def setUp(self): """Create dictionaries needed by combiners.""" dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') orfdata = TFile( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, 'dqm_data.root')), 'read' ) orfref = TFile( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, 'dqm_ref.root')), 'read' ) # valid ROOT files assert(not orfdata.IsZombie()) assert(not orfref.IsZombie()) self.tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.rfdata = TFile(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'fdata.root'), 'recreate') self.rfref = TFile(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'fref.root'), 'recreate') configfile = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '')) with open(configfile, 'r') as inputFile: exec( config = AnalysisConfigWrapper((analysis_config_branches, analysis_config_leaves)) self.mycombiner = config.getTrunk(orfdata.GetName(), orfref.GetName(), r"pedestal\S*") self.mycombiner.evaluate()
def setUp(self): """Create dictionaries needed by combiners.""" dirname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fixtures') orfdata = TFile( os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, 'dqm_data.root')), 'read') orfref = TFile(os.path.abspath(os.path.join(dirname, 'dqm_ref.root')), 'read') # valid ROOT files assert (not orfdata.IsZombie()) assert (not orfref.IsZombie()) self.tdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() self.rfdata = TFile(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'fdata.root'), 'recreate') self.rfref = TFile(os.path.join(self.tdir, 'fref.root'), 'recreate') hist_recipes = [ (get_avg_trend, 'Vetra/NoiseMon/ADCCMSuppressed', ('RMSNoise_vs_ChipChannel', 'AvgRMSNoise_trend')), (get_avg_hist, 'Vetra/NoiseMon/ADCCMSuppressed', ('RMSNoise_vs_ChipChannel', 'AvgRMSNoise_all')), (get_avg_hist, 'Vetra/NoiseMon/ADCCMSuppressed', ('RMSNoise_vs_ChipChannel', 'AvgRMSNoise_R', 'r')), (get_avg_hist, 'Vetra/NoiseMon/ADCCMSuppressed', ('RMSNoise_vs_ChipChannel', 'AvgRMSNoise_Phi', 'p')), # (get_avg_hist, 'Vetra/VeloPedestalSubtractorMoni', # ('Ped_Sub_ADCs_Profile', 'Ped_Sub_ADCs_all')) ] # histograms: make, save, and cleanup for recipe in hist_recipes: href = recipe[0](orfref.GetDirectory(recipe[1]), *recipe[2]) self.rfref.WriteTObject(href) del href hdata = recipe[0](orfdata.GetDirectory(recipe[1]), *recipe[2]) self.rfdata.WriteTObject(hdata) del hdata self.rfref.Close() self.rfdata.Close() # Write DQ database to temp directory (rather than run directory) Config().dq_db_file_path = os.path.join(self.tdir, Config().dq_db) configfile = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '') with open(configfile, 'r') as inputFile: exec( config = AnalysisConfigWrapper( (analysis_config_branches, analysis_config_leaves)) self.mycombiner = config.getTrunk(orfdata.GetName(), orfref.GetName()) # Results to compare against self.results = {"score": Score(70.62594356001006), "lvl": ERROR}
def Execute(filename): # save stdin savecout = sys.stdout savecerr = sys.stderr # redirect stdin to log file fcout = open('cout.log', 'w') fcerr = open('cerr.log', 'w') sys.stdout = fcout sys.stderr = fcerr # Open the input file input = TFile(filename, "OPEN") # redirect log file to stdin fcout.close() fcerr.close() sys.stdout = savecout sys.stderr = savecerr # Check if the file is opened ? if (not input.IsOpen()) or input.IsZombie(): print "File called '" + sys.argv[1] + "' is not found" return # Get the tree tree = input.Get("MyModule/Event") if tree == None: print "TTree called 'MyModule/Event' is not found" return # Printing the tree structure tree.Print()
