def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: BundleHistos [options]" #define the parser with options only relevant for the digester self.parser = OptionParser(self.usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",action="store", help="ini file(s) to read root object from ") self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outputname", dest="outputname",action="store", default="./fitterInputs.root", help="name of root file to dump to") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--fileHistoList", dest="fileHistoList",action="store", help="semi colon separated list of triple <file:histoName:newName>") self.objectDB = RootObjectLoader() self.configFile = None self.fileHistoList = [] self.outputname = None self.loaded = None self.openedFiles = [] self.nBins = 0 self.obsName = "" self.nFits = 0 self.fitNames = [] self.BinBorders = set() self.UpperBinLimit = 0 self.LowerBinLimit = 0 self.Histos2Write = [] self.Graphs2Write = [] self.outFile = None
def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: [options]" #define the parser with options only relevant for the digester self.parser = OptionParser(self.usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",action="store", help="ini file(s) to read root object from ") self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outputname", dest="outputname",action="store", default="./fitterInputs.root", help="name of root file to dump to") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--fileHistoList", dest="fileHistoList",action="store", help="semi colon separated list of triple <file:histoName:newName>") self.parser.add_option("-E", "--extractor", dest="extractor",action="store", help="extractor object to use on inline histo for value,error yields, see %s/python/ for details" % basePath) self.objectDB = RootObjectLoader() self.configFile = None self.fileHistoList = [] self.outputname = None self.dictToWrite = None self.openedFiles = [] self.extractor = None self.extractorString = "TotalIntegralExtractor()"
class BundleHistos: def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: BundleHistos [options]" #define the parser with options only relevant for the digester self.parser = OptionParser(self.usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",action="store", help="ini file(s) to read root object from ") self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outputname", dest="outputname",action="store", default="./fitterInputs.root", help="name of root file to dump to") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--fileHistoList", dest="fileHistoList",action="store", help="semi colon separated list of triple <file:histoName:newName>") self.objectDB = RootObjectLoader() self.configFile = None self.fileHistoList = [] self.outputname = None self.dictToWrite = None self.openedFiles = [] def initFromInput(self): print "%s >> parseInput" % self.__class__ popts,pargs = self.parser.parse_args() self.parsedOpts = popts.__dict__ self.parsedArgs = pargs if "help" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or "h" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or not self.parsedOpts.keys(): self.parser.print_help() return 1 #do all flags if self.parsedOpts['outputname']: self.outputname = self.parsedOpts['outputname'] if self.parsedOpts['filename']: self.configFile = self.parsedOpts['filename'] filename = self.configFile.split("/")[-1] print "opening DB from",self.configFile self.objectDB.setConfigFile(self.configFile) self.objectDB.openFiles(False) self.initDictFromDatabase() else: if self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']: self.initDictFromList(self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']) else: raise Exception("no input given, exiting") def initDictFromList(self,_text=""): """ function to load dictToWrite from list given by CLI """ self.dictToWrite = {} files = [ item.split(":")[0] for item in _text.split(";") ] objects = [ item.split(":")[1] for item in _text.split(";") ] names = [ item.split(":")[2] for item in _text.split(";") ] self.openedFiles = [ ROOT.TFile.Open(item) for item in files if os.path.isfile(item) ] for name in objects: index = objects.index(name) meta = self.openedFiles[index].Get(name) if meta.