def gen_DCIPsurvey(endl, mesh, stype, a, b, n): """ Load in endpoints and survey specifications to generate Tx, Rx location stations. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param endl -> input endpoints [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2] :object mesh -> SimPEG mesh object :switch stype -> "dpdp" (dipole-dipole) | "pdp" (pole-dipole) | 'gradient' : param a, n -> pole seperation, number of rx dipoles per tx Output: :param Tx, Rx -> List objects for each tx location Lines: P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z Created on Wed December 9th, 2015 @author: dominiquef !! Require clean up to deal with DCsurvey """ from SimPEG import np def xy_2_r(x1, x2, y1, y2): r = np.sqrt(np.sum((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2)) return r ## Evenly distribute electrodes and put on surface # Mesure survey length and direction dl_len = xy_2_r(endl[0, 0], endl[1, 0], endl[0, 1], endl[1, 1]) dl_x = (endl[1, 0] - endl[0, 0]) / dl_len dl_y = (endl[1, 1] - endl[0, 1]) / dl_len nstn = np.floor(dl_len / a) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = endl[0, 0] + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_x * a stn_y = endl[0, 1] + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_y * a if mesh.dim == 2: ztop = mesh.vectorNy[-1] # Create line of P1 locations M = np.c_[stn_x, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] # Create line of P2 locations N = np.c_[stn_x + a * dl_x, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] elif mesh.dim == 3: ztop = mesh.vectorNz[-1] # Create line of P1 locations M = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] # Create line of P2 locations N = np.c_[stn_x + a * dl_x, stn_y + a * dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] ## Build list of Tx-Rx locations depending on survey type # Dipole-dipole: Moving tx with [a] spacing -> [AB a MN1 a MN2 ... a MNn] # Pole-dipole: Moving pole on one end -> [A a MN1 a MN2 ... MNn a B] SrcList = [] if stype != 'gradient': for ii in range(0, int(nstn) - 1): if stype == 'dipole-dipole': tx = np.c_[M[ii, :], N[ii, :]] elif stype == 'pole-dipole': tx = np.c_[M[ii, :], M[ii, :]] else: raise Exception( 'The stype must be "dipole-dipole" or "pole-dipole"') # Rx.append(np.c_[M[ii+1:indx,:],N[ii+1:indx,:]]) # Current elctrode seperation AB = xy_2_r(tx[0, 1], endl[1, 0], tx[1, 1], endl[1, 1]) # Number of receivers to fit nstn = np.min([np.floor((AB - b) / a), n]) # Check if there is enough space, else break the loop if nstn <= 0: continue # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = N[ii, 0] + dl_x * b + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_x * a stn_y = N[ii, 1] + dl_y * b + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_y * a # Create receiver poles if mesh.dim == 3: # Create line of P1 locations P1 = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] # Create line of P2 locations P2 = np.c_[stn_x + a * dl_x, stn_y + a * dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole(P1, P2) elif mesh.dim == 2: # Create line of P1 locations P1 = np.c_[stn_x, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] # Create line of P2 locations P2 = np.c_[stn_x + a * dl_x, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(P1, P2) if stype == 'dipole-dipole': srcClass = DC.Src.Dipole([rxClass], M[ii, :], N[ii, :]) elif stype == 'pole-dipole': srcClass = DC.Src.Pole([rxClass], M[ii, :]) SrcList.append(srcClass) elif stype == 'gradient': # Gradient survey only requires Tx at end of line and creates a square # grid of receivers at in the middle at a pre-set minimum distance # Get the edge limit of survey area min_x = endl[0, 0] + dl_x * b min_y = endl[0, 1] + dl_y * b max_x = endl[1, 0] - dl_x * b max_y = endl[1, 1] - dl_y * b box_l = np.sqrt((min_x - max_x)**2 + (min_y - max_y)**2) box_w = box_l / 2. nstn = np.floor(box_l / a) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = min_x + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_x * a stn_y = min_y + np.array(range(int(nstn))) * dl_y * a # Define number of cross lines nlin = int(np.floor(box_w / a)) lind = range(-nlin, nlin + 1) ngrad = nstn * len(lind) rx = np.zeros([ngrad, 6]) for ii in range(len(lind)): # Move line in perpendicular direction by dipole spacing lxx = stn_x - lind[ii] * a * dl_y lyy = stn_y + lind[ii] * a * dl_x M = np.c_[lxx, lyy, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] N = np.c_[lxx + a * dl_x, lyy + a * dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T * ztop] rx[(ii * nstn):((ii + 1) * nstn), :] = np.c_[M, N] if mesh.dim == 3: rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole(rx[:, :3], rx[:, 3:]) elif mesh.dim == 2: M = M[:, [0, 2]] N = N[:, [0, 2]] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(rx[:, [0, 2]], rx[:, [3, 5]]) srcClass = DC.Src.Dipole([rxClass], M[0, :], N[-1, :]) SrcList.append(srcClass) else: print """stype must be either 'pole-dipole', 'dipole-dipole' or 'gradient'. """ return SrcList
