Esempio n. 1
 def clockin(self, name, studentid, room):
     Clocks a student into a room, calls checkroom, to check the room, and checks inputs
     for student id and name. All inputs must come back valid to proceed.
     Gathers time and date
     :param name: Name of Student to Clock in
     :param studentid: Id of student that needs to clock in
     :param room: Room of Student to clockin
     booleanreturn, stringreturn = self.validinput(name, studentid)
     if booleanreturn is True:  # Room and inputs OK
         if room == 0:
             self.controller.sysprint("ERROR! Room 0!")
             mypopup = Popups("ERROR!", "Bad Input Choose  room!")
             clockindate = str(  # format: 2015-12-31
             clockintime = str( + ":" + str(
             mystudentlogin = Student(studentid, name, clockindate, room, clockintime)  # no clockin as None
             mydatabaseinterface = DataBaseInterface()  # default file location
             self.controller.sysprint(">DEBUG: Clockedin Student")
             mypopup = Popups("Clock In", "Clocked in " + str(name) + " at " + str(clockintime))
             self.controller.updateflag = True  # dangerous is it not?
         self.controller.sysprint(">ERROR! Bad Input: " + stringreturn)
         mypopup = Popups("Error!", "Bad Input " + stringreturn)
Esempio n. 2
 def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
     tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
     container = tk.Frame(self)  # container to be used for all frames
     container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=False)
     container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
     container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
     self.title("IMSRoomRenter v.1.1")
     iconpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin/IMSRoomRenter.ico")
     self.iconbitmap(iconpath)  # bugs out?
     self.mydebugstring = " "
     self.minsize(width=300, height=175)  # Determined constant window size?
     self.maxsize(width=600, height=175)
     self.resizable(width=False, height=False)
     self.menubar = tk.Menu()  # is this OK????
     self.create_menubar()  # creates static menubar
     self.updateflag = True
     self.menubar.add_command(label="Back", command=lambda: self.show_frame("PrimaryPage"))
     self.frames = {}  # array of frames
     self.databaseposition = 'bin/Sqlite/StudentDatabase.sqlite'  # default database position
     self.loggedinstudents = []  # to see who is logged in. Gathered from Clockout
     self.roomsavail = 5
     self.mydatabasechecker = DataBaseInterface()
     for F in (PrimaryPage, ClockIn, ClockOut):  # initialize all frame/Classes
         page_name = F.__name__
         frame = F(container, self)
         self.frames[page_name] = frame
         frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NSEW")
Esempio n. 3
 def __init__(self, parent, controller):
     tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
     self.controller = controller
     self.Descriptorinfo = tk.Label(self, text="StudentInfo")
     self.Descriptorinfo.grid(column=0, row=1)
     self.Descriptorclockout = tk.Label(self, text="Clockout")
     self.Descriptorclockout.grid(column=1, row=1)
     self.clockoutinforows = []  # list of clockoutbuttons
     self.mydatabaseinterface = DataBaseInterface()  # updated on updatestudents
     self.mystudentcollection = StudentCollection()  # updated on updatestudents
     self.createinforows(5, 2)  # initiation
Esempio n. 4
class ClockOut(tk.Frame):
    This displays the Clock-Out screen for a student trying to rent
    def __init__(self, parent, controller):
        tk.Frame.__init__(self, parent)
        self.controller = controller
        self.Descriptorinfo = tk.Label(self, text="StudentInfo")
        self.Descriptorinfo.grid(column=0, row=1)
        self.Descriptorclockout = tk.Label(self, text="Clockout")
        self.Descriptorclockout.grid(column=1, row=1)
        self.clockoutinforows = []  # list of clockoutbuttons
        self.mydatabaseinterface = DataBaseInterface()  # updated on updatestudents
        self.mystudentcollection = StudentCollection()  # updated on updatestudents
        self.createinforows(5, 2)  # initiation

    def createinforows(self, rows, startrow):
        Dynamically make 0-5 rows to display information
        :param rows: rows to make
        :param startrow: starting column to set .grid
        for i in range(rows):
            myinfobar = InfoBar(self, self.clockout, i, 23, 0, int(startrow + i))  # create myinfobar

