def findMatch_pfc_old(lepton, pfcands): drmin = 10 idx = -1 if > 0: leptonTlv = TLorentzVector() leptonTlv.SetPxPyPzE(lepton.px(),, lepton.pz(), for ipfc, pfc in enumerate(pfcands): if pfc.trackRef().isNull(): continue if pfc.trackRef().get().numberOfValidHits() == 0: continue if pfc.trackRef().get().ndof() == 0: continue if pfc.trackRef().get().charge() == 0: continue # if not passesPreselection_basic_pfc(pfc): continue if not pfc.charge() * lepton.charge() > 0: continue # if not abs( - / < 0.2: continue pfcTlv = TLorentzVector() pfcTlv.SetPxPyPzE(pfc.px(),, pfc.pz(), dr = pfcTlv.DeltaR(leptonTlv) if dr < drmin: drmin = dr idx = ipfc return idx, drmin
def ObtainAbb(mc_px, mc_py, mc_pz, mc_en, mc_id, mc_momidx): n = len(mc_px) genaobj = collections.namedtuple('GenAObj', 'aLVec aIdx') genbobj = collections.namedtuple('GenBObj', 'bLVec bMomId bMomIdx') lgenaobj = [] lgenbobj = [] for imc in range( 0, n): if abs(mc_id[imc]) == 5: thislb = TLorentzVector() thislb.SetPxPyPzE( mc_px[imc], mc_py[imc], mc_pz[imc], mc_en[imc] ) lgenbobj.append( genbobj( bLVec = thislb, bMomId = mc_id[mc_momidx[imc]], bMomIdx = mc_momidx[imc] ) ) if mc_id[imc] == 36: thisla = TLorentzVector() thisla.SetPxPyPzE( mc_px[imc], mc_py[imc], mc_pz[imc], mc_en[imc] ) lgenaobj.append( genaobj( aLVec = thisla, aIdx = imc ) ) lAbb = [] for aobj in lgenaobj: this = Abb() this.a = aobj.aLVec for bobj in lgenbobj: if aobj.aIdx == bobj.bMomIdx and bobj.bMomId == 36: bobj.bLVec ) lAbb.append(this) return lAbb
def METGL2(neutralinos, charginos, neutrinos, MET): # neutrinos, #Define TLorentzVector for neutralinos and charginos met_n = TLorentzVector() met_c = TLorentzVector() met_nt = TLorentzVector() MET_nX = 0 MET_nY = 0 for n in neutralinos: MET_nX = MET_nX + n.P4().Px() MET_nY = MET_nY + n.P4().Py() met_n.SetPxPyPzE(MET_nX, MET_nY, 0, 0) MET_cX = 0 MET_cY = 0 for c in charginos: MET_cX = MET_cX + c.P4().Px() MET_cY = MET_cY + c.P4().Py() met_c.SetPxPyPzE(MET_cX, MET_cY, 0, 0) MET_ntX = 0 MET_ntY = 0 for nt in neutrinos: MET_ntX = MET_ntX + nt.P4().Px() MET_ntY = MET_ntY + nt.P4().Py() met_nt.SetPxPyPzE(MET_ntX, MET_ntY, 0, 0) ## Sum of the vector components met_gl = met_n + met_c + met_nt for m in MET: m.MET = abs(met_gl.Mag()) m.Phi = met_gl.Phi() return MET
def IsMuonsGhosts(self, entry_number, entry, all_muons): """ Check muons angle to see if not ghost particule Returns: Bool -- """ muP = TLorentzVector() muM = TLorentzVector() muP.SetPxPyPzE(getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PX'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PY'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PZ'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[0] + '_PE')) muM.SetPxPyPzE(getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PX'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PY'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PZ'), getattr(entry, self.dimuon_leafs[1] + '_PE')) if entry_number == 1: all_muons.append([muP, muM]) return False else: for cand in all_muons: deltaThetaMuM = cand[0].Angle(muP.Vect()) deltaThetaMuM = cand[1].Angle(muM.Vect()) if deltaThetaMuM > 0.9999 and deltaThetaMuM > 0.9999: return True all_muons.append([muP, muM]) return False
