Esempio n. 1
        def SignalShape(x, par):

            :param x:   x[0]: x position
                        x[1]: y position
            :param par: par[0]: number of peaks
                        par[1]: mean bkg signal
                        par[2]: peak height in percent of bkg
                        par[3]: peak1 x position
                        par[4]: peak1 y position
                        par[5]: peak1 sigma in x
                        par[6]: peak1 sigma in y
                        par[3+4*n]: peakn x position
                        par[4+4*n]: peakn y position
                        par[5+4*n]: peakn sigma in x
                        par[6+4*n]: peakn sigma in y
            norm = par[1] * par[2]
            result = par[1]
            if par[1] == 0:
                norm = 1
            for i in range(int(par[0])):
                result += norm * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[3 + 4 * i], par[5 + 4 * i]) * TMath.Gaus(x[1], par[4 + 4 * i], par[6 + 4 * i])
            return result
Esempio n. 2
def langaufun(x, par):
        Fit parameters:
        par[0]=Width (scale) parameter of Landau density
        par[1]=Most Probable (MP, location) parameter of Landau density
        par[2]=Total area (integral -inf to inf, normalization constant)
        par[3]=Width (sigma) of convoluted Gaussian function

        In the Landau distribution (represented by the CERNLIB approximation),
        the maximum is located at x=-0.22278298 with the location parameter=0.
        This shift is corrected within this function, so that the actual
        maximum is identical to the MP parameter.

    # control constants
    ns = 100  # number of convolution steps
    sc = 5.0  # convolution extends to +-sc Gaussian sigmas

    # MP shift correction
    mpc = par[1] - mpshift * par[0]
    xlow = x[0] - sc * par[3]
    xupp = x[0] + sc * par[3]
    step = (xupp - xlow) / ns

    sumup = 0
    for i in range(1, ns / 2):
        xx = xlow + (i - 0.5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[0]) / par[0]
        sumup += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[3])

        xx = xupp - (i - .5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[0]) / par[0]
        sumup += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[3])

    return par[2] * step * sumup * invsq2pi / par[3]
Esempio n. 3
 def ManualHitDistribution(x, par):
     Probability density function for hit distribution based on
     6 2d gaussian in a rectangular pattern. The PDF is NOT
     normalized to 1
     :param x: array, x[0]: x position, x[1]: y position
     :param par: parameter array;
     result = 0.1  # bkg
     norm = 1.
     sigma = 0.04
     for i in range(len(par) / 2):
         result += norm * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[2 * i], sigma) * TMath.Gaus(x[1], par[2 * i + 1], sigma)
     return result
Esempio n. 4
def DoubleGaus(x, par):
    Sum of two Gaussian functions with same mean and different sigma

    - x: function variable
    - par: function parameters
        par[0]: normalisation
        par[1]: mean
        par[2]: first sigma
        par[3]: second sigma
        par[4]: fraction of integral in second Gaussian
    firstGaus = TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2], True)
    secondGaus = TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[3], True)
    return par[0] * ((1 - par[4]) * firstGaus + par[4] * secondGaus)
Esempio n. 5
def langaufun(x, par):
    """Convoluted Landau and Gaussian Fitting Function
    translated to python by Benjamin Rottler ([email protected])

    par[0] = Width (scale) parameter of Landau density
    par[1] = Most Probable (MP, location) parameter of Landau density
    par[2] = Total area (integral -inf to inf, normalization constant)
    par[3] = Width (sigma) of convoluted Gaussian function

    In the Landau distribution (represented by the CERNLIB approximation), 
    the maximum is located at x=-0.22278298 with the location parameter=0.
    This shift is corrected within this function, so that the actual
    maximum is identical to the MP parameter.
    # numeric constants
    invsq2pi = (2 * pi)**(-1 / 2)
    mpshift = -0.22278298  # Landau maximum location

    # control constants
    np = 500  # number of convolution steps
    sc = 5  # convolution extends to +-sc Guassion sigmas

    # mp shift correction
    mpc = par[1] - mpshift * par[0]

    # range of convolution integral
    xlow, xupp = x[0] - sc * par[3], x[0] + sc * par[3]

    # Convolution integral of Landau and Gaussion by sum
    i = 1
    step = (xupp - xlow) / np
    s = 0
    while i <= np / 2:
        xx = xlow + (i - 0.5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[0]) / par[0]
        s += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[3])

        xx = xupp - (i - 0.5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[0]) / par[0]
        s += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[3])
        i += 1

    return (par[2] * step * s * invsq2pi / par[3])
Esempio n. 6
def DoublePeakSingleGaus(x, par):
    Sum of two Gaussian functions with different mean and sigma

