def sim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): print 'setting up maya Sim scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) animCaches= su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType = 'Alembic Animation') abc_template=tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in animCaches: input_path=animCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields=abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for f in animCaches: abcFile = f['path']['local_path_windows'] print ('cache path: ' + abcFile) grp = em=True, name=f['name'] ) mu.alembicImport(abcFile, 'parent', parent=grp) camNodes=None camData=su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') if camData!=None: camNodes=mu.referenceAsset(camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows'],namespace='camera') else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') '''
def sim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): print 'setting up maya Sim scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) animCaches = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Animation') abc_template = tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in animCaches: input_path = animCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields = abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for f in animCaches: abcFile = f['path']['local_path_windows'] print('cache path: ' + abcFile) grp =, name=f['name']) mu.alembicImport(abcFile, 'parent', parent=grp) camNodes = None camData = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') if camData != None: camNodes = mu.referenceAsset( camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace='camera') else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') '''
def maya_anim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): #pm.newFile(f=1, typ='mayaAscii') print 'Preparing new animation Scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) #referencing latest rigs print 'Finding latest Grandpa Rig' assets = su.getLatestShotAssets(self, 'rig', specific='Grandpa') if len(assets) > 0: for asset in assets: mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning( 'Could not find any assets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.' ) #query asset cameras, if none exists get shot cameras instead camNodes = None camData = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, filetag='cam') if camData != None: camNodes = mu.referenceAsset( camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') #getting camera node if camNodes != None: for node in camNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam = node #setup reference plate #tk=self.parent.tank #ctx=self.parent.context maya_work = tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields = ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate = tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir = low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) firstFile = os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath = plateDir + '/' + firstFile mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any cameras to reference!')
def maya_anim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): #pm.newFile(f=1, typ='mayaAscii') print 'Preparing new animation Scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) #referencing latest rigs print 'Finding latest Grandpa Rig' assets=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'rig',specific='Grandpa') if len(assets)>0: for asset in assets: mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any assets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.') #query asset cameras, if none exists get shot cameras instead camNodes=None camData=su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, filetag='cam') if camData!=None: camNodes=mu.referenceAsset(camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') #getting camera node if camNodes!=None: for node in camNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node)=='camera': cam=node #setup reference plate #tk=self.parent.tank #ctx=self.parent.context maya_work=tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields=ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate=tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir=low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) firstFile=os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath=plateDir+'/'+firstFile mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any cameras to reference!')
def light_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): ''' This script is errorring, but once it runs through everything is setup correctly so the errorr has ben put on hold. Error: Message: There was a problem starting the Tank Engine. Please contact [email protected] Exception: <class 'tank.errors.TankError'> - Key '<Tank StringKey Step>' in template '<Tank TemplatePath asset_work_area_maya: assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/work/{Step}/>' could not be populated by context 'Asset arnoldTemplate' because the context does not contain a shotgun entity of type 'Step'! ------------------------------------ Might need extra part at the end, which assigns objects to render layers. We haven't decided whether this needs to be implemented or not. ''' #cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) print('Communicating with shotgun, please wait!') temp_file = tk.templates['light_setup_temp'] #fields_temp=ctx.as_template_fields(temp_file) #tempPath = temp_file.apply_fields(fields_temp) tk.templates['maya_shot_work'] dst = temp_file.apply_fields(fields) pm.loadPlugin('mtoa.mll', quiet=True) pm.loadPlugin('AbcExport.mll', quiet=True) pm.loadPlugin('AbcImport.mll', quiet=True) #Open Arnold Renders Settings template arnoldSetup = "M:/00719_grandpa/assets/Environments/arnoldTemplate/publish/" #print str(arnoldSetup) shutil.copyfile(arnoldSetup, dst) pm.system.openFile(dst, force=True) print('getting latest shot assets') #reference light setup scene lightSetup = su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Lighting') print lightSetup shadowLayer = pm.PyNode('setExtras') beautyLayer = pm.PyNode('beauty') workLayer = pm.PyNode('defaultRenderLayer') for asset in lightSetup: print('loading reference: ' + (asset['path']['local_path_windows'])) setNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) workLayer.setCurrent() #referencing latest camera file print('getting latest cameras') camData = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') maya_work = tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields = ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate = tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir = low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) qt_plate = tk.templates['quicktime_proxy_plate_path'] qtplateDir = qt_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: firstMovie = os.listdir(qtplateDir)[0] print('moviePlate: ' + firstMovie) moviePath = qtplateDir + '/' + firstMovie if len(os.listdir(plateDir)) > 0: firstImage = os.listdir(plateDir)[0] print('imagePlate: ' + firstImage) imagePath = plateDir + '/' + firstImage full_plate = tk.templates['full_res_proxy_plate_path'] fullPlateDir = full_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) try: firstImage = os.listdir(fullPlateDir)[0] imagePath = fullPlateDir + '/' + firstImage pm.PyNode('backplate').fileTextureName.set(imagePath) except: pass #Checks if shot camera exists. If not tries to find asset camera related to the shot. print('referencing camera') try: for cam in camData: print('camera is: ' + cam['path']['local_path_windows']) camNodes = mu.referenceAsset(cam['path']['local_path_windows']) print('connecting camera to projection') for node in camNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam = pm.PyNode(node) print cam projection = pm.PyNode('projection') cam.message >> projection.linkedCamera #try for image planes--- try: IP = pm.PyNode(mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath)) #mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) IP.depth.set(1500) IP.width.set(960) IP.height.set(540) IP.sizeY.set(0.797) IP.sizeX.set(1.417) except: print('Backplate not found!!!') except: print('Camera Trouble!!!') #assign backplate to shadowcatcher material #import alembic files and reference shaded assets shotAssets = su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Shaded Model') animCaches = [] animCaches = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Animation') simCaches = [] simCaches = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Simulation') cachedAssets = [] for cache in animCaches: cachedAssets.append(cache['name']) simmedAssets = [] for cache in simCaches: simmedAssets.append(cache['name']) abc_template = tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in animCaches: try: input_path = animCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields = abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for f in animCaches: print('cache path: ' + f['path']['local_path_windows']) print f['name'] print fields except: print('Cache file not found!!!') importedCaches = [] failedNodes = [] #grp = em=True, name='cache' ) for asset in shotAssets: try: print('loading reference for' + asset['assetName']) refNodes = mu.referenceAsset( asset['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=(asset['assetName'] + 'Shaded')) print(asset['assetName'] + ' referenced') #make temporary namespace nspaceAnim = (asset['assetName'] + 'Anim') pm.namespace(add=nspaceAnim) pm.namespace(set=nspaceAnim) #import alembic cache for current asset if asset['assetName'] in cachedAssets: print('Loading alembic cache for ' + asset['assetName']) for cache in animCaches: if cache['name'] == asset['assetName']: print('Abc File: ' + cache['path']['local_path_windows']) #mu.alembicImport(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], 'parent', parent=grp) abcNodes = mu.referenceAsset( cache['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=nspaceAnim) importedCaches.append( cache['path']['local_path_windows']) print 'done' else: print cache['name'] else: print('Cache not found: ' + asset['assetName']) nspaceSim = (asset['assetName'] + 'Sim') pm.namespace(add=nspaceSim) pm.namespace(set=nspaceSim) #import alembic cache for current asset if asset['assetName'] in simmedAssets: print('Loading alembic cache for ' + asset['assetName']) for cache in simCaches: if cache['name'] == asset['assetName']: print('Abc File: ' + cache['path']['local_path_windows']) #mu.alembicImport(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], 'parent', parent=grp) abcNodes = mu.referenceAsset( cache['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=nspaceSim) importedCaches.append( cache['path']['local_path_windows']) print 'done' else: print cache['name'] except: print('Something went wrong with ' + asset['assetName']) transformNodes = [] print('transfering shaders for: ' + asset['assetName']) for node in refNodes: #collect all transform nodes if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': transformNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode( node).hasAttr('asset'): source = pm.PyNode(node) shadingEngine = source.getShape().connections() SG = str(shadingEngine[0].shortName()) target = pm.PyNode( source.swapNamespace(nspaceAnim)).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=target) target.aiOpaque.set(source.getShape().aiOpaque.get()) target.aiSubdivType.set( source.getShape().aiSubdivType.get()) target.aiSubdivIterations.set( source.getShape().aiSubdivIterations.get()) target.aiTraceSets.set('cast') try: if source.swapNamespace(nspaceSim).hasAttr('sim'): targetSim = pm.PyNode( source.swapNamespace( nspaceSim)).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=targetSim) targetSim.aiOpaque.set( source.getShape().aiOpaque.get()) targetSim.aiSubdivType.set( source.getShape().aiSubdivType.get()) targetSim.aiSubdivIterations.set( source.getShape().aiSubdivIterations.get()) targetSim.aiTraceSets.set('cast') source.visibility.set(0) else: source.swapNamespace(nspaceSim).visibility.set( 0) except: pass except: failedNodes.append(str(pm.PyNode(node).shortName())) pass #print('These objects couldn\'t be resolved: ' + str(failedNodes)) #hide referenced asset transformNodes[0].visibility.set(0) pm.namespace(set=':') #copy objects from master layer to shadow layer renderNodes = pm.editRenderLayerMembers(workLayer, query=True, fullNames=True) renderPyNodes = [] for node in renderNodes: renderPyNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: pm.editRenderLayerMembers(shadowLayer, renderNodes) pm.editRenderLayerMembers(beautyLayer, renderNodes) except: print 'couldn\' copy objects to shadow layer' #make sure we are in the Default render layer workLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting main render attributes' #set parameters on members for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset'): try: mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.aiTraceSets.set('cast') except: pass elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and mesh != None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.castsShadows.set(1) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(1) mesh.aiOpaque.set(1) mesh.aiTraceSets.set('shadow') ProjectionSG = 'projection_matSG' pm.sets(ProjectionSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) #switch to Beauty render layer beautyLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting overrides for Beauty Layer' # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset'): mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.getShape() != None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mel.eval( 'editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) else: pass #switch to Shadow render layer shadowLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting overrides for Shadow Layer' # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset'): mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.getShape() != None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mel.eval( 'editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) # NAME OF SHADOW CATCHER IS HARDCODED HERE FOR NOW# ShadowCatcherSG = 'ShadowCatcher_matSG' pm.sets(ShadowCatcherSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) else: pass workLayer.setCurrent() pm.confirmDialog( title='Report', message= ('New scene was created. These objects couldn\'t have shaders applied: )' + str(failedNodes)), button=['Ok', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No')
def anim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): print 'Preparing new animation Scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) #referencing latest rigs print 'Finding latest Grandpa Rig' assets = su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Rig') if len(assets) > 0: for asset in assets: print asset if asset['assetName'] != 'Grandpa': if asset['assetName'] == 'Main Outfit' or asset[ 'assetName'] == 'Captain Dumbletwit': namespace = 'Grandpa' mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=namespace) else: mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning( 'Could not find any assets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.' ) #reference latest set environments = su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Model', category='Environments') if len(environments) > 0: for set in environments: mu.referenceAsset(set['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace='set') else: cmds.warning( 'Could not find any sets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.' ) #query asset cameras, if none exists get shot cameras instead camNodes = None camData = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') if camData != None: camNodes = mu.referenceAsset( camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace='camera') else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') #getting camera node if camNodes != None: for node in camNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam = node #setup reference plate maya_work = tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields = ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate = tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir = low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) qt_plate = tk.templates['quicktime_proxy_plate_path'] qtplateDir = qt_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: firstMovie = os.listdir(qtplateDir)[0] moviePath = qtplateDir + '/' + firstMovie elif len(os.listdir(plateDir)) > 0: firstImage = os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath = plateDir + '/' + firstImage else: print 'Backplate couldn\'t be found' #create imagePlane try: if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: IP = pm.PyNode( mu.imagePlane(cam, moviePath, fileType='movie')) else: IP = pm.PyNode(mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath)) #mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) IP.depth.set(1500) IP.width.set(960) IP.height.set(540) IP.sizeY.set(0.797) IP.sizeX.set(1.417) except: pass else: cmds.warning('Could not find any cameras to reference!') #set Lambert transparency pm.setAttr('lambert1.transparency', 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, type="double3")
def maya_light_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): ''' This script is errorring, but once it runs through everything is setup correctly so the errorr has ben put on hold. Error: Message: There was a problem starting the Tank Engine. Please contact [email protected] Exception: <class 'tank.errors.TankError'> - Key '<Tank StringKey Step>' in template '<Tank TemplatePath asset_work_area_maya: assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/work/{Step}/>' could not be populated by context 'Asset arnoldTemplate' because the context does not contain a shotgun entity of type 'Step'! ------------------------------------ Might need extra part at the end, which assigns objects to render layers. We haven't decided whether this needs to be implemented or not. ''' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) print('Communicating with shotgun, please wait!') temp_file = tk.templates['light_setup_temp'] #fields_temp=ctx.as_template_fields(temp_file) #tempPath = temp_file.apply_fields(fields_temp) work_template = tk.templates['maya_shot_work'] dst = temp_file.apply_fields(fields) try: pm.loadPlugin('mtoa.mll') except: pass #Open Arnold Renders Settings template arnoldSetup = "M:/00719_grandpa/assets/Environments/arnoldTemplate/publish/" #print str(arnoldSetup) shutil.copyfile(arnoldSetup, dst) ''' arnoldSetup=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'rend') for file in arnoldSetup: #pm.system.openFile(file['path']['local_path_windows'], force=True) shutil.copyfile(file['path']['local_path_windows'], dst) ''' pm.system.openFile(dst, force=True) #print ('path is' + tempPath) #pm.system.saveAs(tempPath) #scene_path = os.path.abspath(cmds.file(query=True, sn=True)) #print scene_path print('getting latest shot assets') #reference light setup scene lightSetup = su.getLatestShotAssets(self, 'light') print lightSetup for asset in lightSetup: print('loading reference: ' + (asset['path']['local_path_windows'])) setNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) for node in setNodes: #print ('node is: ' + node) if pm.nodeType(node) == 'mesh': mesh = pm.PyNode(node) #print ('mesh is: ' + mesh) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) # NAME OF SHADOW CATCHER IS HARDCODED