def prepare_canvas(c, channels, pad_label=None, x_label=None, y_label=None): pads = dict() # for axis labels c.Divide(1, 1, 0.03, 0.03)*divide_square(len(channels))) for i, chans in enumerate(channels): ncol, nrow = divide_square(len(chans)) + 1).Divide(nrow, ncol, 0., 0.) # share y axis in the sub-group ymax = 0 for j, ch in enumerate(chans): pads[ch] = + 1).cd(j + 1) # labels htext, vtext = TText(), TText() htext.SetTextSize(0.03) htext.SetTextAlign(22) vtext.SetTextSize(0.03) vtext.SetTextAlign(22) vtext.SetTextAngle(90) if pad_label: htext.DrawText(0.5, 0.982, pad_label) if x_label: htext.DrawText(0.5, 0.015, x_label) if y_label: vtext.DrawText(0.015, 0.5, y_label) return pads
def plotNSamples(cls, npatterns, etBins, etaBins, outname='nPatterns.pdf'): """Plot number of samples per bin""" logger = Logger.getModuleLogger("PlotNSamples") from ROOT import TCanvas, gROOT, kTRUE, kFALSE, TH2I, TText gROOT.SetBatch(kTRUE) c1 = TCanvas("plot_patterns_signal", "a", 0, 0, 800, 400) c1.Draw() shape = [len(etBins) - 1, len(etaBins) - 1] histo1 = TH2I( "text_stats", "#color[4]{Signal}/#color[2]{Background} available statistics", shape[0], 0, shape[0], shape[1], 0, shape[1]) #histo1 = TH2I("text_stats", "Signal/Background available statistics", shape[0], 0, shape[0], shape[1], 0, shape[1]) histo1.SetStats(kFALSE) histo1.Draw("TEXT") histo1.SetXTitle("E_{T}") histo1.SetYTitle("#eta") histo1.GetXaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) histo1.GetYaxis().SetTitleSize(0.04) histo1.GetXaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) histo1.GetYaxis().SetLabelSize(0.04) histo1.GetXaxis().SetTickSize(0) histo1.GetYaxis().SetTickSize(0) ttest = TText() ttest.SetTextAlign(22) for etBin in range(shape[0]): for etaBin in range(shape[1]): key = 'et%d_eta%d' % (etBin, etaBin) ttest.SetTextColor(4) ttest.DrawText(.5 + etBin, .75 + etaBin, 's: ' + str(npatterns['sgnPattern_' + key])) ttest.SetTextColor(2) ttest.DrawText(.5 + etBin, .25 + etaBin, 'b: ' + str(npatterns['bkgPattern_' + key])) try: histo1.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel( etaBin + 1, '#bf{%d} : %.2f->%.2f' % (etaBin, etaBins[etaBin], etaBins[etaBin + 1])) except Exception: logger.error("Couldn't retrieve eta bin %d bounderies.", etaBin) histo1.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(etaBin + 1, str(etaBin)) try: histo1.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel( etBin + 1, '#bf{%d} : %d->%d [GeV]' % (etBin, etBins[etBin], etBins[etBin + 1])) except Exception: logger.error("Couldn't retrieve et bin %d bounderies.", etBin) histo1.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(etBin + 1, str(etaBin)) c1.SetGrid() c1.Update() c1.SaveAs(outname)
