def makespectrums(basedir,configfile,remakealldata): """ This will make all of the spectra for a set of data and save it in a folder in basedir called Spectrums. It is assumed that the data in the Origparams is time tagged in the title with a string seperated by a white space and the rest of the file name. For example ~/DATA/Basedir/0 origdata.h5. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. """ dirio=('Origparams','Spectrums') inputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[1]) # determine the list of h5 files in Origparams directory dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*.h5')) # Make the lists of numbers and file names for the dictionary (listorder,timevector,filenumbering,timebeg,time_s) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) slist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) # Delete data outfiles = glob.glob(os.path.join(outputdir,'*.h5')) for ifile in outfiles: os.remove(ifile) for inum, curfile in zip(timebeg,slist): outfile = os.path.join(outputdir,str(inum)+' spectrum.h5') print('Processing file {0} starting at {1}\n'.format(os.path.split(curfile)[1] , curiono = IonoContainer.readh5(curfile) curiono.makespectruminstanceopen(specfuncs.ISRSspecmake,sensdict, simparams['numpoints']).saveh5(outfile) print('Finished file {0} starting at {1}\n'.format(os.path.split(curfile)[1],
def makeinputh5(Iono,basedir): """This will make a h5 file for the IonoContainer that can be used as starting points for the fitter. The ionocontainer taken will be average over the x and y dimensions of space to make an average value of the parameters for each altitude. Inputs Iono - An instance of the Ionocontainer class that will be averaged over so it can be used for fitter starting points. basdir - A string that holds the directory that the file will be saved to. """ # Get the parameters from the original data Param_List = Iono.Param_List dataloc = Iono.Cart_Coords times = Iono.Time_Vector velocity = Iono.Velocity zlist,idx = sp.unique(dataloc[:,2],return_inverse=True) siz = list(Param_List.shape[1:]) vsiz = list(velocity.shape[1:]) datalocsave = sp.column_stack((sp.zeros_like(zlist),sp.zeros_like(zlist),zlist)) outdata = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+siz) outvel = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+vsiz) # Do the averaging across space for izn,iz in enumerate(zlist): arr = sp.argwhere(idx==izn) outdata[izn]=sp.mean(Param_List[arr],axis=0) outvel[izn]=sp.mean(velocity[arr],axis=0) Ionoout = IonoContainer(datalocsave,outdata,times,Iono.Sensor_loc,ver=0, paramnames=Iono.Param_Names, species=Iono.Species,velocity=outvel) Ionoout.saveh5(os.path.join(basedir,'startdata.h5'))
def makeinputh5(Iono, basedir): Param_List = Iono.Param_List dataloc = Iono.Cart_Coords times = Iono.Time_Vector velocity = Iono.Velocity zlist, idx = sp.unique(dataloc[:, 2], return_inverse=True) siz = list(Param_List.shape[1:]) vsiz = list(velocity.shape[1:]) datalocsave = sp.column_stack( (sp.zeros_like(zlist), sp.zeros_like(zlist), zlist)) outdata = sp.zeros([len(zlist)] + siz) outvel = sp.zeros([len(zlist)] + vsiz) for izn, iz in enumerate(zlist): arr = sp.argwhere(idx == izn) outdata[izn] = sp.mean(Param_List[arr], axis=0) outvel[izn] = sp.mean(velocity[arr], axis=0) Ionoout = IonoContainer(datalocsave, outdata, times, Iono.Sensor_loc, ver=0, paramnames=Iono.Param_Names, species=Iono.Species, velocity=outvel) Ionoout.saveh5(os.path.join(basedir, 'startdata.h5'))
def fitdata(basedir, configfile, optintputs): dirio = ("ACF", "Fitted") inputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[1]) dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, "*lags.h5")) dirlistsig = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, "*sigs.h5")) Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(dirlist[0]) Ionoinsig = IonoContainer.readh5(dirlistsig[0]) fitterone = Fitterionoconainer(Ionoin, Ionoinsig, configfile) (fitteddata, fittederror) = fitterone.fitdata( ISRSfitfunction, startvalfunc, exinputs=[fitterone.simparams["startfile"]] ) if fitterone.simparams["Pulsetype"].lower() == "barker": paramlist = fitteddata species = fitterone.simparams["species"] paranamsf = ["Ne"] else: (Nloc, Ntimes, nparams) = fitteddata.shape fittederronly = fittederror[:, :, range(nparams), range(nparams)] paramnames = [] species = fitterone.simparams["species"] Nions = len(species) - 1 Nis = fitteddata[:, :, 0 : Nions * 2 : 2] Tis = fitteddata[:, :, 1 : Nions * 2 : 2] Nisum = sp.nansum(Nis, axis=2)[:, :, sp.newaxis] Tisum = sp.nansum(Nis * Tis, axis=2)[:, :, sp.newaxis] Ti = Tisum / Nisum nNis = fittederronly[:, :, 0 : Nions * 2 : 2] nTis = fittederronly[:, :, 1 : Nions * 2 : 2] nNisum = sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(Nis * nNis ** 2, axis=2))[:, :, sp.newaxis] / Nisum nTisum = sp.sqrt(sp.nansum(Nis * nTis ** 2, axis=2))[:, :, sp.newaxis] nTi = nTisum / Nisum paramlist = sp.concatenate((fitteddata, Nisum, Ti, fittederronly, nNisum, nTi), axis=2) for isp in species[:-1]: paramnames.append("Ni_" + isp) paramnames.append("Ti_" + isp) paramnames = paramnames + ["Ne", "Te", "Vi", "Nepow", "Ni", "Ti"] paramnamese = ["n" + ip for ip in paramnames] paranamsf = sp.array(paramnames + paramnamese) Ionoout = IonoContainer( Ionoin.Sphere_Coords, paramlist, Ionoin.Time_Vector, ver=1, coordvecs=Ionoin.Coord_Vecs, paramnames=paranamsf, species=species, ) outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, "fitteddata.h5") Ionoout.saveh5(outfile)
