def __init__(self): self.sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF) self.settings = Settings().load() self.credentials = Credentials().load() self.wifi = WifiManager(b"%s-%s" % (PUBLIC_NAME, self.settings.net_id)) self.mdns = mDnsServer(PUBLIC_NAME.lower(), self.settings.net_id) routes = { b"/": b"./index.html", b"/index.html": b"./index.html", b"/scripts.js": b"./scripts.js", b"/style.css": b"./style.css", b"/favicon.ico": self.favicon, b"/connect": self.connect, b"/action/previous": self.previous, b"/action/next":, b"/settings/values": self.settings_values, b"/settings/net": self.settings_net, b"/settings/group": self.settings_group, } self.http = HttpServer(routes) print("> HTTP server up and running") self.sign = Sign() self.loop = get_event_loop() self.loop.create_task(self.check_wifi()) self.loop.run_forever() self.loop.close()
def DoTasker(): lstUserData = Data.laodUserData() emails = [] for d in lstUserData: login = Login(d[0], d[1]) skey, reason = login.autologin() if skey == False: # 签到失败,删除用户信息,发送邮件提醒 email = Data.getUserEmailData(d[0]) if email != None and len(email) > 0: emails.append(email) Data.removeUserData(d[0]) Data.removeUserEmailData(d[0]) sign = Sign(d[0], skey) if sign.autosign() == False: pass # time.sleep(1) # print emails if len(emails) > 0: email = libs.mail.Message(Config.smtp_user, emails, Config.mail_notify) try: conn = libs.mail.Connection(Config.smtp_server, 25, Config.smtp_user, Config.smtp_pass) conn.send_message(email) except: pass
def DoTasker(): lstUserData = Data.laodUserData() emails = [] for d in lstUserData: login = Login(d[0], d[1]) skey, reason = login.autologin() if skey == False: #签到失败,删除用户信息,发送邮件提醒 email = Data.getUserEmailData(d[0]) if email != None and len(email) > 0: emails.append(email) Data.removeUserData(d[0]) Data.removeUserEmailData(d[0]) sign = Sign(d[0], skey) if sign.autosign() == False: pass #time.sleep(1) #print emails if len(emails) > 0: email = libs.mail.Message(Config.smtp_user, emails, Config.mail_notify) try: conn = libs.mail.Connection(Config.smtp_server, 25, Config.smtp_user, Config.smtp_pass) conn.send_message(email) except: pass
def __init__(self,pos = (0,0)): images = [("ResourceBar.png", 'alpha')] self.baseLayer = DrawableObjectGroup(images,pos=pos) self.offset = (30,3) self.textField = Sign(200, (pos[0]+self.offset[0],pos[1]+self.offset[1]),fsize = 20) self.textField.tcolor=(180,180,0) self.setResourceCount(0)
def drawInfo(self, screen): #FIXME I am shitty. """Displays health and description""" text = '%s \n Description: \n %s' % (self.healthStr(), self.description) textBox=Sign(150, (0, 600), image=self.image) textBox.addtext(text) textBox.render() textBox.draw(screen)
class ResourceBar(): """ A bar at the top of the screen indicating the amount of resources the player has on the current world @param baseLayer: background image @type baseLayer: DrawableObjectGroup(list(tuple(str, str)), tuple(int, int)) @param offset: position of amount of resource relative to ResourceBar @type offset: tuple(int, int) @param textField: Displays amount of resources own @type textField: Sign @param value: amount of resource owned @type value: int """ def __init__(self,pos = (0,0)): images = [("ResourceBar.png", 'alpha')] self.baseLayer = DrawableObjectGroup(images,pos=pos) self.offset = (30,3) self.textField = Sign(200, (pos[0]+self.offset[0],pos[1]+self.offset[1]),fsize = 20) self.textField.tcolor=(180,180,0) self.setResourceCount(0) def setResourceCount(self,val=0): self.value = val self.textField.clear() self.textField.addtext(str(self.value)) def draw(self,screen): #FIXME Add font here self.baseLayer.draw(screen) self.textField.render(screen)
def __init__(self,pos = (0,768-36-186)): #FIXME Remove this dependency - replace image with thumbnail from Overlay import Bar #Format for each tuple is (imagePath, [colorKey, [offset]]) images = [("BarTop.png",'alpha')] images.append(("BarRight.png",'alpha',(325,36))) images.append(("DescBoxCentral.png",None,(0,36))) self.baseLayer = DrawableObjectGroup(images,pos=pos) self.entity = None self.descriptionOffset = (35,73+36) self.description = Sign(260, (pos[0]+self.descriptionOffset[0],pos[1]+self.descriptionOffset[1]),fsize = 18) self.description.tcolor=(180,180,0) self.pos = pos self.thumbnailOffset = (12,14+36)
def getInfo(self): text = '%s \n Description: \n %s' % (self.healthStr(), self.description) textBox=Sign(150, (0,0)) textBox.addtext(text) textBox.render() return textBox