arrow.Draw() line.DrawLine( 7, 8.5, 7, 8.0 ) line.DrawLine( 7, 8.0, 10.6, 8 ) arrow.DrawArrow( 10.6,8, 10.6, 8.4, 0.01, '|>' ) line.DrawLine( 10.6, 11, 10.6, 11.5 ) line.DrawLine( 10.6, 11.5, 14.6, 11.5 ) arrow.DrawArrow( 14.6, 11.5, 14.6, 11.1, 0.01, '|>' ) line.DrawLine( 14.6, 8.5, 14.6, 8.0 ) line.DrawLine( 14.6, 8.0, 16, 8 ) ldot.DrawLine( 16, 8, 19, 8 ) vert = TText( 1.5, 9.75, 'File' ) vert.SetTextAlign( 21 ) vert.SetTextAngle( 90 ) vert.SetTextSize( 0.025 ) vert.Draw() vert.DrawText( 2.0, 9.75, 'Header' ) vert.DrawText( 2.9, 9.75, 'Logical Record' ) vert.DrawText( 3.2, 9.75, 'Header' ) vert.DrawText( 7.3, 9.75, 'Logical Record' ) vert.DrawText( 7.6, 9.75, 'Header' ) vert.DrawText( 10.9, 9.75, 'Logical Record' ) vert.DrawText( 11.2, 9.75, 'Header' ) vert.DrawText( 14.9, 9.75, 'Logical Record' ) vert.DrawText( 15.2, 9.75, 'Header' ) hori = TText( 4.75, 10, 'Object' ) hori.SetTextAlign( 22 ) hori.SetTextSize( 0.035 ) hori.Draw() hori.DrawText( 4.75, 9.5, 'Data' ) hori.DrawText( 9.2, 10, 'Deleted' ) hori.DrawText( 9.2, 9.5, 'Object' )
def main(): cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(0) gStyle.SetGridColor(18) nbinsX = 0 for ix in range(len(SECTORSPERREGION)): nbinsX += SECTORSPERREGION[ix] hh = TH2D('hh', ';Strip;Sector', STRIPSPERSECTOR, 0, STRIPSPERSECTOR, nbinsX, 0, nbinsX) setupHists([hh]) hh.Draw('COLZ') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.11) tt2 = TPaveText(240, 43, 500, 45) ttime = TPaveText(100, -5.5, 412, -3) setupPaveTexts([tt2, ttime]) tt2.SetTextSize(0.03) lll = TLine() lll.SetLineColor(15) y1 = SECTORSPERREGION[0] y2 = SECTORSPERREGION[0] + SECTORSPERREGION[1] lll.DrawLine(0, y1, STRIPSPERSECTOR, y1) lll.DrawLine(0, y2, STRIPSPERSECTOR, y2) tt = TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.04) tt.DrawText(532, 22, 'Hz') tt.SetTextSize(0.06) tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.1, 0.93, 'SVT Scalers') tt.SetTextSize(0.03) tt.DrawText(-42, 4, 'R1') tt.DrawText(-42, 16, 'R2') tt.DrawText(-42, 32, 'R3') for xx in [ttime, tt2]: xx.Draw() gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: iy = 0 for ch in SVT.chans: loadPV(ch) ch = ch.vals data = ch['PVVAL'] time2 = ch['PVTIMEVAL'] if time2 > 10: print 'More than 10 seconds since message: ' + ch['PVNAME'] for ii in range(512): data[ii] = 0 if iy < SECTORSPERREGION[0]: region = 1 sector = iy elif iy < SECTORSPERREGION[0] + SECTORSPERREGION[1]: region = 2 sector = iy - SECTORSPERREGION[0] else: region = 3 sector = iy - SECTORSPERREGION[0] - SECTORSPERREGION[1] if data == None or len(data) != STRIPSPERSECTOR: print 'Error Reading ' + ch['PVNAME'] continue for ix in range(STRIPSPERSECTOR): hh.SetBinContent(ix, iy + 1, data[ix]) iy += 1 for xx in [ttime, tt2]: xx.Clear() [r1, r2, r3] = calcRates(SVT.chans) tt2.AddText('Sums: R1 / R2 / R3 = %.2E / %.2E / %.2E Hz' % (r1, r2, r3)) ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if not gPad: sys.exit() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(POLLPERIOD)