__nonzero__(): self.dictToWrite[names[index]] = meta else: print "could not load %s from %s" % (name,files[index]) return 0 def initDictFromDatabase(self): """ function to load dictToWrite from objectDB """ self.dictToWrite = {} #print self.objectDB.loadedCommands for key,value in self.objectDB.loadedDict.iteritems(): for item in value: self.dictToWrite[key] = item # if self.objectDB.loadedCommands.has_key(key): # for cmd in self.objectDB.loadedCommands[key]: # try: # eval(cmd.replace("[]","self.dictToWrite["+key+"]")) # except: # print ">> command %s failed on object named [%s], %s" % (cmd,key,self.dictToWrite[key].GetName()) # else: # print ">> command %s succeeded for [%s]" % (cmd,key) # else: # print ">> no commands found for ",key return 0 def Run(self): if not self.dictToWrite: print "no objects loaded" return nfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.outputname,"RECREATE") for key,value in self.dictToWrite.iteritems(): meta = value.Clone(key) meta.SetDirectory(nfile) print "adding %s to %s" % (value,self.outputname) meta.Write() nfile.Close() self.objectDB.close() if self.openedFiles: [ item.Close() for item in self.openedFiles ]
class BundleHistos: def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: BundleHistos [options]" #define the parser with options only relevant for the digester self.parser = OptionParser(self.usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",action="store", help="ini file(s) to read root object from ") self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outputname", dest="outputname",action="store", default="./fitterInputs.root", help="name of root file to dump to") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--fileHistoList", dest="fileHistoList",action="store", help="semi colon separated list of triple <file:histoName:newName>") self.objectDB = RootObjectLoader() self.configFile = None self.fileHistoList = [] self.outputname = None self.loaded = None self.openedFiles = [] self.nBins = 0 self.obsName = "" self.nFits = 0 self.fitNames = [] self.BinBorders = set() self.UpperBinLimit = 0 self.LowerBinLimit = 0 self.Histos2Write = [] self.Graphs2Write = [] self.outFile = None def initFromInput(self): print "%s >> parseInput" % self.__class__ popts,pargs = self.parser.parse_args() self.parsedOpts = popts.__dict__ self.parsedArgs = pargs if "help" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or "h" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or not self.parsedOpts.keys(): self.parser.print_help() return 1 #do all flags if self.parsedOpts['outputname']: self.outputname = self.parsedOpts['outputname'] if self.parsedOpts['filename']: self.configFile = self.parsedOpts['filename'] filename = self.configFile.split("/")[-1] self.objectDB.setConfigFile(self.configFile) #self.objectDB.openFiles(False) self.initDictFromDatabase() else: if self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']: self.initDictFromList(self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']) else: raise Exception("no input given, exiting") def initDictFromList(self,_text=""): """ function to load loaded from list given by CLI """ self.loaded = {} files = [ item.split(":")[0] for item in _text.split(";") ] objects = [ item.split(":")[1] for item in _text.split(";") ] names = [ item.split(":")[2] for item in _text.split(";") ] self.openedFiles = [ ROOT.TFile.Open(item) for item in files if os.path.isfile(item) ] for name in objects: index = objects.index(name) meta = self.openedFiles[index].Get(name) if meta.__nonzero__(): self.loaded[meta] = names[index] else: print "could not load %s from %s" % (name,files[index]) return 0 def initDictFromDatabase(self): """ function to load loaded from objectDB """ self.loaded = {} self.loadedKeys = {} #for key,value in self.objectDB.loadedDict.iteritems(): # for item in value: # self.loaded[item] = key for sec in self.objectDB.cfgParser.sections(): self.loadedKeys[sec] = {} for k,v in self.objectDB.cfgParser.items(sec): if v.lower().count(".root"): fileName = self.replaceEnvironment(v) print "opening ",fileName self.openedFiles.append(ROOT.TFile.Open(fileName)) self.loaded[sec] = self.openedFiles[-1] else: self.loadedKeys[sec][k] = v return 0 def replaceEnvironment(self,_text): value = _text if _text.count("__")>1: dirItems = _text.split("/") envItem = [item for item in dirItems if item.count("__")>1][0] envName = envItem[envItem.find("__")+2:envItem.rfind("__")] value = _text.replace(envItem,os.getenv(envName)) return value def collectData(self): self.nBins = len(self.loadedKeys.keys()) print "merging into %i bins" % self.nBins centralValueObjs = [ item.Get("centralValues") for item in self.openedFiles if item.Get("centralValues").