class ZopePageTemplate(Script, PageTemplate, Historical, Cacheable, Traversable, PropertyManager): "Zope wrapper for Page Template using TAL, TALES, and METAL" meta_type = 'Page Template' output_encoding = 'iso-8859-15' # provide default for old instances func_defaults = None func_code = FuncCode((), 0) _default_bindings = {'name_subpath': 'traverse_subpath'} _default_content_fn = os.path.join(package_home(globals()), 'www', 'default.html') manage_options = ( {'label':'Edit', 'action':'pt_editForm', 'help': ('PageTemplates', 'PageTemplate_Edit.stx')}, {'label':'Test', 'action':'ZScriptHTML_tryForm'}, ) + PropertyManager.manage_options \ + Historical.manage_options \ + SimpleItem.manage_options \ + Cacheable.manage_options _properties=({'id':'title', 'type': 'ustring', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id':'content_type', 'type':'string', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id':'output_encoding', 'type':'string', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id':'expand', 'type':'boolean', 'mode': 'w'}, ) security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(view) # protect methods from base class(es) security.declareProtected(view, '__call__') security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'read', 'ZScriptHTML_tryForm') def __init__(self, id, text=None, content_type='text/html', strict=True, output_encoding='utf-8'): = id self.expand = 0 self.ZBindings_edit(self._default_bindings) self.output_encoding = output_encoding # default content if not text: text = open(self._default_content_fn).read() content_type = 'text/html' self.pt_edit(text, content_type) security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'pt_edit') def pt_edit(self, text, content_type, keep_output_encoding=False): text = text.strip() is_unicode = isinstance(text, unicode) encoding = None output_encoding = None if content_type.startswith('text/xml'): if is_unicode: encoding = None output_encoding = 'utf-8' else: encoding = encodingFromXMLPreamble(text) output_encoding = 'utf-8' elif content_type.startswith('text/html'): charset = charsetFromMetaEquiv(text) if is_unicode: if charset: encoding = None output_encoding = charset else: encoding = None output_encoding = 'iso-8859-15' else: if charset: encoding = charset output_encoding = charset else: encoding = 'iso-8859-15' output_encoding = 'iso-8859-15' else: utext, encoding = convertToUnicode(text, content_type, preferred_encodings) output_encoding = encoding # for content updated through WebDAV, FTP if not keep_output_encoding: self.output_encoding = output_encoding if not is_unicode: text = unicode(text, encoding) self.ZCacheable_invalidate() super(ZopePageTemplate, self).pt_edit(text, content_type) pt_editForm = PageTemplateFile('www/ptEdit', globals(), __name__='pt_editForm') pt_editForm._owner = None manage = manage_main = pt_editForm source_dot_xml = Src() security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'pt_editAction') def pt_editAction(self, REQUEST, title, text, content_type, expand): """Change the title and document.""" if self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError("File is locked via WebDAV") self.expand = expand # The ZMI edit view uses utf-8! So we can safely assume # that 'title' and 'text' are utf-8 encoded strings - hopefully self.pt_setTitle(title, 'utf-8') text = unicode(text, 'utf-8') self.pt_edit(text, content_type, True) REQUEST.set('text', # May not equal 'text'! REQUEST.set('title', self.title) message = "Saved changes." if getattr(self, '_v_warnings', None): message = ("<strong>Warning:</strong> <i>%s</i>" % '<br>'.join(self._v_warnings)) return self.pt_editForm(manage_tabs_message=message) security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'pt_setTitle') def pt_setTitle(self, title, encoding='utf-8'): if not isinstance(title, unicode): title = unicode(title, encoding) self._setPropValue('title', title) def _setPropValue(self, id, value): """ set a property and invalidate the cache """ PropertyManager._setPropValue(self, id, value) self.ZCacheable_invalidate() security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'pt_upload') def pt_upload(self, REQUEST, file='', encoding='utf-8'): """Replace the document with the text in file.""" if self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError("File is locked via WebDAV") if isinstance(file, str): filename = None text = file else: if not file: raise