Esempio n. 1
    def test_Literal(self):
        """Test the Literal() function."""
        input_list = [ '$FOO', Literal('$BAR') ]
        gvars = { 'FOO' : 'BAZ', 'BAR' : 'BLAT' }

        def escape_func(cmd):
            return '**' + cmd + '**'

        cmd_list = scons_subst_list(input_list, None, gvars=gvars)
        cmd_list = escape_list(cmd_list[0], escape_func)
        assert cmd_list == ['BAZ', '**$BAR**'], cmd_list
Esempio n. 2
 def test_LiteralEqualsTest(self):
     """Test that Literals compare for equality properly"""
     assert Literal('a literal') == Literal('a literal')
     assert Literal('a literal') != Literal('b literal')
Esempio n. 3
class SubstTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
    class MyNode(DummyNode):
        """Simple node work-alike with some extra stuff for testing."""
        def __init__(self, name):
            DummyNode.__init__(self, name)
            class Attribute:
            self.attribute = Attribute()
            self.attribute.attr1 = 'attr$1-' + os.path.basename(name)
            self.attribute.attr2 = 'attr$2-' + os.path.basename(name)
        def get_stuff(self, extra):
            return + extra
        foo = 1

    class TestLiteral:
        def __init__(self, literal):
            self.literal = literal
        def __str__(self):
            return self.literal
        def is_literal(self):
            return 1

    class TestCallable:
        def __init__(self, value):
            self.value = value
        def __call__(self):
        def __str__(self):
            return self.value

    # only use of this is currently commented out below
    #def function_foo(arg):
    #    pass

    target = [ MyNode("./foo/bar.exe"),
               MyNode("/bar/baz with spaces.obj"),
               MyNode("../foo/baz.obj") ]
    source = [ MyNode("./foo/blah with spaces.cpp"),
               MyNode("../foo/ack.c") ]

    callable_object_1 = TestCallable('callable-1')
    callable_object_2 = TestCallable('callable-2')

    def _defines(defs):
        l = []
        for d in defs:
            if SCons.Util.is_List(d) or isinstance(d, tuple):
                l.append(str(d[0]) + '=' + str(d[1]))
        return l

    loc = {
        'xxx'       : None,
        'NEWLINE'   : 'before\nafter',

        'null'      : '',
        'zero'      : 0,
        'one'       : 1,
        'BAZ'       : 'baz',
        'ONE'       : '$TWO',
        'TWO'       : '$THREE',
        'THREE'     : 'four',

        'AAA'       : 'a',
        'BBB'       : 'b',
        'CCC'       : 'c',

        'DO'        : DummyNode('do something'),
        'FOO'       : DummyNode(''),
        'BAR'       : DummyNode('bar with spaces.out'),
        'CRAZY'     : DummyNode('crazy\'),

        # $XXX$HHH should expand to GGGIII, not BADNEWS.
        'XXX'       : '$FFF',
        'FFF'       : 'GGG',
        'HHH'       : 'III',
        'FFFIII'    : 'BADNEWS',

        'THING1'    : "$(STUFF$)",
        'THING2'    : "$THING1",

        'LITERAL'   : TestLiteral("$XXX"),

        # Test that we can expand to and return a function.
        #'FUNCTION'  : function_foo,

        'CMDGEN1'   : CmdGen1,
        'CMDGEN2'   : CmdGen2,

        'CallableWithDefault': CallableWithDefault,
        'PartialCallable' : PartialCallable,
        'PartialCallableNoDefault' : PartialCallableNoDefault,

        'LITERALS'  : [ Literal('foo\nwith\nnewlines'),
                        Literal('bar\nwith\nnewlines') ],

        'NOTHING'   : "",
        'NONE'      : None,

        # Test various combinations of strings, lists and functions.
        'N'         : None,
        'X'         : 'x',
        'Y'         : '$X',
        'R'         : '$R',
        'S'         : 'x y',
        'LS'        : ['x y'],
        'L'         : ['x', 'y'],
        'TS'        : ('x y',),
        'T'         : ('x', 'y'),
        'CS'        : cs,
        'CL'        : cl,
        'US'        : collections.UserString('us'),

        # Test function calls within ${}.
        'FUNCCALL'  : '${FUNC1("$AAA $FUNC2 $BBB")}',
        'FUNC1'     : lambda x: x,
        'FUNC2'     : lambda target, source, env, for_signature: ['x$CCC'],

        # Various tests refactored from
        'LIST'      : [["This", "is", "$(", "$a", "$)", "test"]],

        # Test recursion.
        'RECURSE'   : 'foo $RECURSE bar',
        'RRR'       : 'foo $SSS bar',
        'SSS'       : '$RRR',

        # Test callables that don't match the calling arguments.
        'CALLABLE1' : callable_object_1,
        'CALLABLE2' : callable_object_2,

        '_defines'  : _defines,
        'DEFS'      : [ ('Q1', '"q1"'), ('Q2', '"$AAA"') ],

    def basic_comparisons(self, function, convert):
        env = DummyEnv(self.loc)
        cases = self.basic_cases[:]
        kwargs = {'target' :, 'source' : self.source,
                  'gvars' : env.Dictionary()}

        failed = 0
        case_count = 0
        while cases:
            input, expect = cases[:2]
            expect = convert(expect)
                result = function(input, env, **kwargs)
            except Exception as e:
                fmt = "    input %s generated %s (%s)"
                print(fmt % (repr(input), e.__class__.__name__, repr(e)))
                failed = failed + 1
                if result != expect:
                    if failed == 0: print()
                    print("[%4d]    input %s => \n%s did not match \n%s" % (case_count, repr(input), repr(result), repr(expect)))
                    failed = failed + 1
            del cases[:2]
            case_count += 1
        fmt = "%d %s() cases failed"
        assert failed == 0, fmt % (failed, function.__name__)