    def updatestudents(self):
        WARNING Heavy Database Usage! Needs optimization!!!
        CREATES self.
        Updates the Current Students clockedin, calls:
            .gathercollection() - to get all students EVER USES DATABASE
            .dailycollection() - returns StudentCollection for just today, USES DATETIME
            .whosclockedin - returns JUST whos clocked in!
        self.controller.sysprint(">DEBUG: UpdatingStudents...")
        todaysdate = str(
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.gathercollection()  # gets all entries
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.dailycollection(self.mystudentcollection, todaysdate)
        self.mystudentcollection = self.mydatabaseinterface.whosclockedin(self.mystudentcollection)  # ONLY clocked in
        # now that I have a collection of students ONLY logged in, display data from them.
        i = 0  # for loop
        for student in self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents:  # for student in mystudentcollection
            self.clockoutinforows[i].stringvar.set( + "-" + str(student.studentid))
            i += 1

    def updatescreens(self):
        Updates the Screens on Clockout, with blanks, also updates students
        for bar in range(len(self.clockoutinforows)):

    def clockout(self, buttonnumber):
        Reads the Contents of the choosen info, IE Button1 = info1
        Change the Student Clockout time from None to time right now
        :param buttonnumber: 1-5 number
        self.clockoutinforows[buttonnumber].stringvar.set("-------------------------")  # clears out
        clockouttime = str( + ":" + str(
            self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].clockouttime = clockouttime
            self.controller.sysprint(">DEBUG: ClockoutMethod trying.." +
                                     str(self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].name) +
                                     " at " + clockouttime)
            logoutstring = ("Logout of " + str(self.mystudentcollection.listofstudents[buttonnumber].name) + " At " +
            self.controller.updateflag = True  # dangerous is it not?
            mypopup = Popups("Logout Successful", logoutstring, "Ok")
        except:  # meh to broad?
            self.controller.sysprint(">ERROR!: Bad Clockout")

    def changeframe(self, framestring):
Esempio n. 5
class Application(tk.Tk):
    # inspired from
    Primary Application manager, holds all frames, and creates and handles static menubar
    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        tk.Tk.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
        container = tk.Frame(self)  # container to be used for all frames
        container.pack(side="top", fill="both", expand=False)
        container.grid_rowconfigure(0, weight=1)
        container.grid_columnconfigure(0, weight=1)
        self.title("IMSRoomRenter v.1.1")
        iconpath = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "bin/IMSRoomRenter.ico")
        self.iconbitmap(iconpath)  # bugs out?
        self.mydebugstring = " "
        self.minsize(width=300, height=175)  # Determined constant window size?
        self.maxsize(width=600, height=175)
        self.resizable(width=False, height=False)
        self.menubar = tk.Menu()  # is this OK????
        self.create_menubar()  # creates static menubar
        self.updateflag = True
        self.menubar.add_command(label="Back", command=lambda: self.show_frame("PrimaryPage"))
        self.frames = {}  # array of frames
        self.databaseposition = 'bin/Sqlite/StudentDatabase.sqlite'  # default database position
        self.loggedinstudents = []  # to see who is logged in. Gathered from Clockout
        self.roomsavail = 5
        self.mydatabasechecker = DataBaseInterface()
        for F in (PrimaryPage, ClockIn, ClockOut):  # initialize all frame/Classes
            page_name = F.__name__
            frame = F(container, self)
            self.frames[page_name] = frame
            frame.grid(row=0, column=0, sticky="NSEW")

    def primupdatescreens(self):
        Calls updateframes in all frames. Also changes the updateflag, to update the database calls
        if self.updateflag:
            self.sysprint(">DEBUG: PrimUpdating screens...")
            self.frames["ClockOut"].updatescreens()  # CHANGE ALL OF THESE TO ACCEPT THE ARRAY! easier to read!
            self.loggedinstudents = self.frames["ClockOut"].mystudentcollection.listofstudents
            self.frames["ClockIn"].updatescreens()  # update WHICH rooms are available
            self.frames["PrimaryPage"].updatescreens()  # update how many rooms available!
            self.updateflag = False

    def show_frame(self, page_name):
        Show a Frame for a given page name
        :param page_name: page to change to
        self.primupdatescreens()  # EDIT THIS
        self.sysprint(">DEBUG: Showing frame: " + str(page_name))
        f = self.frames[page_name]

    def create_menubar(self):
        creates menubar object, which all menu buttons are attatched to.
        Calls: _create_file_menu, _create_edit_menu, _create_help_menu
        to create their respective menus.