ValueError('File not specified') filename = file.filename text = content_type = guess_type(filename, text) # if not content_type in ('text/html', 'text/xml'): # raise ValueError('Unsupported mimetype: %s' % content_type) self.pt_edit(text, content_type) return self.pt_editForm(manage_tabs_message='Saved changes') security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'pt_changePrefs') def pt_changePrefs(self, REQUEST, height=None, width=None, dtpref_cols="100%", dtpref_rows="20"): """Change editing preferences.""" dr = {"Taller":5, "Shorter":-5}.get(height, 0) dc = {"Wider":5, "Narrower":-5}.get(width, 0) if isinstance(height, int): dtpref_rows = height if isinstance(width, int) or \ isinstance(width, str) and width.endswith('%'): dtpref_cols = width rows = str(max(1, int(dtpref_rows) + dr)) cols = str(dtpref_cols) if cols.endswith('%'): cols = str(min(100, max(25, int(cols[:-1]) + dc))) + '%' else: cols = str(max(35, int(cols) + dc)) e = (DateTime("GMT") + 365).rfc822() setCookie = REQUEST["RESPONSE"].setCookie setCookie("dtpref_rows", rows, path='/', expires=e) setCookie("dtpref_cols", cols, path='/', expires=e) REQUEST.other.update({"dtpref_cols":cols, "dtpref_rows":rows}) return self.pt_editForm() def ZScriptHTML_tryParams(self): """Parameters to test the script with.""" return [] def manage_historyCompare(self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST, historyComparisonResults=''): return ZopePageTemplate.inheritedAttribute( 'manage_historyCompare')( self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST, historyComparisonResults=html_diff(rev1._text, rev2._text) ) def pt_getContext(self, *args, **kw): root = None meth = aq_get(self, 'getPhysicalRoot', None) if meth is not None: root = meth() context = self._getContext() c = {'template': self, 'here': context, 'context': context, 'container': self._getContainer(), 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'root': root, 'request': aq_get(root, 'REQUEST', None), 'modules': SecureModuleImporter, } return c def write(self, text): if not isinstance(text, unicode): text, encoding = convertToUnicode(text, self.content_type, preferred_encodings) self.output_encoding = encoding self.ZCacheable_invalidate() ZopePageTemplate.inheritedAttribute('write')(self, text) def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw): """Call a Page Template""" if 'args' not in kw: kw['args'] = args bound_names['options'] = kw request = aq_get(self, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: response = request.response if not response.headers.has_key('content-type'): response.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) security = getSecurityManager() bound_names['user'] = security.getUser() # Retrieve the value from the cache. keyset = None if self.ZCacheable_isCachingEnabled(): # Prepare a cache key. keyset = {'here': self._getContext(), 'bound_names': bound_names} result = self.ZCacheable_get(keywords=keyset) if result is not None: # Got a cached value. return result # Execute the template in a new security context. security.addContext(self) try: result = self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names) if keyset is not None: # Store the result in the cache. self.ZCacheable_set(result, keywords=keyset) return result finally: security.removeContext(self) security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'manage_historyCopy', 'manage_beforeHistoryCopy', 'manage_afterHistoryCopy') security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'PUT') def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """ Handle HTTP PUT requests """ self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) self.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, refresh=1) text = REQUEST.get('BODY', '') content_type = guess_type('', text) self.pt_edit(text, content_type) RESPONSE.setStatus(204) return RESPONSE security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, 'manage_FTPput') manage_FTPput = PUT security.declareProtected(ftp_access, 'manage_FTPstat','manage_FTPlist') security.declareProtected(ftp_access, 'manage_FTPget') def manage_FTPget(self): "Get source for FTP download" result = return result.encode(self.output_encoding) security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'html') def html(self): return self.content_type == 'text/html' security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'get_size') def get_size(self): return