class EnergyCorrector(object): """Generic energy corrector""" def __init__(self, fnam, histnam='h_cor'): """ fnam is a root file containing a 1D histogram giving the correction factor as a function of eta. """ self.file = TFile(fnam) if self.file.IsZombie(): raise ValueError(fnam + ' cannot be opened') self.hist = self.file.Get(histnam) if self.hist == None: raise ValueError('{h} cannot be found in {f}'.format(h=histnam, f=fnam)) def correct_p4(self, p4): """ returns the corrected 4-momentum. The 4 momentum is expected to behave as the one of the Candidate class """ eta = p4.eta() pt = return pt * self.correction_factor(pt, eta) def correction_factor(self, pt, eta): """ returns the correction factor. takes also pt as this class could be generalized for a 2D calibration. """ etabin = self.hist.FindBin(eta) shift = self.hist.GetBinContent(etabin) / 100. return shift
def rewtOneHist(dataset, hwts): fileName = condor_dir + "/" + dataset + ".root" if not os.path.exists(fileName): print "WARNING: didn't find ", fileName return print "About to reweight histogram in " + fileName inFile = TFile(fileName, "UPDATE") if inFile.IsZombie() or not inFile.GetNkeys(): return h = inFile.Get(str(arguments.histToBeReWeighted)).Clone() if not h: print " Could not find hist named " + arguments.histToBeReWeighted + " in " + inFile.GetName( ) return h.SetDirectory(0) newName = h.GetName() + str(arguments.suffixRename) h.SetName(newName) dir = arguments.histToBeReWeighted dir = dir[:dir.rfind("/")] print "Will write hist to directory " + dir tdir = inFile.GetDirectory(dir) tdir.Delete(newName + ";*") for i in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1): val = h.GetBinContent(i) err = h.GetBinError(i) binCtr = h.GetBinCenter(i) wt = hwts.GetBinContent(hwts.FindBin(binCtr)) h.SetBinContent(i, val * wt) h.SetBinError(i, err * wt) h.Write() inFile.Close()
def GetNumberOfEvents(FilesSet): NumberOfEvents = {'SkimNumber' : {}, 'TotalNumber' : 0} for histFile in FilesSet: ScoutFile = TFile(histFile) if ScoutFile.IsZombie(): print histFile + " is a bad root file." FilesSet.remove(histFile) continue randomChannelDirectory = "" TotalNumberTmp = 0 for key in ScoutFile.GetListOfKeys(): if key.GetClassName() != "TDirectoryFile" or "CutFlow" not in key.GetName(): continue randomChannelDirectory = key.GetName() channelName = randomChannelDirectory[0:len(randomChannelDirectory)-14] if not NumberOfEvents['SkimNumber'].has_key(channelName): NumberOfEvents['SkimNumber'][channelName] = 0 OriginalCounterObj = ScoutFile.Get(randomChannelDirectory + "/eventCounter") SkimCounterObj = ScoutFile.Get(randomChannelDirectory + "/cutFlow") TotalNumberTmp = 0 if not OriginalCounterObj: print "Could not find eventCounter histogram in " + str(histFile) + " !" continue elif not SkimCounterObj: print "Could not find cutFlow histogram in " + str(histFile) + " !" else: OriginalCounter = OriginalCounterObj.Clone() OriginalCounter.SetDirectory(0) TotalNumberTmp = TotalNumberTmp + OriginalCounter.GetBinContent(1) SkimCounter = SkimCounterObj.Clone() SkimCounter.SetDirectory(0) NumberOfEvents['SkimNumber'][channelName] = NumberOfEvents['SkimNumber'][channelName] + SkimCounter.GetBinContent(SkimCounter.GetXaxis().GetNbins()) NumberOfEvents['TotalNumber'] = NumberOfEvents['TotalNumber'] + TotalNumberTmp return NumberOfEvents
def load_trees_from_file(file_name): """ Load all TTree from a ROOT file @param file_name Name of ROOT file @return dict with name of tree as key and the tree as value, ROOT file """ if not os.path.isfile(file_name): raise IOError("File %s does not exist." % file_name) root_file = TFile(file_name) if root_file.IsZombie(): raise IOError("Can't open root file %s." % file_name) keys = root_file.GetListOfKeys() trees = {} for key in keys: tree = root_file.Get(key.GetName()) if isinstance(tree, TTree): trees[key.GetName()] = tree return trees, root_file