def CostHE(p1, charge1, p2): #Cosine of the theta decay angle (top (Q=+2/3)) in the Helicity frame pTop1CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pTop2CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pDitopCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pTop1Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTop2Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame beta = TVector3(0,0,0) zaxisCS = TVector3(0,0,0) # Get the muons parameters in the CM frame pTop1CM.SetPxPyPzE(p1.Px(),p1.Py(),p1.Pz(),p1.E()) pTop2CM.SetPxPyPzE(p2.Px(),p2.Py(),p2.Pz(),p2.E()) # Obtain the Ditop parameters in the CM frame pDitopCM=pTop1CM+pTop2CM # Translate the muon parameters in the Ditop rest frame beta=(-1./pDitopCM.E())*pDitopCM.Vect() if(beta.Mag()>=1): return 666. pTop1Ditop=pTop1CM pTop2Ditop=pTop2CM pTop1Ditop.Boost(beta) pTop2Ditop.Boost(beta) # Determine the z axis for the calculation of the polarization angle (i.e. the direction of the Ditop in the CM system) zaxis=(pDitopCM.Vect()).Unit() # Calculation of the polarization angle (angle between mu+ and the z axis defined above) cost = -999. if(charge1>0): cost = zaxis.Dot((pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Unit()) else: cost = zaxis.Dot((pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Unit()) return cost
def findMatch_track_old_random(lepton, tracks): drmin = 10 idx = -1 if > 0: leptonTlv = TLorentzVector() leptonTlv.SetPxPyPzE(lepton.px(),, lepton.pz(), for itrack, track in enumerate(tracks): if track.numberOfValidHits() == 0: continue if track.ndof() == 0: continue if track.charge() == 0: continue # if not passesPreselection_basic_track(track): continue if not track.charge() * lepton.charge() < 0: continue # if not abs( - / < 0.2: continue trackTlv = TLorentzVector() trackTlv.SetPxPyPzE(track.px(),, track.pz(), * TMath.CosH(track.eta())) dr = trackTlv.DeltaR(leptonTlv) if dr < drmin: drmin = dr idx = itrack return idx, drmin
def selection(event): vect = TLorentzVector() vect.SetPxPyPzE(event.GenJet[0], event.GenJet[1], event.GenJet[2], event.GenJet[3]) if abs(vect.Eta()) > 0.5 or vect.Pt() < 50 or vect.Pt() > 70: return False vect.SetPxPyPzE(event.Jet[0], event.Jet[1], event.Jet[2], event.Jet[3]) if abs(vect.Eta()) > 0.5 or vect.Pt() < 50: return False else: return True
def PhiHE(p1, charge1, p2): # Phi decay angle (top (Q=+2/3)) in the Helicity frame pTop1Lab = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the lab. frame pTop2Lab = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the lab. frame pProjLab = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the lab. frame pTargLab = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the lab. frame pDitopLab = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the lab. frame pTop1Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTop2Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pProjDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTargDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame beta = TVector3(0,0,0) xaxis = TVector3(0,0,0) yaxis = TVector3(0,0,0) zaxis = TVector3(0,0,0) mp = 0.93827231 ep = 6500. # Get the muons parameters in the LAB frame pTop1Lab.SetPxPyPzE(p1.Px(),p1.Py(),p1.Pz(),p1.E()) pTop2Lab.SetPxPyPzE(p2.Px(),p2.Py(),p2.Pz(),p2.E()) # Obtain the Ditop parameters in the LAB frame pDitopLab=pTop1Lab+pTop2Lab zaxis=(pDitopLab.Vect()).Unit() # Translate the muon parameters in the Ditop rest frame beta=(-1./pDitopLab.E())*pDitopLab.Vect() if(beta.Mag()>=1.): return 666. pProjLab.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,-ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) pTargLab.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,+ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) pProjDitop=pProjLab pTargDitop=pTargLab pProjDitop.Boost(beta) pTargDitop.Boost(beta) yaxis=((pProjDitop.Vect()).Cross(pTargDitop.Vect())).Unit() xaxis=(yaxis.Cross(zaxis)).Unit() pTop1Ditop=pTop1Lab pTop2Ditop=pTop2Lab pTop1Ditop.Boost(beta) pTop2Ditop.Boost(beta) phi = -999. if(charge1>0.): phi = TMath.ATan2((pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Dot(yaxis),(pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Dot(xaxis)) else: phi = TMath.ATan2((pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Dot(yaxis),(pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Dot(xaxis)) return phi