len( security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getSize') getSize = get_size security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'PrincipiaSearchSource') def PrincipiaSearchSource(self): "Support for searching - the document's contents are searched." return security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'document_src') def document_src(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """Return expanded document source.""" if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') if REQUEST is not None and REQUEST.get('raw'): return self._text return def om_icons(self): """Return a list of icon URLs to be displayed by an ObjectManager""" icons = ({'path': 'misc_/PageTemplates/zpt.gif', 'alt': self.meta_type, 'title': self.meta_type},) if not self._v_cooked: self._cook() if self._v_errors: icons = icons + ({'path': 'misc_/PageTemplates/exclamation.gif', 'alt': 'Error', 'title': 'This template has an error'},) return icons security.declareProtected(view, 'pt_source_file') def pt_source_file(self): """Returns a file name to be compiled into the TAL code.""" try: return '/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()) except: # This page template is being compiled without an # acquisition context, so we don't know where it is. :-( return None def __setstate__(self, state): # Perform on-the-fly migration to unicode. # Perhaps it might be better to work with the 'generation' module # here? _text = state.get('_text') if _text is not None and not isinstance(state['_text'], unicode): text, encoding = convertToUnicode(state['_text'], state.get('content_type', 'text/html'), preferred_encodings) state['_text'] = text state['output_encoding'] = encoding self.__dict__.update(state) def pt_render(self, source=False, extra_context={}): result = PageTemplate.pt_render(self, source, extra_context) assert isinstance(result, unicode) return result def wl_isLocked(self): return 0
class ZopeSimplate(Script, Simplate, Historical, Cacheable, Traversable, PropertyManager): "Zope wrapper for Simplate using python string replacement" if SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS: __implements__ = (WriteLockInterface, ) meta_type = 'Simplate' func_defaults = None func_code = FuncCode((), 0) _default_bindings = {'name_subpath': 'traverse_subpath'} _default_content_fn = os.path.join(package_home(globals()), 'www', 'default.html') manage_options = ( {'label':'Edit', 'action':'simplate_editForm', 'help': ('Simplates', 'Simplate_Edit.stx')}, {'label':'Test', 'action':'ZScriptHTML_tryForm'}, ) + PropertyManager.manage_options \ + Historical.manage_options \ + SimpleItem.manage_options \ + Cacheable.manage_options _properties = ( { 'id': 'title', 'type': 'string', 'mode': 'w' }, { 'id': 'content_type', 'type': 'string', 'mode': 'w' }, #{'id':'expand', 'type':'boolean', 'mode': 'w'}, { 'id': 'value_paths', 'type': 'lines', 'mode': 'w' }, ) def __init__(self, id, text='(empty)', content_type=None, value_paths=[]): = str(id) self.ZBindings_edit(self._default_bindings) if text is None: text = open(self._default_content_fn).read() self.simplate_edit(text, content_type) self.simplate_setValue_paths(value_paths) def _setPropValue(self, id, value): PropertyManager._setPropValue(self, id, value) self.ZCacheable_invalidate() security = AccessControl.ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected('View') security.declareProtected('View', '__call__') security.declareProtected( 'View management screens', 'simplate_editForm', 'manage_main', 'read', 'ZScriptHTML_tryForm', 'PrincipiaSearchSource', 'document_src', # 'source.html', # 'source.xml', ) security.declareProtected( 'FTP access', 'manage_FTPstat', 'manage_FTPget', 'manage_FTPlist', ) simplate_editForm = PageTemplateFile('www/', globals(), __name__='simplate_editForm') simplate_editForm._owner = None manage = manage_main = simplate_editForm security.declareProtected( 'Change simplates', 'simplate_editAction', 'simplate_setTitle', 'simplate_setValue_paths', 'simplate_edit', 'simplate_upload', 'simplate_changePrefs', ) def simplate_editAction(self, REQUEST, title, text, content_type, value_paths): """Change the title and document.""" if SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS and self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError, "File is locked via WebDAV" self.simplate_setTitle(title) self.simplate_setValue_paths(value_paths) self.simplate_edit(text, content_type) REQUEST.set('text', # May