nut = TCanvas('nut', 'FirstSession', 100, 10, 700, 900) nut.Range(0, 0, 20, 24) nut.SetFillColor(10) nut.SetBorderSize(2) pl = TPaveLabel(3, 22, 17, 23.7, 'My first PyROOT interactive session', 'br') pl.SetFillColor(18) pl.Draw() t = TText(0, 0, 'a') t.SetTextFont(62) t.SetTextSize(0.025) t.SetTextAlign(12) t.DrawText( 2, 20.3, 'PyROOT provides ROOT bindings for Python, a powerful interpreter.') t.DrawText(2, 19.3, 'Blocks of lines can be entered typographically.') t.DrawText(2, 18.3, 'Previous typed lines can be recalled.') t.SetTextFont(72) t.SetTextSize(0.026) t.DrawText(3, 17, r'>>> x, y = 5, 7') t.DrawText(3, 16, r'>>> import math; x*math.sqrt(y)') t.DrawText( 3, 14, r'>>> for i in range(2,7): print "sqrt(%d) = %f" % (i,math.sqrt(i))') t.DrawText(3, 10, r'>>> import ROOT; f1 = ROOT.TF1( "f1", "sin(x)/x", 0, 10 )') t.DrawText(3, 9, r'>>> f1.Draw()') t.SetTextFont(81)
def drawColorTable(clist=range(0, 50), nrow=None, ncol=None, cmax=10, tag="", label=False, RBG=False, newRBG=True, div=2): # if not ncol: ncol = min(cmax, len(clist)) if not nrow: nrow = 1 if len(clist) <= cmax else int(ceil(len(clist) / float(cmax))) x1 = y1 = 0. x2 = y2 = 20. hs = (y2 - y1) / nrow ws = (x2 - x1) / ncol if label or RBG: width = 170 * ncol height = 80 * nrow else: width = 110 * ncol height = 80 * nrow scale = 400. / height if 400. < height: scale = sqrt(scale) canvas = TCanvas("c", "Fill Area colors", 0, 0, width, height) canvas.SetFillColor(0) canvas.Clear() canvas.Range(x1, y1, x2, y2) text = TText(0, 0, "") text.SetTextFont(61) text.SetTextSize(0.07 * scale) text.SetTextAlign(22) box = TBox() for r in range(0, nrow): ylow = y2 - hs * (r + 0.1) yup = y2 - hs * (r + 0.9) for c in range(0, ncol): i = ncol * r + c if i >= len(clist): break xlow = x1 + ws * (c + 0.1) xup = x1 + ws * (c + 0.9) color = clist[ncol * r + c] box.SetFillStyle(1001) box.SetFillColor(color) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) box.SetFillStyle(0) box.SetLineColor(1) box.DrawBox(xlow, ylow, xup, yup) if color == 1: text.SetTextColor(0) else: text.SetTextColor(1) name = "%d" % color if (isinstance(label, int) and i % div == label) or label: name = getColorString(color) if (not isinstance(RBG, bool) and isinstance(RBG, int) and i % div == RBG) or (RBG and not isinstance(label, int)): name = getRGBString(color) elif newRBG and color >= 924: name = getRGBString(color) text.DrawText(0.5 * (xlow + xup), 0.5 * (ylow + yup), name) if i >= len(clist): break canvas.SaveAs("TColorTable%s.png" % tag) canvas.SaveAs("TColorTable%s.pdf" % tag)
def main(): if True: mf=TGMainFrame(gClient.GetRoot(),1500,475) gvf=TGVerticalFrame(mf,1500,475) rec=TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ccc",gvf,1500,450) rec2=TRootEmbeddedCanvas("ccc2",gvf,1500,25) gvf.AddFrame(rec,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX|ROOT.kLHintsTop)) gvf.AddFrame(rec2,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX|ROOT.kLHintsBottom)) mf.AddFrame(gvf,TGLayoutHints(ROOT.kLHintsExpandX)) cc=rec.GetCanvas() cc2=rec2.GetCanvas() mf.SetEditable(0) mf.SetWindowName('HPS ECAL FADC SCALERS') mf.MapSubwindows() mf.Resize(1501,476)# resize to get proper frame placement mf.MapWindow() else: cc=TCanvas('cc','',1500,450) cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(11) hh=TH2D('hh',';X;Y',46,-22,24,11,-5,6) hi=TH2I('hi',';X;Y',46,-22,24,11,-5,6) setupHists([hh,hi]) xax,yax=hh.GetXaxis(),hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1,1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.05) tt1=TPaveText(0.1,0.9,0.3,1.0,'NDC') tt2=TPaveText(0.7,0.91,0.9,0.99,'NDC') ttT=TPaveText(-22+13+0.05,6-5,-22+22,7-5-0.05) ttB=TPaveText(-22+13+0.05,4-5+0.05,-22+22,5-5) ttM=TPaveText(-22+0+0.05,5-5+0.05,-22+13,6-5.01) ttime=TPaveText(-10,-6.5,10,-5.8) tchan=TPaveText(0,0,0.9,1) setupPaveTexts([tt1,tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM,ttime,tchan]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) bb=TBox() bb.SetFillStyle(1001) bb.SetFillColor(0) bb.SetLineWidth(1) bb.SetLineColor(1) bb.DrawBox(-9+0.05,-1,0,1.97) bb.DrawBox(-24,0,24.05,0.97) tarrow=TText(14.5,0.3,'Beam Left') arrow=TArrow(19,0.5,23,0.5,0.02,'|>') arrow.SetAngle(40) arrow.SetFillColor(1) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) tt=TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.08) tt.DrawText(25.4,0,'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(2) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.3,0.92,'ECAL FADC SCALERS') for xx in [tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM,arrow,tarrow,ttime]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') ll=TLine() ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmin()) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmax()) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmin(),0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmin(),xax.GetXmax(),0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmin(),1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),yax.GetXmax(),xax.GetXmax(),1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),0,0,0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmax(),1,0,1) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),0,-9,0) ll.DrawLine(xax.GetXmin(),1,-9,1) ll.DrawLine(-9,-1,0,-1) ll.DrawLine(-9,2,0,2) ll.DrawLine(-9,1,-9,2) ll.DrawLine(-9,-1,-9,0) ll.DrawLine(0,-1,0,0) ll.DrawLine(0,1,0,2) gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: # try: zvals=getPVS() for ii in range(len(zvals)): hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii]),yax.FindBin(YVALS[ii]),zvals[ii]) hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(XVALS[ii]),yax.FindBin(YVALS[ii]),zvals[ii]) for xx in [ttime,tt2,ttT,ttB,ttM]: xx.Clear() [top,bottom,maximum]=calcRates(zvals) tt2.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz'%((top+bottom)/1000)) ttT.AddText('%.1f MHz'%(top/1000)) ttB.AddText('%.1f MHz'%(bottom/1000)) ttM.AddText('MAX SINGLE CRYSTAL = %.0f kHz'%(maximum)) ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if gPad.GetEvent()==11: xy=pix2xy(gPad) ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) if ee: tchan.Clear() tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: tchan.Clear() cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(1)