def getDataProfile(outfilename, JSON, pileup, bins, minbias, local=False): """Get pileup profile in data with tool.""" print ">>> getDataProfile(%s,%d,%s)" % (outfilename, bins, minbias) if local: JSON = copyToLocal(JSON) pileup = copyToLocal(pileup) command = "./ -i %s --inputLumiJSON %s --calcMode true --maxPileupBin %d --numPileupBins %d --minBiasXsec %d %s --verbose" % ( JSON, pileup, bins, bins, minbias * 1000, outfilename) else: command = " -i %s --inputLumiJSON %s --calcMode true --maxPileupBin %d --numPileupBins %d --minBiasXsec %d %s" % ( JSON, pileup, bins, bins, minbias * 1000, outfilename) print ">>> executing command (this may take a while):" print ">>> " + command os.system(command) # CHECK if not os.path.isfile(outfilename): print ">>> Warning! getDataProfile: Could find output file %s!" % ( outfilename) return file = TFile(outfilename, 'READ') if not file or file.IsZombie(): print ">>> Warning! getDataProfile: Could not open output file %s!" % ( outfilename) return hist = file.Get('pileup') print ">>> pileup profile in data with min. bias %s mb has a mean of %.1f" % ( minbias, hist.GetMean()) file.Close()
def getMCProfile(outfilename, indir, samples, channel, year): """Get pileup profile in MC by adding Pileup_nTrueInt histograms from a given list of samples.""" print ">>> getMCProfile(%s)" % (outfilename) nprofiles = 0 histname = 'pileup' tothist = None for subdir, samplename in samples: filename = "%s/%s/%s_%s.root" % (indir, subdir, samplename, channel) print ">>> %s" % (filename) file = TFile(filename, 'READ') if not file or file.IsZombie(): print ">>> Warning! getMCProfile: Could not open %s" % (filename) continue hist = file.Get(histname) if not hist: print ">>> Warning! getMCProfile: Could not open histogram in %s" % ( filename) continue if tothist == None: tothist = hist.Clone('pileup') tothist.SetTitle('pileup') tothist.SetDirectory(0) nprofiles += 1 else: tothist.Add(hist) nprofiles += 1 file.Close() print ">>> added %d MC profiles, %d entries, %.1f mean" % ( nprofiles, tothist.GetEntries(), tothist.GetMean()) file = TFile(outfilename, 'RECREATE') tothist.Write('pileup') file.Close()
def getweigthinfo(files): totnum = 0. totnumtrue = 0. totnumtrueW = 0. goodfiles = [] for fname in files: # p = subprocess.Popen(['ls', '-l', fname], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) # info = # if 'cannot access' in info: # print 'ERROR', fname # continue #fname = fname.replace('/eos/uscms', 'root://') tf = TFile(fname) if tf.IsZombie() == True: print "Zombie file: " + fname continue goodfiles.append(fname) tree = tf.Get('Events') num = tree.GetEntries() totnum += num if 'MC' in files[0]: hist = tf.Get('PUDistribution') histW = tf.Get('PUDistribution_w') numtrue = hist.Integral() numtrueW = histW.Integral() totnumtrue += numtrue totnumtrueW += numtrueW return totnumtrueW, totnumtrue, totnum, goodfiles
def GetListObjects(self): afile = TFile(self.Filename) if afile.IsZombie(): print(" error trying to open file: " + self.Filename) sys.exit() if self.XML: print(''' <cuy> ''') print(' <validation type=\"' + afile.GetName() + '\" file=\"' + self.Filename + '\" release=\"x.y.z\">') self.dir = ROOT.gDirectory self.Loop() if self.XML: print(''' </validation> </cuy> ''')
def readhist(filename, s, var, cat): file = TFile(filename, "READ") if file.IsZombie(): print "WARNING: file", filename, "does not exist" return None h = file.Get(cat + '/' + var + "/" + s) h.SetDirectory(0) return h
def rootFileValid(path): from ROOT import TFile result = True file = TFile(path) result &= file.GetSize() > 0 result &= not file.TestBit(TFile.kRecovered) result &= not file.IsZombie() return result
def rootFileValid(path): from ROOT import TFile result = True file = TFile(path) result &= file.GetSize() > 0 result &= not file.TestBit(TFile.kRecovered) result &= not file.IsZombie() if not result: print "WARNING: omitting damaged file '%s'" % path return result