not equal 'text'! message = "Saved changes." if getattr(self, '_v_warnings', None): message = ("<strong>Warning:</strong> <i>%s</i>" % '<br>'.join(self._v_warnings)) return self.simplate_editForm(manage_tabs_message=message) def simplate_setTitle(self, title): self._setPropValue('title', str(title)) def simplate_setValue_paths(self, value_paths): self._setPropValue('value_paths', list(value_paths)) self._cook() def simplate_upload(self, REQUEST, file=''): """Replace the document with the text in file.""" if SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS and self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError, "File is locked via WebDAV" if type(file) is not StringType: if not file: raise ValueError, 'File not specified' file = self.write(file) message = 'Saved changes.' return self.simplate_editForm(manage_tabs_message=message) def simplate_changePrefs(self, REQUEST, height=None, width=None, dtpref_cols="100%", dtpref_rows="20"): """Change editing preferences.""" dr = {"Taller": 5, "Shorter": -5}.get(height, 0) dc = {"Wider": 5, "Narrower": -5}.get(width, 0) if isinstance(height, int): dtpref_rows = height if isinstance(width, int) or \ isinstance(width, str) and width.endswith('%'): dtpref_cols = width rows = str(max(1, int(dtpref_rows) + dr)) cols = str(dtpref_cols) if cols.endswith('%'): cols = str(min(100, max(25, int(cols[:-1]) + dc))) + '%' else: cols = str(max(35, int(cols) + dc)) e = (DateTime("GMT") + 365).rfc822() setCookie = REQUEST["RESPONSE"].setCookie setCookie("dtpref_rows", rows, path='/', expires=e) setCookie("dtpref_cols", cols, path='/', expires=e) REQUEST.other.update({"dtpref_cols": cols, "dtpref_rows": rows}) return self.manage_main() def ZScriptHTML_tryParams(self): """Parameters to test the script with.""" return [] def manage_historyCompare(self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST, historyComparisonResults=''): return ZopeSimplate.inheritedAttribute('manage_historyCompare')( self, rev1, rev2, REQUEST, historyComparisonResults=html_diff(rev1._text, rev2._text)) def simplate_getContext(self): root = self.getPhysicalRoot() context = self._getContext() c = { 'template': self, 'here': context, 'context': context, 'container': self._getContainer(), 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'root': root, 'request': getattr(root, 'REQUEST', None), 'modules': SecureModuleImporter, } return c def write(self, text): self.ZCacheable_invalidate() ZopeSimplate.inheritedAttribute('write')(self, text) def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw): """Call a simplate""" if not kw.has_key('args'): kw['args'] = args bound_names['options'] = kw try: response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE if not response.headers.has_key('content-type'): response.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) except AttributeError: pass security = getSecurityManager() bound_names['user'] = security.getUser() # Retrieve the value from the cache. keyset = None if self.ZCacheable_isCachingEnabled(): # Prepare a cache key. keyset = {'here': self._getContext(), 'bound_names': bound_names} result = self.ZCacheable_get(keywords=keyset) if result is not None: # Got a cached value. return result # Execute the template in a new security context. security.addContext(self) try: result = self.simplate_render(extra_context=bound_names) if keyset is not None: # Store the result in the cache. self.ZCacheable_set(result, keywords=keyset) return result finally: security.removeContext(self) security.declareProtected( 'Change simplates', 'PUT', 'manage_FTPput', 'write', 'manage_historyCopy', 'manage_beforeHistoryCopy', 'manage_afterHistoryCopy', ) def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """ Handle HTTP PUT requests """ self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) if SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS: self.