def propertyChange(self, evt): if self.ignoreChanges: return change = False if not self.isTemporal: if evt.getSource() == self.fst and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': new = float(evt.getNewValue()) old = float(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 0.99: evt.getSource().setValue(old) if new < -0.2: evt.getSource().setValue(old) elif new< 0.0: self.systemPanel.force.setSelected(False) self.systemPanel.force.setEnabled(False) else: self.systemPanel.force.setEnabled(True) else: if evt.getSource() == and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new < 0: evt.getSource().setValue(old) if self.isDominant and evt.getSource() in [self.theta, self.beta1, self.beta2, self.crit] and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': new = float(evt.getNewValue()) old = float(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 0.99 or new < -0.2: evt.getSource().setValue(old) if evt.getSource() == self.sampleSize and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': change = True new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 50 and old > 4: warn(self, 'A sample size bigger than 50 is not expected to produce better results, while it slows the computation') if new < 5 and (new!=0 and not self.isDominant): evt.getSource().setValue(old) if evt.getSource() == self.pops and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': change = True new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 100: error(self, 'Maximum value for total populations is 100') evt.getSource().setValue(100) if new < self.knownPops: error(self, 'Expected total populations has to be at least the same as the number of populations under study.' ) evt.getSource().setValue(self.knownPops) if not self.isTemporal: if evt.getSource() == self.mut: change = True if not change: return if self.menuHandles['item5000'].isEnabled(): self.menuHandles['item5000'].setEnabled(False) warn(self, "Changed parameter will require restarting simulations")
def actionPerformed(self, e): if e.getID() <> ActionEvent.ACTION_PERFORMED: return if e.getSource() == self.neutral: if self.isTemporal: warn(self, """ Using a "neutral" mean Ne means doing a first simulation run to remove potential selected loci for computing the initial mean Ne. This effectively doubles the computation time, but it is the recommended option. If you are not sure of what you want, please check this option. """) else: warn(self, """ Using a "neutral" mean Fst means doing a first simulation run to remove potential selected loci for computing the initial mean Fst. This effectively doubles the computation time, but it is the recommended option. If you are not sure of what you want, please check this option. """) elif e.getSource() == self.force: warn(self, """ Simulating a PRECISE mean Fst is not possible outside ideal theoretical conditions (infinite populations, infinite allele model). SELWB can try to approximate a desired Fst, by running a bisection algorithm over repeated simulations. Checking this option will increase the computation time by a certain amount of time (in most cases it will double the computation time), this is still, the recommended option. If you are not sure of what you want, please check this option. """)
def propertyChange(self, evt): if self.ignoreChanges: return change = False if not self.isTemporal: if evt.getSource() == self.fst and evt.getPropertyName( ) == 'value': new = float(evt.getNewValue()) old = float(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 0.99: evt.getSource().setValue(old) if new < -0.2: evt.getSource().setValue(old) elif new < 0.0: self.systemPanel.force.setSelected(False) self.systemPanel.force.setEnabled(False) else: self.systemPanel.force.setEnabled(True) else: if evt.getSource() == and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new < 0: evt.getSource().setValue(old) if self.isDominant and \ evt.getSource() in [self.theta, self.beta1, self.beta2, self.crit] and \ evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': new = float(evt.getNewValue()) old = float(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 0.99 or new < -0.2: evt.getSource().setValue(old) # Subsample size if evt.getSource() == self.sampleSize and evt.getPropertyName( ) == 'value': change = True new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 50 and old > 4: warn( self, 'A sample size bigger than 50 is not expected to produce better results, ' + 'while it slows the computation') if new < 5 and (new != 0 and not self.isDominant): evt.getSource().setValue(old) if evt.getSource() == self.pops and evt.getPropertyName() == 'value': change = True new = int(evt.getNewValue()) old = int(evt.getOldValue()) if new > 100: error(self, 'Maximum value for total populations is 100') evt.getSource().setValue(100) if new < self.knownPops: error( self, 'Expected total populations has to be at least the same as the number of populations under study.' ) evt.getSource().setValue(self.knownPops) if not self.isTemporal: if evt.getSource() == self.mut: change = True if not change: return if self.menuHandles['item5000'].isEnabled(): self.menuHandles['item5000'].setEnabled(False) warn(self, "Changed parameter will require restarting simulations")