def ExtractDatasetInfo(self, dataset): from ROOT import TFile name = InstanceName.Get( filename = self.rootdir + "/" + name + ".root" rootfile = TFile(filename) if rootfile.IsZombie(): logging.error("file called '" + self.rootdir + "/" + name + ".root is not found") return # Getting data from ROOT file xsections = rootfile.Get("general/xsections") if not bool(xsections): ErrorMsg_BranchNotFound('general/xsections', filename) return xerrors = rootfile.Get("general/xerrors") if not bool(xerrors): ErrorMsg_BranchNotFound('general/xerrors', filename) return nevents = rootfile.Get("general/nevents") if not bool(nevents): ErrorMsg_BranchNotFound('general/nevents', filename) return # Checking indices if xsections.GetNoElements() is 0: ErrorMsg_BranchEmpty("branch 'general/xsections' is empty") return if xerrors.GetNoElements() is 0: ErrorMsg_BranchEmpty("branch 'general/xerrors' is empty") return if nevents.GetNoElements() is 0: ErrorMsg_BranchEmpty("branch 'general/nevents' is empty") return if xsections.GetNoElements()!=xerrors.GetNoElements() or \ xerrors.GetNoElements()!=nevents.GetNoElements() or \ nevents.GetNoElements()!=xsections.GetNoElements(): logging.error("the 'general' branches have different size "\ "in the file '"+filename+"'") return if xsections.GetNoElements() is not (len(dataset) + 1): logging.error( "number of data files do not correspond in the file '" + filename + "'") return # Extracting data dataset.measured_xsection = xsections[xsections.GetNoElements() - 1] dataset.measured_xerror = xerrors[xerrors.GetNoElements() - 1] dataset.measured_n = int(nevents[nevents.GetNoElements() - 1])
def compareMCProfiles(indir, samples, channel, year, tag=""): """Compare MC profiles.""" print ">>> compareMCProfiles()" histname = 'pileup' outdir = ensureDirectory("plots") avehist = None hists = [] if tag and tag[0] != '_': tag = '_' + tag # GET histograms for subdir, samplename in samples: filename = "%s/%s/%s_%s.root" % (indir, subdir, samplename, channel) print ">>> %s" % (filename) file = TFile(filename, 'READ') if not file or file.IsZombie(): print ">>> Warning! compareMCProfiles: Could not open %s" % ( filename) continue hist = file.Get(histname) hist.SetName(samplename) hist.SetTitle(samplename) hist.SetDirectory(0) if not hist: print ">>> Warning! compareMCProfiles: Could not open histogram in %s" % ( filename) continue if avehist == None: avehist = hist.Clone('average%s' % tag) avehist.SetTitle('MC average') avehist.SetDirectory(0) avehist.Add(hist) hist.Scale(1. / hist.Integral()) hists.append(hist) file.Close() # PLOT hists = [avehist] + hists colors = [kBlack] + linecolors avehist.Scale(1. / avehist.Integral()) plotname = "%s/pileup_MC_%s%s" % (outdir, year, tag) drawHistsWithRatio(hists, plotname, xtitle="Number of true interactions", ytitle="A.U.", textsize=0.032, rmin=0.45, rmax=1.55, colors=colors) for hist in hists: if hist == avehist: continue if hist.GetDirectory(): gDirectory.Delete(hist.GetName()) else: hist.Delete() return avehist
def ensureTFile(filename,option='update'): """Open TFile, checking if the file in the given path exists.""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): print '>>> ERROR! ScaleFactorTool.ensureTFile: File in path "%s" does not exist!!'%(filename) exit(1) file = TFile(filename,option) if not file or file.IsZombie(): print '>>> ERROR! ScaleFactorTool.ensureTFile Could not open file by name "%s"'%(filename) exit(1) return file