def plot_pseudoSection(DCsurvey, axs, stype='dpdp', dtype="appc", clim=None): """ Read list of 2D tx-rx location and plot a speudo-section of apparent resistivity. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param d2D, z0 :switch stype -> Either 'pdp' (pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) :switch dtype=-> Either 'appr' (app. res) | 'appc' (app. con) | 'volt' (potential) Output: :figure scatter plot overlayed on image Edited Feb 17th, 2016 @author: dominiquef """ from SimPEG import np from scipy.interpolate import griddata import pylab as plt # Set depth to 0 for now z0 = 0. # Pre-allocate midx = [] midz = [] rho = [] LEG = [] count = 0 # Counter for data for ii in range(DCsurvey.nSrc): Tx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].loc Rx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs nD = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].nD data = DCsurvey.dobs[count:count + nD] count += nD # Get distances between each poles A-B-M-N if stype == 'pdp': MA = np.abs(Tx[0] - Rx[0][:, 0]) NA = np.abs(Tx[0] - Rx[1][:, 0]) MN = np.abs(Rx[1][:, 0] - Rx[0][:, 0]) # Create mid-point location Cmid = Tx[0] Pmid = (Rx[0][:, 0] + Rx[1][:, 0]) / 2 if DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 2: zsrc = Tx[1] elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 3: zsrc = Tx[2] elif stype == 'dpdp': MA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[0][:, 0]) MB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[0][:, 0]) NA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[1][:, 0]) NB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[1][:, 0]) # Create mid-point location Cmid = (Tx[0][0] + Tx[1][0]) / 2 Pmid = (Rx[0][:, 0] + Rx[1][:, 0]) / 2 if DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 2: zsrc = (Tx[0][1] + Tx[1][1]) / 2 elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 3: zsrc = (Tx[0][2] + Tx[1][2]) / 2 # Change output for dtype if dtype == 'volt': rho = np.hstack([rho, data]) else: # Compute pant leg of apparent rho if stype == 'pdp': leg = data * 2 * np.pi * MA * (MA + MN) / MN elif stype == 'dpdp': leg = data * 2 * np.pi / (1 / MA - 1 / MB + 1 / NB - 1 / NA) LEG.append(1. / (2 * np.pi) * (1 / MA - 1 / MB + 1 / NB - 1 / NA)) else: print """dtype must be 'pdp'(pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) """ break if dtype == 'appc': leg = np.log10(abs(1. / leg)) rho = np.hstack([rho, leg]) elif dtype == 'appr': leg = np.log10(abs(leg)) rho = np.hstack([rho, leg]) else: print """dtype must be 'appr' | 'appc' | 'volt' """ break midx = np.hstack([midx, (Cmid + Pmid) / 2]) if DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 3: midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid - Pmid) / 2 + zsrc]) elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 2: midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid - Pmid) / 2 + zsrc]) ax = axs # Grid points grid_x, grid_z = np.mgrid[np.min(midx):np.max(midx), np.min(midz):np.max(midz)] grid_rho = griddata(np.c_[midx, midz], rho.T, (grid_x, grid_z), method='linear') if clim == None: vmin, vmax = rho.min(), rho.max() else: vmin, vmax = clim[0], clim[1] grid_rho =, grid_rho) ph = plt.pcolormesh(grid_x[:, 0], grid_z[0, :], grid_rho.T, clim=(vmin, vmax), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cbar = plt.colorbar(format="$10^{%.1f}$", fraction=0.04, orientation="horizontal") cmin, cmax = cbar.get_clim() ticks = np.linspace(cmin, cmax, 3) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) if dtype == 'appc': cbar.set_label("App.Cond", size=12) elif dtype == 'appr': cbar.set_label("App.Res.", size=12) elif dtype == 'volt': cbar.set_label("Potential (V)", size=12) # Plot apparent resistivity ax.scatter(midx, midz, s=10, c=rho.T, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, clim=(vmin, vmax)) #ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.set_yticklabels([]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') return ph, LEG
def plot_pseudoSection(Tx,Rx,data,z0, stype): from SimPEG import np, mkvc from scipy.interpolate import griddata from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm import pylab as plt import re """ Read list of 2D tx-rx location and plot a speudo-section of apparent resistivity. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param d2D, z0 :switch stype -> Either 'pdp' (pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) Output: :figure scatter plot overlayed on image Created on Mon December 7th, 2015 @author: dominiquef """ #d2D = np.asarray(d2D) midl = [] midz = [] rho = [] for ii in range(len(Tx)): # Get distances between each poles rC1P1 = np.abs(Tx[ii][0] - Rx[ii][:,0]) rC2P1 = np.abs(Tx[ii][1] - Rx[ii][:,0]) rC1P2 = np.abs(Tx[ii][1] - Rx[ii][:,1]) rC2P2 = np.abs(Tx[ii][0] - Rx[ii][:,1]) rP1P2 = np.abs(Rx[ii][:,1] - Rx[ii][:,0]) # Compute apparent resistivity if re.match(stype,'pdp'): rho = np.hstack([rho, data[ii] * 2*np.pi * rC1P1 * ( rC1P1 + rP1P2 ) / rP1P2] ) elif re.match(stype,'dpdp'): rho = np.hstack([rho, data[ii] * 2*np.pi / ( 1/rC1P1 - 1/rC2P1 - 1/rC1P2 + 1/rC2P2 ) ]) Cmid = (Tx[ii][0] + Tx[ii][1])/2 Pmid = (Rx[ii][:,0] + Rx[ii][:,1])/2 midl = np.hstack([midl, ( Cmid + Pmid )/2 ]) midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid-Pmid)/2 + z0 ]) # Grid points grid_x, grid_z = np.mgrid[np.min(midl):np.max(midl), np.min(midz):np.max(midz)] grid_rho = griddata(np.c_[midl,midz], np.log10(abs(1/rho.T)), (grid_x, grid_z), method='linear') #plt.subplot(2,1,2) plt.imshow(grid_rho.T, extent = (np.min(midl),np.max(midl),np.min(midz),np.max(midz)), origin='lower', alpha=0.8) cbar = plt.colorbar(format = '%.2f',fraction=0.02) cmin,cmax = cbar.get_clim() ticks = np.linspace(cmin,cmax,3) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) # Plot apparent resistivity plt.scatter(midl,midz,s=50,c=np.log10(abs(1/rho.T)))
def gen_DCIPsurvey(endl, mesh, stype, a, b, n): from SimPEG import np import re """ Load in endpoints and survey specifications to generate Tx, Rx location stations. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param endl -> input endpoints [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2] :object mesh -> SimPEG mesh object :switch stype -> "dpdp" (dipole-dipole) | "pdp" (pole-dipole) | 'gradient' : param a, n -> pole seperation, number of rx dipoles per tx Output: :param Tx, Rx -> List objects for each tx location Lines: P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z Created on Wed December 9th, 2015 @author: dominiquef """ def xy_2_r(x1,x2,y1,y2): r = np.sqrt( np.sum((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) ) return r ## Evenly distribute electrodes and put on surface # Mesure survey length and direction dl_len = xy_2_r(endl[0,0],endl[1,0],endl[0,1],endl[1,1]) dl_x = ( endl[1,0] - endl[0,0] ) / dl_len dl_y = ( endl[1,1] - endl[0,1] ) / dl_len nstn = np.floor( dl_len / a ) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = endl[0,0] + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = endl[0,1] + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a # Create line of P1 locations M = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] # Create line of P2 locations N = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, stn_y+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] ## Build list of Tx-Rx locations depending on survey type # Dipole-dipole: Moving tx with [a] spacing -> [AB a MN1 a MN2 ... a MNn] # Pole-dipole: Moving pole on one end -> [A a MN1 a MN2 ... MNn a B] Tx = [] Rx = [] if not re.match(stype,'gradient'): for ii in range(0, int(nstn)-1): if re.match(stype,'dpdp'): tx = np.c_[M[ii,:],N[ii,:]] elif re.match(stype,'pdp'): tx = np.c_[M[ii,:],M[ii,:]] #Rx.append(np.c_[M[ii+1:indx,:],N[ii+1:indx,:]]) # Current elctrode seperation AB = xy_2_r(tx[0,1],endl[1,0],tx[1,1],endl[1,1]) # Number of receivers to fit nstn = np.min([np.floor( (AB - b) / a ) , n]) # Check if there is enough space, else break the loop if nstn <= 0: continue # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = N[ii,0] + dl_x*b + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = N[ii,1] + dl_y*b + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a # Create receiver poles # Create line of P1 locations P1 = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] # Create line of P2 locations P2 = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, stn_y+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] Rx.append(np.c_[P1,P2]) Tx.append(tx) #============================================================================== # elif re.match(stype,'dpdp'): # # for ii in range(0, int(nstn)-2): # # indx = np.min([ii+n+1,nstn]) # Tx.append(np.c_[M[ii,:],N[ii,:]]) # Rx.append(np.c_[M[ii+2:indx,:],N[ii+2:indx,:]]) #============================================================================== elif re.match(stype,'gradient'): # Gradient survey only requires Tx at end of line and creates a square # grid of receivers at in the middle at a pre-set minimum distance Tx.append(np.c_[M[0,:],N[-1,:]]) # Get the edge limit of survey area min_x = endl[0,0] + dl_x * b min_y = endl[0,1] + dl_y * b max_x = endl[1,0] - dl_x * b max_y = endl[1,1] - dl_y * b box_l = np.sqrt( (min_x - max_x)**2 + (min_y - max_y)**2 ) box_w = box_l/2. nstn = np.floor( box_l / a ) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = min_x + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = min_y + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a # Define number of cross lines nlin = int(np.floor( box_w / a )) lind = range(-nlin,nlin+1) ngrad = nstn * len(lind) rx = np.zeros([ngrad,6]) for ii in range( len(lind) ): # Move line in perpendicular direction by dipole spacing lxx = stn_x - lind[ii]*a*dl_y lyy = stn_y + lind[ii]*a*dl_x M = np.c_[ lxx, lyy , np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] N = np.c_[ lxx+a*dl_x, lyy+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*mesh.vectorNz[-1]] rx[(ii*nstn):((ii+1)*nstn),:] = np.c_[M,N] Rx.append(rx) else: print """stype must be either 'pdp', 'dpdp' or 'gradient'. """ return Tx, Rx