    - x: function variable
    - par: function parameters
        par[0]: normalisation first peak
        par[1]: mean first peak
        par[2]: sigma first peak
        par[3]: normalisation second peak
        par[4]: mean second peak
        par[5]: sigma second peak
    firstGaus = par[0] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2], True)
    secondGaus = par[3] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[4], par[5], True)
    return firstGaus + secondGaus
Esempio n. 7
    def ffunc_DDPIPI(x, par):
        ''' function for correlated breit wigner: e+e- --> pipiDD with convoluted Gaussian function'''
        sum = 0.
        X = x[0]
        sigma_gaus = 1.6 * 0.001
        xlow = X - 5. * sigma_gaus
        xup = X + 5. * sigma_gaus
        step = (xup - xlow) / 100.

        for i in range(1, 50):
            xx = xlow + (i - 0.5) * step
            ffun = func_DDPIPI(xx, par)
            sum += ffun * TMath.Gaus(X, xx, sigma_gaus)

            xx = xup - +(i - 0.5) * step
            ffun = func_DDPIPI(xx, par)
            sum += ffun * TMath.Gaus(X, xx, sigma_gaus)

        return sum * step * GeV_2_sigma / sigma_gaus
Esempio n. 8
def DoublePeakDoubleGaus(x, par):
    Sum of a double Gaussian function and a single Gaussian function

    - x: function variable
    - par: function parameters
        par[0]: normalisation first peak
        par[1]: mean first peak
        par[2]: first sigma first peak
        par[3]: second sigma first peak
        par[4]: fraction of integral in second Gaussian first peak
        par[5]: normalisation second peak
        par[6]: mean second peak
        par[7]: sigma second peak
    firstGaus = TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2], True)
    secondGaus = TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[3], True)
    thirdGaus = par[5] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[6], par[7], True)
    return par[0] * (
        (1 - par[4]) * firstGaus + par[4] * secondGaus) + thirdGaus
Esempio n. 9
def SingleGaus(x, par):
    Gaussian function

    - x: function variable
    - par: function parameters
        par[0]: normalisation
        par[1]: mean
        par[2]: sigma
    return par[0] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2], True)
Esempio n. 10
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     out = 0
     t = (x[0] - par[1]) / par[2]
     if (par[0] < 0): t = -t
     absAlpha = TMath.Abs(par[3])
     if (t >= -absAlpha):
         out = par[0] * TMath.Exp(-0.5 * t * t)
         a = TMath.Power(par[4] / absAlpha, par[4]) * TMath.Exp(
             -0.5 * absAlpha * absAlpha)
         b = par[4] / absAlpha - absAlpha
         out = par[0] * (a / TMath.Power(b - t, par[4]))
     out = out + par[5] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[6])
     return out
Esempio n. 11
def myFitFunc(x=None, par=None):
    return par[0] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2], kFALSE)
Esempio n. 12
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     out = par[0] * (1 - par[1] * x[0]) * (x[0]**(
         -par[2])) + par[3] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[4], par[5])
     return out
Esempio n. 13
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     x1 = par[0] * TMath.Power(x[0] - 60, -par[1])
     x2 = TMath.Exp(-1.0 * (TMath.Power(par[2] * (x[0] - 60), 2)))
     out = x1 * x2 + par[3] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[4], par[5])
     return out
Esempio n. 14
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     x1 = par[0] * TMath.Power(x[0], -par[1])
     x2 = TMath.Exp(-par[2] * x[0])
     out = x1 * x2 + par[3] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[4], par[5])
     return out
Esempio n. 15
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     out = (par[0] *
            TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[1], par[2])) + par[3] * (x[0]**-par[4])
     return out
Esempio n. 16
 def __call__(self, x, par):
     x1 = par[0] * TMath.Power(x[0], -par[1])
     x2 = TMath.Exp(-par[2] * x[0])
     x3 = TMath.Exp(-par[3] * x[0] * x[0])
     return x1 * x2 * x3 + par[4] * TMath.Gaus(x[0], par[5], par[6])
def NoisePlusLandauGaus(x, par):