__nonzero__() ] if len(centralValueObjs): self.nFits = centralValueObjs[0].GetNbinsX() for item in range(1,self.nFits+1): self.fitNames.append(str(centralValueObjs[0].GetXaxis().GetBinLabel(item))) print "found %i fits\n%s" % (self.nFits,self.fitNames) for item,content in self.loadedKeys.iteritems(): if not self.obsName and content.has_key("observablename"): self.obsName = content["observablename"] print "observable to process ", self.obsName if content.has_key("binid"): self.BinBorders.add(float(content["binid"])) elif content.has_key("binvalue"): binValue = content["binvalue"] self.BinBorders.add(float(binValue.split(",")[0])) if len(binValue.split(","))>1: self.BinBorders.add(float(content["binvalue"].split(",")[-1])) else: print ">> %s does not have binID nor binValue, skipping \n%s" % (item,content) self.UpperBinLimit = max(self.BinBorders) self.LowerBinLimit = min(self.BinBorders) print "[%.2f,%.2f] %s" % (self.LowerBinLimit,self.UpperBinLimit,self.BinBorders) return def createResultHistos(self): self.outFile = ROOT.TFile(self.outputname,"RECREATE") self.outFile.WriteFree() for idx in range(self.nFits): currentName = self.fitNames[idx].replace("{","").replace("}","") self.Histos2Write.append(ROOT.TH1D(currentName+"_symm",";%s;%s" % (self.obsName,currentName),self.nBins,self.LowerBinLimit,self.UpperBinLimit)) self.Graphs2Write.append(ROOT.TGraphAsymmErrors(self.nBins)) self.Graphs2Write[-1].GetYaxis().SetName(self.fitNames[idx]) self.Graphs2Write[-1].GetYaxis().SetName(self.obsName) self.Graphs2Write[-1].SetName(currentName+"_asymm") return def fillResultHistos(self): for abin in range(self.nBins): currentFile = self.openedFiles[abin] print ">> running on file",currentFile.GetName() for fit in range(self.nFits): central = currentFile.Get("centralValues").GetBinContent(fit+1) symmUncert = currentFile.Get("SymmErrors").GetBinContent(fit+1) UncertUp = currentFile.Get("AsymmErrorsUp").GetBinContent(fit+1) UncertDown = currentFile.Get("AsymmErrorsDown").GetBinContent(fit+1) binUncert = self.Histos2Write[fit].GetXaxis().GetBinWidth(abin+1)/2 binCenter = self.Histos2Write[fit].GetXaxis().GetBinCenter(abin+1) self.Histos2Write[fit].SetBinContent(abin+1,central) self.Histos2Write[fit].SetBinError(abin+1,symmUncert) self.Graphs2Write[fit].SetPoint(abin,binCenter,central) self.Graphs2Write[fit].SetPointError(abin,binUncert,binUncert,UncertDown,UncertUp) print "[f:%i,bin:%i] %s: added [x,y] = %.2f, %.2f; sigma(x) = %.2f, sigma(y) = %.2f, <up/down> = %.2f/%.2f" % (fit,abin,self.fitNames[fit], binCenter,central,binUncert,symmUncert,UncertUp,UncertDown) return def writeAll(self): for graph in self.Graphs2Write: graph.Write() self.outFile.Write() self.outFile.Close() return def Run(self): if not self.loaded: print "no objects loaded" return try: self.collectData() except Exception as inst: print "collectData failed due to ",inst try: self.createResultHistos() except Exception as inst: print "createResultHistos failed due to ",inst try: self.fillResultHistos() except Exception as inst: print "fillResultHistos failed due to ",inst try: self.writeAll() except Exception as inst: print "writeAll failed due to ",inst
class BundleHistos: def __init__(self): self.usage = "usage: [options]" #define the parser with options only relevant for the digester self.parser = OptionParser(self.usage) self.parser.add_option("-f", "--file", dest="filename",action="store", help="ini file(s) to read root object from ") self.parser.add_option("-o", "--outputname", dest="outputname",action="store", default="./fitterInputs.root", help="name of root file to dump to") self.parser.add_option("-l", "--fileHistoList", dest="fileHistoList",action="store", help="semi colon separated list of triple <file:histoName:newName>") self.parser.add_option("-E", "--extractor", dest="extractor",action="store", help="extractor object to use on inline histo for value,error yields, see %s/python/ for details" % basePath) self.objectDB = RootObjectLoader() self.configFile = None self.fileHistoList = [] self.outputname = None self.dictToWrite = None self.openedFiles = [] self.extractor = None self.extractorString = "TotalIntegralExtractor()" def initFromInput(self): print "%s >> parseInput" % self.