class Main: def __init__(self): self.sta_if = WLAN(STA_IF) self.settings = Settings().load() self.credentials = Credentials().load() self.wifi = WifiManager(b"%s-%s" % (PUBLIC_NAME, self.settings.net_id)) self.mdns = mDnsServer(PUBLIC_NAME.lower(), self.settings.net_id) routes = { b"/": b"./index.html", b"/index.html": b"./index.html", b"/scripts.js": b"./scripts.js", b"/style.css": b"./style.css", b"/favicon.ico": self.favicon, b"/connect": self.connect, b"/action/previous": self.previous, b"/action/next":, b"/settings/values": self.settings_values, b"/settings/net": self.settings_net, b"/settings/group": self.settings_group, } self.http = HttpServer(routes) print("> HTTP server up and running") self.sign = Sign() self.loop = get_event_loop() self.loop.create_task(self.check_wifi()) self.loop.run_forever() self.loop.close() async def check_wifi(self): while True: await sleep_ms(2000) while not self.sta_if.isconnected(): await sleep_ms(1000) while self.sta_if.isconnected(): await sleep_ms(1000) def settings_values(self, params): essid = self.credentials.essid if not essid: essid = b"" result = b'{"ip": "%s", "netId": "%s", "group": "%s", "essid": "%s"}' % ( self.wifi.ip, self.settings.net_id,, essid, ) return result def favicon(self, params): print("> NOT sending the favico :-)") def connect(self, params): self.credentials.essid = params.get(b"essid", None) self.credentials.password = params.get(b"password", None) self.credentials.write() self.loop.create_task(self.wifi.connect()) def previous(self, params): self.sign.previous() def next(self, params): pass def settings_net(self, params): id = params.get(b"id", None) if id: self.settings.net_id = id self.settings.write() self.mdns.set_net_id(id) self.wifi.set_ap_essid(b"%s-%s" % (PUBLIC_NAME, id)) self.mdns.set_net_id(id) def settings_group(self, params): name = params.get(b"name", None) if name: = name self.settings.write()
class DescriptionBox(): """ The largest HUD element which describes the hovered unit and its properties (those which are player-relevant) @param baseLayer: background image @type baseLayer: DrawableObjectGroup(list(tuple(str, str)), tuple(int, int)) @param entity: Entity whose information is being displayed @type entity: Entity @param descriptionOffset: position of description of entity relative to DescriptionBox @type descriptionOffset: tuple(int, int) @param description: Text description of entity @type descritpion: Sign @param pos: position of DescriptionBox on screen @type pos: tuple(int, int) @param thumbnailOffset: position of thumbnail relative to DescriptionBox @type thumbnailOffset: tuple(int, int) """ def __init__(self,pos = (0,768-36-186)): #FIXME Remove this dependency - replace image with thumbnail from Overlay import Bar #Format for each tuple is (imagePath, [colorKey, [offset]]) images = [("BarTop.png",'alpha')] images.append(("BarRight.png",'alpha',(325,36))) images.append(("DescBoxCentral.png",None,(0,36))) self.baseLayer = DrawableObjectGroup(images,pos=pos) self.entity = None self.descriptionOffset = (35,73+36) self.description = Sign(260, (pos[0]+self.descriptionOffset[0],pos[1]+self.descriptionOffset[1]),fsize = 18) self.description.tcolor=(180,180,0) self.pos = pos self.thumbnailOffset = (12,14+36) def updateDisplayedEntity(self,entity): """ Changes entity displayed """ import pygame from Overlay import Bar self.entity = entity self.thumbnail = self.entity.getDefaultImage() self.thumbnail = pygame.transform.scale(self.thumbnail, (44, 44)) self.description.clear() self.description.addtext(entity.description) self.healthBar = Bar(self.entity.maxHealth,118,6,fullColor=(0,255,0),emptyColor=(30,30,30)) def draw(self,screen): self.baseLayer.draw(screen) if self.entity: self.healthBar.updateBarWithValue(self.entity.curHealth) #if entity is building something, displays #building status if hasattr(self.entity,'currentTask'): if self.entity.currentTask: if hasattr(self.entity.currentTask,'timeSpentBuilding'): from Overlay import Bar self.buildBar = Bar(self.entity.currentTask.timeToBuild,118,6,fullColor=(0,180,255),emptyColor=(30,30,30)) self.buildBar.updateBarWithValue(self.entity.currentTask.timeSpentBuilding) self.buildBar.draw(screen,(self.pos[0]+78,self.pos[1]+69)) screen.blit(self.thumbnail, (self.pos[0]+self.thumbnailOffset[0],self.pos[1]+self.thumbnailOffset[1])) self.healthBar.draw(screen,(self.pos[0]+78,self.pos[1]+56)) self.description.render(screen)
def __init__ (self, text='This is a Notification. Consider yourself notified.', pos=(0,0), color=(255, 255, 0), width=200, time=5): Sign.__init__(self, width, pos) self.addtext(text) self.tcolor=color self.timeLeft=time*1000
import sys, os sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../Network')) import LedBurnProtocol as network import time from operator import itemgetter, attrgetter, methodcaller sys.path.append(os.path.abspath('../UIElements')) from Flower import Flower flower = Flower() from SmallSheep import SmallSheep sheep = SmallSheep() from Grass import Grass grass = Grass() from Sign import Sign sign = Sign() from FireScene import FireScene from RoundRobinScene import RoundRobinScene scene = RoundRobinScene(flower, sheep, grass, sign) speed = 25 # in 50 hrz current_time = 0 frame_id = 0 while True: time_precent = float(current_time) / speed scene.apply(time_precent)