def PhiCS(p1, charge1, p2): # Phi decay angle (top (Q=+2/3)) in the Collins-Soper frame pTop1CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pTop2CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pProjCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pTargCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pDitopCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM frame pTop1Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTop2Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pProjDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTargDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame beta = TVector3(0,0,0) yaxisCS = TVector3(0,0,0) xaxisCS = TVector3(0,0,0) zaxisCS = TVector3(0,0,0) mp = 0.93827231 ep = 6500. # Fill the Lorentz vector for projectile and target in the CM frame pProjCM.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,-ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) pTargCM.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,+ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) # Get the muons parameters in the CM frame pTop1CM.SetPxPyPzE(p1.Px(),p1.Py(),p1.Pz(),p1.E()) pTop2CM.SetPxPyPzE(p2.Px(),p2.Py(),p2.Pz(),p2.E()) # Obtain the Ditop parameters in the CM frame pDitopCM=pTop1CM+pTop2CM # Translate the Ditop parameters in the Ditop rest frame beta=(-1./pDitopCM.E())*pDitopCM.Vect() if(beta.Mag()>=1): return 666. pTop1Ditop=pTop1CM pTop2Ditop=pTop2CM pProjDitop=pProjCM pTargDitop=pTargCM pTop1Ditop.Boost(beta) pTop2Ditop.Boost(beta) pProjDitop.Boost(beta) pTargDitop.Boost(beta) # Determine the z axis for the CS angle zaxisCS=(((pProjDitop.Vect()).Unit())-((pTargDitop.Vect()).Unit())).Unit() yaxisCS=(((pProjDitop.Vect()).Unit()).Cross((pTargDitop.Vect()).Unit())).Unit() xaxisCS=(yaxisCS.Cross(zaxisCS)).Unit() phi = -999. if(charge1>0.): phi = TMath.ATan2((pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Dot(yaxisCS),((pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Dot(xaxisCS))) else: phi = TMath.ATan2((pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Dot(yaxisCS),((pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Dot(xaxisCS))) if(phi>TMath.Pi()): phi = phi-TMath.Pi() return phi
def get_incoming_partons(ZZjj_p4): com_energy_half = ZZjj_p4.M() / 2. parton_1 = TLorentzVector() parton_1.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, com_energy_half, com_energy_half) parton_2 = TLorentzVector() parton_2.SetPxPyPzE(0, 0, -com_energy_half, com_energy_half) boost = ZZjj_p4.BoostVector() parton_1.Boost(boost) parton_2.Boost(boost) return [p4_to_MG_vector(parton_1), p4_to_MG_vector(parton_2)]