def gen_DCIPsurvey(endl, mesh, stype, a, b, n): """ Load in endpoints and survey specifications to generate Tx, Rx location stations. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param endl -> input endpoints [x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2] :object mesh -> SimPEG mesh object :switch stype -> "dpdp" (dipole-dipole) | "pdp" (pole-dipole) | 'gradient' : param a, n -> pole seperation, number of rx dipoles per tx Output: :param Tx, Rx -> List objects for each tx location Lines: P1x, P1y, P1z, P2x, P2y, P2z Created on Wed December 9th, 2015 @author: dominiquef !! Require clean up to deal with DCsurvey """ from SimPEG import np def xy_2_r(x1,x2,y1,y2): r = np.sqrt( np.sum((x2 - x1)**2 + (y2 - y1)**2) ) return r ## Evenly distribute electrodes and put on surface # Mesure survey length and direction dl_len = xy_2_r(endl[0,0],endl[1,0],endl[0,1],endl[1,1]) dl_x = ( endl[1,0] - endl[0,0] ) / dl_len dl_y = ( endl[1,1] - endl[0,1] ) / dl_len nstn = np.floor( dl_len / a ) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = endl[0,0] + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = endl[0,1] + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a if mesh.dim==2: ztop = mesh.vectorNy[-1] # Create line of P1 locations M = np.c_[stn_x, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] # Create line of P2 locations N = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] elif mesh.dim==3: ztop = mesh.vectorNz[-1] # Create line of P1 locations M = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] # Create line of P2 locations N = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, stn_y+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] ## Build list of Tx-Rx locations depending on survey type # Dipole-dipole: Moving tx with [a] spacing -> [AB a MN1 a MN2 ... a MNn] # Pole-dipole: Moving pole on one end -> [A a MN1 a MN2 ... MNn a B] SrcList = [] if stype != 'gradient': for ii in range(0, int(nstn)-1): if stype == 'dipole-dipole': tx = np.c_[M[ii,:],N[ii,:]] elif stype == 'pole-dipole': tx = np.c_[M[ii,:],M[ii,:]] else: raise Exception('The stype must be "dipole-dipole" or "pole-dipole"') # Rx.append(np.c_[M[ii+1:indx,:],N[ii+1:indx,:]]) # Current elctrode seperation AB = xy_2_r(tx[0,1],endl[1,0],tx[1,1],endl[1,1]) # Number of receivers to fit nstn = np.min([np.floor( (AB - b) / a ) , n]) # Check if there is enough space, else break the loop if nstn <= 0: continue # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = N[ii,0] + dl_x*b + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = N[ii,1] + dl_y*b + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a # Create receiver poles if mesh.dim==3: # Create line of P1 locations P1 = np.c_[stn_x, stn_y, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] # Create line of P2 locations P2 = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, stn_y+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole(P1, P2) elif mesh.dim==2: # Create line of P1 locations P1 = np.c_[stn_x, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] # Create line of P2 locations P2 = np.c_[stn_x+a*dl_x, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(P1, P2) if stype == 'dipole-dipole': srcClass = DC.Src.Dipole([rxClass], M[ii,:],N[ii,:]) elif stype == 'pole-dipole': srcClass = DC.Src.Pole([rxClass], M[ii,:]) SrcList.append(srcClass) elif stype == 'gradient': # Gradient survey only requires Tx at end of line and creates a square # grid of receivers at in the middle at a pre-set minimum distance # Get the edge limit of survey area min_x = endl[0,0] + dl_x * b min_y = endl[0,1] + dl_y * b max_x = endl[1,0] - dl_x * b max_y = endl[1,1] - dl_y * b box_l = np.sqrt( (min_x - max_x)**2 + (min_y - max_y)**2 ) box_w = box_l/2. nstn = np.floor( box_l / a ) # Compute discrete pole location along line stn_x = min_x + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_x*a stn_y = min_y + np.array(range(int(nstn)))*dl_y*a # Define number of cross lines nlin = int(np.floor( box_w / a )) lind = list(range(-nlin,nlin+1)) ngrad = nstn * len(lind) rx = np.zeros([ngrad,6]) for ii in range( len(lind) ): # Move line in perpendicular direction by dipole spacing lxx = stn_x - lind[ii]*a*dl_y lyy = stn_y + lind[ii]*a*dl_x M = np.c_[ lxx, lyy , np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] N = np.c_[ lxx+a*dl_x, lyy+a*dl_y, np.ones(nstn).T*ztop] rx[(ii*nstn):((ii+1)*nstn),:] = np.c_[M,N] if mesh.dim==3: rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole(rx[:,:3], rx[:,3:]) elif mesh.dim==2: M = M[:,[0,2]] N = N[:,[0,2]] rxClass = DC.Rx.Dipole_ky(rx[:,[0,2]], rx[:,[3,5]]) srcClass = DC.Src.Dipole([rxClass], M[0,:], N[-1,:]) SrcList.append(srcClass) else: print("""stype must be either 'pole-dipole', 'dipole-dipole' or 'gradient'. """) return SrcList