def makedata(testpath): """ This will make the input data for the test case. The data will have the default set of parameters Ne=Ne=1e11 and Te=Ti=2000. Inputs testpath - Directory that will hold the data. """ finalpath = os.path.join(testpath, 'Origparams') if not os.path.isdir(finalpath): os.mkdir(finalpath) data = SIMVALUES z = sp.linspace(50., 1e3, 50) nz = len(z) params = sp.tile(data[sp.newaxis, sp.newaxis, :, :], (nz, 1, 1, 1)) coords = sp.column_stack((sp.ones(nz), sp.ones(nz), z)) species = ['O+', 'e-'] times = sp.array([[0, 1e3]]) vel = sp.zeros((nz, 1, 3)) Icont1 = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords, paramlist=params, times=times, sensor_loc=sp.zeros(3), ver=0, coordvecs=['x', 'y', 'z'], paramnames=None, species=species, velocity=vel) finalfile = os.path.join(finalpath, '0 stats.h5') Icont1.saveh5(finalfile) # set start temp to 1000 K. Icont1.Param_List[:, :, :, 1] = 1e3 Icont1.saveh5(os.path.join(testpath, 'startfile.h5'))
def makeinputh5(Iono,basedir): Param_List = Iono.Param_List dataloc = Iono.Cart_Coords times = Iono.Time_Vector velocity = Iono.Velocity zlist,idx = sp.unique(dataloc[:,2],return_inverse=True) siz = list(Param_List.shape[1:]) vsiz = list(velocity.shape[1:]) datalocsave = sp.column_stack((sp.zeros_like(zlist),sp.zeros_like(zlist),zlist)) outdata = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+siz) outvel = sp.zeros([len(zlist)]+vsiz) for izn,iz in enumerate(zlist): arr = sp.argwhere(idx==izn) outdata[izn]=sp.mean(Param_List[arr],axis=0) outvel[izn]=sp.mean(velocity[arr],axis=0) Ionoout = IonoContainer(datalocsave,outdata,times,Iono.Sensor_loc,ver=0, paramnames=Iono.Param_Names, species=Iono.Species,velocity=outvel) Ionoout.saveh5(os.path.join(basedir,'startdata.h5'))
def main(): curpath = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(inspect.getfile(inspect.currentframe()))) testpath = os.path.join(os.path.split(curpath)[0],'Testdata','MatrixTest') origparamsdir = os.path.join(testpath,'Origparams') if not os.path.exists(testpath): os.mkdir(testpath) print "Making a path for matrix test at "+testpath if not os.path.exists(origparamsdir): os.mkdir(origparamsdir) print "Making a path for testdata at "+origparamsdir # clear everything out folderlist = ['Origparams','Spectrums','Radardata','ACF','Fitted'] for ifl in folderlist: flist = glob.glob(os.path.join(testpath,ifl,'*.h5')) for ifile in flist: os.remove(ifile) # Make Config file configname = os.path.join(testpath,'config.ini') if ~os.path.isfile(configname): makedefaultfile(configname) # make the coordinates xvec = sp.zeros((1)) yvec = sp.zeros((1)) zvec = sp.arange(50.0,900.0,2.0) # Mesh grid is set up in this way to allow for use in MATLAB with a simple reshape command xx,zz,yy = sp.meshgrid(xvec,zvec,yvec) coords = sp.zeros((xx.size,3)) coords[:,0] = xx.flatten() coords[:,1] = yy.flatten() coords[:,2] = zz.flatten() Icont1 = MakeTestIonoclass(testv=True,testtemp=True,coords=coords) Icont1.saveh5(os.path.join(origparamsdir,'0 testiono.h5')) Icont1.saveh5(os.path.join(testpath,'startdata.h5')) funcnamelist=['spectrums'] runsim.main(funcnamelist,testpath,configname,True) Ispec = IonoContainer.readh5(os.path.join(testpath,'Spectrums','0 testiono spectrum.h5')) Spec = Ispec.Param_List.real acflen = 14 # get matrix outmat = makematPA(Ispec.Sphere_Coords,Ispec.Time_Vector,configname) (outn,inn) = outmat.shape acfs = sp.ifft(scfft.ifftshift(Spec,axes=-1),axis=-1)[:,:,:acflen] acfout = sp.zeros((outn,acflen)).astype(acfs.dtype) acfs = sp.reshape(acfs,(inn,acflen),order='F') for i in range(acflen): acfout[:,i] =,acfs[:,i])
def applymat(basedir,configfile,optinputs): """ This function apply the matrix version of the space time ambiugty function to the ACFs and save the outcome in h5 files within the directory ACFMat. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. """ dirio = ('Spectrums','Mat','ACFMat') inputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[0]) outputdir2 = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[2]) dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*.h5')) (listorder,timevector,filenumbering,timebeg,time_s) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) Ionolist = [dirlist[ikey] for ikey in listorder] RSTO = RadarSpaceTimeOperator(Ionolist,configfile,timevector,mattype='matrix') Ionoout = RSTO.mult_iono(Ionolist) outfile=os.path.join(outputdir2,'00lags.h5') Ionoout.saveh5(outfile)
def startvalfunc(Ne_init, loc, time, exinputs): """ """ Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(exinputs[0]) numel =[-2:]) + 1 xarray = sp.zeros((loc.shape[0], len(time), numel)) for ilocn, iloc in enumerate(loc): (datast, vel) = Ionoin.getclosest(iloc, time)[:2] datast[:, -1, 0] = Ne_init[ilocn, :] ionoden = datast[:, :-1, 0] ionodensum = sp.repeat(sp.sum(ionoden, axis=-1)[:, sp.newaxis], ionoden.shape[-1], axis=-1) ionoden = sp.repeat(Ne_init[ilocn, :, sp.newaxis], ionoden.shape[-1], axis=-1) * ionoden / ionodensum datast[:, :-1, 0] = ionoden xarray[ilocn, :, :-1] = sp.reshape(datast, (len(time), numel - 1)) locmag = sp.sqrt(sp.sum(iloc * iloc)) ilocmat = sp.repeat(iloc[sp.newaxis, :], len(time), axis=0) xarray[ilocn, :, -1] = sp.sum(vel * ilocmat) / locmag return xarray