def CostCS(p1, charge1, p2): #Cosine of the theta decay angle (top (Q=+2/3)) in the Collins-Soper frame pTop1CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM. frame pTop2CM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM. frame pProjCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM. frame pTargCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM. frame pDitopCM = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the CM. frame pTop1Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTop2Ditop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pProjDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame pTargDitop = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # In the Ditop rest frame beta = TVector3(0,0,0) zaxisCS = TVector3(0,0,0) mp = 0.93827231 ep = 6500. # Fill the Lorentz vector for projectile and target in the CM frame pProjCM.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,-ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) pTargCM.SetPxPyPzE(0.,0.,+ep,TMath.Sqrt(ep*ep+mp*mp)) # Get the Topons parameters in the CM frame pTop1CM.SetPxPyPzE(p1.Px(),p1.Py(),p1.Pz(),p1.E()) pTop2CM.SetPxPyPzE(p2.Px(),p2.Py(),p2.Pz(),p2.E()) # Obtain the Ditop parameters in the CM frame pDitopCM=pTop1CM+pTop2CM # Translate the Ditop parameters in the Ditop rest frame beta=(-1./pDitopCM.E())*pDitopCM.Vect() if(beta.Mag()>=1): return 666. pTop1Ditop=pTop1CM pTop2Ditop=pTop2CM pProjDitop=pProjCM pTargDitop=pTargCM pTop1Ditop.Boost(beta) pTop2Ditop.Boost(beta) pProjDitop.Boost(beta) pTargDitop.Boost(beta) # Determine the z axis for the CS angle zaxisCS=(((pProjDitop.Vect()).Unit())-((pTargDitop.Vect()).Unit())).Unit(); # Determine the CS angle (angle between Top+ and the z axis defined above) cost = -999 if(charge1>0): cost = zaxisCS.Dot((pTop1Ditop.Vect()).Unit()) else: cost = zaxisCS.Dot((pTop2Ditop.Vect()).Unit()) return cost
def invariantMass(electron1, electron2): electronTlv1 = TLorentzVector() electronTlv2 = TLorentzVector() electronTlv1.SetPxPyPzE(electron1.px(),, electron1.pz(), electronTlv2.SetPxPyPzE(electron2.px(),, electron2.pz(), invMass = (electronTlv1 + electronTlv2).M() return invMass
def wreco(lepp4, metpt, metphi): nu4 = TLorentzVector() px = metpt * cos(metphi) py = metpt * sin(metphi) pz = 0. pxl = lepp4.Px() pyl = lepp4.Py() pzl = lepp4.Pz() El = lepp4.E() a = MW_ * MW_ + 2. * pxl * px + 2. * pyl * py A = 4. * (El * El - pzl * pzl) B = -4. * a * pzl C = 4. * El * El * (px * px + py * py) - a * a tmproot = B * B - 4. * A * C if tmproot < 0: pz = -1. * B / (2 * A) else: tmpsol1 = (-B + math.sqrt(tmproot)) / (2.0 * A) tmpsol2 = (-B - math.sqrt(tmproot)) / (2.0 * A) if abs(tmpsol2 - pzl) < abs(tmpsol1 - pzl): pz = tmpsol2 else: pz = tmpsol1 if abs(pz) > 300: if abs(tmpsol1) < abs(tmpsol2): pz = tmpsol1 else: pz = tmpsol2 nu4.SetPxPyPzE(px, py, pz, math.sqrt(px * px + py * py + pz * pz)) wp4 = lepp4 + nu4 return wp4
def toLV(track): lv = TLorentzVector() lv.SetPxPyPzE(track.px() * 1000, * 1000, track.pz() * 1000, track.e() * 1000) ## in MeV! return lv
def GetEtaPhi(px, py, pz, en): l = TLorentzVector() l.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,en) #print( "sizeof4Floats: %d, sizeofTL: %d" % ( 4*sys.getsizeof(e), sys.getsizeof(l) ) ) eta = l.Eta() phi = l.Phi() return eta, phi
def makeseed(cluster1,cluster2,i1,i2,particles): p = TLorentzVector() r1 = [ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double()] r2 = [ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double(), ROOT.Double()] cluster1.GetPoint(i1,r1[0],r1[1],r1[2]) cluster2.GetPoint(i2,r2[0],r2[1],r2[2]) x0 = 0 z0 = zofx(r1,r2,x0) xExit = xofz(r1,r2,zDipoleExit)*cm2m q = 1 if(particles=="electrons") else -1 H = (zDipoleExit-z0)*cm2m R = H*(LB)/xExit + xExit ## look this up in my sides P = 0.3*B*R v1 = TVector2(r1[2],r1[1]) v2 = TVector2(r2[2],r2[1]) u = rUnit2(v2,v1) uz = u.X() uy = u.Y() px = 0 py = P*uy pz = P*uz p.SetPxPyPzE(px,py,pz,math.sqrt(P*P+me2)) return p