HERE FOR NOW# ShadowCatcherSG = 'ShadowCatcher_matSG' pm.sets(ShadowCatcherSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) #referencing latest camera file print('getting latest cameras') camData = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, filetag='cam') #Checks if shot camera exists. If not tries to find asset camera related to the shot. print('referencing camera') for cam in camData: print('camera is: ' + cam['path']['local_path_windows']) camNodes = mu.referenceAsset(cam['path']['local_path_windows']) #connect camera to projection print('connecting camera to projection') for node in camNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam = pm.PyNode(node) print cam projection = pm.PyNode('projection') cam.message >> projection.linkedCamera #assign backplate to shadowcatcher material #tk=self.parent.tank #ctx=self.parent.context maya_work = tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields = ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate = tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir = low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) print('plates: ' + plateDir) try: firstFile = os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath = plateDir + '/' + firstFile pm.PyNode('backplate').fileTextureName.set(imagePath) except: pass #set Arnold DOF attribute on the camera cam.aiEnableDOF.set(1) #import alembic files and reference shaded assets shotAssets = su.getLatestShotAssets(self, 'shaded') print shotAssets shotCaches = su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Cache') print shotCaches abc_template = tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in shotCaches: input_path = shotCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields = abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for file in shotCaches: print('cache path: ' + file['path']['local_path_windows']) print file['name'] print fields failedNodes = [] for asset in shotAssets: try: print('loading reference for' + asset['assetName']) refNodes = mu.referenceAsset( asset['path']['local_path_windows']) print refNodes fields['Asset'] = asset['assetName'] abcFile = abc_template.apply_fields(fields) #make temporary namespace pm.namespace(add='temp') pm.namespace(set='temp') #import alembic cache for current asset grp =, name=asset['assetName']) print('loading alembic cache for' + asset['assetName']) mu.alembicImport(abcFile, 'parent', parent=grp) print('transfering shaders for' + asset['assetName']) except: print('asset wasn') transformNodes = [] for node in refNodes: #collect all transform nodes if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': transformNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode( node).hasAttr('asset'): source = pm.PyNode(node) shadingEngine = source.getShape().connections() SG = str(shadingEngine[0].shortName()) target = pm.PyNode( source.swapNamespace('temp')).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=target) except: failedNodes.append(str(pm.PyNode(node).shortName())) pass print('These objects couldn\'t be resolved: ' + str(failedNodes)) #hide referenced asset transformNodes[0].visibility.set(0) #clear the temp namespace pm.namespace(set=':') pm.namespace(mv=('temp', ':')) pm.namespace(rm='temp') #set rendertime subdivision on all meshes to catclark, 2 iterations meshes ='mesh') shadowLayer = pm.PyNode('shadowLayer') masterLayer = pm.PyNode('defaultRenderLayer') #copy objects from master layer to shadow layer renderNodes = pm.editRenderLayerMembers(masterLayer, query=True) print try: pm.editRenderLayerMembers(shadowLayer, renderNodes) except: print 'couldn\' copy objects to shadow layer' #make sure we are in the Default render layer masterLayer.setCurrent() #set parameters on members for node in renderNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr( 'asset'): mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.aiSubdivType.set(1) mesh.aiSubdivIterations.set(2) elif pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': try: mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) except: print('This node is not a mesh: ' + node) else: pass #switch to Shadow render layer shadowLayer.setCurrent() # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr( 'asset'): mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) elif pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': try: mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mel.eval( 'editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) except: print('This node is not a mesh: ' + node) else: pass #mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) #mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) pm.confirmDialog( title='Report', message= ('New scene was created. These objects couldn\'t have shaders applied: )' + str(failedNodes)), button=['Ok', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No')
def maya_anim_setup(self, variable, var): pm.confirmDialog( title='Confirm', message='Are you sure you want to create a new scene?', button=['Yes', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No') #pm.newFile(f=1, typ='mayaAscii') cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) ''' #referencing latest rigs assets=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'rig',specific='Grandpa') if len(assets)>0: for asset in assets: mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any assets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.') ''' #referencing latest camera track camData = su.getLatestShotAssets(self, 'cam', specific=None) #query asset cameras, if none exists get shot cameras instead camNodes = None if len(camData) < 1: camData = su.getLatestShotFile(self, 'cam', 'FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK') if camData != None: camNodes = mu.referenceAsset( camData['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') else: camNodes = mu.referenceAsset(camData['path']['local_path_windows']) #getting camera node if camNodes != None: for node in camNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam = node #setup reference plate tk = self.parent.tank ctx = self.parent.context maya_work = tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields = ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate = tk.templates['low_resolution_plate'] plateDir = low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) firstFile = os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath = plateDir + '/' + firstFile mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any cameras to reference!')
