def setupSurvey(sigmaHalf,tD=True):

    # Frequency
    nFreq = 33
    freqs = np.logspace(3,-3,nFreq)
    # Make the mesh
    ct = 5
    air = meshTensor([(ct,25,1.3)])
    # coreT0 = meshTensor([(ct,15,1.2)])
    # coreT1 = np.kron(meshTensor([(coreT0[-1],15,1.3)]),np.ones((7,)))
    core = np.concatenate( (  np.kron(meshTensor([(ct,15,-1.2)]),np.ones((10,))) , meshTensor([(ct,20)]) ) )
    bot = meshTensor([(core[0],10,-1.3)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core,bot)))])
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot,core,air))], x0=x0)
    # Make the model
    sigma = np.zeros(m1d.nC) + sigmaHalf
    sigma[m1d.gridCC > 0 ] = 1e-8

    rxList = []
    for rxType in ['z1dr','z1di']:
    # Source list
    srcList =[]
    if tD:
        for freq in freqs:
        for freq in freqs:

    survey = simpegmt.SurveyMT.SurveyMT(srcList)
    return survey, sigma, m1d
def setupSurvey(sigmaHalf,tD=True):

    # Frequency
    nFreq = 33
    freqs = np.logspace(3,-3,nFreq)
    # Make the mesh
    ct = 5
    air = meshTensor([(ct,25,1.3)])
    # coreT0 = meshTensor([(ct,15,1.2)])
    # coreT1 = np.kron(meshTensor([(coreT0[-1],15,1.3)]),np.ones((7,)))
    core = np.concatenate( (  np.kron(meshTensor([(ct,15,-1.2)]),np.ones((10,))) , meshTensor([(ct,20)]) ) )
    bot = meshTensor([(core[0],10,-1.3)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core,bot)))])
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot,core,air))], x0=x0)
    # Make the model
    sigma = np.zeros(m1d.nC) + sigmaHalf
    sigma[m1d.gridCC > 0 ] = 1e-8

    rxList = []
    for rxType in ['z1dr','z1di']:
    # Source list
    srcList =[]
    if tD:
        for freq in freqs:
        for freq in freqs:

    survey = MT.Survey(srcList)
    return survey, sigma, m1d
Esempio n. 3
def setup1DSurvey(sigmaHalf, tD=False, structure=False):

    # Frequency
    nFreq = 33
    freqs = np.logspace(3, -3, nFreq)
    # Make the mesh
    ct = 5
    air = meshTensor([(ct, 25, 1.3)])
    # coreT0 = meshTensor([(ct,15,1.2)])
    # coreT1 = np.kron(meshTensor([(coreT0[-1],15,1.3)]),np.ones((7,)))
    core = np.concatenate((np.kron(meshTensor([(ct, 15, -1.2)]), np.ones(
        (10, ))), meshTensor([(ct, 20)])))
    bot = meshTensor([(core[0], 20, -1.3)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core, bot)))])
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot, core, air))], x0=x0)
    # Make the model
    sigma = np.zeros(m1d.nC) + sigmaHalf
    sigma[m1d.gridCC > 0] = 1e-8
    sigmaBack = sigma.copy()
    # Add structure
    if structure:
        shallow = (m1d.gridCC < -200) * (m1d.gridCC > -600)
        deep = (m1d.gridCC < -3000) * (m1d.gridCC > -5000)
        sigma[shallow] = 1
        sigma[deep] = 0.1

    rxList = []
    for rxType in ['z1d', 'z1d']:
            Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([0.0]), 2).T, 'real'))
            Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([0.0]), 2).T, 'imag'))
    # Source list
    srcList = []
    if tD:
        for freq in freqs:
            srcList.append(Planewave_xy_1DhomotD(rxList, freq))
        for freq in freqs:
            srcList.append(Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rxList, freq))

    survey = Survey(srcList)
    return (survey, sigma, sigmaBack, m1d)
Esempio n. 4
def setup1DSurvey(sigmaHalf, tD=False, structure=False):

    # Frequency
    nFreq = 33
    freqs = np.logspace(3, -3, nFreq)
    # Make the mesh
    ct = 5
    air = meshTensor([(ct, 25, 1.3)])
    # coreT0 = meshTensor([(ct,15,1.2)])
    # coreT1 = np.kron(meshTensor([(coreT0[-1],15,1.3)]),np.ones((7,)))
    core = np.concatenate((np.kron(meshTensor([(ct, 15, -1.2)]), np.ones((10,))), meshTensor([(ct, 20)])))
    bot = meshTensor([(core[0], 20, -1.3)])
    x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core, bot)))])
    m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot, core, air))], x0=x0)
    # Make the model
    sigma = np.zeros(m1d.nC) + sigmaHalf
    sigma[m1d.gridCC > 0] = 1e-8
    sigmaBack = sigma.copy()
    # Add structure
    if structure:
        shallow = (m1d.gridCC < -200) * (m1d.gridCC > -600)
        deep = (m1d.gridCC < -3000) * (m1d.gridCC > -5000)
        sigma[shallow] = 1
        sigma[deep] = 0.1

    rxList = []
    for rxType in ["z1d", "z1d"]:
        rxList.append(Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([0.0]), 2).T, "real"))
        rxList.append(Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([0.0]), 2).T, "imag"))
    # Source list
    srcList = []
    if tD:
        for freq in freqs:
            srcList.append(Planewave_xy_1DhomotD(rxList, freq))
        for freq in freqs:
            srcList.append(Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rxList, freq))

    survey = Survey(srcList)
    return (survey, sigma, sigmaBack, m1d)