def refresh(do_clear): # refresh the display if (do_clear): lcd.clear() lcd.home() global req_clear req_clear = False # version on row 0 with cursor(lcd, row_version,row_version_indent): lcd.write_string(row_version_txt) if (row_msg_txt == ""): # no message, just display the Aquila on row 1 with cursor(lcd, row_msg, 8): lcd.write_string(unichr(0)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) else: # we have a message, display that instead with cursor(lcd, row_msg, calc_indent(row_msg_txt)): lcd.write_string(row_msg_txt) # MET on row 2 with cursor(lcd,row_met,row_met_indent): lcd.write_string('MET ' + format_met()) # score on row 3 with cursor(lcd,row_score,row_score_indent): lcd.write_string(format_score()) # ensure cursor is in the right position position_cursor()
input('The string should have a left offset of 5 characters. ') lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.display lcd.cursor_pos = (1, 5) lcd.write_string('12345') input('Both strings should now be at column 0. ') lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.cursor lcd.cursor_pos = (1, 5) lcd.write_string( input('The string "cursor" should now be on the second row, column 0. ') lcd.home() input('Cursor should now be at initial position. Everything should be shifted to the right by 5 characters. ') with cursor(lcd, 1, 15): lcd.write_string('X') input('The last character on the LCD should now be an "X"') lcd.display_enabled = False input('Display should now be blank. ') with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string('Eggs, Ham\n\rand Spam') lcd.display_enabled = True input('Display should now show "Eggs, Ham and Spam" with a line break after "Ham". ') lcd.shift_display(4) input('Text should now be shifted to the right by 4 characters. ') lcd.shift_display(-4) input('Shift should now be undone. ')
lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.display lcd.cursor_pos = (1, 5) lcd.write_string('12345') input('Both strings should now be at column 0. ') lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.cursor lcd.cursor_pos = (1, 5) lcd.write_string( input('The string "cursor" should now be on the second row, column 0. ') lcd.home() input( 'Cursor should now be at initial position. Everything should be shifted to the right by 5 characters. ' ) with cursor(lcd, 1, 15): lcd.write_string('X') input('The last character on the LCD should now be an "X"') lcd.display_enabled = False input('Display should now be blank. ') with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string('Eggs, Ham\n\rand Spam') lcd.display_enabled = True input( 'Display should now show "Eggs, Ham and Spam" with a line break after "Ham". ' ) lcd.shift_display(4) input('Text should now be shifted to the right by 4 characters. ')
def main(): # on lit les sondes # point froid humidity, temperature = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(Adafruit_DHT.DHT22, 22) # point chaud humidityC, temperatureC = Adafruit_DHT.read_retry(Adafruit_DHT.DHT22, 27) # on arrondi a 2 chiffres humidity = round(humidity, 2) temperature = round(temperature, 2) humidityC = round(humidityC, 2) temperatureC = round(temperatureC, 2) lcd = CharLCD(cols=16, rows=2, pin_rw=None, pin_rs=7, pin_e=8, pins_data=[25, 24, 23, 18], pin_backlight=13, backlight_enabled=True, numbering_mode=GPIO.BCM) with cleared(lcd): lcd.create_char(2, tete) lcd.create_char(3, corpsbas) lcd.create_char(4, corpshaut) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(u' ') lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.create_char(1, coeur) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(u' Salut ! ') lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) time.sleep(4) with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string(u'Point chaud :') with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.write_string(u' Temp = %s ' % temperatureC) lcd.create_char(0, degres) lcd.write_string(unichr(0)) lcd.write_string(u'C') time.sleep(5) with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string(u'Point chaud :') with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.write_string(u' Humi = %s ' % humidityC) lcd.write_string(u'%') time.sleep(5) with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string(u'Point froid :') with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.write_string(u' Temp = %s ' % temperature) lcd.create_char(0, degres) lcd.write_string(unichr(0)) lcd.write_string(u'C') time.sleep(5) with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string(u'Point froid :') with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.write_string(u' Humi = %s ' % humidity) lcd.write_string(u'%') time.sleep(5) with cleared(lcd): lcd.create_char(2, tete) lcd.create_char(3, corpsbas) lcd.create_char(4, corpshaut) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(u' ') lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) lcd.write_string(unichr(4)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) with cursor(lcd, 1, 0): lcd.create_char(1, coeur) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(u' Bye-bye ! ') lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) time.sleep(4) lcd.close(clear=True)
input('The string should have a left offset of 5 characters. ') lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.display lcd.cursor_pos = (1, 5) lcd.write_string('12345') input('Both strings should now be at column 0. ') lcd.write_shift_mode = ShiftMode.cursor lcd.cursor_pos = (2, 5) lcd.write_string( input('The string "cursor" should now be on the third row, column 0. ') lcd.home() input('Cursor should now be at initial position. Everything should be shifted to the right by 5 characters. ') with cursor(lcd, 3, 19): lcd.write_string('X') input('The last character on the LCD should now be an "X"') lcd.display_enabled = False input('Display should now be blank. ') with cleared(lcd): lcd.write_string('Eggs, Ham, Bacon\n\rand Spam') lcd.display_enabled = True input('Display should now show "Eggs, Ham, Bacon and Spam". ') lcd.shift_display(4) input('Text should now be shifted to the right by 4 characters. ') lcd.shift_display(-4) input('Shift should now be undone. ')
def _update_display(self): with cleared(self.lcd): self.lcd.write_string(self.line1) with cursor(self.lcd, 1, 0): self.lcd.write_string(self.line2)
# create the aquila characters aquila0 = (0b01111,0b00011,0b00001,0b00000,0b00000,0b00000,0b00000,0b00000) lcd.create_char(0,aquila0) aquila1 = (0b11101,0b11000,0b11111,0b11111,0b01101,0b00001,0b00011,0b00010) lcd.create_char(1,aquila1) aquila2 = (0b01011,0b10001,0b11111,0b11111,0b11011,0b11000,0b11100,0b10100) lcd.create_char(2,aquila2) aquila3 = (0b11111,0b11100,0b11000,0b10000,0b00000,0b00000,0b00000,0b00000) lcd.create_char(3,aquila3) # prep the LCD lcd.clear() lcd.home() with cursor(lcd, 0, 2): lcd.write_string('AUSPEX 410014.M2') # test github editor for spaces # OK it worked # draw the aquila centred on line 2 with cursor(lcd, 1,8): lcd.write_string(unichr(0)) lcd.write_string(unichr(1)) lcd.write_string(unichr(2)) lcd.write_string(unichr(3)) with cursor(lcd,2,4): lcd.write_string('MET: 1:22:45') with cursor(lcd,3,2):