def light_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): ''' This script is errorring, but once it runs through everything is setup correctly so the errorr has ben put on hold. Error: Message: There was a problem starting the Tank Engine. Please contact [email protected] Exception: <class 'tank.errors.TankError'> - Key '<Tank StringKey Step>' in template '<Tank TemplatePath asset_work_area_maya: assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/work/{Step}/>' could not be populated by context 'Asset arnoldTemplate' because the context does not contain a shotgun entity of type 'Step'! ------------------------------------ Might need extra part at the end, which assigns objects to render layers. We haven't decided whether this needs to be implemented or not. ''' #cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) print ('Communicating with shotgun, please wait!') temp_file=tk.templates['light_setup_temp'] #fields_temp=ctx.as_template_fields(temp_file) #tempPath = temp_file.apply_fields(fields_temp) tk.templates['maya_shot_work'] dst=temp_file.apply_fields(fields) pm.loadPlugin('mtoa.mll',quiet=True) pm.loadPlugin('AbcExport.mll', quiet=True) pm.loadPlugin('AbcImport.mll', quiet=True) #Open Arnold Renders Settings template arnoldSetup="M:/00719_grandpa/assets/Environments/arnoldTemplate/publish/" #print str(arnoldSetup) shutil.copyfile(arnoldSetup, dst) pm.system.openFile(dst, force=True) print ('getting latest shot assets') #reference light setup scene lightSetup=su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Lighting') print lightSetup shadowLayer = pm.PyNode('setExtras') beautyLayer = pm.PyNode('beauty') workLayer = pm.PyNode('defaultRenderLayer') for asset in lightSetup: print ('loading reference: ' + (asset['path']['local_path_windows'])) setNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) workLayer.setCurrent() #referencing latest camera file print ('getting latest cameras') camData=su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') maya_work=tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields=ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate=tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir=low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) qt_plate=tk.templates['quicktime_proxy_plate_path'] qtplateDir=qt_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: firstMovie=os.listdir(qtplateDir)[0] print ('moviePlate: ' + firstMovie) moviePath=qtplateDir+'/'+firstMovie if len(os.listdir(plateDir)) > 0: firstImage=os.listdir(plateDir)[0] print ('imagePlate: ' + firstImage) imagePath=plateDir+'/'+firstImage full_plate=tk.templates['full_res_proxy_plate_path'] fullPlateDir=full_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) try: firstImage=os.listdir(fullPlateDir)[0] imagePath=fullPlateDir+'/'+firstImage pm.PyNode('backplate').fileTextureName.set(imagePath) except: pass #Checks if shot camera exists. If not tries to find asset camera related to the shot. print ('referencing camera') try: for cam in camData: print ('camera is: ' + cam['path']['local_path_windows']) camNodes=mu.referenceAsset(cam['path']['local_path_windows']) print ('connecting camera to projection') for node in camNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam=pm.PyNode(node) print cam projection = pm.PyNode('projection') cam.message >> projection.linkedCamera #try for image planes--- try: IP = pm.PyNode(mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath)) #mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) IP.depth.set(1500) IP.width.set(960) IP.height.set(540) IP.sizeY.set(0.797) IP.sizeX.set(1.417) except: print ('Backplate not found!!!') except: print ('Camera Trouble!!!') #assign backplate to shadowcatcher material #import alembic files and reference shaded assets shotAssets=su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Shaded Model') animCaches=[] animCaches= su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Animation') simCaches=[] simCaches= su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Alembic Simulation') cachedAssets=[] for cache in animCaches: cachedAssets.append(cache['name']) simmedAssets=[] for cache in simCaches: simmedAssets.append(cache['name']) abc_template=tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in animCaches: try: input_path=animCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields=abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for f in animCaches: print ('cache path: ' + f['path']['local_path_windows']) print f['name'] print fields except: print ('Cache file not found!!!') importedCaches= [] failedNodes= [] #grp = em=True, name='cache' ) for asset in shotAssets: try: print ('loading reference for' + asset['assetName']) refNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=(asset['assetName'] + 'Shaded')) print (asset['assetName'] + ' referenced') #make temporary namespace nspaceAnim = (asset['assetName'] + 'Anim') pm.namespace( add=nspaceAnim) pm.namespace( set=nspaceAnim ) #import alembic cache for current asset if asset['assetName'] in cachedAssets: print ('Loading alembic cache for ' + asset['assetName']) for cache in animCaches: if cache['name'] == asset['assetName']: print ('Abc File: ' + cache['path']['local_path_windows']) #mu.alembicImport(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], 'parent', parent=grp) abcNodes = mu.referenceAsset(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=nspaceAnim) importedCaches.append(cache['path']['local_path_windows']) print 'done' else: print cache['name'] else: print ('Cache not found: ' + asset['assetName']) nspaceSim = (asset['assetName'] + 'Sim') pm.namespace( add=nspaceSim) pm.namespace( set=nspaceSim ) #import alembic cache for current asset if asset['assetName'] in simmedAssets: print ('Loading alembic cache for ' + asset['assetName']) for cache in simCaches: if cache['name'] == asset['assetName']: print ('Abc File: ' + cache['path']['local_path_windows']) #mu.alembicImport(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], 'parent', parent=grp) abcNodes = mu.referenceAsset(cache['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace=nspaceSim) importedCaches.append(cache['path']['local_path_windows']) print 'done' else: print cache['name'] except: print ('Something went wrong with ' + asset['assetName']) transformNodes = [] print ('transfering shaders for: ' + asset['assetName']) for node in refNodes: #collect all transform nodes if pm.nodeType(node)=='transform': transformNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr('asset'): source = pm.PyNode(node) shadingEngine = source.getShape().connections() SG = str(shadingEngine[0].shortName()) target = pm.PyNode(source.swapNamespace(nspaceAnim)).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=target) target.aiOpaque.set(source.getShape().aiOpaque.get()) target.aiSubdivType.set(source.getShape().aiSubdivType.get()) target.aiSubdivIterations.set(source.getShape().aiSubdivIterations.get()) target.aiTraceSets.set('cast') try: if source.swapNamespace(nspaceSim).hasAttr('sim'): targetSim = pm.PyNode(source.swapNamespace(nspaceSim)).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=targetSim) targetSim.aiOpaque.set(source.getShape().aiOpaque.get()) targetSim.aiSubdivType.set(source.getShape().aiSubdivType.get()) targetSim.aiSubdivIterations.set(source.getShape().aiSubdivIterations.get()) targetSim.aiTraceSets.set('cast') source.visibility.set(0) else: source.swapNamespace(nspaceSim).visibility.set(0) except: pass except: failedNodes.append(str(pm.PyNode(node).shortName())) pass #print('These objects couldn\'t be resolved: ' + str(failedNodes)) #hide referenced asset transformNodes[0].visibility.set(0) pm.namespace( set=':' ) #copy objects from master layer to shadow layer renderNodes = pm.editRenderLayerMembers(workLayer, query=True, fullNames=True) renderPyNodes =[] for node in renderNodes: renderPyNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: pm.editRenderLayerMembers(shadowLayer, renderNodes) pm.editRenderLayerMembers(beautyLayer, renderNodes) except: print 'couldn\' copy objects to shadow layer' #make sure we are in the Default render layer workLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting main render attributes' #set parameters on members for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset') : try: mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.aiTraceSets.set('cast') except: pass elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and mesh!=None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.castsShadows.set(1) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(1) mesh.aiOpaque.set(1) mesh.aiTraceSets.set('shadow') ProjectionSG = 'projection_matSG' pm.sets(ProjectionSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) #switch to Beauty render layer beautyLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting overrides for Beauty Layer' # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset'): mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.getShape()!=None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) else: pass #switch to Shadow render layer shadowLayer.setCurrent() print 'Setting overrides for Shadow Layer' # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderPyNodes: if node.nodeType() == 'transform': try: mesh = node.getShape() except: pass if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and node.hasAttr('asset'): mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) elif node.nodeType() == 'transform' and node.getShape()!=None: if mesh.nodeType() == 'mesh': mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) # NAME OF SHADOW CATCHER IS HARDCODED HERE FOR NOW# ShadowCatcherSG = 'ShadowCatcher_matSG' pm.sets(ShadowCatcherSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) else: pass workLayer.setCurrent() pm.confirmDialog( title='Report', message=('New scene was created. These objects couldn\'t have shaders applied: )' + str(failedNodes)), button=['Ok', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' )
