Esempio n. 1
def _check_source_meta(m: List[SourceMetadata], controlled_metadata):
    _not_falsy_in_iterable(m, 'source_metadata')
    # it doesn't make sense to turn the whole thing into json as a rough measure of size as the
    # user is not responsible for the field names.
    total_bytes = 0
    seen = set()
    for sm in m:
        if sm.key in seen:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f'Duplicate source metadata key: {sm.key}')
        # could check for duplicate sm.sourcekeys too, but possibly the source data is split into
        # two metadata keys?
        if sm.key not in controlled_metadata:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f'Source metadata key {sm.key} does not appear in the controlled metadata'
        total_bytes += len(sm.key.encode('utf-8')) + len(
        total_bytes += len(
        # Would be nice if that could be streamed so we don't make a new byte array
        # This calculation is more convoluted than I would like and hard to reproduce for users
        # but it's really unlikely the limit is ever going to be hit so YAGNI re improvements,
        # at least for now.
    if total_bytes > _META_MAX_SIZE_B:
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'Source metadata is larger than maximum of {_META_MAX_SIZE_B}B')
Esempio n. 2
 def _to_tuple(self, seq, name):
     # dict.fromkeys removes dupes
     return tuple(
                   _not_falsy_in_iterable([] if seq is None else seq,
Esempio n. 3
def _to_tuple(seq, name) -> _Tuple[UserID, ...]:
    # dict.fromkeys removes dupes
    return tuple(
            sorted(  # sort to make equals and hash consistent
                      _not_falsy_in_iterable([] if seq is None else seq,
                key=lambda u:  # add comparison methods to user?
Esempio n. 4
def links_to_dicts(links: List[DataLink]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
    Translate a list of link objects to a list of dicts suitable for tranlating to JSON.

    :param links: the links.
    :returns: the list of dicts.
    ret = []
    for link in _cast(List[DataLink], _not_falsy_in_iterable(links, 'links')):
        ex = datetime_to_epochmilliseconds(link.expired) if link.expired else None
            'linkid': str(,
            'upa': str(link.duid.upa),
            'dataid': link.duid.dataid,
            'id': str(link.sample_node_address.sampleid),
            'version': link.sample_node_address.version,
            'node': link.sample_node_address.node,
            'createdby': str(link.created_by),
            'created': datetime_to_epochmilliseconds(link.created),
            'expiredby': str(link.expired_by) if link.expired_by else None,
            'expired': ex
    return ret