def plot_pseudoSection(DCsurvey, axs, stype='dpdp', dtype="appc", clim=None): """ Read list of 2D tx-rx location and plot a speudo-section of apparent resistivity. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param d2D, z0 :switch stype -> Either 'pdp' (pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) :switch dtype=-> Either 'appr' (app. res) | 'appc' (app. con) | 'volt' (potential) Output: :figure scatter plot overlayed on image Edited Feb 17th, 2016 @author: dominiquef """ from SimPEG import np from scipy.interpolate import griddata import pylab as plt # Set depth to 0 for now z0 = 0. # Pre-allocate midx = [] midz = [] rho = [] LEG = [] count = 0 # Counter for data for ii in range(DCsurvey.nSrc): Tx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].loc Rx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs nD = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].nD data = DCsurvey.dobs[count:count+nD] count += nD # Get distances between each poles A-B-M-N if stype == 'pdp': MA = np.abs(Tx[0] - Rx[0][:,0]) NA = np.abs(Tx[0] - Rx[1][:,0]) MN = np.abs(Rx[1][:,0] - Rx[0][:,0]) # Create mid-point location Cmid = Tx[0] Pmid = (Rx[0][:,0] + Rx[1][:,0])/2 if DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 2: zsrc = Tx[1] elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim ==3: zsrc = Tx[2] elif stype == 'dpdp': MA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[0][:,0]) MB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[0][:,0]) NA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[1][:,0]) NB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[1][:,0]) # Create mid-point location Cmid = (Tx[0][0] + Tx[1][0])/2 Pmid = (Rx[0][:,0] + Rx[1][:,0])/2 if DCsurvey.mesh.dim == 2: zsrc = (Tx[0][1] + Tx[1][1])/2 elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim ==3: zsrc = (Tx[0][2] + Tx[1][2])/2 # Change output for dtype if dtype == 'volt': rho = np.hstack([rho,data]) else: # Compute pant leg of apparent rho if stype == 'pdp': leg = data * 2*np.pi * MA * ( MA + MN ) / MN elif stype == 'dpdp': leg = data * 2*np.pi / ( 1/MA - 1/MB + 1/NB - 1/NA ) LEG.append(1./(2*np.pi) *( 1/MA - 1/MB + 1/NB - 1/NA )) else: print("""dtype must be 'pdp'(pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) """) break if dtype == 'appc': leg = np.log10(abs(1./leg)) rho = np.hstack([rho,leg]) elif dtype == 'appr': leg = np.log10(abs(leg)) rho = np.hstack([rho,leg]) else: print("""dtype must be 'appr' | 'appc' | 'volt' """) break midx = np.hstack([midx, ( Cmid + Pmid )/2 ]) if DCsurvey.mesh.dim==3: midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid-Pmid)/2 + zsrc ]) elif DCsurvey.mesh.dim==2: midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid-Pmid)/2 + zsrc ]) ax = axs # Grid points grid_x, grid_z = np.mgrid[np.min(midx):np.max(midx), np.min(midz):np.max(midz)] grid_rho = griddata(np.c_[midx,midz], rho.T, (grid_x, grid_z), method='linear') if clim == None: vmin, vmax = rho.min(), rho.max() else: vmin, vmax = clim[0], clim[1] grid_rho =, grid_rho) ph = plt.pcolormesh(grid_x[:,0],grid_z[0,:],grid_rho.T, clim=(vmin, vmax), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) cbar = plt.colorbar(format="$10^{%.1f}$",fraction=0.04,orientation="horizontal") cmin,cmax = cbar.get_clim() ticks = np.linspace(cmin,cmax,3) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) if dtype == 'appc': cbar.set_label("App.Cond",size=12) elif dtype == 'appr': cbar.set_label("App.Res.",size=12) elif dtype == 'volt': cbar.set_label("Potential (V)",size=12) # Plot apparent resistivity ax.scatter(midx,midz,s=10,c=rho.T, vmin =vmin, vmax = vmax, clim=(vmin, vmax)) #ax.set_xticklabels([]) #ax.set_yticklabels([]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') return ph, LEG
def animate(ii): #for ii in range(1): removeFrame() # Grab current line and indx = np.where(lineID == ii)[0] srcLeft = [] obs_l = [] obs = [] srcRight = [] obs_r = [] srcList = [] # Split the obs file into left and right # Split the obs file into left and right for jj in range(len(indx)): # Grab corresponding data obs = np.hstack([obs, DCdobs2D.dobs[dataID == indx[jj]]]) #std = dobs2D.std[dataID==indx[jj]] srcList.append(DCdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]]) Tx = DCdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]].loc Rx = DCdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]].rxList[0].locs # Create mid-point location Cmid = (Tx[0][0] + Tx[1][0]) / 2 Pmid = (Rx[0][:, 0] + Rx[1][:, 0]) / 2 ileft = Pmid < Cmid iright = Pmid >= Cmid temp = np.zeros(len(ileft)) temp[ileft] = 1 obs_l = np.hstack([obs_l, temp]) temp = np.zeros(len(iright)) temp[iright] = 1 obs_r = np.hstack([obs_r, temp]) if np.any(ileft): rx = DC.RxDipole(Rx[0][ileft, :], Rx[1][ileft, :]) srcLeft.append(DC.SrcDipole([rx], Tx[0], Tx[1])) #std_l = np.hstack([std_l,std[ileft]]) if np.any(iright): rx = DC.RxDipole(Rx[0][iright, :], Rx[1][iright, :]) srcRight.append(DC.SrcDipole([rx], Tx[0], Tx[1])) #obs_r = np.hstack([obs_r,iright]) #std_r = np.hstack([std_r,std[iright]]) DC2D_full = DC.SurveyDC(srcList) DC2D_full.dobs = np.asarray(obs) DC2D_full.std = DC2D_full.dobs * 0. DC2D_full.std[obs_l == 1] = np.abs(DC2D_full.dobs[obs_l == 1]) * 0.02 + 2e-5 DC2D_full.std[obs_r == 1] = np.abs(DC2D_full.dobs[obs_r == 1]) * 0.06 + 4e-5 # DC2D_l = DC.SurveyDC(srcLeft) # DC2D_l.dobs = np.asarray(obs[obs_l==1]) # DC2D_l.std = np.abs(np.asarray(DC2D_l.dobs))*0.05 + 2e-5 # # DC2D_r = DC.SurveyDC(srcRight) # DC2D_r.dobs = np.asarray(obs[obs_r==1]) # DC2D_r.std = np.abs(np.asarray(DC2D_r.dobs))*0.05 + 2e-5 survey = DC2D_full # Export data file DC.writeUBC_DCobs(inv_dir + dsep + obsfile2d, survey, '2D', 'SIMPLE') # Write input file fid = open(inv_dir + dsep + inp_file, 'w') fid.write('OBS LOC_X %s \n' % obsfile2d) fid.write('MESH FILE %s \n' % mshfile2d) fid.write('CHIFACT 1 \n') fid.write('TOPO DEFAULT \n') fid.write('INIT_MOD VALUE %e\n' % ini_mod) fid.write('REF_MOD VALUE %e\n' % ref_mod) fid.write('ALPHA VALUE %f %f %F\n' % (1. / dx**4., 1, 1)) fid.write('WEIGHT DEFAULT\n') fid.write('STORE_ALL_MODELS FALSE\n') fid.write('INVMODE CG\n') #fid.write('CG_PARAM 200 1e-4\n') fid.write('USE_MREF FALSE\n') #fid.write('BOUNDS VALUE 1e-4 1e+2\n') fid.close() os.chdir(inv_dir) os.system('dcinv2d ' + inp_file) #%% Load DC model and predicted data minv = DC.readUBC_DC2DModel(inv_dir + dsep + 'dcinv2d.con') minv = np.reshape(minv, (mesh2d.nCy, mesh2d.nCx)) #%% Repeat for IP data indx = np.where(IPlineID == ii)[0] srcLeft = [] obs_l = [] std_l = [] srcRight = [] obs_r = [] std_r = [] obs_full = [] std_full = [] srcList = [] # Split the obs file into left and right for jj in range(len(indx)): srcList.append(IPdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]]) # Grab corresponding data obs = IPdobs2D.dobs[IPdataID == indx[jj]] std = IPdobs2D.std[IPdataID == indx[jj]] obs_full = np.hstack([obs_full, obs]) std_full = np.hstack([std_full, std]) Tx = IPdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]].loc Rx = IPdobs2D.srcList[indx[jj]].rxList[0].locs # Create mid-point location Cmid = (Tx[0][0] + Tx[1][0]) / 2 Pmid = (Rx[0][:, 0] + Rx[1][:, 0]) / 2 ileft = Pmid < Cmid iright = Pmid >= Cmid temp = np.zeros(len(ileft)) temp[ileft] = 1 obs_l = np.hstack([obs_l, temp]) temp = np.zeros(len(iright)) temp[iright] = 1 obs_r = np.hstack([obs_r, temp]) if np.any(ileft): rx = DC.RxDipole(Rx[0][ileft, :], Rx[1][ileft, :]) srcLeft.append(DC.SrcDipole([rx], Tx[0], Tx[1])) #std_l = np.hstack([std_l,std[ileft]]) if np.any(iright): rx = DC.RxDipole(Rx[0][iright, :], Rx[1][iright, :]) srcRight.append(DC.SrcDipole([rx], Tx[0], Tx[1])) IP2D_full = DC.SurveyDC(srcList) IP2D_full.dobs = np.asarray(obs_full) IP2D_full.std = np.asarray(std_full) IP2D_l = DC.SurveyDC(srcLeft) IP2D_l.dobs = np.asarray(obs_full[obs_l == 1]) #IP2D_l.std = np.abs(np.asarray(obs_l))*0.03 + 2e-2 IP2D_r = DC.SurveyDC(srcRight) IP2D_r.dobs = np.asarray(obs_full[obs_r == 1]) #IP2D_r.std = np.abs(np.asarray(obs_r))*0.03 + 1e-2 id_lbe = int(IPsurvey.srcList[indx[jj]].loc[0][1]) mesh3d = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, np.ones(1) * 100., hz], x0=(-np.sum(padx) + np.min(srcMat[0][:, 0]), id_lbe - 50, np.max(srcMat[0][0, 2]) - np.sum(hz))) Mesh.TensorMesh.writeUBC(mesh3d, home_dir + dsep + 'Mesh' + str(id_lbe) + '.msh') global ax1, ax2, ax3, ax5, ax6, fig ax2 = plt.subplot(3, 2, 2) ph = DC.plot_pseudoSection(IP2D_r, ax2, stype='pdp', dtype='volt', colorbar=False) ax2.set_title('Observed P-DP', fontsize=10) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin, zmax]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax2.set_xticklabels([]) ax2.set_yticklabels([]) ax1 = plt.subplot(3, 2, 1) DC.plot_pseudoSection(IP2D_l, ax1, stype='pdp', dtype='volt', clim=(ph[0].get_clim()[0], ph[0].get_clim()[1]), colorbar=False) ax1.set_title('Observed DP-P', fontsize=10) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin, zmax]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax1.set_xticklabels([]) z = np.linspace(np.min(ph[2]), np.max(ph[2]), 5) z_label = np.linspace(20, 1, 5) ax1.set_yticks(map(int, z)) ax1.set_yticklabels(map(str, map(int, z_label)), size=8) ax1.set_ylabel('n-spacing', fontsize=8) #%% Add labels bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="r", ec="k", lw=1) ax2.text(0.00, 1, 'A', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="y", ec="k", lw=1) ax2.text(0.1, 1, 'M', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="g", ec="k", lw=1) ax2.text(0.2, 1, 'N', transform=ax2.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="g", ec="k", lw=1) ax1.text(0.00, 1, 'N', transform=ax1.