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, refresh=1) self.write(REQUEST.get('BODY', '')) RESPONSE.setStatus(204) return RESPONSE manage_FTPput = PUT def manage_FTPget(self): "Get source for FTP download" self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', self.content_type) return def get_size(self): return len( getSize = get_size def PrincipiaSearchSource(self): "Support for searching - the document's contents are searched." return def document_src(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """Return expanded document source.""" if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') if REQUEST is not None and REQUEST.get('raw'): return self._text return def om_icons(self): """Return a list of icon URLs to be displayed by an ObjectManager""" icons = ({ 'path': 'misc_/Simplates/simplate.png', 'alt': self.meta_type, 'title': self.meta_type }, ) if not self._v_cooked: self._cook() if self._v_errors: icons = icons + ({ 'path': 'misc_/Simplates/exclamation.gif', 'alt': 'Error', 'title': 'This simplate has an error' }, ) return icons def __setstate__(self, state): # This is here for backward compatibility. :-( ZopeSimplate.inheritedAttribute('__setstate__')(self, state) def simplate_source_file(self): """Returns a file name to be compiled into the TAL code.""" try: return '/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()) except: # This simplate is being compiled without an # acquisition context, so we don't know where it is. :-( return None if not SUPPORTS_WEBDAV_LOCKS: def wl_isLocked(self): return 0
class ZopePageTemplate(Script, PageTemplate, Cacheable, Traversable, PropertyManager): "Zope wrapper for Page Template using TAL, TALES, and METAL" meta_type = 'Page Template' zmi_icon = 'far fa-file-code' output_encoding = 'utf-8' # provide default for old instances __code__ = FuncCode((), 0) __defaults__ = None _default_bindings = {'name_subpath': 'traverse_subpath'} _default_content_fn = os.path.join(package_home(globals()), 'www', 'default.html') manage_options = ( {'label': 'Edit', 'action': 'pt_editForm'}, {'label': 'Test', 'action': 'ZScriptHTML_tryForm'}, ) + PropertyManager.manage_options + \ SimpleItem.manage_options + \ Cacheable.manage_options _properties = ( {'id': 'title', 'type': 'ustring', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id': 'content_type', 'type': 'string', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id': 'output_encoding', 'type': 'string', 'mode': 'w'}, {'id': 'expand', 'type': 'boolean', 'mode': 'w'}, ) security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(view) # protect methods from base class(es) security.declareProtected(view, '__call__') # NOQA: D001 security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, # NOQA: D001 'read', 'ZScriptHTML_tryForm') def __init__(self, id, text=None, content_type='text/html', strict=True, output_encoding='utf-8'): = id self.expand = 0 self.ZBindings_edit(self._default_bindings) self.output_encoding = output_encoding # default content if not text: with open(self._default_content_fn) as fd: text = content_type = 'text/html' self.pt_edit(text, content_type) @security.protected(change_page_templates) def pt_edit(self, text, content_type, keep_output_encoding=False): if not isinstance(text, text_type): (text_decoded, source_encoding) = convertToUnicode(text, content_type, preferred_encodings) output_encoding = source_encoding else: text_decoded = text source_encoding = None output_encoding = 'utf-8' # for content updated through WebDAV, FTP if not keep_output_encoding: self.output_encoding = output_encoding text_decoded = text_decoded.strip() self.ZCacheable_invalidate() super(ZopePageTemplate, self).pt_edit(text_decoded, content_type) pt_editForm = PageTemplateFile('www/ptEdit', globals(), __name__='pt_editForm') pt_editForm._owner = None manage = manage_main = pt_editForm source_dot_xml = Src() @security.protected(change_page_templates) def pt_editAction(self, REQUEST, title, text, content_type, expand=0): """Change the title and document.""" if self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError("File is locked.") self.expand = expand # The ZMI edit view uses utf-8! So we can safely assume # that 'title' and 'text' are utf-8 encoded strings - hopefully self.pt_setTitle(title, 'utf-8') self.pt_edit(text, content_type, True) REQUEST.set('text', # May not equal 'text'! REQUEST.set('title', self.title) message = "Saved changes." if getattr(self, '_v_warnings', None): message = ("<strong>Warning:</strong> <i>%s</i>" % '<br>'.join(self._v_warnings)) return self.pt_editForm(manage_tabs_message=message) @security.protected(change_page_templates) def pt_setTitle(self, title, encoding='utf-8'): if not isinstance(title, text_type): title = title.decode(encoding) self._setPropValue('title', title) def _setPropValue(self, id, value): """ set a property and invalidate the cache """ PropertyManager._setPropValue(self, id, value) self.ZCacheable_invalidate() @security.protected(change_page_templates) def pt_upload(self, REQUEST, file='', encoding='utf-8'): """Replace the document with the text in file.""" if self.wl_isLocked(): raise ResourceLockedError("File is locked.") if not file: return self.pt_editForm(manage_tabs_message='No file specified', manage_tabs_type='warning') if hasattr(file, 'read'): text = filename = file.filename else: filename = None text = file if isinstance(text, binary_type): content_type = guess_type(filename, text) (text, source_encoding) = convertToUnicode(text, content_type, preferred_encodings) elif isinstance(text, text_type): content_type = guess_type(filename, text.encode('utf-8')) self.pt_edit(text, content_type) return self.pt_editForm(manage_tabs_message='Saved changes') def ZScriptHTML_tryParams(self): """Parameters to test the script with.""" return [] def pt_getContext(self, *args, **kw): root = None meth = aq_get(self, 'getPhysicalRoot', None) if meth is not None: root = meth() context = self._getContext() c = {'template': self, 'here': context, 'context': context, 'container': self._getContainer(), 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'root': root, 'request': aq_get(root, 'REQUEST', None), 'modules': SecureModuleImporter, } return c def write(self, text): if not isinstance(text, text_type): text, encoding = convertToUnicode(text, self.content_type, preferred_encodings) self.output_encoding = encoding self.ZCacheable_invalidate() ZopePageTemplate.inheritedAttribute('write')(self, text) def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw): """Call a Page Template""" if 'args' not in kw: kw['args'] = args bound_names['options'] = kw request = aq_get(self, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: response = request.response if 'content-type' not in response.headers: response.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) security = getSecurityManager() bound_names['user'] = security.getUser() # Retrieve the value from the cache. keyset = None if self.ZCacheable_isCachingEnabled(): # Prepare a cache key. keyset = {'here': self._getContext(), 'bound_names': bound_names} result = self.ZCacheable_get(keywords=keyset) if result is not None: # Got a cached value. return result # Execute the template in a new security context. security.addContext(self) try: result = self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names) if keyset is not None: # Store the result in the cache. self.ZCacheable_set(result, keywords=keyset) return result finally: security.removeContext(self) if bbb.HAS_ZSERVER: @security.protected(change_page_templates) def PUT(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE): """ Handle HTTP PUT requests """ self.dav__init(REQUEST, RESPONSE) self.dav__simpleifhandler(REQUEST, RESPONSE, refresh=1) text = REQUEST.get('BODY', '') content_type = guess_type('', text) self.pt_edit(text, content_type) RESPONSE.setStatus(204) return RESPONSE security.declareProtected(change_page_templates, # NOQA: D001 'manage_FTPput') manage_FTPput = PUT @security.protected(ftp_access) def manage_FTPget(self): "Get source for FTP download" result = return result.encode(self.output_encoding) @security.protected(view_management_screens) def html(self): return self.content_type == 'text/html' @security.protected(view_management_screens) def get_size(self): return len( security.declareProtected(view_management_screens, 'getSize') # NOQA: D001 getSize = get_size @security.protected(view_management_screens) def PrincipiaSearchSource(self): "Support for searching - the document's contents are searched." return @security.protected(view_management_screens) def document_src(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """Return expanded document source.""" if RESPONSE is not None: RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') if REQUEST is not None and REQUEST.get('raw'): return self._text return @security.protected(view) def pt_source_file(self): """Returns a file name to be compiled into the TAL code.""" try: return '/'.join(self.getPhysicalPath()) except Exception: # This page template is being compiled without an # acquisition context, so we don't know where it is. :-( return None def __setstate__(self, state): # Perform on-the-fly migration to text_type. # Perhaps it might be better to work with the 'generation' module # here? _text = state.get('_text') if _text is not None and not isinstance(state['_text'], text_type): text, encoding = convertToUnicode( state['_text'], state.get('content_type', 'text/html'), preferred_encodings) state['_text'] = text state['output_encoding'] = encoding self.__dict__.update(state) def pt_render(self, source=False, extra_context={}): result = PageTemplate.pt_render(self, source, extra_context) assert isinstance(result, text_type) return result def wl_isLocked(self): return 0