def main(): cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(11) hh=TH2D('hh',';X;Y',22,-10.5,11.5,22,-10.5,11.5) hi=TH2I('hi',';X;Y',22,-10.5,11.5,22,-10.5,11.5) setupHists([hh,hi]) xax,yax=hh.GetXaxis(),hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1,1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.11) #tt2=TPaveText(0.7,0.96,0.9,0.99,'NDC') ttM=TPaveText(-3+0.05, 7-4.45, 4.0, 8-4.51) tt2=TPaveText(-3+0.05, 7-5.45, 4.0, 8-5.51) ttX=TPaveText(-2, 7-8.00, 3, 8-8.00) ttY=TPaveText(-2, 7-9.00, 3, 8-9.00) ttZ=TPaveText(-2, 6-8.80, 3, 8-9.30) ttZ.AddText("positive = beam top/right") ttime=TPaveText(-10,-12.5,10,-11.8) tchan=TPaveText(0,0,0.9,1) setupPaveTexts([tt2,ttM,ttime,tchan,ttX,ttY,ttZ]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) ttM.SetFillStyle(0) ttZ.SetFillStyle(0) tt2.SetFillStyle(0) tarrow=TText(-0.9,0.7,'Beam Right') tarrow.SetTextSizePixels(15) arrow=TArrow(-1.4,0.5,2.4,0.5,0.02,'|>') arrow.SetAngle(40) arrow.SetFillColor(1) arrow.SetLineWidth(2) tt=TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.04) tt.DrawText(12.4,0,'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.3,0.92,'FTC FADC SCALERS') bb=TBox() bb.SetFillStyle(1001) bb.SetFillColor(0) bb.SetLineWidth(1) bb.SetLineColor(1) bb.DrawBox(-3.47,-1.47,4.47,2.46) bb.DrawBox(-1.47,-3.47,2.49,4.47) bb.DrawBox(-2.47,-2.47,3.49,3.47) for xx in [ttM,tt2,ttime,arrow,tarrow,ttX,ttY,ttZ]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: for ch in ECAL.chans: loadPV(ch) ch=ch.vals xx,yy=ch['X'],ch['Y'] #if (ch['PVVAL']>10): # print xx,yy,ch['PVVAL'] # swap x to make it downstream view: xx=-xx #after, fix the fact x=0 / y=0 don't exists if xx<0: xx+=1 if yy<0: yy+=1 hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx),yax.FindBin(yy),ch['PVVAL']) hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx),yax.FindBin(yy),ch['PVVAL']) for xx in [ttime,tt2,ttM,ttX,ttY]: xx.Clear() [total,maximum,top,bottom,left,right]=calcRates(ECAL.chans) tt2.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz'%(total/1000)) ttM.AddText('Max: %.0f kHz'%(maximum)) if total>1e2: xasy = (right-left)/total yasy = (top-bottom)/total ttX.AddText('X-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*xasy)) ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*yasy)) else: ttX.AddText('X-Asy: N/A') ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: N/A') ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if not gPad: sys.exit() if gPad.GetEvent()==11: xy=pix2xy(gPad) ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) if ee: tchan.Clear() tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: tchan.Clear() cc2.Modified() cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(2)
leg1.SetTextSize(0.05) leg1.SetBorderSize(0) leg1.SetTextFont(22) leg1.AddEntry(G1, "M(Z')=5TeV", "l") leg1.AddEntry(G2, "M(Z')=10TeV", "l") leg1.AddEntry(G3, "M(Z')=20TeV", "l") leg1.AddEntry(G4, "M(Z')=40TeV", "l") t = TText() t.SetTextAlign(20) t.SetTextSize(0.03) t.SetTextFont(22) t.SetTextColor(1) label = ["20*20", "5*5", "1*1"] for i in range(3): t.DrawText(i + 1, -0.03, label[i]) c.Draw() mg.Draw() leg.Draw() leg1.Draw() # c.Print("raw_"+str(cut_value)+"_tau21_summary_U_after_cut_25bins_no_UOF.pdf") c.Print("raw_" + str(cut_value) + "_tau21_summary_U_after_cut_25bins_no_UOF_new_75pa.eps") if (variable[k + 1] == "tau32"): f1 = ROOT.TFile.Open( "/Users/ms08962476/github/MannWhitneyUrawhit/codes/raw_" + str(cut_value) + "_tau32_5tev_04_after_cut_Man_75%.root") f2 = ROOT.TFile.Open( "/Users/ms08962476/github/MannWhitneyUrawhit/codes/raw_" +