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="y", ec="k", lw=1) ax1.text(0.1, 1, 'M', transform=ax1.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="circle,pad=0.3", fc="r", ec="k", lw=1) ax1.text(0.2, 1, 'A', transform=ax1.transAxes, ha="left", va="center", size=6, bbox=bbox_props) survey = IP2D_full # Export data file DC.writeUBC_DCobs(inv_dir + dsep + ipfile2d, survey, '2D', 'SIMPLE', iptype=1) fid = open(inv_dir + dsep + inp_file, 'w') fid.write('OBS LOC_X %s \n' % ipfile2d) fid.write('MESH FILE %s \n' % mshfile2d) fid.write('CHIFACT 4 \n') fid.write('COND FILE dcinv2d.con\n') fid.write('TOPO DEFAULT \n') fid.write('INIT_MOD VALUE %e\n' % ini_mod) fid.write('REF_MOD VALUE 0.0\n') fid.write('ALPHA VALUE %f %f %F\n' % (1. / dx**4., 1, 1)) fid.write('WEIGHT DEFAULT\n') fid.write('STORE_ALL_MODELS FALSE\n') fid.write('INVMODE CG\n') #fid.write('CG_PARAM 200 1e-4\n') fid.write('USE_MREF FALSE\n') #fid.write('BOUNDS VALUE 1e-4 1e+2\n') fid.close() os.chdir(inv_dir) os.system('ipinv2d ' + inp_file) #%% Load model and predicted data minv = DC.readUBC_DC2DModel(inv_dir + dsep + 'ipinv2d.chg') minv = np.reshape(minv, (mesh2d.nCy, mesh2d.nCx)) Mesh.TensorMesh.writeModelUBC( mesh3d, home_dir + dsep + 'Model' + str(id_lbe) + '.chg', minv.T) dpre = DC.readUBC_DC2Dpre(inv_dir + dsep + 'ipinv2d.pre') DCpre = dpre['DCsurvey'] DCtemp = IP2D_l DCtemp.dobs = DCpre.dobs[obs_l == 1] ax5 = plt.subplot(3, 2, 3) DC.plot_pseudoSection(DCtemp, ax5, stype='pdp', dtype='volt', clim=(ph[0].get_clim()[0], ph[0].get_clim()[1]), colorbar=False) ax5.set_title('Predicted', fontsize=10) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin, zmax]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax5.set_xticklabels([]) z = np.linspace(np.min(ph[2]), np.max(ph[2]), 5) z_label = np.linspace(20, 1, 5) ax5.set_yticks(map(int, z)) ax5.set_yticklabels(map(str, map(int, z_label)), size=8) ax5.set_ylabel('n-spacing', fontsize=8) DCtemp = IP2D_r DCtemp.dobs = DCpre.dobs[obs_r == 1] ax6 = plt.subplot(3, 2, 4) DC.plot_pseudoSection(DCtemp, ax6, stype='pdp', dtype='volt', clim=(ph[0].get_clim()[0], ph[0].get_clim()[1]), colorbar=False) ax6.set_title('Predicted', fontsize=10) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin, zmax]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ax6.set_xticklabels([]) ax6.set_yticklabels([]) pos = ax6.get_position() cbarax = fig.add_axes([ pos.x0 + 0.325, pos.y0 + 0.2, pos.width * 0.1, pos.height * 0.5 ]) ## the parameters are the specified position you set cb = fig.colorbar(ph[0], cax=cbarax, orientation="vertical", ax=ax6, ticks=np.linspace(ph[0].get_clim()[0], ph[0].get_clim()[1], 4), format="$10^{%.1f}$") cb.set_label("App. Charg.", size=8) ax3 = plt.subplot(3, 1, 3) ax3.set_title('2-D Model (S/m)', fontsize=10) ax3.set_xticks(map(int, x)) ax3.set_xticklabels(map(str, map(int, x))) ax3.set_xlabel('Easting (m)', fontsize=8) ax3.set_yticks(map(int, z)) ax3.set_yticklabels(map(str, map(int, z)), rotation='vertical') ax3.set_ylabel('Depth (m)', fontsize=8) plt.xlim([xmin, xmax]) plt.ylim([zmin / 2, zmax]) plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') ph2 = plt.pcolormesh(mesh2d.vectorNx, mesh2d.vectorNy, (minv), vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax) plt.gca().tick_params(axis='both', which='major', labelsize=8) plt.draw() for ss in range(survey.nSrc): Tx = survey.srcList[ss].loc[0] plt.scatter(Tx[0], mesh2d.vectorNy[-1] + 10, s=10) pos = ax3.get_position() ax3.set_position([pos.x0 + 0.025, pos.y0, pos.width, pos.height]) pos = ax3.get_position() cbarax = fig.add_axes([ pos.x0 + 0.65, pos.y0 + 0.01, pos.width * 0.05, pos.height * 0.75 ]) ## the parameters are the specified position you set cb = fig.colorbar(ph2, cax=cbarax, orientation="vertical", ax=ax3, ticks=np.linspace(vmin, vmax, 4), format="%4.1f") cb.set_label("Chargeability", size=8) pos = ax1.get_position() ax1.set_position([pos.x0 + 0.03, pos.y0, pos.width, pos.height]) pos = ax5.get_position() ax5.set_position([pos.x0 + 0.03, pos.y0, pos.width, pos.height]) pos = ax2.get_position() ax2.set_position([pos.x0 - 0.03, pos.y0, pos.width, pos.height]) pos = ax6.get_position() ax6.set_position([pos.x0 - 0.03, pos.y0, pos.width, pos.height]) #%% Add the extra bbox_props = dict(boxstyle="rarrow,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=2) ax2.text(0.01, (float(ii) + 1.) / (len(uniqueID) + 2), 'N: ' + str(id_lbe), transform=fig.transFigure, ha="left", va="center", size=8, bbox=bbox_props) mrk_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="w", ec="k", lw=2) ax2.text(0.01, 0.9, 'Line ID#', transform=fig.transFigure, ha="left", va="center", size=8, bbox=mrk_props) mrk_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="b", ec="k", lw=2) for jj in range(len(uniqueID)): ax2.text(0.1, (float(jj) + 1.) / (len(uniqueID) + 2), ".", transform=fig.transFigure, ha="right", va="center", size=8, bbox=mrk_props) mrk_props = dict(boxstyle="square,pad=0.3", fc="r", ec="k", lw=2) ax2.text(0.1, (float(ii) + 1.) / (len(uniqueID) + 2), ".", transform=fig.transFigure, ha="right", va="center", size=8, bbox=mrk_props)