class PageTemplateFile(SimpleItem, Script, PageTemplate, Traversable): """Zope 2 implementation of a PageTemplate loaded from a file.""" meta_type = 'Page Template (File)' func_defaults = None func_code = FuncCode((), 0) _v_last_read = 0 # needed by AccessControl.class_init.InitializeClass _need__name__ = 1 _default_bindings = {'name_subpath': 'traverse_subpath'} security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected('View management screens', 'read', 'document_src') def __init__(self, filename, _prefix=None, **kw): name = kw.pop('__name__', None) basepath, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if name: = self.__name__ = name self._need__name__ = 0 else: = self.__name__ = os.path.basename(basepath) if _prefix: if isinstance(_prefix, str): filename = os.path.join(_prefix, filename) else: filename = os.path.join(package_home(_prefix), filename) if not ext: filename = filename + '.zpt' self.filename = filename def pt_getContext(self): root = None meth = aq_get(self, 'getPhysicalRoot', None) if meth is not None: root = meth() context = self._getContext() c = { 'template': self, 'here': context, 'context': context, 'container': self._getContainer(), 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'root': root, 'request': aq_get(root, 'REQUEST', None), 'modules': SecureModuleImporter, } return c def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw): """Call a Page Template""" self._cook_check() if 'args' not in kw: kw['args'] = args bound_names['options'] = kw request = aq_get(self, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: response = request.response if not response.headers.has_key('content-type'): response.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) # Execute the template in a new security context. security = getSecurityManager() bound_names['user'] = security.getUser() security.addContext(self) try: context = self.pt_getContext() context.update(bound_names) return self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names) finally: security.removeContext(self) def pt_macros(self): self._cook_check() return PageTemplate.pt_macros(self) def pt_source_file(self): """Returns a file name to be compiled into the TAL code.""" return self.__name__ # Don't reveal filesystem paths def _cook_check(self): import Globals # for data if self._v_last_read and not Globals.DevelopmentMode: return __traceback_info__ = self.filename try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.filename) except OSError: mtime = 0 if self._v_program is not None and mtime == self._v_last_read: return f = open(self.filename, "rb") try: text = except: f.close() raise t = sniff_type(text) if t != "text/xml": # For HTML, we really want the file read in text mode: f.close() f = open(self.filename, 'U') text = '' text += f.close() self.pt_edit(text, t) self._cook() if self._v_errors: LOG.error('Error in template %s' % '\n'.join(self._v_errors)) return self._v_last_read = mtime def document_src(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """Return expanded document source.""" if RESPONSE is not None: # Since _cook_check() can cause self.content_type to change, # we have to make sure we call it before setting the # Content-Type header. self._cook_check() RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') return def _get__roles__(self): imp = getattr(aq_parent(aq_inner(self)), '%s__roles__' % self.__name__) if hasattr(imp, '__of__'): return imp.__of__(self) return imp __roles__ = ComputedAttribute(_get__roles__, 1) def getOwner(self, info=0): """Gets the owner of the executable object. This method is required of all objects that go into the security context stack. Since this object came from the filesystem, it is owned by no one managed by Zope. """ return None def __getstate__(self): from ZODB.POSException import StorageError raise StorageError, ("Instance of AntiPersistent class %s " "cannot be stored." % self.__class__.__name__)