def compareEventsToDAS(filenames, dasname): """Compare a number of processed events in an output file to the available number of events in DAS.""" dasname = dasname.replace('__', '/') if args.verbose: print "compareEventsToDAS: %s, %s" % (filenames, dasname) #start = time.time() if isinstance(filenames, str): filenames = [filenames] total_processed = 0 nfiles = len(filenames) for filename in filenames: file = TFile(filename, 'READ') if file.IsZombie(): continue hist = file.Get('cutflow') if hist: events_processed = hist.GetBinContent(1) if args.verbose: print "%12d events processed in %s " % (events_processed, filename) total_processed += events_processed #else: # print bcolors.FAIL + '[NG] compareEventsToDAS: no cutflow found in ' + filename + bcolors.ENDC file.Close() instance = 'prod/phys03' if 'USER' in dasname else 'prod/global' dascmd = 'das_client --limit=0 --query=\"summary dataset=/%s instance=%s\"' % ( dasname, instance) if args.verbose: print dascmd dasargs = shlex.split(dascmd) output, error = subprocess.Popen(dasargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate() if not "nevents" in output: print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.FAIL + ' [NG] Did not find nevents for "%s" in DAS. Return message:' % ( dasname) + bcolors.ENDC print bcolors.FAIL + ' ' + output + bcolors.ENDC return False total_das = Double(output.split('"nevents":')[1].split(',')[0]) fraction = total_processed / total_das nfiles = ", %d files" % (nfiles) if nfiles > 1 else "" if fraction > 1.001: print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.FAIL + ' [NG] DAS entries = %d, Processed in tree = %d (frac = %.2f > 1%s)' % ( total_das, total_processed, fraction, nfiles) + bcolors.ENDC elif fraction > 0.8: print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.OKBLUE + ' [OK] DAS entries = %d, Processed in tree = %d (frac = %.2f%s)' % ( total_das, total_processed, fraction, nfiles) + bcolors.ENDC else: print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.FAIL + ' [NG] DAS entries = %d, Processed in tree = %d (frac = %.2f < 0.8%s)' % ( total_das, total_processed, fraction, nfiles) + bcolors.ENDC return True
def updatestatus(jobstatus, outdir, name): from ROOT import TFile print("Updating job status") print("Total: " + str(len(jobstatus))) # get the qstat job listing proccommand = 'qstat | grep dx5412' proc = subprocess.Popen(proccommand, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) qstat_result = for i in range(len(jobstatus)): # if job is completed, we don't need to check again if jobstatus[i] == 2: continue # check if the job is still underway jobinprocess = qstat_result.find((name + str(i)).encode()) if jobinprocess >= 0: jobstatus[i] = 1 continue # if the job is not still underway, # check to see if the job has completed properly # if not, mark to resubmit if outdir.startswith('/'): filename = outdir + '/' + name + str(i) + '.root' else: filename = os.getcwd() + '/' + outdir + '/' + name + str( i) + '.root' if os.path.isfile(filename): outputfile = TFile(filename, "READ") if outputfile.IsZombie(): print("job " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(jobstatus)) + " complete: file is zombie, resubmit") jobstatus[i] = 0 os.remove(filename) elif outputfile.IsOpen(): print("job " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(jobstatus)) + " complete: ROOT file healthy") print(filename) jobstatus[i] = 2 outputfile.Close() else: print("job " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(jobstatus)) + " undefined file status, resubmit") jobstatus[i] = 0 else: print("undefined status: job " + str(i + 1) + " of " + str(len(jobstatus)) + " marked for submission") jobstatus[i] = 0 return jobstatus
def get_full_tree_name(folder, path_to_root_file, tree_name): root_file = TFile(path_to_root_file) if root_file.IsZombie(): raise FileNotFoundError( 'File {} does not exist, abort'.format(path_to_root_file)) if folder not in root_file.GetListOfKeys(): raise NameError('Folder {} does not exist in {}\n'.format( folder, path_to_root_file)) root_file.Close() full_tree_name = '/'.join([folder, tree_name]) return full_tree_name
def file_exits_and_not_zombie(file_path): """Checks for existence of ROOT file and ensures it is not a zombie and has its keys""" if os.path.isfile(file_path): f = TFile(file_path) if f.IsZombie() or f.GetSeekKeys() == 0: f.Close() return False else: f.Close() return True else: return False