def main(): cc.SetBorderMode(0) cc.SetFixedAspectRatio(1) cc.FeedbackMode(1) gStyle.SetOptStat(0) gStyle.SetGridStyle(1) gStyle.SetGridColor(18) hh = TH2D('hh', ';X;Y', 8 * 28, 0, 28, 8 * 23, 0, 23) hi = TH2I('hi', ';X;Y', 8 * 28, 0, 28, 8 * 23, 0, 23) setupHists([hh, hi]) xax, yax = hh.GetXaxis(), hh.GetYaxis() hh.Draw('COLZ') hh.SetMinimum(1) hh.SetMaximum(1.5e3) #hi.Draw('TEXTSAME') gPad.SetLogz() gPad.SetGrid(1, 1) gPad.SetLeftMargin(0.09) gPad.SetRightMargin(0.11) #tt2=TPaveText(0.7,0.96,0.9,0.99,'NDC') ttM = TPaveText(-3 + 0.05, 7 - 4.45, 4.0, 8 - 4.51) tt2 = TPaveText(-3 + 0.05, 7 - 5.45, 4.0, 8 - 5.51) ttX = TPaveText(-2, 7 - 8.00, 3, 8 - 8.00) ttY = TPaveText(-2, 7 - 9.00, 3, 8 - 9.00) ttime = TPaveText(8, -2, 20, -1) tchan = TPaveText(0, 0, 0.9, 1) setupPaveTexts([tt2, ttM, ttime, tchan, ttX, ttY]) ttM.SetTextColor(2) ttM.SetFillStyle(0) tt2.SetFillStyle(0) tt = TText() tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.SetTextAngle(90) tt.SetTextSize(0.04) tt.DrawText(29.5, 10, 'kHz') tt.SetTextAngle(0) tt.SetTextColor(1) tt.DrawTextNDC(0.3, 0.92, 'RICH SSP Scalers') # bb=TBox() # bb.SetFillStyle(1001) # bb.SetFillColor(0) # bb.SetLineWidth(1) # bb.SetLineColor(1) # bb.DrawBox(-3.47,-1.47,4.47,2.46) # bb.DrawBox(-1.47,-3.47,2.49,4.47) # bb.DrawBox(-2.47,-2.47,3.49,3.47) for xx in [ttime]: xx.Draw() #ttM,tt2,ttime,ttX,ttY]: xx.Draw() tchan.Draw('NDC') gPad.SetEditable(0) while True: for ch in ECAL.chans: loadPV(ch) ch = ch.vals xx, yy = ch['X'], ch['Y'] data = ch['PVVAL'] for ix in range(8): for iy in range(8): ii = ix * 8 + iy #print ch['PVNAME'],data[ii] xoff = float(ix) / 8 yoff = float(iy) / 8 hh.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx + xoff), yax.FindBin(yy + yoff), data[ii]) # hi.SetBinContent(xax.FindBin(xx+xoff),yax.FindBin(yy+yoff),data[ii]) # for xx in [ttime]: ttime.Clear() # xx.,tt2,ttM,ttX,ttY]: xx.Clear() # [total,maximum,top,bottom,left,right]=calcRates(ECAL.chans) # tt2.AddText('Total: %.1f MHz'%(total/1000)) # ttM.AddText('Max: %.0f kHz'%(maximum)) # if total>1e2: # xasy = (right-left)/total # yasy = (top-bottom)/total # ttX.AddText('X-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*xasy)) # ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: %+.1f%%'%(100*yasy)) # else: # ttX.AddText('X-Asy: N/A') # ttY.AddText('Y-Asy: N/A') ttime.AddText(makeTime()) if not gPad: sys.exit() # if gPad.GetEvent()==11: # xy=pix2xy(gPad) # ee=ECAL.findChannelXY(xy[0],xy[1]) # if ee: # tchan.Clear() # tchan.AddText(printChannel(ee)) # cc2.Modified() # cc2.Update() # elif gPad.GetEvent()==12: # tchan.Clear() # cc2.Modified() # cc2.Update() cc.Modified() cc.Update() time.sleep(1)