    def _create_file_menu(self):
        """creates filemenu, and cascade. """
        filemenu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=False)
        self.menubar.add_cascade(label="File", menu=filemenu)
        filemenu.add_command(label="StartIMSAdmin", command=lambda: self.startimsadmin())  # DUMB referenced!
        filemenu.add_command(label="Quit", command=self.quitprogram)  # DUMB referenced!

    def _create_edit_menu(self):
        """creates editmenu, and cascade. """
        editmenu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=False)
        self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Edit", menu=editmenu)
        editmenu.add_command(label="Go to MainPage", command=lambda: self.show_frame("PrimaryPage"))
        editmenu.add_command(label="ShowDebugBox", command=lambda: self.showdebugbox())
        # editmenu.add_command(label="TestDaily", command=lambda: self.testdaily())

    def _create_view_menu(self):
        viewmenu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=False)
        self.menubar.add_cascade(label="View", menu=viewmenu)
        viewmenu.add_command(label="ViewRoom1", command=lambda: self.showroomview(1))  # CHANGE!
        viewmenu.add_command(label="ViewRoom2", command=lambda: self.showroomview(2))  # CHANGE!
        viewmenu.add_command(label="ViewRoom3", command=lambda: self.showroomview(3))  # CHANGE!
        viewmenu.add_command(label="ViewRoom4", command=lambda: self.showroomview(4))  # CHANGE!
        viewmenu.add_command(label="ViewRoom5", command=lambda: self.showroomview(5))  # CHANGE!

    def _create_help_menu(self):
        """creates helpmenu, and cascade. """
        helpmenu = tk.Menu(self.menubar, tearoff=False)
        self.menubar.add_cascade(label="Help", menu=helpmenu)
        helpmenu.add_command(label="About", command=lambda: self.showaboutmenu())  # TEST!

    def showroomview(self, roomnumber):
        Displays a tk.TopLevel window of the room
        :param roomnumber: Number of Rooms to view
        self.sysprint("Popup RoomView: " + str(roomnumber))
        if roomnumber == 1:
            mypopup = RoomView("Room1", "bin/Room1.png")
        elif roomnumber == 2:
            mypopup = RoomView("Room2", "bin/Room2.png")
        elif roomnumber == 3:
            mypopup = RoomView("Room3", "bin/Room3.png")
        elif roomnumber == 4:
            mypopup = RoomView("Room4", "bin/Room4.png")
        elif roomnumber == 5:
            mypopup = RoomView("Room5", "bin/Room5.png")
        elif roomnumber == 0:
            mypopup = Popups("ERROR!", "No Room Choosen!")
            mypopup = Popups("ERROR!", "Internal Error, Bad RoomView Request!")

    def showaboutmenu():
        Displays the About Menu
        myaboutmenu = AboutMenu()

    def startimsadmin(self):
        Starts IMSAdmin in Console Window, program still runs during this time
        So try not to interact with the Console and still use the program. Exit the
        IMSAdmin in the console.
        self.sysprint("IMSAdmin Starting...")
        myadmin = IMSAdmin()

    def quitprogram(self):
        Quits the Entire Program Application
        self.sysprint(">:Quiting program via filemenu")
        exit(0)  # exit program

    def sysprint(self, appendtext):
        Updates the string of debugbox, adds newline and timestamp
        :param appendtext: text to append to debugbox
        thetime = (str( + ":" + str( + ":" +
        self.mydebugstring += (">["+str(thetime)+"]" + appendtext + "\n")

    def showdebugbox(self):
        Displays Current Contents of Database, using DatabaseInterface
        mydebugbox = DebugBox(self, "DebugBox")  #
        mydebugbox.mainloop()  # needs work