dataID[count:count + nD] = ii count += nD # Find 2D data correspondance IPdataID = np.zeros(IPdobs2D.nD) count = 0 for ii in range(IPdobs2D.nSrc): nD = IPdobs2D.srcList[ii].rxList[0].nD IPdataID[count:count + nD] = ii count += nD # #%% Create dcin2d inversion files and run dx = 20. dl_len = np.max(srcMat[lineID == 0, 0, 0]) - np.min(srcMat[lineID == 0, 0, 0]) nc = np.ceil(dl_len / dx) + 10 padx = dx * np.power(1.4, range(1, padc)) # Creating padding cells hx = np.r_[padx[::-1], np.ones(nc) * dx, padx] hz = np.r_[padx[::-1], np.ones(int(nc / 5)) * dx] # Create mesh with 0 coordinate centerer on the ginput points in cell center mesh2d = Mesh.TensorMesh([hx, hz], x0=(-np.sum(padx) + np.min(srcMat[0][:, 0]), np.ceil(np.max(srcMat[0][0, 2])) - np.sum(hz))) inv_dir = home_dir + '\Inv2D' if not os.path.exists(inv_dir):
def plot_pseudoSection(DCsurvey, axs, stype): """ Read list of 2D tx-rx location and plot a speudo-section of apparent resistivity. Assumes flat topo for now... Input: :param d2D, z0 :switch stype -> Either 'pdp' (pole-dipole) | 'dpdp' (dipole-dipole) Output: :figure scatter plot overlayed on image Edited Feb 17th, 2016 @author: dominiquef """ from SimPEG import np from scipy.interpolate import griddata import pylab as plt # Set depth to 0 for now z0 = 0. # Pre-allocate midx = [] midz = [] rho = [] count = 0 # Counter for data for ii in range(DCsurvey.nSrc): Tx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].loc Rx = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].locs nD = DCsurvey.srcList[ii].rxList[0].nD data = DCsurvey.dobs[count:count+nD] count += nD # Get distances between each poles A-B-M-N MA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[0][:,0]) MB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[0][:,0]) NB = np.abs(Tx[1][0] - Rx[1][:,0]) NA = np.abs(Tx[0][0] - Rx[1][:,0]) MN = np.abs(Rx[1][:,0] - Rx[0][:,0]) # Create mid-point location Cmid = (Tx[0][0] + Tx[1][0])/2 Pmid = (Rx[0][:,0] + Rx[1][:,0])/2 # Compute pant leg of apparent rho if stype == 'pdp': leg = data * 2*np.pi * MA * ( MA + MN ) / MN leg = np.log10(abs(1/leg)) elif stype == 'dpdp': leg = data * 2*np.pi / ( 1/MA - 1/MB - 1/NB + 1/NA ) midx = np.hstack([midx, ( Cmid + Pmid )/2 ]) midz = np.hstack([midz, -np.abs(Cmid-Pmid)/2 + z0 ]) rho = np.hstack([rho,leg]) ax = axs # Grid points grid_x, grid_z = np.mgrid[np.min(midx):np.max(midx), np.min(midz):np.max(midz)] grid_rho = griddata(np.c_[midx,midz], rho.T, (grid_x, grid_z), method='linear') plt.imshow(grid_rho.T, extent = (np.min(midx),np.max(midx),np.min(midz),np.max(midz)), origin='lower', alpha=0.8, vmin = np.min(rho), vmax = np.max(rho)) cbar = plt.colorbar(format = '%.2f',fraction=0.04,orientation="horizontal") cmin,cmax = cbar.get_clim() ticks = np.linspace(cmin,cmax,3) cbar.set_ticks(ticks) # Plot apparent resistivity plt.scatter(midx,midz,s=50,c=rho.T) ax.set_xticklabels([]) ax.set_ylabel('Z') ax.yaxis.tick_right() ax.yaxis.set_label_position('right') plt.gca().set_aspect('equal', adjustable='box') return ax
Mesh.TensorMesh.writeModelUBC(mesh, 'nullcell.dat', actvMap * np.ones(len(actv))) # Load in observation file survey = PF.Magnetics.readUBCmagObs(obsfile) rxLoc = survey.srcField.rxList[0].locs d = None #rxLoc[:,2] += 5 # Temporary change for test ndata = rxLoc.shape[0] #%% Subdivide the forward data locations into tiles PF.Magnetics.plot_obs_2D(rxLoc) xmin = np.min(rxLoc[:, 0]) xmax = np.max(rxLoc[:, 0]) ymin = np.min(rxLoc[:, 1]) ymax = np.max(rxLoc[:, 1]) var = np.c_[np.r_[xmin, ymin], np.r_[xmax, ymin], np.r_[xmin, ymax]] var = np.c_[var.T, np.ones(3) * mesh.vectorCCz[-1]] # First put a tile on both corners of the mesh indx = Utils.closestPoints(mesh, var) endl = np.c_[mesh.gridCC[indx, 0], mesh.gridCC[indx, 1]] dx = np.median(mesh.hx) # Add intermediate tiles until the min_Olap is respected
#%% Write data file in UBC-DCIP3D format DC.writeUBC_DCobs(home_dir+'\FWR_data3D.dat',Tx,Rx,data,unct,'3D') #%% Load 3D data [Tx, Rx, data, wd] = DC.readUBC_DC3Dobs(home_dir + '\FWR_data3D.dat') #%% Convert 3D obs to 2D and write to file [Tx2d, Rx2d] = DC.convertObs_DC3D_to_2D(Tx,Rx) DC.writeUBC_DCobs(home_dir+'\FWR_3D_2_2D.dat',Tx2d,Rx2d,data,unct,'2D') #%% Create a 2D mesh along axis of Tx end points and keep z-discretization dx = np.min( [ np.min(mesh.hx), np.min(mesh.hy) ]) nc = np.ceil(dl_len/dx)+3 padx = dx*np.power(1.4,range(1,15)) # Creating padding cells h1 = np.r_[padx[::-1], np.ones(nc)*dx , padx] # Create mesh with 0 coordinate centerer on the ginput points in cell center mesh2d = Mesh.TensorMesh([h1, mesh.hz], x0=(-np.sum(padx)-dx/2,mesh.x0[2])) # Create array of points for interpolating from 3D to 2D mesh xx = Tx[0][0,0] + mesh2d.vectorCCx * np.cos(azm) yy = Tx[0][1,0] + mesh2d.vectorCCx * np.sin(azm) zz = mesh2d.vectorCCy