def makeTL(tree, index): particleFourVector = TLorentzVector() # Define TLorentz Vector particleFourVector.SetPxPyPzE(tree.mcPx[index], tree.mcPy[index], tree.mcPz[index], tree.mcE[index]) # particleFourVector.SetPtEtaPhiE(tree.mcPt[index], tree.mcEta[index], # tree.mcPhi[index],tree.mcE[index]) return particleFourVector
class particle: def __init__(self, tree=None, i=None, original=None): if tree: #Build particle instance from TTree self.PID = tree.Particle[i].PID = tree.Particle[i].Mother1 self.daughters = [] self.m = tree.Particle[i].M self.e = tree.Particle[i].E self.p = TLorentzVector() self.p.SetPxPyPzE(tree.Particle[i].Px, tree.Particle[i].Py, tree.Particle[i].Pz, tree.Particle[i].E) = self.p.Pt() self.eta = self.p.Eta() self.phi = self.p.Phi() self.SF = 1 self.smear = None self.res = None elif original: #Make a resolution smeared version of the original self.PID = copy(original.PID) = copy( self.daughters = copy(original.daughters) self.res = jetEnergyResolution(original.p.E()) self.smearE = -1 while self.smearE < 0: self.smearE = np.random.normal(0.985, self.res) # self.offsetM = -1 # while self.offsetM+original.p.M() < 5: self.offsetM = np.random.normal(5, 5) # self.smearM = -1 # while self.smearM < 0.5: self.smearM = np.random.normal(1, 1) self.p = TLorentzVector() self.p.SetPtEtaPhiM(original.p.Pt() * self.smearE, original.p.Eta(), original.p.Phi(), 0) # self.p.SetPtEtaPhiM( original.p.Pt() * self.smearE, # original.p.Eta(), # original.p.Phi(), # (original.p.M()+self.offsetM) * self.smearM) = self.p.Pt() self.eta = self.p.Eta() self.phi = self.p.Phi() self.m = self.p.M() self.e = self.p.E() self.SF = 1 def getDump(self): out = "PID " + str(self.PID).rjust(3) + " | mom " + str( + " | mass " + str(self.m).ljust( 12) + " | pt " + str( + " | eta " + str( self.eta).ljust(20) + " | phi " + str(self.phi).ljust(20) if self.res: out += " | res " + str(self.res).ljust(20) + " | smear " + str( self.smear).ljust(20) return out def dump(self): print(self.getDump())
def pointingAngle(track1, track2, pv_pos, sv_pos): trk1Tlv = TLorentzVector() trk1Tlv.SetPxPyPzE(track1.px(),, track1.pz(), * np.cosh(track1.eta())) trk2Tlv = TLorentzVector() trk2Tlv.SetPxPyPzE(track2.px(),, track2.pz(), * np.cosh(track2.eta())) combinedMomentum = trk2Tlv - trk1Tlv PVtoSV = [ sv_pos[0] - pv_pos.x(), sv_pos[1] - pv_pos.y(), sv_pos[2] - pv_pos.z() ] pointingAngle = np.arctan2(PVtoSV[0] - combinedMomentum.X(), PVtoSV[1] - combinedMomentum.Y()) return pointingAngle
def calculateFinalStateMomenta_GOLD(mB0, m23, mMuMu, cosTheta1, cosTheta2, phi, mMuPlus, mMuMinus, mPi, mK, pion_ID): if (pion_ID > 0): # anti-B0 if (phi > 0): phi = pi - phi else: phi = -pi - phi cosTheta1 = -cosTheta1 pJpsi = daughterMomentum(mB0, mMuMu, m23) p4Jpsi = TLorentzVector(0, 0, +pJpsi, sqrt(mMuMu * mMuMu + pJpsi * pJpsi)) p4Kpi = TLorentzVector(0, 0, -pJpsi, sqrt(m23 * m23 + pJpsi * pJpsi)) pB = TLorentzVector(0, 0, 0, mB0) # 4-momenta of muons, first in dimuon rest frame which are then boosted # using p4Jpsi to B0 rest frame pMu = daughterMomentum(mMuMu, mMuPlus, mMuMinus) pMuPlus = TLorentzVector() pMuMinus = TLorentzVector() pPi = TLorentzVector() pK = TLorentzVector() pMuPlus.SetPxPyPzE(pMu * sqrt(1 - cosTheta1 * cosTheta1), 0, pMu * cosTheta1, sqrt(mMuPlus * mMuPlus + pMu * pMu)) pMuMinus.SetPxPyPzE(-pMu * sqrt(1 - cosTheta1 * cosTheta1), 0, -pMu * cosTheta1, sqrt(mMuMinus * mMuMinus + pMu * pMu)) pMuPlus.Boost(p4Jpsi.BoostVector()) pMuMinus.Boost(p4Jpsi.BoostVector()) # Now kaon and pion to finish ppK = daughterMomentum(m23, mK, mPi) pz = ppK * cosTheta2 pT = ppK * sqrt(1 - cosTheta2 * cosTheta2) py = -pT * sin(phi) px = -pT * cos(phi) pK.SetPxPyPzE(px, -py, -pz, sqrt(mK * mK + ppK * ppK)) pPi.SetPxPyPzE(-px, py, pz, sqrt(mPi * mPi + ppK * ppK)) pK.Boost(p4Kpi.BoostVector()) pPi.Boost(p4Kpi.BoostVector()) return pMuPlus, pMuMinus, pPi, pK
