Esempio n. 1
def run(plotIt=True, nFreq=1):
        MT: 3D: Forward

        Forward model 3D MT data.


    # Make a mesh
    M = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([[(100,5,-1.5),(100.,10),(100,5,1.5)],[(100,5,-1.5),(100.,10),(100,5,1.5)],[(100,5,1.6),(100.,10),(100,3,2)]], x0=['C','C',-3529.5360])
    # Setup the model
    conds = [1e-2,1]
    sig = simpeg.Utils.ModelBuilder.defineBlock(M.gridCC,[-1000,-1000,-400],[1000,1000,-200],conds)
    sig[M.gridCC[:,2]>0] = 1e-8
    sig[M.gridCC[:,2]<-600] = 1e-1
    sigBG = np.zeros(M.nC) + conds[0]
    sigBG[M.gridCC[:,2]>0] = 1e-8

    ## Setup the the survey object
    # Receiver locations
    rx_x, rx_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-500,501,50),np.arange(-500,501,50))
    rx_loc = np.hstack((simpeg.Utils.mkvc(rx_x,2),simpeg.Utils.mkvc(rx_y,2),np.zeros((,1))))
    # Make a receiver list
    rxList = []
    for loc in rx_loc:
        # NOTE: loc has to be a (1,3) np.ndarray otherwise errors accure
        for rx_orientation in ['xx','xy','yx','yy']:
            rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance3D(simpeg.mkvc(loc,2).T,rx_orientation, 'real'))
            rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance3D(simpeg.mkvc(loc,2).T,rx_orientation, 'imag'))
        for rx_orientation in ['zx','zy']:
            rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_tipper3D(simpeg.mkvc(loc,2).T,rx_orientation, 'real'))
            rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_tipper3D(simpeg.mkvc(loc,2).T,rx_orientation, 'imag'))
    # Source list
    srcList =[]
    for freq in np.logspace(3,-3,nFreq):
    # Survey MT
    survey = NSEM.Survey(srcList)

    ## Setup the problem object
    problem = NSEM.Problem3D_ePrimSec(M, sigmaPrimary=sigBG)

    problem.Solver = Solver

    # Calculate the data
    fields = problem.fields(sig)
    dataVec = survey.eval(fields)

    # Make the data
    mtData = NSEM.Data(survey,dataVec)

    # Add plots
    if plotIt:
Esempio n. 2
def calculateAnalyticSolution(srcList,mesh,model):
    surveyAna = NSEM.Survey(srcList)
    data1D = NSEM.Data(surveyAna)
    for src in surveyAna.srcList:
        elev = src.rxList[0].locs[0]
        anaEd, anaEu, anaHd, anaHu = NSEM.Utils.MT1Danalytic.getEHfields(mesh,model,src.freq,elev)
        anaE = anaEd+anaEu
        anaH = anaHd+anaHu
        # Scale the solution
        # anaE = (anaEtemp/anaEtemp[-1])#.conj()
        # anaH = (anaHtemp/anaEtemp[-1])#.conj()
        anaZ = anaE/anaH
        for rx in src.rxList:
            data1D[src,rx] = getattr(anaZ, rx.component)
    return data1D