class PageTemplateFile(SimpleItem, Script, PageTemplate, Traversable): """Zope 2 implementation of a PageTemplate loaded from a file.""" meta_type = 'Page Template (File)' __code__ = FuncCode((), 0) __defaults__ = None _v_last_read = 0 # needed by AccessControl.class_init.InitializeClass _need__name__ = 1 _default_bindings = {'name_subpath': 'traverse_subpath'} security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected( # NOQA: D001 'View management screens', 'read', 'document_src') def __init__(self, filename, _prefix=None, encoding=DEFAULT_ENCODING, **kw): name = kw.pop('__name__', None) self.encoding = encoding basepath, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if name: = self.__name__ = name self._need__name__ = 0 else: = self.__name__ = os.path.basename(basepath) if _prefix: if isinstance(_prefix, str): filename = os.path.join(_prefix, filename) else: filename = os.path.join(package_home(_prefix), filename) if not ext: filename = filename + '.zpt' self.filename = filename def pt_getContext(self): root = None meth = aq_get(self, 'getPhysicalRoot', None) if callable(meth): root = meth() context = self._getContext() c = { 'template': self, 'here': context, 'context': context, 'container': self._getContainer(), 'nothing': None, 'options': {}, 'root': root, 'request': aq_get(root, 'REQUEST', None), 'modules': SecureModuleImporter, } return c def _exec(self, bound_names, args, kw): """Call a Page Template""" self._cook_check() if 'args' not in kw: kw['args'] = args bound_names['options'] = kw request = aq_get(self, 'REQUEST', None) if request is not None: response = request.response if 'content-type' not in response.headers: response.setHeader('content-type', self.content_type) # Execute the template in a new security context. security = getSecurityManager() bound_names['user'] = security.getUser() security.addContext(self) try: context = self.pt_getContext() context.update(bound_names) return self.pt_render(extra_context=bound_names) finally: security.removeContext(self) def pt_macros(self): self._cook_check() return PageTemplate.pt_macros(self) def pt_source_file(self): """Returns a file name to be compiled into the TAL code.""" return self.__name__ # Don't reveal filesystem paths def _cook_check(self): if self._v_last_read and not getConfiguration().debug_mode: return __traceback_info__ = self.filename try: mtime = os.path.getmtime(self.filename) except OSError: mtime = 0 if self._v_program is not None and mtime == self._v_last_read: return text, type_ = self._read_file() self.pt_edit(text, type_) self._cook() if self._v_errors: LOG.error('Error in template %s' % '\n'.join(self._v_errors)) return self._v_last_read = mtime def _prepare_html(self, text): match = if match is not None: type_, encoding = (x.decode(self.encoding) for x in match.groups()) # TODO: Shouldn't <meta>/<?xml?> stripping # be in PageTemplate.__call__()? text = meta_pattern.sub(b"", text) else: type_ = None encoding = self.encoding text = text.decode(encoding) return text, type_ def _prepare_xml(self, text): if not isinstance(text, six.text_type): encoding = encodingFromXMLPreamble(text, default=self.encoding) text = text.decode(encoding) return text, 'text/xml' def _read_file(self): __traceback_info__ = self.filename with open(self.filename, "rb") as f: text = type_ = sniff_type(text) text += if type_ != "text/xml": text, type_ = self._prepare_html(text) else: text, type_ = self._prepare_xml(text) f.close() return text, type_ def document_src(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None): """Return expanded document source.""" if RESPONSE is not None: # Since _cook_check() can cause self.content_type to change, # we have to make sure we call it before setting the # Content-Type header. self._cook_check() RESPONSE.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain') return def _get__roles__(self): imp = getattr(aq_parent(aq_inner(self)), '%s__roles__' % self.__name__) if hasattr(imp, '__of__'): return imp.__of__(self) return imp __roles__ = ComputedAttribute(_get__roles__, 1) def getOwner(self, info=0): """Gets the owner of the executable object. This method is required of all objects that go into the security context stack. Since this object came from the filesystem, it is owned by no one managed by Zope. """ return None def __getstate__(self): from ZODB.POSException import StorageError raise StorageError("Instance of AntiPersistent class %s " "cannot be stored." % self.__class__.__name__)