def makeradardata(basedir,configfile,remakealldata): """ This function will make the radar data and create the acf estimates. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. remakealldata: A bool that determines if the radar data is remade. If false only the acfs will be estimated using the radar that is already made.""" dirio = ('Spectrums','Radardata','ACF') inputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[1]) outputdir2 = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[2]) # determine the list of h5 files in Origparams directory dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*.h5')) # Make the lists of numbers and file names for the dictionary if len(dirlist)>0: (listorder,timevector,filenumbering,timebeg,time_s) = IonoContainer.gettimes(dirlist) Ionodict = {timebeg[itn]:dirlist[it] for itn, it in enumerate(listorder)} else: Ionodict = {0:os.path.join(inputdir,'00.h5')} # Find all of the raw data files radardatalist = glob.glob(os.path.join(outputdir,'*RawData.h5')) if radardatalist and (not remakealldata): # XXX need to work on time stuff outlist2 = radardatalist else: outlist2 = None # create the radar data file class rdata = RadarDataFile(Ionodict,configfile,outputdir,outfilelist=outlist2) # From the ACFs and uncertainties (ionoout,ionosig) = rdata.processdataiono() # save the acfs and uncertianties in ionocontainer h5 files. ionoout.saveh5(os.path.join(outputdir2,'00lags.h5')) ionosig.saveh5(os.path.join(outputdir2,'00sigs.h5')) return ()
def makespectrums(basedir, configfile, remakealldata): dirio = ("Origparams", "Spectrums") inputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir, dirio[1]) dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir, "*.h5")) numlist = [os.path.splitext(os.path.split(x)[-1])[0] for x in dirlist] numdict = {numlist[i]: dirlist[i] for i in range(len(dirlist))} slist = sorted(numlist, key=ke) (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) for inum in slist: outfile = os.path.join(outputdir, inum + " spectrum.h5") curfile = numdict[inum] print("Processing file {} starting at {}\n".format(os.path.split(curfile)[1], curiono = IonoContainer.readh5(curfile) # if curiono.Time_Vector[0,0]==1e-6: # curiono.Time_Vector[0,0] = 0.0 # curiono.coordreduce(coordlims) # curiono.saveh5(os.path.join(inputdir,inum+' red.h5')) curiono.makespectruminstanceopen(specfuncs.ISRSspecmake, sensdict, simparams["numpoints"]).saveh5(outfile) print("Finished file {} starting at {}\n".format(os.path.split(curfile)[1],
def plotacfs(coords, times, configfile, maindir, cartcoordsys=True, indisp=True, acfdisp=True, fitdisp=True, filetemplate='acf', suptitle='ACF Comparison'): """ This will create a set of images that compare the input ISR acf to the output ISR acfs from the simulator. Inputs coords - An Nx3 numpy array that holds the coordinates of the desired points. times - A numpy list of times in seconds. configfile - The name of the configuration file used. cartcoordsys - (default True)A bool, if true then the coordinates are given in cartisian if false then it is assumed that the coords are given in sphereical coordinates. specsfilename - (default None) The name of the file holding the input spectrum. acfname - (default None) The name of the file holding the estimated ACFs. filetemplate (default 'spec') This is the beginning string used to save the images. """ # indisp = specsfilename is not None # acfdisp = acfname is not None sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") acfname = os.path.join(maindir, 'ACF', '00lags.h5') ffit = os.path.join(maindir, 'Fitted', 'fitteddata.h5') specsfiledir = os.path.join(maindir, 'Spectrums') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) simdtype = simparams['dtype'] npts = simparams['numpoints'] * 3.0 amb_dict = simparams['amb_dict'] if sp.ndim(coords) == 1: coords = coords[sp.newaxis, :] Nt = len(times) Nloc = coords.shape[0] sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") pulse = simparams['Pulse'] ts = sensdict['t_s'] tau1 = sp.arange(pulse.shape[-1]) * ts if indisp: dirlist = os.listdir(specsfiledir) timelist = sp.array([int(float(i.split()[0])) for i in dirlist]) for itn, itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(timelist >= itime) if len(filear) == 0: filenum = len(timelist) - 1 else: filenum = filear[0][0] specsfilename = os.path.join(specsfiledir, dirlist[filenum]) Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(specsfilename) if itn == 0: specin = sp.zeros( (Nloc, Nt, Ionoin.Param_List.shape[-1])).astype( Ionoin.Param_List.dtype) omeg = Ionoin.Param_Names npts = Ionoin.Param_List.shape[-1] for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionoin.getclosest(ic, times)[0] else: tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(ic, times)[0] # if sp.ndim(tempin)==1: # tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis,:] specin[icn, itn] = tempin[0, :] / npts if acfdisp: Ionoacf = IonoContainer.readh5(acfname) ACFin = sp.zeros( (Nloc, Nt, Ionoacf.Param_List.shape[-1])).astype(Ionoacf.Param_List.dtype) omeg = sp.arange(-sp.ceil((npts + 1) / 2), sp.floor( (npts + 1) / 2)) / ts / npts for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionoacf.getclosest(ic, times)[0] else: tempin = Ionoacf.getclosestsphere(ic, times)[0] if sp.ndim(tempin) == 1: tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis, :] ACFin[icn] = tempin if fitdisp: Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) (omegfit, outspecsfit) = ISRspecmakeout(Ionofit.Param_List, sensdict['fc'], sensdict['fs'], simparams['species'], npts) Ionofit.Param_List = outspecsfit Ionofit.Param_Names = omegfit specfit = sp.zeros((Nloc, Nt, npts)) for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionofit.getclosest(ic, times)[0] else: tempin = Ionofit.getclosestsphere(ic, times)[0] if sp.ndim(tempin) == 1: tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis, :] specfit[icn] = tempin / npts / npts nfig = int(sp.ceil(Nt * Nloc / 6.0)) imcount = 0 for i_fig in range(nfig): lines = [None] * 6 labels = [None] * 6 (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(2, 