def anim_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): print 'Preparing new animation Scene' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) #referencing latest rigs print 'Finding latest Grandpa Rig' assets=su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Rig') if len(assets)>0: for asset in assets: print asset if asset['assetName'] != 'Grandpa': if asset['assetName'] == 'Main Outfit' or asset['assetName'] == 'Captain Dumbletwit': namespace = 'Grandpa' mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace = namespace) else: mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) else: cmds.warning('Could not find any assets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.') #reference latest set environments = su.getLatestShotAssets(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Model', category='Environments') if len(environments)>0: for set in environments: mu.referenceAsset(set['path']['local_path_windows'], namespace = 'set') else: cmds.warning('Could not find any sets to reference! Please link the assets in shotgun.') #query asset cameras, if none exists get shot cameras instead camNodes=None camData=su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType='Maya Camera') if camData!=None: camNodes=mu.referenceAsset(camData[0]['path']['local_path_windows'],namespace='camera') else: cmds.warning('Could not find any asset cameras to reference!') #getting camera node if camNodes!=None: for node in camNodes: if cmds.nodeType(node)=='camera': cam=node #setup reference plate maya_work=tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields=ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate=tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir=low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) qt_plate=tk.templates['quicktime_proxy_plate_path'] qtplateDir=qt_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: firstMovie=os.listdir(qtplateDir)[0] moviePath=qtplateDir+'/'+firstMovie elif len(os.listdir(plateDir)) > 0: firstImage=os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath=plateDir+'/'+firstImage else: print 'Backplate couldn\'t be found' #create imagePlane try: if len(os.listdir(qtplateDir)) > 0: IP = pm.PyNode(mu.imagePlane(cam, moviePath, fileType='movie')) else: IP = pm.PyNode(mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath)) #mu.imagePlane(cam, imagePath) IP.depth.set(1500) IP.width.set(960) IP.height.set(540) IP.sizeY.set(0.797) IP.sizeX.set(1.417) except: pass else: cmds.warning('Could not find any cameras to reference!') #set Lambert transparency pm.setAttr('lambert1.transparency', 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, type="double3")
def maya_light_setup(self, fields, tk, ctx): ''' This script is errorring, but once it runs through everything is setup correctly so the errorr has ben put on hold. Error: Message: There was a problem starting the Tank Engine. Please contact [email protected] Exception: <class 'tank.errors.TankError'> - Key '<Tank StringKey Step>' in template '<Tank TemplatePath asset_work_area_maya: assets/{sg_asset_type}/{Asset}/work/{Step}/>' could not be populated by context 'Asset arnoldTemplate' because the context does not contain a shotgun entity of type 'Step'! ------------------------------------ Might need extra part at the end, which assigns objects to render layers. We haven't decided whether this needs to be implemented or not. ''' cmds.file(newFile=True, force=True) print ('Communicating with shotgun, please wait!') temp_file=tk.templates['light_setup_temp'] #fields_temp=ctx.as_template_fields(temp_file) #tempPath = temp_file.apply_fields(fields_temp) work_template=tk.templates['maya_shot_work'] dst=temp_file.apply_fields(fields) try: pm.loadPlugin('mtoa.mll') except: pass #Open Arnold Renders Settings template arnoldSetup="M:/00719_grandpa/assets/Environments/arnoldTemplate/publish/" #print str(arnoldSetup) shutil.copyfile(arnoldSetup, dst) ''' arnoldSetup=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'rend') for file in arnoldSetup: #pm.system.openFile(file['path']['local_path_windows'], force=True) shutil.copyfile(file['path']['local_path_windows'], dst) ''' pm.system.openFile(dst, force=True) #print ('path is' + tempPath) #pm.system.saveAs(tempPath) #scene_path = os.path.abspath(cmds.file(query=True, sn=True)) #print scene_path print ('getting latest shot assets') #reference light setup scene lightSetup=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'light') print lightSetup for asset in lightSetup: print ('loading reference: ' + (asset['path']['local_path_windows'])) setNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) for node in setNodes: #print ('node is: ' + node) if pm.nodeType(node) == 'mesh': mesh = pm.PyNode(node) #print ('mesh is: ' + mesh) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) # NAME OF SHADOW CATCHER IS HARDCODED HERE FOR NOW# ShadowCatcherSG = 'ShadowCatcher_matSG' pm.sets(ShadowCatcherSG, e=True, forceElement=mesh) #referencing latest camera file print ('getting latest cameras') camData=su.getLatestShotFile(tk,ctx, filetag='cam') #Checks if shot camera exists. If not tries to find asset camera related to the shot. print ('referencing camera') for cam in camData: print ('camera is: ' + cam['path']['local_path_windows']) camNodes=mu.referenceAsset(cam['path']['local_path_windows']) #connect camera to projection print ('connecting camera to projection') for node in camNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'camera': cam=pm.PyNode(node) print cam projection = pm.PyNode('projection') cam.message >> projection.linkedCamera #assign backplate to shadowcatcher material #tk=self.parent.tank #ctx=self.parent.context maya_work=tk.templates['shot_work_area'] fields=ctx.as_template_fields(maya_work) low_plate=tk.templates['low_res_proxy_plate_path'] plateDir=low_plate.parent.apply_fields(fields) print ('plates: ' + plateDir) try: firstFile=os.listdir(plateDir)[0] imagePath=plateDir+'/'+firstFile pm.PyNode('backplate').fileTextureName.set(imagePath) except: pass #set Arnold DOF attribute on the camera cam.aiEnableDOF.set(1) #import alembic files and reference shaded assets shotAssets=su.getLatestShotAssets(self,'shaded') print shotAssets shotCaches= su.getLatestShotFile(tk, ctx, publishedType = 'Alembic Cache') print shotCaches abc_template=tk.templates['cache_alembic'] #for cache in shotCaches: input_path=shotCaches[0]['path']['local_path_windows'] fields=abc_template.get_fields(input_path) for file in shotCaches: print ('cache path: ' + file['path']['local_path_windows']) print file['name'] print fields failedNodes= [] for asset in shotAssets: try: print ('loading reference for' + asset['assetName']) refNodes = mu.referenceAsset(asset['path']['local_path_windows']) print refNodes fields['Asset']=asset['assetName'] abcFile = abc_template.apply_fields(fields) #make temporary namespace pm.namespace(add='temp') pm.namespace(set='temp') #import alembic cache for current asset grp = em=True, name=asset['assetName'] ) print ('loading alembic cache for' + asset['assetName']) mu.alembicImport(abcFile, 'parent', parent=grp) print ('transfering shaders for' + asset['assetName']) except: print ('asset wasn') transformNodes = [] for node in refNodes: #collect all transform nodes if pm.nodeType(node)=='transform': transformNodes.append(pm.PyNode(node)) try: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr('asset'): source = pm.PyNode(node) shadingEngine = source.getShape().connections() SG = str(shadingEngine[0].shortName()) target = pm.PyNode(source.swapNamespace('temp')).getShape() pm.sets(SG, e=True, forceElement=target) except: failedNodes.append(str(pm.PyNode(node).shortName())) pass print('These objects couldn\'t be resolved: ' + str(failedNodes)) #hide referenced asset transformNodes[0].visibility.set(0) #clear the temp namespace pm.namespace( set=':' ) pm.namespace(mv=('temp', ':')) pm.namespace(rm='temp') #set rendertime subdivision on all meshes to catclark, 2 iterations meshes ='mesh') shadowLayer = pm.PyNode('shadowLayer') masterLayer = pm.PyNode('defaultRenderLayer') #copy objects from master layer to shadow layer renderNodes = pm.editRenderLayerMembers(masterLayer, query=True ) print try: pm.editRenderLayerMembers(shadowLayer, renderNodes) except: print 'couldn\' copy objects to shadow layer' #make sure we are in the Default render layer masterLayer.setCurrent() #set parameters on members for node in renderNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr('asset'): mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) mesh.aiSubdivType.set(1); mesh.aiSubdivIterations.set(2); elif pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': try: mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) except: print ('This node is not a mesh: ' + node) else: pass #switch to Shadow render layer shadowLayer.setCurrent() # Apply layer overrides for shadows catchers and assets for node in renderNodes: if pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform' and pm.PyNode(node).hasAttr('asset'): mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(0) elif pm.nodeType(node) == 'transform': try: mesh = pm.PyNode(node).getShape() mel.eval('editRenderLayerAdjustment "%s.primaryVisibility";' % mesh) mesh.primaryVisibility.set(1) except: print ('This node is not a mesh: ' + node) else: pass #mesh.aiSelfShadows.set(0) #mesh.aiOpaque.set(0) pm.confirmDialog( title='Report', message=('New scene was created. These objects couldn\'t have shaders applied: )' + str(failedNodes)), button=['Ok', 'No'], defaultButton='Yes', cancelButton='No', dismissString='No' )