def mcjetmatch(lmc, jet_px, jet_py, jet_pz, jet_en, drmax): #lmc = TLorentzVector() #lmc.SetPxPyPzE( amc_px, amc_py, amc_pz, amc_en ) aeta = lmc.Eta() aphi = lmc.Phi() n = len(jet_px) for ijet in range(0, n): ljet = TLorentzVector() ljet.SetPxPyPzE( jet_px[ijet], jet_py[ijet], jet_pz[ijet], jet_en[ijet] ) if DeltaR( aeta, aphi, ljet.Eta(), ljet.Phi() ) < drmax: return True return False
def fourmomentum(gen): """Returns the four-momentum representation of a particle.""" Px = * math.cos(gen.phi()) Py = * math.sin(gen.phi()) Pz = * math.sinh(gen.eta()) M = gen.mass() c = 1 P = math.sqrt(Px**2 + Py**2 + Pz**2) E = math.sqrt(P**2 * c**2 + M**2 * c**4) pVec = TLorentzVector() pVec.SetPxPyPzE(Px, Py, Pz, E) return pVec
def findMinDr_track(aTrack, tracks, threshold): drmin = 10 idx = -1 matchingTrack = None match = False if > 0: for itrack, track in enumerate(tracks): if not passesPreselection_basic_track(track): continue if not track.charge() * aTrack.charge() > 0: continue if not abs( - / < 0.2: continue if not abs(track.eta() - aTrack.eta()) < 0.1: continue if not abs(deltaPhi(track.phi(), aTrack.phi())) < 1.57: continue aTrackTlv = TLorentzVector() aTrackTlv.SetPxPyPzE(aTrack.px(),, aTrack.pz(), * np.cosh(aTrack.eta())) trkTlv = TLorentzVector() trkTlv.SetPxPyPzE(track.px(),, track.pz(), * np.cosh(track.eta())) dr = trkTlv.DeltaR(aTrackTlv) if dr < drmin: drmin = dr idx = itrack matchingTrack = track if drmin < threshold: match = True return match, idx, drmin, matchingTrack
def momentum_aftr_boost(df, args): #args must have 4 elements xyzt or pxpypzE px, py, pz = getXYZ(df, args) E = DfToNp(df[[args[3]]].dropna(axis=0)) l = TLorentzVector() with np.nditer([px, py, pz, E, None, None, None, None]) as it: for pi, pj, pk, el, pm, pn, po, eq in it: l.SetPxPyPzE(pi, pj, pk, el) bi = pi / el l.Boost(-bi, 0, 0) pm[...] = l.Px() pn[...] = l.Py() po[...] = l.Pz() eq[...] = l.E() return (it.operands[4], it.operands[5], it.operands[6], it.operands[7])
def IsMuonsGhosts(self, entry_number, entry, prev_muons): """ Check if muon angls between current candidate and previous one are not too close Returns: Bool """ mu1 = TLorentzVector() mu2 = TLorentzVector() mu1.SetPxPyPzE(getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[0] + '_PX'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[0] + '_PY'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[0] + '_PZ'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[0] + '_PE')) mu2.SetPxPyPzE(getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[1] + '_PX'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[1] + '_PY'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[1] + '_PZ'), getattr(entry, self.daughter_leafs[1] + '_PE')) if entry_number == 1: prev_muons.append(mu1) prev_muons.append(mu2) return False else: deltaThetaMu1 = prev_muons[0].Angle(mu1.Vect()) deltaThetaMu2 = prev_muons[1].Angle(mu2.Vect()) if deltaThetaMu1 > 0.9999 and deltaThetaMu2 > 0.9999: prev_muons[0] = mu1 prev_muons[1] = mu2 return True prev_muons[0] = mu1 prev_muons[1] = mu2 return False