3, figsize=(24, 18), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() for iax, ax in enumerate(axvec): if imcount >= Nt * Nloc: break iloc = int(sp.floor(imcount / Nt)) itime = int(imcount - (iloc * Nt)) maxvec = [] minvec = [] if indisp: # apply ambiguity funciton to spectrum curin = specin[iloc, itime] (tau, acf) = spect2acf(omeg, curin) acf1 = scfft.ifftshift(acf)[:len(pulse)] rcs = acf1[0].real guess_acf =['WttMatrix'], acf) guess_acf = guess_acf * rcs / guess_acf[0].real # fit to spectrums maxvec.append(guess_acf.real.max()) maxvec.append(guess_acf.imag.max()) minvec.append(acf1.real.min()) minvec.append(acf1.imag.min()) lines[0] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, guess_acf.real, label='Input', linewidth=5)[0] labels[0] = 'Input ACF With Ambiguity Applied Real' lines[1] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, guess_acf.imag, label='Input', linewidth=5)[0] labels[1] = 'Input ACF With Ambiguity Applied Imag' if fitdisp: curinfit = specfit[iloc, itime] (taufit, acffit) = spect2acf(omegfit, curinfit) rcsfit = curinfit.sum() guess_acffit =['WttMatrix'], acffit) guess_acffit = guess_acffit * rcsfit / guess_acffit[0].real lines[2] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, guess_acffit.real, label='Input', linewidth=5)[0] labels[2] = 'Fitted ACF real' lines[3] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, guess_acffit.imag, label='Input', linewidth=5)[0] labels[3] = 'Fitted ACF Imag' if acfdisp: lines[4] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, ACFin[iloc, itime].real, label='Output', linewidth=5)[0] labels[4] = 'Estimated ACF Real' lines[5] = ax.plot(tau1 * 1e6, ACFin[iloc, itime].imag, label='Output', linewidth=5)[0] labels[5] = 'Estimated ACF Imag' maxvec.append(ACFin[iloc, itime].real.max()) maxvec.append(ACFin[iloc, itime].imag.max()) minvec.append(ACFin[iloc, itime].real.min()) minvec.append(ACFin[iloc, itime].imag.min()) ax.set_xlabel('t in us') ax.set_ylabel('Amp') ax.set_title('Location {0}, Time {1}'.format( coords[iloc], times[itime])) ax.set_ylim(min(minvec), max(maxvec) * 1) ax.set_xlim([tau1.min() * 1e6, tau1.max() * 1e6]) imcount = imcount + 1 figmplf.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=20) if None in labels: labels.remove(None) lines.remove(None) plt.figlegend(lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0.) fname = filetemplate + '_{0:0>3}.png'.format(i_fig) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf)
Titemp[auglist] = Titemp[auglist]*ratiodiff Tetemp[auglist] = Tetemp[auglist]*ratiodiff curprofile[auglist] = val #densitys params[:,it,0,0] = curprofile params[:,it,1,0] = curprofile #tempreturs params[:,it,0,1] = Tetemp params[:,it,1,1] = Titemp #veclocity params[:,it,0,2] = Vi_all params[:,it,1,2] = Vi_all #charge params[:,it,0,3] = 1.0 params[:,it,1,3] = 1.0 #mass params[:,it,0,4] = 1.0 params[:,it,1,4] = 16.0 #collision frequency params[:,it,0,5] = 0.0 params[:,it,1,5] = 0.0 Icont1 = IonoContainer(coordlist=coords,paramlist=params,times = timevec,coordvecs=coordVecs) # Icont1.savemat(os.path.join(testpath,'pathwtempdoppler.mat')) sensdict = sensconst.getConst('risr') Icont2 = Icont1.makespectruminstance(sensdict,128) # Icont2.savemat(os.path.join(testpath,'pa'))
def plotbeamparameters(times,configfile,maindir,params=['Ne'],indisp=True,fitdisp = True,filetemplate='params',suptitle = 'Parameter Comparison',werrors=False): """ """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") # rc('text', usetex=True) ffit = os.path.join(maindir,'Fitted','fitteddata.h5') inputfiledir = os.path.join(maindir,'Origparams') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] Nt = len(times) Np = len(params) if fitdisp: Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [sp.argwhere(ip==pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower] time2fit = [None]*Nt for itn,itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(Ionofit.Time_Vector>=itime) if len(filear)==0: filenum = len(Ionofit.Time_Vector)-1 else: filenum = filear[0][0] time2fit[itn] = filenum angles = dataloc[:,1:] rng = sp.unique(dataloc[:,0]) b = np.ascontiguousarray(angles).view(np.dtype((np.void, angles.dtype.itemsize * angles.shape[1]))) _, idx, invidx = np.unique(b, return_index=True,return_inverse=True) beamlist = angles[idx] Nb = beamlist.shape[0] if indisp: dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputfiledir,'*.h5')) filesonly= [os.path.splitext(os.path.split(ifile)[-1])[0] for ifile in dirlist] timelist = sp.array([int(i.split()[0]) for i in filesonly]) time2file = [None]*Nt for itn,itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(timelist>=itime) if len(filear)==0: filenum = len(timelist)-1 else: filenum = filear[0][0] time2file[itn] = filenum nfig = int(sp.ceil(Nt*Nb*Np/9.0)) imcount = 0 curfilenum = -1 for i_fig in range(nfig): lines = [None]*2 labels = [None]*2 (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(3, 3,figsize=(20, 15), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() for iax,ax in enumerate(axvec): if imcount>=Nt*Nb*Np: break itime = int(sp.floor(imcount/Nb/Np)) iparam = int(imcount/Nb-Np*itime) ibeam = int(imcount-(itime*Np*Nb+iparam*Nb)) curbeam = beamlist[ibeam] altlist = sp.sin(curbeam[1]*sp.pi/180.)*rng if fitdisp: indxkep = np.argwhere(invidx==ibeam)[:,0] curfit = Ionofit.Param_List[indxkep,time2fit[itime],p2fit[iparam]] rng_fit= dataloc[indxkep,0] alt_fit = rng_fit*sp.sin(curbeam[1]*sp.pi/180.) errorexist = 'n'+paramslower[iparam] in pnameslower if errorexist and werrors: eparam = sp.argwhere( 'n'+paramslower[iparam]==pnameslower)[0][0] curerror = Ionofit.Param_List[indxkep,time2fit[itime],eparam] lines[1]=ax.errorbar(curfit, alt_fit, xerr=curerror,fmt='-.',c='g')[0] else: lines[1]= ax.plot(curfit,alt_fit,marker='.',c='g')[0] labels[1] = 'Fitted Parameters' if indisp: filenum = time2file[itime] if curfilenum!