__class__ popts,pargs = self.parser.parse_args() self.parsedOpts = popts.__dict__ self.parsedArgs = pargs if "help" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or "h" in self.parsedOpts.keys() or not self.parsedOpts.keys(): self.parser.print_help() return 1 #do all flags if self.parsedOpts['outputname']: self.outputname = self.parsedOpts['outputname'] if self.parsedOpts['extractor']: self.extractorString = self.parsedOpts['extractor'] if self.parsedOpts['filename']: self.configFile = self.parsedOpts['filename'] filename = self.configFile.split("/")[-1] self.objectDB.setConfigFile(self.configFile) self.objectDB.openFiles(False) self.initDictFromDatabase() else: if self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']: self.initDictFromList(self.parsedOpts['fileHistoList']) else: raise Exception("no input given, exiting") def initDictFromList(self,_text=""): """ function to load dictToWrite from list given by CLI """ self.dictToWrite = {} files = [ item.split(":")[0] for item in _text.split(";") ] objects = [ item.split(":")[1] for item in _text.split(";") ] names = [ item.split(":")[2] for item in _text.split(";") ] self.extractor = createExtractor(self.extractorString) self.openedFiles = [ ROOT.TFile.Open(item) for item in files if os.path.isfile(item) ] for name in objects: index = objects.index(name) meta = self.openedFiles[index].Get(name) if meta.__nonzero__(): self.dictToWrite[names[index]] = meta else: print "could not load %s from %s" % (name,files[index]) return 0 def initDictFromDatabase(self): """ function to load dictToWrite from objectDB """ self.dictToWrite = {} #print self.objectDB.loadedCommands for key,value in self.objectDB.loadedDict.iteritems(): for item in value: self.dictToWrite[key] = item # if self.objectDB.loadedCommands.has_key(key): # for cmd in self.objectDB.loadedCommands[key]: # try: # eval(cmd.replace("[]","self.dictToWrite["+key+"]")) # except: # print ">> command %s failed on object named [%s], %s" % (cmd,key,self.dictToWrite[key].GetName()) # else: # print ">> command %s succeeded for [%s]" % (cmd,key) # else: # print ">> no commands found for ",key return 0 def getXValueForKey(self,_key): section = self.objectDB.cfgParser.items(_key) if not section: print "command DB does not contain key ", _key print self.objectDB.cfgParser return None xvalKeys = [ v for (k,v) in section if k.lower().count("x") and k.lower().count("value") ] if not xvalKeys: print "no xvalue keys found in command section for ", _key print section return None else: return float(xvalKeys[0]) def Run(self): if not self.dictToWrite: print "no objects loaded" return nfile = ROOT.TFile.Open(self.outputname,"RECREATE") tgre = ROOT.TGraphErrors(len(self.dictToWrite.keys())) points = [] for key,value in self.dictToWrite.iteritems(): print "procesing ",key xvalue = self.getXValueForKey(key) if not xvalue: print "no xvalue found!" continue section = [ v for (k,v) in self.objectDB.cfgParser.items(key) if v.lower().count("extractor") ] if section: self.extractorString = section[0] self.extractor = createExtractor(self.extractorString) self.extractor.setup(value) central,error = self.extractor.value(),self.extractor.error() print ">> x = %f, y = (%f +/- %f)" % (xvalue,central,error) points.append((xvalue,central,error)) for p in sorted(points, key=lambda x: x[0],reverse=False): tgre.SetPoint(points.index(p),p[0],p[1]) tgre.SetPointError(points.index(p),0.,p[-1]) #draw everything acanvas = ROOT.TCanvas(self.outputname.split("/")[-1].replace(".root",""),"",800,600) acanvas.Clear() acanvas.Draw() tgre.Draw("AP") acanvas.Update() acanvas.Print(".eps") acanvas.SaveAs(self.outputname.replace(".root",".C")) tgre.SaveAs(self.outputname.replace(".root","_graph.root")) nfile.Close() self.objectDB.close() if self.openedFiles: [ item.Close() for item in self.openedFiles ]