    #p_noise comes from a template histogram and is normalized to 1.0
    p_noise = 0
    if (x[0] >= 0 and x[0] < 2):
        p_noise = 0.0219891
    elif (x[0] >= 2 and x[0] < 4):
        p_noise = 0.120234
    elif (x[0] >= 4 and x[0] < 6):
        p_noise = 0.201533
    elif (x[0] >= 6 and x[0] < 8):
        p_noise = 0.208594
    elif (x[0] >= 8 and x[0] < 10):
        p_noise = 0.150293
    elif (x[0] >= 10 and x[0] < 12):
        p_noise = 0.103087
    elif (x[0] >= 12 and x[0] < 14):
        p_noise = 0.0691951
    elif (x[0] >= 14 and x[0] < 16):
        p_noise = 0.0490216
    elif (x[0] >= 16 and x[0] < 18):
        p_noise = 0.0344967
    elif (x[0] >= 18 and x[0] < 20):
        p_noise = 0.0217874
    elif (x[0] >= 20 and x[0] < 22):
        p_noise = 0.0117006
    elif (x[0] >= 22 and x[0] < 24):
        p_noise = 0.00484164
        p_noise = 0.003228

    #p_landau = TMath.Landau(x[0],par[2],par[3],False)

    invsq2pi = 0.3989422804014
    # (2 pi)^(-1/2)
    mpshift = -0.22278298
    # Landau maximum location
    np = 500.0
    # number of convolution steps
    sc = 5.0
    # convolution extends to +-sc Gaussian sigmas

    #integral result
    sum = 0.0

    #MP shift correction
    mpc = par[2] - mpshift * par[3]

    #Range of convolution integral
    xlow = x[0] - sc * par[4]
    xupp = x[0] + sc * par[4]
    step = (xupp - xlow) / np

    #Convolution integral of Landau and Gaussian by sum
    for i in range(1, int(np / 2) + 1):
        xx = xlow + (i - .5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[3]) / par[3]
        sum += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[4])

        xx = xupp - (i - .5) * step
        fland = TMath.Landau(xx, mpc, par[3]) / par[3]
        sum += fland * TMath.Gaus(x[0], xx, par[4])

    p_landauGaus = step * sum * invsq2pi / par[4]

    return par[0] * ((1 - par[1]) * p_noise + par[1] * p_landauGaus)
Esempio n. 18
 def __call__( self, x, par ):
     out=par[0] * TMath.Gaus(x[0],par[1],par[2])
     return out;
    FONLLVar = ['central', 'min', 'max']
    hPromptD0, hPromptLcpK0s, hPromptLcpKpi, hPromptLcpiL = ({}
                                                             for _ in range(4))
    inFile = TFile.Open(args.inFileName)
    for var in FONLLVar:
        hPromptD0[var] = inFile.Get(f'hD0Kpipred_{var}')
        hPromptD0[var].Scale(1. / args.BRD0)
        hPromptLcpK0s[var] = inFile.Get(f'hLcK0sppred_{var}')
        hPromptLcpKpi[var] = inFile.Get(f'hLcpkpipred_{var}')

    for iPt in range(1, hPromptD0['central'].GetNbinsX() + 1):
        for var in FONLLVar:
            pT = hPromptD0[var].GetBinCenter(iPt)
            crossSec = hPromptD0[var].GetBinContent(iPt)
            factor = 0.11 + 4.68735e-01 * TMath.Gaus(
                pT, 1, 4.90037)  # parametrised from 5.02 TeV measurement
                                             factor * crossSec * args.BRpK0s)
                                             factor * crossSec * args.BRpKpi)

    outFileName = args.inFileName.replace('.root', '_Mod.root')
    os.system(f'cp {args.inFileName} {outFileName}')

    outFile = TFile.Open(outFileName, 'update')
    for var in FONLLVar:
Esempio n. 20
def func_DDPIPI(x, par):
    ''' function for correlated breit wigner: e+e- --> DDpipi '''
    xx = x[0]
    return par[0] * pow(xx, -2) * TMath.Exp(
        -1 * par[1] * (xx - 4.015)) + par[2] * TMath.Gaus(xx, par[3], par[4])
Esempio n. 21
def AddToField(X, B, S0, Sigma, Integral):
    "Add gaussian to field"

    for i in range(len(X)):
        B[i] += Integral * TMath.Gaus(X[i], S0, Sigma, True)