=filenum: curfilenum=filenum datafilename = dirlist[filenum] Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(datafilename) if 'ti' in paramslower: Ionoin = maketi(Ionoin) pnames = Ionoin.Param_Names pnameslowerin = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) curparm = paramslower[iparam] if curparm == 'nepow': curparm = 'ne' prmloc = sp.argwhere(curparm==pnameslowerin) if prmloc.size !=0: curprm = prmloc[0][0] curcoord = sp.zeros(3) curcoord[1:] = curbeam curdata = sp.zeros(len(rng)) for irngn, irng in enumerate(rng): curcoord[0] = irng tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(curcoord,times)[0] Ntloc = tempin.shape[0] tempin = sp.reshape(tempin,(Ntloc,len(pnameslowerin))) curdata[irngn] = tempin[0,curprm] lines[0]= ax.plot(curdata,altlist,marker='o',c='b')[0] labels[0] = 'Input Parameters' if curparm!='ne': ax.set(xlim=[0.25*sp.amin(curdata),2.5*sp.amax(curdata)]) if curparm=='ne': ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(params[iparam]) ax.set_ylabel('Alt km') ax.set_title('{0} vs Altitude, Time: {1}s Az: {2}$^o$ El: {3}$^o$'.format(params[iparam],times[itime],*curbeam)) imcount=imcount+1 figmplf.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=20) if None in labels: labels.remove(None) lines.remove(None) plt.figlegend( lines, labels, loc = 'lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0. ) fname= filetemplate+'_{0:0>3}.png'.format(i_fig) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf)
def fitdata(basedir,configfile,optinputs): """ This function will run the fitter on the estimated ACFs saved in h5 files. Inputs: basedir: A string for the directory that will hold all of the data for the simulation. configfile: The configuration file for the simulation. optinputs:A string that helps determine the what type of acfs will be fitted. """ # determine the input folders which can be ACFs from the full simulation dirdict = {'fitting':('ACF','Fitted'),'fittingmat':('ACFMat','FittedMat'), 'fittinginv':('ACFInv','FittedInv'),'fittingmatinv':('ACFMatInv','FittedMatInv')} dirio = dirdict[optinputs[0]] inputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[0]) outputdir = os.path.join(basedir,dirio[1]) fitlist=optinputs[1] if len(optinputs)>2: exstr=optinputs[2] else: exstr='' dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*lags{0}.h5'.format(exstr))) dirlistsig = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputdir,'*sigs{0}.h5'.format(exstr))) Ionoin=IonoContainer.readh5(dirlist[0]) if len(dirlistsig)==0: Ionoinsig=None else: Ionoinsig=IonoContainer.readh5(dirlistsig[0]) fitterone = Fitterionoconainer(Ionoin,Ionoinsig,configfile) (fitteddata,fittederror,funcevals) = fitterone.fitdata(ISRSfitfunction,fitterone.simparams['startfile'],fittimes=fitlist) if fitterone.simparams['Pulsetype'].lower() == 'barker': paramlist=fitteddata species = fitterone.simparams['species'] paranamsf=['Ne'] else: (Nloc,Ntimes,nparams)=fitteddata.shape fittederronly = sp.sqrt(fittederror) paramnames = [] species = fitterone.simparams['species'] # Seperate Ti and put it in as an element of the ionocontainer. Ti = fitteddata[:,:,1] nTi = fittederronly[:,:,1] paramlist = sp.concatenate((fitteddata,Ti[:,:,sp.newaxis],fittederronly,nTi[:,:,sp.newaxis],funcevals[:,:,sp.newaxis]),axis=2) for isp in species[:-1]: paramnames.append('Ni_'+isp) paramnames.append('Ti_'+isp) paramnames = paramnames+['Ne','Te','Vi','Nepow','Ti'] paramnamese = ['n'+ip for ip in paramnames] paranamsf = sp.array(paramnames+paramnamese+['FuncEvals']) if fitlist is None: timevec = Ionoin.Time_Vector else: if len(fitlist)==0: timevec = Ionoin.Time_Vector else: timevec = Ionoin.Time_Vector[fitlist] # This requires if set(Ionoin.Coord_Vecs)=={'x','y','z'}: newver=0 Ionoout=IonoContainer(Ionoin.Cart_Coords,paramlist,timevec,ver =newver,coordvecs = Ionoin.Coord_Vecs, paramnames=paranamsf,species=species) elif set(Ionoin.Coord_Vecs)=={'r','theta','phi'}: newver=1 Ionoout=IonoContainer(Ionoin.Sphere_Coords,paramlist,timevec,ver =newver,coordvecs = Ionoin.Coord_Vecs, paramnames=paranamsf,species=species) outfile = os.path.join(outputdir,'fitteddata{0}.h5'.format(exstr)) Ionoout.saveh5(outfile)
def plotacfs(coords,times,configfile,maindir,cartcoordsys = True, indisp=True,acfdisp= True, fitdisp=True, filetemplate='acf',suptitle = 'ACF Comparison'): """ This will create a set of images that compare the input ISR acf to the output ISR acfs from the simulator. Inputs coords - An Nx3 numpy array that holds the coordinates of the desired points. times - A numpy list of times in seconds. configfile - The name of the configuration file used. cartcoordsys - (default True)A bool, if true then the coordinates are given in cartisian if false then it is assumed that the coords are given in sphereical coordinates. specsfilename - (default None) The name of the file holding the input spectrum. acfname - (default None) The name of the file holding the estimated ACFs. filetemplate (default 'spec') This is the beginning string used to save the images.""" # indisp = specsfilename is not None # acfdisp = acfname is not None acfname = os.path.join(maindir,'ACF','00lags.h5') ffit = os.path.join(maindir,'Fitted','fitteddata.h5') specsfiledir = os.path.join(maindir,'Spectrums') (sensdict,simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) simdtype = simparams['dtype'] npts = simparams['numpoints']*3.0 amb_dict = simparams['amb_dict'] if sp.ndim(coords)==1: coords = coords[sp.newaxis,:] Nt = len(times) Nloc = coords.shape[0] sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") pulse = simparams['Pulse'] ts = sensdict['t_s'] tau1 = sp.arange(pulse.shape[-1])*ts if indisp: dirlist = os.listdir(specsfiledir) timelist = sp.array([int(i.split()[0]) for i in dirlist]) for itn,itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(timelist>=itime) if len(filear)==0: filenum = len(timelist)-1 else: filenum = filear[0][0] specsfilename = os.path.join(specsfiledir,dirlist[filenum]) Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(specsfilename) if itn==0: specin = sp.zeros((Nloc,Nt,Ionoin.Param_List.shape[-1])).astype(Ionoin.Param_List.dtype) omeg = Ionoin.Param_Names npts = Ionoin.Param_List.shape[-1] for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionoin.getclosest(ic,times)[0] else: tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(ic,times)[0] # if sp.ndim(tempin)==1: # tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis,:] specin[icn,itn] = tempin[0,:]/npts if acfdisp: Ionoacf = IonoContainer.readh5(acfname) ACFin = sp.zeros((Nloc,Nt,Ionoacf.Param_List.shape[-1])).astype(Ionoacf.Param_List.dtype) omeg = sp.arange(-sp.ceil((npts+1)/2),sp.floor((npts+1)/2))/ts/npts for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionoacf.getclosest(ic,times)[0] else: tempin = Ionoacf.getclosestsphere(ic,times)[0] if sp.ndim(tempin)==1: tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis,:] ACFin[icn] = tempin if fitdisp: Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) (omegfit,outspecsfit) =ISRspecmakeout(Ionofit.Param_List,sensdict['fc'],sensdict['fs'],simparams['species'],npts) Ionofit.Param_List= outspecsfit Ionofit.Param_Names = omegfit specfit = sp.zeros((Nloc,Nt,npts)) for icn, ic in enumerate(coords): if cartcoordsys: tempin = Ionofit.getclosest(ic,times)[0] else: tempin = Ionofit.getclosestsphere(ic,times)[0] if sp.ndim(tempin)==1: tempin = tempin[sp.newaxis,:] specfit[icn] = tempin/npts/npts nfig = int(sp.ceil(Nt*Nloc/6.0)) imcount = 0 for i_fig in range(nfig): lines = [None]*6 labels = [None]*6 (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(2, 3,figsize=(24, 18), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() for iax,ax in enumerate(axvec): if imcount>=Nt*Nloc: break iloc = int(sp.floor(imcount/Nt)) itime = int(imcount-(iloc*Nt)) maxvec = [] minvec = [] if indisp: # apply ambiguity funciton to spectrum curin = specin[iloc,itime] (tau,acf) = spect2acf(omeg,curin) acf1 = scfft.ifftshift(acf)[:len(pulse)] rcs=acf1[0].real guess_acf =['WttMatrix'],acf) guess_acf = guess_acf*rcs/guess_acf[0].real # fit to spectrums maxvec.append(guess_acf.real.max()) maxvec.append(guess_acf.imag.max()) minvec.append(acf1.real.min()) minvec.append(acf1.imag.min()) lines[0]= ax.plot(tau1*1e6,guess_acf.real,label='Input',linewidth=5)[0] labels[0] = 'Input ACF With Ambiguity Applied Real' lines[1]= ax.plot(tau1*1e6,guess_acf.imag,label='Input',linewidth=5)[0] labels[1] = 'Input ACF With Ambiguity Applied Imag' if fitdisp: curinfit = specfit[iloc,itime] (taufit,acffit) = spect2acf(omegfit,curinfit) rcsfit=acffit[0].real guess_acffit =['WttMatrix'],acffit) guess_acffit = guess_acffit*rcsfit/guess_acffit[0].real lines[2]= ax.plot(tau1*1e6,guess_acffit.real,label='Input',linewidth=5)[0] labels[2] = 'Fitted ACF real' lines[3]= ax.plot(tau1*1e6,guess_acffit.imag,label='Input',linewidth=5)[0] labels[3] = 'Fitted ACF Imag' if acfdisp: lines[4]=ax.plot(tau1*1e6,ACFin[iloc,itime].real,label='Output',linewidth=5)[0] labels[4] = 'Estimated ACF Real' lines[5]=ax.plot(tau1*1e6,ACFin[iloc,itime].imag,label='Output',linewidth=5)[0] labels[5] = 'Estimated ACF Imag' maxvec.append(ACFin[iloc,itime].real.max()) maxvec.append(ACFin[iloc,itime].imag.max()) minvec.append(ACFin[iloc,itime].real.min()) minvec.append(ACFin[iloc,itime].imag.min()) ax.set_xlabel('t in us') ax.set_ylabel('Amp') ax.set_title('Location {0}, Time {1}'.format(coords[iloc],times[itime])) ax.set_ylim(min(minvec),max(maxvec)*1) ax.set_xlim([tau1.min()*1e6,tau1.max()*1e6]) imcount=imcount+1 figmplf.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=20) if None in labels: labels.remove(None) lines.remove(None) plt.figlegend( lines, labels, loc = 'lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0. ) fname= filetemplate+'_{0:0>3}.png'.format(i_fig) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf)
def makehistdata(params, maindir): """ This will make the histogram data for the statistics. Inputs params - A list of parameters that will have statistics created maindir - The directory that the simulation data is held. Outputs datadict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errordict - A dictionary with the data values in numpy arrays. The keys are param names. errdictrel - A dictionary with the error values in numpy arrays, normalized by the correct value. The keys are param names. """ ffit = os.path.join(maindir, 'Fitted', 'fitteddata.h5') inputfiledir = os.path.join(maindir, 'Origparams') paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] eparamslower = ['n' + ip.lower() for ip in params] # set up data dictionary errordict = {ip: [] for ip in params} errordictrel = {ip: [] for ip in params} #Read in fitted data Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) times = Ionofit.Time_Vector dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower ] datadict = { ip: Ionofit.Param_List[:, :, p2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params) } ep2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in eparamslower ] edatadict = { ip: Ionofit.Param_List[:, :, ep2fit[ipn]].flatten() for ipn, ip in enumerate(params) } # Determine which input files are to be used. dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputfiledir, '*.h5')) sortlist, outime, filelisting, timebeg, timelist_s = IonoContainer.gettimes( dirlist) time2files = [] for itn, itime in enumerate(times): log1 = (outime[:, 0] >= itime[0]) & (outime[:, 0] < itime[1]) log2 = (outime[:, 1] > itime[0]) & (outime[:, 1] <= itime[1]) log3 = (outime[:, 0] <= itime[0]) & (outime[:, 1] > itime[1]) tempindx = sp.where(log1 | log2 | log3)[0] time2files.append(filelisting[tempindx]) curfilenum = -1 for iparam, pname in enumerate(params): curparm = paramslower[iparam] # Use Ne from input to compare the ne derived from the power. if curparm == 'nepow': curparm = 'ne' datalist = [] for itn, itime in enumerate(times): for iplot, filenum in enumerate(time2files[itn]): filenum = int(filenum) if curfilenum != filenum: curfilenum = filenum datafilename = dirlist[filenum] Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(datafilename) if ('ti' in paramslower) or ('vi' in paramslower): Ionoin = maketi(Ionoin) pnames = Ionoin.Param_Names pnameslowerin = sp.array( [ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) prmloc = sp.argwhere(curparm == pnameslowerin) if prmloc.size != 0: curprm = prmloc[0][0] # build up parameter vector bs the range values by finding the closest point in space in the input curdata = sp.zeros(len(dataloc)) for irngn, curcoord in enumerate(dataloc): tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(curcoord, [itime])[0] Ntloc = tempin.shape[0] tempin = sp.reshape(tempin, (Ntloc, len(pnameslowerin))) curdata[irngn] = tempin[0, curprm] datalist.append(curdata) errordict[pname] = datadict[pname] - sp.hstack(datalist) errordictrel[pname] = 100. * errordict[pname] / sp.absolute( sp.hstack(datalist)) return datadict, errordict, errordictrel, edatadict
def plotbeamparametersv2(times, configfile, maindir, fitdir='Fitted', params=['Ne'], filetemplate='params', suptitle='Parameter Comparison', werrors=False, nelog=True): """ This function will plot the desired parameters for each beam along range. The values of the input and measured parameters will be plotted Inputs Times - A list of times that will be plotted. configfile - The INI file with the simulation parameters that will be useds. maindir - The directory the images will be saved in. params - List of Parameter names that will be ploted. These need to match in the ionocontainer names. filetemplate - The first part of a the file names. suptitle - The supertitle for the plots. werrors - A bools that determines if the errors will be plotted. """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") # rc('text', usetex=True) ffit = os.path.join(maindir, fitdir, 'fitteddata.h5') inputfiledir = os.path.join(maindir, 'Origparams') (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] Nt = len(times) Np = len(params) #Read in fitted data Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(ffit) dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower ] time2fit = [None] * Nt for itn, itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(Ionofit.Time_Vector >= itime) if len(filear) == 0: filenum = len(Ionofit.Time_Vector) - 1 else: filenum = filear[0][0] time2fit[itn] = filenum times_int = [Ionofit.Time_Vector[i] for i in time2fit] # determine the beams angles = dataloc[:, 1:] rng = sp.unique(dataloc[:, 0]) b = np.ascontiguousarray(angles).view( np.dtype((np.void, angles.dtype.itemsize * angles.shape[1]))) _, idx, invidx = np.unique(b, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) beamlist = angles[idx] Nb = beamlist.shape[0] # Determine which imput files are to be used. dirlist = glob.glob(os.path.join(inputfiledir, '*.h5')) filesonly = [ os.path.splitext(os.path.split(ifile)[-1])[0] for ifile in dirlist ] sortlist, outime, outfilelist, timebeg, timelist_s = IonoContainer.gettimes( dirlist) timelist = sp.array([int(i.split()[0]) for i in filesonly]) time2file = [None] * Nt time2intime = [None] * Nt # go through times find files and then times in files for itn, itime in enumerate(times): filear = sp.argwhere(timelist >= itime) if len(filear) == 0: filenum = [len(timelist) - 1] else: filenum = filear[0] flist1 = [] timeinflist = [] for ifile in filenum: filetimes = timelist_s[ifile] log1 = (filetimes[:, 0] >= times_int[itn][0]) & (filetimes[:, 0] < times_int[itn][1]) log2 = (filetimes[:, 1] > times_int[itn][0]) & (filetimes[:, 1] <= times_int[itn][1]) log3 = (filetimes[:, 0] <= times_int[itn][0]) & (filetimes[:, 1] > times_int[itn][1]) log4 = (filetimes[:, 0] > times_int[itn][0]) & (filetimes[:, 1] < times_int[itn][1]) curtimes1 = sp.where(log1 | log2 | log3 | log4)[0].tolist() flist1 = flist1 + [ifile] * len(curtimes1) timeinflist = timeinflist + curtimes1 time2intime[itn] = timeinflist time2file[itn] = flist1 nfig = int(sp.ceil(Nt * Nb * Np / 9.0)) imcount = 0 curfilenum = -1 # Loop for the figures for i_fig in range(nfig): lines = [None] * 2 labels = [None] * 2 (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(20, 15), facecolor='w') axvec = axmat.flatten() # loop that goes through each axis loops through each parameter, beam # then time. for iax, ax in enumerate(axvec): if imcount >= Nt * Nb * Np: break itime = int(sp.floor(imcount / Nb / Np)) iparam = int(imcount / Nb - Np * itime) ibeam = int(imcount - (itime * Np * Nb + iparam * Nb)) curbeam = beamlist[ibeam] altlist = sp.sin(curbeam[1] * sp.pi / 180.) * rng curparm = paramslower[iparam] # Use Ne from input to compare the ne derived from the power. if curparm == 'nepow': curparm_in = 'ne' else: curparm_in = curparm curcoord = sp.zeros(3) curcoord[1:] = curbeam for iplot, filenum in enumerate(time2file[itime]): if curfilenum != filenum: curfilenum = filenum datafilename = dirlist[filenum] Ionoin = IonoContainer.readh5(datafilename) if ('ti' in paramslower) or ('vi' in paramslower): Ionoin = maketi(Ionoin) pnames = Ionoin.Param_Names pnameslowerin = sp.array( [ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) prmloc = sp.argwhere(curparm_in == pnameslowerin) if prmloc.size != 0: curprm = prmloc[0][0] # build up parameter vector bs the range values by finding the closest point in space in the input curdata = sp.zeros(len(rng)) for irngn, irng in enumerate(rng): curcoord[0] = irng tempin = Ionoin.getclosestsphere(curcoord)[0][ time2intime[itime]] Ntloc = tempin.shape[0] tempin = sp.reshape(tempin, (Ntloc, len(pnameslowerin))) curdata[irngn] = tempin[0, curprm] #actual plotting of the input data lines[0] = ax.plot(curdata, altlist, marker='o', c='b', linewidth=2)[0] labels[0] = 'Input Parameters' # Plot fitted data for the axis indxkep = np.argwhere(invidx == ibeam)[:, 0] curfit = Ionofit.Param_List[indxkep, time2fit[itime], p2fit[iparam]] rng_fit = dataloc[indxkep, 0] alt_fit = rng_fit * sp.sin(curbeam[1] * sp.pi / 180.) errorexist = 'n' + paramslower[iparam] in pnameslower if errorexist and werrors: eparam = sp.argwhere('n' + paramslower[iparam] == pnameslower)[0][0] curerror = Ionofit.Param_List[indxkep, time2fit[itime], eparam] lines[1] = ax.errorbar(curfit, alt_fit, xerr=curerror, fmt='-.', c='g', linewidth=2)[0] else: lines[1] = ax.plot(curfit, alt_fit, marker='o', c='g', linewidth=2)[0] labels[1] = 'Fitted Parameters' # get and plot the input data numplots = len(time2file[itime]) # set the limit for the parameter if curparm_in != 'ne': ax.set(xlim=[0.75 * sp.amin(curfit), 1.25 * sp.amax(curfit)]) if curparm == 'vi': ax.set(xlim=[ -1.25 * sp.amax(sp.absolute(curfit)), 1.25 * sp.amax(sp.absolute(curfit)) ]) if (curparm_in == 'ne') and nelog: ax.set_xscale('log') ax.set_xlabel(params[iparam]) ax.set_ylabel('Alt km') ax.set_title( '{0} vs Altitude, Time: {1}s Az: {2}$^o$ El: {3}$^o$'.format( params[iparam], times[itime], *curbeam)) imcount = imcount + 1 # save figure figmplf.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=20) if None in labels: labels.remove(None) lines.remove(None) plt.figlegend(lines, labels, loc='lower center', ncol=5, labelspacing=0.) fname = filetemplate + '_{0:0>3}.png'.format(i_fig) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf)
def beamvstime(configfile, maindir, params=['Ne'], filetemplate='AltvTime', suptitle='Alt vs Time'): """ This will create a altitude time image for the data for ionocontainer files that are in sphereical coordinates. Inputs Times - A list of times that will be plotted. configfile - The INI file with the simulation parameters that will be useds. maindir - The directory the images will be saved in. params - List of Parameter names that will be ploted. These need to match in the ionocontainer names. filetemplate - The first part of a the file names. suptitle - The supertitle for the plots. """ sns.set_style("whitegrid") sns.set_context("notebook") # rc('text', usetex=True) (sensdict, simparams) = readconfigfile(configfile) paramslower = [ip.lower() for ip in params] Np = len(params) inputfile = os.path.join(maindir, 'Fitted', 'fitteddata.h5') Ionofit = IonoContainer.readh5(inputfile) times = Ionofit.Time_Vector Nt = len(times) dataloc = Ionofit.Sphere_Coords pnames = Ionofit.Param_Names pnameslower = sp.array([ip.lower() for ip in pnames.flatten()]) p2fit = [ sp.argwhere(ip == pnameslower)[0][0] if ip in pnameslower else None for ip in paramslower ] angles = dataloc[:, 1:] b = np.ascontiguousarray(angles).view( np.dtype((np.void, angles.dtype.itemsize * angles.shape[1]))) _, idx, invidx = np.unique(b, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) beamlist = angles[idx] Nb = beamlist.shape[0] newfig = True imcount = 0 ifig = -1 for iparam in range(Np): for ibeam in range(Nb): if newfig: (figmplf, axmat) = plt.subplots(3, 3, figsize=(20, 15), facecolor='w', sharex=True, sharey=True) axvec = axmat.flatten() newfig = False ix = 0 ifig += 1 ax = axvec[ix] curbeam = beamlist[ibeam] curparm = paramslower[iparam] if curparm == 'nepow': curparm = 'ne' indxkep = np.argwhere(invidx == ibeam)[:, 0] rng_fit = dataloc[indxkep, 0] rngargs = np.argsort(rng_fit) rng_fit = rng_fit[rngargs] alt_fit = rng_fit * sp.sin(curbeam[1] * sp.pi / 180.) curfit = Ionofit.Param_List[indxkep, :, p2fit[iparam]] curfit = curfit[rngargs] Tmat, Amat = np.meshgrid(times[:, 0], alt_fit) image = ax.pcolor(Tmat, Amat, curfit, cmap='jet') if curparm == 'ne': image.set_norm(colors.LogNorm(vmin=1e9, vmax=5e12)) cbarstr = params[iparam] + ' m-3' else: image.set_norm(colors.PowerNorm(gamma=1., vmin=500, vmax=3e3)) cbarstr = params[iparam] + ' K' if ix > 5: ax.set_xlabel("Time in s") if sp.mod(ix, 3) == 0: ax.set_ylabel('Alt km') ax.set_title('{0} vs Altitude, Az: {1}$^o$ El: {2}$^o$'.format( params[iparam], *curbeam)) imcount = imcount + 1 ix += 1 if ix == 9 or ibeam + 1 == Nb: cbar_ax = figmplf.add_axes([.91, .3, .06, .4]) cbar = plt.colorbar(image, cax=cbar_ax) cbar.set_label(cbarstr) figmplf.suptitle(suptitle, fontsize=20) figmplf.tight_layout(rect=[0, .05, .9, .95]) fname = filetemplate + '_{0:0>3}.png'.format(ifig) plt.savefig(fname) plt.close(figmplf) newfig = True