def ensureTFile(filename, option='READ'): """Open TFile, checking if the file in the given path exists.""" if not os.path.isfile(filename): print '- ERROR! DYCorrection.ensureTFile: File in path "%s" does not exist!!' % ( filename) exit(1) file = TFile(filename, option) if not file or file.IsZombie(): print '- ERROR! DYCorrection.ensureTFile Could not open file by name "%s"' % ( filename) exit(1) return file
def ensureTFile(filename, option='READ', **kwargs): pre = kwargs.get('pre', "") stop = kwargs.get('exit', True) if not os.path.isfile(filename): LOG.fatal('File in path "%s" does not exist' % (filename), pre=pre) file = TFile(filename, option) if not file or file.IsZombie(): if stop: LOG.fatal('Could not open file by name "%s"' % (filename), pre=pre) else: LOG.warning('Could not open file by name "%s"' % (filename), pre=pre) return file
def do_analysis(file_name, args): file = TFile(file_name) if file == None or file.IsZombie() == True: print('***Error*** :', file_name, 'is not found') return print(file_name, 'is opened') tree_name = args.tree_name input_tree = file.Get(tree_name) if input_tree == None: print('***Error*** :', tree_name, 'is not found in', file_name) return print(tree_name, 'is loaded from', file_name) base = os.path.basename(file_name) out_name = args.outdir + '/' + base.replace('.root', '_ana.root') if out_name == file_name: print('***Error*** :', 'extension of', file_name, 'is not ".root"') return out_file = TFile(out_name, 'recreate') if out_file == None or out_file.IsZombie() == True: print('***Error*** :', 'opening', out_name, 'is failed') return print(out_name, 'is generated') analysis = main_analysis(input_tree, args) entries = numpy.array([range(analysis.nentries)]).T numpy.apply_along_axis(analysis.event_routine, axis=1, arr=entries) c = TCanvas('c', 'c', 400, 400) for histo in analysis.histo.dict_of_histos.values(): histo.Write() for image in analysis.histo.dict_of_images.values(): image.Write() out_file.Close()
def fill(self, yields): # Import ROOT only here, to avoid it interfering with parsing from ROOT import TFile, TH1, Double for s in yields.samples: for r in yields.regions: filename = s + '_' + + '.root' filepath = os.path.join(self.histopath, filename) hname, rng = self.regions[r] rf = TFile(filepath) if rf.IsZombie(): raise RuntimeError('Failed to open %s', filepath) htmp = rf.Get(hname) # print htmp if not isinstance(htmp, TH1): raise RuntimeError('Histogram %s not found in %s' % (hname, filepath)) h = htmp.Clone() # Adapt the range, if required xax = h.GetXaxis() first, last = xax.GetFirst(), xax.GetLast() xmin, xmax = xax.GetBinLowEdge(first), xax.GetBinUpEdge(last) if rng is not None: umin, umax = rng umin = umin if umin is not None else xmin umax = umax if umax is not None else xmax # print umin,umax # Apply new range (use ROOT to do the difficult bit :P) xax.SetRangeUser(umin, umax) # Update limits first, last = xax.GetFirst(), xax.GetLast() xmin, xmax = xax.GetBinLowEdge(first), xax.GetBinUpEdge( last) err = Double(0.) nev = h.IntegralAndError(first, last, err) rf.Close() print filename, hname, rng, print ' | ', '%.2f(%d)' % (xmin, first), '-', last, '%.2f(%d)' % ( xmax, last), ' -- ', nev, err del h yields.values[r][s] = (nev, err)
def checkFiles(filelist, directory): if args.verbose: print "checkFiles: %s, %s" % (filelist, directory) if isinstance(filelist, str): filelist = [filelist] badfiles = [] ifound = [] for filename in filelist: file = TFile(filename, 'READ') isbad = False if file.IsZombie(): print bcolors.FAIL + '[NG] file %s is a zombie' % ( filename) + bcolors.ENDC isbad = True else: tree = file.Get('tree') if not isinstance(tree, TTree): print bcolors.FAIL + '[NG] no tree found in ' + filename + bcolors.ENDC isbad = True elif not isinstance(file.Get('cutflow'), TH1): print bcolors.FAIL + '[NG] no cutflow found in ' + filename + bcolors.ENDC isbad = True elif any(s in filename for s in ['DYJets', 'WJets' ]) and tree.GetMaximum('LHE_Njets') > 10: print bcolors.WARNING + '[WN] LHE_Njets = %d > 10 in %s' % ( tree.GetMaximum('LHE_Njets'), filename) + bcolors.ENDC if isbad: badfiles.append(filename) #rmcmd = 'rm %s' %filename #print rmcmd #os.system(rmcmd) file.Close() match = if match: ifound.append(int( if len(badfiles) > 0: print bcolors.FAIL + "[NG] %s: %d out of %d files have no tree!" % ( directory, len(badfiles), len(filelist)) + bcolors.ENDC return False # TODO: check all chunks (those>imax) imax = max(ifound) + 1 if len(filelist) < imax: imiss = [i for i in range(0, max(ifound)) if i not in ifound] chunktext = ('chunks ' if len(imiss) > 1 else 'chunk ') + ', '.join( str(i) for i in imiss) print bcolors.BOLD + bcolors.WARNING + "[WN] %s missing %d/%d files (%s) ?" % ( directory, len(imiss), len(filelist), chunktext) + bcolors.ENDC return True
def trim_filelist(*filelist): #Remove the first element, which is the python script itself #mylist is a list of all of the input files mylist = [ myfile for myfile in filelist[0] if myfile[-3:] != '.py' ] #Dictionary of run/subrun/evt of entry 0 => #list of corresponding filename(s) filedict = {} #Loop over the input files, build the dictionary for myfile in mylist: #Make sure the file isn't a zombie f = TFile(myfile,'READ') if f.IsZombie(): continue #Make sure the file has larlite_id_tree in it if not f.GetListOfKeys().FindObject('larlite_id_tree'): continue #Get info from the 0th entry of larlite_id_tree dummy = f.larlite_id_tree.GetEntry(0) irun = f.larlite_id_tree._run_id isub = f.larlite_id_tree._subrun_id ievt = f.larlite_id_tree._event_id print "file %s has (%d,%d,%d)"%(myfile,irun,isub,ievt) #If this file isn't in the dictionary yet, add it if (irun,isub,ievt) not in filedict.keys(): filedict[(irun,isub,ievt)] = [myfile] #If it is, append it else: filedict[(irun,isub,ievt)].append(myfile) #Close the file f.Close() #Now, loop over the dictionary and find the maximum number of files #associated with one (run,subrun,evt) combo. #Keep only these files. That way, if you hand in 5 reco2d files and #5 mcinfo files, and 4 of the reco2d files are valid, you will only #return those 4 files and the 4 associated mcinfo files. n_files_max = max([len(i) for i in filedict.values()]) #Build a list of all input files to keep, and return it return_list = [] for values in filedict.values(): if len(values) < n_files_max: continue for filename in values: return_list.append(filename) return return_list
def TestROOTFile(self, path): from ROOT import TFile _tmp_file = TFile(path) if _tmp_file and not _tmp_file.IsOpen(): return False elif _tmp_file and _tmp_file.IsOpen() and _tmp_file.IsZombie(): _tmp_file.Close() return False elif _tmp_file and _tmp_file.IsOpen() and _tmp_file.TestBit( TFile.kRecovered): _tmp_file.Close() return False else: _tmp_file.Close() return True
def getProcessedDatasets(condor_dir, datasets): processed_datasets = [] for dataset in datasets: fileName = condor_dir + "/" + dataset + ".root" if not os.path.exists(fileName): if (arguments.verbose): print "Couldn't find output file for", dataset, "dataset", fileName, "fileName" continue testFile = TFile(fileName) if not (testFile.IsZombie()): processed_datasets.append(dataset) if arguments.verbose: print "Opening testFile: ", fileName if len(processed_datasets) is 0: sys.exit( "Can't find any output root files for the given list of datasets") return processed_datasets
def filecheck(rootfile): f = TFile(rootfile) if (f.IsZombie()): #print "File corrupted" f.Close() return 0 else: hist = f.FindObjectAny("reportSummaryContents") #(skip filecheck for HcalTiming files!!) if (hist == None and rootfile.rfind('HcalTiming') == -1): #print "File is incomplete" f.Close() return 0 else: #print "File is OK" f.Close() return 1