.__class__.__name__}['{}']" ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()
h2p = TH2F("phi", "", 180, -180, 180, 180, -180, 180) i = 0 while i < len(content): line = content[i].strip().split() if len(line) == 10: g0line = content[i + 1].strip().split() g1line = content[i + 2].strip().split() g2line = content[i + 3].strip().split() g0d = [float(a) for a in g0line[6:9]] g1d = [float(a) for a in g1line[6:9]] g2d = [float(a) for a in g2line[6:9]] m0 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g0line[3])).Mass() m1 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g1line[3])).Mass() m2 = pdg.GetParticle(int(g2line[3])).Mass() v0 = TLorentzVector(g0d[0], g0d[1], g0d[2], sqrt(g0d[0]**2 + g0d[1]**2 + g0d[2]**2 + m0**2)) v1 = TLorentzVector(g1d[0], g1d[1], g1d[2], sqrt(g1d[0]**2 + g1d[1]**2 + g1d[2]**2 + m1**2)) v2 = TLorentzVector(g2d[0], g2d[1], g2d[2], sqrt(g2d[0]**2 + g2d[1]**2 + g2d[2]**2 + m2**2)) m = v1 + v2 h1.Fill(m0) h0.Fill(m.M()) #v0 = TVector3( g0d[0], g0d[1], g0d[2] ) #v1 = TVector3( g1d[0], g1d[1], g1d[2] )
1=active """ # all the not useful fields will be filled with 99 from ROOT import TGenPhaseSpace, TLorentzVector, TVector3, TDatabasePDG, TMath import math from random import random as rndm from array import array dbpdg = TDatabasePDG() # motherParticle PDGmother = 223 MotherMass = dbpdg.GetParticle(PDGmother).Mass() # daughters PDGs = [211, -211, 111] DaughterMass = [dbpdg.GetParticle(i).Mass() for i in PDGs] # decay pi0 gPDGs = [22, 22] gMasses = [dbpdg.GetParticle(i).Mass() for i in gPDGs] # Exclusive collision Settings # ============================ BeamPolarization = -1 # not useful BeamEnergy = 10.6
from ROOT import TGenPhaseSpace, TLorentzVector, TVector3, TDatabasePDG, TMath, TH2F import math from random import random as rndm from array import array dbpdg = TDatabasePDG() # Exclusive collision Settings # ============================ BeamPolarization = -1 # not useful BeamEnergy = 6.5 TargetMass = dbpdg.GetParticle(2212).Mass() beam = TLorentzVector(0, 0, BeamEnergy, BeamEnergy) target = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, TargetMass) CME = beam + target FSPDGs = [11, 2212] FSMasses = [dbpdg.GetParticle(i).Mass() for i in FSPDGs] # electron polar angle cuts ThetaMin = math.radians(4.0) ThetaMax = math.radians(40.0) # proton polar angle cuts PThetaMin = math.radians(35.0) PThetaMax = math.radians(120.0)