def OffMissingET(jets, electrons, muons, MET): """ Calculate the MissingET from jets, electrons and muons """ #Define TLorentzVector for jets, electrons and muons met_j = TLorentzVector() met_e = TLorentzVector() met_mu = TLorentzVector() ## The x and y components must be with (-1) MET_jX = 0 MET_jY = 0 for j in jets: MET_jX = j.P4().Px() + MET_jX MET_jY = j.P4().Py() + MET_jY met_j.SetPxPyPzE(-MET_jX, -MET_jY, 0, 0) MET_eX = 0 MET_eY = 0 for e in electrons: MET_eX = e.P4().Px() + MET_eX MET_eY = e.P4().Py() + MET_eY met_e.SetPxPyPzE(-MET_eX, -MET_eY, 0, 0) MET_mX = 0 MET_mY = 0 for m in muons: MET_mX = m.P4().Px() + MET_mX MET_mY = m.P4().Py() + MET_mY met_mu.SetPxPyPzE(-MET_mX, -MET_mY, 0, 0) ##sum of the vector components offmet = met_j + met_e + met_mu for m in MET: m.MET = abs(offmet.Mag()) m.Phi = offmet.Phi() return MET
def boost(df, args): #args must have 4 elements xyzt or pxpypzE px, py, pz = getXYZ(df, args) E = DfToNp(df[[args[3]]].dropna(axis=0)) l = TLorentzVector() with np.nditer([px, py, pz, E, None, None, None, None]) as it: for pi, pj, pk, el, pm, en, phi, cost in it: l.SetPxPyPzE(pi, pj, pk, el) bi = pi / el bj = pj / el bk = pk / el l.Boost(-bi, -bj, -bk) pm[...] = l.Px() en[...] = l.E() phi[...] = l.Phi() cost[...] = l.CosTheta() return (it.operands[4], it.operands[5], it.operands[6], it.operands[7])
def cosThetaBoost(pa, ida, pb, idb, doflip=False): # # A useful quantity in many analyses is the helicity angle. # In the reaction Y . X . a + b, the helicity angle of # particle a is the angle measured in the rest frame of the # deidaying parent particle, X, between the direction of the # deiday daughter a and the direction of the grandparent particle Y. pTmp = pa+pb; # this is the mumu system (Z) 4vector ZboostVector = pTmp.BoostVector() # this is the 3vector of the Z p = TLorentzVector(0,0,-1,1) # this is the muon 4vector if (ida>0): p.SetPxPyPzE(pa.Px(),pa.Py(),pa.Pz(),pa.E()) else: p.SetPxPyPzE(pb.Px(),pb.Py(),pb.Pz(),pb.E()) p.Boost(-ZboostVector) # boost p to the Ditop CM (rest) frame cosThetaB = p.Vect()*pTmp.Vect()/(p.P()*pTmp.P()) if(ySystem(pa,pb)<0. and doflip): cosThetaB *= -1. # reclassify ??? return cosThetaB
def position_aftr_boost(df, args): #args must have 4 elements xyzt or pxpypzE px, py, pz = getXYZ(df, args) E = DfToNp(df[[args[3]]].dropna(axis=0)) l = TLorentzVector() with np.nditer([px, py, pz, E, None, None, None]) as it: for pi, pj, pk, el, x, y, z in it: l.SetPxPyPzE(pi, pj, pk, el) #p = math.hypot(pi,pj) #p = math.hypot(pk,p) bi = pi / el bj = pj / el bk = pk / el #print(b) l.Boost(-bi, -bj, -bk) z[...] = l.X() y[...] = l.Y() z[...] = l.Z() return (it.operands[4], it.operands[5], it.operands[6])
def Analyze(n, event): nphot = 0 for j in range(event.E.size()): wgt = event.wgt[j] nphot += wgt ### all photons histos["h_E"].Fill(event.E[j], wgt) p = TLorentzVector() p.SetPxPyPzE(event.px[j],[j], event.pz[j], event.E[j]) v = p.Vect() vxHat = (v.X() / v.Mag()) vyHat = (v.Y() / v.Mag()) vzHat = (v.Z() / v.Mag()) r1 = TVector3(R1 * vxHat, R1 * vyHat, R1 * vzHat) histos["h_R1_x"].Fill(r1.X(), wgt) histos["h_R1_y"].Fill(r1.Y(), wgt) histos["h_R1_xy"].Fill(r1.X(), r1.Y(), wgt) histos["h_R1_xE"].Fill(r1.X(), event.E[j], wgt) histos["h_R1_yE"].Fill(r1.Y(), event.E[j], wgt) r2 = TVector3(R2 * vxHat, R2 * vyHat, R2 * vzHat) histos["h_R2_x"].Fill(r2.X(), wgt) histos["h_R2_y"].Fill(r2.Y(), wgt) histos["h_R2_xy"].Fill(r2.X(), r2.Y(), wgt) histos["h_R2_xE"].Fill(r2.X(), event.E[j], wgt) histos["h_R2_yE"].Fill(r2.Y(), event.E[j], wgt) xVtx = event.vx[j] yVtx = event.vy[j] zVtx = event.vz[j] histos["h_xVtx"].Fill(xVtx, wgt) histos["h_yVtx"].Fill(yVtx, wgt) histos["h_zVtx"].Fill(zVtx, wgt) histos["h_xyVtx"].Fill(xVtx, yVtx, wgt) histos["h_photons"].Fill(nphot) return nphot